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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The next-generation of aquatic effect-based monitoring? : A critical review about the application,challenges and barriers with omics in field

Sahlin, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Traditional water monitoring encounter limitations due to the large number of contaminants present in our waters possible giving raise to mixture effects. This thesis aimed to investigate how the emerging omics approaches (transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics) can be used as an effect-based monitoring approach to assess and predict adverse effects in the freshwater environment. Moreover, this thesis analysed challenges and barrier with omics. A systematic literature search was conducted using Scopus and Web of Science to find case-studies using omics in field studies and reviews regarding challenges and barriers. The results in this thesis suggest that the use of fish species (either collected in the wild or in situ set-ups), transcriptomics and investigations of WWTP recipient was the most common way to apply omics. In order to interpret omics-data multiple studies conducted chemical monitoring in conjunction, investigated additional traditional biomarkers and/or used omics to identify altered biological or functional pathways that possible could lead to adverse effects at higher levels. According to the challenges and barriers identified in this thesis, the future of omics in environmental monitoring rely on the possibility to characterise and quantify natural variability, define appropriate critical effect sizes (i.e. thresholds of critical effects) and define baseline data. Moreover, it is necessary to develop frameworks and standardisations for omics-approaches (e.g. study-designs) to promote the interpretation of the results. Future research is also needed to develop and increase the understanding of how the proteomics and metabolomics can be applied. By improving the use of omics a more holistic water monitoring can be achieved including screenings for biological responses and the ability to detect early warnings which will enhance the prioritisation and site management of polluted water bodies, including those with limited prior knowledge regarding potential contaminants.

Förskolepedagogers uppfattningar om verksamhet kring människokroppen i förskolan / Preschool educators perceptions on activities around the human body in preschool

Flodkvist, Sara January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to find out the preschool educators’ perceptions to work with the human body. The method used was semi-structured interviews with a prepared interview-guide as a tool. Six educators were interviewed. The result showed that the educators had experience in working with the human body and that they considered it relevant to include the subject in pre-school activities. It also appears that the educators do not think that they work with the subject, even though the result is that it is something they do almost every day. All the educators have a positive attitude towards learning about the human body in the preschool.

Sånt är livet : En studie om elevers uppfattningar av liv och levande organismer

Jonasson, Jesper January 2019 (has links)
Det har tidigare visat sig att lärare under biologilektioner ofta använder sig av begreppet liv som om detta vore ett självklart fenomen (Keeley, 2002) och enligt läroplanen ska elever lära sig skilja på levande organismer och icke levande omgivning (Skolverket, 2011). Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka uppfattningar elever i årskurs 4 har om fenomenet liv. Detta för att lyfta fram svårigheter och synliggöra hur undervisningen kan anpassas och förbättras med utgångspunkt i elevernas förförståelse. Studien baseras på en enkätundersökning som gjordes av sammanlagt 46 elever från två klasser. Därefter genomfördes 13 efterföljande intervjuer med elever från de båda klasserna. Det visar sig i denna studie att eleverna framför allt använder sig av tio olika kriterier för att bestämma om någonting lever eller inte. Dessa är rörelse, kognitiv förmåga, behov av näring, växande, skapande av ljud, andning, blodomlopp, färg, behov av vatten och förökning. Det visar sig även att eleverna inte konsekvent använder sig av några specifika kriterium utan ändrar dessa beroende på organismen. Eleverna i undersökningen anser även att det finns olika typer av liv och att organismer kan leva på olika sätt. Det visar sig även att flera av elevernas kriterium kan liknas med vetenskapliga teorier om liv, men att olika tolkningar av enskilda begrepp ofta leder till att objekt i undersökningen felaktigt klassificeras som levande eller döda.

‘Hazaribagh’- development trajectory or trap? – A case study of a leather processing unit in Bangladesh

Aktar, Farjana January 2017 (has links)
The extensive alteration of global ecosystems, especially the changes caused by globalized and industrialized economic development activities over the last fifty years, have urged for a better understanding of the human-in-nature management system. Bangladesh, a densely populated developing country, is witnessing rapid environmental degradation while passing through different phases of industrial growth. Leather, one of the oldest industries in this country, provides a very positive picture in the country’s national economy and at the same time produces severe ecological and social crisis in a mutually reinforcing way. At first sight, it seems to fit the SES concept of social ecological trap. The previous scientific studies on ‘Hazaribagh’ leather processing unit in Bangladesh have investigated social, economic, ecological and stakeholder’s perspectives but did not address the pathway that has shaped the present situation. The objective of this case study was therefore to explore the reasons why change of this ‘Hazaribagh system’ has been impeded for so long and if the social-ecological trap concept could help to clarify the reasons for the chronic delay of the relocation of ‘Hazaribagh’ leather processing unit. This study has observed, through a historical investigation that a path dependent social ecological trap situation is persisting in the ‘Hazaribagh system’ where the economic opportunity is playing the role as a juncture between the phases of the process; and power mechanism and the disconnected SES has influenced and strengthened the claim. This study has also addressed some other underlying substantial social issues, which are influencing the process and might contribute to outline further research, and consequently provide insight to escape from the trap situation.

Is There a Correlation Between Eye Preference and Visual Acuity, Eye Dominance, and Handedness in Humans?

Sköldsson, Julia January 2019 (has links)
Most humans do not only have a preferred hand to use in different situations, they also exhibit a clear preference when it comes to eye usage. Few studies have assessed whether different tests of eye preference give congruent or incongruent results, and furthermore, there are conflicting findings on whether eye preference correlates with eye dominance, visual acuity, and handedness. The present study assessed whether these variables correlate, alongside factors such as age and sex. A total of 79 subjects, 45 males and 34 females, were tested. A microscope, telescope, photo camera, and caleidoscope were used to assess eye preference, the Dolman test was used to assess eye dominance, the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory was filled in to assess handedness, and visual acuity was measured using a Snellen chart. Care was taken to include subjects of various ages and both sexes. Descriptive statistics show that most subjects were right-handed, had a right-eye preference and were consistent across the four eye preference tasks, and had a dominant right eye. Significant correlations were found between visual acuity and handedness, as well as eye preference and eye dominance.

Lämpliga stampopulationer av mellanspett (Dendrocopos medius) för återintroduktion i Linköping, Östergötland / Suitable source populations of the middle spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos medius) for reintroduction in Linköping, Östergötland county

Eriksson, Viktor January 2019 (has links)
The middle spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos medius) became extinct in Sweden in 1982. The last population inhabited a fragmented area of 300 km2 and were for a long time a characteristic species for the oak stands of Sturefors and Bjärka­Säby, south of Linköping. The reason why the species got extinct depends mostly on habitat fragmentation. Also, the extinction got hasten by harsh wintering conditions. The purpose of this study is to evaluate which of current populations of Dendrocopos medius could best serve as source of founders for a possible reintroduction of the species in Linköping. Populations from Poland, Germany, Latvia and Lithuania were considered, taking their ecology, phylogeny and genetic diversity into account. The population’s abiotic conditions, in combination with their ability to adapt to different habitat was also considered crucial to conduce a successful reintroduction of middle spotted woodpecker in Linköping. Populations from Bialowieza and Krotoszyn in Poland, Wolfsburg in Germany and Kaunas and Marijampole in Lithuania were considered most suitable to contribute with founders. Since the middle spotted woodpecker could work as a flagship species for old and open oak stands, a reintroduction of the species could turn up the awareness for nature conservation, species conservation and biodiversity.

Threatening Measures, at Face Value : Electrophysiology Indicating Confounds of the Facial Width-to-Height Ratio

Lindersson, Carl January 2019 (has links)
Previous studies support that the relative width of the upper face (facial width-to-height ratio; fWHR) has evolved to signal threat, but these studies rely greatly on subjective facial ratings and measurements prone to confounds. The present study objectively quantifies threat perception to the magnitude of the observers’ electrophysiological reaction, specifically the event-related potential (ERP) called the late positive potential (LPP), and investigate if brow height and jaw width could have confounded previous fWHR studies. Swedish and international students (N = 30, females = 11, Mage = 24 years, SDage = 2.9) were shown computer-generated neutral faces created with the underlying skeletal morphology varying in brow ridge height, cheekbone width and jaw width. Participants first rated how threatening each face was and then viewed 12 blocks of 64 faces while their electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded. The results supported that the LPP could be used to index threat perception and showed that only brow height significantly affected both facial ratings (p < .001, ɳp2 = .698) and magnitude of the LPP within the 400 to 800 ms latency (p = .02, d = .542). Hence, brow height, not facial width, could explain previous findings. The results contradict the hypothesis that fWHR is an evolved cue of threat and instead support the overgeneralisation hypothesis in that faces with similar features to anger will be perceived as more threatening.

Hur påverkas dressyrhästen av ridning på kandar? : Fysiska skador och psykiska belastningar / How is the dressage horse affected by riding on the double bridle? : Physical damage and mental strain

Nordin, Therese January 2019 (has links)
Double bridle is widely used in the sport dressage, and according to the FEI and the Swedish competition regulations (II) is it a requirement to use in the Grand Prix and within the championship classes. With this essay I want to investigate how riding on double bridle can affect the horse physically and mentally. The aim is also to put horseback riding in relation to the horse's welfare and the Swedish animal welfare law (2018: 1192), the FEI:s Code of Conduct and the competition rules in dressage. The essay is a qualitative literature study based on scientific articles, scientific books, the animal welfare law and websites from the horse industry. When the horse is ridden with double bridle, physical damage can occur in the mouth as sores in the soft tissue, infections in the teeth and pressure injuries. In addition, the double bridle applies a remarkable pressure to other parts of the head and to the horse's neck. The cavesson can cause pressure and abrasions when tightened too tightly and create an internal stress as it prevents the horse from opening the mouth to perform natural needs and alleviate any pain. The mental strain can occur when the horse cannot perform normal behaviors due to the double bridle and an internal stress can occur. The bits that is used for double bridle is not considered compatible with one another, and does not fit naturally in the horse's mouth. Double bridle can be considered contrary to Chapter 2: sections 1 and 9 in the Swedish Animal welfare law (2018: 1192), that say that equipment must not cause suffering and that it is forbidden to expose animals to unnecessary suffering. The double bridle may involve a risk of suffering if the horse does not have the morphological conditions to carry it. It is also contrary to the FEI Code of Conduct, where horse welfare should always be given priority over the rider's success, by being a requirement and not a choice for the rider. / Kandar används flitigt inom ridsportsgrenen dressyr, och är enligt FEI och det svenska tävlingsreglementet (II) ett krav att använda i Grand Prix och inom mästerskapsklasser. Med denna magisteruppsats vill jag undersöka hur ridning på kandar kan påverka hästen fysiskt och psykiskt. Syftet är även att sätta ridning på kandar i förhållande till hästens välfärd och djurskyddslagen (2018:1192), FEI:s uppförandekod samt tävlingsreglementet inom dressyren. Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ litteraturstudie baserad på vetenskapliga artiklar, vetenskapliga böcker, djurskyddslagen samt hemsidor från hästbranschen.  När hästen rids på kandar kan fysiska skador uppstå i munnen som sår i den mjuka vävnaden, infektioner i käktänderna samt tryckskador. Utöver det applicerar kandaret ett betydande tryck på andra delar av huvudet och på hästens nacke. Nosgrimman kan orsaka tryck och skav när den spänns för hårt samt skapa en inre stress då den förhindrar hästen från att öppna munnen för att utföra naturliga behov och lindra eventuell smärta. Den psykiska belastningen kan utspela sig när hästen inte kan utföra normala beteenden på grund av kandaret och en inre stress kan uppstå. Kandarbetten anses inte vara kompatibla med varandra och ryms naturligt inte i hästens mun. Kandar kan anses strida mot 2 kap. 1, 9 §§ djurskyddslagen (2018:1192), att utrustning inte får orsaka lidande samt att det är förbjudet att utsätta djur för onödigt lidande. Kandaret kan innebära en risk för lidande om hästen inte har de morfologiska förutsättningarna att bära det. Det strider även mot FEI:s uppförandekod där hästen välfärd alltid ska prioriteras framför ryttarens framgång, genom att vara ett krav och inte ett val för ryttaren.

A Versatile Group of Molecules, Can Defensins Make an Impact in Medicine?

Fors, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Antimicrobial peptides are an ancient form of innate defense and is present in all ways of life. In humans they are present as cathelicidins and defensins. Both are important for the immune system and they exhibit activity against viruses, bacteria and fungi. Defensins exhibit less cytotoxicity and are better characterized and are thus more easily developed as therapeutic tools. Defensins are apt at doing a multitude of things, from inhibiting Herpes simplex virus replication and preventing anthrax’ lethality to helping with wound closure and acting as biomarkers for a variety of ailments. Defensins have consistently shown good results in a laboratory setting but have less than exemplary in vivo results. Defensins’ multifunctionality as well as the complex environment in living organisms makes characterizing why defensins are not performing as well in vivo difficult. They can also exhibit negative side-effects such as increasing the infectivity of the HIV and inhibiting anti-viral molecules of the innate immune system. Nevertheless, they exhibit big potential as complementary drugs, adjuvants, biomarkers, wound treatment and much more. Further characterization and development is absolutely necessary in these times of increasing antibiotic resistance.

Laborationer i ämnet biologi : Gymnasieelevers perspektiv

Uronen-Hansson, Heli January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om hur gymnasieelever värderar laborationer i biologiundervisningen. Mer specifikt undersöktes vilka mål och syften med laborativt arbete som lyfts fram av eleverna själva. Vidare studerades elevers syn på formativ bedömning av laborationer som stöd i sin lärandeprocess. Syftet med studien var att ta reda på vilka uppfattningar om formativ bedömning av laborationer elever ger uttryck för. I denna undersökning har jag valt att fråga elever i gymnasieskolan om olika aspekter angående laborationers syfte och bedömning. För att studera detta genomfördes både enkätundersökningar och kvalitativa intervjuer med elever och deras lärare. Lärarperspektivet gav insikter om elevernas uppfattning om laborationer och formativ bedömning stämmer överens med undervisande lärares uppfattning. Resultatet visar att elever samt deras lärare samstämmigt tycker att laborationer har många olika syften som faller inom tre huvudsakliga områden 1) laborativa färdigheter och arbetssätt, 2) kunskap och förståelse och 3) attityd och motivation. Det framkom tydligt att både elever och lärare anser laborationer som viktiga och högt motivationsgivande i biologiundervisningen. Resultatet visar även att elever anser att kognitiva mål uppfylls med användandet av laborationer. Resultatet i studien visar att både elever och lärare i studien anser formativ bedömning vid laborationerna som något positivt. Elever uttrycker att de kan utnyttja kraften i feedback och ser sig själva som läranderesurser för varandra, vilket anses som viktiga hörnstenar i formativ bedömning. Elever tycker sig också kunna aktivera sig själva att äga sitt eget lärande. Däremot tyder mina resultat på att det är svårare för elever och lärare att skapa kopplingar till mål och kunskapskrav vid laborationer. I denna studie visade det sig att elever inte förstår hur kunskapskraven används vid laborationer och värdeorden i kunskapskraven upplevdes som otydliga. Resultaten pekar på att elever inte heller vet hur mycket laborationsdelen väger vid bedömning och betygsättning. Förhoppningsvis kan denna studie öka kunskaper om laborationer och deras effekt i lärande ur elevperspektiv samt i viss mån bidra med underlag och idéer för kommande studier där både formativ och summativ bedömning av biologilaborationer undersöks och utvärderas.

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