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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Äldres digitala utanförskap i Sverige

Lobell, Martin, Tiwe, Anton January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats berör det rådande digitala utanförskap som många äldre svenskar i åldrarna 66+ idag upplever. Fokus har riktats mot anledningarna till vad utanförskapet beror på och vilka eventuella lösningar mot detta som går att ta fram. Studieprocessen är av slaget Design and Creation och består av både kvantitativa och kvalitativa data. Förutom att utföra litteraturstudier har datainsamlingar uträttats genom analys av stora datasets, enkätundersökningar och andra metoder som Customer Journey Mapping.Den främsta anledningen till att denna studie utförts är att det blir allt mer fundamentalt att ta del av de nya, digitala alternativ till de samhällstjänster som svenskarna behöver tillgång till jämt. Därmed innebär det att om man själv inte är villig eller inte har möjlighet att delta i övergången från analogt till digitalt så riskerar man att uppleva konsekvenser av detta på flera olika plan, inte minst ekonomiska.Forskningsfrågan som studien avser besvara är “Hur kan man bistå de äldre i digitalt utanförskap för att motivera dem till att börja använda internet?” och har sedermera brutits ner till fyra underfrågor för att lättare angripa de olika problemområden som ligger till grund för problematiken bakom den stora forskningsfrågan.Studien kastar ljus på heuristiska riktlinjer och principer som kan användas för att designa och utveckla mjukvara särskilt anpassad för äldre såväl som kvantitativa data som visar användningsstatistik m.m.Några viktiga slutledningar som går att dra från denna studie är vikten av att utvecklare börjar ta äldre människor i större beaktande när de utvecklar. Vidare har det tydligt framgått att de äldre som antingen inte vill eller känner att de kan använda internet och annan mjukvara kan och bör motiveras att övervinna sina farhågor. Detta görs bäst genom övning med hjälp av instruktioner. / This essay addresses the prevailing digital exclusion that many older Swedes aged 66+ are experiencing today. The focus has been on the reasons for what the exclusion is due to and what possible solutions to this can be developed. The study process is of the design and creation type and consists of both quantitative and qualitative data. In addition to conducting literature studies, data collections has been conducted through analysis of large datasets, survey surveys and other methods such as Customer Journey Mapping.The main reason why this study was carried out is that it is becoming increasingly fundamental to take advantage of the new, digital alternatives to the community services that the Swedes need access to constantly. This means that if you yourself are not willing or do not have the possibility to participate in the transition from analog to digital, you risk experiencing the consequences of this on several different levels, not least financial ones.The research question that the study aims to answer is "How can we assist the elderly in digital exclusion to motivate them to start using the internet?" and has subsequently been broken down to four sub-questions to more easily address the various problem areas that underlie the major research issue.The study sheds light on heuristic guidelines and principles that can be used to design and develop software specially adapted for older as well as quantitative data showing usage statistics etc.Some important conclusions that can be drawn from this study are the importance of developers starting to take older people into consideration when developing. Furthermore, it has become clear that the elderly who either do not want or feel that they can use the internet and other software can and should be motivated to overcome their fears. This is best done through practice with the help of instructions.

Learning and Application of Range Management Innovations Among Ranchers in West-Central Colorado

Kennedy, Caroline A. 01 May 2005 (has links)
Like many ranchers in the West, ranchers in West-Central Colorado are reevaluating their management strategies in the face of forces like drought, rising land prices, and encroaching development. While ranchers seek answers on alternative management strategies, research and Extension personnel search for adequate means of diffusing needed information. Relative to many rural western communities, ranchers in West-Central Colorado show high interest in alternative range management ideas, and many implement changes to their ranch management based on these ideas. This can partially be attributed to a unique support system of Extension and agency personnel with effective, untraditional outreach and land-management approaches. A survey was mailed to all 647 persons on the mailing list for the CSU Tri-River Extension Office, including Forest Service and BLM permittees in Mesa, Delta Montrose, San Miguel, Ouray, Hinsdale, Saguache, and Gunnison counties. The survey was designed to gain insight on how ranchers perceive current Extension efforts, how they learn new management information from peers and Extension/agency personnel, and how they apply these new ideas to their operations. Subsequent qualitative interviews with respondents gathered information on the process of adapting and implementing range management innovations into individual operations. This paper presents the findings of the survey and interviews, and implications for future outreach efforts.

Interpretation and Application of Elements of Differential Geometry and Lie Theory

Brannan, James R. 01 May 1976 (has links)
Basic concepts of differential geometry and Lie theory are introduced. Lie transformation groups are applied to linear systems of differential equations and the problem of describing rigid body orientation. Linear Hamiltonian systems are then treated as a Lie system of differential equations. This theory is applied to a particular Hamiltonian system arising from a problem in control theory, the linear state regulator problem.

Dirané: Aplicativo para estudiantes de odontología / Dirané: App for Odontology Students

Alemán Heredia, Jorge Jesús, David Ccama, Christopher Alberto, Rosas Bilbao, Maira Stefania, Sovero Cubillas, Jesus Henry, Zegarra Rodenas, María José 06 August 2019 (has links)
A raíz de la necesidad de los alumnos de odontología que empiezan a realizar prácticas preprofesionales y los inconvenientes que estos presentan al encontrar pacientes, tales como la desconfianza, la falta de compromiso, los gastos excesivos, entre otros, se creó la aplicación Dirané. Esta idea de negocio actúa como un intermediado entre los estudiantes de odontología y los potenciales pacientes, a través de una plataforma virtual. Esta aplicación sirve, además, de conexión entre ambas partes no solo al momento de reservar y programar las citas, sino al momento de acordar las visitas para continuar con el tratamiento. En las siguientes páginas se presentará y explicará en profundidad la idea del negocio. En primer lugar, se dará una breve introducción de las personas involucradas en este proyecto, así como el proceso de ideación, donde se plantea y justifica el modelo de negocio. En segundo lugar, se presentará la validación de la idea de negocio, el cual presenta los experimentos y entrevistas realizadas al público objetivo con la finalidad de obtener un mayor entendimiento de las necesidades del cliente. En último lugar, se plantea el desarrollo del plan de negocio, donde se muestra el planeamiento estratégico, de operaciones, recursos humanos, marketing, responsabilidad social empresarial y financiero. En conclusión, gracias a las validaciones y pronósticos financieros llevados a cabo, la idea de negocio es viable y obtiene retribución económica dentro de los primeros años de funcionamiento del negocio. / Following the need for dental students who begin to carry out pre-professional practices and the inconveniences they present when finding patients, such as distrust, lack of commitment, excessive expenses, among others, the Dirané application was created. This business idea acts as an intermediary between dental students and potential patients, through a virtual platform. This application also serves as a connection between both parties not only at the time of booking and scheduling appointments, but at the time of arranging visits to continue treatment. The business idea will be presented and explained in the following pages. First, there will be a brief introduction of the people involved in this project, as well as the ideation process, where the business model is proposed and justified. Secondly, the validation of the business idea will be presented, which presents the experiments and interviews conducted to the target audience in order to obtain a better understanding of the client's needs. Finally, the development of the business plan is proposed, which shows strategic planning, operations, human resources, marketing, corporate social responsibility and the financial aspect. In conclusion, thanks to the validations and financial forecasts carried out, the business idea is viable and obtains economic compensation within the first years of operation of the business. / Trabajo de investigación

Implementación de la aplicación Make it Easy

Macedo Buendia, Renato Enrique, Mendo Risi, Walter Salvador, Tarazona Salazar, Jossi Augusto, Porcari Hage, Ernesto Manlio, Vignati Zuñiga, Rodrigo Abel 29 June 2019 (has links)
Se observa como la calidad de vida de las personas se ve afectada al tener que realizar muchas actividades, lo que ocasiona que se disponga de escaso tiempo para disfrutar con sus allegados. Asimismo, puede suceder que no se disponga de las habilidades propicias para ejecutar tareas en casa como gasfitería, cerrajería, pintura, limpieza o electricista. Por esta razón, es que se ha desarrollado un novedoso modelo de negocio basado en una aplicación, el cual ofrece simplicidad, seguridad y calidad en cada uno de sus servicios dirigidos al cuidado del hogar, al cual llamamos Make it Easy. Se pretende llegar al cliente final mediante una interacción cercana con ellos con la cual perciban atributos positivos de la marca, mediante acciones en redes sociales y activaciones en puntos estratégicos. Por su parte, respecto a la captación de nuestros técnicos se considera que esta es factible a través de anuncios en distintos lugares como grandes cadenas mejoramiento del hogar en los que se ofrece servicios relacionados o también grandes afiches ubicados en quioscos. Es preciso indicar que nuestro segmento a atender son personas del NSE A y B que viven en la zonas 6 y 7 de la ciudad de Lima, según la clasificación de APEIM; el cual nos brinda un mercado de S/. 13 659 651 del cual pretendemos, con una inversión inicial de S/. 65,409.67, obtener el 1%; así como también obtener un Valor Actual Neto de S/ 191,136.38 y una TIR de 94.2% proyectados a 3 años. / It is observed how the life quality of people is affected while having to carry out a large amount of activities leaving little time to enjoy with friends or family. Also, many times it can happen that you do not have the proper skills to perform tasks at home such as plumbing, locksmith, painting, cleaning or electrician. For this reason, we have developed a new business model, which offers simplicity, safety and quality in each of its services aimed at home care, which we call Make it Easy. It's intended to reach the final customer through a close interaction with them where they can perceive positive attributes of the brand, this will mainly be through actions on social networks and activations at strategic points. On the other hand, regarding the recruitment of our technicians it is considered that this is possible through advertisements in different places such as large home improvement chains in which related services are offered or also large posters located in kiosks. It is necessary to indicate that the segment to be attended are people from socioeconomic level A and B who live in zones 6 and 7 of the city of Lima, according to the APEIM classification; which gives us a market of S /. 13 659 651 of which we intend, with an initial investment of S /. 65,409.67, obtain 1%; as well as obtaining a Net Present value of S / 191,136.38 and an internal rate of return of 94.2% projected to 3 years. / Trabajo de investigación

Shiny Application for Enrichment and Topological Pathway Analysis

Biesiada, Jacek 29 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Auxin Herbicide Effects on Glyphosate Efficacy and Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum) Yield

Smith, Chad Lee 12 August 2016 (has links)
Field, greenhouse and laboratory experiments were implemented to investigate the effects of auxin herbicides on growth and yield of cotton in glyphosate based systems. Field experiments evaluated the effect of rate and timing of dicamba or 2,4-D exposure when applied in glyphosate-resistant cotton. Increasing rates of either dicamba or 2,4-D resulted in increased injury and yield reductions. Initial injury symptomology was similar for cotton exposed at vegetative and reproductive stages. When cotton was exposed to auxin herbicides during vegetative growth, injury increased with time, while foliar injury during reproductive growth was stagnant and often decreased with time. Subsequently, the strongest correlations to yield loss and injury were from later evaluations of vegetative timings. Recovery from injury due to auxin herbicide exposure was dependent upon favorable environmental conditions; however, recovery was often superficial and masked significant yield loss. Greenhouse studies evaluated the impact of the diglycolamine dicamba salt on the movement of 14C radio-labeled potassium salt glyphosate in barnyardgrass and johnsongrass. Increasing glyphosate rate increased total absorption of glyphosate in both species. Total absorption of glyphosate was not impacted by the presence of dicamba, for either johnsongrass or barnyardgrass. Dicamba did not consistently alter the translocation of glyphosate in johnsongrass; however, dicamba did reduce glyphosate translocation in barnyardgrass. Total amount of translocated glyphosate was 2.6 to 4.6% and 3.8 to 6.8% of applied in barnyardgrass and johnsongrass, respectively. Reduced translocation in barnyardgrass was a result of increased glyphosate accumulation in the distal portion of the treated leaf. Increasing the rate of glyphosate did overcome the dicamba induced antagonism; however, altered translocation of glyphosate has been documented to be a precursor to herbicide resistance.

Konzeption und prototypische Implementierung eines benutzungsoptimierten Online Tools, zur Organisation von Trainings in Refugee Settlements in Uganda und dem Südsudan

Walthierer, Bastian 17 April 2023 (has links)
Entwicklung und Test eines Prototypen nach den Maßstäben des Usage Centered Desings (nach Constantine und Lockwood). Der Prototyp beschäftigt sich mit der Organisation / Planung von Schulungen im Kontext geflüchteter Menschen in den Ländern Südsudan und Uganda und verfolgt dabei den mobile first Ansatz. Augenmerk wird auf die Gestalung einer benutzungsoptmierten Applikation in einem kulturell fremden Kontext gelegt.:I. Einleitung A. Krieg im Südsudan und dessen Auswirkungen B. #ASKnet 1. Ziel 2. Mitglieder und Organisation C. ASKtraining II. Usage-Centered Design A. User groups B. Interviews C. Role Modeling 1. User Role 2. Focal Roles 3. User Role Map D. Task Modeling 1. Personas 2. Scenarios 3. Conventional Use Cases 4. Essential Use Cases 5. Use Case Map 6. Focal Use Case E. Interface Contents and Navigation 1. Interaction Context 2. Tools and Materials 3. Context Navigation Map 4. Funktionsumfang und Prinzipien III. Visual Design A. Sketching B. Interaktiver Prototyp 1. Design 2. Prototyping 3. Icons IV. Tests und Evaluation A. Usability Test 1. Planung des Tests 2. Ausführung des Tests B. Evaluation V. Perspektive VI. Reflexion VII. Danksagung VIII.Literaturverzeichnis IX. Abbildungsverzeichnis X. Anhang A. Fragenkatalog Interviews - erste Runde B. Zusammenfassung Interviews - erste Runde C. Fragenkatalog Interviews - zweite Runde D. Services provided by Application E. Role Model F. Personas G. Scenarios H. Conventional Use Cases I. Essential Use Cases J. Use Case Map K. Interaction Context L. Tools and Materials M. Context Navigation Map N. Sketches O. Interaktiver Prototyp P. Usability Test - Vorbereitung Q. Usability Test - Aufgaben R. Usability Test - Proband:innen S. Usability Test - Evaluation: Tabelle T. Usability Test - Evaluation: Bericht

Study on the highly reliable and secure data management system under weak ICT environment by blockchain technology / ブロックチェーン技術を用いた貧弱なICT環境下での高信頼・高セキュアデータ管理システムの研究 / ブロックチェーン ギジュツ オ モチイタ ヒンジャクナ ICT カンキョウカ デノ コウシンライ コウセキュア データ カンリ システム ノ ケンキュウ

Ragouguelaba Agoda-Koussema 22 March 2022 (has links)
本論文はブロックチェーン技術を用いた,貧弱な情報通信(ICT)環境下での高信頼なデータ管理システムの設計と実装について述べたものである.住民データ管理システムの構築において最も重要な点の一つが,データの信頼性である.データを電子化して記録するときには,特にデータの改ざんが大きな課題になる.従ってデータの改ざんが起こらないこと,少なくとも改ざんされたことを検知することが必須となる.そこで着目したのがブロックチェーン技術である.ブロックチェーンの本質は,改ざんが原理的には不可能ではないが実質的には極めて困難な追記型データベース技術である.そこでその特性を利用して,信頼性の高い住民情報管理用のデータベースを構築できると考えた. / This study investigates the design and implementation of data management system with high level reliability and security by blockchain technology. The data access environment provided by blockchain is highly secure and trustworthy. In blockchain system, some data fragments are grouped into one piece called as blocks, and all blocks are connected to create a chain of blocks in database. When blocks are connected, hash value is used to connect blocks properly. Blockchain technology enables highly secure and reliable data management system under relatively poor ICT environment. For example, developing countries such as African countries do not have sufficient ICT environment. Therefore adopting blockchain technology is suitable for such countries. Based on this consideration, we started to build data management system on the blockchain system. / 博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Nanocomposite High Displacement Strain Gauges for use in Human-Machine Interfaces: Applications in Hand Pose Determination

Calkins, Thomas B. 18 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Conductive nanocomposites are finding many uses as multi-functional materials. One recent development involves the creation of high displacement strain gauges, which have potential applications in a variety of engineering roles. The piezoresistive nature of the gauges makes possible their strain sensing capability. The intent of this research is to show that specific High Displacement Strain Gauges can successfully be used in one human-machine interface application that will demonstrate their potential for a range of other human-machine interface applications. This will be shown in the development of these sensors to accomplish hand pose determination. The flexible and inexpensive gauges are attached to several locations on a glove. It is then shown that by linking this glove with software, the position of the hand can be interpreted into the letters of the American Sign Language alphabet. This use of this nanocomposite sensor establishes the potential for future applications. Issues such as accuracy of response, cyclability, recalibration and reliability are discussed. A design of experiments is accomplished in order to evaluate the effects of modification of the gauges in order to overcome these issues. This work develops the potential of these sensors for use in human-machine interface applications such as computer games, remote controls, robotics, prosthetics and virtual reality applications.

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