Spelling suggestions: "subject:"advertisement"" "subject:"dvertisement""
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Vilniaus miesto šeimos gydytojų požiūris į farmacinės kompanijos atstovo vizitus / General practitioner’s approach to visits of representatives of pharmaceutical companies in Vilnius cityMasiulis, Mindaugas 05 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas- įvertinti Vilniaus miesto šeimos gydytojų požiūrį į farmacinės kompanijos atstovo vizitus.
Tyrimo metodika. 2012 metų rugpjūčio – gruodžio mėnesiais, buvo apklausti Vilniaus miesto šeimos gydytojai dirbantys pirminės šeimos sveikatos priežiūros centruose. Buvo išdalinta 200 anketų, atsakė - 132 respondentai (atsakas – 66 proc.). Anketiniai duomenys analizuoti naudojant statistinę analizės programą SPSS 14.0 . Statistinis duomenų reikšmingumas tikrintas pagal Chi kvadrato kriterijų, laisvės laipsnių skaičių ir statistinį reikšmingumą (p). Statistinių hipotezių reikšmingumui įvertinti pasirinktas statistinio reikšmingumo lygmuo p<0,05. Dviejų nepriklausomų imčių vidurkių skirtumų patikimumui įvertinti buvo naudojamas Stjudento t kriterijus. Rezultatai. Geriausiai gydytojų vertinami informacijos šaltiniai yra konferencijos bei individualūs medicinos atstovų vizitai. Net 87 proc. Vilniaus miesto respondentų gydytojų farmacinių kompanijų atstovų vizitus vertina teigiamai, nes jų metu medicininė informacija pateikiama trumpai ir glaustai, sudaroma galimybė gauti naujausių žinių apie jau rinkoje esamus ir naujus vaistus bei medicinos priemones. Daugiau nei pusė apklaustų gydytojų teigia, jog dažnesni farmacinių kompanijų atstovų vizitai ir pakartotinas vaisto ar medicininės priemonės priminimas turi reikšmės jų skyrimui. Išskirtinai svarbūs farmacinės kompanijos atstovo vizito veiksniai yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of study. To evaluate the approach of general practitioners to visits of pharmaceutical company representatives in Vilnius city. Methods. In the period from August to December 2012 general practitioners, working in primary family health care centres in Vilnius city were anonymously questioned. There were 200 questionnaires distributed, 132 of which were answered and returned (the response rate was 66% ). Statistical analysis of the obtained data was performed using the SPSS 14.0. software package. The statistical significance of data was tested by Chi-square criterion, the number of degrees of freedom and statistical significance. Statistical significance level of p <0.05 was chosen for assessment of statistical hypothesis. A t-test was applied to evaluate the reliability of the differences in mean of two independent samples. Results. The most highly rated information sources mentioned by practitioners are conferences and individual visits of representatives of the medical sales. As much as 87 percent of respondents in Vilnius assess visits of representatives of pharmaceutical companies positively due to the fact that during such visits the medical information is given in a brief and concise manner, spreading the latest knowledge about the drugs and medical devices already existing in the market as well as about the new ones. More than half of the... [to full text]
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The Effects Of Superimposed Advertisements Vs. Traditional CommercialsKocabiyikoglu, Pinar Ayse 01 August 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This study aimed to find out the effect of type of advertisement & / number of advertisement
manipulation on memory for and attitude towards advertisements. Type of advertisement was
manipulated via embedding either superimposed advertisement(s) or traditional commercial(s) in
a movie. The number of advertisement manipulation was made through embedding either 1 or 7
advertisements for both types of advertisements in the same movie. With respect to type of
advertisement manipulation, it was hypothesized that, both superimposed advertisements and
traditional commercials may have an access to LTM for later recall and recognition. However, it
was expected that, the recall and recognition scores of the viewers exposed to superimposed
advertisement(s) will be lower compared to traditional commercial viewers due to the shorter
duration and background distraction characteristics of superimposed advertisements. Regarding
number of advertisements manipulation, it was hypothesized that, regardless of the type of advertisement, the recall and recognition scores of the viewers exposed to 7 advertisements will
be lower compared to viewers exposed to only 1 advertisement due to retroactive and proactive
inhibition. Secondly, it was hypothesized that, for both types of advertisements the viewers
exposed to 7 advertisements will be able to recall at most 5 advertisements concerning that, at
most 4 or 5 chunks (advertisements) could be processed in STM at one time (Simon, 1973).
Further, it was expected that, the processing capacity of STM for viewers exposed to 7
superimposed advertisements might be reduced due to simultaneous view of the advertisements
with the ongoing program, which may result in less processing of chunks (advertisements) and
therefore lower levels of recall as compared to viewers exposed to 7 traditional commercials. In
the present study, in addition to attitude towards the embedded advertisements, viewers&rsquo / attitude
towards to program was also measured concerning the potential effects of program environment
related variables on attitude towards advertisements. However, in relation to both attitude
towards program and attitude towards embedded advertisements, it was proposed that, the
variations will be on an individual basis / thus, no main effect was expected with respect to both
aspects of attitude measurements. 60 undergraduate students from METU participated in the
study. Data gathered via administration of 2 different attitude scales and 3 different memory
scales. The results of the present study confirmed some of the hypothesizes. However, some
were only partially confirmed and for some, no evidence could be obtained. On the whole, it was
concluded that, the effectiveness of traditional commercials are superior compared to
superimposed advertisements with respect to memory for advertisements. However, when
individuals are exposed to multiple advertisements (7 in our case) this difference was negligible
between traditional commercials and superimposed advertisements. The implications of the
study were discussed.
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The Transformative Role Of Representational Media Within The Context Of Contemporary Housing: The Gated Enclaves Of Ankara And Consumer CultureOden, Alper 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The Post-Fordist structure has aroused as a response to the stable/rigid configuration of Fordism that caused a bottleneck within capitalist organization since the mid 1970s. This period is also labeled as flexible accumulation that is based on the least circulation period of capital and as a result turnover time of the consumption objects. Here, consumption becomes a cultural activity besides its role of meeting material necessities and calls for a form of culture, in which the symbolic value of any object is of significance more than its use-value.
Within this frame, the study selected a new form of contemporary housing provision as an exemplification area / the gated enclaves that represent a form of investment for the legitimization of values projected by the consumer culture. They are especially located at the new urban development areas, shared by high income level owners / surrounded by exclusionary devices like / walls, fences and private security mechanisms, and provide additional privatized services.
This study aims at studying the modes of marketing strategies of these newly emerging housing provisions in Ankara that all are constructed around the theme of &ldquo / a distinct life style&rdquo / through their representational media. Therefore the study will investigate how the idea of distinctness is made public and by means of spatial analyses, how and to what extent the assertion of distinctness is achieved or constituted a genuine position within the academic or professional architectural culture will be investigated while such concepts as &ldquo / homogenization&rdquo / and &ldquo / distinctness&rdquo / will be also in agenda.
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Συγκριτική μελέτη διαφημιστικών καταχωρήσεων φαρμάκωνΑρσένου, Ευαγγελία 11 June 2012 (has links)
Η παρούσα εργασία πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών στα πλαίσια της κατεύθυνσης «Φαρμακευτικό Μάρκετινγκ» του Μεταπτυχιακού Προγράμματος Σπουδών του Τμήματος Φαρμακευτικής του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών.
Η προσπάθεια για την κατανόηση του ρόλου των διαφημίσεων των φαρμάκων στο αγοραστικό κοινό αποτελεί το ουσιαστικό αντικείμενο της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας. Οι φαρμακευτικές εταιρίες αύξησαν τα τελευταία ειδικά χρόνια το ενδιαφέρον τους για την ελεύθερη διαφήμιση των προϊόντων τους, αξιοποιώντας μια καταναλωτική-αγοραστική τάση για αυτοδιαχείριση εκ μέρους των καταναλωτών ήπιων και καθημερινά εμφανιζόμενων προβλημάτων υγείας.
Συνεπώς είναι ενδιαφέρον να επιχειρηθεί η μελέτη του μεγέθους της επιρροής αυτού του τύπου των διαφημίσεων και επιμέρους θέματα που σχετίζονται με την επικοινωνία αυτή. Η μελέτη αυτή έχει καθαρά πιλοτικό χαρακτήρα και τα αποτελέσματα της θα μπορούσαν κυρίως να κατευθύνουν νέες ερευνητικές προσπάθειες σε συγκεκριμένους τομείς, ενώ παράλληλα θα μπορούσε να χρησιμοποιηθεί από τις φαρμακευτικές εταιρίες ως δείγμα και μέτρο της αποτελεσματικότητας και του «καθαρού» μηνύματος που τέτοιου τύπου διαφημίσεις οφείλουν να εκπέμπουν. / This Thesis was performed at the University of Patras, Department of Pharmacy for completion of the Master's program in “Pharmaceutical Marketing”.
The role of the drug advertising on the market behavior is the main purpose of this study. Recently, pharmaceutical companies have increased the advertising of their products exploiting trends in patient self-management of simple diseases. Thus, it is of great interest to study the influence of the drug advertising on the market, as well as similar topics related with this policy of the pharmaceutical companies. This is a preliminary study in the field and the obtained results may guide future and more extended research efforts. On the other hand, the pharmaceutical companies may use the results of the present study in order to improve the effectiveness and clarity of the advertising message.
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Diferentes imagens de enunciatário em anúncios de lingerie / The enunciatee (páthos) of the textual genre lingerie advertisementMargarete Aparecida Ticianel 11 March 2008 (has links)
Adotando a perspectiva da teoria Semiótica, desenvolvida por A.J.Greimas e seus colaboradores, e a Análise do Discurso (AD), apresentada por Dominique Maingueneau, ambas de linha francesa, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo descrever a imagem do enunciatário (páthos) do gênero anúncio publicitário de lingerie. Temos por objetivo descrever os mecanismos de construção de sentido que resultam no feixe de expectativas, ideais e aspirações representadas pelo leitor: público-alvo dos anúncios. Ao trabalharmos com publicidade, devemos ter em mente que é ela é uma esfera de circulação que visa persuadir, ao associar o produto que vende a um corpo em movimento. A publicidade, ao construir um modo particular de presença no mundo, possui um estilo próprio de vida, e encontra-se inserida em uma formação ideológica, cultural e social determinada. E aliadas às transformações sociais pelas quais o gênero contemplado tem evoluído ao longo do tempo, em conformidade com os avanços e transformações de seu público-alvo, procuraremos entender, dessa forma, como e por que a imagem do enunciatário é marcada historicamente no discurso. A publicidade busca \"encarnar\", pela enunciação, o enunciatário que ela evoca, ou seja, ela o torna sensível e perceptível no texto. Reconstruiremos, assim, as diferentes imagens do enunciatário dos anúncios de lingerie, aos quais consideraremos como um desdobramento do sujeito da enunciação. Nesta pesquisa, partimos da idéia de que o enunciatário produz o texto com o enunciador, pois, na produção textual, o enunciador faz o seu texto sob o simulacro do seu enunciatário; o que resulta nas diferentes escolhas enunciativas. Respaldados por esta idéia, poderemos afirmar que o sujeito da enunciação é constituído pelo enunciador (eu / autor) e pelo enunciatário (tu / leitor). Dentro do discurso publicitário, analisaremos, especificamente, o gênero anúncio publicitário de lingerie. A escolha desse gênero deve-se à grande influência que ele exerce nas relações intersubjetivas. De uma grande totalidade, anúncio publicitário de lingerie, depreenderemos quatro totalidades, ao que remeteremos a quatro pólos com especificidades e recorrências características: A; B; NÃO-A; NÃO-B. E dessa forma, nos será possível traçar um modo de presença particular das diferentes imagens de enunciatários do gênero em pauta. Os modos de presença das quatro totalidades analisadas serão depreendidos a partir dos tipos de valorização que cada anúncio investe na apresentação de seu objeto. Trata-se, por exemplo, de valores de prazer sexual, de prazer estético, de valores estésicos ou utilitários. O objeto anunciado não é apresentado apenas como desejável em si mesmo, ou seja, ele não é o termo final de um programa de busca orientado para o puro e simples consumo dos bens oferecidos. Ele é também um meio, uma competência, para que seja alcançado o objeto de valor desejado. A valorização dos anúncios e dos produtos anunciados passa pela encenação e pelo simulacro de determinados tipos de relações que se procuram estabelecer com o público, com o consumidor, ou seja, com o enunciatário. De modo mais específico, são os mecanismos de significação e produção de sentido dessas relações que gostaríamos de analisar nesta dissertação. / Considering the perspective not only of the Semiotics theory developed by A. J. Greimas and his collaborators but also of the Discourse Analysis (DA) shown by Dominique Maingueneau, both related to the French studies, this work has the aim at describing the image of the enunciatee (páthos) of the textual genre lingerie advertisement. The objective is to examine and describe the meaning effects mechanisms that emerge from the text/discourse that result in certain expectations, ideals and aspirations represented by the reader: target public of lingerie advertising. It is considered that publicity belongs to a circulation sphere that tends to persuade by associating the product to be announced (sold) to a \"body\" in movement: this should be kept in mind when an analysis is performed. Therefore, the publicity, by constructing a particular way of presence in the world, has an own style of life, and, in this way, is engaged in a determined ideological, cultural and social formation. Taking into consideration the social evolution in which the genre lingerie advertisement has involved and, in conformity with the advances and transformations of the target public, the analysis is to understand how and why the image of the enunciatee is marked diachronically and historically in the discourse. By means of enunciation, the publicity seeks to \"incarnate\" the enunciatee that evokes, making such enunciatee sensible and perceptible in the text. In this way, the purpose is to reconstruct the different images of the enunciatee in the lingerie advertisements, because the enunciatees are taken as an extension of the subject of the enunciation. Therefore, it is considered that the enunciatee produces the text together with the enunciator since, in the textual production, the latter produces his text under the simulacrum of the former, generating, in this way, different choices of enunciation. Based on this idea, it can be affirmed that the subject of enunciation is constructed by the enunciator (I / author) and by the enunciatee (you / reader). Specifically, it is analyzed, of the publicity discourse, the textual genre lingerie advertisement. The choice for this genre was taken due to the great influence it performs when an inter-subjectivity relation is involved. From the great totality lingerie advertisements, four totalities are captured that resulted in four poles with inherent peculiarities and specific recurrences: A; B; NON-A; NON-B. In this way, it is possible to trace a particular way of presence of the distinct enunciatees images in this textual genre. The way of presence of the four analyzed totalities can be observed considering two types of valuation that each advertisement invests in the object presentation. It is regarded, for example, the valuation of the sexual, esthetic or utilitarian pleasure. The announced object is not presented simply as desirable itself. In other words, the offered object is not the final term of the search program orientated for the pure and simple consumption: the object is also a way, a competence for the desired object can be achieved. The valuation of the advertisements and announced products circulates through simulation and simulacrum of determined types of relations that are sought to established with the public consumer: the enunciatee. In a more specific way, the references are to the production and meaning mechanisms of these relations that are intended to analyze in this work.
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Annonsblockerare och reklam på sociala medier : Konsten att nå ut till dem som inte vill nås / Adblockers and advertisements on social media : How to reach those who do not wish to be reachedJosefsson, Therese, Sigerud, Viktoria January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Användandet av sociala medier som marknadsföringskanal har ökat under de senaste åren. Många företag använder i dagsläget sociala medier för att kommunicera med sina kunder och köpa annonsplatser på välbesökta domäner. Med tiden har antalet annonser tagit över upplevelsen enligt konsumenter och ett fenomen som blivit allt vanligare på grund av detta är annonsblockerare. Detta är fördelaktigt för de konsumenter som anser att antalet annonser blivit överväldigande, men det är även en nackdel för företagen som inte längre når ut till konsumenterna i den utsträckning de önskar. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka annonsblockeraranvändares attityder till reklam på sociala medier. Studien syftar även till att undersöka varför konsumenter väljer att använda annonsblockerare. Genom detta hoppas studien bidra till en djupare förståelse kring dessa användares åsikter angående den reklam de exponeras för på sociala medier. Metod: Studien är baserad på en kvalitativ metod med en abduktiv ansats. Insamlingen av data till studien har skett i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med annonsblockerar- användare. Vidare har studien kompletterats av en förstudie av teknisk karaktär där olika annonsblockerarprogram och deras funktion har testats samt jämförts. Slutsats: Studien visar att konsumenter som använder annonsblockerare upplever reklam på sociala medier som störande i många fall. Ett grundkrav för att annonsering på sociala medier ska få en positiv reaktion hos konsumenter är att de finns tillgängliga endast när användaren önskar se dem, samt att innehållet är anpassat efter individens intressen. För att innehållet ska kunna anpassas på ett önskvärt sätt krävs kommunikation mellan företag och konsumenter. De annonser konsumenter kan leta upp uppfattas som önskvärda om de är informativa, underhållande eller väcker andra positiva känslor hos mottagaren. / Background: The use of social media as a marketing channel has grown more and more popular for companies over the years. Today, many companies use social media as a tool to connect with customers and to run ads on popular websites. Over time, consumers got the feeling that ads overpowered social media and as a result, adblockers grew more popular. This kind of software may be beneficial for consumers, but they can cause problems for companies that can no longer reach their customers. Purpose: The aim with this study is to investigate adblock users’ thoughts and emotions towards advertisements on social media. The study also aims to investigate why consumers choose to use adblockers. Through this, the hope for the study is that the results will contribute to a deeper understanding on how to reach consumers that have chosen to block advertisements on social media. Procedure: This study is based on a qualitative method and has an abductive approach. The data collection has been performed through semi-structured, qualitative interviews with respondents who are adblock users. To further validate the study a technical analysis preceded the interviews, in order to determine which kind of advertisements social media users are exposed to, with or without adblockers. Conclusion: The results show that consumers who use adblockers find advertisements on social media disturbing in many cases. The basic demand that consumers have for advertisements on social media is that they should be available only when the user wishes to see them, also, the content needs to be customised based on the interests of the individuals. In order to customise the content, communication between the advertiser and the consumers are crucial. The consumers find that advertisements which they can find on social media are desirable if the advertisement in informative, entertaining or in other ways evoke positive emotions.
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Hudba v reklamních spotech / Music in advertising spotsŘEŘÁBEK, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is Music in advertising spots. The theoretical part describes advertising history, its theory, strategies, rules and used language. It is followed by purpose of TV commercial and use of instrumental or vocal music which sounds at background. The practical part contains the implementation of music activities into specific lessons for small children at primary school. I focus on vocal, rhythmical or intonation training, improvisation and learning new songs through six TV commercials.
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A felicidade a qualquer preço: um estudo sobre a construção do sentido de completude na publicidade contemporâneaLima, Maria Ligia Leite Arruda January 2007 (has links)
116f. / Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-05-09T18:04:26Z
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Previous issue date: 2007 / Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o processo de construção do sentido de completude no discurso publicitário contemporâneo, procurando elucidar as suas condições de produção. Pretendemos mostrar que um dos dispositivos usados pelo discurso publicitário consiste na promessa de completude, expressa no oferecimento de um anunciante, produto ou serviço completo que poderá preencher o público-alvo através do consumo. Trabalhamos, primeiramente, com as contribuições teóricas da Psicanálise para mostrar que, ao prometer a completude, a publicidade busca responder ao mal-estar inerente à condição humana, oferecendo objetos de consumo, encobrindo a experiência psíquica do desamparo. Compreendemos que as peças analisadas estão inseridas num contexto histórico-social marcado pelo capitalismo, que institui uma determinada forma de constituição do laço social que privilegia a relação com o objeto de consumo. Em seguida, situamos a publicidade contemporânea como uma prática que instaura matrizes de sentido e contribui para a configuração e legitimação do espírito da época em que vivemos. A partir do instrumental teórico-metodológico da Análise do Discurso, analisamos peças publicitárias impressas em revista de circulação nacional. Verificamos que o sentido de completude relacionado à noção de ilimitado é uma importante marca das publicidades analisadas. Estas prometem a eliminação da falta e dos limites do ser em relação ao mundo, veiculando a liberdade incondicional e o acesso ao impossível, pois ao adquirir o produto o consumidor pode ser e ter tudo, onde e quando quiser. / Salvador
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Publicidade de alimentos funcionais uma análise retórico-discursiva / Publicidade de alimentos funcionais uma análise retórico-discursivaScheneider, Altair Achetta 18 May 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-05-18 / Functional products are part of our everyday life, characterized more and more by health and welfare improvement. The research aims at analyzing, by means of the qualitative approach, the advertisement of functional products and food that use scientific expressions or concepts as persuasive elements, considering the status and credibility that science has in our society. The corpus is composed by commercials of two products (margarine and yogurt) which use that device in your communication. The research seeks to analyze the current bibliography on functional food, contemporaneity, culture, social groups, advertisement, speech analysis and rhetoric; however, it is centered in analyzing the organization of the message, especially regarding rhetorical argumentation and speech, entailing a critical view of the disguised persuasion on argumentation concerning beauty and health. It is expected with the work understand the process of rhetorical construction of argument for persuasion, about functional foods, which use in their communication scientific expressions relating to the principles of functionality of these products, among other characteristics of specialized discourse. / Produtos funcionais fazem parte do nosso cotidiano, cada vez mais caracterizado pela ênfase na saúde e qualidade de vida. A pesquisa proposta, com abordagem qualitativa, objetiva analisar a propaganda de produtos e alimentos funcionais que utilizam como elemento persuasivo expressões ou conceitos científicos, considerando o status e a credibilidade que a ciência tem em nossa sociedade. O corpus constitui-se de duas peças comerciais de produtos (margarina e iogurte) que utilizam esse expediente em sua comunicação. Busca-se analisar a bibliografia existente sobre alimentos funcionais, contemporaneidade, cultura, grupos sociais, publicidade, análise do discurso e retórica, porém, centra-se a análise na organização da mensagem, especialmente no que se refere à argumentação retórica e ao discurso, ensejando, uma visita crítica da persuasão disfarçada sobre a argumentação ligada à beleza e saúde. Espera-se com o trabalho entender o processo de construção retórica da argumentação, para a persuasão, em torno de alimentos funcionais, que utilizam em sua comunicação expressões científicas ligadas aos princípios de funcionalidade desses produtos, entre outras características desse discurso especializado.
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Vývoj marketingové komunikace mezinárodního festivalu / Developing Marketing Communications of International FestivalELIASOVÁ, Linda January 2012 (has links)
The objective of this work is to analyze the currently used marketing concept, way of communication and PR activities connected with International Festival of Outdoor Films (hereinafter MFOF) with respect to the target group and type of event. The main objective was to create a certain design improvements lead to the success of the festival.
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