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Le discours cinématographique dans Afrique Je te plumerai de Téno et Guelwaar de Sembene: histoire, symbolisme, négritude et panafricanismeMenneguin, Meghan Gail 05 June 2015 (has links)
The reductive representations stemming from Western cinematic depiction of the African cultures have exacerbated the issue of Western hegemony over African countries. The first representations of Africa were of the exotic genre and failed to portray the socio-political history and culture of the indigenous people. Much of these depictions were due to years of Western colonialism, the dominant idea found in Jean-Marie Ténos film, Afrique je te plumerai. In this film, the Cameroonian filmmaker creates an avenue of viewing history through the lens of the colonized, breaking the chains of hegemony. Ténos use of revolutionary cinematic techniques forces the audience to understand Western colonization of Cameroon and of other African countries by dismantling our own preconceived ideas of that particular era in history. The ails of colonialism are portrayed in this film and these particular themes are found in the writings of the literary movement, la Négritude where we find definitions of colonialism, the effects of colonialism on the indigenous people and the root of the revolutionary spirit it engendered. Where there is colonialism, there is neocolonialism, or the continuing financial and cultural domination of a people. The subject of neocolonialism is portrayed in the second film studied in this research, Guelwaar by Ousmane Sembene. In this film, the Senegalese filmmaker brings to question the controversy of food aid in formerly-colonized countries in Senegal as well as around the world. This form of neocolonialism and other forms of foreign domination in economically-weakened countries are also invoked in the writings of the literary movement Panafricanism, which urges the cultural and economic independence of African countries. Ténos didactic message is obvious to the viewer and even shocking whereas the message of Sembene is ingeniously hidden behind a film so colorful and mesmerizing, it appeases to any audience. / Master of Arts
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Daring to be destructive. Euphrase Kezilahabi’s onto-criticismLanfranchi, Benedetta 06 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This paper illustrates the ways in which Kezilahabi’s 1985 dissertation makes its own daring contribution to the field of aesthetic criticism through the proposition of a new critical approach to African literature. Kezilahabi’s starting point for the elaboration this new critical approach is the realization of a prevailing tendency among literary critics to read African literature against formal and aesthetic paradigms deeply rooted in the Western literary and philosophical traditions. Opposed to the adoption of interpretative frames that do not acknowledge the philosophical implications involved in literary analysis, Kezilahabi affirms the importance of approaching literary production from within the artistic and philosophical tradition it stems from. Inspired by hermeneutic philosophy, especially in its “ontological turn” embodied by the philosophy of Martin Heidegger, Kezilahabi’s focus is on literary interpretation as an ontological enterprise aimed at “situating” literature within a horizon of understanding where its proper universe of references can be disclosed.
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Regard porté sur une double culture : Omar Victor Diop, Yinka Shonibare, Kehinde WileyRAZAFINDRAKOTO, Fanja 04 1900 (has links)
Mémoire de recherche-Double culture. / Ce mémoire examine les contacts, les relations établies entre l’art qualifié d’occidental et les
arts actuels d’artistes d’origine africaine pour mettre en évidence l’émergence d’une dualité
culturelle émanant de deux mondes différents donnant naissance à un genre artistique
uniquement hybride. Il sera question de construire une étude se penchant sur le travail des
artistes Omar Victor Diop, Kehinde Wiley et Yinka Shonibare. En ayant recours à un médium
qui leur est propre, ces trois artistes réalisent un travail hybride associant cette double culture
dont ils ont hérité par le phénomène de la mondialisation. Les origines et nationalités
différentes auront leur importance dans cette analyse, Diop étant sénégalais, Wiley afroaméricain et Shonibare anglo-nigérian. C’est un moyen aussi d’analyser cette question de la
double identité que la mondialisation a entrainée par le prisme de l’art et la manière dont cela
se manifeste chez ces artistes. Nous assistons à une ouverture des frontières géographiques
créant ainsi de nouveaux contacts entre les différents pays notamment d’un point de vue
culturel. Ainsi, s’ajoute au phénomène de la mondialisation celui de la mouvance postcoloniale. Cette pensée post-coloniale nous pousse à nous questionner sur la manière dont les
artistes contemporains, et dans notre cas les artistes contemporains africains, définissent leur
identité et ce que la notion d’authenticité signifie pour eux. Il y a une remise en question des
stéréotypes, une réflexion autour de la binarité Occident/Orient, blanc/noir et enfin une
volonté de montrer l’importance de la place des Noirs dans l’histoire chez Wiley, Shonibare et
Diop. C’est donc une conscience commune autour de l’identité noire chez ces trois artistes qui
nous permet de les rattacher à la notion de panafricanisme. / This thesis investigates the relationships between Western art and the works of three artists of
African descent, Omar Victor Diop, Kehinde Wiley, and Yinka Shonibare, to uncover a
distinct artistic genre, called hybrid, through these artists’ respective media. The hybridity that
their art embodies results from the type of cultural duality that globalization enables. Of
particular interest are these artists’ nationalities and ethnic identities, Diop being Senegalese,
Wiley African-American, and Shonibare Anglo-Nigerien. As such the analysis unpacks the
phenomenon of cultural duality engendered by globalization through the prism of art and the
way it manifests itself in these artists’ works through which we witness the opening of
geographical borders, thus breaking down barriers between different countries, particularly
from a cultural point of view. In addition to the phenomenon of globalization, the thesis also
investigates whether these artists of hybridity find their place in the post-colonial movement.
The focus on the post-colonial era prompts us to question how contemporary artists, in this
case contemporary African artists, define their identities and reveal what authenticity means
to them. Stereotypes are questioned, as are the Western vs. non-Western and white vs. black
divides. Finally, the thesis investigates these artists’ desire to show the place that Black
people occupy in history. In this way, the black consciousness that runs through these three
artists’ works allows us to appreciate their contributions to Panafricanism.
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La coopération sino-africaine à travers le FOCAC. Contribution à une analyse empirique et théorique de la présence chinoise en Afrique noire / Contribution to the empirical and theoritical analysis of Chinese intervention in Subsaharan AfricaAlagbe, Mérick Freedy 12 March 2012 (has links)
Si la coopération sino-africaine dans le sillage des indépendances nationales des années soixante a trouvé son ferment dans l’idéologie révolutionnaire et l’esprit de Bandung, il n’en est point question de la nouvelle phase qui s’ouvre à l’aube du XXIème siècle. En effet, les mutations internationales intervenues dans la charnière des deux siècles, le renouvellement des acteurs des deux côtés et les réalités endogènes propres à chaque partie, ont accéléré l’entrée dans une nouvelle ère où l’économie devient la pierre angulaire de la coopération. La naissance du FOCAC traduit la volonté de mieux coordonner les relations entre la Chine et l’Afrique, en même temps qu’elle donne la mesure de l’intensité et du volume de leurs échanges. Quelle est donc cette institution qui regroupe autant d’Etats ? Quels sont ses fondements théoriques? Et quelle réponse apporte-elle aux nombreux contempteurs de la présence chinoise en Afrique ? Telles sont les principales articulations de ce travail. / Whereas the China-Africa cooperation under the tough era of decolonization in 1960’s was strongly fostered by shared revolutionary ideology and Bandung spirit, that is not the case in the new phase in the early 21st century. Indeed, the deep changes occurred between the two centuries, the renewal of leaders within both sides and internal challenges faced by them, speeded up the entrance into a new era where economy becomes the cornerstone of their cooperation. The birth of FOCAC reveals the willingness to handle effectively the relationship between China and Africa, as well as it shows the intensity and the seize of their trade. What is that institution gathering together so many countries? What are its theoretical foundations? And what kind of response it provides to those who belittle China offensive in Africa? These are shortly, the main outlines of this work.
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Daring to be destructive. Euphrase Kezilahabi’s onto-criticismLanfranchi, Benedetta 06 March 2013 (has links)
This paper illustrates the ways in which Kezilahabi’s 1985 dissertation makes its own daring contribution to the field of aesthetic criticism through the proposition of a new critical approach to African literature. Kezilahabi’s starting point for the elaboration this new critical approach is the realization of a prevailing tendency among literary critics to read African literature against formal and aesthetic paradigms deeply rooted in the Western literary and philosophical traditions. Opposed to the adoption of interpretative frames that do not acknowledge the philosophical implications involved in literary analysis, Kezilahabi affirms the importance of approaching literary production from within the artistic and philosophical tradition it stems from. Inspired by hermeneutic philosophy, especially in its “ontological turn” embodied by the philosophy of Martin Heidegger, Kezilahabi’s focus is on literary interpretation as an ontological enterprise aimed at “situating” literature within a horizon of understanding where its proper universe of references can be disclosed.
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Les nouveaux défis et enjeux de la politique étrangère de la France en Afrique francophone subsaharienne / The new challenges and issues of the foreign policy of France in French-speaking Sub-Saharan AfricaGomis, François 26 November 2014 (has links)
Des années 1960 jusqu’à la fin de la guerre froide, voire au-delà, l’influence voire la prépondérance de la France sur les territoires francophones d’Afrique noire est presque totale. Cependant, en ce XXIème siècle naissant, la compétition mondiale dans la recherche de nouveaux débouchés et de la sécurisation de l’approvisionnement énergétique amène inexorablement les grandes puissances à entrer en ‘‘conflit d’intérêts’’ par la pénétration réciproque des « arrière-cours ». Ceci est particulièrement vrai pour la France qui voit des pays tels que les Etats-Unis, la Chine, l’Inde, le Brésil, la Turquie, les pays du Golfe, etc., faire une entrée fracassante dans une région géographique qu’elle considère depuis longtemps comme sa « chasse gardée » compte tenu des liens historique, linguistique et politique. Ces nouveaux défis et enjeux pour la politique africaine de la France se mesurent désormais, à l’aune des transformations à l’œuvre sur la scène internationale avec la mondialisation et l’émergence de nouvelles puissances du Sud. Les défis et les enjeux sont importants pour l’action extérieure de la France et sa place dans le monde, compte tenu de la concurrence féroce des nouveaux acteurs et des changements des sociétés africaines en cours. Néanmoins elle possède encore des atouts économiques, diplomatiques et stratégiques susceptibles de lui permettre d’élaborer, grâce à l’espace culturel francophone, un projet original, ambitieux et porteur d’espoir. Pour ce faire, il faudra répondre aux deux interrogations suivantes : Comment réformer cette politique traditionnelle basée sur des relations étroites et privilégiées avec les dirigeants africains sans toutefois compromettre les avantages comparatifs de la France sur place? Quelle stratégie politique mettre en œuvre pour identifier les véritables intérêts communs des Français et des Africains francophones, en tenant compte des opportunités et des menaces, et les développer dans un partenariat mutuellement bénéfique ? / From 1960s to the end of the cold war, even beyond, the influence even the supremacy of France in the French-speaking territories in Sub-Saharan Africa is almost total. However, in this 21st century, the world competition in the research of new markets and the security of the energy supply leads inexorably the great powers to enter in “conflict of interests” by the mutual penetration of the “back-yards”. This is particularly true for France which has countries such as the United States, China, India, Brazil, Turkey, the Gulf Arab States, etc., to make a dramatic entrance in a geographical area where she judged it for a long time as her “exclusive domain” considering the historical, linguistic and political links. These new challenges and issues for the African policy of France are measured from now on, in the light of the transformations at work in the world with the globalization and the emergence of new powers of the South. The challenges and the issues are important for the external action of France and its place in the World, considering the fierce competition between new stakeholders and the ongoing African society changes. Nevertheless it still has economic, diplomatic and strategic assets which enable him to elaborate, thanks to the francophone cultural center, an original project, ambitious and promising. With this aim in mind, it will be necessary to answer to the two following questions: How to reform this traditional policy based on close and privileged relationships with African leaders without compromising, however, the comparative advantages of France on the spot? Which political strategy has to be implemented in order to identify the real common interests of the French and the French-speaking Africans, by taking into account the opportunities and threats, and to develop them in a mutually beneficial partnership?
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