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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Arbitration Clauses and the New Labor Procedure Law / Las Cláusulas Arbitrales y la Nueva Ley Procesal del Trabajo

Higa García, Alfonso 10 April 2018 (has links)
The following article offers a point of view about the arbitraje as an alternate resolution method for workplace conflicts, in this way, a more critical point of view can be developed about the possibility of the arbitraje usage regulated in the “Ley Procesal del Trabajo” which once again has been regulated in the “Nueva Ley Procesal del Trabajo”. For that purpose, the author analyzes the different points of view existing in the doctrine as well as the ones in the jurisprudence about the labour arbitration situation in the “Ley General de Arbitraje”, followed by this, it will be analyzed the regulation contained in the “Nueva Ley Procesal del Trabajo”. / El presente artículo nos brinda una visión acerca del uso del arbitraje como método de resolución de conflictos alterno en el ámbito de los conflictos laborales, así, se desarrolla una mirada crítica sobre la posibilidad del uso del arbitraje que se encontraba regulada en la Ley Procesal del Trabajo y que, nuevamente, ha sido regulada en la Nueva Ley Procesal del Trabajo. Para ello, el autor analiza las posiciones existentes tanto en la doctrina como en la jurisprudencia sobre la situación del arbitraje laboral en la Ley General de Arbitraje, luego de lo cual se analizará la regulación contenida en la Nueva Ley Procesal del Trabajo.

L'arbitrabilité des litiges de droit privé. Perspective comparatiste / Arbitrability of private law disputes. Comparative perspective

Sokolowska, Lidia 14 November 2018 (has links)
S’inscrivant dans le cadre des débats de la doctrine polonaise sur le régime de l’arbitrabilité objective et la nécessité de réviser le droit polonais de l’arbitrage, l’objectif général de la présente thèse est d’analyser la notion d’arbitrabilité au travers des solutions adoptées par les droits distinctifs de la famille romano-germanique et du système Common Law, afin d’étudier leur efficacité quant à la soumission des litiges du droit privé à l’arbitre. Suivant les tendances actuelles en arbitrage interne et international, notamment en droit français et polonais, une telle analyse des solutions législatives comparées permet de nourrir utilement les discussions sur le modèle de l’arbitrabilité.À cet égard, la présente étude cherche, en premier lieu, à vérifier l’hypothèse selon laquelle le critère polonais de l’arbitrabilité ne remplit pas son rôle, ne constituant pas un indicateur pertinent des litiges arbitrables. En deuxième lieu, elle vise à répondre à la question de savoir si, à la suite des processus de libéralisation du droit de l’arbitrage, il s’est développé un concept d’arbitrabilité « transnationale ». Enfin, confrontant le processus de libéralisation des critères d’arbitrabilité au risque de l’incertitude juridique qu’il engendre, la présente étude pose la question du besoin de redéfinition des limites de l’arbitrabilité face aux attentes de la justice privée fonctionnelle.Pour cerner la notion d’arbitrabilité sur le plan théorique, la présente étude adopte une approche descriptive, qu’incarne l’analyse stricto sensu de l’arbitrabilité, d’avant d’interroger l’application concrète de ce concept dans les différents domaines du droit, dans une perspective plus prospective. Une telle démarche permet une appréciation lato sensu de la notion d’arbitrabilité. / As part of the debates of the Polish doctrine on the arbitrability regime and the need to revise the Polish law of arbitration, the general objective of this thesis is to analyse the notion of arbitrability through the solutions adopted by the distinctive legislations of the Romano-Germanic family and the Common Law system, in order to examine their effectiveness as regards the submission of private law disputes to the arbitrator. Following the current trends in domestic and international arbitration, particularly under French and Polish law, such an analysis of comparative legislative solutions tends to enrich discussions on the arbitrability model.In this respect, the present study seeks, first, to test the hypothesis that the Polish criterion of arbitrability does not fulfill its role, not constituting a relevant indicator of arbitrable disputes. Secondly, it aims to answer the question of whether, as a result of the liberalization process of arbitration law, a concept of "transnational" arbitrability has been developed. Finally, confronting the process of liberalization of arbitrability criteria with the risk of the legal uncertainty, this study raises the question of the need of redefinition of the arbitrability limits, facing the expectations of a functional private justice.In order to define the notion of arbitrability theoretically, the present study adopts a descriptive approach, embodied by the analysis of arbitrability in the strict sense, before questioning the concrete application of this concept in the different domains of law from a more prospective perspective. Such an approach allows the analysis of the notion of arbitrability in the broad sense.

L'arbitrage commercial international et les opérations bancaires : étude à la lumière des droits syrien et égyptien / International commercial arbitration and banking operations : study in the light of Syrian and Egyptian laws

Almahmoud, Hussam 09 June 2017 (has links)
La pratique des affaires révèle le succès que connait l’arbitrage comme mode de résolution des différends. Cette forme de justice, promue par d’importantes conventions internationales et régionales, est reconnue et encouragée par de nombreuses législations nationales. Les Républiques arabes syrienne et égyptienne ne sont pas en reste. Elles se sont dotées de textes importants et modernes qui visent à assurer l’efficacité du processus arbitral et à créer un terrain favorable au développement de ce type de règlement des différends. Pourtant en dépit d’un contexte législatif favorable, les opérateurs du secteur bancaire de ces républiques sont encore réticents à recourir à cette forme de justice. Or si ce constat trouve sans doute quelques justifications s’agissant du contentieux né de la mise en œuvre d’opérations purement internes, il est plus surprenant de l’observer s’agissant d’opérations qui se déploient dans l’ordre international. L’objet de l’étude est donc de souligner les perspectives offertes par les nouveaux dispositifs. En premier lieu c’est la question de « l’accès à l’arbitrage » qui se trouve explorée. Au-delà de cette problématique première, il fallait encore examiner la manière dont ces dispositifs nationaux encadrent « la justice arbitrale » au stade de l’instance comme à celui des recours ouverts à l’encontre de la sentence / The practice of business reveals the success of arbitration as a means of resolving disputes. This form of justice, promoted by important international and regional conventions, is recognized and encouraged by many national legislations. The Syrian and Egyptian Arab Republics are not so left behind this way. They have adopted important and modern texts which aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of the arbitration process and creating a favorable environment for the development of this type of dispute settlement. Yet despite a favorable legislative context, banking operators in these republics are still reluctant to resort to this form of justice. Although this resume may be justified in the case of disputes arising from the implementation of so purely internal operations, it is surprising to observe it in the case of operations which are deployed in the international order. The object of the study is therefore to highlight the prospects offered by the new legal provisions. At first, the question of "access to arbitration" is explored. Going beyond this first problem, it was still necessary to examine the way in which these national provisions frame "arbitral justice" at the stage of the proceedings as well as at the level of appeals available against the award

Enforceability of arbitral awards containing interest : a comparative study between Sharia law and positive laws

Althabity, Mohammad M. January 2016 (has links)
The dynamics of our globalised world open the way for international trade and transactions between different countries; this may lead to conflicts in laws where transactions and trade may be subject to different legal systems. One of the biggest issues in international commercial law is disputes over the charging of interest, for example with regard to late payment, interest-based loans, or compensation for damages. Interest disputes are considered to be a complex area of law and even more complex in the international field. At the international level, interest claims may be connected to many areas of commerce and thus governed by various laws, which are different from one country to another; moreover, each country has its own interest rate and such rates are changeable according to the nature of law and economics under some jurisdictions. Furthermore, the concept of interest itself is affected by influences such as religious beliefs and economic, political and cultural trends. Interest can be treated as a substantive or a procedural matter. The settlement of these disputes therefore faces difficulties. Arbitration, as a method for settlement of disputes, is characterised by special features that assist in resolving these issues; but it faces some obstructions, especially in international commercial arbitration. The practices of arbitral tribunals and national courts in this regard are different. The results of different interpretations, approaches, and theories with regard to arbitration, at the pre-arbitration, during arbitration and post-arbitration stages, may also differ widely due to the diversity of financial and legal systems such as Common Law, Civil Law and the Islamic legal system – Sharia Law – across different countries. Each legal system has a different methodology and theories, even within an individual country under one legal system, and a state within a federal system has its own laws, which may have different interpretations in this respect. The New York Convention of 1958 on enforcing foreign arbitral awards was established in favour of arbitral awards and for the purpose of unifying international rules of arbitration. This Convention provides some procedural and substantive rules for the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards, but also provides some grounds for refusal. These rules have been affected by different interpretations under different jurisdictions and legal systems, which lead to different perspectives on the matter of charging interest and settlement by arbitration. The outcome of applying the NYC under these interpretations often has the opposite of its intended effect: the rejection of foreign arbitral awards. Due to such ambiguities, courts occasionally intervene in arbitration in all its stages. The interventions of national courts occur in three stages: enforcement of the arbitration agreement, enforcement of the contract under the applicable law to the agreement, and enforcement of the foreign arbitral award. The confusion between substantive and procedural laws also creates confusion with respect to public policy, non-arbitrability and enforceability. In addition, there may be a lack of clarity on the scope of arbitration with respect to the parties’ agreement, whether or not the parties have agreed to the interest rates and periods and whether or not they have agreed to the authority of the arbitrator. These issues affect the enforceability of an arbitration agreement, the law applicable to the disputed contract, the freedom of parties, the authority of the arbitrators and the enforceability of the awarded interest. The thesis studies how arbitral awards containing interest have been interpreted across the three aforementioned legal systems under the NYC 1958 in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE, England, France, and the US and the enforceability of such awards.

International Commercial Arbitration and Money Laundering : Problems that arise and how they should be resolved

Hedberg, Christoffer Coello January 2016 (has links)
Abstract  This thesis is concerned with examining the intersection between the areas of international commercial arbitration and money laundering. There are various points of connectivity between the two and the aim of this thesis is to discern how an arbitrator should conduct arbitral proceedings involving money laundering. For this purpose, a few selected topics have been examined. The practical challenges arising out of these topics, as well as the tools available to arbitrators to face them have been analysed in turn. After a brief inquiry into the nature of international commercial arbitration, money laundering and the ways that they come together, the topics of jurisdiction, the norms applicable to the substance of the dispute, and matters of evidence are subject to discussion. In studying these topics, a recurring theme, which goes to the very heart of the intersection between the seemingly odd areas of international commercial arbitration and money laundering, is discernible. In practically all of the challenges that an arbitrator will face when adjudicating a dispute involving money laundering a conflict of interest between the pivotal principle of party autonomy and other interests will arise. These interests originate from the public policy concerns vested in countering money laundering and the criminal law nature of this phenomenon. The tools which the arbitrator deem to be applicable as well as the conduct that he might choose in regards to the topics discussed, very much depend on his perception of the role that international arbitrators ought to assume in this conflict. Keeping these conceptual building blocks in mind the author, whilst examining the relevant legal instrument, case law and legal commentary, reaches the conclusion that arbitral tribunals ought to claim jurisdiction over disputes arising out of contracts tainted by money laundering in the majority of cases. The author also reaches the conclusion that there are other norms than the lex contractus that can be applied to the substance of the dispute and that the willingness to apply them will depend on the attitude of the arbitrator. Similarly, the arbitrator could, and arguably should, investigate the issue of money laundering of his own accord, albeit with a few important reservations. The rules of evidence, especially those of the burden of proof and standard of proof, should be tailored to reflect the nature of the complex offence of money laundering. Finally, the eventual possibility for an international arbitrator to report suspicions of money laundering is touched upon.

L'arbitrage impliquant les personnes publiques : tendances et perspectives

Pierre, Jeanet 03 1900 (has links)
Cette étude aborde la problématique de la participation des personnes morales de droit public à l’arbitrage à l’occasion des litiges relatifs aux relations qu’elles entretiennent avec les personnes privées étrangères. Par opportunisme économique, un certain nombre de pays développés et en développement se montrent tout à fait favorables à ce que l’État se soumette au contentieux arbitral. Dans d’autres pays, tels qu’en Amérique latine et dans le monde arabe, il se manifeste des tendances nettement hostiles gravitant entre l’interdiction totale et une adhésion conditionnelle de l’État à l’arbitrage. Deux écoles s’affrontent, celle des privatistes qui considèrent l’arbitre international comme le juge naturel du milieu des affaires, face à celle des étatistes qui postulent que les juridictions étatiques demeurent les seules habiles à connaitre souverainement des litiges opposants les personnes publiques à leur interlocuteur privé. Les raisons qui sous-tendent l’assouplissement de certains gouvernements vers un élan libéral de l’arbitrage en droit public, résultent du phénomène globalisant de l’économie qui tend à réduire à néant les règles internes des États dans le cadre du nouvel ordre économique mondial. Par contre, les conséquences sociales, financières et juridiques des sentences arbitrales portent certains gouvernements à adopter une position réfractaire à l’arbitrage mettant en cause les entités publiques. Ils brandissent le droit à l’autodétermination des peuples pour éviter le bradage de leurs ressources au détriment des droits économiques, sociaux et culturels de leurs populations, et ce, en dépit du fait que l’investissement direct étranger joue un rôle considérable dans le développement des pays en émergence. Notre défi ultime dans ce travail est d’explorer les diverses avenues permettant d’atteindre un juste équilibre entre les intérêts publics et la protection des investissements privés. Ceci exige un changement de paradigme qui prendra en compte les dimensions plurielles que constitue le contentieux investisseurs-États. / This study investigates the difficulties that arise when legal disputes between public bodies and foreign private entities are resolved through arbitration. For economic expediency, some Western states and developing countries are quite open to the idea of resolving legal disputes by submitting to arbitration proceedings. Other countries, such as Latin America and the Arab world, have a clearly hostile approach to state participation in arbitration proceedings, ranging from total prohibition to conditional submission. There is a clash between two schools of thought: the privatist approach that considers international arbitration to be the business community’s natural forum, as opposed to the statist approach according to which only state courts are qualified to consider legal disputes between public bodies and private entities. The underlying reasons for the increased flexibility of certain governments in favor of a liberal move towards public law arbitration are a result of the globalizing effect of the economy, which tends to decimate domestic state laws within the framework of the new global economic order. On the other hand, the social, financial and legal consequences of arbitration awards render some governments resistant to arbitration involving public entities. They brandish the right to self-determination of peoples to guard against the depletion of their resources to the detriment of the economic, social and cultural rights of their populations. This is despite the fact that foreign direct investment plays a considerable role in the development of emerging countries. The ultimate aim of this study is to explore different avenues for striking a fair balance between public interests and the protection of private investments. This requires a paradigmatic change so as to take into account the multiple dimensions of legal disputes between the state and investors.

Arbitrabilidade nos contratos com a administração pública / Arbitrability into the agreements involving the public administration

Skitnevsky, Karin Hlavnicka 13 October 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:28:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Karin Hlavnicka Skitnevsky.pdf: 746097 bytes, checksum: 8dd39f91cada64da7ab37da92fe1afaa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-10-13 / The following work concerns about arbitrability as a limitation of the institute of arbitration, as far as a national and international context are concerned, as well as discuss about the possibility of Public Administration enter into agreements with arbitral clauses and ultimately to take part into this institute of private law. Initially, it introduces the concept of arbitration and a brief out-line of said institute, intending to comprehend its origins, its development jointly with the process of globalization and the institute before and after the Brazilian Law of Arbitration n. 9.307/96, as well as the international conventions ratified by Brazil and the historical background of arbitration into the agreements involving the Public Administration. After we present the arbitrability concept and the limitations, as the public policy and the applicable principles and the method of utilization of such technique in countries such as United States, Switzerland and France and also the limits and application of arbitrability in accordance with Brazilian Arbitration Law. Nevertheless and furthermore, by means of an expository manner, to demonstrate as being possible the inclusion of arbitrability provisions in the public agreements and the possibility the State to become participant party in either international and nationals arbitrations, as well as existing limitations in the Brazilian Constitution and in the general principles of public law, and finally an analysis of the Public Administration legislation as to wether expressly or not set-forth the acceptability and usage of arbitration / O presente trabalho tem por escopo demonstrar a arbitrabilidade como um limite ao instituto da arbitragem no âmbito nacional e internacional, assim como discutir sobre a possibilidade da Administração Pública firmar contratos contendo cláusula arbitral e se submeter a esse instituto de direito privado. Inicialmente, apresenta o conceito de arbitragem e um breve histórico para que se entenda as origens do instituto e o desenvolvimento da arbitragem no âmbito da globalização, bem como no direito brasileiro, antes e depois da Lei n. 9.307/96. Analisamos também as convenções internacionais ratificadas pelo Brasil e um histórico da arbitragem nos contratos com a Administração Pública. Discorre após, sobre o conceito de arbitrabilidade e suas limitações, como a ordem pública, os princípios aplicados e a forma de utilização da arbitrabilidade em países como os Estados Unidos, a Suíça e a França, e ainda a questão da arbitrabilidade na lei brasileira, apresentando seus limites e aplicações. Não obstante e na seqüência, busca entender a arbitrabilidade nos contratos administrativos, com o objetivo de demonstrar a possibilidade de o Estado participar em arbitragens internacionais e nacionais, assim como as limitações que decorrem da Constituição e dos princípios de direito público, e por fim, analisa as legislações referentes à Administração Pública que possibilitam expressamente ou não o uso da arbitragem

Meios alternativos na resolução de conflitos de interesses transindividuais / Alternative dispute resolution for collective rights

Merçon-Vargas, Sarah 29 March 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho destina-se a examinar as perspectivas ao uso de meios extrajudiciais de resolução de conflitos para a composição de conflitos coletivos no Brasil. Para tanto, serão analisadas as principais características da negociação, mediação, conciliação e arbitragem, identificados os requisitos de admissibilidade para o uso de tais técnicas e explicitados os elementos a serem considerados no exame de adequação do uso de meios extrajudiciais. Além disso, serão examinadas as principais características dos direitos difusos, coletivos stricto sensu e individuais homogêneos, assim como as regras processuais pertinentes à legitimação e coisa julgada no processo coletivo. Mais adiante, o presente trabalho tentará sistematizar hipóteses sobre o cabimento e sobre a adequação das técnicas extrajudiciais para a resolução de conflitos que envolvem direitos coletivos. Ao final, será possível concluir que tais direitos podem e devem ser resolvidos por meio de técnicas extrajudiciais, em especial por meio da negociação, da conciliação e da arbitragem. / The following work aims at examining prospects in the use of alternative dispute resolution techniques in Brazilian class actions. To this end, it will, at first, analyze negotiation, mediation, conciliation and arbitration main characteristics. Also, admission criteria for each of these dispute resolution techniques will be identified and the elements that should be considered for the adequacy exam will be outlined. Further on, the three kinds of Brazilian class action and the main characteristics of each class procedures will be examined, with special concern to procedure laws pertaining legitimacy and res judicata. Moreover, the paper will systematically study the hypothesis in which extrajudicial conflict resolution techniques may be applied and the adequacy of their use in cases encompassing collective rights. Finally, in its conclusion, it will be demonstrated that extrajudicial techniques can be used to solve conflicts involving collective rights, mainly through negotiation, conciliation and arbitration.

Arbitration in administrative contracts : comparative law perspective / L’arbitrage en matière de contentieux des contrats administratifs : dans une perspective comparée

Lin, Ching-Lang 30 June 2014 (has links)
Il a été longuement discuté de savoir si le système d'arbitrage est applicable pour régler les litiges administratifs qui concernent certains contrats administratifs ou d’autres sans rapport avec le contrat administratif. Dans cette thèse, les trois questions spécifiques sont analysées tour à tour : (1) Est-il possible pour un arbitre ou un tribunal arbitral de trancher des questions relevant du droit administratif? (2) Y a-t-il, ou devrait-il y avoir, des limitations à l'autorité des arbitres et des tribunaux arbitraux? (3) Enfin, après la délivrance d'une sentence arbitrale, quel rôle devrait jouer l'État dans la phase de contrôle judiciaire? La première question concerne l'arbitrabilité et a été discutée dans la première partie (FIRST PART: ARBITRABILITY). La deuxième question a été discutée dans la deuxième partie (SECOND PART: PARTICULAR QUESTIONS OF ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS IN ARBITRATION PROCEDURE). Enfin, sur la dernière question a fait l’objet d’une troisième partie (THIRD PART: JUDICIAL REVIEW AND EXECUTION OF ARBITRATION AWARD). Dans cette thèse, nous avons comparé les systèmes de quatre pays (Canada, Chine, France, Taïwan). En conclusion, nous pouvons donc conclure que l’évolution de la conception du contrat administratif implique de nombreux aspects, y compris les aspects juridiques, économiques, politiques et même culturels. Le développement de la fonction de contentieux administratif, comme ‘’subjectivement orienté" ou "objectivement orienté" aura une incidence sur l'acceptation de l'arbitrage en matière administrative. Dans l'ensemble, l'arbitrage sera plus acceptable dans les systèmes dont la fonction est plus ‘’subjectivement orientée" que dans ceux dont la fonction est "objectivement orientée". / While arbitration has traditionally been considered as a means to resolve private disputes, its role in disputes involving administrative contracts is a crucial question in administrative law. In brief, the three specific questions are (1) Can arbitrators or arbitral tribunals decide issues involving administrative law? and (2) Is there, or should there be, any limitation on the authority of arbitrators or arbitral tribunals? (3) Moreover, after the issue of an arbitration award, what role should the State play in the judicial review phase? The first question, the issue of arbitrability, is discussed in part 1 (FIRST PART: ARBITRABILITY). The second question will be discussed in part2 (SECOND PART: PARTICULAR QUESTIONS OF ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS IN ARBITRATION PROCEDURE). Finally, on the question of what happens after the arbitration award, we will discuss judicial review in part 3 (THIRD PART: JUDICIAL REVIEW AND EXECUTION OF ARBITRATION AWARD). We compare legal systems between the four countries: in France, in Canada, in China and in Taiwan. We believe that an administrative contract, at least in its function and conception, is gradually becoming different from a private contract. Innovation with respect to administrative contracts will also reflect the concentration and function of the administrative litigation systems in each country. In addition, the “objective” or “subjective” function of administrative litigation will also affect the degree of arbitrability, as well as arbitration procedures. Taken together, arbitration will be more acceptable in systems whose function is more “subjectively oriented” than in those whose function is “objectively oriented". Finally, “the arbitration of administrative matters” traditionally has been an important question in administrative and arbitration law. In the future, we will continue to see it shine in the doctrine and jurisprudence of both the administrative and arbitration law fields.

Meios alternativos na resolução de conflitos de interesses transindividuais / Alternative dispute resolution for collective rights

Sarah Merçon-Vargas 29 March 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho destina-se a examinar as perspectivas ao uso de meios extrajudiciais de resolução de conflitos para a composição de conflitos coletivos no Brasil. Para tanto, serão analisadas as principais características da negociação, mediação, conciliação e arbitragem, identificados os requisitos de admissibilidade para o uso de tais técnicas e explicitados os elementos a serem considerados no exame de adequação do uso de meios extrajudiciais. Além disso, serão examinadas as principais características dos direitos difusos, coletivos stricto sensu e individuais homogêneos, assim como as regras processuais pertinentes à legitimação e coisa julgada no processo coletivo. Mais adiante, o presente trabalho tentará sistematizar hipóteses sobre o cabimento e sobre a adequação das técnicas extrajudiciais para a resolução de conflitos que envolvem direitos coletivos. Ao final, será possível concluir que tais direitos podem e devem ser resolvidos por meio de técnicas extrajudiciais, em especial por meio da negociação, da conciliação e da arbitragem. / The following work aims at examining prospects in the use of alternative dispute resolution techniques in Brazilian class actions. To this end, it will, at first, analyze negotiation, mediation, conciliation and arbitration main characteristics. Also, admission criteria for each of these dispute resolution techniques will be identified and the elements that should be considered for the adequacy exam will be outlined. Further on, the three kinds of Brazilian class action and the main characteristics of each class procedures will be examined, with special concern to procedure laws pertaining legitimacy and res judicata. Moreover, the paper will systematically study the hypothesis in which extrajudicial conflict resolution techniques may be applied and the adequacy of their use in cases encompassing collective rights. Finally, in its conclusion, it will be demonstrated that extrajudicial techniques can be used to solve conflicts involving collective rights, mainly through negotiation, conciliation and arbitration.

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