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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Governança corporativa e gerenciamento de projetos: um estudo de caso sobre as bases do processo decisório em projetos / Corporate governance and project management: a case study about the basis of project decision-making

Ferrer, Paulo Sergio Scoleze 24 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-05-12T20:39:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Paulo Sergio Scoleze Ferrer.pdf: 2290156 bytes, checksum: d5d5b4ab1cf373dd0a6195f92de4b282 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-12T20:39:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Paulo Sergio Scoleze Ferrer.pdf: 2290156 bytes, checksum: d5d5b4ab1cf373dd0a6195f92de4b282 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-24 / The emergence of large corporations, geographically dispersed and wide range of business, brought new challenges to its managers and owners. The impossibility to exert a direct and continuous supervision over all decision-making processes occurring in each portion or unit that makes up the organization, resulted in developing the concept of corporate governance, which aims to place beacons to the decisions of the various agents, opposing business risks to the policies that attempt to protect the interests of the owners or investors. Due to its characteristics, to projects are inherent risks and uncertainties, indicating the relevance of the integration of project governance to the organization's governance model. However, an examination of the literature reveals some incipiency in studies of this relationship, which tend to extol the project performance metrics at the expense of the paths leading to their results. From this gap, emerges as objective of this work, the analysis of interconnection between the decision-making process on projects and corporate governance. When highlighting the morphology of decision making in project management through a multiple case study, the results of this research suggests the underdevelopment of corporate governance mechanisms, apparently not robust enough to permeate the organization and reach the decision maker agent in the project. However, when isolated initiatives break the gap between temporary organization (project) and the permanent organization, decisions aligned with the guidelines of corporate governance are now 10.4 times more frequent, suggesting a significant influence. In practice, this finding hints the possibility of organizations being exposed to unknown and possibly significant risks, encouraging the discussion about the real efficiency of corporate governance mechanisms, by a perspective of permeability through the projects encompassed by the corporation. / O surgimento das grandes corporações, geograficamente dispersas e com larga gama de negócios, trouxe novos desafios aos seus administradores e a seus proprietários. A inviabilidade para se exercer uma supervisão direta e contínua sobre todos os processos decisórios ocorridos em cada parcela ou unidade que compõe a organização, implicou no desenvolvimento do conceito de governança corporativa, a qual visa situar balizas às decisões dos diversos agentes, contrapondo os respectivos riscos do negócio às políticas que intentam resguardar os interesses dos proprietários ou investidores. Por suas características, aos projetos são inerentes os riscos e as incertezas, sugerindo a relevância da integração da governança dos projetos ao modelo de governança da organização. Entretanto, um exame na literatura ainda revela alguma insipiência nos estudos sobre esta relação, os quais tendem a exaltar as métricas de desempenho de projetos, em detrimento dos caminhos que levam aos seus resultados. Desta lacuna, emerge como objetivo deste trabalho, a análise da interconexão entre o processo decisório nos projetos e a governança corporativa. Ao lançar luz sobre a morfologia do processo decisório no gerenciamento de projetos por meio de um estudo de caso múltiplo, os resultados desta pesquisa sugerem o subdesenvolvimento dos mecanismos de governança corporativa, aparentemente não suficientemente robustos para permear a organização e alcançar o agente decisor no projeto. Entretanto, quando iniciativas isoladas rompem o hiato entre a organização temporária (projeto) e a organização permanente, as decisões alinhadas às diretrizes da governança corporativa passam a ser 10,4 vezes mais frequentes, sugerindo uma significativa influência. Na prática, esta constatação alude a possibilidade das organizações estarem expostas a riscos desconhecidos e, eventualmente, significativos, incitando a discussão sobre a real eficiência dos mecanismos de governança corporativa, por uma perspectiva de capacidade efetiva de permeabilidade nos projetos abarcados pela corporação.

The Financial Impact of having Women on the Board : A study on the gender composition of a board and its effect on a company's financial performance

Luhr, Carl, Ålund, Alice January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to examine if the gender composition of a board has an effect on a company’s financial performance by analyzing their operating margin and return on capital employed (ROCE). The study is based on a quantitative method, studying companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Previous research has not been studying the gender composition of boards of Swedish companies and its effect on the company's financial performance in regard to their operating margin and return on capital employed. Therefore, this study has examined that in order to draw a conclusion regarding its possible effects. The data that is collected will be used as support in the analysis in order to understand how the current composition and effects are connected. This study will contribute with knowledge for companies in Sweden regarding gender composition of boards and the possible effects on their financial performance. But also, as support for the ongoing discussion regarding board composition and the current inequality in gender representation. In conclusion the study shows that return on capital employed and the proportion of women in the board has a positive relationship. Meaning that the bigger proportion of women in a board, the better return on capital employed the company has. However, for operating margin there was not a significant relationship and therefore a conclusion regarding that cannot be made.

A Study on the Effect of the Mandated Change in Board Composition on Firm Performance & CEO Compensation

Pandya, Dishant D. 06 July 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Påverkar VD:ns aktieinnehav bolags finansiella prestation? : En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan VD:ns nivå av aktieinnehav inom bolaget och dess finansiella prestation

Backlund, Carl-Oscar, Granström, Viktor January 2021 (has links)
Titel: Påverkar VD:ns aktieinnehav bolags finansiella prestation?  - En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan VD:ns nivå av aktieinnehav inom bolaget och dess finansiella prestation.    Författare: Carl-Oscar Backlund & Viktor Granström   Handledare: Jörgen Hellström   Problembakgrund och problemdiskussion Synen på VD:ns roll och dennes betydelse för ett bolag har ändrats mycket genom åren. I modern tid anses en VD vara ytterst ansvarig för bolagets verksamhet, med lagstadgade uppgifter, men också samtidigt vara ansiktet utåt mot media och press. Hur pass stark är korrelationen mellan bolaget prestation och dess VD? Många börsnoterade bolag väljer att knyta VD:ns finansiella kompensation till dess aktiekurs, och på så vis få VD:n att börja arbeta mer utifrån aktieägarnas intressen. Andra bolag väljer att tillämpa olika typer av incitamentsprogram. Huruvida VD:ns aktieägande inom ett bolag påverkar bolagets prestation är studerat ur ett internationellt perspektiv, men det saknas forskning på svenska bolag. Vidare finns det ett flertal faktorer som särskiljer den position svenska bolag befinner sig i gentemot utländska bolag.    Syfte  Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka huruvida det finns ett samband mellan VD:ns finansiella incitament och bolagets finansiella prestation. Studien avser bolag listade på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm. Vidare är syftet att redogöra för relevanta teorier inom ämnesområdet för att därefter avgöra ifall det återfinns stöd för dessa utifrån studiens resultat.   Metod Studien utgår ifrån en kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv forskningsansats där en tvärsnittsstudie tillämpas med hjälp av insamlade sekundärdata. Den data som samlats in är för bolag som varit listade på stockholmsbörsen under år 2019. Multipla regressionsmodeller har skapats för att undersöka huruvida samband existerar genom testande av hypoteser.    Teori Agentteorin, stewardship-teorin, entrenchment-teorin, och det resursbaserade synsättet ligger till grund för studiens teoretiska referensram tillsammans med tidigare forskning kring ämnet.    Empiri & slutsats Uppsatsens resultat tyder på att inga säkerställda samband mellan VD:ns nivå av aktieinnehav och den finansiella prestationen, operationaliserat som ROA och ROE kan återfinnas under räkenskapsåret 2019 på Stockholmsbörsen. Varpå studiens resultat genomförande finner stöd för stewardship-teorin, och därmed återfinns inget stöd för agentteorin respektive entrenchment-teorin på en 5% signifikansnivå.

Finansiella revisorns IT-kompetens : En studie om den finansiella revisorns granskning av affärssystem / The financial auditor’s IT competence : A study about the financial audito’s audit of aninformation system

Andersson, Julia, Lindemann, Mathilde January 2021 (has links)
Informationsteknik är ett expanderande område som utvecklas i takt med den teknologiska utvecklingen. Allt eftersom samhället blir mer digitaliserat har det en betydande påverkan på den finansiella revisorn och dess revisionsarbete. Det finns tidigare forskningar och diskussioner kring hur viktigt IT-kompetens är för den finansiella revisorn på grund av den växande IT-miljön. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om den finansiella revisorn har tillräckligt med IT-kompetens för att granska affärssystem, förstå om eller när den finansiella revisorn tar hjälp av en IT-revisor samt undersöka vilka förväntningar som finns på finansiella revisorer. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts. Respondenterna som deltog i undersökningen var revisorer från olika revisionsbyråer samt en VD, vilket la grunden för den empiriska data som därefter analyserades med hjälp av studiens teoretiska referensram. De centrala slutsatserna som tagits fram i studien är att den finansiella revisorn anser sig själva ha tillräckligt med IT-kompetens för att utföra deras arbetsuppgifter och för att kunna utföra granskningar av ett affärssystem. Studien påvisar att om en finansiell revisor ska kunna göra granskningar av ett affärssystem krävs det grundläggande kunskaper om hur affärssystem fungerar. Studien visar även att en finansiell revisor kan ta hjälp IT-revisorer när deras kunskaper inte är tillräckliga. Det förekommer främst vid granskning av komplexa och specialanpassade affärssystem. Till sist visar studiens resultat att förväntningarna som finns på finansiella revisorer överensstämmer med kundens förväntningar. / Information technology is an expanding area that is evolving in step with technological development. As the society becomes more digital, it has a significant impact on the financial auditor and its audit work. There is previous research and discussions about how important IT competence is for the financial auditor due to the growing IT environment. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the financial auditor has sufficient IT competence to audit information systems, to understand if or when the financial auditor engages the help of an IT auditor and examine the expectations that exist for the financial auditors. To answer the studies purpose and the formulated questions, a qualitative research method with semi-structured interviews was conducted. The respondents who participated in the study were auditors from various auditing firms and a CEO, they formed the empirical data which were then analyzed by using the studies theoretical framework. The key conclusions in the study are that the financial auditor considers themselves to have sufficient IT competence to perform their tasks and to be able to audit an information system. The study indicates that basic knowledge of how information systems work is required from a financial auditor to perform an audit of the system. The study also indicates that a financial auditor can engage the help of IT auditors when their knowledge is not sufficient. It appears mainly in audits of complex and special adapted information systems. Lastly the result of the study shows that the expectation of the financial auditor is in line with the customer’s expectations.

Den upplevda revisionsnyttan : Ur revisionspliktiga och icke-revisionspliktiga företags perspektiv / Perceived audit benefit : From statutory and non-statutory audited companies’ perspective

Tjellander, Simon, Mahmood, Hassan January 2021 (has links)
År 2010 avskaffades den obligatoriska revisionen för småföretag i Sverige. Detta resulterade i att en majoritet av icke-revisionspliktiga företag valde bort revision. Trots detta finns det ett antal företag som väljer frivillig revision. Revisionen kan medföra mängder av fördelar som påverkar den upplevda revisionsnyttan. Därmed syftar denna studie till att undersöka skillnader och likheter i upplevd revisionsnytta mellan revisionspliktiga och icke-revisionspliktiga företag, samt de faktorer som påverkar den upplevda revisionsnyttan. Med stöd av olika teorier samt tidigare forskning har olika indikatorer som kan påverka den upplevda revisionsnyttan identifierats samt sex hypoteser genererats. De teorier som lagt grunden för studien är i synnerhet den institutionella teorin, legitimitetsteorin, intressentteorin samt agentteorin. För att uppnå studiens syfte har ett kvantitativt metodval gjorts och en enkätundersökning genomförts. Totalt erhölls 168 svar som därmed utgör studiens empiriska underlag. Med hjälp av IBM SPSS har diverse statistiska beräkningar genomförts för att besvara studiens syfte. Studiens resultat indikerar på att icke-revisionspliktiga företag upplever en högre revisionsnytta än vad de revisionspliktiga företagen gör. Resultatet visar även att revisionspliktiga och icke-revisionspliktiga företag upplever revisionsnytta av olika anledningar. Eftersom studien är jämförande i sin natur görs ett empiriskt bidrag. Detta innebär att studiens empiri kan bistå framtida jämförelsestudier inom ämnet. Utöver det empiriska, tillför studien även ett teoretiskt samt praktiskt bidrag till diverse aktörer, akademiska likaväl som affärsrelaterade. / In 2010 the obligatory audit regulation was abolished for small companies in Sweden. This led to most non-statutory audited companies opting out of being audited. Despite this, there are still several companies that choose to be audited voluntarily. Being audited can bring numerous advantages that affect the perceived audit benefit. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate similarities and differences in the perceived audit benefits between statutory and non-statutory audited companies, as well as the factors that affect the perceived audit benefit. With the support of previous research, different indicators that can affect the perceived audit benefits have been identified, and six hypotheses have been generated. The theories that lay the foundation of the study are the institutional theory, the legitimacy theory, the stakeholder theory and the agency theory. A quantitative approach has been applied by using a questionnaire survey. 168 answers were acquired in total, which in turn constitutes the empirical data of the study. By using IBM SPSS, various statistical calculations have been performed to achieve the purpose of the study. The results of the study indicate that non-statutory audited companies experience a higher audit benefit than their counterparts. Another finding is that statutory and non-statutory companies experience audit benefits for different reasons. Because the study is comparative, the empirical content may contribute to future comparative studies within the context. The study also makes theoretical and practical contributions for various actors, both academic and business related.

Rik som ett troll? : En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan skatteaggressivitet och CSR bland svenska företag inom byggbranschen

Rydberg, Klara, Toftebrant, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
Date:                        5 June 2020 Level:                       Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr Institution:              School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University Authors:                  Klara Rydberg                              Sofia Toftebrant                                  (98/03/20)                                    (98/07/08) Title:                        Why filthy rich? – A quantitative study on the relationship between tax aggressiveness and CSR among large Swedish companies in the construction industry. Tutor:                      Dariusz Osowski Keywords:               Tax aggressiveness, Corporate Social Responsibility, Legitimacy theory, construction industry & Agency theory Research questions:                What is the relation between the company's tax aggressiveness and the extent of CSR information that large Swedish companies in the construction industry provide? Purpose:                  The study examines the relationship between companies' tax payments and the disclosure of sustainability information. Method:                  The study adopts a quantitative approach where a cross-sectional study for the year of 2018 was conducted. Information from annual reports, sustainability reports and websites have been collected from 100 companies in the construction industry. Data have been collected and then analyzed in SPSS and subsequently the results have been analyzed and explained with the theory of legitimacy and agency theory. Conclusion:             The results of the study show that there is a positive causality between tax aggressiveness and CSR. This means that companies pursuing a more tax-aggressive policy tend to provide more detailed CSR-information. The conclusion can be explained by the theory of legitimacy and agency theory, which suggests that companies that are more tax-aggressive try to minimize the negative media image by providing more detailed information that benefits the companies positively. / Datum:                    5 juni 2020 Nivå:                        Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 hp Institution:              Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, Mälardalens högskola Författare:              Klara Rydberg                              Sofia Toftebrant                                     (98/03/20)                                  (98/07/08) Titel:                        Rik som ett troll? – En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan                  skatteaggressivitet och CSR bland svenska företag inom byggbranschen Handledare:            Dariusz Osowski Nyckelord:              Skatteaggressivitet, Corporate Social Responsibility, Legitimitetsteorin, Byggbranschen & Agentteorin Frågeställning:       Hur ser sambandet ut mellan företagets skatteaggressivitet och omfattning CSR-information som stora svenska företag inom byggbranschen lämnar? Syfte:                       Studien undersöker sambandet mellan företags skattebetalningar och utlämnandet av hållbarhetsinformation. Metod:                     Studien antar en kvantitativ ansats där en tvärsnittsstudie för år 2018 genomförts. Information från årsredovisningar, hållbarhetsrapporter samt hemsidor har samlats in från 100 företag inom byggbranschen. Data har samlats in för att sedan analyseras i SPSS och därefter har resultaten analyserats samt förklarats med hjälp av legitimitetsteorin och agentteorin. Slutsats:                  Resultatet i studien påvisar att det föreligger en positiv kausalitet mellan skatteaggressivitet och CSR. Det innebär att företag som bedriver mer skatteaggressiva aktiviteter tenderar att lämna mer utförlig CSR-information. Slutsatsen kan förklaras med hjälp av legitimitetsteorin och agentteorin som antyder att företag som är mer skatteaggressiva försöker minimera den negativa mediabilden genom att lämna utförligare information som gagnar företaget positivt.

Sustainability Performance and Capital Structure : An analysis of the relationship between ESG rating and debt ratio

Lindkvist, Lovisa, Saric, Olle January 2020 (has links)
This thesis investigates the relationship between sustainability performance and capital structure, measured using the ESG (environmental, social and governance) rating and the debt ratio. In the pursuit of analysing the relationship between the ESG rating and the debt ratio, this study investigates publicly listed companies within the EU/EEA due to its mutual legislative framework on sustainable finance. This research has the intention of shedding light upon if a company can use sustainability ratings to alter their optimal debt levels, operate at higher efficiency with access to cheaper capital, and help the manager maximize firm value. This could help them in decision making processes of financing their business through receiving a better understanding of how the ESG rating affects the capital structure. This knowledge would allow management to better understand how the investments necessary in acquiring the ESG rating affect firm value as well as how they affect the dynamics of financing the firm. This is a deductive and quantitative research based on secondary data, gathered using Thomson Reuters (Eikon) database. Furthermore, this research is a cross-sectional study analysing companies in year 2019. No clear relationship between the two concepts has been found, arriving at the conclusion that the optimal capital structure is not influenced by sustainability initiatives. However, sustainability initiatives should always be encouraged since these generate other beneficial effects. Finally, this research contributes to the current field of knowledge on the topic through analysing the results using the Trade-off Theory, Pecking Order Theory, Agency Theory, Legitimacy Theory and Stakeholder Theory. The results are somewhat aligned with the Trade-off Theory of capital structure and the Pecking Order Theory as well as other more traditional financial theories. One can conclude that sustainability performance is not of importance when it comes to the firm's ability to raise capital or the firm’s capital structure. This tells us that there is still a long way to go and that action needs to be taken before sustainability becomes an essential and well-integrated factor considered in investment decisions. The results may be undesirable, but they also give a fair picture of the financial sector’s priorities as of now and highlight the need for sustainable objectives to align with financial profitability.

INVESTMENT ADVICE FROM INSIDERS : The impact of Insider Trading on Long-Term IPO Stock Performance in Sweden

Leth, Anton, Vikström, Jakob January 2020 (has links)
This thesis analyzes and evaluates the relationship between insider trading and the long-term stock performance of Initial Public Offerings (IPO) in Sweden. The study looks at firms that recently conducted an IPO and how the stock performance of the firm is impacted by insiders making transactions in their own stock. An IPO is known to generate high returns on its first day on the public stock market, but to underperform the market in the long term. The characteristics of an IPO are deviant from the rest of the stock market, and with less information available to the public compared to other firms, the IPO market is hard to navigate for investors. Transactions made by insiders in the share of their own company is usually seen as guidance in public companies. An insider purchase is usually followed by a positive stock return, and insiders selling shares have the opposite impact. The aim of this thesis is to investigate if the information provided by insider transactions can be used to create a potential trading strategy for IPOs. Through statistical analysis, a negative relationship is found between the insider trading and IPO long-term stock performance, indicating that insider buying shares are connected to lesser stock performance. This contradicts previous research regarding insider trading in seasoned firms and opens up for discussion. By implementing a theoretical framework, a deeper analysis of the proposed relationship is be made. This study concludes that the negative relationship between insider trading and long-term IPO stock performance is not directly caused by insider trading itself. Instead, it is a result of insiders making poor investment decisions due to outside pressure and behavioral factors.

The Effect of Accounting Standards on Business Acquisitions : An analysis of the Swedish acquisition market

Hillman, Maxx, Sjösten, Linus January 2022 (has links)
The topic of business acquisitions has been much debated in 2022, largely due to Microsoft’s record-breaking acquisition of Activision Blizzard. Historically, business acquisitions and their corresponding goodwill values have been a thoroughly examined and debated subject between scholars and regulators due to the complexity and ambiguity of goodwill. Discussions regarding goodwill and acquisitions have been the foundation of many studies throughout the years. However, the effects of accounting standards on the factors of business acquisitions have not been examined thoroughly and therefore represents a knowledge gap in existing accounting literature. This thesis examines the relationship between the accounting standards IFRS and Swedish GAAP and their influence on business acquisitions. The focus of the thesis is on the number of business acquisitions as well as goodwill, or value added, to test if the standards themselves affect these factors. Other elements which could affect these factors are presented to broaden the research and isolate the accounting standard variable.  By examining Swedish business acquisitions during a five-year period, the authors have identified 406 business acquisitions that were of such quality that they could be examined further. The study is inspired by other studies in similar areas, especially a paper written by Kashiwazaki et al. (2019) in which the effect of IFRS adoption on business acquisitions in Japan is researched. However, this study is not focused on adoption, the aim of the research is to examine the impact of the standards themselves. By examining the two accounting standards and their correlation with the frequency of acquisitions as well as change in goodwill, patterns can be identified and conclusions regarding whether accounting standards affect the two factors can be drawn. Several theories are discussed in order to contextualize the research, and different perspectives regarding the acquisitions and goodwill are presented. To broaden the context of the subject, specific theories and their counterparts are presented to get both perspectives of a phenomenon. Agency theory and stewardship theory are explained and compared throughout the thesis and the conclusion of this paper is that stewardship theory is more valid when examining Swedish business acquisitions. Other theories such as the resource-based view are explained and connected to business acquisitions and the results of the thesis. Lastly, motives and benefits behind business acquisitions are discussed and conclusions are drawn based on the results of the tests conducted.  Two OLS regressions with corresponding T-tests for verifications showed a nonsignificant relationship between the dependent and independent variables in both tests. This means that there is no statistical significancy between either of the two factors and accounting standards. These findings suggest that there are other factors that are correlated with the number of business acquisitions and value added and explain the variance in these two factors. Some of the observable factors were the size of the firm, return on assets, operating income among others. In conclusion, there were no indications that accounting standards influence the number of business acquisitions nor value added.

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