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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement d'une méthode originale pour l'évaluation de l'activité virucide des antiseptiques - désinfectants : détermination du pouvoir antiseptique de calixarènes sur le coronavirus Humain / Development of an original method for antiviral antiseptic-disinfectant activity evaluation : determination of antiseptic properties of calixarenic compounds on the Human coronavirus 229E

Geller, Chloé 13 July 2010 (has links)
Une antisepsie-désinfection (ATS-D) efficace est fondamentale si l'on considère le manque de traitements antiviraux spécifiques, l'émergence de nouveaux virus et l'accroissement du nombre d'infections nosocomiales virales. A ce jour, une seule norme Européenne, la norme NF EN 14476+A1, propose un cadre pour évaluer l'activité ATS-D antivirale en médecine Humaine et certaines améliorations sont encore nécessaires.Dans ce but, nous avons développé et validé, biologiquement et physico-chimiquement, un protocole pour évaluer l'activité ATS-D antivirale. Ce dernier est basé sur une méthode originale de filtration sur gel faisant appel à des colonnes de Séphadex™ G-25 et G-10 de notre conception comme moyen de neutralisation. Nous avons ainsi évalué, sur le coronavirus Humain 229E (HCoV 229E), les activités ATS-D de deux molécules de référence, la chlorhexidine (CHX) et l'hexamidine (HXM), ainsi que de deux calixarènes : le tetra-para-sulfonato-calix[4]arène (C[4]S) et le 1,3-bis(bithiazolyl)-tetra-para-sulfonato-calix[4]arène (C[4]S-BTZ). Selon la norme Européenne, pour qu'une formulation puisse prétendre à une activité ATS-D antivirale, il faut qu'elle induise une diminution de 4 log10 dans les titres viraux. L'HXM et le C[4]S n'ont montré qu'une très faible activité vis à vis du HCoV 229E. La CHX a montré quant à elle une activité beaucoup plus intéressante bien qu'elle ne puisse néanmoins pas prétendre à une activité ATS sur le HCoV 229E. Enfin, le C[4]S-BTZ a montré une activité comparable, voire meilleure, que la CHX. Son activité s'est en effet avérée plus rapide, rémanente et dénuée de cytotoxicité, contrairement à la CHX / Efficient antisepsis-disinfection is fundamental, considering the lack in antiviral treatments, the emergence of new viruses and the raising of viral nosocomial infections. Only one European Standard (NF EN 14476 + A1) proposes a frame to evaluate antiseptic antiviral activity in Human medicine and some improvements are still needed. We thus developed and validated, biologically and physico-chemically, a virucidal assay based on an original gel filtration method, using “in-house” G-25 and G-10 Sephadex™ columns, as neutralization method. We evaluated, on the Human coronavirus 229E (HCoV 229E), the antiseptic activity of two reference molecules, chlorhexidine (CHX) and hexamidine (HXM), and of two new potent antiviral drugs: the tetra-para-sulfonatocalix[4]arene (C[4]S) and the 1,3-bis(bithiazolyl)-tetra-para-sulfonato calix[4]arene (C[4]S-BTZ). A 4 log10 reduction in viral titers is required, according to the European Standard.HXM and C[4]S showed almost no activity on the HCoV 229E. Considering the CHX, it showed a quite interesting activity, even if it did not reach the threshold to pretend to an antiseptic activity on the HCoV 229E. Finally, The C[4]S-BTZ showed a comparable activity to the CHX, and even better. Thanks to this original method, we could highlight a new interesting molecule, the C[4]S-BTZ, which showed a close activity to the CHX, but faster, residual and exempt of cytotoxicity, whereas chlorhexidine did

Synthèse, fonctionnalisation et étude conformationnelle de calixarènes comportant 7, 9, 10 et 12 unités / Synthesis, fonctionnalisation and conformational studies of p-tert-butylcalix[7, 9, 10 and 12]arenes

Ferchichi, Mouna 27 May 2011 (has links)
Le travail de cette thèse a permis tout d’abord d’aboutir à un protocole simplifié pour la synthèse des p-tert-butylcalix[7] et [9]arènes, composés jusqu’à lors difficilement préparables. Ces macrocycles ont été obtenus en grosse quantité, de l’ordre de la dizaine de gramme. Il faut également noter que cette synthèse sur grande échelle permet d’obtenir les p-tert-butylcalix[10] et [12]arènes avec des rendements modestes mais une simplicité remarquable. A partir de ces calixarènes, deux voies principales de per-fonctionnalisation ont été mises en oeuvre : La réaction de Williamson, consistant à former des éthers, et l’estérification via l’utilisation d’anhydrides. Au total, ce sont 10 nouveaux calixarènes fonctionnalisés qui ont été obtenus. Le comportement dynamique et conformationnel des calix[9]arènes originaux a été évalué en solution et à l’état solide. Dans le cas où cela a été possible, la détermination des constantes de vitesse et d’énergie libre des mouvements conformationnels a montré que ces calix[9]arènes fonctionnalisés étaient très mobiles. En outre, trois nouvelles structures RX ont été obtenues et ont confirmé que ces macrocycles adoptaient une conformation désordonnée. En l’état, ces nouveaux calixarènes ne sont pas des candidats de choix pour devenir des hôtes moléculaires efficaces. Toutefois, ce travail a permis d’améliorer nos connaissances sur des structures dérivées de p-tert-butylcalix[n]arènes (n = 7, 9, 10 et 12) peu étudiés jusqu’à présent / The work of this thesis allowed to propose a simplified procedure for the synthesis of p-tertbutylcalix[ 7] and [9]arenes, which were hardly synthesizable until now. Those macrocycles were obtained in a large amount, about a dozen of grams. It’s important to emphasize that this large scale synthesis allow to obtain the p-tert-butylcalix[10] and [12]arenes with moderate yields but in a straight and simple procedure. From these calixarenes, two main ways of per-functionalization were attempted: Williamson reaction, consisting in forming ethers and esterification by using anhydrides. Totally, 10 new functionalized calixarenes were obtained. Their dynamic and conformational behaviors in solution as well as in the solid state were explored. The determination of the rate constants and of the free energy barrier of the conformational motion has shown that those compounds were mobile. Moreover, three original X-Ray structures were obtained and have revealed that those macrocycles adopted a disordered conformation. At this point, those new calixarenes are not well designed to act as efficient molecular host. However, this work allowed to improve our knowledges on structures made from the p-tert-butylcalix[n]arene (n = 7, 9, 10 and 12), a skeleton rarely described and studied up to now

Diaryliodonium Salts : Development of Synthetic Methodologies and α-Arylation of Enolates

Bielawski, Marcin January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes novel reaction protocols for the synthesis of diaryliodonium salts and also provides an insight to the mechanism of α-arylation of carbonyl compounds with diaryliodonium salts.  The first chapter gives a general introduction to the field of hypervalent iodine chemistry, mainly focusing on recent developments and applications of diaryliodonium salts. Chapter two describes the synthesis of electron-rich to electron-poor diaryliodonium triflates, in moderate to excellent yields from a range of arenes and iodoarenes. In chapter three, it is described that molecular iodine can be used together with arenes in a direct one-pot, three-step synthesis of symmetric diaryliodonium triflates. A large scale synthesis of bis(4-tert-butylphenyl)iodonium triflate is also described, controlled and verified by an external research group, further demonstrating the reliability of this methodology. The fourth chapter describes the development of a sequential one-pot synthesis of diaryliodonium salts from aryl iodides and boronic acids, furnishing symmetric and unsymmetric, electron-rich to electron-poor diaryliodonium tetrafluoroborates in moderate to excellent yields. This method was developed to overcome the regiochemical limitations imposed by the reaction mechanism in the protocols described in the preceding chapters. Chapter five describes a one-pot synthesis of heteroaromatic iodonium salts under similar conditions described in chapter two. The final chapter describes the reaction of enolates with chiral diaryliodonium salts or together with a phase transfer catalyst yielding racemic products. DFT calculations were performed, which revealed a low lying energy transition state (TS) between intermediates, which is believed to be responsible for the lack of selectivity observed in the experimental work. It is also proposed that a [2,3] rearrangement is preferred over a [1,2] rearrangement in the α-arylation of carbonyl compounds. The synthetic methodology described in this thesis is the most generally applicable, efficient and high-yielding to date for the synthesis of diaryliodonium salts, making these reagents readily available for various applications in synthesis.

Calix[4]arènes chiraux contenant des groupes phosphine comme ligands pour la catalyse / Chiral phosphorus containing calix[4]arenes for asymmetric catalysis

Karpus, Andrii 24 January 2017 (has links)
La thèse est consacrée à la développement de méthodes efficaces pour la synthèse d'une nouvelle classe d'intrinsèquement chiral calix[4]arènes contenant du phosphore, phosphines et acides phosphoriques avec une certaine disposition mutuelle des groupes fonctionnels sur le bord inférieur du macrocycle, avec un potentiel activité catalytique. La façon optimale fot la synthèse de calix[4]arènes contenant du phosphore par la substitution progressive des hydroxyles phénoliques a été développé afin de concevoir des intrinsèquement chiral calix[4]arènes avec des types de remplacement ABHH et ABCH au bord inférieur du macrocycle. En utilisant ces techniques, la synthèse de la six catalyseurs et efficaces avec chiralité planaire a été réalisée. En utilisant des études de diffraction des rayons X a permis d'étudier la localisation spatiale des groupes fonctionnels. L'utilisation de la réaction de Mitsunobu autorisé à fournir une synthèse de la nouvelle "poche" -comme ligands - calix[4]arènes portant des fragments ferrocényle-phosphines chirales. L'efficacité des nouveaux ligands phosphine synthétisés a été confirmé par l'exemple du modèle de réaction Tsuji-Trost. intéressante dépendance du niveau de sélectivité de la taille du cation de métal de base ajoutée, en raison de l'effet de ligand de chélation du supramoléculaire a été observée. Calix[4]arènes acides phosphoriques a d'abord été appliqués comme organocatalyseurs la série de réactions modèles: aza-Diels-Alder, aza-Mukayiama réaction asymétrique et réaction d'ouverture d'époxydes anneau. Il a été constaté que la plupart des composés synthétisés présentent un degré notable de activitydue catalytique à des caractéristiques de chiralité interne. / The thesis is devoted to the developing of effective methods for the synthesis of new class of inherently chiral phosphorus-containing calix[4]arenes, phosphines and phosphoric acids with a certain mutual arrangement of functional groups on the lower rim of the macrocycle, with potential catalytic activity. The optimal way fot the synthesis of phosphorus-containing calix[4]arenes by the stepwise substitution of the phenolic hydroxyls was developed in order to design inherently chiral calix[4]arenes with ABHH and ABCH replacement types at the lower rim of the macrocycle. By using these techniques, synthesis of six analogues of known and effective catalysts with planar chirality was performed. Using X-ray diffraction studies allowed to investigate spatial location of functional groups. Using of Mitsunobu reaction allowed to provide synthesis of the new "pocket"-like ligands - calix[4]arenes bearing chiral ferrocenyl-phosphines moieties. The effectiveness of the synthesized new phosphine ligands was confirmed by the example of the model Tsuji-Trost reaction. Interesting dependence of the selectivity level on the metal cation size of added base, due to chelation effect of supramolecular ligand was observed. Calix[4]arenes phosphoric acids was first applied as organocatalysts the series of model reactions: aza-Diels-Alder reaction, aza-Mukaiyama asymmetric reaction and epoxides ring opening reaction. It was found that most of the synthesized compounds exhibit a noticeable level of catalytic activitydue to features of internal chirality.

Physico-Chemical Characterisation of Chloride Transmembrane Transport using Calix[6]arene-based Receptors

Grauwels, Glenn 20 August 2020 (has links) (PDF)
The development of synthetic molecular receptors that can selectively bind anions, translocate them through a lipidic bilayer membrane and release them on the other side is a very topical and emerging field of supramolecular chemistry, warranted by the biological importance of transmembrane anion transport.The first part of this thesis is devoted to the study of the transmembrane transport of chloride and of the organic ion pair propylammonium chloride with calix[6]arene receptors functionalized with three (thio)urea arms on their small rim. The transport of chloride across the lipid bilayer of liposomes was monitored by fluorescence spectroscopy using the lucigenin assay. We report the first example of calix[6]arenes able to act as mobile carrier for the transport of chloride via a Cl-/NO3- antiport. We furthermore show that our calixarene systems are able to perform the cotransport of propylammonium chloride, with the chloride bound at the level of the (thio)urea groups and the ammonium included in the calixarene cavity. To provide direct proof of cotransport, we developed a 1H NMR methodology involving a thulium- complex shift reagent with which we were able to distinguish the signals of the ammonium transported inside the liposomes from those of the external ammonium. We also highlight the role of the complexing calixarene cavity for the cotransport by comparing the calixarenes to known transporters deprived of a cavity. The transmembrane transport organic ion pairs could find applications in the transport of biologically relevant ammonium compounds such as catecholamines and amino acids. Our results are reported in the publication “Repositioning Chloride Transmembrane Transporters: Transport of Organic Ion Pairs” Grauwels, G. Valkenier, H. Davis, A. P. Jabin, I. Bartik, K. Angew. Chemie - Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 6921–6925.The second part of this thesis is devoted to the study of binding of chloride to receptors embedded in a lipid membrane, the first step of the transmembrane transport process. Both 1H and 31P NMR spectroscopy proved to be inadequate to study the binding using liposomes or micelles as model membranes. With liposomes, the NMR signals are too broad to be exploited and in the case of micelles, the competition between the lipid headgroups and chloride made it impossible to obtain a NMR signature which unambiguously characterizes chloride binding. The 35Cl NMR signal is on the other hand strongly affected by the presence of anion receptors, both in organic solvents and when incorporated lipid bilayers. We developed a methodology to evaluate the binding of chloride, based on the monitoring of the chloride linewidth during titration experiments. A linear relationship between the linewidth and the concentration of receptors is observed and the slopes can be exploited to compare the binding strengths of different structurally related receptors. We show that 35/37Cl NMR is a versatile tool which can help in the understanding and development of new transporters by providing new insights of the physicochemical understanding of the transport process. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Sustainable Strategies for Site-Selective C−VC Bond Formations through Direct C−H Bond Functionalizations / Nachhaltige Strategien zur Selektiven C−VC Bindungsknüpfung durch C−H Bindungsfunktionalisierung

Fenner, Sabine 25 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Action et contrôle des leucotoxines de Staphylococcus aureus sur les cellules cibles / Effect and control of Staphylococcus aureus leukotoxins on target cells

Tawk, Mira 07 July 2014 (has links)
La γ-hémolysine HlgC/HlgB et la leucocidine de Panton et Valentine (LPV) sont deux toxines formant des pores de la famille des leucotoxines bipartites (formées de deux sous-unités de classe S et F) sécrétées par S. aureus qui ciblent directement les polynucléaires neutrophiles humains (hPNNs) et qui augmentent le pouvoir pathogène de la bactérie. Ces leucotoxines sont également capables de cibler d’autres types cellulaires comme les neurones en grain du cervelet de rat et les DRG. D’abord, le composé de classe S de ces leucotoxines se fixe à un récepteur membranaire, le C5aR. Des substitutions en Alanine par mutagénèse dirigée ont permis la caractérisation d’un cluster d’acides aminés essentiels pour la fixation de LukS-PV à C5aR, localisé sur 2 boucles du domaine « Rim ». Puis, suite à la fixation de la sous-unité de classe F, HlgC/HlgB et la LPV semblent être internalisées, permettant une augmentation de la [Ca2+]i. Malgré les grandes similarités entre ces deux leucotoxines les sous-unités de classe F permettent à chaque leucotoxine d’activer des voies calciques différentes. Des dérivés du para-sulfonate-calix[4]arène ont un effet inhibiteur de ces toxines et pourraient montrer un potentiel à être utilisés comme auxiliaires aux antibiothérapies. / The γ-hemolysin HlgC/HlgB and the Panton and Valentine leukocidin (PVL) are two pore-forming toxins of the family of bicomponent leukotoxins secreted by S. aureus that directly target human neutrophils (hPNNs) and increase the pathogenicity of the bacteria. These leukotoxins also are capable of targeting other cell types such as rat cerebellar granular neurons and DRG. First, the compound of the class S binds to a membrane receptor, C5aR. Alanine-scanning mutagenesis allowed the characterization of a cluster of amino acids localized on two loops of the “Rim” domain essential for LukS-PV binding to C5aR. Then, after the class F subunit binding, HlgC/HlgB and PVL appear to be internalized, allowing an increase in [Ca2+]i. Despite the similarities between these two subunits, the class F component allows each leukotoxin to activate different pathways. Derivatives of para-sulfonato-calix[4]arene have an inhibitory effect on these toxins and may offer a potential to be used as auxiliary to antibiotherapy.

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