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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Jag idrottar i skolan därför att... : En studie om elevers motivation till deltagande och ambitioner i ämnet idrott och hälsa i årskurs nio.

Moba, Ritchie January 2015 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med denna undersökning är att ta reda på vad som motiverar elever i årskurs nio till att vilja prestera och få starka betyg i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Samt att även undersöka ifall dessa elever har några ambitioner i ämnet. Frågeställningar: Hur ser elevers motivation ut för ämnet idrott och hälsa? Hur ser ambitionsnivån ut hos elever för ämnet idrott och hälsa? Metod I detta arbete har jag använt mig utav en kvalitativ ansats och intervjuat sex stycken elever för min datainsamling. Intervjuerna transkriberades och bearbetades med hjälp av analyser utifrån två olika teoretiska perspektiv Self- Determination theory och Piagets kognitiva utvecklingsteori inom konstruktivismen. Resultat Elevers motivation i årskurs nio består av att eleverna finner rörelseglädje i den fysiska aktiviteten på idrottslektioner och några respondenter lyfte upp betydelsen av den positiva gruppdynamiken i klassen. Elevernas största ambition var betygen, anledningen till att de gör sitt bästa och siktar på att få höga betyg är vetskapen om att betygen spelar en viktig roll när de skall söka in till gymnasiet. Men några elever såg också ett investeringsvärde i idrotten i form av att de vet att träning är bra för kroppen och det är ett tillfälle där de kan vara fysiskt aktiva. Ungefär häften av eleverna sa också att de upplevde att det de gjorde på lektionerna var repeterande och de hade uppskattat mer variation. Slutsats Elever i årskurs nio är väl medvetna om innebörden av vad som sker ifall de inte skulle delta på idrottsundervisningen. Ett sätt för att få eleverna att bli mer motiverade skulle kunna vara att ge eleverna ett mer varierande innehåll och låta dem få vara med och påverka undervisningen mera. På detta sätt ökar också chanserna för att eleverna kan hitta en fysisk aktivitet som de själva skulle vilja syssla med vid sidan av skolan. / Aim The aim of this essay is to find out what it is that motivates certain students in year nine to perform and aim to get strong grades in physical education, also to examine if these students have any type of ambition  Question: What type of motivation related to physical education do students have? What is the students’ level of ambition in relation to physical education? Method In this essay I have used a qualitative approach and performed six interviews with six different students for my data collection. The data was transcribed and later on analyzed using two different theoretical perspectives, Self-Determination theory and Piagets’ cognitive development theory within the constructivism. Results Students motivation in year nine is consisting that the students experience joy in the physical activities during physical education classes and some students mentioned the importance of group dynamics in the class. The students’ biggest motivation was the grades, the reason to why students try their best and aim for good grades if because the students know that the grades play an important role for when they shall apply for high school.  But some students also saw a beneficial value in sports in the form of knowing that training is good for the body and PE is an opportunity where they can be physically active. Around half of the students also mentioned that they felt that lessons felt repetitive and would had appreciated a little more variation Conclusions The students in year nine are well aware about the significance of what would happen if they were to not attend during PE classes. One way to get the students more motivated would be to offer the students a more varying content and to let the students join in and influence the lessons more. This way also increases the chances so that students may find a physical activity outside that they themselves would like to do outside of school. / <p>Studiegång Idrott, fritidskultur och hälsa skolår 6-9. Ht 2014</p>

Elaborate Performance: How Satan and Hamlet's Thwarted Ambition Shapes Interactions in <i> Paradise Lost </i> and <i> Hamlet </i>

Clay, Terrie Lynn January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Pennsylvania Public School Boards: An Analysis of Politics, Policy, and Public Servants

Shrader, Nathan R. January 2015 (has links)
This study investigates the political, personal, and policy issues that drive citizens to seek unpaid, elected positions on Pennsylvania's public school boards. This research examines whether school board members are recruited to run for office and considers the role of various recruitment agents such as political parties, interest groups, and non-political community organizations. Trends in political and community engagement among school board members, their potential ambition to seek higher office, and the relationship between elected board members and appointed district superintendents are also examined. The study relies upon a unique dataset gathered through a survey distributed to all of Pennsylvania's nearly 4,500 school board members and a series of interviews with current state legislators who began their political careers by serving on their local school boards. Findings suggest that school board members are enormously engaged in the political and non-political life of their communities. It is also determined that school board members are principally self-starters who do not intend to use their positions as springboards to higher office. These findings are analyzed to help determine the implications for governance at the local level as well as to better comprehend the dynamics of party organizations, interest groups, and other community organizations within Pennsylvania school district politics and elections. / Political Science

« Le rêve numéro un des personnes, c'est de se sortir de l'aide sociale » : une analyse de la réponse du système d'aide public québécois aux aspirations des individus en situation de pauvreté

Bédard-Mercier, Roxanne 03 October 2024 (has links)
Au Québec, la Loi visant à lutter contre la pauvreté et l'exclusion sociale mandate aux gouvernements d'apporter des stratégies prévenant ces deux phénomènes. Toutefois, des études remarquent une tendance vers le workfare, soit l'activation des bénéficiaires vers l'autonomie et l'emploi (Binet, Lambert, & Molgat, 2024; Charron, 2019). Plusieurs bénéficiaires se retrouvent en situation d'aller-retour entre les mesures d'assistances et les emplois précaires. Ainsi, malgré l'objectif d'autonomie, les solutions proposées se soldent parfois par le maintien dans la pauvreté. Cette situation soulève des questions concernant les logiques de protection sociale, notamment l'espace laissé aux aspirations des individus dans leurs parcours. La notion d'aspiration apparaît comme un appui intéressant en sciences de l'orientation puisqu'elle génère l'espoir et la motivation dans la sortie de la pauvreté. Cette étude explore le soutien accordé par l'État québécois dans l'atteinte des aspirations des personnes en situation de pauvreté. Pour ce faire, elle adopte une méthode de recherche qualitative en deux phases. La première phase consiste en une revue narrative de la littérature scientifique pour retracer les propos de participants vivant en situation de pauvreté. Ensuite, deux analyses documentaires examinent premièrement la documentation (communications officielles, rapports, auditions publiques, publicités, etc.) émise par des acteurs gouvernementaux (ministères, agences gouvernementales, ministres, etc.) puis la documentation (rapports, lettres ouvertes, courts-métrages, etc.) émise par les acteurs militants (regroupements communautaires, associations de défense des droits, etc.). Les résultats rendent compte de trois dimensions. Premièrement, il est question des aspirations des personnes en situation de pauvreté au Québec. Ensuite, une analyse de la façon dont les stratégies gouvernementales tiennent comptent de ces aspirations est présentée. Finalement, la perception des acteurs concernés par ces stratégies en regard des aspirations est exposée. La discussion suggère une meilleure collaboration entre les intervenants dans une visée d'intégration des aspirations aux trajectoires de sorties de la pauvreté. / In Quebec, the Act to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion states that governments must develop strategies to prevent poverty and social exclusion. However, recent studies highlight trends towards workfare models, emphasizing activation of welfare recipients towards autonomy and employment (Binet, Lambert, & Molgat, 2024; Charron, 2019). Thus, many people find themselves cycling between welfare and precarious employment. Despite the aim of autonomy, these solutions often fail to address persistent poverty. This raises questions over the efficiency of welfare policies, especially in regard to integrating people's aspirations along their pathways. Aspirations may become a key component in vocational counseling, as they foster hope and motivation to overcome poverty. This study investigates role of Quebec's public support in achieving aspirations of individuals living in poverty. A two-phase qualitative research approach is employed. First, a narrative analysis of the scientific literature was carried out to describe people's experiences of poverty. Then, two analyses were performed: one based on official documents (such as communications, reports and public announcements) from governmental actors (ministries, government agencies, etc.), and another on documents (including reports, open letters and brief documentaries) from activist organizations (community coalitions, social rights groups, etc.). Results first describe aspirations of individuals living in poverty in Québec, then investigate government strategies to address these aspirations. The study then discusses stakeholders' perceptions, suggesting a more collaborative approach to integrating aspirations in strategies for overcoming poverty.

Gymnasieelevers definition av

Wennstam, Erik January 2007 (has links)
<p>This is a qualitative study of high school students’ definition of their conception of a “good” teacher. Its purpose is to provide increased insight for teachers about students’ ideas of the phenomenon. The study is based on the reports of six respondents, which was later analysed according to the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis method (IPA). The reason of the aim of the study is combination of a found interest and the fact that it had not been done before.</p><p>The result shows that teachers image has great effect on students’ academic motivation and ambition. Furthermore, it reveals a number of personal features to have a significant effect on students’ academic effort and their attitude towards school. Of special importance is the students’ perception – of being seen, of being taken seriously and the relevance of studying. In this sense, a “good” teacher is one who wins and preserves the students trust, combined with a distinct leadership with flexibility and accommodation. The students’ conception of education tends to relate to their perception of how the teacher manages his or hers function as a leader, which means that the teachers profile is playing an important role to students’ ambition and so even their results.</p><p>The meaning of a ”good” teacher can be said to be related to being inspiring and motivating, as well as inspired and motivated. Among the most important skills in this matter is, according to the respondents, the ability to match the leadership style to different contexts and situations that occurs.</p><p>Keywords: The importance of students’ perception, intrinsic motivation, being seen as an individual, inspiration and meaningfulness.</p> / <p>Det du håller i dina händer är en kvalitativ studie över gymnasieelevers definition av begreppet ”en bra lärare”. Undersökningen, vars syfte är att ge en inblick i elevernas perspektiv på fenomenet och därmed öka kunskapen för verksamma lärare, bygger på 6 respondenters redogörelser av sin syn på ämnet. Respondenternas delgivelser har efter insamlandet analyserats med hjälp av IPA-metoden (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis), analyserats, tematiserats och slutligen syntetiserats i den text som utgör resultatet.</p><p>Anledningen till ämnesvalet och dess inriktning bottnar i såväl ett eget intresse av att utreda saken närmare som att jag i mina efterforskningar inte har funnit någon forskning på området som tar upp just elevernas perspektiv.</p><p>Resultatet slår för det första fast att lärares framtoning har en stor påverkan på elevernas studiemotivation (drivkraft) och ambition (målmedvetenhet). Vidare visar det på ett antal, enligt respondenterna, särskilt betydande drag hos en lärare, varav de flesta i varierande grad inverkar på elevernas attityd till och strävan i skolan och sina studier. Till dessa hör huruvida läraren får eleverna att uppleva sig sedda, tagna på allvar och ämnet relevant. Den ”gode läraren” är en tydlig ledare men likväl personlig, flexibel och tillmötesgående. Denne vinner och förvaltar också elevernas förtroende genom att vara uppriktig, att ta initiativ till goda relationer och elevinflytande. I allt detta visar resultatet på vikten av lärares ledarskap – elevernas attityd till ämnet tenderar att i hög grad hänga ihop med deras perception av läraren som ledargestalt. Således blir lärarens profil en mycket viktig påverkansfaktor i elevers studiemotivation och -ambition, och därmed även ett led i deras prestation och resultat.</p><p>Resultatet visar på att betraktas som en ”bra” lärare hänger samman med att vara en engagerande och motiverande lärare, vilket utgörs av många delar som de som nämnts ovan, men främst, betonar respondenterna, av en förmåga att forma sitt ledarskap efter olika kontexters skiftande behov.</p><p>Nyckelord: Perceptionens betydelse, inre motivation, att se individen, engagemang, meningsfullhet.</p>

Gymnasieelevers definition av

Wennstam, Erik January 2007 (has links)
This is a qualitative study of high school students’ definition of their conception of a “good” teacher. Its purpose is to provide increased insight for teachers about students’ ideas of the phenomenon. The study is based on the reports of six respondents, which was later analysed according to the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis method (IPA). The reason of the aim of the study is combination of a found interest and the fact that it had not been done before. The result shows that teachers image has great effect on students’ academic motivation and ambition. Furthermore, it reveals a number of personal features to have a significant effect on students’ academic effort and their attitude towards school. Of special importance is the students’ perception – of being seen, of being taken seriously and the relevance of studying. In this sense, a “good” teacher is one who wins and preserves the students trust, combined with a distinct leadership with flexibility and accommodation. The students’ conception of education tends to relate to their perception of how the teacher manages his or hers function as a leader, which means that the teachers profile is playing an important role to students’ ambition and so even their results. The meaning of a ”good” teacher can be said to be related to being inspiring and motivating, as well as inspired and motivated. Among the most important skills in this matter is, according to the respondents, the ability to match the leadership style to different contexts and situations that occurs. Keywords: The importance of students’ perception, intrinsic motivation, being seen as an individual, inspiration and meaningfulness. / Det du håller i dina händer är en kvalitativ studie över gymnasieelevers definition av begreppet ”en bra lärare”. Undersökningen, vars syfte är att ge en inblick i elevernas perspektiv på fenomenet och därmed öka kunskapen för verksamma lärare, bygger på 6 respondenters redogörelser av sin syn på ämnet. Respondenternas delgivelser har efter insamlandet analyserats med hjälp av IPA-metoden (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis), analyserats, tematiserats och slutligen syntetiserats i den text som utgör resultatet. Anledningen till ämnesvalet och dess inriktning bottnar i såväl ett eget intresse av att utreda saken närmare som att jag i mina efterforskningar inte har funnit någon forskning på området som tar upp just elevernas perspektiv. Resultatet slår för det första fast att lärares framtoning har en stor påverkan på elevernas studiemotivation (drivkraft) och ambition (målmedvetenhet). Vidare visar det på ett antal, enligt respondenterna, särskilt betydande drag hos en lärare, varav de flesta i varierande grad inverkar på elevernas attityd till och strävan i skolan och sina studier. Till dessa hör huruvida läraren får eleverna att uppleva sig sedda, tagna på allvar och ämnet relevant. Den ”gode läraren” är en tydlig ledare men likväl personlig, flexibel och tillmötesgående. Denne vinner och förvaltar också elevernas förtroende genom att vara uppriktig, att ta initiativ till goda relationer och elevinflytande. I allt detta visar resultatet på vikten av lärares ledarskap – elevernas attityd till ämnet tenderar att i hög grad hänga ihop med deras perception av läraren som ledargestalt. Således blir lärarens profil en mycket viktig påverkansfaktor i elevers studiemotivation och -ambition, och därmed även ett led i deras prestation och resultat. Resultatet visar på att betraktas som en ”bra” lärare hänger samman med att vara en engagerande och motiverande lärare, vilket utgörs av många delar som de som nämnts ovan, men främst, betonar respondenterna, av en förmåga att forma sitt ledarskap efter olika kontexters skiftande behov. Nyckelord: Perceptionens betydelse, inre motivation, att se individen, engagemang, meningsfullhet.

Motivation som anledning till att fortsätta i ungdomsidrotten : En kvantitativ studie av motivation hos ungdomar som deltar i breddidrott och elitidrott

Lindgren, Björn January 2013 (has links)
Studies in Sweden have shown that about 80% of all youth in Sweden have participated in organized sport during their upbringing but at the age of 20 only 50% of these continue. There have been several attempts to understand why youth stop participating in sports but few aimed to understand why they continue. The objective of this study was to examine if there is a difference in motivation between youth (in the ages of 16-20 years) who participate in recreational and elite sports. The study was carried out as a quantitative survey where both recreational (n=35) and elite athletes (n=33) particpated. The study used a Sport Motivation Scale questionnaire translated into Swedish. The results showed three significant differences between the two grouops; amotivation, intrinsic motivation to learn and intrinsic motivation to experience. The study could conclude that intrinsic motivation and a feeling joy is the most important motivational factor for both groups to participate in sports.

Gender imbalance: a focus on senior management positions in the it sector in South Africa

Louw-Harmse, Yo-Ann Sonja January 2015 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Technology (Discipline: Information Technology) in the Faculty of Informatics and Design at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology / Women in South Africa are under-represented in senior management positions in the Information technology (IT) sector — even with available incentives and directives to rectify the situation. The purpose of this research is to explore and understand the reasons for the imbalance in representation of women in senior management positions in the IT sector in South Africa. Seventeen women in middle to senior management positions from two of South Africa’s nine provinces — Western Cape and Gauteng — were interviewed for this study. The women were asked to relate their personal experiences and perceptions around organizational culture in IT environments and factors influencing their career advancements. A qualitative content analysis method was used to analyse the responses from the interviews. The findings of this study confirm the imbalanced representation of women in senior management positions. It was found that organizations are open and welcoming and provide opportunities to women, but women in the IT sector do not necessarily desire to advance to senior management positions. Factors such as the legacy in the IT industry where men held senior positions, career interruptions due to child bearing, and the absence of female mentor’s impact on the career advancement of women. The informal recruitment process for senior manager positions and the lack of emphasis on the need for women in IT when advertising senior management positions worsen the situation. Women lack self-confidence and are of the opinion that their skills set must be an exact match to the job requirements before applying for senior positions. Work life balance is not supported in the IT environment and no development programs aimed specifically at women are available. The paucity of women taking up technical careers — such as IT — limits the number of women available to develop and appoint in senior management positions. Guidelines for women to advance to senior positions and for companies to recruit and hire women are proposed. These guidelines will assist to correct the imbalance representation of women in senior management positions and promote IT as a career for women. A suggestion for future studies is to compare career advancement of women working in the software development environments, compared to women in the infrastructure and technical environments of IT, as well as those who have left the IT industry.

CSR som konkurrensmedel : Hur ansvarstagande gällande hållbarhet kan påverka konkurrenskraften

Holmqvist, Viktor, Troxén, Tobias January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur företag kan använda sig av CSR för att skapa konkurrenskraft. För att undersöka och svara på syftet etablerades tre frågeställningar som djupare gav svar på syftet. De här frågeställningarna berörde hållbarhet inom transportbranschen, hur CSR påverkar företag inom transportbranschen och vilken ambition det finns i branschen idag. För att svara på dessa frågeställningar har en teoretisk referensram etablerats för att senare skapa en kvalitativ studie innehållande intervjuer. Denna kvalitativa studie visade att CSR och hållbarhetsarbete finns och är utsträckta över transportbranschen, att det används av företag både av moraliskt syfte och för att bli mer attraktiva på marknaden. Den största överensstämmelse mellan det teoretiska ramverket och empirin är att båda menar att effektiviteten i CSR-arbetet till stor del är beroende av den kommunikation och förmedling som är involverad. Den största skillnaden mellan det empiriska materialet och det teoretiska ramverket är realiseringen av hållbarhetsarbetet. De empiriska källorna beskriver stor svårighet att implementera CSR i deras företag, på grund av höga kostnader och bristande intresse från intressenter. / The purpose of this essay was to investigate how companies can use CSR to create competitiveness. To investigate and answer the purpose, three questions were established that answered the purpose more deeply. These questions concerned sustainability in the transport industry, how CSR affects companies in the transport industry and what ambitions there are in the industry today. To answer these questions, a theoretical frame of reference has been established to later create a qualitative study containing interviews. This qualitative study showed that CSR and sustainability work exist and are extended across the transport industry and that it is used by companies both for a moral purpose but also to become more attractive on the market. The greatest agreement between the theoretical framework and the empirical data is that both believe that the effectiveness of CSR work is largely dependent on the communication and mediation involved. The biggest difference between the empirical material and the theoretical framework is the realization of the sustainability work. The empirical sources describe great difficulty in implementing CSR in their companies, due to excessive costs and lack of interest from stakeholders.

Unfolding Ambition: Strategic Candidacy Decisions in Senate Primary Elections

King, Aaron January 2013 (has links)
<p>Theories of ambition have taught us that higher offices are valuable commodities to certain politicians, and under the right circumstances, the benefits of running for an office outweigh the associated risks. Yet some ambitious politicians emerge as candidates while others do not. In this dissertation, I present a Theory of Strategic Candidacy Decisions to explain how primary elections unfold. With new comprehensive data on the timing of candidacy decisions, I test several hypotheses regarding the determinants of electoral and fundraising success, the timing of strategic candidacy decisions, the interactions of prospective officeholders, and the impact of strategic retirements on primary races for the United States Senate. Using both qualitative and quantitative tools, including event history techniques to capture the complex dynamics of primaries, I find that potential candidates interact with one another and the unique political context within each race and emerge from the pool of potential candidates in systematic ways. In the end, the strategic behavior of ambitious politicians has implications for the slate of candidates available to the electorate and ultimately, on the quality of representation between legislators and constituents.</p> / Dissertation

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