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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att inte tappa ansiktet : Om ansiktsbevarande konstruktioner av fakta / Not to lose face : About face protecting construction of facts

Wiksell, Kristin January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur fakta konstrueras i situationer där det finns en stor risk att tappa ansiktet. Det sociala fenomenet ansikte studeras med hjälp av Erving Goffmans teori om ansiktsarbete och hans dramaturgiska perspektiv. Goffmans teori kombineras med Jonathan Potters diskursanalytiska teori om hur fakta konstrueras. Ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv tillämpas i studien. Den metod som används är Potters diskursanalytiska metod för analys av faktakonstruktion. Det studerade materialet är tre autentiska videoklipp från olika TV-program; två debatter och en audition. I samtliga sekvenser finns det stor risk för en eller flera aktörer att tappa ansiktet. Konversationerna transkriberas och de potterska begreppen för faktakonstruktion används som koder i analysarbetet. Undersökningens resultat visar att olika metoder för konstruktion av fakta kan användas för att bevara ansiktet i ansiktshotande situationer. En strategi är att med hjälp av faktakonstruktion bemöta och integrera den ansiktshotande informationen i sin linje. En annan strategi är att använda faktakonstruktion för att undvika det som hotar ansiktet. En person som misslyckas med den ansiktsbevarande faktakonstruktionen kan tappa ansiktet. / The purpose of the essay is to study how fact is being constructed in situations where there is a big risk to lose face. The theories of Erving Goffman concerning face as well as the dramaturgical perspective are being used, combined with the discourse analytic theory of Jonathan Potter concerning the construction of fact. The latter is also the research method of the study, with the perspective of social constructivism. The research material is three video clips from different TV-shows – two debates and one audition – where there is a marked risk to lose face. The concepts of Potter are being used as codes in the analysis of the transcribed sequences. The result shows that different methods of fact construction can be used in order to save face in face threatening situations. One strategy is to use fact construction in order to integrate the face threatening information in the line. Another strategy is to avoid that which is threatening to ones face. A failure in the construction of fact can lead to face loss.

FRÅN RÖKSIGNAL TILL E-MAIL : En uppsats om kommunikationens teknologiska utveckling och dess påverkan på arbetsplatsen

Lindgren, Vanja, Vallbo, Pernilla January 2016 (has links)
I dagens samhälle ökar användningen av teknologiska kommunikationsmedel i organisationer och kommunikationen tenderar att i hög grad ske via till exempel e-mail och intranät. Ett resultat av denna utveckling är att det har blivit vanligare att sända e-mail istället för att gå och tala med en kollega ansikte mot ansikte.Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur anställda inom skolan upplever den teknologiska kommunikationen och hur den påverkar den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Uppsatsen har en kvalitativ ansats då syftet är att skapa en förståelse för de anställdas upplevelse. De teoretiska ramverk som används i analysen av uppsatsens resultat är Goffmans (2014) dramaturgiska perspektiv med centrala begrepp som give och give off expression, personlig fasad, roller, dramaturgisk inramning samt bakre och främre regionen. Vidare har Lengels och Dafts (1986, 1988) modell för informationsfyllighet fungerat som ett verktyg i analysen av e-mail och intranätets funktioner och egenskaper. Rubenowitz (2004), Eisele (2007), Maltén(1998) samt Lennéer, Axelsson och Thylefors (2005) visar på sociala relationers betydelse för att en god psykosocial arbetsmiljö ska vara möjlig. Resultaten av denna uppsats visar att det finns en positiv upplevelse av e-mail som effektivt kommunikationsverktyg, men att formulering av e-mail även kan vara tidskrävande. Resultatet visar även att det finns en uppfattning av en ökad distans mellan arbetsledning och personal. De kollegiala relationerna påverkas också då det finns mindre utrymme för sociala möten och spontana situationer för småprat. Vidare är denna minskade interaktion mellan kollegor samt personal och arbetsledning något som påverkar den psykosociala arbetsmiljön negativt.

Ökad digitalisering inom bankvärlden : En studie om kundlojalitet / The growth of digitalization in banking : A study about customer loyalty

Jepsen, Miriam, Campos, Daniela January 2015 (has links)
Abstract The banking industry has during later years gone through several technological changes (Svenska Bankföreningen 2014). These big changes have led to several advantages seen both from a customer – and corporate point of view. Advantages in easier usage, increased availability and more competition have made the banks more cost effective at the same time as the customer is being offered better prices. Even though the advantages seem to weigh over the disadvantages there are still those who thinks that things where “better in the past”. Worries about safety, an almost nonexistent cash handling business and a constant decrease in the physical presence can be a contributing factor to customers that are being left unhappy with the service and start looking around for better options. Banking through the Internet has today become such an obvious service that the thought about having to go back to the traditional way of banking for many people no longer feels like an option, which leads to the thought about how we ever got along without it in the first place (Young 2014). When the customer today is reaching a higher level of knowledge and awareness in an industry highly affected by competition it makes it important for the bank to be competitive in their services so that the customer will not switch bank. This has led to more banks investing a lot of resources to keep their customers loyal (Konkurrensverket, 2012). Because loyalty according to studies has shown to be profitable for the banks we have in this thesis chosen to investigate how banks in today’s industry increasingly affected by digitalization, higher competition and growing self-service opportunities is working with customer loyalty(Reichheld & Teal 2001), (Köksal & Dema 2014). We will study how they handle the growing distance between the customer and the bank, how the value customer loyalty and what tools they use to get loyal customer. The study is executed through a corporate point of view through semi-structured deep-interviews with staff both in manager and frontline positions of four strategically chosen banks, to investigate if the opinions and work against loyal customer either correspond or differ between the banks and the people who work there.

Facebook och ansikte mot ansikte-kommunikation : En undersökning bland 100 ungdomar i Karlstads kommun om deras kommunikativa vanor / Facebook and face-to-face communication : A survey among 100 youth in Karlstad of their communicative habits

Hedenström, Tobias, Andersson, Tomas January 2011 (has links)
This essay deals with the subject of communication through Facebook. In this survey we studied 100 youths from Karlstad and their communication habits and behavior patterns on Facebook. The social network site Facebook has since its start in 2004 made a mark in modern communication. Today in 2010 the site has more than 500 million users. This paper wants to study what happens to other types of communication. Has the increased use of computer-mediated communication led us away from face to face or has it encouraged us to use face- to face communication more often? Our target group for this study is people attending their final year in high school. In this study we have been using both qualitative- and quantitative methods to collect our data. The result of the study suggests that a big part in our target group is happy to use Facebook or other computer-mediated sites as ways of their communication. Partly because they think it is a convenient way to communicate but also because they find it easier to get in touch with people, both close friends and people they have never met, by using computer-mediated communication instead of face-to-face communication. Virtually all in our target group suggests that Facebook has helped them in their communication and that they are more social now than before. This paper also has sought to illuminate if shy people can be helped to establish social ties through computer-mediated communication.Keywords: Facebook, communication, face-to-face, computer-mediated communication and shyness

Crowdfunding : flera nyanser av engagemang / Crowdfunding : several shades of engagement

Eriksson, Kajsa January 2015 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studie behandlar ämnet Internetbaserad crowdfunding, enfinansieringsmetod där ett stort antal människor ger en liten summa pengar vardera till ettprojekt via en crowdfundingplattform på Internet. Studiens fokus är engagemang: vad somskapar engagemang för crowdfunding och vad som kan stärka engagemanget. Studienundersöker också om enbart kommunikation via Internet är tillräckligt för att skapa stortengagemang för crowdfunding. Syftet med studien är att bidra till kunskapsutvecklingen inomforskningsområdet crowdfunding så att skapare av crowdfundingkampanjer, i utvecklandet avsina kampanjer, kan öka engagemanget hos de personer som stöttar eller funderar på att stöttaen crowdfundingkampanj. De problemformuleringar som ska bidra till att nå upp till syftet ärföljande: varför engagerar sig människor i crowdfunding? Hur kan interaktionen mellanstöttare och kampanjskapare förbättras? Hur kan ansikte-mot-ansikte-kommunikation, genomevent, öka engagemanget för crowdfundingkampanjer? För att besvara studiensproblemformuleringar och därmed nå upp till syftet genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuermed sju personer som stöttat crowdfundingkampanjer. Resultatet av undersökningen visar attdet finns flera motiv till varför människor engagerar sig i crowdfundingkampanjer. De motivsom representerades av flest respondenter var att hjälpa en vän och viljan att ett projekt skafinnas. Andra motiv som delades av flera respondenter var att stötta kampanjer där förtroendeoch tillit finns till kampanjskaparna, för att få belöningar för sitt engagemang, för att bli en delav gemenskapen och för att idén med crowdfunding gillas. Undersökningens resultat visaräven tre förbättringsmöjligheter i interaktionen mellan kampanjskapare och stöttare: 1) mervarierande statusuppdateringar på kampanjsidan på crowdfundingplattformen med fokus påannat än enbart det finansiella, 2) mer uppdateringar även efter kampanjens slut och 3) attkampanjskapare bör visa upp sina projekt i en livestream. Studiens resultat visar också attansikte-mot-ansikte-kommunikation, genom event, kan öka engagemanget förcrowdfundingkampanjer. Detta då stöttare får möta personerna bakomcrowdfundingkampanjen samt får se resultatet av kampanjen de stöttat på riktigt, inte enbartvia Internet. I studiens anges hur skapare av crowdfundingkampanjer praktiskt kan tillämpadenna studies resultat för att öka engagemanget hos stöttare samt potentiella stöttare. / This qualitative study addresses Internet-based crowdfunding, which is a financing methodwhere a large number of people give small amounts of money to a project via a crowdfundingplatform on the Internet. The focus of the study is engagement: what creates engagement incrowdfunding and what can increase the engagement. The study also examines ifcommunication only via the Internet is enough to create great engagement. The purpose of thestudy is to contribute to the knowledge development in the research area of crowdfunding. Bydoing that, it will also increase the knowledge among creators of crowdfunding campaignsand enable them to increase the engagement among backers and potential backers in thedevelopment of their campaigns. The research questions that will help achieve the purpose ofthe study are: why do people engage in crowdfunding? How can the interaction betweenbacker and creator of campaigns improve? How can face-to-face communication, throughevents, increase engagement in crowdfunding campaigns? To address these questions andachieve the purpose seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with people who hadbacked crowdfunding campaigns. The result of the study shows that there are differentmotives to why people engage in crowdfunding campaigns. The motives that was mostrepresented by the respondents was in order to help a friend and wanting to realize a certainproject. Other motives that were represented by several respondents were to back campaignsbecause they had confidence and trust in the creators of the campaigns, to receive rewards fortheir engagement, be a part of the community and to back a campaign because they like theidea of crowdfunding. The result of the study also shows three improvement possibilities inthe interaction between creator of the campaigns and the backers: 1) more dynamic updates onthe crowdfunding platform with focus on other than the financial aspect, 2) more updates afterthe end of the campaign and 3) that creators of the campaigns could show their projects in alivestream. The result of the study also shows that face-to-face communication, throughevents, can increase the engagement in crowdfunding campaigns. This is because backers canmeet the persons behind the crowdfunding campaign and see the result of the campaign in reallife and not just via Internet. How creators of crowdfunding campaigns can use the result ofthis study is indicated in the study. The language of the study is Swedish.

Distansledarskap på en digital arbetsplats : Om hur ledarskap förändras och utmanas då det förmedlas via informations- och kommunikationsteknik vid distansarbete

Karlström, Erik, Rhan, Jacob January 2021 (has links)
Den digitala transformationen av arbetsplatsen har enligt Bartsch et al. (2020) påskyndas av att många verksamheter till följd av Covid-19-pandemin tvingats övergå till distansarbete. Denna transformation har gjort att många ledare som tidigare lett följare ansikte-mot-ansikte (AMA) på ett kontor tvingats övergå till distansledarskap förmedlat via informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT). Både akademiker (Bartsch et al., 2020; Carnevale & Hatak, 2020) och näringslivsidkare (Holmberg & Petrelius, u.å; Deloitte, 2020) menar att övergången till IKT-förmedlat distansledarskap skapar utmaningar för ledare och flertalet forskare menar att kunskapen om e-ledarskap i distala sammanhang är bristande (Avolio et al., 2014; Savolainen, 2014; Bolden & O’Regan, 2016; Contreras et al., 2020; Torre & Sarti, 2020). Denna studies syfte är därför att undersöka hur ledarskapet förändras då det övergår från AMA-ledarskap till IKT-förmedlat distansledarskap samt vilka utmaningar som uppstår. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats med ett interpretativistiskt och konstruktionistiskt förhållningssätt. Den primära datainsamlingsmetoden är semistrukturerade intervjuer och den sekundära datainsamlingsmetoden är innehållsanalys av enkätstudien. Den primära datainsamlingsmetodens intervjurespondenter är åtta operativa chefer med personalansvar på en medelstor svensk myndighet. Respondenterna har tidigare utövat ett AMA-ledarskap och vid övergången till distansläge började de leda med hjälp av IKT-förmedlat distansledarskap. Urvalet av respondenter har gjorts av en personalhandläggare på samma myndighet. Dataanalysen utgjordes av en tematisk analys. Studien kommer fram till att vid övergång från AMA-ledarskap till IKT-förmedlat distansledarskap upplever ledare utmaningar relaterat till tillit, följares välmående, kommunikation, sammanhållning och IT-kompetens. Tre tillitsutmaningar för ledare är: (1) de vet inte om följarna kommer utföra sina arbetsuppgifter, (2) de vet inte om följarnas tillit till dem minskat och (3) de tycker det är utmanande att bygga tillit vid nyanställning. Två utmaningar för ledare relaterade till följares välmående är: (1) de vet inte hur följarna mår och (2) det upplevs inte finnas tillräckligt med tid för att interagera med följarna. Tre kommunikationsutmaningar för ledare är: (1) den informella kommunikationen minskar (2) det är svårt att inleda informella samtal med följare och (3) det är svårt att kommunicera ut deras budskap. Två sammanhållningsutmaningar för ledare är att: (1) hantera att sammanhållningen minskar och (2) hantera att sammanhållningen mellan subgrupper minskar. IT-kompetensutmaningen för ledare är att använda IKT-verktyg för att utöva ledarskapet. Studien visar även att vid övergång från AMA-ledarskap till IKT-förmedlat distansledarskap förändras ledarskapet. Gällande tillitsaspekten kan ledarskapet initialt bli mer kontrollerande och mer närvarofokuserat. Relaterat till följares välmående kan ledarskapet bli mer observerande och ställer högre krav på ledare att möjliggöra sociala kontakter samt boka in frekventa avstämningar. Kommunikationen och sammanhållningen kan påverka ledarskapet och får ledare att inta en roll som facilitator av informella möten. Relaterat till IT-kompetens påverkas utövandet av ledarskapet men vi kan inte se att det förändrar ledarskapet och dess övergripande syfte. / The digital transformation of the workplace was, according to Bartsch et al. (2020), accelerated when organizations were forced to switch to teleworking due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This transformation has forced many leaders who previously led followers face-to-face during office work to switch to remote leadership mediated through information and communication technology (ICT). Both academics (Bartsch et al., 2020; Carnevale & Hatak, 2020) and business actors (Holmberg & Petrelius, u.å; Deloitte, 2020) believe that the transition to ICT-mediated remote leadership creates challenges for leaders and researchers argue that the knowledge of e-leadership in distal contexts is scarce (Avolio et al., 2014; Savolainen, 2014; Bolden & O'Regan, 2016; Contreras et al., 2020; Torre & Sarti, 2020). The purpose of this study is therefore to examine how leadership changes as it transitions from face-to-face leadership to ICT-mediated remote leadership and what challenges arise. The study has a qualitative approach with an interpretative and constructivist approach. The primary data collection method is semi-structured interviews, and the secondary data collection method is a content analysis of survey results. The respondents of the primary data collection method are eight operational managers with personnel responsibilities at a medium-sized Swedish public agency. The respondents have previously carried out face-to-face leadership and during the transition to remote work, they began to lead with the help of ICT-mediated remote leadership. The selection of respondents has been made by a HR coordinator at the same public agency. The data analysis consisted of a thematic analysis. The study concludes that in the transition from face-to-face leadership to ICT-mediated remote leadership, leaders experience challenges related to trust, followers' well-being, communication, cohesion, and IT skills. Three trust challenges for leaders are: (1) they do not know if the followers will perform their duties, (2) they do not know if followers' trust has decreased and (3) they find it challenging to build trust with new employees. Two challenges for leaders related to the well-being of followers are: (1) they do not know if their followers’ wellbeing has decreased and (2) they feel that there is not enough time to interact with the followers. Three communication challenges for leaders are: (1) informal communication decreases (2) it is difficult to initiate informal conversations with followers and (3) it is difficult to communicate their message. Two cohesion challenges for leaders are to: (1) manage that cohesion in general decreases and (2) manage that cohesion between subgroups decreases. One IT skill challenge for leaders is use ICT tools to practice their leadership. The study also shows that leadership changes with the transition from face-to-face leadership to ICT-mediated remote leadership. Regarding the trust aspect, leadership may initially become more controlling, and more presence focused. Related to follower’s well-being, leadership may become more observant and place higher demands on leaders to enable social contacts and book frequent follow-up meetings. Communication and cohesion may affect leadership and force leaders to take on a role as facilitators of informal meetings. Related to IT competence, it affects the exercise of leadership, but we cannot see that it changes leadership and its overall purpose.

Ny mötesstruktur för socialarbetare efter pandemi : - En kvalitativ studie om den snabbt ändrade mötesformen inom socialt arbete 2020–2021 / New meeting structure for social workers after pandemic : - A qualitative study of the rapidly changing form of meetings in social work 2020–2021

Wall Löfving, Carola January 2021 (has links)
The study is intended to show how the social workers and their clients are experiencing the new meeting structure, its problems and opportunities, as well as thoughts and feelings that arose during 2020-2021 in connection with Covid -19 pandemic. The study is qualitative, with a hermeneutic interpretive approach and has been conducted via semi-structured interviews with eight social workers. The theoretical starting point is Aaron Antonovsky's theory of KASAM, Berger & Luckmann's theory of reality as a social construction, George Herbert Mead´'s of Symbolic Interaction Theory, Johan Asplund's theory of social responsiveness and Grissi & Jeding's highlighting that man's most important stress management strategy is to seek social support from others. Conclusions that can be drawn from this study are that the restructuring of work and meeting structure during the pandemic has highlighted a lack of technology and lack of staff knowledge regarding digital platforms where the employer would have gained efficiency and trust among social workers if they had put a little more resources and time to secure up staff in the area. At the same time, social workers express a curiosity about working more digitally in the future. There is a consensus about which clients do not feel good about having meetings digitally and then a great desire is expressed to maintain the meeting structure face to face. Obstacles to digitalisation appear in the form of the client's lack of resources in the form of financial vulnerability, which also becomes an economic issue for the municipality. Difficulties are expressed in creating secure and trusting relationships at a distance, but there is a curiosity to try to meet the client based on his predictions in a new way. In the event of more difficult assessments, however, it is still considered that there is a need for physical meetings. The study highlights a concern that the employer should take the opportunity to, according to an efficiency thinking, remove self-determination in how and when to meet their clients. At the same time, the study points out that the social services can gain both financial and environmental resources by ensuring that social workers no longer travel many hours by car for follow-up or care planning.

Tonårspojkars ansiktsattraktivitet och kvalitet i deras vänskapsrelationer / Facial Attractiveness and Quality in Friendships in Teenage Boys

Norberg, Maria, Björsson, Sofia January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka om ansiktsattraktivitet hänger samman med kvalitet i vänskapsrelationer. Hypotesen utgick ifrån att likhet i ansiktsattraktivitet påverkar valet av viktigaste vän samt att en låg skillnad i ansiktsattraktivitet mellan personerna gynnar relationskvaliteten. Tidigare forskning har antingen undersökt attraktivitet eller vänskapsrelationer. Vår uppsats knyter samman dessa två faktorer. 150 tonårspojkars ansiktsattraktivitet bedömdes med hjälp av ett eget utformat instrument. Data på pojkarnas vänskapsrelationer från en longitudinell studie användes för jämförelser. Högt skattad ansiktsattraktivitet visade i vår studie ha ett samband med konflikter i vänskapsrelationen. Attraktiviteten visade sig inte spela någon roll i valet av viktigaste vän. Däremot har attraktiviteten en betydelse för vänskapskvaliteten, då hög ansiktsattraktivitet påverkar vänskapskvaliteten negativt.</p> / <p>The purpose of this thesis was to investigate if facial attractiveness and quality in relationships are connected. The hypothesis was that equality in facial attractiveness matters in people’s choices of important friends and that low difference in facial attractiveness between the people profits quality in their friendship. Earlier research has either been focusing on attractiveness or quality in friendships. This thesis links these two factors together. The facial attractiveness of 150 teenage boys was judged with an instrument made by us. Data, with information about the boys’ relationships, from a longitudinal study were used for comparisons. We found that high facial attractiveness is related to conflicts in friendships, but that attractiveness does not matter in the choice of important friends. However, attractiveness does matter in friendship quality, since high attractiveness affects the quality in a negative way.</p>

Tonårspojkars ansiktsattraktivitet och kvalitet i deras vänskapsrelationer / Facial Attractiveness and Quality in Friendships in Teenage Boys

Norberg, Maria, Björsson, Sofia January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka om ansiktsattraktivitet hänger samman med kvalitet i vänskapsrelationer. Hypotesen utgick ifrån att likhet i ansiktsattraktivitet påverkar valet av viktigaste vän samt att en låg skillnad i ansiktsattraktivitet mellan personerna gynnar relationskvaliteten. Tidigare forskning har antingen undersökt attraktivitet eller vänskapsrelationer. Vår uppsats knyter samman dessa två faktorer. 150 tonårspojkars ansiktsattraktivitet bedömdes med hjälp av ett eget utformat instrument. Data på pojkarnas vänskapsrelationer från en longitudinell studie användes för jämförelser. Högt skattad ansiktsattraktivitet visade i vår studie ha ett samband med konflikter i vänskapsrelationen. Attraktiviteten visade sig inte spela någon roll i valet av viktigaste vän. Däremot har attraktiviteten en betydelse för vänskapskvaliteten, då hög ansiktsattraktivitet påverkar vänskapskvaliteten negativt. / The purpose of this thesis was to investigate if facial attractiveness and quality in relationships are connected. The hypothesis was that equality in facial attractiveness matters in people’s choices of important friends and that low difference in facial attractiveness between the people profits quality in their friendship. Earlier research has either been focusing on attractiveness or quality in friendships. This thesis links these two factors together. The facial attractiveness of 150 teenage boys was judged with an instrument made by us. Data, with information about the boys’ relationships, from a longitudinal study were used for comparisons. We found that high facial attractiveness is related to conflicts in friendships, but that attractiveness does not matter in the choice of important friends. However, attractiveness does matter in friendship quality, since high attractiveness affects the quality in a negative way.

Manlighet - skämt eller allvar? : humor som redskap i mäns förhandlingar om mansrollen / Masculinity - jest or earnes : humor as a tool in men's negotiation of the male role

Malén, Alexandra January 2012 (has links)
This in an essay concerning the use of humor in male communication. Primarily, I have focused on studying how jokes can be used as a sanction for the training of members in a (male) group. I have found great inspiration in Goffman’s thoughts on a social face and the use of humor to protect this perceived face. Initially I started to reflect on men’s reluctance to discuss masculinity and their thoughts about the meaning of being a man. Every time I tried to hold a serious conversation, my male friends made a joke out of it. I seemed to meet a tirade of stereotypes and ironic statements. I started to think that maybe men can’t talk about masculinity in groups because of a fear of losing face? Maybe it might be so, that the concept of being a “real man” is so diffuse and loose that men today don’t know what we expect of them? This uncertainty affects men’s social life; there is a need for common ground and security. In order to express an opinion about the act joking as well as the use of humor in male community, I first tried to familiarize myself with the prevailing notions of masculinity. I learned that the group is a powerful resource for promoting the use of stereotypes as well as the use of humor to create a sense of belonging or penalize those who do “wrong”. Jokes of all kind, friendly emphasis as well as more aggressive forms thrive in groups. I also noted that the type of humor is different in single-sex groups compared to humor in mixed gender groups. In addition to discussing the weight of group mentality I also write about body language, the importance of the ambiguity of humor and how humor can sanction in two ways: Laughter from the group: The target is sanctioned Laughter fails: The source gets sanctioned

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