Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cogency theory"" "subject:"angency theory""
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The Portrayal of Management Control Systems in Sustainability Reporting : A Study of Swedish Retail CompaniesSanfridsson, Joshua, Strid, Max January 2024 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to show how management control systems are used in sustainability reporting. Theoretical perspectives: Stakeholder theory, agency theory, and institutional theory have, together with earlier literature, been applied to the empirical findings to fulfill the purpose of this thesis. Methodology: A keyword frequency analysis based on annual reports from four Swedish retail firms have been analyzed over a five-year period. In total, 18300 words have been coded and analyzed based on seven concepts. The concepts are based upon Malmi and Browns' (2008) MCS framework and consist of financial controls, budgeting, non-financial controls, planning, governance structure, rewards and compensation, and cultural controls. In addition, two interviews were held to gain additional insights into the portrayal in the sustainability reports presented by their companies. Findings: The findings show that the portrayal of MCS in sustainability reporting is more complex than previous literature suggests and that there are more ingredients that affect sustainability reporting. The results presented also indicate that companies communicate differently with their stakeholders and that some stakeholders seem to have greater importance compared to others. It is also found that some companies find it difficult to provide a sustainability report even though they practice sustainability efforts because there are no clear regulations on what to report. This study also finds that companies choose to exclude some parts and include others to present themselves as good as possible although institutional pressures limit the extent of this.
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Management Control Systems in the Public Sector : Navigating through municipal organizations: A net of boundaries or possibilities?Hermansson, Oskar, Karlsson, Therese January 2024 (has links)
Background: Management Control Systems (MCS) have been withheld as useful tools to support managers and increase performance, whereas Simons’ Levers of Control (LOC) increase the understanding of relations between different MCS. The characteristics of the public sector induce new dimensions of complexity in a municipal setting, where this study reveals how tensions exist between both levers and managers in turn impacting the performance of the organization. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to clarify the comprehensive use and efficiency of the MCS within Swedish municipal organizations. By using existing frameworks to acknowledge the unique challenges inherent, the relation between LOC and municipal performance is tested. Method: The study reconciles with the pragmatic paradigm, following an abductive mixed-method approach. The research problem is addressed through a sequential explanatory method, where the quantitative research accounts for the foundation of the study, and to further enhance the understanding of the data, qualitative interviews were conducted. Conclusion: This thesis reveals the intricate relationship between MCS and performance in Swedish municipal organizations, confirming the significance of MCS while challenging assumptions about LOCs’ direct impact on performance. By exploring the moderating role of professional discretion, the study underscores the importance of considering contextual factors in designing effective control mechanisms tailored to organizational needs.
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Do capital markets mistrust strong owners? : The impact of dual-class shares on firm valuation on the Swedish stock exchangeFahlén, Oscar, Haraldson, Erik January 2024 (has links)
In the last two decades, corporate governance rules in Sweden have been arguably improved, giving more protection to minority owners. We thus investigate the impact of dual-class shares on firm valuation on the Swedish stock exchange. Companies from Nasdaq Stockholm are observed during the years 2018-2022, where an OLS regression analysis is made to explore the relationship of the firm valuation measurement Tobin’s Q and other firm variables. Based on regression analysis we do not find an association between the categorical dual-class share structure and Tobin's Q. However, we find a negative association between size of the wedge - the divergence between voting and cash flow rights of the largest owner - and Tobin's Q, attributed to agency costs.
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Navigating the Competitive Landscape: The Role of Outsourcing in Organizational Success : An exploratory study on Opportunities and Challenges in Strategic Outsourcing in Service Supply ChainsBerglund, Nadeeka, Riaz, Muhammad Saqib January 2024 (has links)
Abstract Background: The rapid expansion of the service industry worldwide over the past decades has intensified competition among service providers. In response to this competition, service industries are increasingly turning to outsourcing decisions to leverage opportunities and gain a competitive edge. This includes outsourcing both core and non-core competencies to better position themselves against rivals. However, while outsourcing presents numerous opportunities within the service industry landscape, organizations also encounter significant challenges. Thus, there is a pressing need for a comprehensive framework to identify and address both the potential opportunities and challenges associated with outsourcing. This study aims to provide a thorough overview of how the opportunities and challenges of strategic outsourcing in Service Supply Chains influence the competitiveness of organizations across various service industries with a comprehensive framework and model to enhance the competitiveness within Service Supply Chains. Purpose: Fulfil the previous research gaps related to outsourcing within SSC domain by exploring how the opportunities and challenges of strategic outsourcing in Service Supply Chains influence the competitiveness within service industries in Sweden. Method: The research adopts inductive approaches, utilizing qualitative data collection methods, including open-ended interviews following a grounded theory approach. The empirical findings contribute to the development of a comprehensive model, offering insights into both mitigating challenges and capitalizing on opportunities in outsourcing within Service Supply Chains. Conclusion: The study addresses the organizational focus on outsourcing within Service Supply Chains, highlighting how strategic outsourcing in Service Supply Chains influences organizations' competitiveness across various service industries in Sweden. Organizations outsource both core and non-core competencies to meet customer demands and remain competitive. While outsourcing presents opportunities for revenue generation and other benefits such as access to resources, it also brings challenges such as additional costs, quality issues, and delivery delays, impacting competitiveness negatively. To align with organizational goals, approaches are employed to mitigate these challenges and capitalize on opportunities. The research provides a comprehensive framework, considering agency theory perspectives, to navigate outsourcing opportunities and challenges. It identifies organizational and supplierlevel factors that influence competitiveness in Service Supply Chains by mitigating challenges and capitalizing on opportunities.
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Technology Transparency in Annual Reports : An Analysis of Non-Financial ReportingAllard, Rikard, Samuelsson, Fabian January 2024 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate how companies report non-financial information and specifically volatile subjects such as technology. There are several different new technologies that all have different maturities which can affect how they are reported in annual reports. This thesis aims to understand how reporting of technology is affected by innovation, investments and stakeholder expectations. Theoretical perspectives: Stakeholder theory has been used as a primary theoretical background and framework, in conjunction with agency theory to gain a deeper theoretical understanding of non-financial reporting. Methodology: 30 annual reports from five years (2018-2022) and six tech-companies listed on the Swedish stock market have been content analysed with the use of a variation of keyword frequency analysis. The sample companies represent different segments within the tech-industry to provide the thesis with a wider perspective. Furthermore, the method of this thesis has been a mixture between a positivist ontology with constructivist epistemology and the chosen theories has been used in an abductive manner where findings are reflected against the theories. Additionally, the method of data collection has been a mixture between quantitative and qualitative methods, where qualitative data has been quantified and analysed graphically. Findings: The findings indicate that the sample companies seem to be aware of their stakeholders' perception of them as tech-companies, which affect how they report on technology. It is likely that tech-companies increasingly report on new technologies to maintain their perception as tech-companies. Furthermore, the findings suggest that companies report more heavily on technologies when investments into the given technology have been made. The findings are in line with concepts from both agency theory and stakeholder theory.
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Corporate community involvement disclosure : an evaluation of the motivation & realityYekini, Cecilia Olukemi January 2012 (has links)
This study focused on Corporate Community Involvement Disclosures (CCID), a theme usually disclosed under Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures (CSRD) in annual reports. The primary aim of the research is to investigate the genuineness and raison d'être of CCID in annual reports. To do this the researcher adopted a holistic approach employing an extensive theoretical framework, which integrates Legitimacy, Stakeholder, Agency, Signalling and Semiotics theories and asking three main research questions. Firstly, what are the motivations for CCID in annual reports? Secondly, what is the information content of CCID in annual reports? And lastly, how real is CCID in annual reports? That is can CCID be read and construed as a real measure of corporate community development (CCD)? Using content analysis and a quality score index the study examined a panel dataset covering the period from 1999 to 2009. The data was collected from a sample of 803 annual reports of 73 UK companies taken from the FTSE 350 companies and cutting across all ten industries of the Industrial Classification Benchmark (ICB) Index. Generally the study is more of a quantitative study with hypotheses developed and tested with panel data regression models in order to provide answers to the three research questions. However, due to the sensitivity of the third research question, in addition to panel regression, the researcher performed a qualitative analysis of question three using semiotics. The study provided evidence to show that CCID as disclosed in annual reports have an undertone of reputation/impression management like other CSR disclosures (CSRD). The community activities reported do not seem to address the expectations of the local communities per se; rather the disclosures seemed to be targeted at a wider stakeholder group that is likely to offer immediate reward for such disclosures. Similarly result from semiotic analysis revealed that signification of reality is either doubtful or unreal for most companies sampled. The study is unique as it is the first to explore the reality of CCID as it appears in annual reports using a combination of a panel study approach and semiotics. In addition a major contribution of the study is that it explored the ways in which multiple theoretical underpinnings can inform research by developing a CCID Meta-theory model and thus provided a robust and enriched analysis and unique insights into the CCID phenomenon.
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Selektivitet och snedvridningar av grafer i årsredovisningar : Med fokus på finansiella nyckelvariablerSpringfeldt, Maria, Thunström, Carolina January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Företagsledningen har stor möjlighet att påverka innehållet i årsredovisningen eftersom delar av den saknar regleringar. Detta gör att det finns en problematik om årsredovisningen ger en trovärdig bild av företaget. Enligt tidigare forskning används grafer i årsredovisningar för att påverka läsarens uppfattning om företaget och det har visat sig att företagen snedvrider graferna för att grafen ska se bättre ut. Syftet med denna studie är därmed att undersöka användningen av grafer för finansiella nyckelvariabler i årsredovisningar och snedvridningar av dessa variabler för medelstora företag. Metod: Studien har ett positivistiskt och objektivt synsätt och en deduktiv ansats. Utifrån den teoretiska referensramen formulerades hypoteser som sedan testades mot det empiriska materialet. Det empiriska materialet bestod av grafer från årsredovisningar och detta samlades in genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Studien har en longitudinell design där vi studerade 39 medelstora företag listade på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm under två olika år, vilket resulterade i att 78 årsredovisningar studerades. Det empiriska materialet testades genom statistiska tester för att kunna undersöka hypotesernas acceptans. Resultat & slutsats: Studien har visat att medelstora företag har en hög grafanvändning i årsredovisningar och att de använder sig av grafer för finansiella nyckelvariabler konsekvent över tid. Företagen tenderar att visa positiva trender för finansiella nyckelvariabler men studien har även visat att mer än hälften av dessa variabler presenteras felaktigt genom snedvridningar. Denna studie har visat på en högre andel snedvridna finansiella nyckelvariabler jämfört med tidigare forskning som har undersökt stora företag. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Eftersom denna studie har visat att det finns snedvridningar i grafer för finansiella nyckelvariabler för medelstora företag listade på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm vore det intressant med ytterligare studier inom området för små och stora företag. Detta för att undersöka om små respektive stora företag skiljer sig från medelstora företag gällande snedvridningar för finansiella nyckelvariabler. Vidare vore det även intressant att undersöka snedvridningar för samtliga grafer i årsredovisningar. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien bidrar till att öka förståelsen för hur medelstora företag använder grafer för finansiella nyckelvariabler i sina årsredovisningar. Den bidrar även till nya kunskapsområden eftersom inga tidigare studier har undersökt varken svenska eller medelstora företag. Studien visar att grafer för finansiella nyckelvariabler tenderar att visas på ett felaktigt sätt för att ge en bättre bild av företaget. Denna studie ökar därför medvetenheten hos läsare av årsredovisningar att grafer inte alltid presenteras på ett tillförlitligt sätt. / Aim: The management has a great opportunity to influence the content of annual reports as there are elements that do not adhere to regulations. Hence there is a concern whether the annual report is a reliable representation of a company. According to previous research, graphs are used in annual reports with the purpose of influencing the reader’s perception about the company. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that some companies distort the graphs with the purpose of improving their appearance. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the use of graphical representations of key financial variables in annual reports, and the distortion of these variables in mid size companies. Method: The study has a positivist and objective approach with a deductive undertaking. Hypotheses has been formulated based on the theoretical framework, they have thereafter been tested against the empirical findings. The empirical material consisted of various graphs from annual reports which were collected through a quantitative content analysis. The study has a longitudinal design in which we have studied 39 mid size companies during two different years, in total 78 annual reports have been studied. The empirical material has been analyzed through statistical tests with the purpose of investigating the acceptance of the hypotheses. Result & conclusions: The study has shown that mid size companies has an elevated usage of graphs in annual reports, and that they use graphical representations of key financial variables consistently over time. The companies tend to show positive trends for key financial variables, however the study has shown that a majority of these variables are erroneously represented due to distortions. The study has demonstrated a higher share of distorted key financial variables compared to earlier research which has been focused on large companies. Suggestions for future research: As this study has demonstrated the existence of distortions in graphical representations of key financial variables in mid size companies, it would be interesting to conduct further studies in the area of Swedish small and large size companies. Hence investigating if small and large size companies are any different compared to mid size companies regarding distortions of key financial variables. Furthermore it would be interesting to investigate distortions of all graphical representations in annual reports. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes to an increased understanding of how mid size companies use key financial variables in their annual reports. It also contributes to new knowledge areas as no previous studies has investigated Swedish nor mid size companies. The study shows that graphical representations of key financial variables tend to be exposed erroneously in order to improve the image of the company. Thus, this study increases the awareness of the reader’s of annual reports and alerts them that graphs are not always presented in a reliable way.
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Den verkställande direktörens ersättning : En jämförelse mellan fastighets-, finans och läkemedelsbranschenBasmaci Talita, Awabdeh Maikel January 2016 (has links)
Purpose: The study aims to show if there is a significant relationship between the CEOs recompense and the size of the company between the industries. The goal is to compare the size of a company with the variable that shows performance and which of them who has the strongest connection to the recompense. Method: The essay stands on a quantitative approach where secondary data has been gathered from the year of 2015 annual reports. The population includes all the Swedish companies in the real estate-, finance- and pharmaceutical industry that are listed on the stock exchange. Selection has been made on 30 of these companies, 10 in each industry. With the statistical analyses the methods that have been used are multiple regression model and correlation analysis. Results: The results show that the company that paid the highest recompense in the real estate industry was Kungsleden. The company in the finance industry was Kinnevik and in the pharmaceutical industry it was Pfizer. Conclusion: After analyzing the result the conclusion can be made that there is a significant relationship between the CEOs recompense and the size of the company only in the real estate industry. When comparing the variable that dictates the size of the company (net sales) and the performance variable (MVA), the conclusion that can be made is that MVA has a stronger connection to the CEOs total recompense in the pharmaceutical industry in relation to the other industries. Within the finance industry there was no significant relationship with the CEOs recompense and the selected variables.
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Relationship between corporate governance and firm performance : an African perspectiveKyereboah-Coleman, Anthony 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Business Management)—University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Corporate Governance has engaged the attention of academics and practitioners alike for some time now. It is sad to note, however, that most of the studies carried out in this area have been conducted in countries such as the USA and the UK. In recent times, interest in Corporate Governance on the African continent has assumed heightened proportions, probably as a result of the 1997 East Asian crisis and the relatively poor performance of Corporate Africa. Melvin Ayogu who researched into governance matters around the continent pointed out that corporate governance perhaps is nothing but a mirror image of political governance bridled with a lot of corruption. In spite of the recognition that corporate governance is critical for firm performance and for sustained macroeconomic growth coupled with the heightened interest in the area, research in corporate governance has not received the needed attention on the continent. This was the main motivation for the study. In carrying out this study we considered 103 listed companies drawn from Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa and 52 Microfinance Institutions from Ghana. Data consisted primarily of governance and financial variables. Though, most of the financial data was obtnaied through secondary sources, the governance data was essentially obtianed through questionnaire administration. Analysis of the data was done primarily within the Panel Data Framework and various shades of panel data estimations were run.
This dissertation presents the results of the research work underlying seven stand-alone but related essays that focus on the relationship between corporate governance and various aspects of firm behaviour. Whilst, five of the essays dwell on corporate governance and firm attributes, one considers determinants of board size and composition by using data from Ghana and the last essay explores how corporate governance and stock market development affect economic growth. The first essay looks at corporate governance and firm performance and the second focusses on the determinants of board size and composition. The third essay concentrates on corporate governance and shareholder value maximisation. The fourth essay considers how corporate governance affects the financing choices of firms. The link between firms’ investment opportunity set and corporate governance is the subject matter of the fifth essay. While, the sixth looks at how corporate board diversity through gender affect the performance of microfinance institutions in Ghana, the last and seventh essay is devoted to an exploration of the linkage between corporate governance, stock market development and economic growth using board independence as the main governance indicator.
The findings of the study indicate that large and independent boards enhance firm value and that when a CEO serves as board chair, it has negative effect on performance and such firms employ less debt. We also found that a CEO’s tenure in office enhances firms’ profitability while board activity intensity has a negative effect on firm profitability. The study also revealed that while larger boards employ more debts, the independence of a board has a significant negative relationship with short-term debt. The size of audit committees and the frequency of their meetings have a positive influence on market-based performance measures and institutional shareholding essentially sends a positive signal to potential investors thereby enhancing market valuation of firms. The study also confirmed the widely-held view that board size and its composition are functions of firm and industrial characteristics. Thus, while firm level risk has a positive relationship with board size, CEO tenure correlates negatively with board size and that firms with larger institutional shareholding employ fewer outside directors. Firms in the finance sector were seen to employ smaller board sizes and fewer outside directors partly due to the existence of other regulatory mechanisms in these institutions. More so, it was found that large board sizes enhance shareholders wealth and that both sector and country specific effects impact on shareholders value. The mining sector was seen as dominant in maximising shareholder value in terms of dividend yield. The study once again showed that shareholder value maximisation is also dependent on the level of country specific risk. Our results also point to the fact that firms with investment or growth opportunities employ large boards (high board and auditor fees), have longer CEO tenure and are profitable, and that the extent of growth response to governance structures is influenced by both country and sector specific effects. Findings again, suggest that board diversity through the inclusion of women is important for enhanced performance of microfinance institutions and the independence of corporate boards in particular is important for firm performance. These findings have important policy implications.
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Kapitalstrukturens effekt på lönsamhet : En studie av svenska företagGeiding, Richard, Einarsson, Jesper January 2014 (has links)
In this paper the effect of capital structure on profitability has been investigated among Swedish companies. The essay intends to examine how the relationship between debt and profitability appear among Swedish companies and if the relationship differs between industries. The purpose is to find out how debt affects the profitability of Swedish companies. A quantitative approach has been applied. The selection was made among companies listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, which resulted in a sample of 207 companies. Several regression analyzes has been formed, based on the independent variable debt-ratio and the dependent variables profit margin, pre-tax profit margin, operating margin, return on assets and return on equity. The variables were calculated using data from each company’s annual reports for the entire investigation period, year 2009-2013. The theories in the study are the capital structure irrelevance theory, trade-off, agency theory and the pecking-order theory. The scientific papers which has served as reference for this paper is a study made by Addae et al., where the relationship between debt and profitability were examined among listed companies in Ghana and a study made by Panno, where a similar relationship were examined among companies in the UK and Italy. The results indicates positive relationships between debt-ratio and profit margin, pre-tax profit margin and operating margin. This result is in parity with that from Pannos investigation and it seems that Swedish companies tend to take advantage of the tax-shield, giving support for the trade-off theory. However, regarding the relationship between debt-ratio and return on assets as well as equity, no significant relationship could be found. This means that it is not possible to say that more debt causes changes in return on assets or return on equity among Swedish companies. Furthermore, regarding the relationships between industries, it has only been possible to find significant relationships in 2 out of 17 industries and therefore no valid conclusions could be drawn concerning that question. / I denna uppsats har kapitalstrukturens effekt på lönsamhet undersökts bland svenska företag. Uppsatsen ämnar besvara hur sambandet mellan skuldsättning och lönsamhet ser ut bland svenska företag och om sambandet skiljer sig mellan olika branscher. Syftet är att ta reda på hur skuldsättningen påverkar lönsamheten i svenska företag. För att uppfylla syftet har en kvantitativ forskningsansats tillämpats. Urvalet har gjorts utifrån noterade företag på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm som uppfyllt tre villkor, vilket har resulterat i ett urval om 207 stycken företag. För att besvara frågeställningen har det genomförts regressionsanalyser som baserats på den oberoende variabeln skuldandel och de beroende variablerna vinst-, bruttovinst- och rörelsemarginal samt räntabilitet på eget och totalt kapital. Beräkningen av variablerna har föregåtts av en omfattande datainsamling där grunddata hämtats in från de aktuella företagens årsredovisningar för hela undersökningsperioden, åren 2009-2013. De centrala vetenskapliga teorierna som behandlats i undersökningen är kapitalstrukturens irrelevansteori, trade-off, agentteorin och pecking-order. De vetenskapliga artiklar som fungerat som referensram för uppsatsen är en studie av Addae m.fl., där sambandet mellan skuldsättning och lönsamhet har undersökts bland noterade företag i Ghana och en studie av Panno, där ett liknande samband undersökts bland företag i Storbritannien och Italien. Resultaten pekar på positiva samband mellan skuldandel och vinst-, bruttovinst- och rörelsemarginal. Detta ligger i linje med de resultat som Panno funnit och talar för att svenska företags kapitalstruktur förklaras av trade-off teorin, som utgår ifrån irrelevansteorins skattesköld i förhållande till konkurskostnader. Vad gäller sambandet mellan skuldandel och räntabilitet på eget och totalt kapital har inget signifikant samband kunnat styrkas. Det innebär att det inte går att säga att en högre skuldsättning bland svenska företag leder till en förändring i varken avkastning på eget eller totalt kapital. Vidare gäller att på branschnivå har det bara gått att finna signifikanta samband mellan skuldsättning och lönsamhet i 2 av 17 branscher.
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