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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diversity Maintenance In Annual Plants And Stream Communities: The Effects Of Life History And Environmental Structure On Coexistence In A Variable Environment

Holt, Galen January 2014 (has links)
Species diversity and coexistence have long been central foci of ecology, but field studies are often limited to describing diversity patterns, while theory frequently ignores environmental variation. Scale transition theory is an ideal framework in which to study species diversity, as it explicitly accounts for this environmental variability and allows for the quantification of coexistence mechanisms. Each coexistence mechanism arises from specific types of biotic and abiotic interactions. Moreover, mechanism magnitudes provide information about how these interactions contribute to coexistence. By studying how the natural history of a community determines these biotic and abiotic interactions, insight can be gained into how that natural history influences coexistence. Environmental variation is a central hypothesis for the maintenance of diversity in both desert annual plants and streams. This dissertation is broadly interested in the way differences in the environmental responses of species interact with the structure of the environmental conditions to affect coexistence. I use scale transition theory to develop theoretical understanding of how life history and environmental structure in these communities influence coexistence mechanisms and diversity. In desert annual plants, the focus is on the environmental response itself: how germination depends on environmental conditions. I analyze how this life history interacts with variation in the environment to affect coexistence. The germination responses of desert annual plants to an unstudied type of environmental variation, duration of soil moisture after rainfall, generate species-specific but highly structured patterns of germination variation. Although this germination variation is one-dimensional, the nonlinearities that arise due to germination biology generate sufficient germination variation to promote coexistence by the temporal storage effect. In stream communities, I examine how the physical structure of stream environments affects coexistence given that species’ performance is environmentally dependent. This dissertation demonstrates that patterns of diversity along the stream are related to the strength of coexistence. The downstream drift of organisms has relatively minor effects on coexistence despite asymmetric shifts in the distribution of organism in the stream. This study identifies conditions that eliminate the effects of the branched structure of stream networks on coexistence. Branching has no effect on community dynamics if (a) tributaries have identical environmental conditions, (b) habitat size increases additively at confluences, and (c) demographic stochasticity is unimportant. Any effects of branching on coexistence caused by violating the environmental condition are asymptotically eliminated as streams increase in size. These studies provide a theoretical, mechanistic foundation for the study of stream communities that addresses environmental and life history factors long recognized as important by empirical stream ecologists.

Įvairaus amžiaus šuolininkų su kartimi fizinio parengtumo analizė / Analysis of physical training for different age jumpers with the pole

Zimkevičius, Audrius 10 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – išsiaiskinti Kauno miesto 9-11 ir 12-15 metų bei Lietuvos suaugusių šuolininkų su kartimi fizinį parengtumą, ir palyginti jį su literatūroje rekomenduojamais normatyvais. Uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti ir palyginti Kauno miesto 9-11 ir 12 -15 metų šuolininkų su kartimi fizinį parengtumą. 2. Nustatyti ir palyginti Lietuvos suaugusių šuolininkų su kartimi fizinį parengtumą. 3. Nustatyti ir palyginti Lietuvos suaugusių šuolininkų su kartimi testų koreliaciją su varžybiniu rezultatu. 4. Nustatyti ir palyginti Lietuvos suaugusių šuolininkų su kartimi metinio krūvio apimtis. Hipotezė – Lietuvos suaugusių ir Kauno miesto 9-11 metų ir 12-15 metų šuolininkų su kartimi fizinis parengtumas yra prastesnis, nei nurodyta normatyvuose. Rezultatai: matome, kad bėgdami 20 m įsibėgėjus ir 30 m bėgime iš aukšto starto 9-11 metų, 12-15 metų šuolininkų bėgimo vidurkiai buvo prastesni nei nurodyta normatyvuose. Abolachovo šuolio testo abiejų šuolininkų grupių rezultatai taip pat yra ženkliai blogesni už normatyvą. Taip pat kojų kelimo prie skersinio kybant ant jo ir prisitraukimų vidurkiai abėjų šuolininkų grupių yra prastesni nei nurodyta normatyvuose. Suaugusių šuolininkų grupėje beveik visų atliktų testų rezultatai buvo prastesni, tik 30 m iš aukšto starto bėgimo vidurkis buvo praktiškai toks pat, kaip ir nurodyta normatyvuose. Taip pat svorio stūmime nuo krūtinės suaugusių šuolininkų su kartimi vidurkis buvo ne daug mažesnis už normatyvą. Išvados: 1.Kauno 9-11 ir 12-15 m šuolininkų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim – to find out in Kaunas city 9 – 11 and 12 – 15 years of age boys and Lithuanians adult pole jumpers physical training, and compare it with the literature recommended values. Goals: 1. Identify and compare the city of Kaunas 9 – 11 and 12 – 15 year old pole jumpers physical training. 2. To review and compare the Lithuanian adult jumpers with pole physical training. 3. Identify and compare the Lithuanian adult jumpers with the pole test correlation with the contest results. 4. Identify and compare the Lithuanian adult jumpers with the pole annual charge volume. Hypothesis – Lithuanian adults and Kaunas city 9 – 11 and 12 – 15 year olds pole jumpers physical training is less that the requirement. Results: We can see that running 20 m at cruising speed and 30 m from a standing start 9 -11 and 12 – 15 year olds running averages were lower that the requirement. Abolachovo jump test results between the two groups of children are also significantly lower that the requirement. Also lifting the leg bar by the hover over him and chins averages of both groups of children are lower that the requirement. In adult group, almost all of the tests results were worse, except 30 m from the start of high average was virtually the same as specified in the standards. Also, the weight pushing against the chest adult jumpers with the pole average was a little less that the requirement. Conclusions: 1. Kaunas city 9 – 11 and 12 – 15 jumpers with the pole physical training in almost all of... [to full text]

Техника аргументации в современном российском и литовском политическом дискурсе (на материале ежегодных президентских посланий 2000-2007 гг.) / Argumentavimo technika šiuolaikiniame rusų ir lietuvių politiniame diskurse (remiantis metiniais 2000-2007 m. prezidentų kreipimaisis) / Argumentation Technique in Contemporary Russian and Lithuanian Political Discourse (Based on the Presidents’ Annual Speeches 2000-2007)

Makarova, Viktorija 04 February 2010 (has links)
Целью диссертации являлось представить особенности техники аргументации в российском и литовском политических дискурсах 2000-2007 гг. Для достижения цели исследования были поставлены задачи установить, каковы в избранном для анализа материале: а) когнитивные структуры используемой аргументации, б) реализации элементов аргументативного дискурса: способы введения тезиса в текст и содержание и объем аргументов в поддержку тезиса. Предмет исследования – ежегодные выступления президентов России и Литвы В. Путина и В. Адамкуса с 2000 г. по 2007 г. Выбор президентских посланий в качестве предмета исследования мотивирован особой репрезентативностью этих текстов, играющих исключительную роль в политической жизни. Для анализа использовались следующие методы: когнитивный анализ – для установления структур сознания производителя идеологизированного текста; логико-риторический анализ – для исследования логической и нелогической сторон убеждения, сопоставительный метод – для сравнения полученных результатов. Каждая из перечисленных методик на первом этапе носила дескриптивный характер, в процессе интерпретации – критический характер. Внимание уделялось качественным признакам исследуемого объекта. Новизна исследования заключается в неразработанности поставленной проблемы: как в отношении предмета исследования (вопросам аргументации в литовском политическом дискурсе до сих пор не уделено достаточного внимания), так и в отношении разработки методов анализа аргументации (до сих пор не... [полный текст, см. далее] / Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo aprašyti argumentavimo technikos ypatumus metiniuose Rusijos prezidento Vladimiro Putino ir Lietuvos prezidento Valdo Adamkaus kreipimųsi tekstuose nuo 2000 iki 2007 m. Tyrimo tikslui pasiekti buvo iškelti šie uždaviniai: a) remiantis tyrimo medžiaga nustatyti kognityvines argumentacijos struktūras, b) aprašyti argumentacinio diskurso elementų realizacijas (tezės pateikimo tekste būdus, argumentų, kuriais grindžiama tezė, turinį ir apimtį). Darbe naudoti šie tyrimo metodai: kognityvinė analizė − ideologinio teksto kūrėjo sąmonės struktūroms nustatyti; loginė ir retorinė analizė − įtikinimo loginiam ir neloginiam aspektams ištirti; lyginamasis metodas − gautiems rezultatams palyginti. Tyrimo naujumas argumentuojamas tuo, jog darbe iškelta problema nėra išsamiai nagrinėta: tai pasakytina ir apie tyrimo medžiagą (argumentacijos klausimams lietuvių politiniame diskurse iki šiol nebuvo skiriama pakankamai dėmesio), ir apie argumentacijos analizės metodus (vis dar nėra sukurta išsami politinio diskurso argumentacijos analizės metodika). Disertacijai ginti teikiami šie teiginiai: 1. Prezidento kreipimasis yra hibridinio tipo kalbėjimo aktas, kuriame dera aprašomojo, vertinamojo bei argumentacinio kalbėjimo aktų savybės. 2. Tezė prezidento kreipimesi neeksplikuojama; klausytojas turi ją suprasti loginės indukcijos būdu, apibendrindamas pavyzdžius, kurie atlieka argumentų vaidmenį. 3. Kognityvinių struktūrų realizacija yra prezidentų kreipimųsi argumentacijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The goal of the present research was to describe the peculiarities of argumentation technique in Russian and Lithuanian Presidents’ (Vladimir Putin and Valdas Adamkus, respectively) annual speeches covering the period of 2000-2007. In attempt to achieve the goal of the research, the following objectives have been pursued: a) what cognitive structures operate in particular argumentation, b) how the elements of argumentative discourse are realized (i.e. the ways of introducing a thesis statement into the text; the content and volume of arguments supporting the thesis). The methods employed are cognitive analysis (to distinguish the speaker’s structures of the conscious in attempt to generate an ideological text), logical-rhetorical analysis (to imply logical and illogical ways of persuading) and contrastive method (to examine and compare the findings). The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the research question has not been analysed in depth so far, i.e. neither the research subject (the issue of argumentation in Lithuanian political discourse has not received much attention yet), nor working out the methods of argumentation analysis (effective methods of argumentation analysis in political discourse have not been fully developed so far) were much of linguists interest. The claims of the dissertation: 1. Presidential annual speeches seem to be a hybrid type of a speech act which incorporates the qualities of descriptive, evaluative and argumentative speech acts. 2... [to full text]

Augalijos pokyčiai po pažeminio miško gaisro Zarasų miškų urėdijoje, Salako girininkijoje / Changes of vegetation after the ground-level forest fire in Zarasai forests' state, Salakas district:

Kačiulytė, Alina 20 June 2012 (has links)
Darbo objektas – Gaisravietė Zarasų miškų urėdijos Salako girininkijos 48 kvartalo 10 sklype. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti žemutinių miško ardų: pomiškio, trako, žolinės augalijos ir samanų kaitą, metinį medienos prieaugio kitimą po pažeminio gaisro pušyne Nb augavietėje. Darbo metodai – gaisravietėje buvo parinkta 1 m pločio ir 20 m ilgio juostos. Apskaitos aikštelių pradžia ir pabaiga pažymėta natūroje. Vieno kv. m. (1m x 1 m) apskaitos aikštelėse nustatytas degavietės padengimas trako ir pomiškio augalų, žolių bei samanų danga procentais, suskaičiuoti medžių daigai, registruotos žolių ir samanų rūšys, įvertinant jų padengimą procentais. Šiame darbe pateikiami 2006-2011 m duomenys. Iš 20 pušų I ir II klasės pagal Krafto klasifikaciją, naudojant Pressler grąžtą 1,3 m aukštyje buvo paimti mėginiai metiniam medienos prieaugiui nustatyti. Metiniam medienos prieaugio matavimui buvo naudojama LINTAB medžių matavimo sistema ir TSAP programų rinkinys. Darbe pateikiami 1990 – 2010 metų medienos prieaugio kitimai. Duomenys kaupiami duomenų bazėje panaudojant programą EXCEL. Darbo rezultatai. Po pažeminio miško gaisro pušyne Nb augavietėje pomiškis išnyko, o trako augalų kiekis nežymiai sumažėjo ir išnyko prieš tai augęs paprastasis šermukšnis. Pažeminis miško gaisras padidino gaisravietės ploto padengimą žoliniais augalais ir žolinės dangos rūšinę sudėtį. Gaisravietėje nustatyta 16 žolių rūšių, o kontroliniame medyne 9 žolių rūšys. Po pažeminio miško gaisro atsirado 9 naujos o... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object – 10th plot of 48th block of Zarasai state forests’ Salakas forestry. The aim – to determine the lower forest quarrel: the change of undergrowth forest, underbrush, herbaceous and moss, also, variation of annual timber increment after the ground-level fire in a pine forest Nb habitat. The methods – there were chosen bands of 1 meter wide and 20 meters length in the fire place. A beginning and an end of the accounting sites were marked at a ground. In a one square meter (1 m x 1 m) accounting sites there were determined percentage of the fire place’s coverage by the underbrush, undergrowth forest, grass and moss cover. In addition, there were counted tree seedlings, there were registered grass’ and moss’ species evaluating their coverage in percentage. This paper presents data from 2006 till 2011. According to Kraft classification, there were taken samples from the 20 pines of the first and the second classes, using Pressler drill in the height of 1,3 meters, to determine the annual increment. For a measuring of the annual timber increment there was used LINTAB tree measuring system and TSAP program set. This paper presents a variation of timber growth in 1990-2010. The data are stored in a data base using the EXCEL program. The results. After the ground-level forest fire in the pine forest Nb habitat the undergrowth forest disappeared and the underbrush plants slightly decreased, moreover, a rowan, which grew before the fire, disappeared. The... [to full text]

Essai sur les politiques sociales et le travail domestique

Gauthier, Anne, 1952- January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

Modes of production and guaranteed annual income in James Bay Cree society

Scott, Colin H. (Colin Hartley) January 1979 (has links)
No description available.

A comparison of the carbon dioxide fluxes of two annual cropping systems and a perennial hay field in southern Manitoba over 30 months

Taylor, Amanda M. 08 January 2013 (has links)
The eddy-covariance method was used to measure net ecosystem productivity over three adjacent fields from 2009 to 2011: two annual cropping systems (oat-canola-oat and hay-oat-fallow) recently converted from perennial cropping, and a perennial hay/pasture. We compared the management practises, determined the net carbon budget, and examined the effects of inter-annual variability. Carbon accumulation began earlier in the spring and continued later in the fall at the perennial site, compared with the annual crop sites, due to a longer growing season and continual plant cover. Cumulative cropping season net ecosystem productivity at the perennial site ranged from 40 to 240 g C m^(-2) because of variable weather. Including harvest removals and manure additions, the perennial site gained 120 g carbon m^(-2) and the annual sites lost 240 and 415 g carbon m^(-2), respectively, over the 30-month period. This indicates that the annual cropping systems would decrease soil carbon at this location.

9-12 klasių berniukų metinio įvertinimo vidurkis ir kūno kultūros pamokos lankomumo sąsajos / Links between the average annual evalution and attendance of physical education lessons among 9- 12 garade boys

Škudzinskas, Tomas 06 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo aktualumas. E. Adaškevičienės (2004) teigimu, pastaruoju metu moksleivių tarpe atsiranda negatyvus požiūris į judėjimo aktyvumą, kūno kultūrą ir sportą. Atlikti tyrimai parodė, kad bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos moksleiviai, kurie sistemingai lankė kūno kultūros pamokas bei sporto treniruotes, ne taip greit pavargdavo per protinio lavinimo pratybas bei paskaitas, būdavo aktyvesni per pamokas bei pažangesni moksle (Vilkas, 1995). Todėl buvo aktualu ištirti vyresniųjų klasių (15–18 metų) moksleivių berniukų požiūrį į kūno kultūros pamokas, kūno kultūros pamokų lankomumą ir jo sąsajas su mokymosi pažangumu. Darbo objektas: 9-12 klasių berniukų metinio įvertinimo vidurkio ir kūno kultūros pamokos lankomumo sąsajos. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti 9-12 klasių berniukų metinio įvertinimo vidurkio ir kūno kultūros pamokos lankomumo sąsajas. Uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti 9-12 klasių berniukų metinio įvertinimo vidurkį. 2. Ištirti 9-12 klasių berniukų ir kūno kultūros pamokos lankomumą. 3. Nustatyti 9-12 klasių berniukų metinio įvertinimo vidurkio ir kūno kultūros pamokos lankomumo sąsajas. Tyrimo rezultatai: 1. Išanalizavus Raseinių „Žemaičio“ gimnazijos 9-12 klasių mokinių berniukų metinio įvertinimo vidurkį nustatyta, kad 12 klasėje buvo 72,2 proc. gero ir 27,8 proc. patenkinamo pažangumo mokinių; 11 klasėje buvo 63,9 proc. gero ir 36,1 proc. patenkinamo pažangumo mokinių; 10 klasėje buvo 52,9 proc. gero ir 47,1 proc. patenkinamo pažangumo mokinių; 9 klasėje buvo 38,9 proc... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Relevance of work. E. Adaškevičienė (2004) argues that recently there is a negative attitude appearing among schoolchildren towards physica activity, physical education and sports. Studies have shown that pupils of general education school who systematically attended physical education classes and sport training, god tired during mental training exercisses and lectures not so soon, were more active during lessons as well as showed better academic achievements (Vilkas, 1995). It was therefore important to investingate the approach of senior (15-18 years) schoolboys to physical education classes, attendance of physical education classes and its relationship to learining achievements. Work obiject: Links between the average annual evaluation and attendance of physical education lessons among 9-12 grade boys. The aim of research was to identify the links between the average annual evaluation and attendance of physical education lessons among 9- 12 grade boys. Obijectives: 1. To analyse the average annual assessment of 9-12 grade boys. 2. To analyse attendance of physical education classes among 9-12 grade boys. 3. To identify the links betwen the average annual evaluation and attendance of phyical education lessons 9-12 grade boys. Main results: 1. The analysis of the average annual academic evaluation of 9-12 grade boys at „Žemaitis“ Gymnasium Raseiniai has shown that there were 72,2 per cent pupils with good and 27,8 per cent with satisfactory academic... [to full text]

Metinių rievių deformacijos tyrimai medžiams senstant / Investigation on deformation of annual rings during obsolescence of tree

Mostauskis, Henrikas 06 June 2005 (has links)
Research report on deformation of annual rings is given in the thesis. Aim of the work - to perform an analysis of deformation of annual rings during obsolescence of tree. Tasks of the work - to perform a comparative analysis using borings made in 2004 and 1985 – 1986. To evaluate statistical reliability of deformation of annual rings. Object of the work - trees of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Methods of the work – methods of verification of statistical hypotheses and analysis of variance were used for data processing. Content of the work – verification of hypothesis that annual rings of pine is shrinking during the obsolescence of trees. Results: - difference of annual rings width is statistically reliable at two point of the interval investigated: nearby bark and in the central part of the stem, at the margin where sapwood is converting to heartwood. The shrinking reaches 0.2 mm within 5 annual rings. The biggest influence on shrinking of annual rings has distance of annual rings from the bark and age of tree.

Annual Report 2012 - Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research

08 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In 2012 the HZDR, and in consequence also the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research (IIM) including its Ion Beam Center (IBC), has undergone a scientific evaluation. The evaluation committee composed of the Scientific Advisory Board and numerous external experts in our field of research concluded that “the overall quality of the scientific work is excellent”, that “there are an impressive number of young scientists working enthusiastically on a variety of high-level projects” and that “the choice of these projects represents a clear underlying strategy and vision”. We feel honored and are proud that the external view on our scientific achievements is that extraordinary. In view of this outstanding result we would like to express our gratitude to all our staff members for their commitment and efforts! In the past year, we continued our integration into the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers (HGF) with our Institute mostly active in the research area “Matter”, but also involved in a number of activities in the research area “Energy”. In this respect, many consultations were held with the Helmholtz centers contributing to common research areas to precisely define the role we will play in the newly established HGF program “From Matter to Materials and Life” (see schematic below). Our IBC has been recognized as a large-scale user facility for ion beam analysis and modification of materials, i.e., specializing on materials science. In particular, the IBC plays a prominent role in the recently approved Helmholtz Energy Materials Characterization Platform (HEMCP), which mainly concentrates on the development of dedicated analytical tools for the characterization of materials required for future energy technologies. The successes achieved by the IBC allows us to invest 7200 k€ to further improve and strengthen the ion beam capabilities at the Institute. In addition to this infrastructure-related grant, we were also successful in our funding application for the establishment of the International Helmholtz Research School for Nanoelectronic Networks (IHRS NANONET), aiming at promoting the next generation of leading scientists in the field of nanoelectronics. The IHRS NANONET is coordinated by our Institute and offers a well-structured PhD program to outstanding students of all nationalities with emphasis on interdisciplinary research and comprehensive training in technical and professional skills.

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