Spelling suggestions: "subject:"among"" "subject:"hmong""
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Μελέτη της επίδρασης πολιτικών χρέωσης στη σύγκλιση εγωιστικών στρατηγικών παιγνίων συμφόρησης σε αμιγείς ισορροπίες NashΦυσικόπουλος, Βησσαρίων 09 September 2011 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η μελέτη καταστάσεων ανταγωνισμού μεταξύ χρηστών, για τη χρησιμοποίηση ενός συνόλου κοινόχρηστων πόρων. Για την μοντελοποίηση και ανάλυση των καταστάσεων αυτών χρησιμοποιούμε ως εργαλεία, έννοιες από την θεωρία παιγνίων, όπως ισορροπίες Nash, παίγνια συμφόρησης και μηχανισμοί συντονισμού. Ο κάθε κοινόχρηστος πόρος χρεώνει κάποιο κόστος στους χρήστες που τον χρησιμοποιούν. Θεωρούμε ότι οι χρήστες των κοινόχρηστων πόρων είναι εγωιστικοί, δηλαδή μοναδική τους επιδίωξη είναι η μεγιστοποίηση της προσωπικής τους ωφέλειας. Μια ισορροπία Nash είναι μια κατάσταση όπου κανένας χρήστης δεν μπορεί να αυξήσει το εγωιστικό του όφελος αν αλλάξει μονομερώς την στρατηγική του.
Πιο συγκεκριμένα ασχολούμαστε με το KP-μοντέλο γνωστό και ως μοντέλο παράλληλων ακμών και ιδιαίτερα με μεθόδους σύγκλισης σε αγνές ισορροπίες Nash, όπου δηλαδή οι στρατηγικές (ακμές) των χρηστών είναι ντετερμινιστικές. Γενικά, ένα παίγνιο (σύστημα) δεν έχει πάντα μια αγνή ισορροπία Nash. Ωστόσο, εμείς θα μελετήσουμε περιπτώσεις που εγγυημένα έχουν τουλάχιστον μια αγνή ισορροπία Nash. Ονομάζουμε πολιτική χρέωσης των ακμών τον τρόπο με τον οποίο υπολογίζεται το κόστος του κάθε χρήστη όταν χρησιμοποιεί μια ακμή.
Μια μέθοδος σύγκλισης σε μια αγνή ισορροπία Nash, είναι να επιτραπεί στους χρήστες να αλλάζουν εγωιστικά τις στρατηγικές τους μέχρι να καταλήξουν σε μια αγνή ισορροπία Nash. Ενδιαφερόμαστε για την ταχύτητα σύγκλισης σε μια αγνή ισορροπία Nash, δηλαδή το πλήθος των εγωιστικών αλλαγών στρατηγικών μέχρι να καταλήξουμε σε ισορροπία. Αρχικά, χρησιμοποιείται η πολιτική χρέωσης συνολικού φορτίου (Makespan), όπου κάθε ακμή χρεώνει το συνολικό της φορτίο σε κάθε χρήστη που την χρησιμοποιεί. Στην πιο απλή περίπτωση, η όλη διαδικασία χωρίζεται σε βήματα. Σε κάθε βήμα επιλέγεται, από το σύνολο των χρηστών που έχουν όφελος να αλλάξουν στρατηγική, ένας χρήστης ο οποίος αλλάζει στρατηγική. Η επιλογή γίνεται με βάση κάποιον αλγόριθμο προτεραιότητας. Για το μοντέλο αυτό, που ονομάζεται ESS-μοντέλο, η ταχύτητα σύγκλισης είναι στη χειρότερη περίπτωση εκθετική στο πλήθος των χρηστών. Παρουσιάζουμε την επίδραση των αλγορίθμων προτεραιότητας στην ταχύτητα σύγκλισης καθώς και αποτελέσματα για τρεις διαφορετικές κατηγορίες ακμών. Μια άλλη προσέγγιση, με εφαρμογή στα κατανεμημένα συστήματα, είναι η παράλληλη αλλαγή στρατηγικών από τους χρήστες (rerouting), όπου περισσότεροι από έναν χρήστες μπορούν να αλλάξουν ταυτόχρονα τη στρατηγική τους. Το μοντέλο αυτό υπερτερεί του ESS στην ταχύτητα σύγκλισης καθώς και στο πλήθος των πραγματικών καταστάσεων που μοντελοποιεί. Στη γενικότερη περίπτωση, όπου οι χρήστες επιτρέπεται να συνάπτουν συνασπισμούς (coalitions) μεταξύ τους, χρησιμοποιούμε έννοιες από τη συνεργατική θεωρία παιγνίων. Οπότε έχουμε να αντιμετωπίσουμε ομάδες χρηστών που αλλάζουν εγωιστικά τις ομαδικές στρατηγικές τους. Παρουσιάζουμε ένα ψευδοπολυωνυμικό φράγμα στην ταχύτητα σύγκλισης για μια ειδική περίπτωση όπου οι ακμές είναι πανομοιότυπες και επιτρέπονται συνασπισμοί πλήθους το πολύ δύο χρηστών.
Ένας άλλος τρόπος σύγκλισης σε μια αγνή ισορροπία Nash είναι η κατασκευή ενός αλγορίθμου που αναθέτει στρατηγικές στους χρήστες, όχι απαραίτητα με βάση τα εγωιστικά κριτήρια του καθενός, χωρίς να αυξάνει το κοινωνικό κόστος. Με τον όρο κοινωνικό κόστος αναφερόμαστε σε μια συνολική μετρική της απόδοσης του συστήματος σε συνάρτηση με τις στρατηγικές των χρηστών του συστήματος. Ο αλγόριθμος Nashify που παρουσιάζουμε, συγκλίνει σε μια αγνή ισορροπία Nash σε πολυωνυμικό πλήθος βημάτων, χωρίς να αυξάνει το κοινωνικό κόστος.
Στη συνέχεια, εισάγουμε την έννοια των μηχανισμών συντονισμού. Οι μηχανισμοί συντονισμού είναι ένα σύνολο πολιτικών χρέωσης για τις ακμές, που έχουν ως στόχο την παροχή κινήτρων στους εγωιστικούς χρήστες έτσι ώστε οι εγωιστικές αλλαγές των στρατηγικών τους να συγκλίνουν σε αγνές ισορροπίες Nash με μειωμένο κοινωνικό κόστος. Στην παρούσα εργασία, μελετάμε την επίδραση των μηχανισμών συντονισμού στην ταχύτητα σύγκλισης των εγωιστικών χρηστών σε μια ισορροπία Nash. Εξετάζουμε εκτός από την πολιτική χρέωσης συνολικού φορτίου (makespan) και κάποιες διαφορετικές πολιτικές χρέωσης (SJF, LJF, FIFO) και μελετάμε την επίδραση των αλγορίθμων προτεραιότητας στην ταχύτητα σύγκλισης τους. Παρουσιάζουμε και αποδεικνύουμε φράγματα στην ταχύτητα σύγκλισης για τις SJF και LJF πολιτικές που χρεώνουν τους χρήστες με βάση το μέγεθος των βαρών τους. Τέλος αποδεικνύουμε για την πολιτική χρέωσης FIFO, ένα γραμμικό άνω φράγμα στην ταχύτητα σύγκλισης για την ειδική περίπτωση των πανομοιότυπων ακμών και ένα ψευδοπολυωνυμικό άνω φράγμα για την γενική περίπτωση των ακμών.
Τελικά, αξιολογούμε πειραματικά την επίδραση των αλγορίθμων προτεραιότητας στις πολιτικές χρέωσης στο ESS μοντέλo με πανομοιότυπες ακμές. Ουσιαστικά, συγκρίνουμε τις πολιτικές χρέωσης συνολικού φορτίου, SJF, LJF και FIFO καθώς και το συνεργατικό με το μη συνεργατικό μοντέλο σχετικά με τη ταχύτητα σύγκλισης τους. Παρατηρούμε ότι για την συνολικού φορτίου, SJF, LJF και FIFO πολιτική χρέωσης τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα επαληθεύουν τα θεωρητικά φράγματα. Δηλαδή η FIFO πολιτική παρουσιάζει ταχύτερη σύγκλιση από τις υπόλοιπες πολιτικές ανεξάρτητα του αλγόριθμου προτεραιότητας. Για την περίπτωση των συνασπισμών με πολιτική χρέωσης συνολικού φορτίου, παρατηρούμε ότι η ταχύτητα σύγκλισης είναι πολυωνυμική στο πλήθος των χρηστών ακόμα και στην χειρότερη επιλογή συνασπισμών. Το αποτέλεσμα αυτό υποδεικνύει ότι το ψευδοπολυωνυμικό θεωρητικό άνω φράγμα μπορεί να βελτιωθεί. / General goal of the current diploma thesis is the study of competitive
situations among users of a set of global resources. In order to analyze
and model these situations we use as tools, game theoretic elements, such
as Nash equilibrium, congestion games and coordination mechanisms. Every
global resource debit a cost value to its users. We assume that the users
are selfish, that is their sole objective is the maximization of their personal
benefit. An Nash equilibrium is a situation in which no user can increase his
personal benefit by changing only his or her own strategy unilaterally.
More specific, we are interested in the KP-model or parallel links model
and we study convergence methods to pure Nash equilibrium, in which all the
strategies a user can select are deterministic. Generally, a game has not
always a pure Nash equilibrium. Although we are going to study cases in
which there is always at least one Nash equilibrium. We define as cost policy
of an edge the function which computes the cost of each user of this edge.
A method of convergence in a pure Nash equilibrium is, starting from an
initial configuration, to allow all users to selfishly change their strategies (one
after the other) until they reach a pure Nash equilibrium. We are interested
in the convergence time to pure Nash equilibrium, that is the number of these
selfish moves. Firstly, we study the makespan cost policy, in which each
edge debits its total load to everyone that use it. In the most simple case,
the whole procedure is divided into several steps. At each step, the priority
algorithm choose one user from the set of users that benefit by changing their
current strategy. For this model, named ESS-model, the convergence time is
at the worst case exponential to the number of users. We present the effect of
several priority algorithms to the convergence time and results for the major
different cases of edges (identical, related, unrelated). Another approach, with
applications to distributed systems, is the concurrent change of strategies
(rerouting) in which more than one users can change simultaneously their
strategies. This model is more powerful than ESS because of its real life
applications. Another model we study is that of coalitions, in which the users
can contract alliances. This model comes from cooperative game theory. In
this case we have to deal with groups of users changing selfishly their group
strategies. We present a pseudo-polynomial bound to the convergence time
in the identical machines model with coalitions of at most 2 users.
Another model of convergence, a little different than the others stated
above, is the construction of an algorithm that delegates strategies to the
users unselfishly without increasing the social cost. Informally, social cost is
a total metric of the system performance depending on the users strategies.
This model is named nashification and the algorithm nashify that provides
converge to a pure Nash equilibrium in polynomial number of steps without
increasing the social cost.
As far as the coordination mechanisms are concerned, they are a set of
cost policies for the edges, that provides motives to the selfish users in order
to converge to a pure Nash equilibrium with decreased social cost. In this
thesis, we study the effect of coordination mechanisms in the convergence
time. We examine, except from makespan, the sjf, ljf and fifo cost policies.
Sjf and ljf policies debit the users concerning their weights.
The thesis results are divided in two categories. On the one hand, we
prove upper and lower bounds of convergence time for sjf, ljf and fifo policies.
Especially for fifo we prove in identical machines case a tight linear bound
which is independent from the priority algorithm and a pseudo-polynomial
bound in unrelated machines case. On the other hand, we implement all
the above mentioned models and analyze them experimentally. In our experiments there are 3 parameters: the priority algorithm, the cost policy,
and the number of coalitions. In all cases the experimental results follows
the theoretical with one exception which is the most interesting among the
experiments. In the case of coalitions with at most 2 users the theoretical
upper bound is pseudo-polynomial to the number of users but the experimental results shows that the convergence time is polynomial. These results
force us to conjecture that there is a polynomial upper bound.
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Atividade curricular de integração entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão (ACIEPE) : anseios, conjunturas e contornos de inovações curriculares em movimento.Souza, Marcos Lopes de 28 May 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-05-28 / This research describes and discusses about the conjuncture and the movements of the
program so-called as Curricular Integration Activity between Teaching, Research and
Outreach (ACIEPE) since its implantation in Sao Carlos Federal University from year 2002
up to 2006, analyzing in a focused way one of its proposals. During the investigation the
information have been acquired by interviews with the Program s idealizers and executers,
also by the Program s (ACIEPE) documents, questionnaires applied to the coordinators of the
program proposals, the registries of one of the program s proposal meetings and by interviews
realized with the participants of this experience. The ACIEPE Program had been created
during a period in which UFSCar was trying to consolidate itself as a University based on the
concepts of democratic participation, academic competence and Social commitment, a
perspective that contested the neoliberal politics, which, has occupied a large area into
University space. The implantation of the program occurred within a period in which
UFSCar s graduation courses were passing through a curriculum reformulation process that
began since the establishment of Brazilian Universities Institutional Valuation Program
(PAIUB). Initially, the ACIEPE was incorporated to the courses s curriculum as an elective
discipline, lately, within the curricular flexibilization, it happened to be a complementary
curricular activity. Within the period comprehended between the years 2002-2006, 49
different proposals were done, some of them were re-offered, and now 107 classes can be
counted in. New projects of ACIEPEs have been offered each semester (at least five), at the
same time, new professors have adhered to different proposals of ACIEPEs demonstrating
that the program have been recognized as an opportunity for curricular innovation. Because
of the thematics that were chosen, the outreach guidelines, the external public and the
methodological approaches, the ACIEPEs presented different faces, which made it different
from traditional academic spaces. The proposals of ACIEPEs were consolidated as educative
spaces; constituted especially by multidisciplinary teams, which involved learning and
professors from distinct majors. In those spaces the formation offered to the graduation
students could embrace things beyond the society of the knowledge, involving aspects like
citizenship, social equality, environment sustainability, social cooperation, Human values and
etc., increasing the student s knowledge experiences, which includes the interaction with
different social groups. The practice of the inseparability between teaching, research and
outreach at ACIEPEs occurred in a diffuse and incipient manner, overall, when it comes to the
interlocution between university and External community. Focusing on one of the experiences
of the ACIEPE program entitled as The comprehension about biological knowledge essence
and its relationship with Science and biology on Basic Education it could have been
evidenced that the ACIEPEs program s intentions were approximately reached, especially the
ones related to the construction of a space that could give to the graduation students also
professional education and citizenship, even, establishing a strong link between University
and several social segments. At the same time, this ACIEPE, basing on its specific objectives
and on the perspective of complexity, can be denominated, besides its own limitations, as a
curricular innovation, based on the construction of dialogue spaces among the disciplines,
whereas it made possible to the participants, especially, the biology teachers and the
undergraduate level students of biological sciences course, to find a new significance for the
nature of biological knowledge trough the articulation with Philosophy and sociology. / Esta pesquisa descreve e discute a conjuntura, os desenhos e os movimentos do Programa
Atividade Curricular de Integração entre Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão (ACIEPE) desde sua
implantação, na Universidade Federal de São Carlos, no ano de 2002 até 2006, e analisa, de
forma mais focalizada, uma de suas propostas. No percurso da investigação buscaram-se
informações por meio de entrevistas com as pessoas idealizadoras e executoras do Programa;
em documentos sobre o Programa ACIEPE; em questionários aplicados às(aos)
coordenadoras(es) das propostas de ACIEPEs; em registros dos encontros de uma das
propostas/experiências do Programa e em entrevistas realizadas com as pessoas participantes
desta experiência. O Programa ACIEPE é engendrado num contexto em que a UFSCar
procura se consolidar como uma universidade pautada na participação democrática, na
competência acadêmica e no compromisso social; perspectiva essa que procura contestar as
políticas neoliberais que vêm adentrando no espaço universitário. A implantação do Programa
ocorre num momento em que os cursos de graduação da UFSCar estão em processo de
reformulação curricular iniciado desde o Programa de Avaliação Institucional das
Universidades Brasileiras (PAIUB). Inicialmente, a ACIEPE é incorporada aos currículos dos
diferentes cursos enquanto disciplina eletiva, posteriormente, com a flexibilização curricular
e, em virtude do próprio formato que ela vai tomando, passa a ser uma atividade curricular
complementar. No período de 2002-2006 realizou-se 49 propostas diferentes de ACIEPEs e
com a reoferta de algumas delas, se chega a 107 turmas. Novos projetos de ACIEPEs têm sido
oferecidos a cada semestre (em média, cinco), ao mesmo tempo, novos(as) professores(as)
vêm aderindo às diferentes propostas de ACIEPEs, demonstrando que a comunidade
universitária tem reconhecido o Programa como espaço de inovação curricular. As ACIEPEs
realizadas apresentaram uma diversidade de desenhos no que diz respeito às temáticas
escolhidas; às linhas de extensão; ao público externo e às abordagens metodológicas, se
diferenciando dos espaços acadêmicos tradicionais. As propostas de ACIEPEs se
consolidaram como espaços educativos constituídos, em especial, por equipes
multidisciplinares (envolvendo discentes e docentes de diversas áreas) visando a formação
dos(as) graduandos(as) para além da sociedade do conhecimento, ao trabalhar com cidadania,
eqüidade social, sustentabilidade ambiental, cooperação social, valores humanos etc. Ao
mesmo tempo, ampliaram as vivências de aprendizagem dos(as) alunos(as), sobretudo no que
se refere à interação com diferentes grupos sociais. A prática do princípio da
indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão nas ACIEPEs ocorreu de maneira difusa e
ainda incipiente, sobretudo, no que se refere à interlocução entre a universidade e a
comunidade externa. Focalizando uma das experiências do Programa ACIEPE intitulada A
compreensão sobre a natureza do conhecimento biológico e sua relação com as aulas de
Ciências e Biologia na Educação Básica , constatou-se que a mesma se aproximou das
intenções projetadas pelo Programa ACIEPE, em especial, em relação à construção de um
espaço de formação profissional e cidadã para os(as) graduandos(as) e o estabelecimento de
um elo permanente entre a universidade e os diversos segmentos sociais. Ao mesmo tempo,
pautando-se nos seus objetivos específicos e na perspectiva da Complexidade, esta ACIEPE
se constituiu, apesar de algumas limitações, como uma inovação curricular pautada na
construção de um espaço de diálogo disciplinar, na medida em que possibilitou aos(às)
participantes, especialmente, às professoras de Biologia e aos licenciandos(as) do curso de
Ciências Biológicas resignificarem a natureza do conhecimento biológico por intermédio da
articulação com a Filosofia e a Sociologia.
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Inclusão na educação infantil: as crianças nos (des)encontros com seus paresZortéa, Ana Maira January 2007 (has links)
Este estudo busca registrar como ocorrem as interações entre pares nos processos de inclusão de crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais. São registrados alguns movimentos acerca da inclusão na Rede Municipal de Ensino de Porto Alegre, contextualizando-os nas Escolas Municipais Infantis, locus desta investigação. As principais questões de pesquisa foram: Como interagem as crianças na escola com um colega, visto ou anunciado, como diferente? Estas crianças, ditas diferentes, como atuam junto a seus pares? De que estratégias se valem para aproximarem-se umas das outras? Como se anuncia ou aparece esta marca da diferença para as demais crianças? Partindo dos pressupostos teóricos interacionistas da Sociologia e da Psicologia, tendo por base a perspectiva sistêmica e especialmente fundamentado na Sociologia da Infância, que toma as crianças como agentes de sua própria socialização, este estudo direcionou-se no sentido de captar suas vozes, em suas múltiplas manifestações expressivas. A metodologia utilizada foi a etnografia. A análise de episódios interativos entre as crianças deu origem a quatro Dimensões que revelam os modos de socialização observados no grupo investigado. São elas: Os caminhos para estar juntos: compreender o outro; Movimentos ativos de aproximação; Ações partilhadas; Tão perto e tão longe. Foi possível observar que as crianças dão visibilidade às diferenças que se apresentam no encontro com seus pares, mas nem tudo o que é gerado entre elas tem a ver especificamente com a marca distintiva da deficiência; fazem as perguntas que precisam e apresentam-se ao outro valendo-se de variadas estratégias que possuem e/ou desenvolvem nestes contextos. O brincar aparece reafirmado como uma estratégia que possibilita a aproximação entre as crianças, constituindo-se em espaços de produção de cultura nos quais podem experimentar pertencimento. A inclusão revela-se como um processo dinâmico que se dá no cotidiano e no qual as interações entre as crianças desempenham um papel fundamental. Os encontros entre as crianças são reveladores de caminhos a serem percorridos e desencadeadores das potências suas e de seus pares, em que compartilham sentidos que nem sempre se mostram tão facilmente a nós adultos. / This study seeks to analyze how interactions among peers occur in the inclusion processes of children with special educational needs. Some inclusion-related movements in the Porto Alegre City Municipal Education Network are examined, contextualizing them in Municipal Children’s Schools, which are the loci of this investigation. The main research questions were: How do schoolchildren interact with a classmate who has been seen or announced as different? How do these so-called different children behave in the company of their peers? What strategies do they use to approach one another? How is this mark of difference announced or how does it appear to other children? Starting from the interactionist theoretical presuppositions of Sociology and Psychology, based on the systemic perspective and especially grounded in Child Sociology, which regards children as agents of their socialization, this study was aimed at capturing their voices in their multiple forms of expression. The adopted methodology was ethnography. The analysis of interactive episodes among children gave rise to four Dimensions that reveal the methods of socialization observed in the investigated group. The four Dimensions are: the ways of being together: understanding one another; active approach movements; shared actions; so close and so far. It was possible to observe that children give visibility to differences when they meet their peers, but not everything generated among them is specifically related to the distinctive mark of disability; they ask the questions they need and introduce themselves to the other by using varied strategies they have and/or develop in these contexts. Playing seems reaffirmed as a strategy that allows children to get closer, constituting spaces for cultural production in which they can experience the sense of belonging. Inclusion proves to be a dynamic process that takes place in the everyday life and where interactions among children play a fundamental role. The meetings among children reveal paths to be followed and trigger their potentialities because they share senses that are not always easily seen by adults.
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Gestão de conflitos no relacionamento entre franqueadores e franqueados: estudo de casoBernardino, Eliane de Castro January 2002 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2009-11-18T19:01:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2002 / The present dissertation studies the conflict in the relationship among franchisors and franchisees. A theoretical reference is presented, where franchisingfits in the marketing channels framework, as well as the most relevant causes that give rise to conflicts among franchisors andfranchisees and their existing solutions. Also, in this dissertation, the results ofan exploratory research are presented, focusing on retail franchise network. In this case study, we try to show and discuss how its members preveni and manage conflicts that arise within the franchisor-franchisee relationship. / A presente dissertação investiga questão dos conflitos no relacionamento entre franqueadores franqueados. apresentado um referencial teórico onde franchising se insere no contexto dos canais de marketing, bem como as causas mais freqüentes de surgimento de conflitos entre franqueadores franqueados e as formas de solução existentes. Em seguida, são apresentados os resultados de uma pesquisa exploratória, baseada no Estudo de Casos, realizada junto a uma rede de franquias atuante no ramo varejista, onde se procura destacar os conflitos observados no contexto da relação franqueador franqueado evidenciar como seus integrantes os previnem os administram. Por fim, recomendações são apresentadas.
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The aim of the present study is to analyze the free circulation of workers in
MERCOSUL as being a very important point to materialize the integration of the
Members States. As a first step, it was done a progressive studying beginning with a
short historical analysis of the integration and the Latin-American identity, ending with
a study about the labor right in the different Members States and the globalization
influence on them. As a second step, it was analyzed, specifically, the migrant
workers situation in the European Union and then the free circulation in MERCOSUL.
The free circulation of workers in MERCOSUL waits for being put into effect, and the
present study tries to demonstrate the necessity of investigating, in the social area,
the rights of going, living, staying, working and also enjoy the equality treatment right
in the community criated by Mercosul. / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a livre circulação de
trabalhadores no MERCOSUL como sendo um fator importante para concretizar a
integração entre os Estados Membros. Para tanto, foi feito, num primeiro momento,
um estudo progressivo começando por uma sucinta análise histórica da integração e
identidade latino-americana, passando-se para um estudo sobre o direito do trabalho
nos diferentes Estados Membros e a influência da globalização sobre os mesmos.
Num segundo momento, foi analisada, especificamente, a situação dos
trabalhadores migrantes na União Européia e, a seguir, a livre circulação de
trabalhadores no Mercosul. A livre circulação de trabalhadores no Mercosul aguarda
efetividade, e este trabalho busca demonstrar a necessidade de investir na área
social, no caso concreto o direito de entrar, residir, permanecer, trabalhar e gozar do
direito à igualdade de tratamento na comunidade criada pelo Mercosul.
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Interfaces físicas entre os sistemas prediais hidráulicos e sanitários (SPHS), estruturais e vedações / Physical interfaces among plumbing, cast in-situ reinforced concrete and mansory systemsBoni, Adriana Cristina 20 August 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-08-20 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The identification and resolution of interfaces is a requirement that must be met for additional methods for evaluating design for Hydraulic and Sanitary Building Services (plumbing systems). The reason is that these building systems, in general, may have a higher incidence of problems of compatibility with others, because they all relate to. In this context, this work aims to identify the main physical interfaces among the plumbing systems, masonry and structures systems, which occur in the pavement type of residential multistory buildings. The building system of fuel gas is also discussed, because it works in conjunction with cold water system in these buildings. Physical interfaces are considered: between plumbing systems and non-loadbearing walls or structural masonry; and between the plumbing systems and masonry structures and reinforced concrete cast on site. For this literature review was performed and case studies in the cities of Ribeirão Preto, São Carlos and São Paulo, comprising six companies and two buildings (units of analysis). Of the companies surveyed, two are construction and incorporation companies (the contractors). Four companies are design offices (contracted), two specialized in plumbing systems, one in masonry structure, and one architectural design offices specializing in non-loadbearing walls. The literature review is related to the main recommendations of the Brazilian technical standards and with the necessary information for the design phases, referring to the interfaces of the systems mentioned. The case studies resulted in findings that identified the compliance and nonconformities resulting from physical interaction among the various designs necessary for the production of buildings. Through these case studies, it was still possible to develop a matrix for the interfaces found on the pavement type, and relating them to main stages of the design. The results of this study can allow feedback from the design stage, thus contributing to the same quality as the product. / A identificação e a solução de interfaces é um dos requisitos que devem ser atendidos para complementar os métodos de avaliação dos projetos dos Sistemas Prediais Hidráulicos e Sanitários (SPHS). Isto porque estes sistemas prediais, de um modo geral, podem apresentar maior incidência de problemas de compatibilização com os demais, pois se relacionam com todos eles. Neste contexto, esta dissertação tem por objetivo identificar as principais interfaces físicas entre os SPHS e os de vedações e estruturas, que ocorrem no pavimento tipo de edifícios residenciais de múltiplos pavimentos. O sistema predial de gás combustível também é abordado, pois trabalha conjuntamente com o predial de água fria nesses edifícios. As interfaces físicas consideradas são: entre os SPHS e as vedações com blocos cerâmicos convencionais e estruturais, e entre os SPHS e as estruturas de alvenaria e de concreto armado moldado no local. Para isso foi realizada revisão bibliográfica e estudo de casos nas cidades de Ribeirão Preto, São Carlos e São Paulo, compreendendo seis empresas e dois edifícios (unidades de análise). Das empresas consultadas, duas empresas são incorporadoras e construtoras (contratantes). Quatro empresas são de projetos (contratadas), sendo duas especializadas em projetos de sistemas prediais, uma de alvenaria estrutural, e uma de arquitetura especializada em alvenaria de vedação. A revisão bibliográfica está relacionada com as principais recomendações das normas técnicas brasileiras e com as informações necessárias para as fases de projeto, referentes às interfaces dos sistemas citados. O estudo de casos implicou em resultados que permitiram identificar as conformidades e as inconformidades físicas decorrentes da interação entre os distintos projetos necessários à produção de edifícios. Através deste, foi possível ainda, elaborar uma matriz para as principais interfaces encontradas no pavimento tipo, relacionando-as com as fases de projeto. Os resultados deste trabalho possibilitam a retroalimentação da etapa projeto, contribuindo para a qualidade do mesmo como produto.
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Inclusão na educação infantil: as crianças nos (des)encontros com seus paresZortéa, Ana Maira January 2007 (has links)
Este estudo busca registrar como ocorrem as interações entre pares nos processos de inclusão de crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais. São registrados alguns movimentos acerca da inclusão na Rede Municipal de Ensino de Porto Alegre, contextualizando-os nas Escolas Municipais Infantis, locus desta investigação. As principais questões de pesquisa foram: Como interagem as crianças na escola com um colega, visto ou anunciado, como diferente? Estas crianças, ditas diferentes, como atuam junto a seus pares? De que estratégias se valem para aproximarem-se umas das outras? Como se anuncia ou aparece esta marca da diferença para as demais crianças? Partindo dos pressupostos teóricos interacionistas da Sociologia e da Psicologia, tendo por base a perspectiva sistêmica e especialmente fundamentado na Sociologia da Infância, que toma as crianças como agentes de sua própria socialização, este estudo direcionou-se no sentido de captar suas vozes, em suas múltiplas manifestações expressivas. A metodologia utilizada foi a etnografia. A análise de episódios interativos entre as crianças deu origem a quatro Dimensões que revelam os modos de socialização observados no grupo investigado. São elas: Os caminhos para estar juntos: compreender o outro; Movimentos ativos de aproximação; Ações partilhadas; Tão perto e tão longe. Foi possível observar que as crianças dão visibilidade às diferenças que se apresentam no encontro com seus pares, mas nem tudo o que é gerado entre elas tem a ver especificamente com a marca distintiva da deficiência; fazem as perguntas que precisam e apresentam-se ao outro valendo-se de variadas estratégias que possuem e/ou desenvolvem nestes contextos. O brincar aparece reafirmado como uma estratégia que possibilita a aproximação entre as crianças, constituindo-se em espaços de produção de cultura nos quais podem experimentar pertencimento. A inclusão revela-se como um processo dinâmico que se dá no cotidiano e no qual as interações entre as crianças desempenham um papel fundamental. Os encontros entre as crianças são reveladores de caminhos a serem percorridos e desencadeadores das potências suas e de seus pares, em que compartilham sentidos que nem sempre se mostram tão facilmente a nós adultos. / This study seeks to analyze how interactions among peers occur in the inclusion processes of children with special educational needs. Some inclusion-related movements in the Porto Alegre City Municipal Education Network are examined, contextualizing them in Municipal Children’s Schools, which are the loci of this investigation. The main research questions were: How do schoolchildren interact with a classmate who has been seen or announced as different? How do these so-called different children behave in the company of their peers? What strategies do they use to approach one another? How is this mark of difference announced or how does it appear to other children? Starting from the interactionist theoretical presuppositions of Sociology and Psychology, based on the systemic perspective and especially grounded in Child Sociology, which regards children as agents of their socialization, this study was aimed at capturing their voices in their multiple forms of expression. The adopted methodology was ethnography. The analysis of interactive episodes among children gave rise to four Dimensions that reveal the methods of socialization observed in the investigated group. The four Dimensions are: the ways of being together: understanding one another; active approach movements; shared actions; so close and so far. It was possible to observe that children give visibility to differences when they meet their peers, but not everything generated among them is specifically related to the distinctive mark of disability; they ask the questions they need and introduce themselves to the other by using varied strategies they have and/or develop in these contexts. Playing seems reaffirmed as a strategy that allows children to get closer, constituting spaces for cultural production in which they can experience the sense of belonging. Inclusion proves to be a dynamic process that takes place in the everyday life and where interactions among children play a fundamental role. The meetings among children reveal paths to be followed and trigger their potentialities because they share senses that are not always easily seen by adults.
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Att synliggöra det osynliga – våld i ungas parrelationer : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om förekomst och unga tjejers attityder till våld i ungas parrelationer / To make the invisible visible – dating violence among adolescent’s : A quantitative and qualitative study of prevalence and young girls attitudes towards dating violence among adolescent’sErdis, Neslihan January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Världshälsoorganisationen, WHO klassar våld i nära relation som ett globalt folkhälsoproblem som drabbar mer än en tredjedel av kvinnor runt om i världen. Trots att mycket forskning pekar på att kvinnor i åldern 16-24 är en särskilt utsatt grupp för våld i nära relation, är våld som förekommer i ungas parrelationer relativt ouppmärksammat i Sverige. Forskning visar vidare att unga ofta har en bristfällig kunskap i att definiera vilka beteenden som är lämpliga och våldsamma i en parrelation. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att kvantitativt undersöka förekomst av våld i ungas parrelationer samt genom fokusgrupper att undersöka unga tjejers attityder till våld i ungas parrelationer. Metod: För att undersöka förekomst av våld i ungas parrelationer användes tvärsnittsdata från en nationell kartläggning om våld mot barn. För att undersöka de unga tjejernas attityder till våld i ungas parrelationer användes en kvalitativ ansats och åtta tjejer i åldrarna 15-16 intervjuades i tre fokusgrupper. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades därefter genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultaten från den kvantitativa undersökningen visade att det är vanligare att tjejer både är offer och förövare gällande fysiskt våld i sina parrelationer. Totalt uppgav 2,5 procent av tjejerna att de hade blivit slagna av en partner och respektive 1,1 procent av tjejerna uppgav att de hade slagit en partner. Motsvarande siffror för pojkarna var 0,9 procent respektive 0,2 procent. Resultaten visade också att tjejer i större utsträckning utsätts för sexuellt och fysiskt våld som kräver sjukvård i sina parrelationer än pojkar.Analysen av intervjumaterialet resulterade i två kategorier: Attityd och definition och vidare kategorin ”Möjligheter och utmaningar för stöd”. Kategorin ”Attityd och definition” lyfter de unga tjejernas definitioner av olika våldstyper samt vilka situationer de betraktar som förmildrande för att använda våld i en parrelation. Kategorin ”Möjligheter och utmaningar för stöd” lyfter olika arenor unga söker sig till för att få stöd om de mår dåligt i sina parrelationer samt olika utmaningar som försvårar hjälpsökande ur en destruktiv parrelation. / Background: World Health Organization, WHO lists intimate partner violence as a global health problem affecting about a third of women around the world. Despite that a lot of research show that women in the ages of 16-24 are particularly vulnerable of being exposed to intimate partner violence, intimate partner violence that occur in adolescent relationships is relatively unattended in Sweden. Further research has shown that adolescent’s often lack knowledge about what constitutes appropriate and abusive behaviors in an intimate relationship. Aim: The aim of the study was to quantitatively examine the prevalence of dating violence among adolescent’s and by focus groups examine young girls attitudes towards dating violence among adolescent’s. Method: In order to examine prevalence of dating violence among adolescent’s cross-sectional data from a national survey about violence against children was used. To examine the young girl’s attitudes towards dating violence among adolescents a qualitative approach was used and eight girls aged 15-16 was interviewed using three focus groups. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and later analyzed using a qualitative content analysis. Results: The results from the quantitative analysis showed that it is more common that girls are victims and perpetrators of physical violence in their intimate relationships. Totally 2,5 percent of the girls in the study had been hit by a partner and 1,1 percent of the girls reported that they had used physical violence against a partner. Corresponding numbers regarding the boys were 0,9 and 0,2 percent. The results also showed that girls to a greater extent are exposed to sexual and physical violence requiring health care in their intimate relationships than boys.The qualitative content analysis resulted in two categories: “Attitude and definition” and “Possibilities and challenger for support”. The category “Attitude and definition” raises the young girl’s definitions of different types of violence and which situations they consider to be mitigating for using violence in a relationship. The category “Possibilities and challenges for support” raise different arenas young girl’s reach for in order to get support if they feel bad in their relationships and also different challenges that prevent help searching from a destructive relationship.
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Estratégias de seleção no melhoramento genético de Eucalyptus camaldulensis em Mato GrossoSouza, Thaianny Rodrigues de 19 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Valquíria Barbieri (kikibarbi@hotmail.com) on 2018-04-20T20:41:24Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-19 / Para o sucesso de programas de melhoramento é necessário um bom material genético disponível, fatores ambientais favoráveis e métodos de seleção adequados aos objetivos do programa. Neste contexto, o presente estudo objetivou avaliar a variabilidade genética existente, bem como métodos de seleção adequados para uma população de Eucalyptus camaldulensis em teste de progênie. O Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh é uma espécie que se destaca no gênero Eucalyptus, com ampla plasticidade, adaptabilidade e usos múltiplos. O experimento está instalado no município de Santo Antônio do Leverger – MT, contendo 117 progênies, em experimento conduzido em blocos ao acaso. Os resultados obtidos através dos parâmetros genéticos indicaram herdabilidade individual e média de progênies de média magnitude para os caracteres DAP e FF e de baixa magnitude para ALTT, ALTC e SOB. indicando certo controle genético. Detectou-se variabilidade genética para os caracteres analisados na população de Eucalyptus camaldulensis, com possibilidades de ganhos genéticos na sequência do programa de melhoramento genético. A seleção entre e dentro de progênies bem como a seleção combinada, indicam a possibilidade de ganhos genéticos, no entanto a seleção individual permitiu maximizar os ganhos mediante seleção para os caracteres estudados. / For the success of enhancements programs it`s necessary a good genetic material available, favorable environmental factors and selection methods appropriate to the program objectives. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the current genetic variability as well as suitable screening methods for a population of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in progeny test. Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh is a species that stands out in the Eucalyptus genus, with extensive plasticity, adaptability and multiple use. The experiment is installed at the Santo Antônio de Leveger county in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso - containing 117 progenies, in a randomized blocks conducted experiment. The results obtained through genetic parameters indicated individual heritability and average magnitude of average progenies for DAP characters and FF and low magnitude to ALTT, ALTC and SOB. indicating some genetic control. It was detected genetic variability for the traits analyzed in the population of Eucalyptus camaldulensis with possibilities of genetic gains following the enhancement program. The selection among and within families and the combined screening, indicate the possibility of genetic gains, however individual screening allowed maximize gains for the studied characters.
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Inclusão na educação infantil: as crianças nos (des)encontros com seus paresZortéa, Ana Maira January 2007 (has links)
Este estudo busca registrar como ocorrem as interações entre pares nos processos de inclusão de crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais. São registrados alguns movimentos acerca da inclusão na Rede Municipal de Ensino de Porto Alegre, contextualizando-os nas Escolas Municipais Infantis, locus desta investigação. As principais questões de pesquisa foram: Como interagem as crianças na escola com um colega, visto ou anunciado, como diferente? Estas crianças, ditas diferentes, como atuam junto a seus pares? De que estratégias se valem para aproximarem-se umas das outras? Como se anuncia ou aparece esta marca da diferença para as demais crianças? Partindo dos pressupostos teóricos interacionistas da Sociologia e da Psicologia, tendo por base a perspectiva sistêmica e especialmente fundamentado na Sociologia da Infância, que toma as crianças como agentes de sua própria socialização, este estudo direcionou-se no sentido de captar suas vozes, em suas múltiplas manifestações expressivas. A metodologia utilizada foi a etnografia. A análise de episódios interativos entre as crianças deu origem a quatro Dimensões que revelam os modos de socialização observados no grupo investigado. São elas: Os caminhos para estar juntos: compreender o outro; Movimentos ativos de aproximação; Ações partilhadas; Tão perto e tão longe. Foi possível observar que as crianças dão visibilidade às diferenças que se apresentam no encontro com seus pares, mas nem tudo o que é gerado entre elas tem a ver especificamente com a marca distintiva da deficiência; fazem as perguntas que precisam e apresentam-se ao outro valendo-se de variadas estratégias que possuem e/ou desenvolvem nestes contextos. O brincar aparece reafirmado como uma estratégia que possibilita a aproximação entre as crianças, constituindo-se em espaços de produção de cultura nos quais podem experimentar pertencimento. A inclusão revela-se como um processo dinâmico que se dá no cotidiano e no qual as interações entre as crianças desempenham um papel fundamental. Os encontros entre as crianças são reveladores de caminhos a serem percorridos e desencadeadores das potências suas e de seus pares, em que compartilham sentidos que nem sempre se mostram tão facilmente a nós adultos. / This study seeks to analyze how interactions among peers occur in the inclusion processes of children with special educational needs. Some inclusion-related movements in the Porto Alegre City Municipal Education Network are examined, contextualizing them in Municipal Children’s Schools, which are the loci of this investigation. The main research questions were: How do schoolchildren interact with a classmate who has been seen or announced as different? How do these so-called different children behave in the company of their peers? What strategies do they use to approach one another? How is this mark of difference announced or how does it appear to other children? Starting from the interactionist theoretical presuppositions of Sociology and Psychology, based on the systemic perspective and especially grounded in Child Sociology, which regards children as agents of their socialization, this study was aimed at capturing their voices in their multiple forms of expression. The adopted methodology was ethnography. The analysis of interactive episodes among children gave rise to four Dimensions that reveal the methods of socialization observed in the investigated group. The four Dimensions are: the ways of being together: understanding one another; active approach movements; shared actions; so close and so far. It was possible to observe that children give visibility to differences when they meet their peers, but not everything generated among them is specifically related to the distinctive mark of disability; they ask the questions they need and introduce themselves to the other by using varied strategies they have and/or develop in these contexts. Playing seems reaffirmed as a strategy that allows children to get closer, constituting spaces for cultural production in which they can experience the sense of belonging. Inclusion proves to be a dynamic process that takes place in the everyday life and where interactions among children play a fundamental role. The meetings among children reveal paths to be followed and trigger their potentialities because they share senses that are not always easily seen by adults.
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