Spelling suggestions: "subject:"amerika."" "subject:"berika.""
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Auß ereuropäische Völker auf Welt- und Gewerbeausstellungen im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert. Deutschland und Amerika im VergleichStarkloff, Kristina 10 December 2010 (has links)
Die beiden noch jungen Nationen Deutschland und Amerika richteten gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts sogenannte \"Kolonialausstellungen\" im Rahmen von Welt- und Gewerbeausstellungen aus. Damit wünschten sie sowohl vor der eigenen Bevölkerung, als auch internationalem Publikum ihre erzielte Fortschrittlichkeit zu demonstrieren. Im gleichen Zug proklamierten sie ihre Weltmachtstellung. Anhand ausgestellter \"eigener Fremder\" wurde die Wehrhaftigkeit, das ökonomische und politische Potential, die Modernität und Zivilisierung der ausrichtenden Nation herausgestellt. Beide Länder wünschten anhand der offensichtlich besiegten und/oder gezähmten \"Wilden\" die eigene Spitzenposition und daraus resultierend das Verantwortungsbewusstsein gegenüber weniger privilegierten \"Rassen\" auszustellen. \"Koloniale\" Abteilungen informierten jedoch nicht wie nachdrücklich untermauert über Expansion, Besitzungen und deren Bevölkerung, sondern fungierten ausschließlich als Instrumentarium zur Übermittlung \"imperialistisch\" geprägter Botschaften.
Insbesondere die gerade erst professionalisierten Wissenschaften Anthropologie und Ethnologie profitierten von den Veranstaltungen, in denen sie ihre \"Rassentheorien\" bestätigt fanden. Im Gegenzug legitimierten sie deren Ausrichtung, versicherten vermeintliche Authentizität und versteckten Schaulust unter dem Deckmantel von Erziehung, Belehrung und Wissenschaftlichkeit.:1 Einleitung 7
1.1 Forschungsstand
1.1.1 Methodik 16
1.1.2 Fragestellung 24
1.1.3 Quellen 27
1.1.4 Begriffsklärung 32
2 Hintergründe der mit Auß ereuropäern bevölkerten Sektionen 37
2.1 \"Zurschaustellungen\". Historische Einbettung–Unterschiedliche Formen 37
2.1.1 Begri fflichkeiten 38
2.1.2 Vorgeschichte von \"Zurschaustellungen\" außereuropäischer Völker in Europa 40
2.1.3 Carl Hagenbecks \"Zurschaustellungen\" 52
2.1.4 \"Buffalo Bill\''s Wild West\" 56
2.2 Afrikanischer Kontinent/Geheimnisvoller \"Orient\":
Assoziationsräume europäische Ängste und Wünsche 59
2.2.1 Der \"dunkle Kontinent\" 60
2.2.2 \"Exotischer Orient\" 61
2.3 Welt- und Gewerbeausstellungen 62
2.3.1 Anfänge und Entwicklung des Ausstellungswesens 62
2.3.2 Weltausstellungen 66
3 Deutsche \"Kolonialausstellungen\" im Rahmen von Gewerbeausstellungen 69
3.1 Die Berliner Gewerbeausstellung (1896): Visionen einer Weltausstellung 69
3.1.1 Die Erste Deutsche Kolonialausstellung 69
3.1.2 Vorbereitung, Eröffnung und kaiserliche Rezeption 69
3.1.3 Kolonialausstellung 72
3.1.4 Der Wissenschaftlich-Kommerzielle Teil 99
3.1.5 Abbildung einer konstruierten Wirklichkeit 107
3.1.6 Die Sonderausstellung Kairo 120
3.1.7 Kairo versus Schutzgebiete 130
3.2 Die Sächsisch-Thüringische Industrie- und Gewerbeausstellung 135
3.2.1 Das Leipziger Ausstellungswesen 135
3.2.2 Deutsch-Ostafrika in Leipzig 138
3.2.3 Bildliche Repräsentation 150
3.2.4 Bewertung und Rezeption 165
4 The World\''s Columbian Exposition (WCE), Chicago 1893. Amerika präsentiert
sich der Welt 168
4.1 Anthropologie und Ethnologie. Wissenschaftliche Neulinge in seriösen Kontext
gesetzt? 174
4.1.1 Anthropologie in Ausstellung. Klassifizierung und Typenbildung 175
4.1.2 Amerikanische Ureinwohner. Fremde im eigenen Land 179
4.1.3 Abteilung M: Ethnologisches und Anthropologisches Gebäude 187
4.2 Die \"schwarze Zukunft\"? Afroamerikaner als besondere \"Rasse\" 208
4.2.1 The Reason Why the Colored American Is not in the World\''s Columbian
Exposition 212
4.2.2 Colored People\''s Day 216
4.2.3 Mehr \"Bestie\" als Mensch: Dahomey auf der Midway 221
4.3 Anerkannte Fremde und ihre Darstellung. Japan besiegelt seinen Eintritt unter
den \"Kulturnationen\" 229
4.4 Au ßereuropäer auf der Midway: Vergnügung und Besuchermagnet 233
4.4.1 Chinas Beitrag? 234
4.4.2 Der Orient erobert Amerika 238
4.5 Bilanz und Auswirkungen 254
5 Louisiana Purchase Exposition. St. Louis 1904 258
5.1 Amerika: Vollendet \"imperialistische\" Großmacht? 258
5.2 Japan und China 262
5.2.1 Japan: Wehrhaftes \"Imperium\"–pittoreske Kulturnation 262
5.3 Anthropologische Abteilung 280
5.3.1 Assimiliert oder Ausgerottet. Das \"gelöste\" Indian-Problem 300
5.3.2 Alte und Neue \"Schutzbefohlene\" 311
5.4 \"Our Philippine Problem\"? Amerikas Aufstieg zum \"vollständigen\" Imperium? 312
5.4.1 Lebendige Trophäen der amerikanischer Expansion 322
5.4.2 Präsentierte Zivilisationsentwicklung 352
5.4.3 Erfolgsgaranten: Kannibalen, Freaks und Zeremonien 355
5.4.4 Hinter der Maskerade. Zeugnisse Ausgestellter und weitere Hintergründe 357
5.4.5 Bewertung der Philippinen-Ausstellung 361
5.5 Herausgestellte \"Color Line\". Afroamerikaner auf der LPE 365
5.6 Offi zielle Abbildungen 367
5.7 Die Pike. Wunder fur Jedermann 369
5.8 \"Barbaren\" im sportlichen Wettkampf. Olympische Spiele. St. Louis 1904 379
5.9 Rezeption 381
6 Resümee 384
6.1 Nationaler Vergleich 386
6.1.1 Berlin versus Leipzig: Ungleichheit zum Vergleich gestellt? 386
6.1.2 Chicago versus St. Louis 390
6.2 Deutschland versus Amerika 394
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Původ americké španělštiny / The origin of American SpanishTerešková, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
The present thesis deals with the origin of Latin American Spanish. The first part of this work is dedicated to the historical context which shows us the situation in which was the Kingdom of Spain in the moment of the voyages of exploration. It is treated in there the exploration on the New World and the interior situation of the kingdom as well. The second part of the historical context contains as well the language policy because is needed to have on mind the official reason why Spain was colonizing America which was the Christianization of the American original people. In this battle was the main weapon the language, that's why also it was so important to regulate it with laws and orders. Next part of the present work define American Spanish as an entity which is possible to define geographically and historically, it is a linguistic system which has a common history and determine the most important and decisive period for the formation of the American Spanish as the first one which is in between 1492 - 1519. To this part belong also the opinions and theories of the most important linguists. There is no time for mentioned every linguist who have ever treated the topic, therefore there are mentioned just the most important ones and their theories. Next chapter is dedicated to the pronunciation,...
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Reprodukční zdraví a umělá potratovost v Latinské Americe a Karibiku / Reproductive health and induced abortion in Latin America and the CaribbeanKomrsková, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Reproductive health and induced abortion in Latin America and the Caribbean Abstract The objective of this study is to give a comprehensive overview of the reproductive health of the population living in Latin America and the Caribbean, and to evaluate the level of induced abortion in the region at the same time. In the theoretical part of the study the term reproductive health is defined and indicators evaluating its level are described. As well the difference between safe and unsafe abortion is explained and the state of abortion law is expounded in this part. Next part is devoted to the promotion of family planning programs. In the analytical part Latin American and Caribbean countries are divided into four groups by using cluster analysis. Within each group one selected country is characterized in more detail. Indicators entering into the analysis show the level of reproductive health, the level of fertility and the economic performance of countries in the early 21st century. In the part related to the induced abortion rate in the region is discovered that despite the fact that in Latin America and the Caribbean there is one of the highest levels of contraceptive prevalence, there is also the highest level of induced abortion in the world. In the last part of the study the relationship between level of...
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Motivy předkolumbovské Ameriky v moderním mexickém umění / Motives of the pre-Colombian art in modern Mexican artTaltynová, Marie January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis Motifs of pre-Columbian America in modern Mexican art deals with the pre- Columbian motifs in the work of three leading representatives of the Mexican muralism - Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco and David Alfaro Siqueiros. Muralism, monumental painting with a clearly defined socio-educational function, started to develop on the initiative of the post- revolutionary Mexican government, since the 1920s of the 20th century. During its development, it gained international fame and today it is widely regarded as a uniquely Mexican style of art. An integral part of muralism form scenes from the life of pre-Columbian cultures. The main objective of this work is to analyse these scenes, the origin of particular motifs, their original meanings and meanings, which they assumed in the context of the murals. The work also reflects where muralists acquired knowledge about the Indian civilizations and what image of pre-Columbian past they created. The work also seeks to clarify the question in what specifically was the muralist access to pre-Columbian cultures innovative. The paper uses qualitative methods of analysis of the available written sources and analysis of visual materials.
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Význam představ o konci světa v procesu dobývání a kolonizace Ameriky / The meaning of ideas about the end of the word in the process of conquest and colonization of AmericaBrenišínová, Monika January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to explore the possible influence of the idea of the end of the world on the process of conquest and colonization of America. The author tries to answer this question through the study of selected images of the Last Judgment. The purpose aim of this thesis is not to describe or stylistically classify given works of art, but to interpret them using the methodology based on the semiotic conception of culture as public symbolical system that allows to interpret the culture and its expressions in their social connections. As the topic of this work is related to the question of death and finality, the chosen works of art are interpreted also in connection with A. van Gennep's idea of "rites of passage", which enables to pass from one life stage to another. The main source for analysis is the photographic material, which illustrates images and reliefs of the Last Judgment in their natural environment.
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Cestovatel Čeněk Paclt (1813-1887) - první Čech na pěti kontinentech z pohledu historické antropologie / Traveler Čeněk Paclt (1813-1887) - the first Czech that has ever been to all five continents in respect to historical anthropologyKříž, Jaroslav January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation analyzes the life of Czech traveler Čeněk Paclt (1813 - 1887), who was born in the town of Turnov. Čeněk Paclt belongs to the most famous Czech travelers. He is also the first Czech, who has provably traveled through all five inhabited continents and has left written evidence about his journeys. Fundamental part of this thesis is focusing on his life and describes his adventures, which he had come across on the five continents. The thesis is written in historical, and employs historical anthropology, which focuses on a single individual in the course of human events, as one of the main methodological approaches. Secondarily, this thesis elaborates Paclt's personality and his view on aboriginal cultures, which he encountered during his travels, and Paclt's relationship towards his hometown is also mentioned. Furthermore, the dissertation touches upon traveling background in Czech nation during 19th century.
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Railroading and Labor Migration : Class and Ethnicity in Expanding Capitalism in Northern Minnesote, the 1880s to the mid 1920sEngren, Jimmy January 2007 (has links)
In the 1880s, capitalism as a social and economic system integrated new geographic areas of the American continent. The construction of the Duluth & Iron Range Railroad (D&IR), financed by a group of Philadelphia investors led by Charlemagne Tower and later owned by the US Steel was part of this emerging political economy based on the exploitation of human and material resources. Migrant labor was in demand as it came cheap and, generally, floated between various construction-sites on the “frontier” of capitalism. The Swedish immigrants were one part of this group of “floaters” during the late 1800s and made up a significant part of the force that constructed and worked on the D&IR between the 1880s and the 1920s. This book deals with power relations between groups based on class and ethnic differences by analyzing the relationship between the Anglo-American bourgeois establishment and the Swedish and other immigrant workers and their children on the D&IR and in the railroad town of Two Harbors, Minnesota. The Anglo-American bourgeois hegemony in Minnesota, to a large extent, dictated the conditions under which Swedish immigrants and others toiled and were allowed access to American society. I have therefore analyzed the structural subordination and gradual integration of workers and, in particular, immigrant workers, in an emerging class society. The book also deals with the political and the cultural opposition to Anglo-American bourgeois hegemony that emerged in Two Harbors and that constructed a radical public sphere during the 1910s. In this process, new group identities based on class and ethnicity emerged in the working class neighborhoods in the wake of the capitalist expansion and exploitation, and as a result of worker agency. Building on traditions of political insurgency an alliance of immigrant workers, particularly Swedes, Anglo skilled workers and parts of the local petty bourgeoisie rose to a position of political and cultural power in the local community. This coalition was held together by the language of class that became the basis of a local multi-ethnic working class identity laying claim to its own version of Americanism. The period of preparedness leading up to the Great War, the war itself, and its aftermath, produced a reaction from the Anglo American bourgeoisie which resulted in a profound change in the public sphere as a coalition between “meliorist middle class reformers”, represented primarily by the YMCA and local church leaders and the D&IR and its program of welfare capitalism launched a broad program to counter socialism locally, and to forge new social bonds that would cut across class lines and ethnic boundaries. By this process, the ethnic working class in Two Harbors was offered entry into American society by acquiring citizenship and by their inclusion in a broader civic community undifferentiated by class. But this could only be realized by the workers’ adoption of an Anglo-American national identity based on identification with corporate interests, a new local solidarity that cut across class lines and a white racial identity that diminished the significance of ethnic boundaries. By these means the Swedish immigrants, or at least a portion of them, became Americans on terms established by the D&IR and its class allies.
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Finnen in der Neuen Welt 1865-1914. / Finns in the New World 1865-1914.Sallinen, Susanna 11 January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Anti-amerikanizmo Vakarų Europoje priežastys ir pasekmės: Italijos atvejis / The causes and consequences of anti-americanism in western europe: the case of italyVilkaitė, Ernesta 20 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjamas anti-amerikanizmo fenomenas apskritai Vakarų Europoje ir konkrečiai Italijoje. Po 2001 m. rugsėjo 11 d. įvykių JAV iš daugumos pasaulio valstybių sulaukė užuojautos ir palaikymo. Tačiau po šių tragiškų įvykių nepraėjus nei dvejiems metams, pasaulio arenoje ėmė vyrauti priešingos nuotaikos: JAV inicijuotas karas su terorizmu ir galiausiai 2003 m. be JT rezoliucijos prasidėjusi karinė kampanija Irake sukėlė didžiulę priešišką pasaulio reakciją. Viešosios nuomonės tyrimai rodė bendrą tendenciją – stiprėjantį neigiamą likusio pasaulio požiūrį į JAV. Tuo metu ypač dažnai imtas vartoti anti-amerikanizmo terminas ir vis labiau stiprėjo nuomonė, jog galiausiai XX amžius (dažnai vadinamas Amerikos amžiumi) užleidžia vietą naujajam XXI – neapykantos Amerikai – amžiui. Suprantama, jog dėl terorizmo grėsmės svarbiausia anti-amerikanizmo tyrimų po rugsėjo 11-osios ašimi tapo priešiškų JAV tendencijų islamiškose, ypač Artimųjų Rytų, valstybėse analizė. Vis dėlto anti-amerikanizmas egzistuoja ir Vakarų Europoje, nepaisant ilgos glaudžių JAV-Vakarų Europos santykių istorijos. Be to, karinės intervencijos Irake atvejis atskleidė, jog šio fenomeno pasekmės taip pat gali būti labai įvairios. Tad pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas yra nuodugniai išnagrinėjus anti-amerikanizmo fenomeną ir naudojant Italijos atvejo analizę, išskirti pagrindines šio reiškinio atsiradimo/egzistavimo Vakarų Europoje priežastis ir pasekmes. Atitinkamai tai leis patvirtinti/paneigti šias hipotezes:... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This master thesis examines the phenomenon of anti-Americanism in Western Europe in general and in Italy in particular. After the events of September 11th the US had received sympathy and support from many states of the world. However, just in two years all this disappeared: the war on terrorism incited by the US and finally the military offensive of 2003 against Iraq without a resolution of the UN brought an immense negative reaction in the world. The results of the opinion polls showed a general trend: the rise of negative attitudes towards America. Though the manifestations of anti-Americanism existed long before, it seems as many scholars have discovered the phenomenon of anti-Americanism anew and the main idea is that the 20th century (often called the American century) is giving the way to the new one – the century of hatred for America. Of course, after September 11th the main research area of anti-Americanism became analysis of this phenomenon in the Middle East. However, anti-Americanism exists also in Western Europe notwithstanding a long history of close US-Western Europe relations. Besides, the case of military intervention in Iraq had shown that also the consequences of this phenomenon can vary a lot. Hence, the main aim of this thesis is to analyze anti-Americanism in Western Europe and by analyzing the case of Italy distinguish the most important causes and consequences of this phenomenon. This analysis eventually allows to confirm/to deny such hypothesis: H1:... [to full text]
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Ekonominiai interesai Lietuvos užsienio politikoje / Economic interests in the foreign policy of lithuaniaZaleckas, Gintautas 20 June 2014 (has links)
Pastaruosius dešimtmečius vykstantys ekonominės globalizacijos procesai bei didėjantis valstybių ūkio ir visuomenių integravimasis, intensyvėjantys tarpusavio ryšiai smarkiai pakeitė pasaulį bei tradicinius valstybių santykius. Iškilo kokybiškai naujų įvairiapusių tarpusavio santykių poreikis, kuriuose išskirtinis vaidmuo tenka valstybės ekonominiams interesams. Akademinėje literatūroje dažnai minima egzistuojanti įtampa (konkurencija) tarp politikos ir ekonomikos. Kyla klausimas dėl Lietuvos ekonominių ir politinių interesų suderinamumo, t.y. ar šie interesai suderinami tarpusavyje, ar egzistuoja jų konkurencija? Šio darbo objektas: Lietuvos ekonominių interesų atstovavimas ir šalies ekonominių ir politinių interesų sąveika. Darbo tikslas: analizuojant dabartinę Lietuvos užsienio politiką, išsiaiškinti, kokią reikšmę joje vaidina šalies ekonominiai interesai, t.y. ar Lietuvos ekonominiai interesai formuoja šalies užsienio politiką, ir kiek bei kaip gali jai daryti įtaką. Siekiant įgyvendinti darbe keliamą tikslą, sprendžiami šie uždaviniai:  Apžvelgti ekonomikos ir politikos santykio aiškinimą tarptautinių santykių disciplinoje;  Išanalizuoti kokie [ir kokiu mastu] ekonominiai interesai minimi svarbiausiuose užsienio politikos dokumentuose ir kokia reikšmė jiems teikiama;  Išnagrinėti ekonominių užsienio interesų atstovavimo institucionalizavimą;  Identifikuoti ekonominių interesų atstovavimo užsienyje silpnybes;  Ištirti ekonominių ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Ongoing economic globalization processes of the late decades and the increasing integration of markets and societies have changed the world and the traditional intercourse among states. The importance of economic interests of countries is constantly rising. Academic literature often mentions and existing tension (competition) between politics and economics. That is why there is a question,- are these interests compatible or competing in Lithuania? The object of this study: Lithuanian economic interest representation and the interaction among economic and political interests of the state. Purpose: to find out how important are economic interests in the contemporary Lithuanian foreign policy; in what way and how much can they influence it. In order to implement the main purpose of this study these objectives are being met:  To review the interpretation of the relation between economics and politics in the internationa relations discipline;  To analyze which [and in what extent] economic interests are being mentioned in the most important foreign policy documents and what is their significance in those documents;  To explore the institutionalization of economic interest representation;  To identify the weaknesses of economic interest representation in foreign countries;  To study the interaction between economic and political interests according to the most important Lithuanian foreign policy regional courses - Europe, CIS, Asia and... [to full text]
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