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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategic change management in the South African National Defence Force

Veldtman, Sazi Livingston January 2018 (has links)
This study investigated strategic change management in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) during the period 1994 until 2014. Theoretical perspectives on strategic management, institutional culture, leadership and strategic change management in the SANDF were discussed. In addition, a historical perspective on the evolution of South African military culture was given. The study found that a transactional leadership approach was used to transform the SANDF. This transactional leadership approach is commensurate with the preservation of the status quo without radically transforming the institution. On the contrary, the transactional leadership approach fits in well in transforming an institution with a view to bring about a new composite institutional culture, drawn from the integrated institutions. The strategic change management as applied in the SANDF has not succeeded in creating a unified inclusive military culture of the seven former armed forces, from 1994 until 2014. The research has also shown that the institutional culture of the SANDF does not reflect the shared assumptions, beliefs and values of all integrated armed forces. However, the study concluded that transformation in the SANDF as a planned strategic change intervention has not been managed adequately between 1994 and 2014, to achieve the desired results. / Public Administration / D. P. L.

The history, role and influence of the South African military chaplaincy, 1914-2002

Van Niekerk, Brand 11 1900 (has links)
The work of the South African chaplains during the First World War was of an extremely high standard. The postwar military failed to recognise this contribution. In the 1920s and early 1930s the chaplaincy was allocated an inferior position within the military. It was only in 1938 that the first chaplains were appointed in the Permanent Force. During the Second World War the unwillingness of the UDF hierarchy to appoint a single chaplain as the head of a Chaplains' Branch influenced the ministry negatively. Inter-denominational issues were resolved on a basis of consensus amongst Principal Chaplains who were granted very little executive power. The establishment of the SA Corps of Chaplains in 1946 confirmed the permanency of the chaplaincy within the UDF. The appointment of the first Deputy Chaplain General in 1949 did much to ensure effective ministry. The discontinuation of this post in 1954 had a detrimental effect on the chaplaincy. With the establishment of the Department of Physical and Spiritual Welfare in 1966 no clear cut division was made between the responsibility for spiritual (pastoral) care and physical care (social welfare). This anomaly was rectified in 1968 when an independent directorate for the chaplaincy was created and in 1970 when a Chaplain General was appointed. The chaplaincy in South West Africa grew from a single chaplain at Walvis Bay in 1963 to an immense organisation with hundreds of chaplains. In 1980 the SWATF Chaplain Service was formed under command of its own director. The presence of SADF/SWATF chaplains in South West Africa ceased in 1989 with the implementation of UN Resolution 435. The 1990s was a decade of great transition and turmoil for the Chaplain Service. In 1994 the military chaplaincies of the TBVC countries, as well as members from MK and APLA, were integrated into the Chaplain Service. The implementation of the transformation policy of the Department of Defence resulted in the Chaplain Service becoming more representative of the communities it serves. / Theology / D. Th. (Theology)

ETIKA PRO PŘIZNÁNÍ VÝSLUHOVÝCH NÁLEŽITOSTÍ PŘÍSLUŠNÍKŮ OZBROJENÝCH SIL A BEZPEČNOSTNÍCH SBORŮ V DEMOKRATICKÉM POLITICKÉM SYSTÉMU / The ethics for the granting of discharged requirements of the armed forces and security corps in the political democratic system.

REMIŠ, Filip January 2014 (has links)
Members in the service employment to the armed forces and the security corps are currently in the States of the European Union and NATO considered as the special separate category of the State administration staff. This is due to their mostly "negative'' specifics of the service for a democratic political system, it manifests in the areas of human rights and freedoms, political rights, social work and criminal justice. Therefore, the special rules of the social security system, which is also characterized by the ethical dimension, are related to these groups. Specifically, in the Czech Republic this is the attitude to the service in the former totalitarian regime. There is also monitored the merit of the systematized places in the service employment.

Förutsättningar för det nya nationella försvaret : En fallstudie av plutonchefskapet vid den 161.strilbataljonen

Fredin, Fredrik, Johnsson, Peter January 2018 (has links)
Omvärldsförändringar har inneburit att regeringen gett Försvarsmakten en ny inriktning med ett ökat fokus på förmågan att försvara Sverige. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa förståelse för förutsättningarna för chefskapet på plutonsnivån i det nationella försvaret och utveckla kunskap om vilka förutsättningar plutoncheferna har att möta de krav som det nya nationella försvaret ställer. Studien är genomförd med en induktiv kvalitativ fallstudiedesign med en hermeneutisk ansats. Det empiriska materialet baseras på data från 12 intervjuer med plutonchefer och data från undersökning av centrala Försvarsmaktsdokument. Resultatet visar att plutonchefensrollen karaktäriseras av en balansgång mellan rollen som chef och rollen som administratör, där administrationen väger över på bekostnad av krigföringsförmåga och ledarskap. Chefernas uppfattning om det nationella försvarets krav överensstämmer väl med de övergripande styrdokumenten men en tydlig sammanställning av kraven saknas vilket leder till osäkerhet. Plutonchefernas förutsättningar för att uppfylla det nya försvarets krav påverkas av deras möjlighet att balansera mellan uppgifter och tillgängliga resurser, vilket beror på avsaknad av administrativt stöd och brist på ledning. Studien har identifierat ett motsatsförhållande mellan två samtidigt pågående organisationsförändringar. Fenomenet som vi har valt att kalla paradoxförändring, innehåller en rollinriktad förändring mot chefen som administratör och en attitydinriktad förändring mot krigsförbandschef i det nya nationella försvaret. / The changes in the strategical environment have resulted in the government giving the Swedish defense forces a new national alignment, towards the capability of national defense. The purpose of this study is to build understanding of the conditions for platoon level leadership in the new national defense and to develop knowledge of the conditions the platoon commanders have been given to meet the demands by the new national defense. The research has been carried out by an inductive quantitative case study design with a hermeneutic approach. The empirical data is based on twelve interviews with platoon leaders and a study of official defense force documents. The research shows that the role of the platoon leader is characterized by balancing the role as commander and the role of administrator, were the administration weighs over on the expense of the capability of warfare and leadership. The platoon commander’s perception of the demands of the national defense complies with official defense force documents, but the absence of a clear compilation of the demands leads to some uncertainty. The platoon commander’s conditions to fulfill the demands of the new national defense is determined by their ability to balance tasks and available resources. This in turn is due to absence of administrative support and command. The research has identified a contradiction between two simultaneously ongoing organizational changes. The phenomenon that we have chosen to call the paradox change, contains one role-orientated change towards the commander as an administrator and one character-oriented change towards combat commander in the new national defense. / Uppdragsutbildning för Försvarsmakten

Kinas två ansikten i världen : En studie om hur Kinas ökande deltagande i FN:s fredsbevarande insatser kan förstås.

Modig, Ola, Selberg, Mikael January 2018 (has links)
Det dröjde 32 år från det att Folkrepubliken Kina blev permanent medlem i FN:s säkerhetsråd till dess att landet kontinuerligt deltog med militära förband inom ramen för FN:s fredsbevarande insatser. Kinas plötsliga och fortsatt ökande engagemang för FN-insatser väcker frågan om bevekelsegrunderna för detta paradigmskifte. Med utgångspunkt i Kinas ekonomiska och militära utveckling samt landets internationella relationer, syftar studien till att förstå Kinas ökande deltagande i FN:s fredsbevarande insatser. Kinas ökande internationella engagemang talar för att möten mellan svensk och kinesisk militär personal kommer att öka. Studien är därför relevant och kan utgöra en kunskapskälla för Försvarsmaktens officerare, som i kommande tjänsteutövning ska interagera med kinesisk militär personal inom ramen för internationella insatser. Studiens slutsatser är: (1) Kina strävar efter att balansera de negativa internationella effekter som landets politiska system innebär genom ett målmedvetet arbete för internationell normförskjutning. Det innebär att förändra såväl den internationella bilden av Kina, som Kinas verkliga internationella förutsättningar. (2) Bevekelsegrunderna för de ökande kinesiska FN-insatserna kan förstås först genom att placera insatserna i en internationell kontext med kinesiska utgångspunkter. FN-insatserna utgör där en medveten och kostnadseffektiv åtgärd i Kinas strävan efter internationell normförskjutning och multipolaritet. Insatserna leder till ett ökat diplomatiskt handlingsutrymme vilket kan användas för såväl ekonomiska som militära syften. (3) Det finns idag inga tecken på att nuvarande trend avseende Kinas engagemang för FN:s fredsbevarande insatser avtar. / Since the People’s Republic of China became a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), it took 32 years until continuously participating with troops within a UN peacekeeping operation. The sudden and increasing peacekeeping-commitment raises questions of motives. Based on China’s economic and military development and its international relations, this study aims at understanding China’s increasing participation in UN peacekeeping operations. China’s increasing involvement in UN peacekeeping operations implies that meetings between Swedish and Chinese military personnel will increase. This study is therefore relevant and may constitute a source of knowledge for personnel of the Swedish Armed Forces who will interact with Chinese military personnel within international peacekeeping operations. Conclusions: (1) China strives to balance the negative international impacts of the country’s political system through a focused effort for shifting international norms. This means changing both the international image of China as well as changing China’s international conditions. (2) The motive for increasing Chinese UN efforts can be understood by placing these in an international context with Chinese perspective. The UN efforts constitute a focused and cost-effective step in China’s pursuit of shifting international norms towards multipolarity. The efforts lead to increased diplomatic capability, which can be used for both economic and military purposes. (3) There are currently no indications that the current trend of China’s commitment to UN peacekeeping operations is diminishing.

Modellering av ett rapportgenereringssystem ur ett designperspektiv

Tabibzadeh, Sam, Moradi, Adrian January 2017 (has links)
Skrivandet av rapporter är en väldigt viktig del i många samhällssektorer. Detta genomförs för det mesta manuellt idag. Att kunna automatisera rapportgenereringen har länge varit ett mål då utvecklandet av en sådan lösning skulle spara mycket tid och resurser. Frågan om hur en infrastruktur för automatiserad rapportgenerering kan se ut är väldigt aktuell både förforskning och för organisationer. Försvarsmakten är inget undantag, idag skriver de rapporter manuellt när de använder sig av ett simuleringssystem för fiktiva strider som de senare använder sig av för träning av personal. För att undersöka hur en infrastruktur för automatiserad rapportgenerering kan se ut har vi samarbetat med Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI). Det vi presenterar i uppsatsen är en informationsinfrastrukturmodell. Modellen är framtagen ur ett designperspektiv och behandlar en informationsinfrastruktur som är till stöd för ett simuleringssystem. Modellen är utvecklad på så sätt att den tar hänsyn till både den praktiska- och forskningsrelaterade synvinkeln. Med hjälp av krav som samlades in via intervjuer och samtal med FOI, Försvarsmakten och en expert inom området informationsinfrastruktur så tog vi de praktiska aspekterna vid utvecklandet av modellen i beaktande. De forskningsrelaterade aspekterna för utvecklandet av modellen beaktas genom tidigare studier och metoder för att ge modellen en akademisk grund. / Writing reports is very important in many functions of society and is mostly done manually today. To be able to automate the generation of reports has for a long time been a challenge, and a solution would save time and resources. The question of how an infrastructure of an automated report generator could be designed is very relevant for both research and practice. The Swedish Armed Forces is no exception, currently they write reports manually when they use their simulation system for fictional battles which they later on use for training of personnel. We have cooperated with the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) to study this question. In this study, we present an information infrastructure model. The model is based upon a design perspective and concerns an information infrastructure that supports a simulation system. The model takes into account both practical and research related perspectives. With the help of requirements that were gathered via interviews and discussions with FOI, Swedish Armed Forces and an expert within the field of information infrastructure, we took into account practical related aspects in the development of the model. The research related aspects are taken into account by using other studies and methods.

Personagens, trajetoria e historias das Forças Armadas de Libertação Nacional / Characters, trajectories and the history of the National Armed Forces on Liberation (FALN)

Bagatim, Alessandra 22 February 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Edgar Salvadori De Decca / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-05T17:41:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bagatim_Alessandra_M.pdf: 1457105 bytes, checksum: 2353d91d32f41f86d833bc955c081b76 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo mostrar o processo de formação e a atuação de um grupo de esquerda armado dos anos 60 auto nomeado Forças Armadas de Libertação Nacional (FALN). A atuação local e isolada deste grupo que, atipicamente, desenvolveu suas ações no interior de São Paulo, na cidade de Ribeirão Preto, e a participação de trabalhadores rurais entre seus membros são características que o diferenciam dos demais. O desenrolar da pesquisa traz uma contextualização sobre os movimentos políticos, econômicos e sociais ocorridos em Ribeirão Preto no decorrer da década de 50 e, principalmente, na década de 60. Mostra os caminhos percorridos pelos integrantes do grupo, desde o momento anterior à formação da FALN até serem descobertos e presos. Destaca, por fim, a participação de alguns trabalhadores rurais no grupo e a forma como a Igreja católica local viu-se envolvida nesta trama política / Abstract: This research has the main objective to show the formation process and the activity of an armed left group in the 1960s, self named National Armed Forces of Liberation (FALN). The local and isolated activity of this group that atypically developed their actions in the interior of the State of São Paulo, in the city of Ribeirão Preto, and the participation of rural workers among their members are characteristics that make this group very different from the others. The development of the research gives us a contextualization about the social, political and economic movements that happened in Ribeirão Preto in the 1960s, mainly in the 1960s. It shows the ways traveled by the members of the group since the first moment of the FALN formation until their members be discovered and imprisoned. The research also emphasizes the participation of some rural workers in the group and how the local Catholic Church was involved in that political plot / Mestrado / Politica, Memoria e Cidade / Mestre em História

Os que vivem da arte da musica : Vila Rica, seculo XVIII / Those who lives by the art of music : Vila Rica, XVIII century

Leoni, Aldo Luiz 29 August 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Silvia Hunold Lara / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T22:04:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leoni_AldoLuiz_M.pdf: 1836793 bytes, checksum: 66ac7dca2676c480e85601387251601a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Durante o século XVIII na América portuguesa a atividade musical que funcionava como reforço das representações de emanação do poder monárquico esteve majoritariamente nas mãos de músicos pardos livres; principalmente em meados daquele século esses músicos que tinham uma marca indelével de ascendência escrava dominaram a profissão passando da identificação social pela cor e situação jurídica frente à escra'vidão a runa afirmação identitária que unia cor, condição, profissão etc. Esse estudo acompanha alguns daqueles indivíduos no intuito de entender a presença parda em lugares afastados da escravidão enfatizando sua trajetória rumo a uma identificação própria, diferentes dos cativos e também dos brancos / Abstract: During the x-vIII century, in porrnguese America, the musical activity working to reinforce d1e representation of the emanation of monarchial power was largely in the hands of free musicians of colar; mainly after the middle of that century, these musicians, who possessed the indelible mark of slave ascendancy, domii1ated the profession-substituting social identification by colar and the juridical situation vis-à-vis slavery for an affirmation of identity that united color, condition, profession, etc. Trus study accompaníessome of those individuaIs with the intention of understanding the presence of free men of colar in spaces removed Eram slavery, emphasizing the pursuit of their own identity apart from both slaves and wrutes / Mestrado / Historia Social / Mestre em História

Vliv vojensko-průmyslového komplexu na zahraniční politiku státu / Influence of the military-industrial complex on the making of foreign policy of the state

Golubenko, Darya January 2017 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the degree of influence of the military-industrial complex on the foreign policy decision-making process of the state by examining the examples of certain countries with a large and developed defense industry. In terms of this thesis there were analyzed the contemporary trends in global military expenditures and the dynamics of the global arms transfers. A critical point is evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of the extensive investing in the military-industrial complex of state.

"They Are More Afraid of Losing Women Than of Having Women" : How the structural transformation of the Swedish Armed Forces has affected the experience for female recruits

Granat, Mimmi January 2016 (has links)
When interviewing female conscripts, Emma Lindgren Lauritzon (2012) found that they perceived their basic military training in the Swedish Armed Forces as a negative experience. The women felt that the environment was hostile and that they served on the conditions of men. This is especially alarming since the unequal conscription was replaced by voluntary service for all in 2010, making the Swedish defence dependent on attracting the whole population to fill up its necessary positions. Therefore, this thesis examines how female recruits experience the new basic military training and if the structural transformation, with a more gender equal entrance, has had an impact on the individual level. Eight semi-structured interviews were conducted, designed and presented by a deductive thematic analysis, and later interpreted through feministic and gender organizational theories. The results indicate a positive development in their experiences, and more so – a new development of the women feeling especially wanted and needed. This perceived dependency on women is arguably in the risk of backfiring, generating guilt if they disappoint the organisation. This study gives vital insight to the organisation in question, the Swedish Armed Forces, and also several new and interesting aspects to build future research on regarding women in the military.

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