Spelling suggestions: "subject:"african policy"" "subject:"frican policy""
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Commodity production and African migration to Turkey, Now and in the premodern pastDuymus, Kerem, Şaul, Mahir 20 March 2025 (has links)
African Migration in Turkey is an under-researched area despite the long history of migration between West Africa and the Ottoman Empire and the large number of African migrants in Turkey. The connection of this historical and contemporary migration movement with commodity production reveals not only the basic dynamics and patterns but also the global character of this mobility. While the flow of labor and commodities between Africa and Turkey continues, especially with Turkey's new Africa policy after 2002, African migrants are also implementing their own interests and agendas. Thus, an interdisciplinary approach encompassing history, economics, and anthropology reveals intertwined transformations and networks that provide a perspective for historical changes. / A migração africana na Turquia é uma área pouco pesquisada, apesar da longa história de migração entre a África Ocidental e o Império Otomano e do grande número de migrantes africanos na Turquia. A conexão entre esse movimento migratório histórico e contemporâneo e a produção de commodities revela não apenas as dinâmicas e padrões básicos, mas também o caráter global dessa mobilidade. Enquanto o fluxo de trabalho e commodities entre a África e a Turquia continua, especialmente com o surgimento de uma nova política africana da Turquia após 2002, os migrantes africanos também estão implementando seus próprios interesses e agendas. Assim, uma abordagem interdisciplinar que abrange história, economia e antropologia revela transformações e redes entrelaçadas que nos fornecem uma perspectiva para as mudanças históricas.
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La coopération de défense et de sécurité française en Afrique de l'Ouest : une géopolitique du postcolonial francophone / The French defense and security cooperation in West Africa : geopolitics of francophone postcolonial.Padonou, Oswald 24 March 2016 (has links)
La coopération structurelle et opérationnelle de défense et de sécurité entre la France et les Etats francophones de la CEDEAO est caractérisée par des configurations différenciées observées d’un Etat à un autre et par la prévalence d’une interdépendance stratégique entre la France et ses partenaires. Depuis 2007, outre le renouvellement des accords instituant un partenariat de défense entre la France et certains de ces partenaires, cette coopération s’insère dans un contexte marqué par la régionalisation des enjeux et des solutions de sécurité ainsi que l’intérêt de nouveaux acteurs favorisant un afflux d’offres d’assistance et de coopération. On sort donc du « huis-clos » bilatéral des accords post-indépendances et des pratiques qui en ont résulté, pour analyser la relation Afrique-France à l’aune de plusieurs paramètres déterminés par ses évolutions récentes. Cette étude ambitionne dans une perspective postcolonialiste, de déconstruire les oppositions binaires et la généralisation en apportant des outils de mesure et de comparaison de la coopération, dans le temps et dans l’espace ; en mettant en exergue les nuances ; en proposant une typologie et surtout en relevant les bénéfices que procure la coopération à chaque catégorie d’acteur. A partir de la théorie du comportement coopératif de Robert Axelrod, notamment sa variante « donnant-donnant », il est démontré que la pérennisation de la coopération réside dans l’intérêt des parties à coopérer qui surpasse l’abstention. En raison de ce dépassement du « fait » et de « l’héritage colonial », le postcolonialisme pourrait alors représenter un modèle d’analyse des relations internationales contemporaines et la Francophonie, un espace empreint de « profondeur stratégique ». / Structural and operational defense and security cooperation between France and Francophone states of ECOWAS is characterized by different configurations depending on the perspectives of each stakeholder. They are also characterized by strategic interdependence between France and its partners. Since 2007, besides the renewal of agreements setting up a defence partnership between France and its partners, this cooperation is taking place in a context marked by the regionalization of stakes and security responses in the West African region and the increasing interest of non-traditional actors providing increasing flows of assistance and cooperation. These new parameters breaking the traditional behind “closed-doors” of bilateral post-independance agreements, practices and interpretations that were traditionally mobilized to analyse Africa-France relations. By using a postcolonial perspective, this study aims at deconstructing conventional binary oppositions and generalizations by bringing in new tools of comparison of cooperation, in time and space and by highlighting the nuances. It also aims at suggesting a typology of the benefits that different categories of actors gain from this cooperation. Building on Robert Axelrod’s theory of cooperative attitude, and its ”win-win” component, this study demonstrates that the lasting of cooperation resides in the interests each party finds in cooperating beyond abstaining. Due to this capacity to rise above the "fact" and "colonial legacy", the postcolonialism could then be a model of analysis of contemporary international relations and “Francophonie”, a space marked of "strategic depth".
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La politique africaine de l'administration Clinton à l'épreuve de la gouvernance / The Administration Clinton's African Policy to the test of the governanceWysocki, Oswald 09 June 2011 (has links)
Pour la première fois dans l'histoire américaine, une politique africaine ambitieuse et raisonnée, s'adressant à l'ensemble du continent, a été mise en place lors de la présidence Clinton (1993-2001). Cette politique fut développée et appliquée à la faveur des évolutions du contexte international, et particulièrement de la mondialisation. Celle-ci rendit nécessaire une politique américaine globale du fait de l'interdépendance croissante des enjeux, et posa entre autres la question des relations américano-africaines du point de vue d'une recomposition géostratégique et économique globale. Les évolutions constatées sur le continent africain dans le domaine politique et économique, en rencontrant la volonté de l'administration Clinton, permirent à une politique de rapprochement de voir le jour. Celle-ci fut basée sur l'objectif principal du développement des relations économiques et commerciales entre les deux espaces. Cet objectif fut conditionné par la recherche de nouveaux débouchés pour les productions américaines, et fut relié dans la rhétorique américaine aux opportunités de développement qu'il offrait aux pays africains. La politique américaine de partenariat avec la région se développa autour de cet axe. Divers domaines d'actions vinrent élargir le champ de cette politique, articulant les opportunités et les nécessités américaines avec les perspectives de développement, de réforme et de pacification du continent.La gouvernance de la politique africaine de l'administration Clinton donna l'image d'un processus cohérent et maîtrisé, aboutissant à l'implantation d'une politique importante aux thématiques variées, qui marqua de son empreinte l'histoire des relations américano-africaines. Cette gouvernance parvint de même à atteindre son objectif principal, qui était de faire adopter la loi sur le commerce entre les Etats-Unis et l'Afrique. Au titre de ces deux éléments, cette gouvernance fut une réussite. Afin d'atteindre cette forme d'accomplissement, la gouvernance de cette politique dut s'appliquer à de multiples niveaux et dans nombre de domaines recouvert par son processus, avec la nécessité de prendre en compte un nombre important et disparate de paramètres pour aboutir à son harmonisation d'ensemble et à sa réussite finale. Pour cela, elle s'est appliquée sous diverses formes, afin de gérer au mieux chacun des aspects entrant en ligne de compte dans le développement de son objet principal. A l'épreuve de la gouvernance, la politique africaine de l'administration Clinton a démontré la complexité qui a procédé de son édification, et le rôle essentiel de la communication dans le processus de sa gouvernance. Si certains aspects de la politique fondée ont pu démontrer leurs lacunes ou leur décalage d'avec le discours officiel, la politique africaine a néanmoins su atteindre ses objectifs, laisser une image positive de son action et mettre en place un lien pérenne entre les Etats-Unis et l'Afrique, dont elle restera l'étape initiale et historique d'édification. / For the first time in American history, an ambitious, comprehensive African policy was set up during the Clinton's presidency (1993-2001). This politic was developed and applied, according to the evolutions of the international context, and particularly on account of the globalisation's paradigm. The growing interdependency of the issues made necessary a global American policy, asking among other things the question of the American-African relations, from a global, strategic and economical point of view. The political and economical evolutions on Africa, meeting the will of the Clinton's administration, gave to an African policy chances to can be done. The objective of this politic was first and foremost to strengthen economics and trades relations between the two areas. It was motivated by the search of new outlets for American products and investments, and linked to development opportunities this way gave to the African countries. The American partnership with Africa was developed around this thematic axis. Afterwards, others initiatives extended the area of this policy, articulating the US opportunities and necessities with the continent's perspectives of development, reform and pacification.The governance of the Clinton administration's African policy gave it the appearances of a coherent and controlled process, leading to the implement of an important, varied-topics policy, which marked the American-African relations history. This governance also succeeded to reach his leading goal, which was the proclamation of an American-African trade bill. According to these two elements, this governance was a success. In order to get this fulfil, the governance of this African policy had to be applied to many levels and areas which were parts of his process, with the necessity to take care about many and different parameters to carry out his harmonisation and to success. For that, the governance was applied on many ways, in order to manage for the best the characteristics they took part in his construction. Putting to the test by his governance, the Clinton's administration African policy has showed the complexity of his building, and the essential function of the institutional communication in the governance process. If some aspects of this policy could showed their gap or their discrepancy with the US official speak, the African policy has nevertheless reached his objectives, set up a positive impress of his action, and implemented the ties between the United States and the Africa they has been continuing to be growth, making this policy the first and historical step of building to topical, and probably future, American-African relations.
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On Critical Junctures and Legacies : an Analysis of the Evolution of Brazil’s African Affairs (1985-2015)Lima Machado, Iara Binta 08 1900 (has links)
Le but de ce mémoire est d’analyser l’évolution de la politique africaine du Brésil et des relations Brésil-Afrique, en mettant l’accent sur les changements apportés par le président Lula da Silva depuis son arrivé au pouvoir en 2003. La portée du travail couvre la période allant du milieu des années 1980 jusqu’en 2015, alors se prolongeant dans l’administration de Dilma Rousseff. Il suit le cadre théorique proposé par David Collier et Ruth Collier (1991) relatif aux conjonctures critiques, incluant quelques adaptations pour le contexte de cette recherche. L’étude est divisée en quatre chapitres, en partant d’une revue de littérature, suivie par une analyse de l’engagement brésilien en Afrique entre 1985 et 2002. Les deux derniers chapitres se concentrent, respectivement, sur la conjoncture critique hypothétique et sur l’héritage de la nouvelle politique africaine du Brésil. Le travail termine par tirer des conclusions ainsi que par souligner des contributions pour l’étude de la politique étrangère du Brésil, y compris sur l’applicabilité des modèles théoriques peu utilisés dans le domaine, tels que celui des conjonctures critiques. / The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the evolution of Brazil’s African policy and Brazil-African relations, lending particular emphasis to those changes brought by President Lula da Silva since his accession to power in 2003. The scope of the work covers the period from the mid-1980s through 2015, extending into President Dilma Rousseff‘s administration. It follows the theoretical framework proposed by David Collier and Ruth Collier (1991) on critical junctures, including some adaptations to the context of the present research. The study is divided into four main chapters, starting with the literature review, followed by an analysis of Brazil’s African engagement between 1985 and 2002. Immediately after, the two remaining chapters, respectively, focus on the hypothesized critical juncture and the legacy of Brazil’s new African policy. The work closes by drawing conclusions and stating its contribution to the broader study of Brazil’s foreign policy, including the applicability of underexplored theoretical models in the field, such as the critical junctures framework. / O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar a evolução da política africana do Brasil e as relações Brasil-África, dando ênfase especial às mudanças trazidas pelo Presidente Lula da Silva desde sua ascensão ao poder em 2003. O escopo do trabalho cobre o período desde os meados dos anos 1980 até 2015, estendendo-se até a administração da Presidente Dilma Rousseff. O arcabouço teórico escolhido é aquele proposto por David Collier and Ruth Collier (1991) que focaliza conjunturas críticas, incluindo algumas adaptações para o contexto da presente pesquisa. O estudo é dividido em quatro capítulos principais, iniciando pela revisão de literatura, seguida de uma análise do comprometimento africano do Brasil entre 1985 e 2002. Logo a seguir, os dois capítulos restantes focalizam, respectivamente, a conjuntura crítica hipotetizada e o legado da nova política africana do Brasil. O trabalho finaliza apresentando conclusões e afirmando sua contribuição para o estudo mais abrangente da política exterior do Brasil, incluindo-se a aplicabilidade de modelos teóricos pouco explorados na área, tais como a perspectiva das conjunturas críticas.
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Inserção internacional no governo Lula o papel da política africana / International insertion in the Lula government: the role of african policyDhiego de Moura Mapa 17 April 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O arco geográfico de atuação internacional de um país se delimita a partir das linhas de ação traçadas pela política externa. No caso brasileiro, o continente africano é percebido pelo pensamento diplomático como espaço privilegiado para a presença internacional do Brasil, em vista dos laços históricos e culturais, além de complementaridades econômicas e políticas. Essa percepção apresentou oscilações ao longo dos anos, nas relações Brasil-África, em uma dinâmica de maior aproximação ou afastamento, em vista de conjunturas internacionais e domésticas de ambos os lados. Nos últimos anos, ao longo do governo de Lula da Silva no Brasil, esse movimento convergiu para o estreitamento de laços e estabelecimento de parcerias e acordos de cooperação diversos. A compreensão desse processo, bem como de seus desdobramentos iniciais, é o que se pretende tratar na dissertação ora apresentada. Ao arguir acerca da relevância das relações diplomáticas do Brasil com países africanos, a presente dissertação baseou-se em levantamento de dados de comércio exterior, análise de discurso diplomático, leitura de reflexões de especialistas e acompanhamento dos desdobramentos suscitados pela valorização do continente africano para a política externa brasileira. A pesquisa efetuada encaminhou-se para o levantamento da hipótese acerca da assertividade e pragmatismo da política africana de Lula da Silva, em vista de seus resultados e vínculos com o interesse nacional. / The geographic scope of international activities of a country is drawn from guidelines of action established by its foreign policy. In Brazilian case, the African continent has been perceived by the diplomatic school of thought as a privileged place for the Brazilian international presence, because of historical and cultural ties, and also because of economic and political complementarities. In the Brazil-Africa relations, this perception has varied over the years, generating rapprochements or retractions, due to international and domestic contexts of both sides. In recent years, over the government of Lula da Silva in Brazil, this movement converged to stronger ties and partnerships and diversified cooperation agreements. The understanding this process, as well as its initial development, is what will be addressed by this thesis. From the questioning of the importance of diplomatic relations between Brazil and African countries, this thesis is based on survey data on foreign trade, the diplomatic discourse analysis, the reading of expert analysis and the monitoring of developments in the appreciation of the role of African continent for Brazilian foreign policy. The research has led to the lifting of the hypothesis about the assertiveness and pragmatism of African policy of Lula da Silva government, according to their results and relations with the national interest.
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Inserção internacional no governo Lula o papel da política africana / International insertion in the Lula government: the role of african policyDhiego de Moura Mapa 17 April 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O arco geográfico de atuação internacional de um país se delimita a partir das linhas de ação traçadas pela política externa. No caso brasileiro, o continente africano é percebido pelo pensamento diplomático como espaço privilegiado para a presença internacional do Brasil, em vista dos laços históricos e culturais, além de complementaridades econômicas e políticas. Essa percepção apresentou oscilações ao longo dos anos, nas relações Brasil-África, em uma dinâmica de maior aproximação ou afastamento, em vista de conjunturas internacionais e domésticas de ambos os lados. Nos últimos anos, ao longo do governo de Lula da Silva no Brasil, esse movimento convergiu para o estreitamento de laços e estabelecimento de parcerias e acordos de cooperação diversos. A compreensão desse processo, bem como de seus desdobramentos iniciais, é o que se pretende tratar na dissertação ora apresentada. Ao arguir acerca da relevância das relações diplomáticas do Brasil com países africanos, a presente dissertação baseou-se em levantamento de dados de comércio exterior, análise de discurso diplomático, leitura de reflexões de especialistas e acompanhamento dos desdobramentos suscitados pela valorização do continente africano para a política externa brasileira. A pesquisa efetuada encaminhou-se para o levantamento da hipótese acerca da assertividade e pragmatismo da política africana de Lula da Silva, em vista de seus resultados e vínculos com o interesse nacional. / The geographic scope of international activities of a country is drawn from guidelines of action established by its foreign policy. In Brazilian case, the African continent has been perceived by the diplomatic school of thought as a privileged place for the Brazilian international presence, because of historical and cultural ties, and also because of economic and political complementarities. In the Brazil-Africa relations, this perception has varied over the years, generating rapprochements or retractions, due to international and domestic contexts of both sides. In recent years, over the government of Lula da Silva in Brazil, this movement converged to stronger ties and partnerships and diversified cooperation agreements. The understanding this process, as well as its initial development, is what will be addressed by this thesis. From the questioning of the importance of diplomatic relations between Brazil and African countries, this thesis is based on survey data on foreign trade, the diplomatic discourse analysis, the reading of expert analysis and the monitoring of developments in the appreciation of the role of African continent for Brazilian foreign policy. The research has led to the lifting of the hypothesis about the assertiveness and pragmatism of African policy of Lula da Silva government, according to their results and relations with the national interest.
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Les nouveaux défis et enjeux de la politique étrangère de la France en Afrique francophone subsaharienne / The new challenges and issues of the foreign policy of France in French-speaking Sub-Saharan AfricaGomis, François 26 November 2014 (has links)
Des années 1960 jusqu’à la fin de la guerre froide, voire au-delà, l’influence voire la prépondérance de la France sur les territoires francophones d’Afrique noire est presque totale. Cependant, en ce XXIème siècle naissant, la compétition mondiale dans la recherche de nouveaux débouchés et de la sécurisation de l’approvisionnement énergétique amène inexorablement les grandes puissances à entrer en ‘‘conflit d’intérêts’’ par la pénétration réciproque des « arrière-cours ». Ceci est particulièrement vrai pour la France qui voit des pays tels que les Etats-Unis, la Chine, l’Inde, le Brésil, la Turquie, les pays du Golfe, etc., faire une entrée fracassante dans une région géographique qu’elle considère depuis longtemps comme sa « chasse gardée » compte tenu des liens historique, linguistique et politique. Ces nouveaux défis et enjeux pour la politique africaine de la France se mesurent désormais, à l’aune des transformations à l’œuvre sur la scène internationale avec la mondialisation et l’émergence de nouvelles puissances du Sud. Les défis et les enjeux sont importants pour l’action extérieure de la France et sa place dans le monde, compte tenu de la concurrence féroce des nouveaux acteurs et des changements des sociétés africaines en cours. Néanmoins elle possède encore des atouts économiques, diplomatiques et stratégiques susceptibles de lui permettre d’élaborer, grâce à l’espace culturel francophone, un projet original, ambitieux et porteur d’espoir. Pour ce faire, il faudra répondre aux deux interrogations suivantes : Comment réformer cette politique traditionnelle basée sur des relations étroites et privilégiées avec les dirigeants africains sans toutefois compromettre les avantages comparatifs de la France sur place? Quelle stratégie politique mettre en œuvre pour identifier les véritables intérêts communs des Français et des Africains francophones, en tenant compte des opportunités et des menaces, et les développer dans un partenariat mutuellement bénéfique ? / From 1960s to the end of the cold war, even beyond, the influence even the supremacy of France in the French-speaking territories in Sub-Saharan Africa is almost total. However, in this 21st century, the world competition in the research of new markets and the security of the energy supply leads inexorably the great powers to enter in “conflict of interests” by the mutual penetration of the “back-yards”. This is particularly true for France which has countries such as the United States, China, India, Brazil, Turkey, the Gulf Arab States, etc., to make a dramatic entrance in a geographical area where she judged it for a long time as her “exclusive domain” considering the historical, linguistic and political links. These new challenges and issues for the African policy of France are measured from now on, in the light of the transformations at work in the world with the globalization and the emergence of new powers of the South. The challenges and the issues are important for the external action of France and its place in the World, considering the fierce competition between new stakeholders and the ongoing African society changes. Nevertheless it still has economic, diplomatic and strategic assets which enable him to elaborate, thanks to the francophone cultural center, an original project, ambitious and promising. With this aim in mind, it will be necessary to answer to the two following questions: How to reform this traditional policy based on close and privileged relationships with African leaders without compromising, however, the comparative advantages of France on the spot? Which political strategy has to be implemented in order to identify the real common interests of the French and the French-speaking Africans, by taking into account the opportunities and threats, and to develop them in a mutually beneficial partnership?
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