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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Umělecko-pedagogický odkaz Aleny Fišerové / Artistic-pedagogical Legacy of Alena Fišerová

Böhmová, Andrea January 2019 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis is a presentation of the notable Czech piano teacher Alena Fišerová, who spent all her professional life at the "Vzorová hudební škola" (Model Music School) in Voršilská Str. in the borough of Praha 1. The first part of the Thesis focuses on her family background and childhood. Her studies and professional life are also described. This information is mostly based on witness accounts and memories of her former pupils and friends. Exact data was verified using personal documents available and the chronicles of the Vzorová hudební škola. The Thesis follows in detail her method of teaching the piano as well as the contribution that she presented in her day and time. Alena Fišerová did not leave her mark in piano pedagogy as a teacher alone but also as the creator of many sheet music compilations, either alone or in collaboration with others. The best-known titles out of her publishing activities are the Album etud I. - V. (Album of Études, vol. I - V), to this day possibly the most commonly used compilations at the Základní umělecká škola (Fine Arts School) in the Czech Republic. This works is the subject of detailed analysis and description in the following chapters. All five volumes of the Album etud are introduced and selected études from vol. I and II are analysed with regard to...

"Nu minns jag allt" : En intermedial analys av det psykologiska försvaret och dess förfall i Kim W. Anderssons ”Alena”. / "Now I remember" : An intermedial analysis of psychological defence and how it desolves in Kim W. Andersson's "Alena"

Nyman, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Den grafiska romanen Alena analyseras i denna uppsats med fokus på tematiken  psykiskt försvar. En intermedial metod används för att studera hur bild och text kommunicerar denna tematik. Uppsatsens frågeställning är -     Hur gestaltas psykets försvar i text respektive bild i Kim W. Anderssons Alena? Uppsatsen baseras på jagpsykologisk teori för förklarandet av psykisk försvarsmekanik. Den psykologiska teorin kopplas till den intermediala analysen av basmediernas samverkan och klargör hur de kommunicerar psykiskt försvar. Resultatet av uppsatsen visar att det är genom kommunikationen mellan bilden och texten som den psykologiska aspekten utläses. I vissa fall tyds tematiken genom expanderande förhållande mellan basmedierna, där de vidare förklarar varandras uttryck och skapar en större möjlighet till psykologiska tolkningar. I andra fall är det ett kontrapunktiskt förhållande mellan medierna som möjliggör utläsning av exempelvis ontologiska skikt. De ontologiska skikten visar på alternativa ”sanningar” och upplevelser, som inte uttrycks konkret i diegesen. Resultaten tydliggör det opålitliga berättarperspektivet som verket präglas av. Läsaren möts flera gånger av olika utsagor och motsägande skuldbeläggning.  Genom tydliggörande av verkets psykologiska prägel skapas en förståelse för berättelsens ifrågasättande av sig själv.

Česká recepce prózy Michaila Bulgakova Osudová vejce / Czech reception of Mikhail Bulgakovʼs novella The Fatal Eggs

Lhotová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the reception of the works of Michail Bugakov by the Czech community from the 1920s to 1980s. This time frame is set by the publishing of two translations of Bulgakov's novella Fatal Eggs. Using the two translations, published over fifty years apart, this thesis attempts to demonstrate how were Bulgakov's works received by the Czech community and in what context were they understood. The thesis focuses mainly on the impact of the novel in the life and work of Michail Bulgakov. Following that, a picture of the author created by the Czech journalism and commentaries accompanying his works is shown. Through the analysis of these texts the thesis focuses on the influence of ideology on the interpretation of author's works and fate. Further focus is given to the differences of translation styles of both translators. The translatological analysis of selected samples of both translations has been conducted and upon it the methods used by each of the translators have been synthesized. Key words: Michail Bulgakov, Fatal Eggs, Kamila Značkovská-Neumannová, Alena Morávková, the picture of the author, translation method, translatological analysis

Kritický ohlas tvorby českých autorek k tematice druhé světové války v 21. století / Critical acclaim of Czech female writers'21st century topical word on Second World War

Musilová, Anna January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis Critical acclaim of Czech female writers' topical work on the Second World War analyses book reviews of three chosen novels devoted to the theme of the Second World War, by Kateřina Tučková, Alena Mornštajnová and Květa Legátová. The aim of the thesis is to document how the works have been received by Czech literary critics and reviewers. The analysis examines texts from literary magazines (Tvar, Host, A2, Literární noviny, iLiteratura.cz), general press (Lidové noviny, Mladá fronta DNES, Novinky.cz, Týden) and Czech Radio. The theoretical part defines literary criticism, and summarizes the biographies of chosen writers and the history of some of the important literary magazines that are analyzed in the thesis. In the theoretical part, I also put the role of female contemporary writers into perspective of their cultural and historical context. The following practical part is focused on interpreting novels and analyzing and evaluating critical response. The analysis not only examines the opinions and conclusions of reviewers, but also the quality of the authors' reflections, and the professionalism and complexity of their approach to the novels. The thesis also includes interviews with Kateřina Tučková and Alena Mornštajnová, in which the writers are questioned about their...

Alena Slezáková a její postavení v médiích. Životopisná studie / Alena Slezáková and her position in media. Biographical study

Zavřelová, Monika January 2019 (has links)
Thesis Alena Slezáková and her position in media. Biographical study deals with career of a journalist, who has witnessed during her activie years in media important events of Czech and Czechoslovakian history. Since the year 1964 she worked in Lidová demokracie, Lidové noviny, Mladá fronta DNES and magazines Naše rodina and Týden. In the year 1969 she was forbidden from entering parliament. She was allowed to return after Velvet Revolution, when she also started to work on education of young and beginning journalists. In the end of her career, right before she retired, she became a book reviewer. This biographical study uses method of oral history, which means that author of this thesis interviewed Alena Slezáková regularly. It also uses method of qualitative content analysis of her texts, that informed about events in politics and society in Czech Republic and Czechoslovakia. Thesis also mentions important historic affairs, so the life and work of Slezáková can me contextualized. Aim of this thesis was not only to describe life of Alena Slezáková but also to outline transformations in media she witnessed - censorship and its dissolution, new media law and transformation of party's press. Part of this thesis are also two hypotheses which were confirmed. During the research it was shown that events...

Kritická reflexe románů Aleny Mornštajnové v českých médiích / Critical Reflexion of Alena Mornstajnova's Novels in the Czech Media

Sedloňová, Nikola January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis Critical Reflexion of Alena Mornstajnova's Novels in the Czech Media analyses book reviews of the first four novels written by Alena Mornštajnová: Slepá mapa, Hotýlek, Hana and Tiché roky. This thesis aims to document how her work has been perceived by professional literary critics and reviewers. The analysis examines 27 articles from Czech literary magazines, portals (Host, Tvar, A2, iLiteratura.cz, Bubínek Revolveru) and generally focused newspapers and magazines (Mladá fronta DNES, Právo, Deník N, Respekt, Týdeník Rozhlas, Literární noviny). The period of analysis for this study begins in 2013 when her first novel was published and covers all relevant material up to the present. In the theoretical part of this thesis, firstly the following terms are defined - interpretation, art valuation, critique, review and interview. Thereafter, the biography of Alena Mornštajnová is summarized. Finally, literary media, which published crucial critiques and reviews for the analysis, are introduced. The practical part of this thesis focuses on interpreting particular novels and an on analysis and evaluation of critical reflections. The analysis examines the opinions and conclusions of literary critics and reviewers, and also the standards and professionalism of their articles. Finally, in...

Mario Vargas Llosa v českých překladech. / Mario Vargas Llosa translated in czech

Krausová, Eliška January 2021 (has links)
(anglicky): The Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa (*1936) enjoys a high level of popularity in the Czech Republic. This is demonstrated by the number of translators, who focused on his work. A few of the translators translated more than one of his works (Vladimír Medek, Jana Novotná, Anežka Charvátová), however, most of them only translated one of his books, such as Alena Šimková (Death in the Andes) or Petr Zavadil (The Feast of the Goat). The first part of this thesis offers an exhaustive overview of the author's works, which have been translated into the Czech language, as well as an evaluation of the ways Czech readers got familiarized with his works and how their interest developed. In the next part, the thesis focuses on a specific translation of Death in the Andes by Alena Šimková. The commentary is based on a translatological analysis of the work with a focus on comparative analysis of the original and the translation; we will further try to determine whether the translator based her work on an existing English translation, and whether and how she follows up on previous translations of Vargas Llosa's works, with a focus on recurring characters and motives. In the conclusion of the thesis, we will attempt to map out the changes to the publishing market in the Czech Republic after 1989.

Les contributions de la pratique de l'arbitrage d'investissement en Amérique latine au développement de l'arbitrage international / From the contributions to Arbitration practices in Investment in Latin America to development to International Arbitration

Vasquez-Faucheux, Hilmer 30 November 2015 (has links)
Depuis les années deux-mille, les Etats latino-américains ont activement participé aux arbitrages d’investissement administrés par le Centre international pour le règlement des différends relatifs aux investissements (CIRDI). Ainsi, la pratique arbitrale de ce Centre trouve son origine dans les très nombreuses affaires latino-américaines qui ont permis d’encadrer la procédure et d’entériner certaines pratiques liées aux questions de fond de l’arbitrage. Les affaires latino-américaines ont enrichi la procédure en consacrant notamment la participation des tiers à la procédure arbitrale par le biais de l’amicus curiae (l’ami de la Cour). Cette innovation démontre la prise en compte de l’impact des questions d’intérêt public sur les populations concernées. Les divers standards juridiques insérés dans les accords d’investissement ont également été invoqués par les investisseurs afin de voir engagée la responsabilité internationale des Etats. Ainsi, les arbitres ont pu s’exprimer sur le caractère imprécis de certains standards comme celui du traitement juste et équitable. Les tribunaux ont dégagé certains étalons de mesure qui permettent d’évaluer et de comparer les éléments de l’affaire. Deux étalons de mesure semblent être pertinents dans le cas latino-américain. Il s’agit du respect de la stabilité du cadre juridique puis de la protection des attentes légitimes de l’investisseur. C’est dans ce cadre que les Etats latino-américains ont réagi différemment face au contentieux arbitral auprès du CIRDI, ce dernier ayant fait l’objet de critiques quant à sa légitimité et quant aux différentes condamnations prononcées par les tribunaux à l’encontre des Etats. Certains Etats ont pris l’initiative de dénoncer les accords internationaux donnant compétence au CIRDI et de créer un nouveau centre d’arbitrage sur le continent, capable de connaître les différends en matière d’investissement. Ceci dit, les décisions et sentences arbitrales rendues dans le contexte latino-américain constituent une source d’inspiration précieuse pour les arbitrages internationaux en cours et futurs. / Since 2001, Latin American Countries have actively participated in investment arbitrations administered by the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Because of that the way to arbitrate in this Centre base itself on a great number of Latin American affairs which helped to delimit the procedures and endorse some practices linked to the very founding principles of arbitration.The procedure of arbitration has been improved by Latin American affairs, by example with the help of the Amicus Curiae, which is the participation of a third party to the arbitral process. This innovation shows how much these questions of public interest are important for the populations concerned.The multiple juridical standards inserted in the investment agreements have often been brought forward by the investors in order to see the responsibility of some countries engaged in an international way. Arbitrators have been able to emphasize on the inaccuracy of some of these standards, such as the the fair and equitable treatment.Different ways to measure the elements of an affair have been brought to light by the tribunals. Two of them are present in the case of Latin American affairs: the compliance with the juridical framework stability and the protection of the investor's legitimate expectations.Latin American countries did take action differently in front of the arbitrations brought to the ICSID which was criticized for its lack of legitimacy and for its decisions in a great number of cases against these countries. Some countries renounced the international treaties giving the ICSID its arbitration rights and created a new arbitration center on the continent capable of giving a ruling in the matter of investment affairs. In spite of this the arbitral decisions and the arbitral awards in the Latin American context should be able to be inspirations for the future of arbitration.

Alena Tichá a její přínos pro hlasovou výchovu hudebně méně rozvinutých dětí na 1. stupni základní školy / Alena Tichá and her contribution to the voice education of the primary school children with lower music aptitude

Dunovská, Marie January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to research the contribution of a prominent music educationalist PaedDr. Alena Tichá, PhD., who specialized in primary school children with lower music aptitude in her music education metodology. The thesis is focused to gathering basic information about biographical, bibliographical, theoretical and psychological-pedagogical characters which will not only lead to clarification of Alena Ticha's contribution and her methodology of vocal education and working with non-singers, but also to formation of a theoretical scope of our own research into this branch. The theoretical scope is focused on Czech musical and pedagogical fellowship and its awarness of Alena Tichá's singing methodology as well as on possible practical experience of respondents with this methodology when working with non-singers. Keywords Music education, didactics of music, Alena Tichá, children with lower music aptitude, non-singers, amusia, vocal education, primary school children.

La responsabilité sociétale des multinationales canadiennes à l’aune de l’AECG

Ruiz-Pardo, Mélanie 04 1900 (has links)
Les normes et lignes directrices encadrant la responsabilité sociale des entreprises reçoivent application seulement au moment où les États et entreprises décident de les appliquer. Ce volontarisme est synonyme d’autorégulation. Dans un contexte de mondialisation, les gouvernements ont souhaité accorder de plus en plus de liberté au marché et en ce sens aux grandes entreprises. Afin de faciliter les échanges commerciaux internationaux, les investisseurs directs étrangers bénéficient dorénavant de protections internationales face aux réglementations des pays hôtes, quitte à évincer des considérations essentielles vis-à-vis de la société. Les impacts des multinationales sur la société sont justement encadrés par la RSE dont les organisations internationales posent les balises grâce à des normes et standards internationaux. La prise en compte sur une base volontaire des enjeux de la société sont dorénavant présents dans les accords de libre-échange dit de nouvelle génération comme l’Accord économique et commercial global entre le Canada et l’Union européenne. Les parties sont encouragées à respecter les lignes directrices et principes internationalement reconnus en matière de responsabilité sociale des entreprises. Cependant, ceux-ci souffrent de difficultés inhérentes à leur nature. En ce sens, les multinationales sont souvent à l’abri de sanction contre leurs manquements puisque leurs statuts juridiques restent encore compliqués. Ensuite, l’arbitrage d’investissements apporte aux investisseurs étrangers un pouvoir de contrebalancer leurs obligations. Les pays d’accueil sont soumis à l’attractivité et la concurrence malgré leurs devoirs de respecter des valeurs universelles de la communauté internationale. Ces valeurs universelles de la communauté internationale pourraient englober des enjeux économiques, sociaux, environnementaux afin de réunir les enjeux transversaux du XXIe siècle. / Norms and directives of corporate social responsibility become effective only once countries and corporations decide to implement them. In a context of globalization, governments decided to encourage an increasing freedom to markets and therefore to big corporations. In order to facilitate commercial exchanges, foreign investors benefits from international protection in the face of host countries legislations. Even if it means circumventing essential societal considerations. Corporations’ societal impacts are built upon social responsibility that international organizations have created through international norms and standards. This concern on a voluntarily basis of certain societal issues now appears in so called ‘new generation’ free trade agreement like the European Union-Canada Comprehension Economic Trade Agreement. Parties are encouraged to respect universally recognized guidelines and principles related to corporate social responsibility. These currently suffer from their intrinsic difficulties. Multinational corporations are often sheltered from their breaches (to social responsibility) as their legal statue remain unclear. Furthermore, investment arbitration allows foreign investors to balance their obligations by having a scrutiny right over their host country’s regulations. Those host countries are facing attractiveness and competitiveness challenges despite their obligations to respect the international community’s universally accepted values.

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