Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anthocyanins"" "subject:"nthocyanins""
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Caracterização, quantificação e estudo da relação retenção-propriedade anti-oxidante (QRPR) de antocianinas em extratos de morango (Fragaria vesca) por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência / Characterization, quantification and study of the quantitative retention-property antioxidant relationship (QRPR) of anthocyanins in extracts of strawberry (Fragaria vesca) for high performance liquid chromatographyCanuto, Gisele André Baptista 20 April 2011 (has links)
Antocianinas são pigmentos solúveis em água, pertencente à classe dos flavonoides. Podem ser encontradas nas formas glicosiladas e não-glicosiladas. A diversidade destas ocorre devido ao número e à posição de hidroxilas, metoxilas e açúcares na cadeia carbônica. São altamente instáveis e suscetíveis de degradação. O interesse no estudo é decorrente dos possíveis efeitos anticarcinogênico, antimicrobiano, antimutagênico e anti-oxidante. A atividade anti-oxidante está associada à capacidade que possuem em doar hidrogênios e elétrons a radicais livres. A CLAE tem sido a técnica mais indicada para análise destes pigmentos e, acoplada ao detector de arranjo de diodos, obtêm-se espectros dos compostos separados, conseguindo-se alta seletividade. Este trabalho tem como objetivos: otimizar a separação de oito antocianinas por CLAE-FR, otimizar a extração e estudar a hidrólise desses compostos em morango e medir a atividade anti-oxidante por derivatização pós-coluna, para estudo da relação retenção-propriedade anti-oxidante. A separação foi otimizada avaliando-se a composição e vazão da fase móvel, tempo de retenção das antocianinas e temperatura da coluna. O ótimo foi obtido com gradiente de eluição (25-55 %B) por 30 minutos, sendo: A - água e B - metanol ambos com HCl 0,1 % (v/v), coluna C18 mantida à 30ºC, vazão da fase móvel de 1,0 mL min-1 e identificação dos pigmentos a 522 nm. Extrações sólido-líquido, líquido-líquido e SPE foram testadas em amostras de morango. O processo também envolveu a seleção de solvente e ácido. A extração sólido-líquido apresentou maior eficiência. Polpas de morangos foram misturadas com solução de MeOH:HCl 5,5 % (v/v) e levadas ao ultrassom (20 ºC) por 10 minutos, procedimento repetido cinco vezes. A estabilidade do extrato foi avaliada por submissão do mesmo a altas temperaturas (80, 90 e 100 ºC) durante longo tempo e estocagem em freezer, geladeira e temperatura ambiente, mostrando que a degradação das antocianinas segue cinética de reação de primeira ordem. Para obtenção das agliconas foram executados ensaios de hidrólise ácida. O mecanismo da hidrólise da pelargonidina-3-glicosídeo foi avaliado e chegou-se a ótima condição de: extrato/HCl 8 mol L-1 (1:1, v/v) por 60 minutos a 100 ºC. No método desenvolvido, avaliou-se: linearidade, LD, LQ, exatidão, precisão e robustez. Por fim, desenvolveram-se estudos de medida da atividade anti-oxidante, por método de detecção online, acoplando um sistema de injeção em fluxo ao de separação, misturando uma solução de ABTS•+ (100 µmol L-1) sob vazão de 1,27 mL min-1 aos compostos eluídos pela coluna cromatográfica. O resultado de curvas de calibração das antocianinas comparado ao padrão de referência (Trolox) indicou que o poder anti-oxidante de cada substância diminui na ordem: cianidina-3-glicosídeo, pelargonidina-3-glicosídeo, malvidina-3-glicosídeo, cianidina-3,5-diglicosídeo, delfinidina, cianidina, malvidina e pelargonidina. Um estudo teórico, baseado neste poder e na retenção dos compostos demonstrou que uma diminuição da retenção, por aumento na polaridade da molécula, implica em diminuição do poder anti-oxidante e ainda, relacionou o poder às características de ressonância, afetada pelos ângulos entre os sistemas de conjugação, bem como solvatação de grupos hidroxilas ligados à estrutura carbônica. / Anthocyanins are water soluble pigments, belonging to the class of flavonoids. They can be found in glycosylated and non-glycosylated forms. The diversity of these compounds is due to the number and position of hydroxyl, methoxyl and sugars attached to the carbon chain. They are highly unstable and susceptible to degradation. Interest in the study of these compounds is due to the possible anticancer, antimicrobial, antimutagenic and antioxidant properties. The antioxidant activity is associated with the capacity they have to donate protons and electrons to free radicals. The HPLC technique has been the most suitable for the analysis of these pigments and, coupled to a diode array detector, on-line spectra of the separated compounds can be obtained, achieving high selectivity. This work aims at optimizing the separation of eight anthocyanins by RP-HPLC, and developing methods for the extraction and hydrolysis of these compounds in strawberry; in addition, it includes the measurement of the antioxidant activity of anthocyanins by column post-derivatization, and the study of the quantitative relationship between retention and antioxidant property (QRPR). The separation was optimized by evaluating the composition and mobile phase flow rate, retention time of the anthocyanins and column temperature. The optimum was obtained with gradient elution (25-55% B) for 30 minutes with: A - water and B - methanol, both with 0.1% HCl (v / v), C18 column kept at 30 °C and mobile phase flow rate of 1.0 mL min-1; the dentification of the pigments were carried out at 522 nm. Solid-liquid extraction, liquid-liquid and SPE were tested on strawberry samples. The process also involved the selection of solvent and acid. The solid-liquid extraction showed greater efficiency. Strawberry pulps were mixed with a solution of 5.5% (v / v) MeOH HCl and cooled in ultrasound bath (20 ºC) for 10 minutes; the procedure was repeated five times. The stability was evaluated by submitting the extract at high temperatures (80, 90 and 100 ºC) for a long time and storage in a freezer, refrigerator and room temperature, showing that the degradation kinetics of anthocyanins followed a first order reaction. To obtain the aglycones, acid hydrolysis were performed. The mechanism of hydrolysis of pelargonidin-3-glucoside was evaluated and the best condition was: (1:1, v / v) extract : 8 mol L-1 HCl in 60 minutes at 100 ºC. The proposed method was validated with respect to: linearity, LOD, LOQ, accuracy, precision and robustness. Finally, studies to measure online the antioxidant activity of extracts were developed, coupling in parallel a flow injection system to the separation system, where a solution of ABTS•+ (100 µmol L-1) under a flow rate of 1.27 mL min-1 was mixed with the compounds eluted from the separation column. The resulting calibration curves of anthocyanins compared to Trolox indicated that the antioxidant power of each substance decreased in the order: cyanidin-3-glucoside, pelargonidin-3-glucoside, malvidin-3-glucoside, cyanidin-3,5-diglucoside, delphinidin, cyanidin, malvidin and pelargonidin. A theoretical study based on the antioxidant power and the retention of the compounds showed a decrease in retention due to an increase in the polarity of the molecule, implying in decreased antioxidant capacity, also related to the molecule resonance characteristics, affected by the angles between the systems conjugation, as well as the solvation of hydroxyl groups linked to the structure carbon.
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Šilauogių (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) uogų antocianų kokybinės ir kiekybinės sudėties tyrimas / Study of anthocyanin of qualitative and quantitative composition in blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) fruitsNikolajevas, Laurynas 16 June 2008 (has links)
Tirta šilauogės (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) vaisių biologiškai aktyvių junginių (antocianų) kiekinė ir kokybinė sudėtis. Tyrimo tikslas. Ištirti Lietuvoje introdukuotų šilauogių (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) veislių uogų kokybinę ir kiekybinę sudėtį, bei įvertinti uogų, uogos luobelių, minkštimo ir išspaudų ekstraktų antioksidacinį poveikį. Sodinių šilauogių kultūra sukurta XX amžiaus pradžioje JAV. Į Lietuvą pirmosios Šilauogės įvežtos 1969-aisiais metais ir iki šiol tyrinėjamos Lietuvos mokslininkų. Šilauogės priskiriamos prie netradicinių augalų, kurie buvo introdukuoti praeitame šimtmetyje. Bendras antocianų kiekis šilauogių uogose nustatytas spektrofotometriniu metodu. Didžiausi antocianų kiekiai nustatyti uogų luobelėse („Rancocas“ veislės luobelėse). Mažiausi antocianų kiekiai nustatyti uogų minkštime. Kiekinė antocianidinų sudėtis nustatyta efektyviosios skysčių chromatografijos metodu. Atlikus tyrimus efektyviosios skysčių chromatogarfijos metodu, nustatyta, kad antocianidin�� kokybinė sudėtis uogoje ir jos dalyse yra identiška. Nustatyta, kad šilauogės uogose, luobelėse, minkštime ir išspaudose vyraujantis antocianidinas – malvidinas. Šio tyrimo metu siekta nustatyti ir įvertinti antioksidacinį šilauogių uogų, minkštimų, luobelių ir išspaudų poveikį.Šilauogės uogų ekstraktuose didžiausiu suminiu aktyvumu pasižymi „Berkeley“ veislė, kur inaktyvuoto DPPH laisvojo radikalo kiekis siekia 82,31 proc. / Qualitative and quantitative composition of anthocyanins in blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)fruits and their parts was assayed. The aim of our study was to evaluate total anthocyanin content and their composition in blueberries fruits, fruit skins, fruit pulp and pomace. For the quantification of total anthocyanins in fruits and their parts, spectrophotometrical assay was performed. The highest amount of anthocyanins was found in blueberry fruit skins ( in ‚Rancocas‘ cultivar skins). The lowest amount of anthocyanins found in blueberry friut pulp. High-performance liquid chromatography was applied for qualitative evaluation of individual anthocyanidins in the different material. Chromatographic analysis has shown that there are no differences in qualitative composition of anthocyanidins. In fruits and their parts, malvidin was found in the highest quantities. Difefernt cultivars of Vaccinium corymbosum L. species were analyzed for total antioxidant capacity. The highest amount of total antioxidant capacity was faud in ‚Berkeley‘ cultivar in fuits extract.
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Non-Destructive VIS/NIR Reflectance Spectrometry for Red Wine Grape AnalysisFadock, Michael 04 August 2011 (has links)
A novel non-destructive method of grape berry analysis is presented that uses reflected light to predict berry composition. The reflectance spectrum was collected using a diode array spectrometer (350 to 850 nm) over the 2009 and 2010 growing seasons. Partial least squares regression (PLS) and support vector machine regression (SVMR) generated calibrations between reflected light and composition for five berry components, total soluble solids (°Brix), titratable acidity (TA), pH, total phenols, and anthocyanins. Standard methods of analysis for the
components were employed and characterized for error. Decomposition of the reflectance data was performed by principal component analysis
(PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA). Regression models were constructed using 10x10 fold cross validated PLS and SVM models subject to smoothing, differentiation, and normalization pretreatments. All generated models were validated on the alternate season using two model selection strategies: minimum root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP), and the "oneSE" heuristic.
PCA/ICA decomposition demonstrated consistent features in the long VIS wavelengths and NIR region. The features are consistent across seasons. 2009 was generally more variable, possibly due to cold weather affects. RMSEP and R2 statistics of models indicate that PLS °Brix, pH, and TA models are well predicted for 2009 and 2010. SVM was marginally better. The R2 values of the PLS °Brix, pH, and TA models for 2009 and 2010 respectively were: 0.84, 0.58, 0.56 and: 0.89, 0.81, 0.58. 2010 °Brix models were suitable for rough screening. Optimal
pretreatments were SG smoothing and relative normalization. Anthocyanins were well predicted in 2009, R2 0.65, but not in 2010, R2
0.15. Phenols were not well predicted in either year, R2 0.15-0.25. Validation demonstrated that °Brix, pH, and TA models from 2009 transferred to 2010 with fair results, R2 0.70, 0.72, 0.31. Models generated using 2010 reflectance data did not generate models that could predict 2009 data. It is hypothesized that weather events present in
2009 and not in 2010 allowed for a forward calibration transfer, and prevented the reverse calibration transfer. Heuristic selection was superior to minimum RMSEP for transfer, indicating some overfitting in the minimum RMSEP models. The results are demonstrative of a reflectance-composition relationship in the VIS-NIR region for °Brix, pH, and TA requiring additional study and development of further calibrations.
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Darbo tikslas: atlikti Lietuvoje registruotų mėlynių uogų pasirinktų preparatų sudėčių ir technologijos palyginamąją analizę, įvertinti kiekybiškai ir nustatyti antioksidacinį aktyvumą. Darbo uždaviniai: Ištirti Lietuvoje registruotų mėlynių uogų preparatų pasiūlą. Atlikti šių preparatų palyginamąją analizę vertinant sudėtis. Pasirinktuose preparatuose nustatyti fenolinių junginių ir antocianinų kiekį spektrofotometriniu metodu. Nustatyti pasirinktų preparatų antioksidacinį aktyvumą DPPH metodu. Tyrimo objektai ir metodai: Preparatai su mėlynių uogų ekstraktu ir mėlynių uogų milteliais. Spektrofotometrinis metodas naudotas analizei: bendras fenolinių junginių kiekis – pagal Galo rūgšties kalibracinę kreivę; bendras antocianinų kiekis – pH diferenciniu metodu; antioksidacinis aktyvumas – DPPH laisvojo radikalo inaktyvavimo kreivė. Tyrimo rezultatai ir išvados: Iki 2013 m. birželio mėn. nustatyti 47 Lietuvoje registruoti mėlynių uogų preparatai. Į 97 proc. šių preparatų sudėtį įeinančių mėlynių uogų žaliavos forma – ekstraktas. 19 proc. visų tirtųjų sudaro kompleksiniai ir 9 proc. vienkomponenčiai preparatai. Spektrofotometriškai nustačius fenolinius junginius, didžiausias jų kiekis yra ,,Mėlynių ekstraktas“, kapsulėse (,,Vitaforce“, Jungtinė Karalystė), mažiausias - ,,Visioblue strong“, kapsulėse (,,Hankintatukku Oy“, Suomija). Preparatas ,,Mėlynių uogų ekstrakto tabletės su cinku forte 0,25 g”, („Elit-farm", Ukraina) eksperimentinio tyrimo metu nedavė apčiuopiamo rezultato... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Purpose of the work: To make the comparable ingredients and technology analysis of selected blueberry preparations registered in Lithuania, evaluate quantitatively and determine the antioxidant activity. Tasks: to investigate the supply of blueberry preparations registered in Lithuania. To make the comparable ingredients analysis of preparations mentioned above. Determine the phenolic compounds and anthocyanins quantity using the spectrophotometry method. Measure the antioxidant activity of selected preparation using DPPH method. Research objects and methodology: Preparations with blueberry extract and blueberry powder. Spectrophotometric methods were used for analysis: total phenolic content according calibration curve of galic acid; total anthocyanins - pH differential method; antioxidant activity - DPPH free radical inhibition. Results and conclusions: Until June, 2013 y. Lithuania set 47 record Blueberry fruit preparations. There was noticed that in 97 percent composition of the preparation, blueberry raw material shape - extract. 91 percent of explored preparations are multicomponent and just 9 percent - one-component. Determined by spectrophotometry, that the highest levels of the phenolic compounds are in ”Mėlynių ekstraktas“, capsules of (“Vitaforce”, United Kingdom) and the lowest – “Visioblue strong’’, capsules of (”Hankintatukku Oy’’, Finland). The quantity of Anthocyanins per recommended daily dose in the preparation was studied by spectrophotometry method. The... [to full text]
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Fruit pigmentation studiesRoberts, Stephanie Catherine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MscAgric (Horticulture))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: For many apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) and pear (Pyrus communis L.)
cultivars, attractive colour is essential to their profitability on export markets. This
study focuses on problems related to poor green colour of ‘Granny Smith’ apples
and insufficient red colour of bi-coloured pear cultivars.
‘Granny Smith’ apples often suffer from poor green colour. Green colour of fruit
from various orchards was already found to differ midway through fruit
development, with these differences being carried through to harvest. In a trial
where nitrogen (N) fertilisers were applied using different forms at different times,
there was no improvement in green colour. In another trial, artificial shading was
applied to fruit only during their early development. Fruit that were shaded during
this time were less green at harvest than unshaded fruit. Additional N
applications may only improve colour where a deficiency exists. However, green
colour may be improved by increasing light distribution early during fruit
Bi-coloured pears attain their maximum red colour midway through their
development, and this desired red colour is mostly lost prior to harvest. Red
colour can also increase transiently with the passing of cold fronts. Anthocyanins,
responsible for this red colour, may have a photoprotective function which would
explain this pigmentation pattern, as photosystems are particularly sensitive to
light damage at low temperatures. As ‘Rosemarie’ fruit bent over from a vertical
to hanging position during development, peel photoinhibition was reduced as
anthocyanins were synthesised. ‘Forelle’ peel was found to be very sensitive to
high light levels at low temperatures. Substantial anthocyanin development took
place in ‘Cripps’ Pink’ apples when weather conditions were cold, but clear
following a cold front. A photoprotective role seems to explain daily changes in
anthocyanins in response to temperature, but not the seasonal progression of
colour development. For many apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) and pear (Pyrus communis L.)
cultivars, attractive colour is essential to their profitability on export markets. This
study focuses on problems related to poor green colour of ‘Granny Smith’ apples
and insufficient red colour of bi-coloured pear cultivars.
‘Granny Smith’ apples often suffer from poor green colour. Green colour of fruit
from various orchards was already found to differ midway through fruit
development, with these differences being carried through to harvest. In a trial
where nitrogen (N) fertilisers were applied using different forms at different times,
there was no improvement in green colour. In another trial, artificial shading was
applied to fruit only during their early development. Fruit that were shaded during
this time were less green at harvest than unshaded fruit. Additional N
applications may only improve colour where a deficiency exists. However, green
colour may be improved by increasing light distribution early during fruit
Bi-coloured pears attain their maximum red colour midway through their
development, and this desired red colour is mostly lost prior to harvest. Red
colour can also increase transiently with the passing of cold fronts. Anthocyanins,
responsible for this red colour, may have a photoprotective function which would
explain this pigmentation pattern, as photosystems are particularly sensitive to
light damage at low temperatures. As ‘Rosemarie’ fruit bent over from a vertical
to hanging position during development, peel photoinhibition was reduced as
anthocyanins were synthesised. ‘Forelle’ peel was found to be very sensitive to
high light levels at low temperatures. Substantial anthocyanin development took
place in ‘Cripps’ Pink’ apples when weather conditions were cold, but clear
following a cold front. A photoprotective role seems to explain daily changes in
anthocyanins in response to temperature, but not the seasonal progression of
colour development. Dwarfing rootstocks are known to improve red colour of bi-coloured pears due to
improved light distribution. ‘Forelle’ fruit from six rootstocks of varying vigour were
harvested from exposed positions only, so as to establish the effect of rootstock
on red colour development independent of the effect of rootstock on canopy light
distribution. Fruit from trees on quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) rootstocks were
found to have redder fruit than those from vigorous BP pear rootstocks. This may
be due to higher chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations present in the peel of
fruit from BP rootstocks, whose leaf and peel N were also high. The use of
quince rootstocks is recommended where red colour development of bi-coloured
pears is a problem.
An early season bi-coloured cultivar with good red colour is required. Breeding
trials to find such a cultivar are resource intensive. To streamline the process, a
method to preselect immature seedlings for their future fruit colour is required.
Fruit colour from bearing seedlings was compared with colour of their immature
leaves. Trees with red leaves were likely to produce fruit that were too red for the
breeders’ requirements. Trees with green or blushed leaves were capable of
producing blushed fruit. It would be feasible to cull red-leaved seedlings with
minimal risk of losing potential bi-coloured cultivars. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verskeie appel (Malus domestica Borkh.) en peer (Pyrus communis L.) kultivars
se winsgewendheid word bepaal deur hul aantreklike kleur. In hierdie studie word
die swak groen kleur van ‘Granny Smith’ appels asook rooi kleurontwikkeling van
blospere ondersoek.
Die groen kleur van ‘Granny Smith’ appels is dikwels onvoldoende. Verskille in
groen kleur tussen boorde was reeds gedurende vroeë vrugontwikkeling
aanwesig, en hierdie verskille het voortgeduur tot met oes. Groen kleur kon nie
deur verskillende bronne en tye van stikstofbemesting verbeter word nie.
Stikstofbemesting verbeter groen kleur moontlik net in boorde met ‘n
stikstoftekort. Vrugte wat gedurende hul vroeë ontwikkeling oorskadu is, se groen
kleur was swakker by oes in vergelyking met vrugte wat nie oorskadu is nie.
Groen kleur kan moontlik verbeter word deur ligverspreiding tydens vroeë
vrugontwikkeling deur middel van snoei aksies te verhoog.
Blospeerkultivars bereik hul maksimum rooi kleur halfpad deur hul ontwikkeling,
maar is geneig om hul rooi kleur grootliks voor oes te verloor. Rooi kleur mag
egter kortstondig toeneem in reaksie op die lae temperature gepaardgaande met
koue fronte. Antosianiene, wat verantwoordelik is vir die rooi kleur, het moontlik
‘n beskermende funksie teen hoë ligvlakke, en hierdie funksie mag moontlik die
bogenoemde patroon van rooikleurontwikkeling verklaar. Die natuurlike buiging
van ‘Rosemarie’ pere van hul aanvanklike regop oriëntasie tot hul karakteristieke
hangende posisie, is gekenmerk deur ‘n afname in fotoinhibisie van die skil en ‘n
gelyklopende sintese van antosianien. ‘Forelle’ skil was uiters sensitief vir hoë
ligvlakke in kombinasie met lae temperature (16 ºC). ‘Cripps’ Pink’ appels het ‘n
vinnig toename in rooi kleur getoon met die koue, maar helder, weerstoestande
wat gevolg het op ‘n kouefront. Dit is welbekend dat dwergende onderstamme die rooi kleur van blospere
verbeter deur ligverspreiding in die boom te verhoog. Ten einde die effek van
onderstam op rooi kleurontwikkeling onafhanklik van die effek van onderstam op
ligverspreiding te ondersoek, is ‘Forelle’ pere wat blootgestel was aan vol son
geoes van bome geënt op ses onderstamme met verskillende groeikrag.
Kweperonderstamme (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) het rooi kleur verbeter in
vergelyking met die groeikragtige BP peeronderstamme. ‘n Moontlike rede vir die
verbetering is die laer chlorofiel- en karotenoïedkonsentrasies in die skil van
vrugte op kweperonderstamme. Bome op peeronderstamme het ook hoër blaaren
skil stikstofvlakke gehad. Kweperonderstamme word aanbeveel in gevalle
waar rooi kleurontwikkeling van blospere ‘n probleem mag wees.
Die RSA vrugtebedryf benodig ‘n vroeë blospeerkultivar met goeie rooi
kleurontwikkeling. Die teling van so ‘n kultivar is hulpbronintensief en baie duur.
Ten einde die teelproses meer effektief te maak, word ‘n metode benodig om
saailinge al voor uitplanting in die boord te selekteer na gelang van hul
toekomstige vrugkleur. Die vrugkleur van oesryp pere van draende saailinge is
vergelyk met die kleur van hul onvolwasse blare. Bome met rooi blare is geneig
om vrugte te dra wat té rooi is om te kwalifiseer as blospere. Die meerderheid
blospere is afkomstig van bome met blos of groen onvolwasse blare. Dit is
prakties haalbaar om rooiblaarsaailinge uit te dun, met net ‘n klein, aanvaarbare
risiko om ‘n moontlike blospeerkultivar in die proses te verloor. / medg2010-1 / Imported from http://etd.sun.ac.za April 2010.
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Relação entre estresse de radiação ultravioleta-b e óxido nítrico em plantas de eucaliptoCorniani, Natália [UNESP] 22 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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corniani_n_me_botfca.pdf: 1146521 bytes, checksum: fa6a3da1e11828289d5c9cb1e7208258 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / As espécies do gênero Eucalyptus apresentam notável capacidade de extração de água e nutrientes, assimilação fotossintética e crescimento, permitindo seu cultivo em ambientes considerados impróprios para muitas outras espécies. Além dos fatores ambientais atuando adversamente no desempenho das plantas, atualmente estas estão sujeitas aos efeitos das mudanças ambientais globais causadas pelas atividades antrópicas, tais como o aumento na incidência da radiação ultravioleta-B (RUV-B) em conseqüência da destruição da camada de ozônio. Estudos recentes têm mostrado que a RUV-B promove aumento no nível de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO), ocasionando estresse oxidativo nas plantas. Entretanto, as plantas apresentam um sistema de defesa contra o estresse oxidativo, constituído de enzimas antioxidantes, tais como superóxido dismutase (SOD, EC e peroxidase (POD, EC, além de outros compostos, como antocianinas, carotenóides e compostos fenólicos, que impedem a formação de ERO ou eliminam as já existentes. Há algum tempo, tem sido verificada em plantas a presença de óxido nítrico (NO), radical livre endógeno que possui a capacidade de controlar o nível e a toxicidade das ERO. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o possível efeito citoprotetor do NO em plantas de eucalipto (Eucalyptus urograndis) expostas à RUV-B. Assim, foi realizado um primeiro experimento no qual plantas de eucalipto foram expostas à RUV-B em baixa (controle) e elevada incidência, com o intuito de verificar se a radiação promove estresse oxidativo nesta espécie. Foram realizadas coletas de lâminas foliares aos cinco, dez e quinze dias após o início da exposição à RUV-B para posterior determinação do nível de peroxidação lipídica. A exposição por 15 dias à RUV-B... / The species of the genus Eucalyptus present notable capacity to extract water and nutrients, photosynthetic assimilation and growth, allowing cultivation in ambient considered inappropriate for many other species. Besides the environmental factors acting adversely in the performance of the plants, nowadays they are subject to the effects of the global environmental changes caused by human activities, such as the increase in the incidence of the ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B) in consequence of the ozone layer destruction. Recent studies show that UV- B radiation promotes increase in the level of reactive oxygen species (ROS), causing oxidative stress in plants. However, plants have a defence system against oxidative stress, constituted of antioxidant enzymes, such as, superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC, peroxidase (POD, EC, and others compounds, such as anthocyanins, carotenoids and phenolic compounds, that avoid ROS formation or eliminate the already existent. There has been long, it was noticed the presence of nitric oxide (NO) in plants, endogenous free radical able to control the ROS level and toxicity. Therefore, the aim of this work was to investigate the possible citoprotector effect of the NO in eucalyptus (Eucalyptus urograndis) plants subjected to UV-B radiation. So, a first experiment was setup in which plants of eucalyptus were subjected to radiation in low (control) and high incidence of UV-B, to verify if UV-B radiation promotes oxidative stress in this specie. Leaves were collected at five, ten and fifteen days after the beginning of exposure to UV-B for subsequent evaluation of the level of lipid peroxidation. Exposure for 15 days to RUV-B increased the lipoperoxide content in the eucalyptus... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In the recent years, the concern about wines with better sensory characteristics and biological
properties has motivated many studies on the phenolic compounds. The knowledge of
ripening process of these substances is related to the necessity to produce high quality wines.
In this study, red grape varieties VitisviniferaMalbec, Shiraz and Tannat were evaluated in
relation to their phenolic ripeness. In the first two varieties, three harvest dates of a same
vineyard were evaluated. In Tannat variety, one harvest date for three different vineyards was
compared. All vineyards are situated in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and they were studied in
the crops of 2009/2010 and 2010/2011. The grape berries were evaluated in relation to the
rate of skins, seeds, and pulps; and in relation to the industrial (pH, Brix and total acidity) and
phenolic ripeness. For this last evaluation, 125 berries were crushed and macerated at pH 1.0
and pH 3.2 for 4 hours. Then, the following parameters were evaluated: extractability of
anthocyanins (EA%), tannins in the skins (dpell%), tannins in the seeds (Mp%), total
polyphenolic index (TPI 280), total anthocyanins (ApH1,0) and extractable anthocyanins
(ApH3,2). Malbec and Shiraz varieties were micro-vinified by traditional method of red
vinification, then the final wine was evaluated for its physic-chemical properties (pH and total
acidity) and the content of phenolic compounds (IPT, total polyphenols, tannins, and
anthocyanins). The analyses were performed in triplicate and statistically evaluated by the
Tukey test at 5% of probability, by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and by linear
correlation. For Malbec variety, the outcomes showed a bigger industrial and phenolic
ripeness (more Brix, less Total Acidity, more IPT, more content of anthocyanins and low
values of Mp% and dpell%) to the 2010/2011 crop and later harvests. The Shiraz variety
showed higher levels of total anthocyanins, extractable anthocyanins, and IPT in the second
harvest date. The phenolic ripeness in the second crop was also higher for this variety, which
had a higher extractability of anthocyanins (less EA%) and a great ripeness of tannins from
the seeds and skins (lower Mp% and higher dpell%, respectively). For Tannat variety, the
sample of Itaqui (warmer region) showed a higher content of anthocyanins and IPT in the first
crop, which is similar to the sample of Dom Pedrito (less warmer region than Itaqui) in the
following crop. In PCA, the samples were amounted by the influence of crop and the harvest
date. The wine of both varieties presented higher levels of total phenolic, anthocyanins, and
IPT in the vinification of later harvest and the crop of 2010/2011. The total polyphenol
content, IPT 280, and the content of anthocyanins in wines were highly correlated with the
rate of the industrial ripeness of the grape, content of extractable anthocyanins (ApH 3.2),
tannin content in skins (Mp%). It is possible to conclude that later harvest can provide a grape
with a higher phenolic ripeness. However, this ripeness is closely related and dependent on
appropriate weather conditions of harvest. / Nos últimos anos, a preocupação por vinhos com melhores características sensoriais e
propriedades biológicas tem motivado inúmeros estudos sobre os compostos fenólicos. O
conhecimento sobre o processo de maturação dessas substâncias vem ao encontro da necessidade
de se produzir um vinho de maior qualidade. Neste estudo, as variedades tintas Vitis vinifera
Malbec, Shiraz e Tannat foram avaliadas quanto à sua maturação fenólica. Para as duas primeiras
variedades, avaliaram-se três datas de colheita de um mesmo vinhedo. Para a variedade Tannat,
comparou-se uma data de colheita de três vinhedos distintos. Todos os vinhedos localizam-se no
Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e foram estudados nas safras de 2009-2010 e 2010-2011. As bagas
de uva foram avaliadas quanto à proporção de cascas, sementes e polpa, quanto à maturação
industrial (pH, Brix e Acidez Total) e quanto à maturação fenólica. Para esta última avaliação,
125 bagas foram triturados e macerados em pH 1,0 e pH 3,2 por 4 horas; após, avaliou-se os
seguintes parâmetros: extratibilidade de antocianinas (EA%), taninos nas cascas (dpell%), taninos
nas sementes (Mp%), Índice Polifenólico Total (IPT 280), antocianinas totais (ApH1,0) e
antocianinas extraíveis (ApH3,2). As variedades Malbec e Shiraz foram microvinificadas pelo
método tradicional de vinificação em tinto, e o vinho final foi avaliado quanto às propriedades
físico-químicas (pH e Acidez Total) e ao teor de compostos fenólicos (IPT280, Polifenóis Totais,
Taninos e Antocianinas). As análises foram realizadas em triplicata e estatisticamente avaliadas
pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade, por Análise de Componente Principal (PCA) e por
correlação linear. Para a variedade Malbec, os resultados evidenciaram maior maturação industrial
e fenólica (maior Brix, menor Acidez Total, maior IPT280, maior teor de antocianinas e dpell%e
baixos valores de Mp%) para a safra de 2010-2011 e para as colheitas mais tardias. A variedade
Shiraz demonstrou maiores teores de antocianinas totais, antocianinas extraíveis e IPT na segunda
data de colheita. A maturação fenólica na segunda safra também foi superior para esta variedade,
observando-se maior extratibilidade de antocianinas (menor EA%) e maior maturação dos taninos
das sementes e das cascas (menor Mp% e maior dpell%, respectivamente). Para a variedade
Tannat, a amostra de Itaqui (região de clima mais quente) apresentou maior teor de antocianinas e
IPT280 na primeira safra, equiparando-se à amostra de Dom Pedrito (região de clima menos
quente que Itaqui) na safra seguinte. Na PCA, as amostras foram agrupadas pela influência da
safra e data de colheita. Os vinhos de ambas as variedades apresentaram maiores teores de
compostos fenólicos totais, antocianinas e IPT280 nas vinificações de colheitas mais tardias e na
safra de 2010-2011. O conteúdo de polifenóis totais, IPT 280 e o conteúdo de antocianinas nos
vinhos foram altamente correlacionados com os índices de maturação industrial da uva, teor de
antocianinas extraíveis (ApH 3,2), teor de taninos nas cascas (dpell%) e teor de taninos nas
sementes (Mp%). Conclui-se que colheitas mais tardias podem proporcionar uma uva de maior
maturação fenólica. Porém, esta maturação está intimamente relacionada e dependente de
adequadas condições climáticas da safra.
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Microencapsulação de compostos antociânicos extraídos do mirtilo (Vaccinum spp.) por spray dryer: caracterização, estudo da estabilidade e condições gastrointestinais simuladas / Microencapsulation of antociânical compounds extracted from mirtilo (Vaccinum spp.) by spray dryer: characterization, study of stability and simulated gastrointestinal conditionsRosa, Jéssica Righi da 03 March 2017 (has links)
The growing world population's quest for healthy foods with functional characteristics has leveraged a number of studies with this theme and led industry to adapt to the demands of consumers. Within the functional foods group is blueberry, which contains bioactive compounds in significant amounts. The objective of the present study was the microencapsulation of anthocyanic compounds extracted from the blueberry by the spray dryer method, to test the use of maltodextrin DE20 and to hydrate in different concentrations as encapsulating agents and to verify the stability of the anthocyanin compound and the simulated gastrointestinal conditions. The extract of blueberry was obtained in aqueous solution containing 1% of citric acid and submitted to analyzes of total monomeric anthocyanins, total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity by the ORAC method. For the microencapsulation process the spray dryer method with different inlet temperatures of 120, 140 and 160 ° C and as encapsulating agent maltodextrin DE20 and hi-meize were used in different concentrations totaling four treatments, where P containing 18% maltodextrin DE20 Was considered to be the standard solution, T1 containing 14% maltodextrin DE20 and 4% hi-m 2, T2 11% maltodextrin DE 20 and 7% hyme, and the formulation T3 where it contained 9% maltodextrin DE20 and 9% hi-meize. The microparticles were analyzed for the determination of total monomeric anthocyanins, total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity by ORAC method, encapsulation efficiency, particle size, moisture content and water activity, dissolution, color analysis, storage stability study and Analysis of resistance of anthocyanin compounds to simulated gastrointestinal conditions. For analysis of the extract were found values of 1.08 mg / g of fruit for total monomeric anthocyanins, 6.88 mg GAE / d of fruit for total phenolic compounds and 46.85 μm Trolox / g of fruit for antioxidant activity by the ORAC method. In general, a good encapsulation efficiency of the desired compounds can be observed, these values being 74.40 to 85.22%, as well as the obtained particle sizes ranging from 12.80 to 20.70μm. The moisture and water activity presented values from 4.87 to 6.39% and 0.16 to 0.27, respectively. The anthocyanic compounds suffered losses over the course of 20 days in all treatments and temperatures tested, however the T3 formulation microcapsule at 140 ° C showed a better retention and protection of the desired compounds along the days of analysis, as well as greater resistance to conditions Gastrointestinal compared to the free extract, showing effective protection and improved delivery of the compounds of interest. Based on the treatments and temperatures tested it can be concluded that the microcapsules were effective in the protection and improved delivery of anthocyanin compounds. / A crescente busca por parte da população mundial por alimentos saudáveis e que apresentem características funcionais tem alavancado uma série de estudos com esta temática e levado à indústria a se adaptar as exigências dos consumidores. Dentro do grupo dos alimentos funcionais está o mirtilo, que contém compostos bioativos em quantidades significativas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi a microencapsulação de compostos antociânicos extraídos do mirtilo pelo método de spray dryer, testar a utilização de maltodextrina DE20 e hi-meize em diferentes concentrações como agentes encapsulantes e verificar a estabilidade do composto antociânicos e frente as condições gastrointestinais simuladas. O extrato de mirtilo foi obtido em solução aquosa contendo 1% de ácido cítrico e submetido a análises de antocianinas monoméricas totais, compostos fenólicos totais e atividade antioxidante pelo método ORAC. Para o processo de microencapsulação foi utilizado o método de spray dryer com diferentes temperaturas de entrada 120, 140 e 160°C e como agente encapsulante maltodextrina DE20 e hi-meize, em diferentes concentrações totalizando quatro tratamentos, onde P contendo 18% de maltodextrina DE20 foi considerado solução padrão, T1 contendo 14% de maltodextrina DE20 e 4% hi-meize, T2 11% de maltodextrina DE20 e 7% de hi-meize, e a formulação T3 onde continha 9% de maltodextrina DE20 e 9% hi-meize. As micropartículas foram analisadas quanto à determinação de antocianinas monoméricas totais, compostos fenólicos totais e atividade antioxidante pelo método ORAC, eficiência de encapsulação, tamanho de partícula, teor de umidade e atividade de água, dissolução, análise de cor, estudo da estabilidade ao armazenamento e análise de resistência dos compostos antociânicos a condições gastrointestinais simuladas. Para análise do extrato foram encontrados valores de 1,08mg/g de fruto para antocianinas monoméricas totais, 6,88 mg GAE/d de fruto para compostos fenólicos totais e 46,85μm Trolox/g de fruto para atividade antioxidante pelo método de ORAC. Em geral pode-se observar uma boa eficiência de encapsulação dos compostos desejados sendo estes valores de 74,40 a 85,22%, assim como os tamanhos das partículas obtidas que foram entre 12,80 a 20,70μm. A umidade e atividade de água apresentaram valores de 4,87 a 6,39% e 0,16 a 0,27 respectivamente. Os compostos antociânicos sofreram perdas ao longo dos 20 dias em todos os tratamentos e temperaturas testadas, entretanto a microcápsula de formulação T3 a 140°C apresentou uma melhor retenção e proteção dos compostos desejados ao longo dos dias de análise, assim como maior resistência a condições gastrointestinais simuladas quando comparadas ao extrato livre, mostrando-se efetiva na proteção e entrega melhorada dos compostos de interesse. Baseado nos tratamentos e temperaturas testados pode-se concluir que as microcápsulas foram efetivas na proteção e entrega melhorada dos compostos antociânicos.
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Compostos fenólicos e atividade antibacteriana em acessos de ipomoea batatas (l.) lam (batata-doce)José, António Elísio January 2012 (has links)
No período compreendido entre os meses de Maio de 2010 e Dezembro de 2011 realizou-se, nos laboratórios de Higiene e Qualidade de Alimentos, de Microbiologia e Bromatologia e de Bioquímica e Microbiologia Aplicada do Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologia de Alimento (ICTA) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), experimentos com vista à quantificação de compostos fenólicos e à avaliação da atividade antibacteriana de dois acessos de batata-doce (Ipomoea batatas L. (Lam)) com objetivo de (i) avaliar a atividade antibacteriana nestes acessos perante padrões bacterianos de interesse em alimentos, (ii) determinar a quantidade de compostos fenólicos e (iii) estabelecer a relação entre a composição e quantidade de compostos fenólicos e a atividade antibacteriana nestes diferentes acessos. Com o material colhido em Porto Alegre, Santo Antônio de Patrulha, Palmares do Sul e Cerro grande do Sul, utilizou-se o método de diluição em sistema de tubos múltiplos para avaliar a intensidade de atividade antibacteriana dos diferentes extratos expressa como intensidade de atividade de inibição bacteriana (IINIB) e intensidade de atividade de inativação bacteriana (IINAB); o teor de polifenóis totais foi determinado pelo método de Folin & Ciocalteu, enquanto que a determinação do conteúdo de antocianinas foi efetuada usando o método de pH diferencial. O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson foi usado para estabelecer a relação entre os teores de polifenóis e a atividades antibacteriana. Os extratos alcoólicos inibiram e/ ou inativaram inóculos de Salmonella Enteritidis (ATCC 11076), Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 19433), Escherichia coli (ATCC 11229) e Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), não obstante esta úlima ser significativamente mais resistente. A intensidade de atividade de inibição e/ ou inativação está positivamente relacionada à concentração de compostos fenólicos, ou seja, os compostos fenólicos e/ ou antocianinas seriam responsáveis pelo menos por parte da atividade antibacteriana dos extratos testados nas condições deste experimento. Extratos tidos por decocção e infusão, além de apresentarem concentrações muito baixas de antocianinas, não apresentaram atividade antibacteriana e mostraram menores teores de polifenóis do que os seus correspondentes extratos alcoólicos, sugerindo que o calor da infusão e/ ou decocção provavelmente teria degradado as substâncias essenciais que tomam parte no processo de atividade antimicrobiana. / In the period between the months of May 2010 and December 2011 was held in the laboratories of Higiene and Food Quality, Microbiology and Bromatology and Biochemistry and Applied Microbiology of the Institute for Food Science and Technology (ICTA) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), experiments for the evaluation of antibacterial activity and the quantification of phenolic compounds in two accessions of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. (Lam) in order to (i) evaluate the antibacterial activity in these accessios against interest food bacteria, (ii) determine the quantity of phenolic (iii) establish the relationship between the composition and quantity of phenolic compounds and the antibacterial activity in these different accessions. With material collected in Porto Alegre, Santo Antônio de Patrulha, Palmares do Sul and Cerro Grande do Sul, the method of dilution in system of multiple-tube tests was used to evaluate the intensity of antibacterial activity of different extracts express as intensity of bacterial inhibition activity (IINIB) and intensity of bacterial inativation activity (IINAB); the total phenolic content was determined by the method of Folin & Ciocalteu, while the content of antocianinas was performed using the differential pH method. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to establish the relationship between the levels of polyphenols and antibacterial activity. The alcoholic extracts inhibited and/or inactivated inocula of Salmonella Enteritidis (ATCC 11076), Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 19433), Escherichia coli (ATCC 11229) and Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), although this this last was significantly tougher. The intensity of inhibition and/or inactivation activity is positively related to the concentration of phenolic compounds, ie, phenolic compounds and/or anthocyanins are responsible for at least, part of the antibacterial activity of the extracts tested in this experiment. Extracts got from decoction and infusion besides having very low concentrations of anthocyanins, showed no antibacterial activity and had lower levels of polyphenols than their corresponding alcoholic extracts, suggesting that the higher temperature used for infusion and/or decoction, would probably degraded essential substances taking part in the process of antimicrobial activity.
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Prospecção de atividade antibacteriana em resíduos da viticultura na perspectiva da desinfecção e antissepsia aplicadas à saúde e à produção animal, bem como à agroindústria familiar / Prospecting for activity antibacterial of residues in the viticulture from the perspective of disinfection and antisepsis applied to health and livestock production, as well as the family agroindustryCzamanski, Raquel Teresinha January 2013 (has links)
A viticultura é uma atividade de grande importância econômica para o país, destacando-se a sustentabilidade da pequena propriedade e o desenvolvimento territorial associado às atividades ligadas ao turismo. Nos últimos anos, esta atividade tem gerado emprego em grandes empreendimentos que produzem uvas de mesa e uvas para processamento. A quantidade de resíduos gerados por esta atividade, se não forem devidamente tratados, podem causar severas consequências ao meio ambiente, poluindo o solo e contaminando as fontes de água. Considerando a importância da busca de alternativas à destinação de resíduos da viticultura, com ênfase aos paradigmas de cultivo orgânico, determinou-se a atividade antibacteriana em diferentes extratos de engaço, casca e folha na perspectiva de sua aplicação como produtos desinfetantes ou antissépticos em situações-problema específicos em saúde e em produção animal, bem como em situações de agregação de valor a matéria-prima desta origem, em sistema de agroindústria familiar ou de pequeno porte. Através de Testes de Diluição em Sistema de Tubos Múltiplos obteve-se a concentração inibitória mínima e a concentração bactericida mínima, a intensidade de atividade de inibição bacteriana (IINIB/Bacteriostasia) e a intensidade de atividade de inativação bacteriana (IINAB/Bactericidia) de extratos etanólicos e hidroetanólicos de engaço, casca e folha de videiras de três cultivares diferentes (‘Bordô’, ‘Isabel’ e ‘Moscato’). As amostras foram coletadas em fevereiro e março de 2011, no município de Bento Gonçalves/RS. Os inóculos bacterianos padronizados de interesse veterinário utilizados foram: Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 19433), Escherichia coli (ATCC 11229), e Salmonella Enteritidis (ATCC 13076). Paralelamente a atividade antibacteriana, o teor de polifenóis totais e de antocianinas dos extratos dos diferentes resíduos foram quantificados. Também foram realizados testes de decocto com os resíduos dos três cultivares selecionados, porém este método de extração dos princípios ativos não apresentou nenhuma atividade antibacteriana. A atividade antibacteriana dos extratos com melhor resultado foi obtido pela extração etanólica, superior aos extratos hidroetanólicos. Houve diferença significativa entre os cultivares analisados e quanto aos tipos de resíduos; sendo o extrato etanólico de engaço do cultivar ‘Bordô’ que apresentou melhor resultado. As bactérias Gram-negativas foram mais sensíveis aos extratos etanólicos e hidroetanólicos, enquanto que a bactéria mais resistente foi Staphylococcus aureus, independente dos resíduos utilizados. Em relação ao teor de compostos fenólicos, o extrato etanólico do cultivar ‘Bordô’ foi significativamente superior, sugerindo uma relação direta entre a concentração de polifenóis totais e a atividade antibacteriana encontrada. As antocianinas foram encontradas somente nos extratos etanólicos e hidroetanólicos de cascas; exceto para o cultivar ‘Moscato’. Resíduos da viticultura, em especial o engaço, mostrou grande potencial a ser utilizado como fonte de fenóis para produtos desinfetantes a serem utilizados na produção animal e/ou agroindústria familiar. / Viticulture is an activity of great economic importance for the country, highlighting the sustainability of small property and territorial development linked to tourism-related activities. In recent years, this activity has generated employment in large enterprises that produce table grapes and grapes for processing. The amount of residues generated by this activity, if not properly treated, can cause severe consequences to the environment, polluting the soil and contaminating water sources. Considering the importance of the search for alternatives to waste disposal of viticulture, with emphasis on the paradigms of organic farming, it was determined the antibacterial activity in different extracts of stalks, bark and leaf in view of its application as disinfectants or antiseptics in problem situations specific health and animal production as well as in situations of adding value to the raw material of this origin system in agro family or small business. Through Test Dilution System Multiple Tubes obtained the minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration, the intensity of bacterial inhibition activity (IINIB/Bacteriostasia) and intensity of bacterial inactivation (IINAB/ Bactericidia) ethanolics extracts and hydroethanolics of stalks, bark and leaf vines three different cultivars ('Bordô', 'Isabel' and 'Moscato'). Tests were made of decoction with residues of the three selected cultivars, but this method of extraction of active principles showed no antibacterial activity. The samples were collected in February and March 2011, in the city of Bento Gonçalves/RS. The bacterial inocula standardized veterinary interest selected were used: Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 19433), Escherichia coli (ATCC 11229) and Salmonella Enteritidis (ATCC 13076). Alongside the antibacterial activity, the content of total polyphenols and anthocyanins extracts of different residues were quantified. The antibacterial activity of the extracts with best result was obtained by ethanolic extraction, higher than the hydroethanolic extraction. There were significant differences among cultivars analyzed and the type of residue, and the ethanolic extract of grape stalk of the cultivar 'Bordô' which shows better result. Gram-negative bacteria are more sensitive to the ethanolic and hydroethanolic extracts, while the bacteria more resistant Staphylococcus aureus was independent of the residues materials. Regarding the content of phenolic compounds, the ethanolic extract of the cultivar 'Bordô' was significantly higher, suggesting a direct relationship between the concentration of phenolic compounds and antibacterial activity found. Anthocyanins were only found in ethanolics extracts and hydroethanolics barks, except for the cultivar 'Moscato'. Residues of viticulture, especially stalks, showed great potential to be used as a source of phenols for disinfectant products for use in animal production and/or agroindustry family.
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