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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metabolismo de 3\',5\' - monofosfato cíclico de adenosina durante o ciclo evolutivo de Blastocladiella emersonii / Metabolism of 3\',5\'- cyclic adenosine monophosphate during the evolutive cycle of Blastocladiella emersonii

Gomes, Suely Lopes 15 October 1976 (has links)
Foram estudadas as enzimas implicadas no metabolismo de cAMP, bem como as variações na concentração deste nucleotídeo cíclico e na atividade de adenilato ciclase durante o ciclo biológico de B. emersonii. Demonstrou-se que os zoósporos contêm enzimas específicas e distintas para a hidrólise de cAMP e cGMP. Existe apenas uma espécie molecular da cAMP fosfodiesterase, que hidrolisa cAMP a 5\'-AMP com um Km aparente de 2-4 µM; a presença de cGMP nas misturas de reação, não altera as propriedades cinéticas da enzima. A adenilato ciclase de B. emersonii é uma enzima particulada, provavelmente ligada à membrana plasmática do zoósporo, que exige especificamente Mn2+ para sua atividade. A enzima não é ativada por NaF, catecolaminas ou outros compostos de estrutura semelhante. O estudo das propriedades cinéticas da adenilato ciclase sugere um modelo simples no qual o verdadeiro substrato da enzima é o complexo MnATP2- e tanto ATP corno Mn2+ , nas suas formas livres, competem com o complexo pelo sítio catalítico da enzima, que apresenta uma afinidade maior pelas formas livres do que pelo complexo MnATP2-. A atividade especifica da adenilato ciclase, determinada durante o ciclo biológico do fungo, mostra-se elevada nos zoósporos, cai lentamente durante a germinação e permanece baixa em todo o período de crescimento, só voltando a apresentar um aumento na atividade após a indução da esporulação. Quando este processo e induzido na presença de cicloheximida, a atividade permanece baixa, sugerindo que a enzima é sintetizada \"de novo\" nesta fase do ciclo evolutivo. A concentração intracelular de cAMP foi também determinada nas várias fases do ciclo biológico de B. emersonii. No zoósporo encontrou-se um valor médio de 33 pmoles cAMP/mg proteína. Durante a germinação, os níveis de cAMP aumentam, atingindo um máximo (~ 100 pmoles/mg proteína)quando a quase totalidade dos zoósporos se transformou em esferócitos. A partir daí observou-se um declínio gradual nos níveis de cAMP, que permanecem baixos durante toda a fase de crescimento, voltando a elevar-se na fase final da esporulação até alcançar o nível de zoósporo. O grande aumento na concentração intracelular de cAMP na fase de esferócitos é parcialmente explicado pela predominância da atividade de adenilato ciclase sobre a atividade de cAMP fosfodiesterase neste período; a possibilidade de uma ativação \"in vivo\" da adenilato ciclase, neste estágio do ciclo, não pode ser excluída. A queda nos níveis de cAMP que ocorre na passagem de esferócito a gérmen, numa fase onde a atividade de cAMP fosfodiesterase já e muito baixa, é devido principalmente a excreção deste nucleotídio cíclico para o meio extracelular. O grande aumento nos níveis de cAMP durante a transição de zoósporo a esferócito pode estar relacionado com a ativação metabólica ocorrendo nesta fase e pode também refletir uma característica de sistemas em diferenciação, isto é, a necessidade de altos níveis de cAMP para a transição entre dois estados celulares diferenciados. / The enzymes involved in the metabolism of cAMP have been studied, as well as the fluctuations in the concentration of this cyclic nucleotide and in the adenylate cyclase activity during the life cycle of B. emersonii. Zoospores were shown to contain independent specific enzymes involved in the hydrolysis of cAMP and cGMP. A single molecular species was found for the cAMP phosphodiesterase activity, which catalyses the hydrolysis of cAMP to 5\'-AMP. This enzyme displays normal Michaelis kinetics with an apparent Km of 2-4 µM; the addition of cGMP to the reaction mixtures does not modify the kinetic properties of the enzyme. Adenylate cyclase activity in B. emersonii is associated with particulate subcellular fractions, most probably bound to the zoospore plasma membrane. The activity requires Mn2+ and it is not activated by NaF, cathecolamines or other related compounds. The enzyme substrate is the MnATP2- complex and the kinetic data obtained studying the adenylate cyclase activity can be explained by a simple model where free ATP and Mn2+ compete with MnATP2- for the catalytic site of the enzyme, the affinity for MnATP2- being lower than for free Mn2+ and ATP. The specific activity of adenylate cyclase has been determined throughout the fungus life cycle. The enzyme activity is high in zoospores, falls slowly during germination remaining low at the growth phase and rising again during the later stage of sporulation. When this process is induced in the presence of cycloheximide, there is no increase in adenylate cyclase activity, suggesting that \"de novo\" synthesis of the enzyme occurs at this stage. Fluctuations in the intracellular levels of cAMP during the cell cycle of B. emersonii have also been shown. Zoospores contain an average concentration of 33 pmoles cAMP/mg protein. During germination, a significant increase in the cAMP levels is observed, reaching a maximum (ca. 100 pmoles/mg protein) when the majority of the zoospores have changed into round cells. From then on a gradual decline in the cAMP levels is observed. During the growth phase the cAMP contents of the cells remain low, increasing again late in the sporulation stage. The large increase in the intracellular concentration of cAMP in the round cell phase is partially explained by the predominance of adenylate cyclase activity over cAMP phosphodiesterase activity (during this stage); the possibility of an \"in vivo\" activation of the adenylate cyclase during this period, however, cannot be excluded. The decrease in the cAMP levels occurring during the passage of round cells to germlings, in a stage where cAMP phosphodiesterase activity is negligible, is mainly due to the excretion of this cyclic nucleotide to the extracellular medium. The rise in cAMP contents during encystment might be related to the activation of metabolism occurring in this phase and may also reflect a characteristic of differentiating systems, that is, high cAMP levels being necessary for a differentiative transition.

Characterization of Plasmodium falciparum membrane transporters as potential antimalarial targets / Caractérisation de transporteurs membranaires de Plasmodium falciparum en tant que potentiel cibles thérapeutiques

Bosne, Stéphanie 10 October 2014 (has links)
La découverte de nouveaux agents antipaludiques est primordiale. A travers le monde, les chercheurs se sont focalisés sur plusieurs stratégies. Les plus développées sont : soit les tests de molécules issues de bibliothèques chimiques dans une recherche phénotypique (comme le test direct d’agents sur des cultures de parasites in vitro), soit la recherche de nouvelles molécules agissant sur l’activité d’une cible ou d’une voie spécifique et essentielle. Cette thèse est centrée sur le second type d’approche. Nous nous sommes intéressés aux transporteurs membranaires de P. falciparum. Pour cela, nous exprimons les protéines d’intérêt dans la levure et nous les purifions. Nous optimisons les tests fonctionnels, dans le but de : a) déterminer l’effet des molécules sur les cibles spécifiques ; b) tester leur effet sur les cultures d’érythrocytes infectés par P. falciparum in vitro ; c) vérifier leur toxicité sur des cellules de mammifères ; et d) réaliser le test des molécules les plus efficaces in vivo dans un modèle de paludisme murin. Notre travail actuel est focalisé sur l’ATPase6 de P. falciparum (PfATP6) et l’adénylate translocase (PfAdT), deux protéines membranaires essentielles localisées respectivement sur le réticulum endoplasmique et la membrane mitochondriale. Nous exprimons de manière hétérologue PfATP6 dans les membranes de levure, nous purifions la protéine et mesurons une activité ATPase spécifique. Nous avons ainsi pu tester une bibliothèque chimique importante et identifier des inhibiteurs spécifiques. Ces derniers ont ensuite été testés pour évaluer leur effet sur les stades érythrocytaires du parasite in vitro et leur cytotoxicité sur des cellules de mammifères. Pour le transporteur PfAdT, nous procédons comme pour PfATP6, mais nous avons choisi un autre type de test fonctionnel dans lequel la protéine est directement exprimée sur la membrane plasmique d’E. coli. Cela devrait permettre de mesurer le transport d’ATP radiomarqué, et l’identification d’inhibiteurs spécifiques dont les effets pourront être évalués sur des cultures de parasites in vitro et dans des essais de cytotoxicité. / New drug discovery for malaria treatment urges, now more than ever. There is no optimal solution to the search for new antimalarials. Worldwide, researchers have focused their energies on several strategies. The most commonly employed are: either by screening molecules issued from chemical libraries in a phenotypic way (i.e., direct testing of drugs on in vitro parasite cultures), or by searching for new molecules acting upon the activity of a specific essential target or pathway. This PhD thesis centers on the second type of approach. We are interested in targeting membrane transporters of P. falciparum. For this, we plan to express proteins of interest in yeast and proceed to their isolation. With optimized functional tests, we aim to: a) Determine the effect of molecules upon specific targets; b) Test their effect on P. falciparum in vitro erythrocytes cultures; c) As well as verify their toxicity on mammalian cells; and d) Perform in vivo testing of the best molecules on a rodent model for malaria. Our actual work is focused on the P. falciparum Ca2+ - ATPase 6 (PfATP6) and adenylate translocase (PfAdT), two essential membrane proteins localized on the endoplasmic-reticulum and the mitochondrial membrane, respectively. We were able to express heterologously PfATP6 in yeast membranes, purify the protein and measure a specific ATPase activity. With this, we have tested a large chemical library and identified specific inhibitors. These were then tested for their effect on in vitro blood stages of P. falciparum and for their cytotoxicity on mammalian cells. For the ATP/ADP carrier PfAdT, we proceeded as previously done with PfATP6 but we have also chosen another type of functional test where we express directly this protein in the plasma membrane of E. coli. This will enable in the future the measurement of radiolabelled ATP uptake, and the identification of specific inhibitors that could then be tested for their effect on P. falciparum in vitro cultures and for their cytotoxicity.

Metabolismo de 3\',5\' - monofosfato cíclico de adenosina durante o ciclo evolutivo de Blastocladiella emersonii / Metabolism of 3\',5\'- cyclic adenosine monophosphate during the evolutive cycle of Blastocladiella emersonii

Suely Lopes Gomes 15 October 1976 (has links)
Foram estudadas as enzimas implicadas no metabolismo de cAMP, bem como as variações na concentração deste nucleotídeo cíclico e na atividade de adenilato ciclase durante o ciclo biológico de B. emersonii. Demonstrou-se que os zoósporos contêm enzimas específicas e distintas para a hidrólise de cAMP e cGMP. Existe apenas uma espécie molecular da cAMP fosfodiesterase, que hidrolisa cAMP a 5\'-AMP com um Km aparente de 2-4 µM; a presença de cGMP nas misturas de reação, não altera as propriedades cinéticas da enzima. A adenilato ciclase de B. emersonii é uma enzima particulada, provavelmente ligada à membrana plasmática do zoósporo, que exige especificamente Mn2+ para sua atividade. A enzima não é ativada por NaF, catecolaminas ou outros compostos de estrutura semelhante. O estudo das propriedades cinéticas da adenilato ciclase sugere um modelo simples no qual o verdadeiro substrato da enzima é o complexo MnATP2- e tanto ATP corno Mn2+ , nas suas formas livres, competem com o complexo pelo sítio catalítico da enzima, que apresenta uma afinidade maior pelas formas livres do que pelo complexo MnATP2-. A atividade especifica da adenilato ciclase, determinada durante o ciclo biológico do fungo, mostra-se elevada nos zoósporos, cai lentamente durante a germinação e permanece baixa em todo o período de crescimento, só voltando a apresentar um aumento na atividade após a indução da esporulação. Quando este processo e induzido na presença de cicloheximida, a atividade permanece baixa, sugerindo que a enzima é sintetizada \"de novo\" nesta fase do ciclo evolutivo. A concentração intracelular de cAMP foi também determinada nas várias fases do ciclo biológico de B. emersonii. No zoósporo encontrou-se um valor médio de 33 pmoles cAMP/mg proteína. Durante a germinação, os níveis de cAMP aumentam, atingindo um máximo (~ 100 pmoles/mg proteína)quando a quase totalidade dos zoósporos se transformou em esferócitos. A partir daí observou-se um declínio gradual nos níveis de cAMP, que permanecem baixos durante toda a fase de crescimento, voltando a elevar-se na fase final da esporulação até alcançar o nível de zoósporo. O grande aumento na concentração intracelular de cAMP na fase de esferócitos é parcialmente explicado pela predominância da atividade de adenilato ciclase sobre a atividade de cAMP fosfodiesterase neste período; a possibilidade de uma ativação \"in vivo\" da adenilato ciclase, neste estágio do ciclo, não pode ser excluída. A queda nos níveis de cAMP que ocorre na passagem de esferócito a gérmen, numa fase onde a atividade de cAMP fosfodiesterase já e muito baixa, é devido principalmente a excreção deste nucleotídio cíclico para o meio extracelular. O grande aumento nos níveis de cAMP durante a transição de zoósporo a esferócito pode estar relacionado com a ativação metabólica ocorrendo nesta fase e pode também refletir uma característica de sistemas em diferenciação, isto é, a necessidade de altos níveis de cAMP para a transição entre dois estados celulares diferenciados. / The enzymes involved in the metabolism of cAMP have been studied, as well as the fluctuations in the concentration of this cyclic nucleotide and in the adenylate cyclase activity during the life cycle of B. emersonii. Zoospores were shown to contain independent specific enzymes involved in the hydrolysis of cAMP and cGMP. A single molecular species was found for the cAMP phosphodiesterase activity, which catalyses the hydrolysis of cAMP to 5\'-AMP. This enzyme displays normal Michaelis kinetics with an apparent Km of 2-4 µM; the addition of cGMP to the reaction mixtures does not modify the kinetic properties of the enzyme. Adenylate cyclase activity in B. emersonii is associated with particulate subcellular fractions, most probably bound to the zoospore plasma membrane. The activity requires Mn2+ and it is not activated by NaF, cathecolamines or other related compounds. The enzyme substrate is the MnATP2- complex and the kinetic data obtained studying the adenylate cyclase activity can be explained by a simple model where free ATP and Mn2+ compete with MnATP2- for the catalytic site of the enzyme, the affinity for MnATP2- being lower than for free Mn2+ and ATP. The specific activity of adenylate cyclase has been determined throughout the fungus life cycle. The enzyme activity is high in zoospores, falls slowly during germination remaining low at the growth phase and rising again during the later stage of sporulation. When this process is induced in the presence of cycloheximide, there is no increase in adenylate cyclase activity, suggesting that \"de novo\" synthesis of the enzyme occurs at this stage. Fluctuations in the intracellular levels of cAMP during the cell cycle of B. emersonii have also been shown. Zoospores contain an average concentration of 33 pmoles cAMP/mg protein. During germination, a significant increase in the cAMP levels is observed, reaching a maximum (ca. 100 pmoles/mg protein) when the majority of the zoospores have changed into round cells. From then on a gradual decline in the cAMP levels is observed. During the growth phase the cAMP contents of the cells remain low, increasing again late in the sporulation stage. The large increase in the intracellular concentration of cAMP in the round cell phase is partially explained by the predominance of adenylate cyclase activity over cAMP phosphodiesterase activity (during this stage); the possibility of an \"in vivo\" activation of the adenylate cyclase during this period, however, cannot be excluded. The decrease in the cAMP levels occurring during the passage of round cells to germlings, in a stage where cAMP phosphodiesterase activity is negligible, is mainly due to the excretion of this cyclic nucleotide to the extracellular medium. The rise in cAMP contents during encystment might be related to the activation of metabolism occurring in this phase and may also reflect a characteristic of differentiating systems, that is, high cAMP levels being necessary for a differentiative transition.

Virulence Bordetella pertussis perspektivou omics přístupů / Virulence of Bordetella pertussis from an Omics Perspective

Novák, Jakub January 2021 (has links)
The Gram-negative aerobic coccobacillus Bordetella pertussis is one of the few exclusively human pathogens and the main causative agent of the respiratory infectious disease called pertussis, or whooping cough. Despite global vaccination programs, pertussis remains an important public-health burden and still accounts for over 100,000 infant deaths and over a dozen of millions of whooping cough cases every year. Substantial effort is devoted to studies on the mechanisms of action of virulence factors of B. pertussis, but the biology of interactions of B. pertussis with its human host remains largely underexplored. Evolution, genetics and adaptation of B. pertussis to the complex environment of human nasopharynx and the mechanisms enabling B. pertussis to overcome host innate and adaptive mucosal immune defenses, remain poorly understood. In such situations, unbiased exploratory omics approaches represent valuable tools for uncovering of unknown aspects of host-pathogen interactions and open the path to detailed analysis of virulence-underlying processes by mechanistic studies. In this thesis, I am presenting the results of three omics projects on B. pertussis biology that involved high-throughput proteomics. In the inital phosphoprotemics project, we analyzed the kinase signaling pathways hijacked...

Efeito da imunização com enzimas recombinantes do metabolismo de nucleotídeos de Schistosoma mansoni sobre o desenvolvimento da esquistossomose mansônica experimental

Neris, Débora Meira 29 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-17T18:39:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5245.pdf: 1568165 bytes, checksum: 9fc25ff9dc83339e50628c08854efd2c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-29 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / Schistosimiasis mansoni is a neglected chronic parasitic disease that affects thousands of people worldwide, caused by the trematode Schistosoma mansoni. In the infected host the disease is characterized by the presence of granuloma, imunnopathological response of the cellular infiltration against egg antigens. Thus, the host-parasite relation favors hepatosplenomegaly, acite and hepatic fibrosis. Current chemotherapy is based on the use of Praziquantel (PZQ), used against all species of Schistosoma spp for over 30 years. The main issue is that the PZQ is practically inactive against immature schistosomula and favors the resistance growth of the existent lineages, which makes the study for new drugs and vaccines that can contribute to the control of this disease even more urgent. One of the paths on the search for new therapeutic targets is the study of essential enzymes to the S. mansoni. In particular, it is known that the enzymes Adenylate Kinase 1 and 2 (ADK), Uridine cytidine Kinase 1 and 2 (UCK), Hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT) e Purine nucleoside phosphorilase 1 (PNP) are found on the metabolic pathways of the parasite s nucleotide, participating in the metabolism of purines and pyrimidines. Our goals in this study were to assess the immunization with these enzymes, using the S. mansoni cercariae infected murine model, and subsequently analyze the acting in oviposition and growth of adult worms. Our results showed that the immunization in Balb/c mice with the UCK enzyme was capable of inducing a specific immune response, which favored a significant reduction of the parasitic load (adult worms). However, it was not possible to observe significant reduction in the number of eliminated eggs. Regarding the immunization with PNP and HGPRT enzymes, the mice had a reduction in the number of eggs per gram of feces. The data obtained are considered interesting and can be new targets for immunotherapy against schistosomiasis mansoni. Thereby, new assays must be made with different dosages of the enzymes for a better assessment on how these enzymes modulate the parasitic load through the eggs reduction, reduction in the adult worms retrieving, as well as the antibody levels during the murine infection by the S.mansoni. / A esquistossomose mansônica é uma doença parasitária, crônica e negligenciada que afeta milhares de pessoas ao redor do mundo, causada pelo trematódeo Schistosoma mansoni. No hospedeiro infectado a doença é caracterizada pela presença do granuloma, resultado imunopatológico do infiltrado celular contra antígenos dos ovos A quimioterapia atual é baseada no uso do Praziquantel (PZQ), usado contra todas as espécies de Schistosoma spp há mais de 30 anos. O principal problema é que o PZQ é praticamente inativo contra esquistossomulos imaturos e favorece o desenvolvimento de resistência das linhagens existentes. Um dos caminhos na busca por novos alvos terapêuticos é o estudo de enzimas que são essenciais para o S. mansoni. Em especial, sabe-se que as enzimas Adenilato Quinase 1 e 2 (ADK), Uridina Citidina Quinase 1 e 2 (UCK), Hipoxantina-guanina fosforibosiltransferase (HGPRT) e Purina Nucleosídeo Fosforilase 1 (PNP) são encontradas nas vias metabólicas de nucleotídeos do parasito, participando do metabolismo de purinas e pirimidinas. A estratégia de utilizar enzimas do parasito na esquistossomose mansônica murina foi de avaliar uma resposta induzida por estas enzimas quando aplicadas em camundongos BALB/c e desafiados com cercarias de S. mansoni. Desta forma, avaliamos a fase crônica de camundongos imunizados e infectados com S. mansoni, onde foram analisadas amostras parasitológicas, hematológicas, sorológicas e fluidos da cavidade peritoneal. Nosso objetivo neste estudo foi avaliar a imunização com essas enzimas, usando o modelo murino infectado com cercarias de S. mansoni e posteriormente avaliar a ação na oviposição e desenvolvimento de vermes adultos. Nossos resultados demonstraram que a imunização em camundongos Balb∕c com a enzima UCK foi capaz de induzir uma resposta imune específica, a qual favoreceu a diminuição significativa da carga parasitária (vermes adultos). No entanto, não foi possível observar redução significativa no número de ovos eliminados. Em relação à imunização com as enzimas PNP e HGPRT os camundongos que receberam as imunizações com PNP e HGPRT tiveram redução no número de ovos por grama de fezes. Os dados obtidos são considerados interessantes e podem ser considerados novos alvos para a imunoterapia contra a esquistosomose mansônica. Dessa forma, novos ensaios deverão ser realizados com diferentes doses das enzimas para melhor avaliar como essas enzimas modulam a carga parasitária através da redução de ovos, diminuição na recuperação de vermes adultos, assim como os níveis de anticorpos durante a infecção murina pelo S. mansoni.

Vliv positivně inotropních a antiarytmických farmak na kardiovaskulární systém / The impact of positive inotropic and antiarrhythmic drugs on cardiovascular system

Kočková, Radka January 2015 (has links)
Heart rate changes mediate the embryotoxic effect of antiarrhythmic drugs in the chick embryo A significant increase in cardiovascular medication use during pregnancy has occurred in recent years but only limited evidence on its safety profile is available. We hypothesized that drug-induced bradycardia is the leading mechanism of developmental toxicity. We tested metoprolol, carvedilol, or ivabradine for embryotoxicity and their acute effect on chick embryonic model. We used video microscopy and ultrasound biomicroscopy. Significant dose-dependent mortality was achieved in embryos injected with carvedilol and ivabradine. In ED4 embryos, metoprolol, carvedilol and ivabradine reduced the heart rate by 33%, 27%, and 55%, respectively, compared to controls (6%). In ED8 embryos this effect was more pronounced with a heart rate reduction by 71%, 54%, 53%, respectively (controls 36%). Cardiac output decreased in all tested groups but only proved significant in the metoprolol group in ED8 embryos. The number of -adrenergic receptors showed a downward tendency during embryonic development but a negative chronotropic effect of tested drugs was increasingly pronounced with embryonic maturity. This effect was associated with reduced cardiac output in chick embryos, probably leading to premature death....

Vliv positivně inotropních a antiarytmických farmak na kardiovaskulární systém / The impact of positive inotropic and antiarrhythmic drugs on cardiovascular system

Kočková, Radka January 2015 (has links)
Heart rate changes mediate the embryotoxic effect of antiarrhythmic drugs in the chick embryo A significant increase in cardiovascular medication use during pregnancy has occurred in recent years but only limited evidence on its safety profile is available. We hypothesized that drug-induced bradycardia is the leading mechanism of developmental toxicity. We tested metoprolol, carvedilol, or ivabradine for embryotoxicity and their acute effect on chick embryonic model. We used video microscopy and ultrasound biomicroscopy. Significant dose-dependent mortality was achieved in embryos injected with carvedilol and ivabradine. In ED4 embryos, metoprolol, carvedilol and ivabradine reduced the heart rate by 33%, 27%, and 55%, respectively, compared to controls (6%). In ED8 embryos this effect was more pronounced with a heart rate reduction by 71%, 54%, 53%, respectively (controls 36%). Cardiac output decreased in all tested groups but only proved significant in the metoprolol group in ED8 embryos. The number of -adrenergic receptors showed a downward tendency during embryonic development but a negative chronotropic effect of tested drugs was increasingly pronounced with embryonic maturity. This effect was associated with reduced cardiac output in chick embryos, probably leading to premature death....

Biguanide metformin acts on tau phosphorylation via mTOR/protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) signaling

Kickstein, E., Krauss, S., Thornhill, P., Rutschow, D., Zeller, R., Sharkey, J., Williamson, Ritchie, Fuchs, M., Kohler, A., Glossmann, H., Schneider, R., Sutherland, C., Schweiger, S. January 2010 (has links)
No / Hyperphosphorylated tau plays an important role in the formation of neurofibrillary tangles in brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related tauopathies and is a crucial factor in the pathogenesis of these disorders. Though diverse kinases have been implicated in tau phosphorylation, protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) seems to be the major tau phosphatase. Using murine primary neurons from wild-type and human tau transgenic mice, we show that the antidiabetic drug metformin induces PP2A activity and reduces tau phosphorylation at PP2A-dependent epitopes in vitro and in vivo. This tau dephosphorylating potency can be blocked entirely by the PP2A inhibitors okadaic acid and fostriecin, confirming that PP2A is an important mediator of the observed effects. Surprisingly, metformin effects on PP2A activity and tau phosphorylation seem to be independent of AMPK activation, because in our experiments (i) metformin induces PP2A activity before and at lower levels than AMPK activity and (ii) the AMPK activator AICAR does not influence the phosphorylation of tau at the sites analyzed. Affinity chromatography and immunoprecipitation experiments together with PP2A activity assays indicate that metformin interferes with the association of the catalytic subunit of PP2A (PP2Ac) to the so-called MID1-alpha4 protein complex, which regulates the degradation of PP2Ac and thereby influences PP2A activity. In summary, our data suggest a potential beneficial role of biguanides such as metformin in the prophylaxis and/or therapy of AD.

Thrombospondin-1 induces platelet activation through CD36-dependent inhibition of the cAMP/protein kinase A signaling cascade

Roberts, Wayne, Magwenzi, S., Aburima, Ahmed, Naseem, Khalid M. January 2010 (has links)
No / Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent signaling modulates platelet function at sites of vascular injury. Here we show that thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) prevents cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA) signaling through a CD36-dependent mechanism. Prostaglandin E(1) (PGE(1)) induced a robust inhibition of both platelet aggregation and platelet arrest under physiologic conditions of flow. Exogenous TSP-1 reduced significantly PGE(1)-mediated inhibition of both platelet aggregation and platelet arrest. TSP-1 prevented PGE(1)-stimulated cAMP accrual and phosphorylation of PKA substrates, through a mechanism requiring phosphodiesterase3A. TSP-1 also inhibited VASP phosphorylation stimulated by the nonhydrolyzable cAMP analog, 8-bromo-cAMP, indicating that it may regulate cAMP-mediated activation of PKA. The inhibitory effect of TSP-1 on cAMP signaling could be reproduced with a peptide possessing a CD36 binding sequence of TSP-1, while the effects of TSP-1 were prevented by a CD36 blocking antibody. TSP-1 and the CD36 binding peptide induced phosphorylation of Src kinases, p38 and JNK. Moreover, inhibition of Src kinases blocked TSP-1-mediated regulation of cAMP concentrations and the phosphorylation of VASP, indicating that TSP-1 modulated the cAMP/PKA signaling events through a tyrosine kinase-dependent pathway downstream of CD36. These data reveal a new role for TSP-1 in promoting platelet aggregation through modulation of the cAMP-PKA signaling pathway.

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