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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'n Ondersoek na Scheherazade as moontlike voorganger in 'n vroulike verteltradisie in enkele Afrikaanse literêre tekste /

Compion, Marlette. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / Bibliography. Also available via the Internet.

'n Genealogiese en kultuurhistoriese studie van die Coreejes-familie in Suid-Afrika : 1800-2000

Coreejes Roberts, Anna Petronella 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / 204 Leaves printed single pages, preliminary pages and numberd pages 1-123..Includes bibliography and list of symbols and abbreviation.Appendix A pages A1-A 22, Appendix B pages B1-B21, Appendix C family photo’s pages C1-C18, Appendix D inventory pages D1-D4, Appendix E question list pages E1-E2.Photo’s digitized at 330 dpi color PDF format (OCR),using ,KODAK i 1220 PLUS scanner and the rest digitized at 600 dpi grayscale to pdf format (OCR), using a Bizhub 250 Konica Minolta Scanner.Digitized, Ivan Jacobs on request of Niel Hendriksz 1Augustus 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study deals with the Coreejes family over the past 200 years. Genealogical and cultural historical research methods were used to conduct this research. Anthonio(y) Coreejes, ancestor of the Coreejes family, came from Livomo, Tuscany (Italy) and settled in the district of Stellenbosch. He was a wine farmer and a cooper. On the 26th of October 1800 he married Anna Magdalena Delport, daughter of Gerhardus Ignatius De1port and Maria Susanna Odendaal. Four children were born out of this marriage: two daughters and two sons. The Coreejes family was a very small family, who in the 19th century made a living by cultivating agricultural products and trading with them. In the 20th century, various wars such as the Anglo-Boer War and the two world wars, had an influence on the day to day life of this family. After World War II life changed dramatically, a fact which was interalia reflected in name giving customs. The tradition of naming amongst Afrikaans speaking people, had become less important in this family and previous naming traditions gave way to more indirect name giving, thereby indicating people's creativity and adaptability. The social importance of names is discussed and this is merely one aspect of the philosophy ofa group ofpeople. People have been conducting genealogical research for many centuries. In South Africa it is a popular pastime, however the female line of descendants are seldom researched. The purpose of this research is to give a complete picture of the Coreejes family, including the male and female descendants since 1800. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is 'n familiegeskiedenis van die Coreejes-familie oor die afgelope 200 jaar wat deur middel van genealogiese en kultuurhistoriese navorsingsmetodes opgestel is. Die stamvader Anthonio(y) Coreejes het voor 1800 van Livomo, Toskane (Italie) gekom en hom in die distrik van Stellenbosch gevestig. Hy was 'n wynboer en kuipmaker. Op 26 Oktober 1800 is hy met Anna Magdalena Delport, 'n dogter van Gerhardus Ignatius Delport en Maria Susanna Odendaal, getroud. Uit die huwelik is vier kinders gebore: twee dogters en twee seuns. Die Coreejes-familie is 'n baie klein familie wat in die 19de eeu hoofsaaklik 'n lewe uit die verbouing van landbouprodukte gemaak het en handel met die produkte gedryfhet. In die 20ste eeu was daar verskeie oorloe, onder meer die Anglo-Boereoorlog en die twee wereldoorloe, wat 'n invloed op die familie gehad het. Na die Tweede Wereldoorlog het baie veranderinge in die samelewing ingetree, wat ondermeer weerspieel word in naamgewinggebruike. Vemoeming, soos dit deur baie jare heen gebruik was onder Afrikaanssprekers, het in die Coreejes-familie al minder belangrik geword. Ander vorme van vemoeming wat minder direk was, het die plek ingeneem van tradisionele gebruike. Dit dui op die mens se kreatiwiteit en aanpasbaarheid. Name as sosiale gegewe word hier bespreek. Dit is maar net een aspek waardeur 'n groep mense se lewensbeskouing tot uiting kom. Genealogiese navorsing word al baie eeue lank ondemeem. In Suid-Afrika is dit 'n populere studieveld, maar daar word seide navorsing oor die vroulike afstammelinge van 'n stamvader gedoen. Hierdie studie poog om as voorbeeld van genealogiese navorsing 'n meer volledige beeld van die Coreejes-familie daar te stel deur ook die vroulike lyne so ver as moontlik na te speur.

Die ontwerp van 'n ordeningstelsel en vindmiddel vir 'n kultuurhistoriese navorsingsentrum

Ekermans, Brönnhilde 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A research centre for cultural history is an important key to the study of cultural heritage. The Research Centre for Cultural History at the University of Stellenbosch is at present (2000), as far as could be ascertained, the only centre of its kind in South Africa, although the conservation of certain aspects of cultural heritage is also practised by a number of related institutions. There is a need for a system of arrangement and finding aids through which the contents of these institutions and specifically research centres for cultural history can be made accessible to researchers. In this study a system is proposed in answer to the above mentioned deficiency. It is based on a thesaurus in which the most important themes of cultural history are identified and assigned to a number of main categories. The system consists of a set of guidelines, rather than a prescribed framework and it should therefore be appliable to ail cultures in South Africa as well as cultural groups and institutions outside the South African context. A variety of media found in research centres for cultural history are identified. The contents of the Research Centre for Cultural History at the University of Stellenbosch serve as an important model in this regard. It is suggested that the different media are housed separately in the centre and that there is a code assigned to each by which they can be identified in the integrated finding aid. It was found that the proposed system could be applied to research centres for cultural history and related institutions in a variety of ways. It provides the .researcher with an image of the structure and nature of cultural history. It can also be used as a tool in the research and collection of oral history and the structuring of research projects. Other applications of the system will be revealed by usage. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Sentrum vir kultuurhistoriese navorsing is 'n belangrike sleutel tot die bestudering van 'n kultuurerfenis. Die Sentrum vir Kultuurhistoriese Navorsing aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch is tans (2000), sover vasgestel kon word, die enigste sentrum van sy soort in Suid-Afrika, hoewel die bewaring van sekere aspekte van die kultuurerfenis ook in 'n mate deur verwante instansies bedryf word. Daar is 'n behoefte aan 'n volledig uitgewerkte ordeningstelsel en vindmiddel waardeur die inhoud van sulke instansies en spesifiek kultuurhistoriese navorsingsentrums toeganklik gemaak kan word. In hierdie studie word 'n stelsel voorgestel waardeur bogenoemde leemte gevul kan word. Die basis van die stelsel is 'n tesourus waarin die belangrikste temas van kultuurgeskiedenis uiteengesit en in 'n aantal hoofkategorieë verdeel word. Die stelsel is 'n stel riglyne eerder as 'n rigiede raarnwerk en behoort dus toepasbaar te wees op alle kulture in Suid-Afrika sowel as kultuurgroepe en instansies buite die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. 'n Verskeidenheid brontipes wat in 'n sentrum vir kultuurhistoriese navorsing gevind sou kon word, word geïdentifiseer. Die inhoud van die Sentrum vir Kultuurhistoriese Navorsing aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch dien as 'n belangrike voorbeeld. Daar word voorgestel dat die brontipes in die bergproses van mekaar geskei word en dat daar 'n kode aan elkeen toegeken word om hulle in die geïntegreerde vindmiddel van mekaar te onderskei. Daar is gevind dat die voorgestelde stelsel op 'n verskeidenheid van maniere in sentrums vir kultuurhistoriese navorsing en verwante instansies toegepas kan word. Dit verskaf aan die navorser 'n beeld van die struktuur en aard van die vakdissipline. Verder kan dit as 'n belangrike stuk navorsingsgereedskap vir die insameling van mondelinge oorlewering en die strukturering van veldwerkprojekte dien. Ander toepassings daarvan sal deur die praktyk blootgelê word.

Die aanwending en integrasie van pikturale en geskrewe bronne vir 'n kultuurhistoriese evaluering van geselekteerde temas van die Wellington-omgewing, 1657-1900

Smit, Susanna Elizabeth January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)-- Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study pictorial Africana are used to sketch a socio-historical image of certain aspects of Wellington (previously known as Waggonmakers Valley) during the period 1657 to 1900. Together with written sources such as letters, diaries and travel diaries, the pictorial sources (in this case paintings, pictures and maps) are considered primary sources. Although the inhabitants of Waggonmakers Valley and later Wellington clearly developed an own identity, Wellington cannot be viewed in isolation. The town and region are placed in the broader context of the Drakenstein Valley and the Western Cape. The establishment and development of the town are placed within the prevalent political and economic climate of that time. Historical highlights of the town's history are given in short. A list of artists, pictorial works and place of conservation where these pictorial works are being conserved was compiled. It was attempted to determine the artists' connection with the Drakenstein Valley, Waggonmakers Valley and Wellington in each discussion. In the discussion of the territory (bodem) the Waggonmakers Valley is placed in the context of the Drakenstein Valley. In this discussion the discovery and settlement of the valley are considered, as well as the naming of the Drakenstein Valley, Waggonmakers Valley and Wellington. The appearance of the valley, mountains, hills, as well as the vegetation, animal life and bird life are discussed. The influence of the Berg River and other rivers on the inhabitants' lives is included in the discussion, as well as relevant folk-tales and popular beliefs. Where applicable, various uses for plants (e.g. medicinal) in these people's daily lives are discussed. In the discussion of the church the following aspects are considered: the beginning of missionary work in the Waggonmakers Valley, the secession of the church and the subsequent establishment of Wellington, as well as some religious aspects such as the "Wederdoper" Sect and the big revival of 1860. Festivals, sports and recreation depict the social activities of the Wellington people up to the end of the nineteenth century. In the discussion of the architecture, aspects such as political, economic and social influences on building style as well as building materials and building methods were taken into account. To illustrate: the opening of the Wellington railway line and the opening of Bainskloof Pass influenced the architecture of the town and region. Influencing factors on the lay-out of the town as well as the meaning of BainskloofPass for Wellington were considered. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Pikturale Africana word in hierdie studie as 'n bron aangewend om 'n kultuurhistoriese beeld met betrekking tot sekere aspekte van Wellington, voorheen bekend as Wagenmakersvallei, gedurende die periode 1657 tot 1900, te skets. Die pikturale bronne is saam met die geskrewe bronne, wat briewe, dagboeke en reisjoernale insluit, as primere bronne beskou. Die pikturale bronne verwys in hierdie geval na skilderye, tekeninge, prente en kaarte. Alhoewel die inwoners van die Wagenmakersvallei en later Wellington duidelik 'n eie identiteit ontwikkel het, kan Wellington nie in isolasie gesien word nie. Die dorp en omgewing word binne die groter geheel van die Drakensteinvallei en Wes-Kaap geplaas. Die ontstaan en groei van die dorp is binne die heersende politieke en ekonomiese klimaat van die tyd geplaas. Historiese hoogtepunte in die dorp se geskiedenis is kortliks aangedui. 'n Lys van kunstenaars en pikturale werke, asook die plek van bewaring van hierdie pikturale bronne, is saamgestel. Daar is gepoog om die kunstenaars se verband met die Drakensteinvallei, Wagenmakersvallei en Wellington in elke bespreking vas te stel. In die bespreking van die bodem word die Wagenmakersvallei binne die konteks van die Drakensteinvallei geplaas. Daar word in die bespreking gekyk na die ontdekking en vestiging van die vallei, sowel as die naamgewing van die Drakensteinvallei, Wagenmakersvallei en Wellington. Die voorkoms van die vallei, berge, heuwels, sowel as die plantegroei, dier- en voellewe word bespreek. Die invloed van die Bergrivier en ander riviere op die lewens van die mense word in die bespreking ingesluit, sowel as relevante volksvertellings en volksgelowe. Die gebruik van plante vir medisinale en ander gebruike in die daaglikse lewe van die mense, is waar toepaslik bespreek. In die bespreking van die kerk is daar gekyk na die ontstaan van sendingwerk in die Wagenmakersvallei, die afstigting van die kerk, die gevolglike ontstaan van Wellington en enkele geestelike aspekte soos die Wederdopersekte en die groot herlewing van 1860. Feesvieringe, sport en ontspanning skets die sosiale bedrywighede van die Wellingtonners tot die einde van die negentiende eeu. Aspekte soos politieke, ekonomiese en maatskaplike invloede wat boustyle beinvloed het, sowel as boumateriaal en -metodes, is in ag geneem in die bespreking van die argitektuur. Ter illustrasie: die opening van die spoorlyn tot by Wellington en die opening van Bainskloofpas het 'n invloed gehad op die argitektuur van die dorp en omgewing. Daar is gekyk na faktore wat die dorpsuitleg beinvloed het, asook die betekenis van Bainskloofpas vir Wellington.

Die ontstaan van 'n Westerse militere tradisie aan die Kaap tot 1795

Grobbelaar, Paul Marais 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1994.

Die herkoms en ontwikkeling van die Afrikaanse volksdans

Burden, Matilda 12 1900 (has links)
Proefskrif (MA)-- Stellenbosch University, 1985. / No abstract available

'n Genealogiese studie van die Petrus Johannes-tak van die Botes-stam met besondere verwysing na die Weltevrede-plase in die distrik Prins Albert

Botes, Mariana 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis(MA) -- Stellenbosch University, 1988. / No Abstract Available

Taalpolitiek en "Alternatiewe Afrikaans"

Pieterse, H. J., 1960- 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die term "Alternatiewe Afrikaans" is die afgelope dekade telkens gebruik in taalpolitieke publikasies, maar tot dusver is daar relatief min gedoen om die begrip te analiseer, om die "Alternatiewe Afrikaanse beweging" histories te kontekstualiseer, en om die "beweging" se taalpolitieke uitgangspunte en publ ikasies krities te evalueer as ideologiese teenpool vir Standaardafrikaans of "Establishment Afrikaans". Hierdie proefskrif poog om, na aanleiding van 'n analise van die politieke faktore rondom die opkoms en "kanoni sering" van Standaardafri kaans, die totstandkoming van (wit) Afrikanerhegemonie en die daarmee gepaardgaande breuk in die Afrikaanse taalgemeenskap, die ontstaan van die term "Alternatiewe Afrikaans" en die taalpolitieke "agenda" van die "Alternatiewe beweging" te ondersoek. In die eerste hoofstuk word die taalsosiologie en taalpolitiek as studieterreine ontleed en terme soos "politiek", "mag" en "ideologie" en die verskei e wyses waarop hull e met taa 1 in verband gebri ng kan word, word ondersoek. Die "Kritiese Linguistiek" word onder die loep geneem en die hegemoniemodel van Gramsci word bespreek as deelteoretiese raamwerk vir hierdie studie. In die tweede hoofstuk word die taalpolitiek van Standaardafrikaans bespreek aan die hand van die volgende temas: Afrikanernasionalisme en Afrikaans, die politisering en mitologisering van die ontstaansgeskiedenis van Afrikaans, en die Afrikaanse taalbewegings. Tel kens word "alternatiewe", ontmitologiserende beskouings teenoor "standaardbeskouings" van die temas gestel. Die ontsluiting van 'n alternatiewe hegemonie, verbind met die "Alternatiewe beweging" en "People's Education", word in hoofstuk 3 bespreek en die term "Alternatiewe Afrikaans" word ontleed. Daar word besin oor die "Alternatiewe beweging" as "taalbeweging". In die vierde hoofstuk word die ideologie van "bevryding" in 'n aantal tekste wat met "Alternatiewe Afrikaans" geassosieer word, geanaliseer aan die hand van verskeie tegnieke uit die kritiese diskoersanalise. Manipulatiewe en propagandistiese diskursiewe praktyke word uitgelig. Die "depolitisering" en "demokratisering" van Afrikaans word in die slothoofstuk bespreek. Daar word aangetoon dat "Alternatiewe Afrikaans" deur 'n duidelike polities-mobiliserende agenda onderle word, dat die varieteit 'n verpolitiseerde "ideologiese metalek" van Afrikaans is en uiteindelik 'n etiket is vir " 'n ideologie van bevryding" ten opsigte van die heersende hegemoniese strukture / During the past decade the term "Alternative Afrikaans" has frequently been used in publications on language politics. Until recently little has been done concerning the analysis of this term and the contextualisation of the "Alternative Afrikaans movement". The politico-linguistic premises and publications of the "Alternative movement", as an ideological opposition to Standard Afrikaans or "Establishment Afrikaans", have not yet been sufficiently and critically evaluated. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the origin of the term "Alternative Afrikaans" and the politico-linguistic "agenda" of the "Alternative movement", with analogical reference to the political factors surrounding the rise and "canonisation" of Standard Afrikaans, the establishment of (white) Afrikaner hegemony and the concomitant division within the Afrikaans language community. In the first chapter the sociology of language and language politics are discussed, and terms such as "politics", "power" and "ideology" and the various ways in which they may be connected with language, are examined. The field of "Critical Linguistics" and Gramsci's hegemonic model are discussed as partial theoretical frameworks for this study. In the second chapter the language politics of Standard Afrikaans is discussed on the basis of the following themes: Afrikaner Nationalism and Afrikaans, the politicisation and mythologising of the ontogenesis of Afrikaans, and the Afrikaans language movements. "Alternative", demythologising views, contrary to the "standard" views on these themes, are discussed. The develpment of an alternative hegemony, linked with the "Alternative movement" and "People's Education", is considered in chapter three and the term "Alternative Afrikaans" is analysed. The "Alternative movement" is analysed as "language movement". In chapter four the ideology of "liberation" in a number of texts associated with "Alternative Afrikaans" is analysed on the basis of various techniques used in critical discourse analysis. Manipulative and propagandistic discursive practices are highlighted. The "depoliticisation" and "democratisation" of Afrikaans are considered in the final chapter. It is argued that "Alternative Afrikaans" is based on a specific agenda of political mobilisation, that this variety is a politicised "ideological metalect" of Afrikaans and ultimately a "label" for an "ideology of liberation" with regard to the prevailing hegemonical structures / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / D. Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans)

Die ekologiese kode in die Afrikaanse poësie

Malan, Isabella Cornelia 22 August 2012 (has links)
M.A. / In Afrikaans poetry, Nature is depicted in terms of the relationship existing among and / or inanimate organisms, i. e. an ecological mode. Man's influence on the environment, features strongly in the poetry of the eighties. The anthology, Groen (J. L. Marais), can be seen as a focal point of this involvement. Chapter one provides an overview of the ecological code in Afrikaans poetry, spanning the time from the First Afrikaans Language Movement up till the seventies. With regard to this period, the different approaches of the poets to Nature are being studied. During this era a decidedly dynamic approach to the subject existed. Nature was initially seen as the idyllic, soothing and was also used as a metaphor for beauty and purity. With time, Nature took on another dimension and came to represent destructive forces. In chapter two, the anthology Groen by J. L. Marais, under discussion in this work, concluding the eighties, Man is called to task, i. e. to protect and nurture the balance in the ecology. Man is made aware of both the threat to and the conservation of nature. These binary forces are discussed with reference to two semantic devices, cohesion and coherence. As binding factors they provide a semantic light on the above themes. Verweerde aardbol by J. L. Marais, is approached along the same lines in chapter three. The specific themes used in this anthology, serve as a classification aid. The poet's concern about the transience of nature comes to the fore, and Marais himself states that the time has come for writers to be called up in service to the environment without being apologetic about it (Marais 1993: 32). A clear paradigm shift is visible from the infant years of Afrikaans poetry to the poetry of the eighties. The "green"-awareness which inflamed / inspired the community, plays an important role in the eighties and is reflected in Afrikaans poetry. The dynamic power of the ecological code as theme, still has many untapped areas which can be explored in further studies.

Die verhouding tussen literêre teorie en kritiek in die Afrikaanse literêre sisteem binne die sg. "nuwe paradigma" aan die hand van gekose figure Marianne de Jong, Joan Hambidge en Gerrit Olivier

Mudzanani, Nndanduleni Bethuel January 1990 (has links)
Currently, in the period of Poststructualism literature is widely approached as a cultural and social phenomenon and the aims of literary studies as the illuminating of social codes, ideology etc. embedded in literature. This study evaluates the contribution of specific critics working within the so-called "New paradigm". The concept "New paradigm" is used as an umbrella term covering a number of distinct developments, referring to literature as a system of literary "actions" rather than as a canon of books. In recent years several Afrikaans critics have embraced or adapted current theories in the domains of Deconstruction, Ideology Criticism, Literary, Sociology, Recepticm Aesthetics, Semiotics and Feminism. This study explores and evaluates the application of such theoretical paradigms to their work in the field of practical criticism. This study also explores the relationship between current theories of literature and their antecedents. The notion of current literary theory and practice not only as a broadening of scope and content of the notion of the "literary" but on the other hand as a liberation of theory and practice from an over-deterministic thrust (i.e. the approach of literature as no more than a set of social documents) is also evaluated in this study. A twofold aim of this study can thus be defined: a. to determine the extent to which the shift from the "old" to "new" theories was made necessary by the developing literary and social scene; b. to examine the links beween theory and practice in the work of specific, key figures in Afrikaans. Is it possible for theory and practice to be separated? Is there an important consistence in the relationship between the two in the work of the figures chosen?

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