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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motivation som anledning till att fortsätta i ungdomsidrotten : En kvantitativ studie av motivation hos ungdomar som deltar i breddidrott och elitidrott

Lindgren, Björn January 2013 (has links)
Studies in Sweden have shown that about 80% of all youth in Sweden have participated in organized sport during their upbringing but at the age of 20 only 50% of these continue. There have been several attempts to understand why youth stop participating in sports but few aimed to understand why they continue. The objective of this study was to examine if there is a difference in motivation between youth (in the ages of 16-20 years) who participate in recreational and elite sports. The study was carried out as a quantitative survey where both recreational (n=35) and elite athletes (n=33) particpated. The study used a Sport Motivation Scale questionnaire translated into Swedish. The results showed three significant differences between the two grouops; amotivation, intrinsic motivation to learn and intrinsic motivation to experience. The study could conclude that intrinsic motivation and a feeling joy is the most important motivational factor for both groups to participate in sports.

Gymnasieelevers motivation och utbrändhet inom elitidrott : En kvantitativ enkätstudie i Sveriges nationellt godkända idrottsutbildning / High school student motivation and burnout in elite sports : A quantitative survey in Swedish nationally approved sports education

Egegård, Andreas, Johansson, Ludwig January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur elever på den nationellt godkända idrottsutbildningen (NIU) motiveras till sin idrott i enlighet med Self-determination Theory och Organismic Integration Theory, med hjälp av en modifierad Sport Motivation Scale (SMS-6). Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka om elever på den nationellt godkända idrottsutbildningen (NIU) upplever utbrändhet, med hjälp av Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (ABQ). Till sist ämnar studien att undersöka om det föreligger något samband mellan elevernas motivation och utbrändhet. Tidigare studier beskriver att elitidrottare har visat sig vara en särskild utsatt population gentemot utbrändhet. Detta på grund av en långvarig press och stress i samband med elitidrott.  Metod: Datainsamlingen erhölls med mejlkonversationer mellan författare och NIU gymnasieskolor i Stockholm. 15 NIU gymnasieskolor kontaktades på mejl och 7 av dessa gymnasieskolor deltog i studien. 131 elever som betraktas som elitidrottare deltog i studien genom att besvara ett frågeformulär bestående av 39 påståenden med hjälp av en 7 gradig Likertskala. 24 påståenden utgjordes av SMS-6 och 15 påståenden utgjordes av ABQ. Resultat: De tre högsta noterade medelvärdena utifrån SMS-6 var integrated motivation (M = 5,7), identified motivation (M = 4,9) och introjected motivation (M = 4,7). ABQ medelvärde noterades till (M = 3). De två främsta fynden i studien var en negativ signifikant korrelation mellan integrated motivation (-0,18) och utbrändhet och en positiv signifikant korrelation mellan amotivation och utbrändhet (0,37). Slutsats: Utifrån studiens resultat så verkar det som att höga nivåer av självbestämd motivation motarbetar symptom av utbrändhet. Det verkar också som att låga nivåer av självbestämd motivation framhäver symptom av utbrändhet. / Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate how elite athlete students in Swedish high schools are motivated towards their sports by Self-determination Theory and Organismic Integration Theory, regarding the Modified Sport Motivation Scale (SMS-6). The study further aims to investigate if elite athlete students had developed symptoms of burnout, regarding the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (ABQ). Finally, this study aims to investigate if there exist any correlations between student’s motivation and symptoms of burnout. Studies have reported findings of elite athletes as a special vulnerable group towards symptoms of burnout. Elite athletes train close to their limits, strain themselves to highest achievements. They are also part of that special vulnerable population who may experience symptoms of burnout due to a prolonged stress and pressure associated with elite sports.  Methods: Data collection was obtained by emails between the investigators and high schools in Stockholm. 15 sport high schools were contacted by email and 7 of these high schools participated in the study. 131 elite athlete students participated in the study by answering a questionnaire which contained 39 items, specifically 24 items by SMS-6 and 15 items by ABQ. The questionnaire were answered by a 7 point Likert scale.  Results: The three highest scored means by SMS-6 was the integrated motivation (M = 5,7), identified motivation (M = 4,9) and introjected motivation (M = 4,7). ABQ measure of burnout was (M = 3). The two major findings in the present study was a negative significant correlation reported for integrated motivation and burnout (-0,18) and a positive significant correlation reported for amotivation and burnout (0,37).  Conclusion: By the results in the present study it seems as high levels of self-determinated motivation counteract symptoms of burnout. Thus it also seems as low levels of self-determinated motivation may contribute to symptoms of burnout.

Caracterização e perfil motivacional das atletas de futsal feminino de alto rendimento no Brasil

Giusti, Maurício Lobo 20 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T17:27:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 mauricio lobo giusti.pdf: 744375 bytes, checksum: 3b95bba23b095fb11f1409e04f576b46 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-10-20 / Objectives: Characterize the female futsal high-level athletes em Brazil, check the characteristics of the athletes invited to the Brazilian national team in 2013, as well as identify the motivational profile and evaluate the factors associated with motivation for the Sport among athletes. Method: Transversal descriptive study, having Brazilian futsal athletes as target audience, participants of the 2013 Feminine Futsal League. It was applied a questionnaire created by the researchers and the profile of motivation was evaluated through the Sport Motivation Scale (SMS). Results: The majorities of athletes are adults, of socio-economic classification B, are studying with integral funding, started playing at the streets or school, with less than 9 years old. Also, they would like to dedicate more time to futsal and the majority is paid to play. Being called-up is associated with being adult, having finished high school or attending post-graduation, receiving integral funding and being invited, indicated or hired from other team by their current team. The average score of the athletes for intrinsic motivation (IM) were higher than the score of extrinsic motivation (EM). The average of demotivation dimensions presented the lowest values. The athletes that were studying present higher IM. The athletes with 10 years or more in futsal were the most demotivated. Conclusion: This research sought to describe the profile of athletes that dispute the most important futsal national championship, besides describing the characteristics of the athletes that were called up for the Brazilian national team. Starting from these findings, it was notices an important encouragement to education continued between the athletes and also a high score of intrinsic motivation that seems to be connected with studying. The demotivational scores were low, however, the increase of years of practice may lead to higher scores of demotivation in the sport / Objetivos: Caracterizar as atletas de futsal feminino de alto rendimento no Brasil, verificar as características das atletas convocadas para a seleção brasileira em 2013, bem como, identificar o perfil motivacional e avaliar os fatores associados à motivação para o esporte entre as atletas. Método: Estudo descritivo transversal, tendo como população alvo as atletas brasileiras de futsal, participantes da Liga Futsal Feminina 2013. Foi aplicado um questionário estruturado criado pelos pesquisadores e o perfil da motivação foi avaliado através da Escala de Motivação no Esporte (SMS). Resultados: A maioria das atletas é adulta, de classificação econômica B, está estudando com financiamento integral, começou a jogar na rua ou na escola, com menos de 9 anos. Também gostariam de dedicar mais tempo ao futsal e a grande maioria é remunerada para jogar. Ser convocada esteve associado a ser adulta, ter concluído o ensino superior ou estar cursando pós-graduação, receber financiamento integral dos estudos e ter sido convidada, indicada ou contratada de outra equipe para sua equipe atual. Os escores médios das atletas para motivação intrínseca (MI) foram maiores que os escores de motivação extrínseca (ME). A média da dimensão desmotivação apresentou os menores valores. As atletas que estavam estudando apresentaram maior MI. As atletas com dez anos ou mais na prática do futsal estavam mais desmotivadas. Conclusão: Este estudo buscou caracterizar e descrever o perfil motivacional das atletas que disputaram o campeonato nacional mais importante da modalidade, além de descrever as características das atletas convocadas para a Seleção Brasileira. A partir destes achados observou-se um importante incentivo a educação continuada entre as atletas e também um alto escore de motivação intrínseca que parece estar relacionada ao estudo. Os escores de desmotivação foram baixos, no entanto, o aumento dos anos de prática parece levar a maiores escores de desmotivação para o esporte

Motivation i varje zon? : En studie av motivationens och tränarbeteendens påverkan hos elever på elitishockeygymnasier

Dupree, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka tränarbeteenden som föredras av elever på svenska elitishockeygymnasier samt att få en inblick hur motivationen är hos dessa elever.  Frågeställningar: 1. Hur uppfattar eleverna olika tränarbeteenden? 2. Hur ser motivationen ut hos eleverna? 3. Finns det några skillnader mellan könen i dessa två variabler? 4. Finns det några skillnader mellan de olika spelpositionerna inom ishockey? 5. Finns det ett samband mellan specifika tränarbeteenden och viss motivationstyp? Metod: Deltagare i denna kvantitativa studie var elever på landets elitishockeygymnasier som fyllt 18 år. Undersökningen genomfördes i form av en webb-enkät i Google Forms. Enkäten har bestått av två redan färdiga enkäter, Leadership Scale for Sports och Sport Motivation Scale-II. Enkäten har skickats till de ansvariga för respektive elitishockeygymnasium i landet som sedan förmedlat enkäten vidare till eleverna. Resultatet från enkäten har bearbetats i statistikprogrammet SPSS version 24 där T-test, korrelationer, one-way ANOVA samt Cronbach’s alfa har genomförts.  Resultat: Autokratiskt beteende var det minst uppskattade beteenden och positiv feedback det mest uppskattade.  Den motivationstyp som förekom i högst grad hos undersökningsgruppen var inre motivation och i lägst grad förekom amotivation. En statistisk signifikant skillnad mellan könen i föredragna tränarbeteenden visades, då kvinnorna i högre grad föredrog demokratiskt beteende jämfört med männen. Mellan de olika positionerna fanns det statistisk signifikant skillnad inom amotivation, där målvakterna visade mer amotivation än backarna. Samband av medel-styrka kunde ses mellan inre motivation och träning/instruktion samt positiv feedback, men även mellan extern reglering och träning/instruktion. Fler samband med låg styrka kunde påvisas. Slutsats: De mest föredragna tränarbeteendena samt motivationstyperna har påvisats. Även skillnader och samband har framkommit. En viktig slutsats är att de undersökta variablerna hänger ihop och har en stor påverkan på varandra, då idrottarnas motivation påverkar tränarens beteende, samtidigt som tränarens beteende påverkar idrottarnas motivation.

Motivace hráčů fotbalu v závislosti na úrovni soutěže a herní vytíženosti / Motivation of football players

Hamada, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Title: Motivation football players under influence of level of competition and loading level Objectives: The first aim of this study is to describe the motivation of football players. The second aim is to find out how players' motivational structure changes depending on the level of gaming. The third aim of the thesis is to verify the hypotheses regarding the motivation structure and their changes on the set criteria. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. The data was obtained using the Czech version of the Sport motivation scale. Relationships between motivation and the monitored variables (belonging to the given team - level of competition, gaming load) were evaluated using the Spearman correlation coefficient. Comparison of motivation at clubs at different levels of competition was performed using the t-test. By comparison, the data were compared with the results of other relevant studies. Results: On a given sample (n = 50), we found a correlation of the positive and the negative direction. At the alpha level of 0.1, a negative amortization correlation was found at the descending team level (R = 0.26; p-value = 0.07). A similar result was given by the result of the t-test, when we found a significant difference between the players from AC Sparta Praha and non-selective clubs (T = 2.8;...


Lipka, Josua January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka ifall det finns något samband mellan emotionell koppling till de sociala medieplattformarna Facebook, Instagram och TikTok och upplevdidrottsmotivation hos svenska styrkelyftare och bänkpressare. Samt ifall det finns några skillnader mellan könskategorier och tävlingsnivåer. Totalt deltog 93 personer (15-59 år) i studien varav 59 tävlande i kategori kvinna och 34 i kategori man. 32 deltagare tävlade på distriktsnivå, 38 på nationell nivå och 23 på internationell nivå. Data samlades in med hjälp av en webbenkät som i huvudsak baserades på de två befintliga frågeformulären Sport motivation scale-II (SMS-II) och The Multidimensional Facebook Intensity Scale (MFIS). Pearsons korrelationsanalys visade endast ett signifikant samband för TikTok ( p < .01) där en positiv korrelation fanns. Även bivariata regressionsanalyser visade endast ett signifikant resultat för TikTok (p < .01 & p < .001) som visade att en starkare koppling till plattformen kunde förutsäga en högre nivå av upplevd idrottsmotivation. Kovariansanalyser (ANCOVA) visade inga skillnader i emotionell koppling till plattformarna eller i upplevd idrottsmotivation mellan könskategorierna och tävlingsnivåerna. I denna studie upptäcktes positiva samband mellan emotionell koppling till sociala medier och upplevd idrottsmotivation och tidigare forskning har visat på både positiva och negativa effekter av sociala medier på idrottares motivation.Detta är något som kan vara relevant för idrottare, tränare och andra aktörer i idrottares närhet att vara medvetna om. / The aim of the study is to examine if there is a relation between the emotional connectednessto the social media platforms Facebook, Instagram and Tikok and the degree of perceived sports motivation in Swedish powerlifters and bench-press competitors. And if there are differences between gender categories and competition levels. In total the study had 93 participants (age 15-59) 59 competed in the women’s category and 34 in the men’s category. 32 participants competed at the regional level, 38 at the national level and 23 at the international level. Data was collected via an online questionnaire which was mainly based on the Sport motivation scale-II (SMS-II) and The Multidimensional Facebook Intensity Scale (MFIS). Pearson’s correlation test did only show a significant relation for TikTok ( p < .01) which showed a positive correlation. The same was the case for the bivariate regression analysis where also only a significant result for TikTok was found (p < .01 & p < .001) which showed that a strong emotional connectedness to TikTok could predict a high level of perceived sportsmotivation. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) showed no differences in emotional connectedness to the social media platforms or in perceived sports motivation between the gender categories and competition levels. This study showed a positive relation between emotional connectedness to social media and perceived sports motivation and previous research has shown both positive and negative effects of social media on sports motivation. This can be of relevance for the athletes themselves but also for coaches and other actors close to the athletes to be aware of.

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