Spelling suggestions: "subject:"africa history"" "subject:"affrica history""
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Poverty, health and disease in the era of high apartheid: South Africa, 1948-1976Phatlane, Stephens Ntsoakae 30 November 2006 (has links)
A higher infant mortality rate and shorter life expectancy, coupled with a high prevalence of a variety of diseases commonly associated with malnutrition, are usually a reflection of the social conditions of poverty in a society. By arguing that apartheid formed the basis of inequality and therefore the main underlying cause of an unacceptable burden of the diseases of poverty among black South Africans, this thesis, Poverty, Health and Disease in the Era of High Apartheid: South Africa, 1948-1976, locates these health problems within their social, economic and political context. It further argues that if health and disease are measures of the effectiveness with which human beings, using the available biological and cultural resources, adapt to their environment, then this relationship underpins the convergence of medical and cultural interests. Under the impact of modern technology and society's dependence upon it, profound cultural changes have taken place and issues of health and the etiology of disease are among the areas most affected by these changes. This thesis explains why, in a pluralistic medical setting, where only modern (scientific) medicine was recognised as legitimate medicine by the apartheid government, for the majority of black South Africans the advent of modern medicine was viewed not so much as displacing indigenous (African) medicine but as increasing the medical options available to them. It is therefore contended here that for most black South Africans, indigenous medicine has played a critical role; it has mitigated the impact of apartheid medicine. Since differences that people perceive in these two medical systems are crucial to the medical choices that they make at the onset of illness, this thesis argues that knowing and understanding the reasons for making such choices would not only have practical value for health authorities in their efforts to improve local, regional and national health service delivery, but would also contribute to a general understanding of human therapy-seeking behaviour in this age of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. / History / Thesis (D. Litt. et Phil. (History))
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Eienaarskap, beheer en befondsing van skole in Suid-Afrika : `n studie in tydsperspektiefJansen, Thomas Tobias 30 November 2006 (has links)
In this study the ownership, governance and funding of schools in South Africa are examined in time perspective in order to show the development of the above-mentioned aspects in South Africa through the ages, and to provide recommendations for the future. In the historical survey the ownership, governance and funding of schools in South Africa from 1652 to 2004 are indicated. This has been done for the Whites, Coloureds, Indians and Blacks.
The historical pattern of the provision of education in South Africa has often changed during the period under discussion. The education of Whites, Coloureds, Indians and Blacks was provided, and funded separately (1652 to 1993). Imbalances and inequities were common phenomena. Attempts to address the above issues (1994 to 2004) are also indicated.
Finally, some recommendations for redressing the present imbalances and inequities with regard to the above three aspects are provided. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (History of Education)
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The role and attitudes of the South African appellate judiciary, 1910 - 1950Corder, Hugh January 1982 (has links)
No description available.
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Die geskiedenis en rol van persorgane in die politieke en ekonomiese mobilasasie van die georganiseerde arbeiderbeweging in Suid-Afrika, 1908-1924Visser, Wessel Pretorius 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During the course of the 20th century the press played an absolutely crucial role as a source
of information, a medium of communication and propaganda, educator, critic, public
watchdog and in forming and influencing opinion. In this respect the press may also be
regarded as a reflection of South African society. This study investigates the role that the
press played and the influence that it exercised in the political and economic mobilisation
of the organised labour movement during the period 1908 to 1924. In view of the racial
divisions that have prevailed in South Africa, the focus here is specifically on the white
labour movement, because it was this manifestation of the organised labour force that
virtually dominated the first few decades of the twentieth century. During this time the
black labour movement was still to a large extent under-developed and began to emerge
only around the 1920s.
Organised labour flourished during the period under review. This period is characterised as
one of political turbulence, as well as of large scale and serious industrial unrest, as part of
the cathartic process in which the relationship between the state and its subjects in the field
of labour took shape. The study adopts as its point of departure the year 1908, when the
National Convention began its deliberations on the unification of South Africa, which in
turn led to the official founding of the South African Labour Party in October 1909. The
Labour Party operated independently until 1924, when the alliance between the National
Party and the Labour Party won the election held in that year and formed the Pact coalition
From an economic point of view there were two clear positions. On the one hand, there
were the so-called establishment press organizations. These included Afrikaans-language
newspapers, although - because of their ethnic commitments - they were strongly in favour
of the protection of the economic position of the Afrikaner workers. On the other hand,
there were anti-capitalist press organisations that wished to promote proactive steps in
favour of the workers, which in tum often resulted in industrial conflict in the form of
strikes. These tensions in the economic terrain spilled over into the political sphere elections, and here too the press played a central role in the often tense relationship between
state and subject.
In order to understand a meaningful analysis of the social role of the press, the following
press organs and study materials were selected: The Star was the mouthpiece of the
powerful Witwatersrand gold-mining industry. Die Burger and Ons Vaderland played a
great role in the political and economic mobilisation of the Afrikaner working class whose
sympathies lay with the National Party. The following labour-orientated and socialist
papers reflected and interpreted the political and economic points of view of the labour
movement in the period 1908 - 1924: Voice of Labour, The Worker, The Eastern Record,
The Evening Chronicle, The War on War Gazette, The International, The Labour World,
The Bolshevik and The Guardian. In addition, the role of a number of extremist strike
newspapers In mobilising workers during the strikes of 1913, 1914 and 1922, is also
The press played an important role in exposing a number of cardinal issues that dominated
the discourse within the labour movement to greater public criticism and discussion. The
effect of this was to raise the struggle between labour and capital for hegemony in the
political and economic life of South Africa - as happened every time during election
campaigns - to the level of the national political debate. Furthermore, the press, and
specifically the right-wing labour and left-wing socialist press organs, also reflected the
deep ideological divisions in the labour movement. In this respect, it was particularly the
views of these press organs on race and the place of black people in the industrial
dispensation that determined and influenced their political creeds. The mobilising power of
the press was vividly illustrated by the strike papers. By propounding militant extremism
these papers often succeeded in sweeping up industrial unrest among workers to the level of
violence, which meant that the authorities were compelled to suppress these publications by
means of martial law proclamations. It is probable that the SALP, and especially the
socialist organisations, on the periphery of the political spectrum, would not have survived
for long in South African politics without the communicative support of their mouthpieces. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gedurende die 20ste eeu het die pers, as bron van inligting, kommunikasie- en
propagandamedium, opvoeder, kritikus, openbare waghond en meningsvormer en -beihvloeder,
'n uiters belangrike samelewingsrol vertolk. In hierdie opsig kan die pers ook as
'n weerspieeling van die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing beskou word. Hierdie studie
ondersoek die rol wat die pers gespeel het en die invloed wat dit as openbare
memngsvormer met betrekking tot die politieke en ekonomiese mobilisasie van die
georganiseerde arbeiderbeweging gedurende die tydperk 1908 tot 1924 uitgeoefen het.
Gegewe die historiese rasseverdeeldheid in Suid-Afrika, is daar spesifiek op die blanke
arbeiderbeweging gekonsentreer, aangesien dit die arbeidsterrein gedurende die eerste paar
dekades van die twintigste eeu feitlik oorheers het. Die swart arbeiderbeweging was in
daardie stadium nog grootliks onderontwikkeld en het eers om en by die twintigerjare begin
Die betrokke tydperk was 'n tydperk van hoogbloei VIr die georganiseerde blanke
arbeiderbeweging. Dit word veral gekenmerk as 'n tydperk van politieke onstuirnigheid,
asook van groot en ernstige endemiese nywerheidsonrus en konflik, as dee 1van 'n katarsis
waardeur die verhouding tussen staat en onderdaan op die arbeidsterrein uitgekristalliseer
het. Die vertrekpunt van die studie is 1908, toe die sittings van die Nasionale Konvensie
met die oog op die unifikasie van Suid-Afrika 'n aanvang geneem het en ook aanleiding
gegee het tot die amptelike stigting van die Suid-Afrikaanse Arbeidersparty in
Oktober 1909. Dit strek tot 1924, toe die verkiesingsalliansie van die Nasionale Party en
die Arbeidersparty die oorwinning by die stembus behaal en die Pakt-koalisieregering
gevorm het.
Vanuit 'n ekonomiese oogpunt gesien, was daar twee duidelike stellingnamens. Enersyds
was daar die sogenaamde establishment-persorgane. Hieronder ressorteer ook
Afrikaanstalige koerante, alhoewel hulle as gevolg van 'n etniese verbondenheid sterk ten
gunste van die beskerming van die ekonomiese posisie van die Afrikanerwerkers was.
Andersyds was daar anti-kapitalistiese persorgane wat 'n pro-aktiewe optrede ten behoewe
van die werkers, wat dikwels op nywerheidskonflik in die vorm van stakings uitgeloop het wou bevorder. Hierdie gespannenheid op ekonomiese terrein het oorgespoel na die
politieke sfeer van verkiesings en ook daarin het die pers, in die dikwels gespanne
verhouding tussen owerheid en onderdaan, 'n sentrale rol gespeel.
Ten einde 'n sinvolle ontleding van die samelewingsrol van die pers te kon doen, is die
volgende persorgane as studiemateriaal geselekteer: The Star was die mondstuk van die
magtige kapitalistiese, Witwatersrandse goudmynindustrie. Die Burger en Ons Vaderland
het 'n groot rol in die politieke en ekonomiese mobilisasie van die Nasionaalgesinde
Afrikanerwerkersklas vervul. Die volgende arbeider- en sosialistiese blaaie het die
politieke en ekonomiese uitgangspunte van die arbeiderbeweging in die tydperk 1908 tot
1924 weerspieel en vertolk: Voice of Labour, The Worker, The Eastern Record, The
Evening Chronicle, The War on War Gazette, The International, The Labour World, The
Bolshevik en The Guardian. Daarby is ook die mobiliseringsrol wat 'n aantal
ekstremistiese stakersblaaie in die stakings van 1913, 1914 en 1922 gespeel het, ondersoek.
Die pers het 'n belangrike rol gespeel om 'n aantal kardinale kwessies, wat die diskoers
binne die arbeidergeledere oorheers het, ook aan groter openbare kritiek en bespreking
bloot te stel. Sodoende is die stryd tussen arbeid en kapitaal om die hegemonie van die
Suid-Afrikaanse politieke en ekonomiese lewe byvoorbeeld telkens tydens
verkiesingsveldtogte tot die nasionale debat verhef. Daarbenewens het die pers, spesifiek
by monde van die regse arbeider- en linkse sosialistiese persorgane, ook die diepe
ideologiese verdeeldheid in arbeidergeledere weerspieel. In hierdie opsig was dit veral
hulle rassebeskouings en die posisie van die swart man in die nywerheidsbestel wat die
politieke credo van hierdie persorgane bepaal en befuvloed het. Die mobiliseringsmag van
die pers is treffend dem stakerblaaie gemustreer. Dem militante ekstremisme te verkondig,
kon sodanige blaaie dikwels daarin slaag om nywerheidsonrus onder werkers tot die vlak
van geweld op te sweep sodat die owerheid dan genoop was om hierdie publikasies dem
middel van Krygswetproklamasies te onderdruk. Synde op die periferie van die politieke
spektrum, sou die SAAP, en veral die sosia1istiese organisasies, sonder kommunikatiewe
ondersteuning van hulle spreekbuise waarskynlik slegs 'n kortstondige politieke bestaan in
die Suid-Afrikaanse politiek gevoer het.
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An analysis of the censorship of popular music within the context of cultural struggle in South Africa during the 1980sDrewett, Michael January 2004 (has links)
The censorship of popular music in South Africa during the 1980s severely affected South African musicians. The apartheid government was directly involved in centralized state censorship by means of the Directorate of Publications, while the South African Broadcasting Corporation exercised government censorship at the level of airplay. Others who assisted state censorship included religious and cultural interest groups. State censorship in turn put pressure on record companies, musicians and others to practice self-censorship. Many musicians who overtly sang about taboo topics or who used controversial language subsequently experienced censorship in different forms, including police harassment. Musicians were also subject to anti-apartheid forms of censorship,such as the United Nations endorsed cultural boycott. Not all instances of censorship were overtly political, but they were always framed by, and took place within, a repressive legal-political system. This thesis found that despite the state's attempt to maintain its hegemony, musicians sought ways of overcoming censorship practices. It is argued that the ensuing struggle cannot be conceived of in simple binary terms. The works of Antonio Gramsci, Michel Foucault and Pierre Bourdieu, in particular, are applied to the South African context in exploring the localized nuances of the cultural struggle over music censorship. It is argued that fragmented resistance to censorship arose out of the very censorship structures that attempted to silence musicians. Textual analysis brought to light that resistance took various forms including songs with provocative lyrics and titles, and more subtle means of bypassing censorship, including the use of symbolism, camouflaged lyrics, satire and crossover performance. Musicians were faced with the challenge of bypassing censors yet nevertheless conveying their message to an audience. The most successful cases negotiated censorial practices while getting an apparent message across to a wide audience. Broader forms of resistance were also explored, including opposition through live performance, counter-hegemonic information on record covers, resistance from exile, alignment with political organizations and legal challenges to state censorship. In addition, some record companies developed strategies of resistance to censorship. The many innovative practices outlined in this thesis demonstrate that even in the context of constraint, resistance is possible. Despite censorship, South African musicians were able to express themselves through approaching their music in an innovative way.
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Eienaarskap, beheer en befondsing van skole in Suid-Afrika : `n studie in tydsperspektiefJansen, Thomas Tobias 30 November 2006 (has links)
In this study the ownership, governance and funding of schools in South Africa are examined in time perspective in order to show the development of the above-mentioned aspects in South Africa through the ages, and to provide recommendations for the future. In the historical survey the ownership, governance and funding of schools in South Africa from 1652 to 2004 are indicated. This has been done for the Whites, Coloureds, Indians and Blacks.
The historical pattern of the provision of education in South Africa has often changed during the period under discussion. The education of Whites, Coloureds, Indians and Blacks was provided, and funded separately (1652 to 1993). Imbalances and inequities were common phenomena. Attempts to address the above issues (1994 to 2004) are also indicated.
Finally, some recommendations for redressing the present imbalances and inequities with regard to the above three aspects are provided. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (History of Education)
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South African botanical art : a study of nineteenth- and twentieth-century imageryBlake, Tamlin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Botanical art consists of a complex combination of scientific fact and aesthetic awareness, and is
concerned with more than the realistic representation of a plant and its flowers. It goes beyond
the visual description of scientific information and speaks about the contributions artists have
made through history to the conventions of both art and science. It contains a unique visual
language, conventions which we read intelligently and an evolved tradition, and it is this
language and the development of these conventions within the genre of South African botanical
art, which this thesis investigates.
In South Africa botanical art developed as a direct result of European interest in the flora and
the colonisation of this country by the West. A brief history of responses to South African
plants is discussed in the Introduction in order to begin to establish an understanding of this
tradition and to contextualise the contributions made by 19th-and 20th -century South African
botanical artists.
Now that postmodernity has called for the reassessment and questioning of 'given truths',
alternative ways of assessing botanical art are slowly evolving. Through study and the
comparison of botanical art and artists of South Africa their evaluation as artists is reconsidered.
This issue of defining art and artists is the subject of Chapter One of this study.
Some of the factors that have a bearing on this include: relationships between text and image; art
and science; art and illustration; and how society's expectations of gender roles affect the
production of botanical art.
In order to establish a context from which to discuss plant imagery in South Africa, it is
important to study the history and development of botanical art in this country. Chapter Two
discusses the emergence and development of this art form and its artists, starting with a short
description of people and events from the 1600s and then takes a comprehensive look at
developments in the 19th and 20m centuries. For the artists working within the genre of botanical art, the conventions and inventions are
often explicitly formulated. It is an art based on the logic, scrutiny and informative tradition of
science, where the main objective is to represent a plant's structural essence. Fundamental to our
response to botanical art, however, is the style and technique employed by the artist. Chapter
Three is devoted to a detailed discussion of the work of selected contemporary South African
botanical art and artists. By comparing their work it is possible to establish trends and
developments in representation and the role played by mediums and techniques in this highly
skilled art form.
Since this research has both a theoretical and a practical component, Chapter Four is devoted to
discussion of my own work within the botanical art genre. I describe and illustrate several related
series of paintings and explore established conventions and ways of developing my own stylistic
identity as a botanical artist. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Botaniese kuns bestaan uit 'n komplekse kombinasie van wetenskaplike feite en estetiese
bewustheid, en is gemoeid met baie meer as net die realistiese voorstelling van 'n plant en sy
blomme. Dit gaan verder as net die blote visuele uitbeelding van wetenskaplike informasie, en
behels die bydraes wat kunstenaars deur die geskiedenis tot die konvensies van beide kuns en die
wetenskap gemaak het. Botaniese kuns besit 'n unieke visuele taal, konvensies wat intelligent
gelees word, en 'n ontwikkelde tradisie. Hierdie tesis ondersoek juis hierdie spesiale taal en
ontwikkeling van konvensies binne die genre van Suid-Afrikaanse botaniese kuns.
Botaniese kuns in Suid-Afrika het ontwikkel as In direkte gevolg van Europese belangstelling in
die flora, en Westerse kolonialisasie van hierdie land. In die Inleidingword daar kortliks gekyk na
die geskiedenis van die hantering van Suid-Afrikaanse plante, en het ten doelom eerstens 'n
begrip van hierdie tradisie daar te stel, en tweedens om die bydraes van 19de en 20ste eeuse
Suid-Afrikaanse botaniese kunstenaars te kontekstualiseer.
Sedert Postmodernisme die herevaluering en bevraagtekening van gegewewe waarhede
aangewakker het, is die ontwikkeling van alternatiewe maniere van kyk na botaniese kuns stadig
besig om plaas te vind. Deur die bestudering en vergelyking van botaniese kuns en kunstenaars
van Suid-Afrika, word die botaniese kunstenaar se status as kunstenaar uitgelig. Hierdie kwessie
oor die defmieëring van kuns en kunstenaars is die onderwerp van Hoofstuk 1 van hierdie
werkstuk. 'n Paar van die faktore wat In invloed op laasgenoemde het, sluit in: verhoudinge
tussen beeld en teks; kuns en wetenskap; kuns en illustrasie; en hoe kwessies van geslag soos
waargeneem deur die samelewing die produsering van botaniese kuns beïnvloed.
Dit is belangrik om die geskiedenis en ontwikkeling van botaniese kuns in Suid-Afrika te
bestudeer, sodat daar 'n konteks geskep kan word waarbinne die afbeelding van plante in hierdie
land bespreek kan word. Hoofstuk 2 behandel die totstandkoming en ontwikkeling van hierdie
kunsvorm en sy kunstenaars, en begin met 'n kort beskrywing van mense en gebeurtenisse van
die 1600s wat gevolg word deur 'n uitgebreide kyk na ontwikkelinge gedurende die 19de en 20ste
eeue. Vir die kunstenaars wat werk binne die genre van botaniese kuns, is die konvensies en
bevindings van die medium dikwels breedvoerig geformuleer. Dit is 'n kunsvorm gebasseer op
die logiese, navorsbare en insiggewende tradisie van die wetenskap, waar die hoofdoel die
voorstelling van 'n plant se strukturele essensie is. Fundementeel in die benadering tot botaniese
kuns is die styl en tegniek wat deur die kunstenaar gebruik word. Hoofstuk 3 word gewy aan 'n
gedetailleerde bespreking van die werk van geselekteerde kontemporêre Suid-Afrikaanse
bot~iese kuns en kunstenaars. Deur hul werk te vergelyk is dit moontlik om tendense en
ontwikkelings in die voorstelling en aanbieding van botaniese kuns te bepaal, en wat die rol van
verskillende mediums en tegnieke in hierdie hoogs geskoolde kunsvorm behels.
Weens die feit dat hierdie navorsing uit 'n teoretiese en praktiese komponent bestaan, word
Hoofstuk 4 gewy aan 'n bespreking van my praktiese werk binne die genre van botaniese kuns.
Ek beskryf en illustreer verskeie verwante reekse werke en kyk na bestaande konvensies en die
maniere hoe my eie stilistiese identiteit as botaniese kunstenaar kan ontwikkel binne die medium.
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Die deutschen Siedlungen in Suedafrika seit der Mitte des neunzehnten JahrhundertsHellberg, W. H. C. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt (Church History))--Stellenbosch University, 1954. / Please refer to full text for abstract.
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Die Kaap tydens die eerste Britse bewind, 1795-1803Giliomee, Hermann Buhr,1938- 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD) -- Stellenbosch University, 1971. / INLEIDING: Teen die einde van die agtiende eeu het die Kaapkolonie se bevolking uit tussen 60 000 en 70 000 siele bestaan. Hiervan was ongeveer 22 000 Christene (van wie ongeveer 20 000 Blankes was), 25 000 slawe en 14 000 Hottentotte. ) Daarbenewens het ook onbekende getalle Boesmans en Bantoes hulle in die noordelike en oostelike dele van die kolonie onderskeidelik bevind. Teen 1795 was daar nog geen noordgrens vir die kolonie vasgestel nie.
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Die Franse bydrae tot en invloed op Africana-literatuur vanaf 1622 tot 1902 met spesiale verwysing na Franse en vroee Afrikaanse tekste.Sienaert, Marilet. January 1985 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1985.
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