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Alkoholmissbruk och anställningsskydd : En studie av rättspraxis 1970-2010Kollander, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda om och hur gällande rätt har förändrats senaste 40 åren angående alkoholsjuka arbetstagares anställningsskydd. Alkoholberoende arbetstagare missköter sitt arbete. Misskötsamheten visar sig ofta i beteenden och handlingar som tolkas som symtom på alkoholsjukdom. Denna misskötsamhet skulle för en frisk arbetstagare bedömas som oacceptabel av såväl arbetsgivare som arbetsdomstol. Uppsatsen tydliggör det juridiska problem som uppstår när arbetsgivaren vill säga upp eller avskeda arbetstagaren på grund av misskötsamhet som kan relateras till alkoholsjukdom. Uppsatsen beskriver också hur praxis de senaste 15 åren tyder på att arbetsgivare till viss del har lättare att få gehör för sina yrkanden i arbetsdomstolen vad gäller den problematik alkoholsjukdomen förorsakar på arbetsplatsen jämfört med tidigare. Uppsatsens slutsats är att den praxis från 1970 och 1980-talet som hittills varit prejudicerande i viss mån är obsolet. Detta kan relateras till Sveriges inträde i EU 1995 samt förändringar i arbetsmiljölagen och tillkomsten av ett lagstadgat arbetstagaransvar angående rehabilitering. Numera kan onykterhet i tjänsten som enda faktor vara saklig grund för uppsägning om beteendet upprepats och det är ett uttalat krav i anställningsavtalet, kollektivavtalet eller arbetsplatsens drogpolicy att drogfrihet gäller på arbetsplatsen. Allvarliga förseelser som grovt åsidosätter arbetstagarens åliggande mot arbetsgivaren i samband med onykterhet bedöms numera inte som symtom på alkoholsjukdom, utan ger laga grund för avsked. En sammanfattande slutsats är att arbetsdomstolen har förändrat sin syn på den alkoholberoende arbetstagarens anställningsskydd. På 1970 och 1980-talet sågs denne som ett offer för sin alkoholsjukdom som behöver hjälp, medan man idag ställer krav på den alkoholsjukes eget ansvar för att bli fri från missbruket, samtidigt som denne har en lagstadgad rätt till rehabilitering som bekostas av arbetsgivaren eller socialförsäkringen. Nyckelord: alkoholsjukdom, alkoholberoende, alkoholstrategi, alkoholism, anställningsskydd arbetsgivaransvar, arbetstagaransvar, arbetsförmåga, avsked, bevisbörda, beroendevård drogpolicy, informationsskyldighet, missbruksbehandling, misskötsamhet, onykterhet, rattfylleri, rehabilitering, saklig grund, sjukintyg, säkerhetsrisk, uppsägning / The aim of this paper is to describe if and how Swedish law has changed due to employment protection of alcoholics over the last 40 years. Employees suffering from alcoholism mismanage their work. This negligence appears in actions that can be interpreted as symptoms of alcoholic disease. For healthy workers, such mismanagement would be deemed as unacceptable both by employers as well as the Labour Court. An important policy of Swedish law is that it is illegal to terminate an employee contract or dismiss someone because of illness or acts that can be related to illness. Legal dilemmas arise when the employer needs to dismiss an employee because of mismanagement related to his or her alcoholism. The paper concludes that the practice from the 1970s and 1980s that has been prejudicial to some extent may be obsolete. It is currently somewhat easier for employers to get a hearing for their claims in the Labour Court regarding problems caused by alcoholism at work. This may be related to Sweden's entry into the EU in 1995, changes in the "Occupational Safety and Health Act" and the creation of a statutory employee responsibility regarding rehabilitation. Misbehaviour related to drunkenness at work may nowadays be grounds for dismissal if the behavior is repeated, and if it is an explicit requirement of the employment contract, collective agreement or workplace drug policy that abstinence applies in the workplace. Concerning drunkenness related to serious offences that gravely infringe the worker's obligation to the employer, it is considered irrelevant that these acts are symptoms of alcohol disease. Nowadays, these acts provide the legal basis for dismissal. A conclusive summary is that the Labour Court in Sweden has to some extent changed its view of the employment protection of workers suffering from alcoholism. In the 1970s and 1980s, these workers were seen as victims of their illness, victims who needed help. Nowadays, Swedish Law requires the alcoholic employees’ own responsibility in order to be free from abuse, while they also have the legal right to rehabilitation funded by employers or social security.
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Medhåll, motstånd eller samtycke : En teoriprövande granskning av remissvaren på SOU 2020:30 ”En moderniserad arbetsrätt”Malmros, Carl January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Kollektivavtalsrätten och ideologierna : Ideologies and Swedish Labour LawBerg, Lisa, von Zedtwitz-Liebenstein, Sangrid January 2011 (has links)
Abstract The overall aim of this paper is to examine the impact of ideologies and norms on a legal system. Against a background of a description of the hierarchy of norms in Swedish labour law and in European Union law, respectively, the paper aims to specifically demonstrate the problems caused by the different hierarchies of norms when implementing EU directives in Swedish labor law. The research question examines how the trade unions’ right to industrial action towards an undertaker providing transnational services by posting of workers, is affected by the implementation of the Directive 96/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 1996 concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services. The paper answers the question under what conditions the Swedish trade unions have the right to take industrial action in situations of posting of workers. Through the study of sources of law and adhering to traditional jurisprudence, this paper investigates the legislation regarding trade unions’ rights to take industrial action in situations of posting of workers. In addition to the jurisprudential research, a glance at the history of ideologies is provided. The purpose of this is to explain the role of ideologies in the origins and history of Swedish labour law, as well as their role in the current development of law. With the ideological and historical discussion as a background, this paper investigates Swedish law and EU law using a comparative approach. The purpose is to illustrate how differences in ideological bases are determinant of differences in current legislation and legal practice. The paper studies the development of law since the 1990s with regards to the right to industrial action in situations of posting of workers. The Swedish labour law has been revised since Sweden joined the European Union. The presentation looks particularly at the following cases in the Swedish Labour Court: AD 1989 No. 120 (the Britannia case) and AD 2005 No. 49 (the Vaxholm case). The paper studies the Posting of Workers Directive and presents an analysis of the European Court of Justice Case C-341/05 Laval un Partneri Ltd (the Laval case). To allow for analysis and a broad discussion on the implementation of the Posting of Workers Directive, an account is made of the different government committee instructions, committee of inquiry reports, and governmental legislative proposals of importance for the implementation of the directive into the Foreign Posting of Employees Act, and for the legislative changes prompted by the Laval case (i.e. the lex Laval). The main conclusion drawn from the study of the legislative development is that the level of legislation of the Swedish labour market will increase due to the tendency of europeanisation. The study also establishes the importance of ideologies, norms and values for the development of a legal system. This paper does not fully answer whether the set of norms on which Swedish labour law is based is about to change, but the trend is that on the whole no such changes have been observed. The existence of lex Laval has not affected the basic set of norms of Swedish labour law.
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