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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O serviço ambiental hidrológico das áreas de proteção permanente: um estudo de caso com modelagem numérica em pequena e mesoescala na bacia do Rio Piracicaba / Hydrological environmental services of permanent preservation areas: A case study with numerical modelling in small and meso scale in the Piracicaba River basin

Jonathan Mota da Silva 20 February 2014 (has links)
Visando conciliar pressões antrópicas para o desenvolvimento das atividades sócio-econômicas com a conservação dos ecossistemas, os serviços ambientais associados aos recursos hídricos são claros benefícios e índices quantitativos que podem ser tomados como parâmetros na tomada de decisões para o uso da terra. No Brasil o Código Florestal prescreve as Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APPs) ao longo das margens dos rios, em topos de morro e áreas de alta declividade como setores onde estes serviços serão potencialmente expressivos. Os efeitos da extensão da vegetação ripária podem variar conforme as características geomorfológicas e extensão da bacia, com os ainda escassos resultados de estudos indicadores da faixa segura de vegetação ripária necessária para minimizar os efeitos das vazões máximas e prover a disponibilidade hídrica em bacias hidrográficas com relevância para o abastecimento humano, como é o caso da bacia do rio Piracicaba, e em bacias de pequena escala, onde também se concentra a agricultura familiar e são as efetivas áreas de mananciais dos grandes reservatórios. O objetivo desta tese foi avaliar o impacto causado pelas APPs ripárias e de áreas íngremes (reflorestamento ripário e de áreas íngremes) no regime hidrológico da bacia do rio Piracicaba ( ~12000 km²) e na sua sub-bacia, Ribeirão das Posses (12 km²) a partir de simulações com o modelo hidrológico distribuído SWAT. A avaliação do efeito das APPs nas bacias foi realizada a partir de simulações numéricas com o modelo SWAT calibrado e validado, com referência aos regimes de vazão e evapotranspiração dos principais ecossistemas dominantes. As simulações foram compostas de cenários variando-se as faixas de extensão do reflorestamento ripário e reflorestamento das áreas íngremes em pequena escala (Ribeirão das Posses, Extrema, MG) e mesoescala (Rio Piracicaba). Os cenários com reflorestamento (ripário e áreas íngremes) reduziram o escoamento superficial em ambas as bacias e aumentaram o escoamento básico em Posses, reduzindo este em Piracicaba. Os resultados dos cenários com maior reflorestamento ripário indicaram para as bacias do Ribeirão das Posses e do Rio Piracicaba, respectivamente, uma queda de aproximadamente 24% e 4% do escoamento superficial, e no escoamento básico um aumento de 2% e redução de 2%. A redução do escoamento superficial reduziu as vazões extremas máximas em aproximadamente 13% no exutório e 28% na cabeceira do Ribeirão das Posses, enquanto no Rio Piracicaba a redução foi de aproximadamente 4% em toda a bacia. As vazões de estiagem no Ribeirão das Posses aumentaram na cabeceira e no exutório em 19 e 9%, respectivamente, enquanto no Rio Piracicaba a vazão de estiagem teve uma redução de até 2%. Os resultados sugerem que as APPs, nas formas de reflorestamento ripário e nas áreas íngremes em pequena escala, mostram uma redução do escoamento superficial e da vazão média anual, mas que em termos de serviços ambientais reflete-se favoravelmente na redução dos eventos de inundação devido à diminuição dos pulsos hidrológicos extremos, e no aumento da vazão de estiagem devido ao aumento do escoamento básico. Na mesoescala mostrou-se analogamente uma qualidade favorável de serviço ambiental nas vazões máximas, mas desfavorável na vazão de estiagem, o que, todavia, deve ser analisada em conjunção com o ajuste dos parâmetros de recarga do aquífero raso e profundo do modelo nesta escala. O estudo indica as APPs como promotoras de serviços ambientais hidrológicos dominantemente favoráveis, a contar pela possibilidade real de recomposição florestal em bacias de menores escalas, com ênfase na influência dos processos nas imediações da rede de drenagem onde habitam as populações rurais que poderiam se beneficiar dos serviços mais direta e frequentemente. / Aimed at reconciling human pressures for the development of socio-economic activities with the conservation of ecosystems, ecosystem services associated with water resources are benefits and quantitative indices that can be taken as parameters in decision-making for land use. In Brazil, its Forest Code prescribes the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) along rivers banks, steep areas and areas of high slope as sectors where these services will be potentially significant. The effects of the size of riparian vegetation may vary depending on geomorphological characteristics and extension of the basin. There are few studies indicators of the safe range of riparian vegetation necessary to minimize the effects of peak flows and provide water availability in relevant river basins for water supply, like Piracicaba river basin, and in small scale watershed, which also focuses on the family farms and are also effective watershed areas of large reservoirs. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate the impact of the riparian and steep PPAs areas in the hydrological regime of the Piracicaba river basin (~ 12000 km²) and its sub-basin, Ribeirão das Posses (12 km²), in Extrema, MG, by means of numerical simulations. Evaluation of the effect of PPAs in the watersheds was carried out using the hydrological model SWAT (Soil and Water Assessement Tool) calibrated (for streamflow and evapotranspiration of the main ecosystems of the basin) and validated (for streamflow). Scenarios were composed of varying extension of riparian reforestation and afforestation of steep areas in small scale (Ribeirão das Posses) and in mesoscale (Piracicaba). The (riparian and steep area) reforestation scenarios reduced surface runoff in both watersheds and increased baseflow in Posses but reduced it in Piracicaba. The results of the annual average scenarios with greater riparian reforestation indicated a runoff decrease of 24% in Ribeirão das Posses and of 4% in Piracicaba. As for the baseflow, it increased by 2% and decreased by 2%, respectively in the two watersheds. The reduction of runoff reduced the maximum streamflows in the mouth in 13% and in 28% at the head of the Ribeirão das Posses. While in Piracicaba, these were reduced to approximately 4% in the entire watershed. Low flows in Posses increased the head and mouth in, respectively, 19% and 9%, while in Piracicaba drought streamflow had a modest reduction of up to 2%. The results suggest that the PPAs, in the forms of riparian and steep reforestation on a small scale, show a reduction of runoff and mean annual flow, but in terms of environmental services reflects favorably on the reduction of flood events due the reduction of extreme hydrological pulses, and the increase of low flow due to increased base flow. The mesoscale showed analogously a favorable quality in providing environmental services in peak flows, but unfavorable as to dry season flow, which however should be analyzed in conjunction with adjusting the parameters of the model of low and deep aquifer recharge at this scale. The study suggest the PPAs as promoters of environmental hydrological services dominantly favorable, emphasizing the benefits of reforestation in smaller scale watersheds, influencing processes nearby the drainage area, where rural populations could be benefited from services more directly and frequently.

Caractérisation des oligomères β-amyloïdes cérébraux et vasculaires impliqués dans la maladie d’Alzheimer / Caracterization of cerebral and vascular amyloid- β oligomer involved in Alzheimer’s disease

Boutonnet, Marie-Charlotte 16 December 2013 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, les oligomères du peptide Aβ sont identifiés comme étant responsables du déclenchement de la pathologie alors que les dépôts amyloïdes sont des conséquences aggravantes de la pathologie. Cependant, les formes oligomériques d’Aβ impliquées dans la pathologie ainsi que l’origine de ces peptides sont toujours débattues. Notre objectif principal était d’identifier des signatures Aβ oligomériques cérébrales et vasculaires et de déterminer si nous pouvions interférer avec ces signatures pour modifier le décours de la pathologie. Nous avons réalisé des analyses biochimiques qualitative des formes d’Aβ dans des échantillons de cerveau et de vaisseaux issus de patients atteints de la MA et de souris transgéniques modèle de la MA. Nous avons montré qu’une même forme Aβ oligomérique (17-18 kDa) est impliquée dans le développement de la pathologie cognitive chez l’homme et chez la souris APP/PS1. Une signature Aβ oligomérique vasculaire spécifique a été observée dans les vaisseaux périphériques et plus particulièrement la veine porte hépatique des souris APP/PS1. De plus, un traitement pharmacologique ciblant l’expression des protéines de transport de l’Aβ a permis de restaurer les profils Aβ oligomériques contrôles dans le cerveau des souris APP/PS1 tout en « chargeant » la veine porte des mêmes souris en Aβ oligomérique. Ces résultats montrent que les signatures Aβ vasculaires et cérébrales sont intimement liées. De plus, nos travaux mettent l’accent sur une possible intervention thérapeutique agissant sur les formes Aβ cérébrales et vasculaires. / Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a complex disorder of the central nervous system that affects an increasing number of people worldwide due to the overall aging of the human population. Vascular factors and mechanisms have emerged as an area of key importance. Accumulating evidence indicates that pre-fibrillar aggregates, specifically the low-molecular weight oligomers of Aβ peptide, are responsible for the synaptic dysfunction and neuronal loss that occur in AD pathology. But, these oligomeric forms implicated in the pathology are currently under debate. Our primary goal was to identify cerebral and vascular oligomeric signatures. Secondly, we try to interfere with these signatures in order to modify the evolution of AD. We realize qualitative analyses of cerebral and vascular oligomers Aβ by western-blot. Vascular and cerebral tissues were extracted from AD patients and from a transgenicmouse model of AD. We demonstrate that the same oligomer Aβ (17-18 kDa) is implicated in the cognitive impairment for patients and APP/PS1 mouse. A specific vascular signature of oligomer Aβ was detected in peripheral vessels and particularly in portal vein from liver of APP/PS1 mouse. Moreover, pharmacological treatment targeting clearance of soluble Aβ restored the control signature of oligomer Aβ in the brain of APP/PS1 mouse. This configurational change was associated with an increase of oligomer Aβ in portal vein from liver. These results show that cerebral and vascular oligomeric signatures were closely linked. Finally, our work emphasizes potential therapeutic strategies for AD by targeting cerebrals and vasculars oligomers Aβ.

Mobil applikation eller responsiv webbplats? : En studie om vilka designaspekter som är viktiga vid utökning av ett söksystem på Internet till en smartphone / Mobile application or responsive website? : A study on the design aspects that are important in extending a search engine on Internet to a smartphone

Davidsson Pajala, Therese, Augustin, Ansam January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats redovisar en studie i hur en söktjänst på Internet kan kompletteras, antingen via en mobilapplikation eller genom en responsiv webbplats, för att underlätta användning via en smartphone. Fokus för undersökningen ligger på Riksarkivets söktjänst Nationell ArkivDatabas (NAD) som för tillfället inte är anpassad till mobila enheter. Vårt mål är även att undersöka hur inställningen ser ut för applikationer och responsiva webbplatser bland användare samt hur dessa åsikter skiljer sig mellan olika användarmålgrupper. Tillsammans med information från tidigare forskning har en studie utförs för att undersöka för- och nackdelar mellan appar respektive responsiva webbplatser. I våra undersökningar har vi valt att använda oss av två datainsamlingsmetoder: en kvantitativ webbenkät och semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer, som komplement till varandra. Totalt nio intervjuer har gjorts med tre personer ur varje Riksarkivets huvudmålgrupper. En webbenkät har även publicerats på Riksarkivets och Stockholms stadsarkivs webbplatser. / This paper reports a study in how a search service on the Internet can be completed either through a mobile application or through a responsive website, to facilitate use on a smartphone. The focus of the study is on the National Archives' search service National Archives Database (NAD), which is not currently adapted to mobile devices. Our aim is also to investigate how the attitude looks for applications and responsive websites among users and how these views differ between user groups. Together with data from previous research, a study was conducted to examine the pros and cons between apps and responsive websites. In our investigations we have chosen to use two methods of data collection: a quantitative web survey and semi-structured qualitative interviews, to complement each other. A total of nine interviews were conducted with three members from each of National Archives' main target groups. An online survey has also been published on the National Archives and Stockholm stadsarkivs websites.

Parkering i Norrköping : Processen att skapa ett mobilt användargränssnitt för att underlätta reseplanering / Parking in Norrköping : The process of creating a mobile interface to facilitate trip planning

Farhadi, Anna, Norin, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
Under sommaren 2014 kommer Norrköping locka många turister till staden genom ett flertal stora evenemang, till exempel Bråvallafestivalen och Harry Potter: The Exhibition. Som besökare från en annan stad kan det vara svårt att hitta lämpliga parkeringsplatser i sådana situationer. I nuläget har Norrköpings kommun en karta över parkeringsplatser på deras hemsida. Denna är endast anpassad till webbläsare och ger en översiktlig bild över var parkeringar finns utplacerade i de mest centrala delarna av staden. Att söka upp kartan på en mobil enhet, lokalisera sig på kartan, välja lämplig parkering och sedan hitta till denna kan vara svårt och tidskrävande för den som har bråttom eller inte hittar i staden. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta fram ett användarvänligt gränssnitt för en mobil applikation som ska underlätta parkeringsprocessen för förare som bor i eller besöker Norrköping. Till studien har sekventiella blandade metoder använts och designprocessen har baserats på både en målinriktad och användarcentrerad designmetod. En enkät, intervjuer och andvändbarhetstester har använts som datainsamlingmetoder för att på bästa sätt utveckla ett gränssnitt som möter användarens behov. Studien har resulterat i ett gränssnitt för en parkeringsapplikation som kan användas i planeringssyfte och som navigationshjälp. Design- och interaktionsval är grundade på användarnas mål och preferenser. Slutsatsen är att i en stressfylld situation är det viktigt att informationen är lättöverskådlig, tydlig och kräver minimal ansträngning av användaren samtidigt som antal steg för att nå informationen bör minimeras. Överflödiga funktioner bör sorteras bort. Olika användare har även olika inställningar till användandet av mobila applikationer för reseplanering och parkering. I första hand vänder sig majoriteten av mobilanvändare till Google för informationssökningar således bör den enklaste lösningen vara att Norrköpings kommun upprättar en mobilanpassad hemsida med information om parkeringar i staden. Dock finns det komplexa funktioner i applikationen som inte går att efterskapa på en mobil hemsida och även för att nå en bredare målgrupp blir skapandet av en applikation nödvändigt. / With a series of prestigeous events such as the Bråvalla Music Festival and the European premiere of Harry Potter: The Exhibition, Norrköping will, during the summer of 2014, attract many tourists. As a visitor, it may be difficult to locate appropriate parking spots in situations like these. Norrköpings Municipality currently has a map on their website with an overview of parking spots in the central areas of the city. This map, however, is only suited for viewing on big screens. To search for the map on a mobile device, find an appropriate parking and then correctly navigate to its location may serve difficult for a user who is new to the town or pressed for time. The purpose of this study is to create a user-friendly interface design for a mobile application that aims to facilitate the parking process for drivers who live in, or are visiting, Norrköping. The study uses a sequential mixed method approach and the design process is based on a goal-directed and user-centered design. Surveys, interviews and usability testing have been employed to collect research in order to create an interface that meets the needs of the user. The study resulted in the creation of an interface for a parking application that can be used for planning purposes as well as navigation. Choices for design and interactivity are based on the users' goals and preferences. The study concludes that a stressful situation requires information to be clear, easily understood and call for minimum effort from the user's side. Redundant information should be removed and the steps it takes to obtain information should be reduced. Different users have different attitudes towards the use of mobile applications for planning and parking. The majority of interviewees would in a similar situation rely on a Google search for information. From this we can conclude that the easiest solution would be for Norrköping's Municipality to create a mobile website with information about parking in the city. However, in order to reach a broader target group and to incorporate certain complex functions and features, the creation of an application becomes necessary.

Reconstituting APP and BACE in proteoliposomes to characterize lipid requirements for β-secretase activity

Kalvodova, Lucie 11 September 2006 (has links)
Proteolytic processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) may lead to the formation of the Abeta peptide, the major constituent of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer`s disease. The full-length APP is a substrate for at least 2 different (alpha and beta) proteases ("secretases"). The beta-secretase, BACE, cleaves APP in the first step of processing leading to the formation of the neurotoxic Abeta. BACE competes for APP with alpha-secretase, which cleaves APP within its Abeta sequence, thus precluding Abeta formation. It is thus important to understand how is the access of the alpha- and beta-secretase to APP regulated and how are the individual activities of these secretases modulated. Both these regulatory mechanisms, access to substrate and direct activity modulation, can be determined by the lipid composition of the membrane. Integral membrane proteins (like APP and BACE), can be viewed as solutes in a two-dimensional liquid membrane, and as such their state, and biological activity, critically depend on the physico-chemical character (fluidity, curvature, surface charge distribution, lateral domain heterogeneity etc.) of the lipid bilayer. These collective membrane properties will influence the activity of embedded membrane proteins. In addition, activity regulation may involve a direct interaction with a specific lipid (cofactor or co-structure function). Interactions of membrane proteins are furthermore affected by lateral domain organization of the membrane. Previous results had suggested that the regulation of the activity of the alpha- and beta-secretases and of their access to APP is lipid dependent, and involves lipid rafts. Using the baculovirus expression system, we have purified recombinant human full-length APP and BACE to homogeneity, and reconstituted them in large (~100nm, LUVs) and giant (10-150microm, GUVs) unilamellar vesicles. Using a soluble peptide substrate mimicking the beta-cleavage site of APP, we have examined the involvement of individual lipid species in modulating BACE activity in LUVs of various lipid compositions. We have identified 3 groups of lipids that stimulate proteolytic activity of BACE: 1.cerebrosides, 2.anionic glycerophospholipids, 3. cholesterol. Furthermore, we have co-reconstituted APP and BACE together in LUVs and demonstrated that BACE cleaves APP at the correct site, generating the beta-cleaved ectodomain identical to that from cells. We have developed an assay to quantitatively follow the beta-cleavage in proteoliposomes, and we have shown that the rate of cleavage in total brain lipid proteoliposomes is higher than in phosphatidylcholine vesicles. We have also studied partitioning of APP and BACE in GUVs between liquid ordered (lo) and liquid disordered (ld) phases. In this system, significant part of the BACE pool (about 20%) partitions into the lo phase, and its partitioning into lo phase can be further enhanced by cross-linking of membrane components. Only negligible fraction of APP can be found in the lo phase. We continue to study the behavior of co-reconstituted APP and BACE in GUVs The work presented in this thesis has yielded some interesting results and raised further questions. One of the important assignments of this project will in the next stage be the characterization of the impact of membrane domain organization on the beta-cleavage. Different domain arrangements that can be hypothesized in cell membranes can be modeled by varying the degree of phase fragmentation in proteoliposomes comprising reconstituted APP and BACE.

Open Innovation by Opening Embedded Systems

Söldner, Constantin, Danzinger, Frank, Roth, Angela, Möslein, Kathrin January 2012 (has links)
1 INTRODUCTION With the increasing capabilities of today’s smart phones, the demand of consumers for new applications has risen dramatically. By opening up these smart phones and providing third parties the opportunity to develop “apps” for their systems, producers like Apple and platform owners like Google can offer much more value to their customers. As smart phones are one kind of embedded systems (ES), the question arises if similar development can also take place in other kinds of embedded systems. ES, consisting of hardware and software, are embedded in a device to realize a specific function, in contrast to personal computers, which serve multiple purposes [4,30]. The notion of incorporating external actors in the innovation process has been coined open innovation which has become increasingly popular in research and practice since Chesbrough introduced the term in 2003 [12]. By opening up their innovation processes for external actors, firms could benefit from internal as well as from external ideas. In this paper, the notion of open innovation will be explored in the context of ES. The case of ES is particularly interesting, as it requires not only the opening of innovation processes, but also the opening of the embedded system itself. Some of these platforms are opened only to a small degree like Apple’s iPhone, in order to enable others to create new applications for it. Similar developments also take place for example in the automotive software domain, especially concerning infotainment systems. However, most kinds of ES have been spared out by this development until now. As more than 98% of all chips manufactured are used for ES [10] and high-performing computer chips are getting cheaper [38], opening considerations could also prove valuable for a large number of other application domains. However, opening up innovation processes in the context of ES is challenging from both an organizational and technical perspective. First of all, embedded systems are subject to a variety of constraints in contrast to multi-purpose computing devices, like realtime and security constraints or costs and resource constraints. Second, ES are quite diverse both in their composition and in terms on their requirements. In this paper, we want to explore, how the different properties of embedded systems influence possible open innovation processes. This will be done by drawing on to the characteristics of firms implementing the three core open innovation processes suggested by Gassmann and Enkel (2004) [15] and conceptually explaining how the characteristics of ES enable or hinder open innovation processes. As a result, a classification of the OI processes in terms of ES characteristics is provided.

Att jämföra billigast energi med spotpris och väder

Dinh, Jennifer January 2020 (has links)
Idag är det möjligt att koppla upp utrustningar mot nätet hemma och ha ett Smart Hem. Ett hushåll har två elavtal, elnät och elhandel. Elnät är bunden till området man bor och kan inte bytas ut, men det är annorlunda med elhandel. Hos elhandel vill man ha det lägsta priset på el och det är där timpris spelar roll. Elkostnader kan bli höga och för att minska kostnaderna samt använda grön energi har detta examensprojekt tagit fram ett system som ska kunna informera en användare om spotpriset respektive väder. Projektet har använt sig av Android Studio (front-end), Firebase Realtime database och ett javaprogram (back-end). Med Grönt Väders API och Google Maps Geocoding API har data om användaren, elpriser och väder samlats i databasen. Resultatet av projektet blev en mobilapplikation som visar information om dagens elpris, väder och andra faktorer som hjälper ett hushåll med egenproducerad energi att följa. Dock kunde elpriser inte jämföras med vädret. För vidareutveckling hade back-end kunnat vara på en Raspberry Pi där man kopplar en vitvara som man kan styra i framtiden. / Today it is possible to connect equipment to the network at home and have a Smart Home. A household has two electricity agreements, electricity networks and electricity trading. Electricity network is tied to the area you live and cannot be changed, but electricity trading is a different matter. In electricity trading, what you want is the lowest price and that is where the hourly rate matters. Electricity costs can be high and to reduce costs and use green energy, this degree project has developed a system that will inform a user about the spot price and weather. The project has used Android Studio (front-end), Firebase Realtime database and a Java program (back-end). With the Green Weather API and the Google Maps Geocoding API has information about the user, electricity prices and weather been collected in the database. The results in this project was an app that showed electricity prices of the day, weather and other factors that helps a household with self-produced energy to follow. However, electricity prices could not be compared with weather. Further development would be to have the back-end running on a Raspberry Pi where appliances could be controlled in the future.

Practice-Oriented Cybersecurity Training Framework

Podila, Laxmi Mounika January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Low-impact user interfaces: How can we create a climate-smart approach toward front-end mobile application design? : Evaluation and proposed improvement of existing guidelines – Focused on Online Food Delivery sector.

Sundqvist, Isabella, Zurawska, Kinga Joanna January 2023 (has links)
The use of the Internet and digital services has increased significantly during recent years, and as Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) field keeps on expanding, it is influencing aspects of our daily lives, though not always for the better. Researchers and practitioners, including a small number of designers, are addressing the growing concerns about the Internet’s environmental impact, such as electronic waste, increased energy use, resource depletion, and carbon footprint, which have emerged in recent years, and are calling for a more environment-friendly approach to web and app design. However, it is still a relatively new area of concern. This study evaluates existing guidelines for designing low-impact user interfaces in the mobile food delivery sector. First, the study investigates users’ food delivery habits and their impressions of low-impact interfaces. The findings from this section are then used to design a low-impact food delivery application (FDA) prototype and are tested with users to see how to make low-impact interfaces attractive for a possible change in user behaviors. This thesis builds on previous research about sustainable web design, but the focus area of this study is to investigate whether applied guidelines and low-impact design features are desired by users on mobile screens as well. The research reveals that low-impact features are indeed useful on smaller screens as well and users are generally open-minded and acceptive of front-end changes that have a more positive impact on the environment. However, it is crucial to communicate clearly about any low-impact modifications made to an application, due to the current low level of user awareness and knowledge in this field.


ERICA COSTA VLIESE ZICHTL CAMPOS 10 January 2023 (has links)
[pt] A interação social é fator fundamental para o desenvolvimento do ser humano, a partir do uso de instrumentos e de signos, sendo o processo de comunicação essencial para esse desenvolvimento. Compreendemos que a comunicação se desenvolve ao longo da vida do sujeito e é estruturada como um complexo processo de aquisição da linguagem, tendo esta uma dupla função comunicativa, a primeira como um meio de comunicação e a segunda como um processo de compreensão e representação do pensamento. Nos casos de comprometimentos severos ou déficits na comunicação, ao menos um dos envolvidos acaba sendo prejudicado. Nestes casos a utilização de comunicação alternativa vem contribuindo com subsídios para complementar, suplementar ou construir esse processo de comunicação. Sendo assim, o objetivo geral desta tese foi desenvolver um sistema de comunicação alternativa de forma colaborativa, junto às famílias de crianças com deficiência múltipla em decorrência da Síndrome Congênita do Zika Vírus (SCZV) não oralizadas com foco em atividades que estimulem o desenvolvimento da capacidade de comunicação. Esse trabalho está vinculado aos estudos realizados no Grupo de Pesquisa Educação e Mídia, Grupem, no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), com o Projeto “Estudo longitudinal de intervenção e acompanhamento do desenvolvimento da habilidade de comunicação de crianças com Síndrome Congênita do Zika Vírus”, que é um subprojeto do Projeto Pesquisas e ações intersetoriais entre educação e saúde na promoção da escolarização e do desenvolvimento de crianças com Síndrome Congênita do Zika Vírus na Baixada Fluminense. A pesquisa foi realizada na região da Baixada Fluminense, RJ, com seis famílias de crianças que nasceram com a Síndrome Congênita do Zika Vírus (SCZV). Realizamos uma pesquisa qualitativa, baseada nos pressupostos metodológicos da pesquisa colaborativa. Através desta metodologia, construímos, em conjunto com as famílias das crianças participantes, alternativas para as dificuldades de comunicação apresentadas por elas, assim como para o desenvolvimento do App Comunika, um protocolo digital voltado ao desenvolvimento da capacidade de comunicação e de interação social de crianças com SCZV. O trabalho de campo foi desenvolvido em dois momentos. No primeiro realizamos visitas às casas das famílias participantes da pesquisa para realização de entrevista e aplicação de questionário socioeconômico e do Participation and Environment-Children and Youth (PEM-CY), instrumento de avaliação da capacidade de participação das crianças na família, na escola e na comunidade. No segundo momento as famílias participaram de reuniões no Instituto Multidisciplinar (IM), campus da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), onde iniciamos o desenvolvimento do App Comunika. Realizamos a produção de dados utilizando a observação (com registro em diário de campo), entrevistas semiestruturadas, questionário socioeconômico e o documento PEM-CY. Como referencial teórico, empregamos a teoria histórico-cultural de Vigotski, tomando seus conceitos como aportes para a compreensão das especificidades do desenvolvimento das crianças participantes e para a criação das atividades que integraram o App. A partir os dados produzidos, elaboramos as atividades que o constituem. Foram criadas 100 atividades para trabalhar a comunicação e ampliar a participação dessas crianças com base nas expectativas e necessidades apresentadas pelas famílias. De toda essa investigação emergiram como principais resultados: compreender as possibilidades advindas dos recursos de tecnologias assistivas (TA) e comunicação alternativa (CA) e abordá-las como instrumentos para a compensação de limitações em benefício dos processos de participação e comunicação das crianças com deficiência múltipla não oralizadas em decorrência da SCZV; a importância do trabalho em colaboração com as famílias para a elaboração do App, assim como da mediação na relação com o contexto, mediatizados por instrumentos, signos e símbolos desenvolvidos culturalmente; o (re) conhecimento das famílias das capacidades e diversidades de comunicação das crianças para possíveis aprendizagens futuras, assim como o quanto consideram o recurso de comunicação alternativa como uma possibilidade para trabalhar o desenvolvimento e ampliação da comunicação com seus filhos em suas casas e, posteriormente fomentando sua participação em outros contextos e com outros interlocutores; o desenvolvimento e a disponibilização do App Comunika como um recurso disponível gratuitamente na web para celular, smartphone e tablete com sistema operacional Android. / [en] Social interaction is a key factor for human development, from the use of instruments and signs, with the communication process being fundamental to this development. We understand that communication develops throughout the life of the subject, and is structured as a complex process of language acquisition, which has a dual communicative function, the first as being a means of communication and the second, as a process of understanding and representing thought. In cases of severe impairment or communication deficits, at least one of those functions end up being harmed. In these cases, the use of alternative communication has contributed with subsidies to complement, supplement or build this communication process. Therefore, the general objective of this thesis was to develop an alternative communication system in a collaborative way, together with the families of non-oralized children with multiple disabilities due to Congenital Zika Virus Syndrome (SCVZ), with focus on activities that encourage the development of communication skills. This research is linked to studies carried out in the Education and Media Research Group (Grupem), in the Graduate Program in Education at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC - Rio), with the project Longitudinal study of intervention and monitoring of the development of communication skills in children with Congenital Zika Virus Syndrome, which is a subject of the project Research and intersectoral action between education and health in promoting schooling schooling and development of children with congenital zika virus syndrome at Baixada Fluminense. The research was carried out in Baixada Fluminense, RJ, with six families of children who were born with Congenital Zika Virus Syndrome (SCVZ). We carried out qualitative research, based on the methodological assumptions of collaborative research. Through this methodology, we built, with the help of the families of the participating children, alternatives for the communication difficulties presented by them, as well as the development of the app Comunika, a digital protocol aimed at developing communication skills and social interaction in children with SCVZ. The field work was carried out in two moments. On the first one, we carried out visits to the homes of the families participating in the research to carry out an interview and apply a socioeconomic questionnaire and the Participation and Environment- Children and Youth (PEM-CY), an instrument for evaluating the children s ability to participate in the family and in the community. On a second moment, the families participated in a meeting at the Multidisciplinary Institute (IM), campus of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), where we started the development of the Comunika app. We produced data using observation (with a field diary) semi-structured interviews, a socioeconomic questionnaire and the PEM-CY document. As a theoretical framework, we used Vigotski s cultural-historical theory, taking his concepts as contributions to understanding the specificities of the participating children s development, and creating the activities that integrated the app. Based on the produced data, we developed activities that made constitute it. 100 activities were created to work on communication and expand the participation of these children based on expectations and needs presented by the families. The main results emerged from all this research: understanding the possibilities arising from TA and CA resources and approaching them as instruments for compensating limitations in favor of the participation and communication processes of children with multiple non-oralised due to SCVZ; the importance of working in collaboration with families for the development of the app, as well as the meditation in the relationship with the context, mediated by culturally developed instruments, signs and symbols; the knowledge of families of children s communication skills and diversity for possible future learning, as well as how much they consider the alternative communication resource as a possibility to work on the development and expansion of communication with their children at home and, subsequently, encouraging their participation in other contexts and with other interlocutors; the development and availability of the Comunika app as a resource available free of charge on the web for cell phones, smartphones and tablets with operating Android system.

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