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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contraintes chronologiques et pétro-géochimiques du magmatisme sur l'évolution pré-et post-collisionnelle de la marge algérienne : secteur de la Petite Kabylie / Chronological and pétro-geochemical constraints of the magmatism on the pre and post-collisional evolution of the Algerian margin : lesser Kabylia area

Abbassene, Fatiha 02 June 2016 (has links)
L’activité magmatique miocène en Petite Kabylie s’exprime par la mise en place de roches plutoniques et volcaniques de composition majoritairement riche en K ainsi que moyennement riches en K. Ces roches forment des pointements dispersés sur près de 130 km le long de la marge méditerranéenne de l’Algérie. Dans les deux secteurs d’étude : la Kabylie de Collo et l’Ouest Edough-Cap de Fer, elles recoupent les empilements de nappes de socle et de flyschs crétacés et numidiens. De nouvelles datations U-Pb sur zircons et K-Ar sur roche totale et minéraux séparés ont permis de fixer à 17 Ma le début de l’activité magmatique post-collisionnelle à affinité calco-alcaline riche en K2O. Ces âges obtenus sur le batholithe granitique de Bougaroun (200 km2) sont les plus anciens jamais obtenus dans toute la Marge Méditerranéenne du Maghreb. L’activité magmatique s’étend vers l’Est et atteint la zone ouest-Edough-Cap de Fer vers ~16 Ma puis se poursuit de façon intermittente dans les deux secteurs d’étude à ~15 Ma, 14-13 Ma jusqu’à 11 Ma avec la mise en place de corps filoniens mafiques et felsiques en Kabylie de Collo. En outre, un âge oligocène supérieur (27.0 ± 3.0 Ma et 23.3 ± 3.2 Ma) a été mesuré par la méthode Ar/Ar sur amphiboles des gabbros à caractère océanique du Cap Bougaroun s.s (Kabylie de Collo). Les nouvelles données géochimiques et isotopiques ont permis de mettre en évidence deux sources pour le magmatisme dans les deux secteurs étudiés. Une première source mantellique appauvrie, non modifiée par un composant de subduction qui est à l’origine des gabbros à caractère océanique du Cap Bougaroun s.s et de Bou Maïza au Sud de l’Edough. Ceux-ci pourraient représenter des reliques du stade de rifting d’âge oligocène supérieur en prélude à l’ouverture en position arrière-arc du bassin algérien. Une deuxième source enrichie en terres rares légères et en éléments mobiles est représentée par le manteau lithosphérique subcontinental kabyle précédemment métasomatisé durant la subduction à vergence nord de la lithosphère océanique téthysienne au Paléogène. Les magmas mafiques enrichis en LREE issues de cette source ont ensuite évolué par cristallisation fractionnée et contamination crustale pour former les roches intermédiaires et felsiques de la marge est-algérienne. Nous proposons un modèle tectono-magmatique de rupture de slab téthysien associée à une délamination crustale au niveau des bordures des deux lithosphères continentales africaine et kabyle. A 17 Ma, le flux thermique d’origine asthénosphérique ascendant à travers la déchirure du slab téthysien induit la fusion du manteau téthysien. Les magmas mafiques calco-calcalins moyennement potassiques subissent des échanges chimiques avec le socle africain durant leur ascension à travers celui-ci, générant les magmas intermédiaires et felsiques calco-alcalins riches en K caractérisés par une importante signature crustale. / The Miocene igneous activity in Lesser Kabylia includes a ~130 km-long EW-trending lineament that extends along the eastern Algerian margin from Kabylie de Collo to Ouest-Edough-Cap de Fer area. It includes mostly medium-K to High-K calc-alkaline plutonic and volcanic rocks. In the studied area, these magmatic rocks crosscut and/or overlie the inner zones of the Maghrebides represented by basement and Kabylian cretaceous and Numidian flyschs nappes. New U-Pb dating on zircons and K-Ar ages on whole rocks and separated minerals document a 17 Ma onset for the post-collisional K-rich calc-alkaline magmatism. These Upper Burdigalian ages obtained on the Bougaroun pluton are the oldest presently identified for Krich calc-alkaline rocks in the whole 1200 km-long EW trending magmatic belt located along the Mediterranean coast of Maghreb. However, according to new K-Ar ages, magmatic activity started in Ouest Edough zone at ~16 then persisted intermittently in the two studied areas at ~15.5 Ma, 14-13 Ma and stopped at ~11 Ma, with the emplacement of mafic and felsic dykes in Kabylie de Collo. In addition, we measured older (Upper Oligocene) Ar-Ar hornblende ages of 27.0 ± 3.0 Ma and 23.3 ± 3.2 Ma on LREE-depleted gabbros outcropping at Cap Bougaroun sensu stricto. According to our new geochemical and isotopic data, we distinguish two sources for magmatic rocks in the studied area: a depleted mantle source which could represent the ambient asthenosphere still not modified by the subduction processes at the time of emplacement of the Upper Oligocene LREE-depleted gabbros. The latter could be related to the Upper-Oligocene rifting before the back-arc crust formation in Algerian basin or to dyke systems or gabbroic intrusions crosscutting the stretched Kabylian continental crust. An enriched mantle source modified by a subduction component (melt or fluid) escaping from a northward-dipping subducted Tethyan oceanic lithosphere. The enriched mafic magmas are believed to come from this metasomatized mantle and are genetically related to the differentiated rocks through crystal fractionation and assimilation of large amounts of crustal lithologies, during their ascent through the African continental crust. We propose a tectono-magmatic model involving an Early Miocene Tethyan slab breakoff combined with delamination of the edges of the African and Kabylian continental lithospheres. At 17 Ma, the asthenospheric thermal flux upwelling through the slab tear induced the thermal erosion of the Kabylian lithospheric mantle metasomatized during the previous subduction event and triggered its partial melting. We attribute the strong trace element and isotopic crustal signature of Bougaroun felsic rocks to extensive interactions between ascending mafic melts and the African crust underthrust beneath the Kabylie de Collo basement.

A translated critical edition of Maïssa Bey's Entendez-vous dans les montagnes… (2002)

Lamm, Erin Melissa 13 February 2016 (has links)
This dissertation comprises a critical edition of the Algerian author Maïssa Bey’s 2002 autofictional work in French, Entendez-vous dans les montagnes…, including: a translator’s introduction, a critical introduction, the translation, and an afterword. The translator’s introduction presents my translation methodology, which adapts Jacqueline Guillemin-Flescher’s theories in Syntaxe comparée du français et de l’anglais: problèmes de traduction (1981). I rework her communicative approach to convey the complexities of Franco-Algerian “coprésences,” or the coexistence of two cultures. I pose the question: Do readers need the same cultural capital to appreciate Entendez-vous dans les montagnes… as they do to read a standard French to English translation? This specificity explains my changes to Guillemin-Flescher’s theories. The critical introduction presents Entendez-vous dans les montagnes..., which stages an exiled Algerian woman’s physical journey through Provence to Marseilles. The three protagonists also metaphorically travel to understand their singular memories and the multiple truths behind the Franco-Algerian colonial legacy (1830-1962). I pinpoint the dualities in: the Algerian woman, a French Army veteran turned doctor, Jean, and Marie, the young granddaughter of a pied-noir. An analysis of their dualities, between conformity and rebellion, enhances the book’s political statements. I accent how a knowledge of Bey’s “traces” or multiple connotations of euphemisms, such as “soigner,” which means “to take care of the sick” or “to execute,” underscore these dualisms. Finally, I highlight Marie’s comparatively small role. The afterword presents how the translation process impacts Entendez-vous dans les montagnes…. I contemplate how to maintain the distinctiveness of Bey’s book, in which the figurative and literal senses of every French word communicate political and personal content. This style conveys politics in a simple, highly relatable fashion, partially due to the deep personal commitment underneath. Translation frames a text. It is a complex, rewarding challenge to provide this frame when the original exposes the volatile cultural politics behind the Franco-Algerian colonial legacy.

"The past is in the past, but we should never forget" : An Explorative Study of Memories of the Algerian War of Independence Among the Young Algerians in France

Chikfa, Jaara January 2023 (has links)
The Algerian War of Independence (1954-1962) has generally not been talked about in France despite having around 2 million Algerians living in France. The memory of the war has been a contested issue in France between the French state's official memory and the Algerian memory. As the topic has been mainly discussed by historians and state officials, this study looks at how the young Algerians living in France obtain and deal with the memory of the Algerian War, by exploring the reinforcement of memories from the past to the present. Issues of remembering, commemorating, and reconciling are examined among the young Algerians in France who did not experience the war directly but feel strongly connected to it in the present day. ​​Placed at the intersection of Peace and Conflict Studies and Memory Studies fields, this qualitative study is based on six interviews and employs thematic analysis of the interview material. The analysis reveals the intergenerational shaping of collective memories and highlights the importance of considering both state-level policies and individual perceptions for achieving reconciliation. The study shows that research on collective memory can contribute to a deeper understanding of the ongoing struggles for recognition and acknowledgement.

A macroeconometric model for Algeria. A medium term macroeconometric model for Algeria 1963-1984, a policy simulation approach to Algerian development problems.

Laabas, Belkacem January 1989 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the development and use of a macroeconometric model for the Algerian economy between 1963 and 1984. The model was built because of a systematic lack of applied econometric studies pertaining to Algeria at both the macroeconomic and microeconomic level. It is hoped that the model will fill a gap in this area and will contribute to the much neglected field of applied econometric research with regard to Algeria. This lack of applied econometric studies for Algeria meant that the modelling exercise described here has had to rely on an extensive specification search based on evidence relating to Algeria's economic structure and policy, economic theory, and the experience of Less Developed Countries in the area of macroeconomic model-building. The lack of data was a major constraint in this area and part of this study consisted of collecting and compiling a large database. After the country's independence in 1962, Algerian macroeconomic policy aimed to create a strong industrial system and to satisfy the population's basic needs. It relied on heavy industrialisation to modernise the economy, oil revenues to finance development, and central planning as the major tool of macroeconomic regulation. The accumulation rate was high and the growth record was generally good. However high unemployment and inflation, considerable disequilibrium, low productivity, a vulnerable balance of payments and unsustainable external debt are the major macroeconomic problems that policy-makers have had to face. The model's equations were first estimated using the OLS method and were subjected to stringent statistical tests. The degree of test significance and parameter correspondence to a priori views on the economy was good. when the model was constructed, it was estimated using a 2SLS principal component method. The OLD results were found to be reasonably feasible. The equations were collected into a system of 63 equations and solved using dynamic simulation technique. The model was solved successfully and its tracking of historical data was reasonably good. Further tests were carried out to study its dynamic features. Having constructed the model, it was then used extensively to perform simulation analysis. The experiments ranged from those concerning the goverment's current expenditure to its monetary policy. In all, nine simulation exercises were carried out. These were revealing on the workings of the Algerian economy. The model was further used in scenario analysis. First the model was used to develop an ex ante forecast employing a linear trend model for the exogenous variables. The forecast database was used to generate multipliers. The policy analysis was constructed to coincide with the implementation of the Second Five Year Plan (1985-1989). The feasibility of the plan was examined by varying the price of oil according to three hypotheses. The aim of this test was to develop a realistic framework for applied macroeconomic analysis. / Algerian Ministry of Higher Education

Les réformes fiscales et douanières en Algérie dans le cadre des accords euro-méditerranéens : une approche relationnelle et institutionnelle de l'association interrégionale / The tax and customs reforms in Algeria on the occasion of the Euro-Mediterranean agreements : relational and institutional approach of the interregional association

Bouriche, Riadh 02 June 2016 (has links)
Avec les accords euro-méditerranéens d’association, les pouvoirs publics algériens sont appelés à respecter les engagements internationaux et régionaux qui en résultent. Il s’agit en particulier de mettre en conformité les administrations fiscales et douanières. En effet, les transformations économiques et juridiques que produit la mise en place de ce genre d’accord d’association interpellent notamment les législateurs algériens pour entreprendre des réformes fiscales et douanières qui s’imposent par la libéralisation des échanges. L’objectif est donc de rapprocher le droit fiscal et douanier de l’Algérie avec les législations en vigueur dans les Etats de l’Union européenne et plus généralement euro-méditerranéens. C’est dans ce cadre que notre sujet se propose d’approcher et de débattre la réforme fiscale et douanière en Algérie. Pour cela, ce travail débute par une réflexion sur cet accord d’association, qui passe par l’évolution des relations entre l’Algérie et l’Union européenne. Puis nous abordons plus précisément la question des réformes fiscales et douanières en Algérie dans le cadre de cet accord d’association. Pour terminer nous traitons de l’importance de la bonne gouvernance financière dans le cadre de l’intégration régionale. / With the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements, the Algerian authorities are required to comply with the resulting international and regional commitments. This concerns in particular the conformity to the tax and customs administrations. In fact, the economic and legal transformations implemented by such an association agreement demand the Algerian legislators to undertake fiscal and customs reforms required by trade liberalization. The goal, therefore, is to bring the Algerian tax and customs law closer to the laws in force in the European Union states and more particularly in the Euro-Mediterranean ones. It is in this context that we aim through our subject to approach and discuss tax and customs reform in Algeria. For this, the work begins with a reflection on the Association Agreement, achieved through the development of relations between Algeria and the European Union. Then, we tackle specifically the issue of tax and customs reforms in Algeria on the occasion of the Euro-Mediterranean agreements. Finally we discuss the importance of good financial governance in the context of regional integration.

Des Algériennes à Lyon. 1947-1974 / Algerian women in Lyon. 1947-1974

André, Marc 04 April 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les Algériennes entrées dans la région lyonnaise avant 1962 et opte pour une histoire du contact en croisant le point de vue des métropolitains et celui des Algériennes. Elle examine d’abord le contexte dans lequel ces femmes arrivent (essor des nationalismes algériens, guerre d’indépendance en métropole). D’une part, les discours et pratiques des journalistes, photographes, agents de la préfecture, démographes, juges témoignent des préjugés hérités de l’époque coloniale qui les effacent ; de l’autre, celles-ci manifestent par leurs pratiques sociales, leurs stratégies de défenses, une conscience des préjugés qui leur permet de s’effacer à leur tour. Pendant la guerre d’indépendance, telle qu’elle prend forme en métropole, cet effacement facilite leur mobilisation dans les différents partis en lutte puisque les Algériennes du MNA comme celles du FLN intègrent les réseaux clandestins : elles connaissent alors l’action clandestine, la répression, l’emprisonnement, la violence, le deuil, la fuite, etc. Dépassant l’événement de la guerre, la thèse replace ensuite les Algériennes dans leurs dynamiques migratoires et leurs parcours en métropole jusqu’en 1962. L’étude des parcours scolaires, de l’inscription socio-professionnelle, du mariage, met en évidence leur diversité. Ces femmes, loin d’être inactives, quoique bénéficiaires d’aides, génèrent des réseaux qui définissent leurs propres territoires urbains et forment une diaspora discrète. On est enfin en mesure de poser les fondements d’un exemple d’intégration originale, communautaire sans communautarisme, telle qu’elle s’opère après 1962. Le succès mitigé de l’Amicale des femmes algériennes le montre. C’est là le résultat d’un ensemble de résistances culturelles et politiques (choix d’une nationalité, d’un lieu d’inhumation, etc.) face auxquelles et avec lesquelles les Algériennes composent leur identité sociale en métropole. / This thesis focuses on Algerian women who arrived in Lyon and surrounding areas before 1962. It presents a historical analysis which cross-compares their point of view and that of the metropolitan French, with regard to their interactions. It first examines the context in which these women arrived: the growth of Algerian nationalism and the Algerian War in metropolitan France. On the one hand, it analyses the discourses and social practices of journalists, photograph reporters, authorities, experts in demographics, judges. These discourses and social practices bear witness to the colonial era’s legacy in terms of prejudice and to the way in which this prejudice subjected Algerian women to effacement – the process in which a group of people within a society become less visible because they do not match the characteristics that are expected from them. On the other hand, through their social habits and defence strategies, these women showed their consciousness of the stereotypes affecting them: they subjected themselves to effacement and used it strategically as a camouflage. During the Algerian War, as it took shape in metropolitan France, effacement facilitated their mobilization in the two opposing parties: both FLN and MNA integrated women in their clandestine networks. This research analyses all the aspects of their involvement in the struggle: clandestine actions, repression prison, violence, mourning, flight, etc. Beyond the war as an event, this thesis moves on to resituate Algerian women in their migratory dynamics and their process of settling in, in metropolitan France, up to 1962. The study of their education, socio-professional insertion, and marriages highlights the diversity of Algerian women living in Lyon and surrounding areas. Although they benefited from welfare, they were far from being idle, and created networks that defined their own urban territories. More generally speaking, Algerian women formed a discreet diaspora. Based on a study of the press and on interviews and previously unpublished sources, this thesis highlights the evolution of a media discourse on Algerian women and cross-compares it with a sociological data base. This allows us to lay the foundations of an original form of social integration after 1962 which is community-based but not communitarian as made visible by the evolution of the association Amicale des Femmes Algériennes. It is the result of a series of cultural and political resistances in relation to which and with which Algerian women constructed their identity in metropolitan France.

Beyond melancholia : Algeria and its spectres

Brisley, Lucy Anne January 2013 (has links)
This thesis problematizes the recent transdisciplinary turn to melancholia by grounding the concept within the literature of three contemporary Algerian authors: Assia Djebar, Yasmina Khadra, and Boualem Sansal. If Freud figured melancholia as a pathological response to loss, much recent scholarship has reconceptualized it as an ethico-political model of remembrance that safeguards the memory of the lost or marginalized other. Yet the recent and ubiquitous depathologization of melancholia is only possible insofar as theorists overlook its more insidious elements. By analyzing how melancholia emerges within the postcolonial novels of Djebar, Khadra, and Sansal, this thesis reveals how melancholia in fact undermines an ethico-politics of remembrance, further displacing those lost others that theorists of melancholia would recuperate. Divided into two sections, the first part of the thesis thus challenges the ethico-political viability of melancholia as a mnemonic model. Through close readings of the texts, the first four chapters reveal postcolonial melancholia in Algeria to be imbricated in amnesia, immobility, repetition, victimhood, apolitical retrospection, and the unethical appropriation of the lost object. Part II investigates how the authors imagine different models of remembrance that move beyond the limits of the mourning and melancholia dyad. If melancholia has been depathologized, it nonetheless remains ensnared within a binary system in which the subject either forgets (mourns) or engages in a putative act of hyper-remembrance (melancholia). Building upon the recent theory of Dominick LaCapra, Mireille Rosello, and Judith Butler, the final two chapters explore the critical potential of ‘working upon’ the past. As an on-going and conscious model of remembrance, ‘working upon’ actively resists the closure inherent to mourning but it also circumvents the melancholic (re)appropriation of the past and its lost others. Ultimately, then, this thesis signals the need for emergent models of memorialization that move beyond the restrictions of the Freudian binary of mourning and melancholia.

L'arme blindée et cavalerie en Guerre d'Algérie : adaptation d'un système d'arme en archaïsme et modernité 1954-1962 / The adaptation of the French Armored Cavalry during the Algerian war : between archaism and modernity, 1954-1962

Noulens, Thierry 18 November 2011 (has links)
En 1954, l’Arme Blindée et Cavalerie (ABC) est une arme qui monte en puissance pour faire face à la menace soviétique en Europe. Le général inspecteur de cette arme voit s’achever la guerre d’Indochine avec un soulagement car il pense pouvoir se consacrer pleinement à cette tâche. Aussi, est-ce avec une certaine réticence, qu’à partir de 1955, il fournit à la Xe région militaire (Algérie) les renforts qu’elle réclame. L’organisation opérationnelle des corps, l’instruction du personnel et le programme d’équipement s’en trouvent très perturbés. Voulant à la fois maintenir sa capacité opérationnelle en Europe et faire face aux besoins de l’Algérie, le commandement désorganise l’ABC. Les unités blindées ne sont adaptées ni à un conflit de type insurrectionnel, ni au terrain particulier de l’Algérie. Pourtant, à partir de 1958, elles donnent satisfaction. Leur composante portée s’est développée, leur puissance de feu et leur mobilité sont mises pleinement à profit sur les barrages, et les unités à cheval, qui ont refait leur apparition, sont employées plus judicieusement sur des terrains favorables. Mais cette adaptation s’est faite au prix de grands sacrifices. Le vieux matériel américain n’est remplacé que très progressivement soit par des engins français modernes (EBR ou AMX 13), que le commandement a le sentiment de gaspiller, soit par des nouveaux matériels (Ferret, AML 60, ou AMX 13 à tourelle de M24) qui ne peuvent être employés qu’en Algérie et dont l’acquisition se fait au détriment du char de 25 t dont doit pourtant être équipée l’ABC d’urgence. En somme, l’ABC aurait rencontré les pires difficultés si le conflit avait dû se prolonger au-delà de 1962. / In 1954, the French Armored Cavalry was a corps that was aiming to get stronger to face the Soviet threat in Europe. The Inspector General of this corps was relieved when the war in Indochina ended because he thought he could rededicate himself to this task. So it was with some reluctance, that from 1955 on wards, he provided the tenth military region (Algeria) with the reinforcements it required. The operational organization of the units, personnel training and equipment program found it very disturbing. Seeking both to maintain its operational capacity in Europe and meet the needs of Algeria, the command reorganized the Armored Cavalry. Armored units were not adapted neither to counter-insurgency, neither to the particular terrain in Algeria. Yet in 1958, they gave satisfying result. The vehicle-mounted infantry had been expanded, their firepower and mobility were expertly used over fences; and horseback units were re-created and deployed more wisely on a favorable terrain. But this re-organization cost very much. The old American equipment was only gradually replaced by French modern equipment (EBR or AMX 13), the command considering this equipment was being wasted. The new materials (Ferret, AML 60, or AMX 13 with M24 turret) could only in Algeria and their acquisition was at the expense the 25 ton tank. However, the French Armored Corps urgently needed this battle tank. To sum up, the Armored Cavalry would have encountered severe difficulties if the conflict had been extended beyond 1962.

Une armée révolutionnaire : la guerre d'Algérie du 5e bureau / A revolutionnay army : the fifth bureau's Algerian war

Leroux, Denis 10 December 2018 (has links)
Durant la guerre d'Algérie, des officiers français ont pensé l'armée et son action comme révolutionnaire. Il s'agissait pour eux de réformer radicalement l'institution militaire, en l'adaptant à un conflit présenté comme une guerre révolutionnaire menée par le communisme dont l'enjeu est le contrôle politique de la population. Cette armée révolutionnaire se devait de participer à la modernisation de l'Algérie, intégrant les Algériens au corps social français, permettant l'émergence d'une «Algérie nouvelle». Afin de réaliser cet objectif, ces officiers prônaient un durcissement autoritaire de l'État à même de contrer la subversion communiste. Cette thèse explore cette armée révolutionnaire, dont elle s'attache à saisir les racines, le contenu et les conséquences, à travers l'étude des 5es bureaux, bureaux d'état-major chargés de mener l'action psychologique de 1955 à 1960, à la fois propagandistes, commissaires politiques et théoriciens de l'action politico-militaire. Elle se penche, à travers une approche prosopographique, sur les parcours individuels et collectifs de ses officiers. Elle analyse les logiques institutionnelles, les discours et les pratiques des 5es bureaux. Elle met en lumière l'action politique de l'armée lors de la crise de mai et juin 1958 à travers la mobilisation autoritaire des Algériens lors de manifestations de fraternisation mettant en scène l'adhésion des colonisés à un ordre coloniale rénové. Ce projet se heurte à l'opposition de plus en plus claire du pouvoir gaulliste qui dissout les 5es bureaux en février 1960, suite à la semaine des barricades, mais surtout à une mécompréhension systématique de la situation politique algérienne. / During the Algerian War, French officers considered the army and its action as revolutionary. They aimed to radically reform military institutions, adapting them to a conflict perceived as a revolutionary war led by communism whose goal was the political control of the population. This revolutionary army had to participate in the modernization of Algeria, integrating Algerians into the French social body, allowing the emergence of an "Algérie nouvelle". In order to achieve this goal, these officers advocated an authoritarian hardening of the state capable of countering communist subversion. This thesis explores the roots, content and consequences of this revolutionary army through the study of the 5th bureau : the staff officers responsible for conducting psychological action from 1955 to 1960, as well the propagandists, political commissars and theoreticians of politico-military action. It employs a prospography of the individual and collective career trajectories of these officers, and analyzes the institutional logics; discourses, and the practices of the 5th bureaus. Tt highlights the political action of the army during the crisis of May and June 1958 through the authoritarian mobilization of Algerians for fraternization demonstrations that aimed to evince Algerians' commitment to a renovated colonial order. This project was defeated by the cleat opposition of the Gaullist state, which dissolved the 5th Bureaus in February 1960 following the week of the barricades uprising, but particularly by its systematic misunderstanding of the Algerian political situation.

La protection des marques en Algérie : propositions pour une modification du droit de marque / Trademark protection in Algeria : proposals for a modification of the trademark law

Benaired, Abdelghani 11 January 2019 (has links)
En Algérie, la protection des marques est mise à l’épreuve par différentes formes d’atteintes, favorisant ainsi, un sentiment d’insécurité juridique très profond. Ce travail de recherche a vocation à effectuer une étude du droit positif algérien afin d’évaluer les dispositions relatives à la protection de la marque et d’en cerner les dispositions lacunaires pour tenter d’apporter des solutions. Nous allons analyser l’existence juridique de la marque afin de comprendre quand le titulaire bénéficie d’une protection sur sa marque, pour ensuite, exposer les instruments prévus dans la législation pour mettre en œuvre cette protection accordée à la marque avant et après son enregistrement. Tel est l’objet de la première partie. Nous allons ensuite dans la seconde partie étudier la protection de la marque au regard du droit comparé en analysant des notions et des principes prévus dans des droits étrangers, tels que l’acquisition de la protection de la marque par l’usage, la protection des marques non visuelles et le risque d’association dans l’esprit du public des consommateurs. Nous nous sommes également intéressés à la recherche d’un système procédural plus complet que celui déjà adopté en droit algérien. Serait important un recours judiciaire contre le refus d’enregistrement et de la procédure d’opposition contre les demandes d’enregistrement de marques, deux procédures négligées en droit algérien. Pour à la fin tenter de chercher une meilleure protection de la marque notoire, afin de proposer ces notions et principes, après avoir tenté de les adapter à la situation en Algérie, comme solutions pour rendre le droit positif algérien plus efficace et complet / In Algeria, trademark protection is put to the test by various forms of infringement, thus favoring a very deep sense of legal uncertainty. This research is intended to carry out a study of Algerian positive law in order to evaluate the provisions relating to the protection of the brand and to identify the incomplete provisions to try to provide solutions. We will analyze the legal existence of the mark in order to understand when the holder benefits from a protection on his mark, then to expose the instruments envisaged in the legislation to implement the protection granted to the mark before and after its registration, which is the purpose of the first part. In the second part, we will study the protection of the brand with regard to comparative law by analyzing concepts and principles provided for in foreign rights, such as the acquisition of trademark protection by use, the protection of non-visual marks and the risk of association in the minds of the consumers. We are also interested in the search for a more complete procedural system than that already adopted in Algerian law. It would be important to have a judicial appeal against the refusal of registration and the opposition procedure against trademark applications ; two procedures neglected by the Algerian legislator. In the end, we try to seek a better protection of the well-known brand, to propose these concepts and principles, after trying to adapt them to the situation in Algeria, as solutions to make Algerian positive law more effective and complete

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