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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Réduction des pertes à vide des transformateurs de distribution par utilisation de rubans amorphes / No-load losses reduction in distribution transformers with amorphous ribbons

Mouhamad, Malick 28 February 2012 (has links)
La présente étude traite l’application des rubans amorphes dans les transformateurs de distribution dans l’objectif de réduire les pertes dans le réseau d’électricité. Les matériaux utilisés sont un alliage à base de fer, silicium et bore. Les premières études sur ce matériau amorphe révèlent une très bonne compatibilité chimique de ces derniers avec les huiles de transformateur. Ces rubans possèdent des durées de vie entièrement conforme aux exigences d’ERDF. Les pertes à vide représentent un élément non négligeable dans l’efficacité énergétique des matériels. Un transformateur amorphe génère 2 fois moins de pertes pendant toute sa vie qu’un transformateur conventionnel C0Ck. D'un point de vue général, la technologie amorphe appliquée aux transformateurs de distribution publique présente un intérêt majeur pour la réduction des pertes à vide. L'investissement réalisé dans un matériel certes plus onéreux à l'origine se trouve rentabilisé grâce aux économies réalisées sur les pertes à vide. Le retour sur investissement est possible en 10 à 12 années environ mais reste très variable en fonction du prix d'achat négocié. La qualification des transformateurs amorphes nécessite que les matériels répondent aux exigences de la spécification d’ERDF comme le critère "Tenue aux courants de court-circuit" qui constitue une composante essentielle dans l'acceptation des transformateurs amorphes. La tenue aux efforts de court-circuit a historiquement été problématique sur les transformateurs triphasés à noyaux amorphes. Le noyau se cisaille pendant le court-circuit, libérant des particules métalliques préjudiciables à la tenue diélectrique de l'appareil. Depuis, les constructeurs ont fait des progrès dans la conception mais les matériels ne sont pas encore pleinement satisfaisants. La tenue aux courts-circuits est l’enjeu et le défi que doit franchir cette technologie pour s’implanter et être crédible en Europe. / This PhD deals with the application of amorphous ribbons in distribution transformer cores in order to reduce network losses. The material is an alloy from iron, boron and silicon compounds. The first results on the material reveal a good physicochemical compatibility with tested transformer dielectric fluids. It should be noted these materials possess a far longer life than the transformer itself. The potential for reducing losses from distribution transformers is considered as one element of EU and national strategies on energy efficiency. Losses generated through amorphous transformers are twice less than conventional ones. Amorphous ribbon units represent a significant new advance in transformer technology and losses reduction. The investment, put to purchase the product, can be easily gained by the capitalisation of losses. The return can be achieved in 10 to 12 years, depending on the purchase price. It is expected that a transformer will be subjected to a number of short-circuits during its service life, but sooner or later one such event will cause some slight winding movement, and the ability of the transformer to resist further short-circuits will then be severely reduced. Amorphous metal distribution transformers (AMDT) is no exception and they should be able to resist electrodynamic forces during short-circuit test and match ERDF specifications. In fact, during SC, extreme electrodynamic forces cause the windings to deform and this shape deformity creates a lot of shear stress on amorphous cores which lead to break-up of some ribbons. The active part of an amorphous transformer should be strong enough to resist these stresses. In fact, the behaviour of the core materials under short circuit currents depends especially on the know-how of manufacturers who can outline electrodynamic stress inside transformers. Concept design and processes have been improved in order to provide reliable devices but the task is not completely done yet. Short-circuit withstand is one of the most important aspects which will approve this technology.

Modelo atomístico para transporte eletrônico em sistemas orgânicos desordenados / Atomistic model for electronic transport in disordered organic systems

Amazonas, Járlesson Gama 11 May 2012 (has links)
Polímeros conjugados apresentam muitas propriedades interessantes para utilização como camada ativa em, por exemplo, dispositivos emissores de luz, e transistores de efeito de campo. Os processos na camada ativa são entretanto de difícil modelagem teórica, o que dificulta também o desenho de dispositivos. A dificuldade tem origem na morfologia do material: amorfo, composto de cadeias longas e possivelmente enoveladas, assim uma boa descrição estrutural é necessária para descrever o mecanismo de transporte eletrônico. Nos procedimentos mais comuns o transporte é simulado sem ligação clara com as características atomísticas do material em questão. Neste trabalho optamos por modelar o transporte eletrônico em filmes poliméricos através de uma Equação Mestre Estocástica (EME) não linear utilizando a formulação de Bässler-Miller- Abrahams para a taxa de transição eletrônica. Nossa modelagem porém inclui a simulação de filmes realísticos, a partir de modelos atomísticos construidos por Dinâmica Molecular Clássica (DMC), e a obtenção de todos os parâmetros necessários para escrever a taxa de transição a partir de cálculos quânticos de primeiros princípios. Para cada filme, foram selecionadas \"imagens\" no decorrer do tempo da DMC e para cada uma dessas, através de cálculos explícitos de ângulos e distâncias inter-sítios, construida a rede topológica de conectividades (com a respectiva taxa de transição). Para isto, foi necessária reparametrização do Campo de Forças Universal com respeito à interação não ligada de energia. Além disso, a partir de cálculos quânticos de primeiros princípios, para todos os parâmetros necessários para a EME: comprimento de conjugação, energias de sítio e integrais de transferência. Estudamos sistemas oligoméricos de para-fenileno-vinileno (PPV), cristalinos e amorfos. Obtivemos a mobilidade de portadores para diferentes filmes de PV (cristal de \'P IND. 5\'\'V IND. 4\', amorfos de \'P IND. 3\'\'V IND. 2\' e \'P IND. 26\'\'V IND. 25\'), com várias imagens para um mesmo filme, representando o comportamento a uma determinada temperatura, e ainda com diferentes concentrações de portadores: vemos claramente a necessidade de obtenção de valores médios para todas as quantidades relevantes. A metodologia proposta se mostrou capaz de incorporar o efeito das características morfológicas do material, e nossos resultados estão em boa concordância, qualitativa e quantitativamente, com resultados experimentais para sistemas símiles. / Organic conjugated polymers present several interesting properties and can be used as active layers in e.g. light emitting diodes and field effect transistors. The electronic properties in the active layer are however difficult to model theoretically, which makes it also a hard task to engineer the device. The difficulties come from the structural characteristics of the material: amorphous, but composed of long and possibly folded molecular chains, so that a sound description of the structural characteristics is needed for the understanding of the electronic transport. The usual procedures for theoretical simulation bear no clear or direct link with the atomistic characteristics of the given used material. In this work we model the transport properties of polymer films through a non-linear Stochastic Master Equation, using the B¨assler-Miller-Abrahams formulation for the electronic transition rate. Our modeling however includes the simulation of realistic films, from atomistic models built through Classical Molecular Dynamics (CMD), and extracting all the relevant parameters for the SME from ab initio quantum calculations for model systems. For each film, \"images\" were selected along the CMD time evolution and for each of them a connectivity network (with the corresponding transition rates) was built, from explicit calculations of inter-ring bond distances and bond angles. To do that, it was needed a re-parametrization of the well-known Universal Force Field, concerning the non-bonded interactions. Furthermore, in parallel with the CMD work, also the values for the application of the SME were obtained from first-principles quantum calculations: conjugation length, site energies and transfer energies. We studied para-phenylene vinylene PPV oligomeric films, in different situations: crystalline, and amorphous. We calculated hole mobilities for different PV films (crystalline P5V4, amorphous P3V2 and P26V25) with several images for the same film, representing a given temperature, and also with different carrier concentrations. We clearly see the need of averaging obtained values for all relevant quantities. The proposed methodology was shown to incorporate the effects of morphology, and our results are in good accord, qualitaqualitatively and quantitavely, with experimental results for similar systems.

Estudo das propriedades ópticas e eletro-ópticas de filmes de carbono amorfo tipo diamante - DLC. / Study of optical and electro-optical properties of diamond-like carbon films - DLC.

Rizzo, Vinícius Zacarias 18 October 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram estudadas as características elétricas e ópticas de filmes de carbono tipo diamante (DLC Diamond-Like Carbon) depositados em um sistema de sputtering RF magnetron reativo em substratos de silício e vidro. Foram depositadas amostras em condições de processo distintas em cada tipo de substrato, sendo duas condições de pressão (5 mTorr e 10 mTorr) e para cada uma, quatro condições de potência de RF (100 W, 150 W, 200 W e 250 W). Os filmes depositados foram submetidos às seguintes técnicas de caracterização: perfilometria, para obtenção da espessura dos filmes e com isso a taxa de deposição; elipsometria, para obtenção do índice de refração; obtenção de curvas I-V, para obtenção da resistividade elétrica e cálculo do ganho de foto corrente, e da curva C-V de alta frequência, para cálculo da constante dielétrica dos filmes; transmitância óptica, para o cálculo do gap óptico através do método de Tauc; fotoluminescência, para determinar a emissão característica deste gap e espectroscopia de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR), para se observar os tipos de ligações presentes no filme e calcular a relação entre hibridizações sp3 e sp2 entre átomos de carbono e hidrogênio no filme. As variações de algumas características dos filmes de DLC com os parâmetros de processo são apresentadas e comparadas. De acordo com as características dos filmes obtidos neste trabalho, com a variação dos parâmetros de processo, é possível sua aplicação como dielétrico de campo, por apresentarem baixa constante dielétrica, sendo o valor mais baixo obtido igual a 3,4; como material dielétrico de porta considerando os filmes com alta constante dielétrica, chegando a 6,7; como material para cobertura, devido à alta uniformidade (até 95%); e, o que foi mais explorado neste trabalho, para aplicações como sensores foto sensíveis, sendo que o maior ganho de foto corrente obtido foi 67 vezes. A possibilidade de produção de filmes de DLC com diferentes propriedades através da variação das condições de processo mostra sua versatilidade para uso em diferentes aplicações. / In this work it was studied electrical and optical characteristics of diamond-like carbon (DLC) films deposited in a reactive RF magnetron sputtering system on silicon and glass substrates. Samples were deposited at different process conditions in each type of substrate at two pressure conditions (5 mTorr and 10 mTorr) and four conditions of RF power (100 W, 150 W, 200 W and 250 W). The DLC films were characterized by the following techniques: high step meter analysis, to obtain the thickness of the films and thus the deposition rate; Ellipsometry to obtain the refractive index; electrical characterization by the I-V curve, to obtain the resistivity and calculate the photo current gain, and high-frequency C-V curve, to calculate the dielectric constant of the films; optical transmittance, to calculate the optical gap by the Tauc method; photoluminescence analysis, to determine the characteristic emission of this gap; Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), to observe the different carbon-hydrogen bonds and calculate its sp3/sp2 hybridizations ratio. The way some characteristics of DLC films vary with the process parameters are presented and compared in this work. According to the characteristics of the DLC films obtained in this work, with the variation of the process parameters it is possible their application as low k dielectric insulators, because of its low dielectric constant, being the lowest obtained value 3.4; as dielectric gate material, reaching 6.7 in the films deposited in this work, as coating material due to its high uniformity (95%), and which was further explored in this work, for applications like photo-sensitive sensors, since it was obtained samples with photo current gain up to 65. The possibility of producing DLC films with different properties by varying process parameters shows its versatility for using in different applications.

Pede-se abrir os olhos psicanálise e reflexão estética hoje

Dionisio, Gustavo Henrique 29 April 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho pretende investigar como é feita a utilização da teoria psicanalítica no cenário da reflexão estética e da crítica de arte contemporâneas. Para tanto, o recorte se concentra em dois pensadores que se tornaram significativos na atualidade, embora não sejam os únicos: o crítico Hal Foster e o historiador da arte Georges Didi-Huberman. O objetivo da investigação é mostrar em que medida os conceitos gerados na práxis psicanalítica possibilitaram interpretações de ruptura no campo da estética tradicional. Essa modalidade de análise só se torna possível uma vez que se abandona o paradigma da psicanálise aplicada, ainda corrente no cenário extraclínico. Por fim, a proposta visa sustentar que a operação do amorfo, gerada no interior da pesquisa, pode lançar luz a certas experiências estéticas que vão da modernidade à pós-modernidade das artes / This work intends to investigate the use of psychoanalytic theory within the aesthetic and critical contemporary art field. To this purpose, this study focuses on two philosophers who have become significant in our time: the critic Hal Foster and the art historian Georges Didi-Huberman. This study aims to show how far the concepts generated in psychoanalytic praxis allowed interpretations that disrupt the field of the traditional aesthetics. This type of analysis is possible once we abandon the paradigm of applied psychoanalysis, which is still current in non-clinical setting. Finally, the proposal wants to argue that the category of the amorphous, generated in this research, may clarify certain aesthetic experiences that range from the modernity of art through the post-modernity

A study of reactively evaporated amorphous hydrogenated silicon & amorphous hydrogenated germanium and recrystallization of amorphous germanium by rapid thermal annealing method.

January 1993 (has links)
by Lui Kai Man, Raymond. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1993. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 221-225). / Acknow1edgements / Abstract --- p.i / Table of Contents --- p.ii / Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter 2 --- Sample Preparation --- p.12 / Chapter A. --- Introduction --- p.12 / Chapter B. --- The Working Systems --- p.12 / Chapter C. --- Sample Preparation --- p.14 / Chapter C.1 --- The Method Of Reactive Evaporation --- p.14 / Chapter C.2 --- The Method Of Posthydrogenation --- p.15 / Chapter D. --- The Substrates --- p.16 / Chapter Chapter 3 --- "Electrical Conductivities, Thermal and Optical Stability Experiments" --- p.21 / Chapter A. --- Introduction --- p.21 / Chapter B. --- Theory --- p.22 / Chapter B.1 --- Electronic Transport In Amorphous Semiconductor --- p.22 / Chapter B.2 --- dc Electrical Conductivity in Davis-Mott Model --- p.23 / Chapter B.3 --- Photoconductivity --- p.27 / Chapter B.4 --- Staebler-Wronski Effect --- p.28 / Chapter C. --- Experimental Method --- p.29 / Chapter C.1 --- Dark And Photo Conductivities Measurements --- p.29 / Chapter C.2 --- Optical Stability Measurement --- p.32 / Chapter C.3 --- Thermal Stability Measurement --- p.32 / Chapter D. --- Results --- p.34 / Chapter D.1 --- Reactively Evaporated Samples --- p.34 / Chapter D.2 --- Temperature Dependence Of Conductivities --- p.34 / Chapter D.3 --- Optical Stability Measurement --- p.35 / Chapter D.4 --- Thermal Stability Measurement --- p.36 / Chapter E. --- Discussions --- p.36 / Chapter E.1 --- Electrical Properties Of Reactively Evaporated a-Si:H --- p.36 / Chapter E.2 --- A Comparative Study Between Reactive Evaporated Samples With Those From Other Reactive Deposition Techniques And Glow-Discharge Process --- p.37 / Chapter F. --- Conclusions --- p.38 / Chapter Chapter 4 --- Infrared Absorption Experiment --- p.63 / Chapter A. --- Introduction --- p.63 / Chapter A.1 --- General Description --- p.63 / Chapter A.2 --- Types Of Atomic Vibrations --- p.64 / Chapter A.3 --- Infrared Spectroscopy Of a-Si:H --- p.64 / Chapter A.4 --- Effect Of Substrate Temperature On Bonding Configuration --- p.65 / Chapter B. --- Experimental Method --- p.66 / Chapter C. --- Results --- p.66 / Chapter D. --- Discussions --- p.67 / Chapter D.1 --- Identification Of The Two Absorption Bands --- p.67 / Chapter D.2 --- Effect Of Substrate Temperature --- p.68 / Chapter E. --- Conclusions --- p.70 / Chapter Chapter 5 --- Electron Spin Resonance Experiment --- p.82 / Chapter A. --- Introduction --- p.82 / Chapter B. --- Theory --- p.85 / Chapter B. 1 --- The Absorption Process --- p.85 / Chapter B. 2 --- The Relaxation Process --- p.86 / Chapter C. --- Experimental Method --- p.90 / Chapter D. --- Results --- p.92 / Chapter E. --- Discussions --- p.93 / Chapter F. --- Conclusions --- p.96 / Chapter Chapter 6 --- Optical Absorption Experiment --- p.114 / Chapter A. --- Introduction --- p.114 / Chapter B. --- Theory On Optical Transitions Within Amorphous Materials --- p.114 / Chapter B.1 --- General Descriptions --- p.114 / Chapter B.2 --- Band Models For Optical Absorptions In An Amorphous Semiconductor --- p.116 / Chapter C. --- Experimental Method --- p.121 / Chapter E. --- Analysis --- p.123 / Chapter E.1 --- Band Model --- p.123 / Chapter E.2 --- Deconvolution Of Absorption Spectrum --- p.124 / Chapter F. --- Discussions --- p.131 / Chapter G. --- Conclusions --- p.133 / Appendix A --- p.134 / Chapter A.1 --- An Outline On The Theoretical And Experimental Aspects Of PDS --- p.134 / Chapter Chapter 7 --- Recrystallization Of Amorphous Germanium By Rapid Thermal Annealing --- p.165 / Chapter A. --- Introduction --- p.165 / Chapter B. --- Theory --- p.166 / Chapter B.1 --- Recrystallization Of Amorphous Germanium --- p.166 / Chapter B.2 --- Nucleation And Growth - Isothermal Transformation --- p.167 / Chapter B.3 --- The Structure Of Polycrystalline Aggregates By X-ray Analysis --- p.170 / Chapter C. --- Experimental Set-ups --- p.172 / Chapter C. 1 --- The Rapid Thermal Processing Unit --- p.172 / Chapter C. 2 --- The Conventional Furnace --- p.175 / Chapter C. 3 --- The X-ray Diffractometer --- p.175 / Chapter C. 4 --- Electrical Conductivity Measurements --- p.176 / Chapter D. --- Experimental Method --- p.177 / Chapter D.1 --- The Samples --- p.177 / Chapter D.2 --- The Experiments --- p.177 / Chapter E. --- Results And Discussions --- p.178 / Chapter F. --- Conclusions --- p.185 / Appendix A --- p.216 / Chapter Chapter 8 --- Conclusions --- p.217 / Chapter A. --- Conclusions --- p.217 / Chapter B. --- Suggestions On Improvement And Further Development Of The Present Systems --- p.219 / References --- p.221

The annealing effect of a-si and a-ge thin films.

January 1978 (has links)
by Poon Sai Keung. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1978. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 92-94).

Alloying phenomenon of amorphous silicon and germanium double layers on silicon wafer generated by in-situ thermal pulse =: 原位熱脈衝對硅片上非晶硅鍺雙層薄膜所產生的合金現象. / 原位熱脈衝對硅片上非晶硅鍺雙層薄膜所產生的合金現象 / Alloying phenomenon of amorphous silicon and germanium double layers on silicon wafer generated by in-situ thermal pulse =: Yuan wei re mai chong dui gui pian shang fei jing gui zhe shuang ceng bo mo suo chan sheng de he jin xian xiang. / Yuan wei re mai chong dui gui pian shang fei jing gui zhe shuang ceng bo mo suo chan sheng de he jin xian xiang

January 1998 (has links)
by Yeung Ching Chung. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 69-71). / Text in English; abstract also in Chinese. / by Yeung Ching Chung. / Table of contents --- p.i / Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction / Chapter 1.1 --- General overview --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- The present study --- p.3 / Chapter Chapter 2 --- Sample preparation and characterization / Chapter 2.1 --- Sample preparation / Chapter A. --- General description --- p.5 / Chapter B. --- The thermal pulse furnace --- p.7 / Chapter C. --- The substrates --- p.9 / Chapter D. --- Sample preparation --- p.10 / Chapter 2.2 --- Sample characterization / Chapter A. --- Micro Raman system --- p.11 / Chapter B. --- Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) --- p.12 / Chapter C. --- X-ray powder diffraction --- p.13 / Chapter D. --- AFM. SEM and Surface Profiler --- p.13 / Chapter Chapter 3 --- Results and discussion / Chapter 3.1 --- The surface morphology / Chapter A. --- General description --- p.15 / Chapter B. --- The as-deposited amorphous film --- p.15 / Chapter C. --- The crystalline Ge film --- p.16 / Chapter D. --- The alloy film --- p.17 / Chapter E. --- The role of a-Si layer --- p.22 / Chapter 3.2 --- The depth profile (RBS) / Chapter A. --- General description --- p.24 / Chapter B. --- Peak temperature dependence --- p.27 / Chapter C. --- Heating rate dependence --- p.30 / Chapter 3.3 --- The near surface composition measured by Raman scattering / Chapter A. --- General description --- p.33 / Chapter B. --- Peak temperature dependence --- p.43 / Chapter C. --- Heating rate dependence --- p.45 / Chapter 3.4 --- Preferred growth direction / Chapter A. --- General description --- p.47 / Chapter B. --- Peak temperature dependence --- p.48 / Chapter C. --- Heating rate dependence --- p.51 / Chapter 3.5 --- Discussion / Chapter A. --- The particle size --- p.55 / Chapter B. --- The participation of Si substrate --- p.58 / Chapter C. --- The alloy formation --- p.58 / Chapter D. --- The abnormally fast interdiffusion --- p.63 / Chapter Chapter 4 --- Conclusion --- p.65 / Appendix --- p.67 / References --- p.69

Towards Tunable and Multifunctional Interfaces: Multicomponent Amorphous Alloys and Bilayer Stacks

Kast, Matthew 01 May 2017 (has links)
Controlling the electronic structure and requisite charge transfer at and across interfaces is a grand challenge of materials science. Despite decades of research and numerous successes in the fields microelectronics and photovoltaics much work remains to be done. In many applications, whether they be in microelectronics, photovoltaics or display technology there is a demand for multiple functions at a single interface. Historically, existent materials were either discarded as an option due to known properties or tested with some application based figure of merit in mind. Following this, the quality of the material and/or the preparation of the surface/interface to which the material would be deposited was optimized. As the microelectronics and photovoltaics industries have matured, continued progress (faster, lower power transistors and more efficient, cheaper, abundant solar cells) will require new materials (possibly not previously existent) that are fundamentally better for their application than their highly optimized existent counter parts. The manifestation of this has been seen in the microelectronics field with introduction of hafnium silicates to replace silica (which had previously been monumentally successful) as the gate dielectrics for the most advanced transistors. Continued progress in efficient, cheap, abundant photovoltaics will require similar advances. Advances will be needed in the area of new abundant absorbers that can be deposited cheaply which result in materials with high efficiencies. In addition, selective contacts capable of extracting charge from efficient absorbers with low ohmic losses and low recombination rates will be needed. Presented here are two approaches to the multifunctional interface problem, first the use of amorphous alloys that open up the accessible composition space of thin films significantly and second the use of bilayers that loosen the requirements of a single film at an interface.

Pressure induced structural transformations of network forming glasses

Wezka, Kamil January 2013 (has links)
The method of in situ high pressure neutron diffraction was employed to measure reliable diffraction patterns to help illuminate the density-driven structural transformations in GeO2, SiO2, B2O3 and GeSe2 glass. The majority of this neutron diffraction work employed the diffractometer D4c at the ILL with a Paris-Edinburgh press which enabled the pressure range from ambient to 8 GPa to be accessed. In the cases of GeO2 and GeSe2 glass, the neutron diffraction with isotopic substitution (NDIS) protocol was developed to provide benchmark experimental results to test the results obtained from various molecular dynamics simulations using different theoretical schemes. For GeO2 glass, from a combination of neutron diffraction and molecular dynamics results, it was found that the increase in density of the glass initially occurs through a reorganisation of corner-shared GeO4 tetrahedra on an intermediate length scale as the pressure is increased from ambient to 5 GPa. At higher pressures, there is a progression from a tetrahedral to an octahedral glass, via the formation of 5-fold coordinated Ge atoms which have a predominantly square pyramidal geometry. In the work on SiO2 and B2O3 glass the pressure range for the in situ high pressure neutron diffraction results was extended to 14.5 GPa and 17.5 GPa, respectively, by using the PEARL diffractometer at ISIS. For both materials the neutron diffraction results provide complementary information to pressure x-ray diffraction studies helping to elucidate the mechanism of network collapse. In the case of SiO2 glass, densification over the measured pressure range occurs predominantly by a reorganisation of corner shared SiO4 tetrahedra on an intermediate length scale. In the case of B2O3 glass, the B-O coordination number changes from 3 to ∼ 3.9 at the pressure is increased from ∼ 8 to 17.5 GPa. For GeSe2 glass, from a combination of neutron diffraction and molecular dynamics results, it was found that the density increase from ambient pressure up ∼ 8 GPa occurs by a reorganisation of both corner and edge-sharing GeSe4 tetrahedra on an intermediate length scale. Above this pressure, 5- and 6-fold coordinated Ge atoms start to form at a similar density and homopolar bonds play an intimate role in the formation of these higher coordinated polyhedra.

Matrices aléatoires et propriétés vibrationnelles de solides amorphes dans le domaine terahertz / Random matrices and vibrational properties of amorphous solids at THz frequencies

Beltiukov, Iaroslav 21 March 2016 (has links)
Il est bien connu que divers solides amorphes ont de nombreuses propriétés universelles. L'une d'entre elles est la variation de la conductivité thermique en fonction de la température. Cependant, le mécanisme microscopique du transfert de chaleur dans le domaine de température supérieure à 20 K est encore mal compris. Simulations numériques récentes du silicium et de la silice amorphes montrent que les modes de vibration dans la gamme de fréquences correspondante (au-dessus de plusieurs THz) sont délocalisés. En même temps ils sont complètement différents des phonons acoustiques de basse fréquence, dits « diffusions ».Dans ce travail, nous présentons un modèle stable de matrice aléatoire d'un solide amorphe. Dans ce modèle, on peut faire varier le degré de désordre allant du cristal parfait jusqu'au milieu mou extrêmement désordonné sans rigidité macroscopique. Nous montrons que les solides amorphes réels sont proches du deuxième cas limite, et que les diffusions occupent la partie dominante du spectre de vibration. La fréquence de transition entre les phonons acoustiques et diffusons est déterminée par le critère Ioffe-Regel. Fait intéressant, cette fréquence de transition coïncide pratiquement avec la position du pic Boson. Nous montrons également que la diffusivité et la densité d'états de vibration de diffusons sont pratiquement constantes en fonction de la fréquence. Par conséquent, la conductivité thermique est une fonction linéaire de la température dans le domaine allant à des températures relativement élevées, puis elle sature. Cette conclusion est en accord avec de nombreuses données expérimentales. En outre, nous considérons un modèle numérique de matériaux de type de silicium amorphe et étudions le rôle du désordre pour les vibrations longitudinales et transverses. Nous montrons aussi que la théorie des matrices aléatoires peut être appliquée avec succès pour estimer la densité d'états vibrationnels des systèmes granulaires bloqués. / It is well known that various amorphous solids have many universal properties. One of them is the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity. However, the microscopic mechanism of the heat transfer above 20 K is still poorly understood. Recent numerical simulations of amorphous silicon and silica show that vibrational modes in the corresponding frequency range (above several THz) are delocalized, however they are completely different from low-frequency acoustic phonons, called “diffusons”.In this work we present a stable random matrix model of an amorphous solid. In this model one can vary the strength of disorder going from a perfect crystal to extremely disordered soft medium without macroscopic rigidity. We show that real amorphous solids are close to the second limiting case, and that diffusons occupy the dominant part of the vibrational spectrum. The crossover frequency between acoustic phonons and diffusons is determined by the Ioffe-Regel criterion. Interestingly, this crossover frequency practically coincides with the Boson peak position. We also show that, as a function of frequency, the diffusivity and the vibrational density of states of diffusons are practically constant. As a result, the thermal conductivity is a linear function of temperature up to rather high temperatures and then saturates. This conclusion is in agreement with numerous experimental data.Further, we consider a numerical model of amorphous silicon-like materials and investigate the role of disorder for longitudinal and transverse vibrations. We also show that the random matrix theory can be successfully applied to estimate the vibrational density of states of granular jammed systems.

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