Spelling suggestions: "subject:"afghanistan."" "subject:"afghanistans.""
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Role Spojených států amerických v NATO: změny po 11. září 2001 za vlády prezidenta G. W. Bushe / The Role of the US in NATO: How Did It Change after 9/11 under Bush AdministrationŠtverková, Iva January 2017 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to examine president Bush's policy after 9/11 and its implications for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The shock of 9/11 attacks resulted in "war mentality" manifesting itself in the pressure of the public and media for swift radical actions. This resulted in ad hoc decisions taken without proper analyses and consideration of consequences. After 9/11, Bush Administration used black-and-white rhetoric and simplified the war on terror into war between good and evil. The U.S. under Bush did not consider international institutions to play significant role in international politics and preferred bilateral cooperation. By omitting the Alliance, Washing, however, undermined NATO. Europe was sympathetic to the U.S. and proclaimed its support for Washington since day one but European NATO members and the U.S. had different threat perception regarding Iraq, and could not agree on a common solution. The actions taken by Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq and the reluctance of European allies in supporting the U.S. war against terrorism resulted in escalation of relations in the Alliance. As the U.S. headed toward engagement in two conflicts, it increasingly appreciated the value of NATO. On the other hand, Europe never forgot that the United States is its main ally. Most...
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Nárůst soukromých vojenských společností a jejích efekt na stabilitu států v Latinské Americe / Examining the Growth of Private Military Contractors and their Applications in State Stability in Latin AmericaAustman, Connor January 2020 (has links)
Private military companies have rapidly filled in many operational force capacities that national militaries now longer have the capabilities to fill natively. As such, PMCs have expanded their rosters as well as their services provided to fill in many roles, and have carried out many such roles such as logistics management, personal and site security, and some inherently state functions such as training indigenous security forces and interrogation of prisoners. This rise has impacted national militaries in many facets of their operations and abstract professional bases. The ability of the PMC to carry out operations at the same standard as regular soldiers but with higher pay has impacted how the regular soldier views their own place in the professional national military, and creates problems for the establishment as a whole. This thesis will discuss the Iraq War as a case study and the impact of PMCs on the war, as well as introduce the Huntingtonian theories of soldier professionalism and corporateness, and will also employ a critical Marxist perspective to analyse the role and impact of PMCs in the modern military convention and in civil-military relations.
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The readmission agreement between Sweden and Afghanistan : A tortuous strategy of creating a deportation corridor to a war-torn country?Hertzberg, Alice January 2021 (has links)
Focusing on the readmission agreement between Sweden and Afghanistan, this study aims to enhance our understanding of why and how states use readmission agreements and the discourse underpinning these practices. Based on interviews with key officials working in the Swedish deportation infrastructure, the findings show that the agreement is presented as a successful measure resulting in a more predictable process and increased forced returns. The agreement is a critical technique for minimizing disruptions in the deportation corridor to Afghanistan, however, not without interruptions due to the infrastructure’s reliance on many elements and the complexity of bilateral cooperation. The discursive practices, including “problem” representations and assumptions justifying the agreement, can be questioned considering that most Afghans abscond or travel to another Schengen country instead of returning. The absence of an agreement evaluation further necessitates calling the increased governmental focus on readmission agreements into question. The study contributes to deconstructing governmental rationalities through a novel methodology of studying deportation and readmission.
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The growing role of Special Forces in modern warfare with specific reference to the United States of AmericaEdge, Shaun Joseph 16 August 2011 (has links)
The objective of this study is to assess the growing role of Special Forces in modern warfare, with specific reference to the United States of America. The main question that the study seeks to address is what are the implications of the growing role of Special Forces in modern warfare? The study also seeks to ascertain why exactly this growth is occurring and whether or not this will have a bearing on the future of not only the manner in which the US conducts conflict but also global conflict as a whole. In order to address these issues the study will look at conventional and unconventional warfare and forces; the roles and missions of Special Forces and the composition of US Special Forces; the role of US Special Forces in modern warfare prior to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks; and the role of the US Special Forces in the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan. An analysis of conventional and unconventional warfare as concepts, as well as the forces that constitute conventional and unconventional forces was first done in order to provide some perspective into what these concepts and forces are and more specifically, what differentiates them. Specific reference was made here to the United States’ approach to warfare from the days of the American Revolution up to and including the end of the Cold War. Emphasis is placed on the growing role of US Special Forces throughout the study and this is achieved through the use of four major case studies, namely the 1991 Gulf War; Somalia (1992-1993); the Balkans (1995-2001); and the 2001 ‘Special Forces war’ in Afghanistan. The case studies that dealt with the 1991 Gulf War, Somalia and the Balkans elucidated the growing role of both unconventional warfare and specifically US Special Forces and Special Mission Units since the end of the Cold War. The case study of the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan provided the culmination of the shift from conventional to unconventional warfare and the execution of the campaign as a ‘Special Forces war.’ The study demonstrates that since the end of the Cold War in the 1990’s, unconventional warfare has increasingly become more ubiquitous and can be said to be replacing, or at least equalling in stature, conventional warfare. This has the possibility of dramatically affecting how warfare is executed both currently and more importantly, in the future. The study went on to show that unconventional warfare is not akin to conventional warfare, especially with regard to the forces needed to respond to such conflicts and that Special Forces are the forces most applicable and most effective in dealing with unconventional warfare. The study confirms that Special Forces are the solution to the growing prominence of unconventional warfare and that countries, and specifically the United States can more effectively counter the threat of unconventional warfare and unconventional forces by shifting Special Forces from a supporting component to conventional forces to a supported component. This would require a massive shift in alignment both for the United States as well as other major states’ militaries but as the study has shown, this is pertinent given that unconventional warfare and forces will most likely remain the primary threat that states and militaries will now face / Dissertation (MSS)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Political Sciences / unrestricted
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Válka proti terorismu na pozadí teorie spravedlivé války / War againts terrorism on the background of Just War TheorySlavíková, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The day of September 11, 2001 which was primarily seen like an ordinary day was significantly written into the world's history. The worst terrorist attack of all ages were commited in the United States, nearly 3.000 people were killed during the attacks. American administration in response to the attacks declared the "war on terorr", which was mainly represented by military interventions to Afghanistan 2001 and Iraq 2003. Inseparable part of Bush's foreign policy was National Security Strategy, which is the strategic basis for invasion to Iraq, approved on September 2002. This concept of this analysis is dealing with these three concrete events of american foreign policy which are specified on the background of Just War Theory JWT. Concretely on the basis of category jus ad bellum - right to war. The main aim of this work is to explore compatibility of these missions with the principles of just war and find out whether operations were launched justly according to JWT. National Security Strategy NSS - which is discussable in the current international system with the regard of the controversial concept of preemption - is important part of the research too. Pre-emptive strategy is confronted with the just war theory, primarily in the sence whether it is possible to consider preemption like just cause...
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Role mezinárodního společenství v poválečné rekonstrukci a rozvoji Afghánistánu v období tranzice / The role of international community in the post-conflict reconstruction and development of Afghanistan during the transition periodJemelíková, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
Security, economic and societal challenges of the 21 century place demands on international community and deepens the need to precisely define this term and its role in the global development as well as the legitimacy of international organization, which often place themselves as representatives of the entire global community. Conflict in Afghanistan and its reconstruction is a great case study of mechanisms, which allow the international community to assess security challenges, apply former experience to respond and prepare for future operations. There are many lessons that can be learned from the case of Afghanistan. This article addresses the successes and failures connected with Afghan reconstruction and stabilization efforts and its impacts on development of the country. The article stresses the negative consequences of the international involvement as well as the deepening dependence of Afghanistan on foreign assistance.
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Vzdušná síla v současné strategii / Position of Airpower in Contemporary StrategyČerný, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the current role of airpower in contemporary warfare. In last 100 years, the aircraft became an indisputable part of today's armed conflict. The aim of this work is to determine the mechanics behind airpower's functions in conflicts and to critically assess airpower's performance. The analyzed conflicts - Persian Gulf 1991, Kosovo 1999, Afghanistan 2001 and U. S.-led counterinsurgency campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan - provide the diversity that is needed to reveal the position of airpower in contemporary strategy. The thesis is divided in three parts. The first part follows the evolution of airpower and its theory, providing context to further analysis of contemporary environment. The second part of the thesis identifies key theoretical concepts and modalities connected to airpower and analysis them on a general, theoretical basis. The third part of this thesis applies the concepts and modalities on the picked case studies in order to reach the suggested objectives by analyzing the conflicts and deriving empirical data. The conclusions of the thesis suggest that while slightly exaggerated, airpower grew to vital importance and became one of the key elements in today's conflicts.
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Formována misí: Vliv bojového nasazení v Afghánistánu na transformaci českých ozbrojených sil / Shaped by the Mission: Influence of the Combat Deployment in Afghanistan on the Transformation of the Czech Armed ForcesGreplová, Kristýna January 2014 (has links)
GREPLOVÁ, Kristýna. Formována misí: Vliv zahraniční operace v Afghánistánu na transformaci české armády. Praha, 2014. 66 s. Diplomová práce (Mgr.) Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut politologických studií. Katedra mezinárodních vztahů. Vedoucí diplomové práce Mgr. et Mgr. Jan Ludvík. Shaped by the Mission: Influence of the Combat Deployment in Afghanistan on the Transformation of the Czech Armed Forces Abstract The thesis is dedicated to the operations of Czech Army in Afghanistan during 2002-2012 and it studies the influence that the deployment has had on the ongoing transformation of Czech Armed forces. The work builds upon a theoretical frame of postmodern paradigm studying various trends that accompany a shift from modern to postmodern militaries. Part of the study is dedicated to acquiring empirical knowledge about the changes that deployment to Afghanistan has brought to Czech army. Later the theoretical predictions are confronted with the real development of Czech armed forces and it is argued that the impact deployment to Afghanistan had on Czech armed forces has brought the army closer to the concept of postmodern military.
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Revisiting Afghanistan's Modern History: The Role of Ethnic Inclusion on Regime StabilityAkrami, Rahimullah 09 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Active tectonics and seismic hazard assessment of Afghanistan and slip-rate estimation of the Chaman fault based on cosmogonic 10Be dating / アフガニスタンの活構造と地震災害評価および宇宙線生成核種10Beによるチャマン断層の変位速度の見積もり / アフガニスタン ノ カツコウゾウ ト ジシン サイガイ ヒョウカ オヨビ ウチュウセン セイセイ カクシュ 10Be ニヨル チャマン ダンソウ ノ ヘンイ ソクド ノ ミツモリZakeria Shnizai 19 September 2020 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the active tectonics of Afghanistan|slip-rate estimation of the Chaman fault and assessing seismic hazard in the Kabul basin. Afghanistan is a tectonically complex zone developed as a result of the collision between the Eurasian plate and the Indian plate to the southeast and the Arabian plate to the south. For seismic hazard mitigation, there is no large-scale active fault map in Afghanistan. I, therefore, mapped active and presumed active faults mainly based on interpretation of 1-arcsecond SRTM anaglyph images, and calculate the slip rate of the Chaman fautl based on 10Be TCN dating. / 博士(理学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Science / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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