Spelling suggestions: "subject:"afrikaans"" "subject:"afrikaanse""
381 |
Identiteitsvorming in die Afrikaanse blogosfeerSwarts, Johannes Jacobus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to investigate Afrikaner identity in the Afrikaans
blogosphere on the basis of the Afrikaner nasionalist identity that was forged
during the twentieth century. The environment within which blogs function
and its characteristics are discussed, after which the circumstances that led
to the development of Afrikaner identity as well as the current sociopolitical
position of Afrikaners are traced. Through quantitative analysis, the Afrikaans
blogosphere is compared to this identity to discover too what extent the
identity is still remnant in Afrikaans bloggers. It is concluded that Afrikaner
nationalism is virtually extinct in the Afrikaans blogosphere and that the
plurality of identities hosted by it are fragmented and paradoxical. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om identiteitsvorming in die Afrikaanse blogosfeer
te ondersoek aan die hand van die Afrikaner-nasionalistiese identiteitskonstruk
van die twintigste eeu. Aandag word geskenk aan die milieu waarbinne blogs
funksioneer en hul aard, waarna die omstandighede waaronder Afrikaneridentiteit
ontstaan sowel as die huidige sosio-politiese posisie van Afrikaners
nagespeur word. Aan die hand van kwantitatiewe ondersoekmetodes word
Afrikaanse blogs dan met die voorafgenoemde identiteit vergelyk in 'n poging
om agter te kom in watter mate dit nog by Afrikaanse bloggers teenwoordig is.
Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat Afrikaner-nasionalisme bykans afwesig
is in die Afrikaanse blogosfeer en dat die pluraliteit van identiteite daarop
gefragmenteerd en paradoksaal daar uitsien.
382 |
Interferensie in die Afrikaanse Harry PotterBedeker, Laetitia Marí 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Harry Potter series is currently one of the most popular book series for
children in the world. The original British books have been translated into more
than three hundred languages - one of them being Afrikaans, for which the
Afrikaans translator received two translation prizes. Yet closer investigation
reveals that these translations are not written in idiomatic Afrikaans, mostly
due to the phenomenon of 'interference'. This phenomenon entails an
excessive influence of the linguistic structures of the source text on that of the
target text.
The influence of the English source text on the Afrikaans translator by means
of interference was of such an extent that the texts have been written in
unnatural language, called 'translationese'. In this study the influence of
interference on the quality of the Afrikaans translations of Harry Potter is
examined. The focus is on books 4 and 5 in the series, namely Harry Potter en
die Beker vol Vuur and Harry Potter en die Orde van die Feniks. The basic
premises of the functionalistic approach to translation are used to emphasise
the importance of the translation skopos, the function that the translation has
to fulfil in the target culture, a detailed translation brief as well as the
translator's loyalty towards the various role players in the translation process.
Descriptive translation studies is used to prove the apparent absence of
knowledge of translation norms as well as translation decisions and strategies
that had to be considered carefully during the production of the Afrikaans
The researcher hereby attempts to emphasise the importance of careful
consideration and planning of translation strategies. Cognisance of the
functionalistic and descriptive premises would have lead to a more natural
translation that communicates optimally with the target readers in the target
culture. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Harry Potter-reeks is tans een van die mees gesogte kinderreeksboeke ter
wêreld. Die oorspronklike Britse boeke is in meer as driehonderd tale vertaal -
onder andere ook in Afrikaans, waarvoor die Afrikaanse vertaler reeds twee
vertaalpryse ontvang het. Tog toon nadere ondersoek dat hierdie vertalings
inderwaarheid nie in idiomatiese Afrikaans vertaal is nie, hoofsaaklik weens
die verskynsel 'interferensie'. Hierdie verskynsel behels 'n oormatige invloed
van die linguistiese strukture van die brontaal op die doeltaal.
Die Engelse bronteks het sodanige invloed op die Afrikaanse vertaler gehad,
dat die teks weens interferensie in onnatuurlike taal geskryf is, oftewel in
'translationese'. In hierdie studie word die invloed van interferensie op die
kwaliteit van die Afrikaanse Harry Potter-vertalings, spesifiek boeke 4 en 5 in
die reeks, naamlik Harry Potter en die Beker vol Vuur en Harry Potter en die
Orde van die Feniks, ondersoek. Die basiese uitgangspunte van die
funksionalistiese benadering tot vertaling word gebruik om die noodsaaklikheid
van 'n vooropstelling van die vertaalskopos, die funksie wat die vertaling in die
doelkultuur moet speel, die belangrikheid van 'n gedetailleerde vertaalopdrag
asook lojaliteit van die vertaler aan die onderskeie rolspelers in die
vertaalproses uit te lig. Deskriptiewe vertaalstudie word gebruik om die
klaarblyklike afwesigheid van 'n kennis van vertaalnorme, asook van
weldeurdagte besluite en vertaalstrategieë tydens die produksie van die
Afrikaanse vertalings te bewys.
Die navorser poog om hierdeur op die noodsaaklikheid van weldeurdagte en
beplande vertaalstrategieë klem te lê. Kennis van die funksionalistiese en
deskriptiewe uitgangspunte sou kon lei tot 'n natuurliker vertaling wat optimaal
met die doellesers in die doelkultuur kommunikeer.
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Decisions, translation strategies and process in the translation of Molope's Dancing in the Dust : a critical analysisMagwebu, Doris NomaXesibe 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study has been a long journey to pursue the art and craft involved in a translation
process. The indisputably differing natures of the languages at stake have been prominent
in the translator's psychological frame throughout the process. The acknowledgement of
the differing natures of languages often means knowing exactly what has to be
transferred and in which manner it has to be transferred without compromising the
demands of any of the languages at stake. The latter also speaks to the preservation of the
message of the ST in the TL in the process of transition.
The translation of Molope's Dancing in the Dust has given good ground for the
exploration of the processes involved in a literary translation. Although the status of
Molope's novel in the publishing market appears to be relatively new, there are some
good grounds to declare it as fairly translatable. It has been noted in the study that there
has been a desire to consult her existing literatures with an intention to evaluate her
dominant style of writing, or any of her translated works so that it becomes easier to
determine the translatability of this novel. However, this only proved to be an
unsuccessful business in the sense that this novel is the first of her works, ever.
Nevertheless, it has been stated simultaneously in this study that the expressiveness of
Mol ope's novel, especially in rooting out the main events of the 197 6 Soweto Uprisings,
ultimately convinced the translator that this art is worthy to be translated. The
acknowledgement (by some legends) ofMolope's potential to probe into the main events
of the struggle during that era has been another area the translator could rely on. This
attempt has been done albeit Molope's sometimes poignant style of writing (much of this
has been said in the study), which sought to pose some problematic areas.
As has been declared in the hypothesis section, translatability is possible if the process of
translation commences on a ST analysis, whereby problematic areas (or areas of interest
thereof) are identified with an intention to select a suitable translation strategy. Suffice
then to say that an attempt to answer the translatability question of this novel has been
made in the chapter of annotation. Assembling a chapter of annotation is itself an attempt
to demonstrate the translator's creativity in manoeuvring the ST material in order to
produce what she assumes will suit the target readers.
The discussion of well-established translation literatures in Chapter 2 serves to give
background to the random choice of particular translation strategies at particular points in
time. Therefore, the literature which forms Chapter 2 of this study serves to substantiate
both what appears in the chapter of annotation and the entire product thereof. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie was 'n lang ontdekkingstog na die kuns en vernuf betrokke by die
vertaalproses. Die uiteenlopende aard van die tale ter sprake was deurentyd 'n
belangrike oorweging vir die vertaler. Die erkenning dat die betrokke tale
onteenseglik van mekaar verskil, gaan gewoonlik gepaard met die besef van presies
wat op watter wyse oorgedra moet word ten einde aan albei tale reg te laat geskied.
Dit behels dus dat die boodskap van die bronteks (BT) in die oordragproses na die
teikentaal (TT) behoue bly.
Die vertaling van Kagiso Lesego Molope se boek Dancing in the Dust (2004) het as 'n
goeie vertrekpunt vir die ontdekking van die letterkundige vertaalproses gedien.
Hoewel Molope se roman in die uitgewersmark as betreklik nuut beskou word, kan
dit om 'n paar goeie redes as redelik vertaalbaar bestempel word. In die studie het dit
duidelik geword dat 'n letterkundige vertaling hetsy vereis dat auteurs se bestaande
letterkundige werke geraadpleeg word ten einde hulle oorheersende skryfstyl te
bepaal 6f dat enige van hulle reeds vertaalde werke bestudeer word om deur middel
van vergelyking die vertaalbaarheid van die tersaaklike werk vas te stel. Aangesien
hierdie roman egter Molope se heel eerste werk is, was sodanige vergelykende
navorsing nie moontlik nie.
Die studie toon nietemin ook aan dat die beeldende aard van Molope se roman, veral
met betrekking tot die hoofgebeure van die Soweto-opstand van 1973, die vertaler
uiteindelik oortuig het dat die werk 'n vertaling waardig is. Die bevestiging (deur 'n
paar legendariese figure) van die potensiaal wat Molope in hierdie ondersoek na die
hoofgebeure van die vryheidstryd in daardie era openbaar, was n6g 'n faktor waarop
die vertaler kon steun. Die vertaling is dus aangepak ofskoon Molope se uiters
aangrypende skryfstyl (waaroor daar heelwat in die studie uitgewei word) 'n paar
probleme opgelewer het.
Soos in die hipotese genoem, is vertaling slegs moontlik indien die vertaalproses met
'n BT-ontleding afskop waarin (moontlike) probleemareas uitgewys word ten einde 'n
toepaslike vertaalstrategie te kies. Dit is dus voldoende om te se dat die
annotasiehoofstuk poog om die vraag oor die vertaalbaarheid van hierdie roman te
beantwoord. Die saamstel van die annotasiehoofstuk is op sigself 'n paging om te
toon hoe die vertaler skeppend met die BT -materiaal omgaan ten einde 'n gepaste
teks vir die teikenlesers te skep.
Die bespreking van gesaghebbende, betroubare vertaalliteratuur in hoofstuk 2 dien
as agtergrond vir die ewekansige keuse van bepaalde vertaalstrategiee op bepaalde
tydstippe. Daarom dien die literatuur in hoofstuk 2 as stawing van die inhoud van die
annotasiehoofstuk sowel as die eindproduk van die studie.
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Landskap en identiteit in Tikoes deur Henk van WoerdenBruwer, Naomi 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the way in which the construction of landscape interacts
with the development of identity in Tikoes by Henk van Woerden. Taking the
metaphor of traveling in Tikoes as vantage point, the coterminous
development of the South African landscape and the characters' identities are
The study is placed in a theoretical framework by defining space, landscape
and place, with specific reference to the interaction of landscape and identity,
especially as portrayed in migrant literature. The difference between
observation of space and the experiencing of landscape and place out of
space through cultural processes are emphasized. It is postulated that these
processes not only lead to the development of landscape and place out of
space, but also contributes to the development of the characters' identities.
Through an in-depth study of Tikoes, it is established that landscape and
identity not only develop coterminously in this novel, but that these processes
of development are actually interdependent.
Tikoes, apparently a mere story about the journey of two lovers, is well
constructed regarding the integration of themes and motives, which
culminates in the cardinal interaction between observation and experience.
The theme postulated by the motto is thus reflected in the structure of the
novel: Let shallow people call me frivolous, when it comes to the point I have
always been conscientiously precise. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie ondersoek die wyse waarop die konstruksie van landskap in
wisselwerking tree met die ontwikkeling van identiteit in Tikoes deur Henk van
Woerden. Met die reismetafoor binne Tikoes as uitgangspunt, word die
samevallende ontwikkeling van die Suid-Afrikaanse landskap en die karakters
se identiteite bestudeer.
Die ondersoek word geplaas binne 'n teoretiese raamwerk oor ruimte,
landskap en plek, met spesifieke verwysing na die verhouding tussen
landskap en identiteit, soos veral verwoord in migranteliteratuur. Daar word
onderskei tussen die waarneming van ruimte, en die gewaarwording van
landskap en plek na aanleiding van die geografiese ruimte, deur kulturele
prosesse. Dit word geponeer dat hierdie prosesse nie net lei tot die
ontwikkeling van landskap en plek uit ruimte nie, maar ook bydra tot die
ontwikkeling van die karakters se onderskeie identiteite. Deur 'n analise van
Tikoes, word gevind dat landskap en identiteit nie net samevallend in dié
roman ontwikkel nie, maar dat dié ontwikkelingsprosesse as't ware
interafhanklik van mekaar staan.
Tikoes, oënskynlik bloot 'n verhaaloor die reis van twee geliefdes, bied 'n
deurgekomponeerdheid van temas en motiewe wat kulmineer in die kardinale
wisselwerking tussen waarneming en gewaarwording, waardeur die roman
die tema wat in die motto aangekondig word ook struktureel waar maak,
naamlik: Laat de oppervlakkigen mij lichtzinnig noemen. Als het erop
aankwam was ik altijd heel nauwgezet.
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Tussen tale : oortekening as vertaalstrategie in Breyten Breytenbach se bundel Oorblyfsel/ Voice OverKirsten, Elzet 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the translation strategy oortekening (Afrikaans for “resigning” or
“redrawing”) as it is found in the bilingual context of Breytenbach’s volume of poems
Oorblyfsel/ Voice Over (2009). The term oortekening (retracing), coined by Odendaal
(2011), refers to corresponding parts of the Afrikaans and English versions in the volume
which differs semantically but which are alike phonologically and orthographically.
The argument is made that, in the context of the bilingual layout of the volume, the
translation strategy oortekening invites bilingual readers to take part in an interpretative
game as they read the two versions side-by-side. It is further argued that currently there are
not adequate theories in translation studies to describe and understand this interpretative
play. This study therefore uses theories from outside translation studies to describe the
translation phenomenon in this volume and in this way provide a theoretical framework in
which the unusual nature of the translation of the volume can be understood.
Chapter one, an introduction, is followed by Chapter two which gives an overview of the
main approaches in translation theory, describing how the problem statement would be
described and understood by each. The linguistic approaches which are covered includes
structural linguistics, text and sociolinguistics and functionalism. The literary approaches
include descriptive translation studies and more ideologically orientated approaches.
Enquiry is made into which aspects of each approach are useful to explain the volume and
which are not. Chapter three applies three concepts from outside translation studies to
oortekening in the context of the bilingual layout of the volume: Pratt’s contact zone
(1987, 1991, 1992, 1996), Bhabha’s in-between (1993) and Lecercle’s remainder (1990).
These concepts are used to analyse examples of oortekening from the volume.
In the last chapter the findings of the study are discussed. The relationship between the two
languages in the volume is compared to the historical and current relationship between
Afrikaans and English. The chapter ends with a discussion of the variety of possible further
studies based on this volume and this study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die vertaalstrategie oortekening soos wat dit in die tweetalige
konteks van Breytenbach se bundel Oorblyfsel/ Voice Over (2009) voorkom. Die term
oortekening is aan Pieter Odendaal (2011) ontleen en verwys na ooreenkomstige dele van
die Afrikaanse en Engelse weergawes in die bundel wat semanties verskil maar fonologies
en ortografies ooreenkom. Daar word geargumenteer dat die vertaalstrategie oortekening in
die konteks van die tweetalige uitleg van die bundel tweetalige lesers nooi om aan ’n
interpretatiewe spel deel te neem soos wat hulle die twee weergawes saam lees. Daar word
verder geargumenteer dat daar tans in die vertaalkunde nie gepaste teorieë is om die
interpretatiewe spel te beskryf en te begryp nie. Die studie gebruik dus teorieë van buite
die vertaalkunde om die vertaalverskynsel in hierdie bundel te beskryf en om so ’n
teoretiese raamwerk voor te stel waarbinne die ongewone aard van die bundel se
vertaalaspek begryp kan word.
Die inleidende hoofstuk word gevolg deur hoofstuk twee wat ’n oorsig gee van die
vernaamste vertaalteoretiese benaderings en hoe die probleemstelling volgens elk van die
benaderings beskryf en verstaan word: die linguistiese benaderings, vanaf die strukturele
linguistiek, teks- en sosiolinguistiek na die funksionalisme; en die literêre benaderings, wat
deskriptiewe vertaalstudies en meer ideologies gefundeerde benaderings insluit. Daar word
ondersoek ingestel na watter aspekte van elk van die benaderings nuttig is om die bundel te
beskryf en watter tekortkominge elke benadering bied. Hoofstuk drie maak drie konsepte
van buite die vertaalkunde van toepassing op oortekening in die konteks van die tweetalige
uitleg van die bundel: Pratt (1987, 1991, 1992, 1996) se contact zone as die kontaksone,
Bhabha (1993) se in-between as die (in)tussen(in) en Lecercle (1990) se remainder as die
oorblyfsel. Hierdie konsepte word gebruik om voorbeelde van oortekening uit die bundel te
In die laaste hoofstuk word die bevindinge van die studie bespreek. Die verhouding tussen
die twee tale in die bundel word vergelyk met die historiese en huidige verhouding tussen
Afrikaans en Engels. Daar word laastens gewys op ’n verskeidenheid verdere
navorsingsmoontlikhede wat hierdie bundel en hierdie studie bied.
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Die uitbeelding van kreatiwiteit in die werk van J. M. CoetzeeNaude, Stephanus Jacobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: J. M. Coetzee se werke ondersoek dikwels op intense en ongewone wyse wat kreatiwiteit
is en hoe dit werk, wat die bronne en oorspronge daarvan is, en verwonder sig aan die
onvoorspelbaarheid van die voorwaardes en katalisators vir, en die aard en uitkomste
van, die kreatiewe proses. Hierdie essay ondersoek eerstens die teoretisering van
literêre kreatiwiteit deur veral Derek Attridge, wat hy hoofsaaklik baseer op Coetzee se
werk. Tweedens word die komplekse uitbeeldings – of performance – van kreatiwiteit en
die kreatiewe proses in Coetzee se oeuvre, spesifiek aan die hand van The Master of
Petersburg en die post-Disgrace werke, ontleed. Daar word gefokus op skeppende
karakters en alter ego’s, veral skrywers, wat toenemend hul verskyning in Coetzee se
prosa maak. Kwessies van skrywerlike mag, die etiek van skryf, die konflik tussen
werklikheidsvlakke binne fiksie asook tussen werklikheid en fiksie, soos dit uitspeel in die
hibriede en eksperimentele laat werke, kom aan bod. Die essay maak dikwels van
stipleestegnieke gebruik in die lees van die betrokke werke. Ander strategieë word egter
ook ingespan, veral by die lees van die laat werke. Die siening van kreatiewe impuls wat
aldus blyk, is ‘n radikale een. Kreatiwiteit is blind vir moraliteit en dalk selfs etiek. Dit
word onder andere gelykgestel aan die epileptiese val. Dit gaan oor die oopstelling vir –
en die eksklusiewe verantwoordelikheid teenoor – die onverwagse, die
Beckettiaanse/Derridiaanse proses van ‘n produktiewe/onproduktiewe gewag. Dit word
vergestalt deur ‘n gebeurtenis wat beslag vind in die onverminderbare eiesoortigheid van
die literêre werk. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: J. M. Coetzee’s work often investigates in an intense and unusual manner the nature of
creativity and how it works, what the sources and origins of creativity are, and marvels
at the unpredictability of the preconditions and catalysts for, and the nature and
outcomes of, the creative process. This essay investigates, in the first place, the
theorisation of literary creativity by especially Derek Attridge, which he mainly bases on
Coetzee’s work. In the second instance, the complex portrayals – or performances – of
creativity and the creative process in Coetzee’s oeuvre are analysed, particularly with
reference to The Master of Petersburg and the post-Disgrace works. The focus is on
creative characters, particularly authors, who are increasingly making an appearance in
Coetzee’s prose. Questions of authorial power, the ethics of writing, the conflict of reality
levels within fiction as well as between reality and fiction, as it plays out in the hybird
and experimental late works, are presented. The essay often uses close reading in the
reading of the mentioned works. Other strategies are also used, particularly in the
reading of the late works. The view of the creative impulse thus crystallising, is a radical
one. Creativity is blind to morality, and perhaps also ethics. It is equated, inter alia, to
the epileptic fit. It is about the opening up – and the exclusive responsibility – to the
unexpected, to the Beckettian/Derridian process of a productive/unproductive waiting. It
is represented by a happening which precipitates in the irreducible singularity of the
literary work.
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"Hoe vertel jy op papier wie jy was en wie jy nou is?" Die konstruksie van die vroulike subjek in twee bildungsromane : annerkant die longdrop van Anoeschka von Meck en De vriendschap van Connie PalmenVorster, Carla 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study the genre-theory of the ‘female’ Bildungsroman is utilised as a theoretical lens in the analysis of Annerkant die longdrop [Beyond sanity] by Anoeschka von Meck (1998) and De vriendschap [The friendship] by Connie Palmen. Differences and similarities between these narratives of female development, in comparison to the traditional Bildungsroman and ‘female’ Bildungsroman, are identified. This procédé leads to new insights regarding the female characters and their journeys to selfhood in Annerkant die longdrop and De vriendschap. The ‘female’ Bildungsroman is distinguished from her patriarchal counterpart by the central motifs of the developing female body and sexuality which are inscribed in the discourse. These motifs and the subversion of the traditional Bildungsroman are linked with French feminists’ concept of écriture féminine.
By comparing Annerkant die longdrop and De vriendschap as ‘female’ Bildungsromane and examples of écriture féminine new derivations can be made about the genre and narratives of female development. The difference between male and female development is one of the aspects highlighted when the ‘female’ Bildungsroman is utilised as theoretical lens. Furthermore the fluidity and instability of the female subject and of the texts in which she comes to life are emphasized. This study raises new questions about the development and emancipation of the female character in Afrikaans literature from 1960 onwards. Furthermore it demonstrates that the theory of the Bildungsroman opens up new research possibilities, especially regarding identity, and can be utilised in the reading of a variety of Afrikaans texts. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die genre-teorie van die ‘vroulike’ Bildungsroman dien in hierdie studie as primêre teoretiese bril of lens by die analise van Annerkant die longdrop (1998) deur Anoeschka von Meck en De vriendschap (1995) deur Connie Palmen. Die ontwikkeling van vroulike protagoniste in hierdie romans word met die eienskappe van beide die tradisionele Bildungsroman én die ‘vroulike’ Bildungsroman in verband gebring en vergelyk. Dié procédé bring nuwe aspekte oor die ontwikkelende vrouekarakters en ontwikkelingsreise in Annerkant die longdrop en De vriendschap na vore. Die wyse waarop die ‘vroulike’ Bildungsroman die literêre grense van die tradisionele Bildungsroman ondermyn en die ontwikkelende vroulike liggaam en seksualiteit inskryf in die diskoers, word met Franse feministe se teoretiese konsep van écriture féminine in verband gebring.
Uit die vergelyking van Annerkant die longdrop en De vriendschap blyk dit dat die genre-teorie van die ‘vroulike’ Bildungsroman en die feministiese tradisie van die écriture féminine nuwe aspekte oor narratiewe van vroulike ontwikkeling na vore bring. So beklemtoon hierdie teorie byvoorbeeld die verskil tussen manlike en vroulike ontwikkeling en wys op sowel die vloeiende, onvaste aard van hedendaagse vroulike subjekte as op die tekste wat die ontwikkeling van hierdie vroulike subjekte verwoord. Nuwe vrae oor die mate waarin Afrikaanse vrouekarakters sedert die sestigerjare ontwikkel het, kan na aanleiding van hierdie studie gestel word. Verder wys die ondersoek op nuwe navorsingsmoontlikhede, veral in terme van die soeke na identiteit, wat die Bildungsroman inhou by die bestudering van die Afrikaanse literatuur.
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A model for the macro- and microstructure of a Yipunu-French school dictionaryMabika Mbokou, Ludwine 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:In the field of the science of language, dictionaries have always been part of a
standardisation process. They are also part of the expansion, the development and the
promotion of languages in societies. On the other hand, the education system is an
important partner for both foreign language teaching and the development of local
languages in countries with a weak written tradition like Gabon. It is a strong platform for
the production of dictionaries because it includes the diffusion and the application of
school programmes and school manuals.
Therefore, it is relevant for the Gabonese population to rely on a well-established
lexicographic tradition to preserve and promote their local languages. Introducing
dictionaries in the field of education can ensure this. Dictionaries have to be compiled in
the Gabonese languages for Gabonese pupils learning those languages. Because each
culture encourages the development of dictionaries suitable to particular difficulties,
dictionaries compiled in Gabonese languages have to be made according to the Gabonese
The present dissertation will present a model for a bilingual school dictionary involving
Yipunu, one of the Gabonese languages, and French. The aim will be to develop a model,
based on metalexicographical principles, applicable to the Gabonese context. In this
model the French section of the dictionary will not be active. The frame structure
required in the compilation of such a model will contain a front matter, a back matter and
a central list. Even if there are two treated languages, the dominant language in this
dictionary will be Yipunu. French will appear only as translation equivalents. And for the
convenience of the target users, the model will describe the content of a polyfunctional
monodirectional bilingual Yipunu/French dictionary for Yipunu learners.
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Towards a lexicographical intervention in the acquisition and use of English in ZimbabweNkomo, Dion 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)-- Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study considers a lexicographical intervention in the acquisition and use of English in
Zimbabwe. English is the country’s sole official language. This means that it dominates all
the other languages in the country in terms of prestige and usage in the high status domains
such as government, media, law, education, etc. English is learnt as a compulsory subject
throughout the education system up to the General Certificate of Ordinary Level (‘O’ Level)
and used as medium of instruction from the fourth grade upwards. The annual national pass
rate of around 33% and less than 10% for some schools in this subject has been recorded in
recent years. An ‘O’ Level certificate is considered complete if is has registered five ‘O’
Level subjects including English. This means that without an ‘O’ Level English pass, learners
have no chance to proceed to the General Certificate in Education Advanced Level (‘A’
Level) or tertiary education, and their chances of getting employment in the public service are
limited, if not non-existent. In the mainstream scholarship on language policy and language
planning in the country, this situation has resulted in advocating that indigenous languages,
particularly Shona and Ndebele, be developed and elevated to the official status currently
enjoyed by English. Far from being against the development and status elevation of
indigenous languages, this study proposes a lexicographical intervention in the acquisition
and use of English as one of the necessary mechanisms that may mitigate some problems
associated with this language. It is argued that the problem with English is not simply that it
is a language of foreign origin, to be explicit, the language of the former colonial master.
Rather, the problem is that the majority of Zimbabweans are not competent enough to
function in this language. Of course, this may be related to the fact that many Zimbabweans
have to learn it as an additional language since it is not an indigenous language and thus
linguistically and culturally distant from the native languages of its learners.
Dealing with the field of lexicography, this dissertation considers an intervention with respect
to those problems that may be addressed by the consultation of dictionaries. The availability,
use and user-friendliness of English dictionaries are investigated in view of the characteristics
of Zimbabweans as additional language learners of English, their situations in which
lexicographically-relevant problems occur and the subsequent information needs. In doing
this, the theory of learners’ lexicography (Tarp 2004; 2004a; 2008) is used. Firstly, it is
established that dictionaries are scarce commodities in Zimbabwe, with a very limited range
of dictionaries being available for Zimbabweans to buy. Secondly, dictionaries are not
actively used in the learning and use of English within the school system, except in the
former Group A schools which are elitist in nature. Curriculum developers, teachers,
assessors and learners are not very clear about the role of dictionaries within the school
system. Thirdly, the dictionaries that are used are not appropriate for the learners who consult
them, with advanced learners’ dictionaries dominating the limited presence even at primary
schools. Notwithstanding this poor background, it is generally accepted that appropriate
dictionaries, despite the fact that there is a general lack of awareness of the differences
between dictionaries, may address some of the problems associated with English, especially
within the education system. Should this happen, the learners will develop a dictionary
culture and regard dictionaries as utility products which they may rely on later in their
academic and professional careers in which English continues to be dominant.
A model of lexicographical intervention in the acquisition and use of English in Zimbabwe is
therefore formulated. This is done against the above background and also the history of both
English and Zimbabwean lexicography. English lexicography now sees English dictionaries
being produced in a host of countries other than Britain, America, Australia and New
Zealand, where English is a native language. This is mainly because of the dominant role that
English has acquired in those countries such as South Africa. However, Zimbabwean
lexicography has thus far focused on mother-tongue dictionaries in Shona and Ndebele, the
main reason being the need to develop these formerly marginalised languages. Accordingly,
the proposed model seeks to expand the scope of Zimbabwean lexicography. This is not just
for the sake of expanding. On the contrary, in the research it is observed that the dictionaries
constituting the envisaged lexicographical intervention have to be produced in Zimbabwe in
order for them to effectively address the local needs regarding this language. For example,
lemma selection, paraphrases of meaning, illustrative examples and data contained in the
outer texts have to be linguistically and culturally relevant, taking into cognisance the native
languages and cultures of the target users.
It is observed that if the proposed model is to be successfully implemented, local publishers
will need to play an important role, while curriculum developers, assessors, teachers and
learners have to be lexicographically educated. At present, local publishers with international
affiliations distribute externally-motivated dictionaries (Gouws 2005). Where dictionaries are
used, no serious consideration is given regarding the appropriateness of the dictionaries. Any
available dictionary is purchased regardless of its user-friendliness. Unfortunately this results
in a situation where users fail to extract the best from the dictionaries and end up being
disillusioned about the usefulness of dictionaries as utility tools. Some of the dictionaries
found at schools are just locked in safe cabinets in headmasters’ offices while learners
continue experiencing problems that could be solved by appropriate dictionaries.
Accordingly, with lexicographical pedagogy, and further research on specific aspects of the
model, a lexicographical intervention in the acquisition and use of English in Zimbabwe is
considered a worthwhile enterprise. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie beskou 'n leksikografiese tussenkoms in die verwerwing en gebruik van Engels
in Zimbabwe. Engels is die land se enigste offisiële taal. Dit beteken dat dit al die ander tale
in die land oorheers wat betref prestige en gebruik in die hoërstatusterreine soos die regering,
media, reg, opvoeding, ens. Engels word as 'n verpligte vak geleer dwarsdeur die
opvoedingstelsel tot by die Algemene Sertifikaat van Gewone Vlak ('O'-vlak) en gebruik as
onderrigmedium vanaf die vierde graad en hoër. Die jaarlikse nasionale slaagsyfer van
rondom 33% en minder as 10% vir sommige skole in hierdie vak is in onlangse jare
waargeneem. 'n 'O'-vlaksertifikaat word as volledig beskou indien dit vyf 'O'-vlakvakke
insluitende Engels geregistreer het. Dit beteken dat sonder die slaag van Engels op 'O'-vlak
leerders geen kans het om voort te gaan na die Algemene Sertifikaat in Opvoedkunde
Gevorderde Vlak ('A'-vlak) of tersiêre onderwys nie, en hul kanse is beperk, indien nie niebestaande
nie, om werk in die openbare diens te kry. In die hoofstroomvakkundigheid
betreffende taalpolitiek en taalbeplanning in die land het hierdie situasie daartoe gelei dat
bepleit word dat die inheemse tale, veral Sjona en Ndebele, ontwikkel en verhef word tot die
offisiële status wat tans deur Engels geniet word. Verre van teen die ontwikkeling en
statusverheffing van die inheemse tale te wees, stel hierdie studie 'n tussenkoms in die
verwerwing en gebruik van Engels voor as een van die noodsaaklike meganismes wat
sommige probleme wat verband hou met hierdie taal, kan versag. Daar word geredeneer dat
die probleem met Engels nie eenvoudig is dat dit 'n taal van vreemde herkoms, om dit
onomwonde te stel, die taal van die vroeëre koloniale baas is nie. Die probleem is eerder dat
die meerderheid Zimbabwiërs nie bedrewe genoeg is om in hierdie taal te funksioneer nie.
Dit kan natuurlik verwant wees aan die feit dat baie Zimbabwiërs dit as 'n bykomende taal
moet leer aangesien dit nie 'n inheemse taal is nie en daarom linguisties en kultureel verwyder
is van die inheemse tale van sy leerders.
Omdat dit oor die gebied van die leksikografie handel, beskou hierdie verhandeling 'n
tussenkoms met betrekking tot daardie probleme wat deur die raadpleging van woordeboeke
benader kan word. Die beskikbaarheid, gebruik en gebruikersvriendelikheid van Engelse
woordeboeke word ondersoek met betrekking tot die kenmerke van Zimbabwiërs as leerders
van Engels as 'n bykomende taal, hul omstandighede waarin leksikografies relevante
probleme voorkom en die gevolglike inligtingsbehoeftes. Om dit te doen, word die teorie van
aanleerdersleksikografie (Tarp 2004; 2004a; 2008) gebruik. Eerstens is vasgestel dat
woordeboeke skaars artikels in Zimbabwe is, met 'n baie beperkte reeks woordeboeke vir
Zimbabwiërs om te koop. Tweedens word woordeboeke nie daadwerklik aangewend by die
leer en gebruik van Engels binne die skoolstelsel nie, behalwe in die vroeëre Groep A-skole
wat elitisties van aard is. Leerplanontwikkelaars, onderwysers, assessore en leerders het nie
baie groot duidelikheid oor die rol van woordeboeke binne die skoolstelsel nie. Derdens, die
woordeboeke wat gebruik word, is nie geskik vir die leerders wat hulle raadpleeg nie, met
gevorderde aanleerderswoordeboeke wat selfs in primêre skole die beperkte aanwesigheid
oorheers. Nieteenstaande hierdie swak agtergrond, word dit algemeen aanvaar dat geskikte
woordeboeke, ten spyte van die feit dat daar 'n algemene gebrek aan 'n bewustheid van die
verskille tussen woordeboeke is, sommige van die probleme wat met Engels verband hou,
veral in die onderwysstelsel, kan oplos. Sou dit gebeur, sal leerders 'n woordeboekkultuur
ontwikkel en woordeboeke as nutsartikels beskou waarop hulle later kan steun in hul
akademiese en professionele loopbane waarin Engels voortgaan om oorheersend te wees.
'n Model van leksikografiese tussenkoms in die verwerwing en gebruik van Engels in
Zimbabwe word gevolglik geformuleer. Dit word gedoen teen die voorafgaande agtergrond
en ook die geskiedenis van sowel Engelse as Zimbabwiese leksikografie. Engelse
leksikografie toon tans dat Engelse woordeboeke voortgebring word in 'n menigte ander
lande as Brittanje, Amerika, Australië en Nieu-Seeland waar Engels 'n inheemse taal is. Dit
is hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die oorheersende rol wat Engels in daardie lande soos Suid-
Afrika verkry het. Zimbabwiese leksikografie het egter tot sover gefokus op
moedertaalwoordeboeke in Sjona en Ndebele, met as hoofrede die behoefte om hierdie
voorheen gemarginaliseerde tale te ontwikkel. Gevolglik probeer die voorgestelde model om
die omvang van Zimbabwiese leksikografie uit te brei. Dit is nie net ter wille van uitbreiding
nie. Inteendeel. In die navorsing word dit waargeneem dat die woordeboeke wat die
beoogde leksikografiese tussenkoms uitmaak, in Zimbabwe voortgebring moet word vir hulle
om die plaaslike behoeftes met betrekking tot hierdie taal doeltreffend te benader.
Byvoorbeeld, lemmakeuse, betekenisparafrases, toeligtende voorbeelde en data bevat in die
buitetekste moet linguisties en kultureel toepaslik wees om die inheemse tale en kulture van
die teikengebruikers in aanmerking te neem.
Daar word opgemerk dat, om die voorgestelde model suksesvol deur te voer, plaaslike
uitgewers 'n belangrike rol sal moet speel, terwyl leerplanontwikkelaars, assessore,
onderwysers en leerders leksikografies opgevoed sal moet word. Op die oomblik versprei
plaaslike uitgewers met internasionale verbintenisse ekstern-gemotiveerde woordeboeke
(Gouws 2005). Waar woordeboeke gebruik word, word geen ernstige oorwegings geskenk
aan die geskiktheid van woordeboeke nie. Enige beskikbare woordeboek word gekoop
ongeag sy bruikbaarheid. Ongelukkig lei dit tot 'n situasie waar gebruikers in gebreke bly om
die beste uit die woordeboeke te haal en ontnugter eindig oor die nuttigheid van woordeboeke
as gebruiksgereedskap Sommige van die woordeboeke wat in skole aangetref is, word net in
veilige kaste in skoolhoofde se kantore weggesluit, terwyl leerders voortgaan om probleme te
ondervind wat opgelos kan word deur geskikte woordeboeke. Met leksikografiese
opvoeding, en verdere navorsing oor bepaalde aspekte van die model, word 'n leksikografiese
tussenkoms in die verwerwing en gebruik van Engels in Zimbabwe gevolglik as 'n
verdienstelike onderneming beskou.
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Die taak van kultuurorganisasies in minderheidskultuurgroepe met besondere verwysing na die ATKVKok, Frederik Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 1992. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Culture is and always will be of paramount importance to man. If the culture base is threatened, serious conflict and other problems will ensue. Even though there has been talk about a so-called internationalism that denotes a world devoid of different cultures, reality has caught up with the much advocated "melting pot" theory. Depriving groups of their cultural rights, or simply overlooking these rights, can result in a dangerous "boiling pot". Each culture group has a need for its own identity. Because only a small portion of the world population live in culturally homogenious states the potential for conflict is great between different groups that want to uphold and develop their own cultures. This is especially true where minority and majority groups exist within the same national boundaries. For any minority group wishing to preserve and develop its culture a logical solution would be to organize people in cultural organizations to maximize their effectiveness in attaining their goals. In this study, the task and activities of the cultural organization are examined, especially in respect of preserving, maintaining, and developing the culture of a specific group, in particular within minority cultures. Firstly, minorities as a group are discussed, with special reference to their particular needs, conflicts and threats and the conditions for survival.Subsequently, culture as a humanphenomenonis examined. In chapter 3 the cultural organization as a distinct organization, with its own characteristics, problems and success factors, is discussed. Chapter 4 examines cultural organizations and analyzes different ones, especially those of minority groups. Chapter 5 discusses Afrikaans cultural organizations along broad lines, emphasizing their chronological development, problems, inadequacies and challenges. The ATKV, as a minority cultural organization, and its activities are extensively discussed in the followingchapter. In conclusion, the study deals with the requirements and challenges for the successful task fulfilment of cultural organizations in order to understand, plan and evaluate their important task, especially within minority cultures. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kultuur is en bly vir die mens van wesentlike belang. Wanneer die kulturele basis bedreig of aangeraak word, vind ernstige teenreaksie plaas met gepaardgaande konflik en probleme. Alhoewel daar dikwels al gepraat is van internasionalisme in die sin van wegdoening met kulturele en volksbande, is hierdie siening as verkeerd bewys, want elke kultuurgroep het 'n besondere behoefte aan 'n eie kulturele identiteit. Aangesien slegs In klein gedeelte van die wereldbevolking in homogene state leef, is die potensiaal vir konflik tussen verskillende kultuurgroepe, wat elkeen streef na die behoud en uitbouing van die eie, groote Die voorkoms van minderhede, wat toenemend bewus raak van hul eie identiteit, is In feit en vera! waar minderheidsgroepe saam met meerderheidsgroepe voorkom, verhoog die konflikpotensiaal. Vir enige minderheidsgroep Ie 'n logiese oplossing vir die behoud en uitbouing van eie kulturele regte in die organisering van mense in kultuurorganisasies om In kollektiewe en meer effektiewe bedingingsmag te verkry. In hierdie studie word die taak en werksaamhede van kultuurorganisasies ten opsigte van van 'n spesifieke groep minderheidskultuurgroepe. die bewaring, handhawing en uitbouing se kultuur ondersoek, veral binne Eerstens word gekyk na die samestelling van minderheidsgroepe met hul eiesoortige behoeftes, konflikte en bedreigings, asook voorvereistes vir hul voortbestaan. Daarna word kultuur as menslike verskynsel bespreek. Hoofstuk 3 word gewy aan die kultuurorganisasie as In eiesoortige organisasie met sy eie kenmerke, probleme en suksesfaktore. Die kultuurorganisasie in praktyk, vera! binne minderheidsgroepe, kom in hoofstuk 4 aan die bod en word daar ontledend gekyk na verskillende kultuurorganisasies. In hoofstuk 5 word Afrikaanse kultuurorganisasies breedweg bespreek en word vera! gekyk na die organisasies se kronologiese ontwikkeling, asook probleme, leemtes en uitdagings. Daarna word die ATKV as In minderheidskultuurorganisasie, met sy werksaamhede in die praktyk indringend bespreek. Ten slotte word die vereistes en uitdagings op die pad van kultuurorganisasies vir suksesvolle en effektiewe taakvervulling bespreek om sodoende die belangrike taak van die kultuurorganisasie, vera! binne minderheidskultuurgroepe, te verstaan, te beplan en te beoordeel.
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