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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A prova no processo administrativo de investigação de cartel / Evidence in the cartel investigation administrative process.

Guilherme Favaro Corvo Ribas 25 March 2015 (has links)
A presente tese de doutorado tem por objetivo demonstrar que a atividade probatória conduzida pelo Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica - CADE, nos processos administrativos de investigação de cartéis, apresenta deficiências e demanda aperfeiçoamento. Para comprovação da tese, foi revisada a jurisprudência do órgão em um período de 15 anos (1999-2014), identificando-se as características e os procedimentos relacionados a essa que é a mais importante etapa dos processos sancionadores: a reconstrução histórica dos fatos controversos. No primeiro capítulo, são examinados o poder de polícia do CADE, suas formas de manifestação, a infração de cartel, a estrutura da autoridade, os tipos de processo, as penalidades e os poderes de investigação. No segundo capítulo, a abordagem recai sobre o objeto, os meios, os modos de obtenção e os momentos da prova. No terceiro capítulo, são identificados os fatores que causam deficiências à atividade probatória à luz do contraditório e da paridade de armas, princípios que devem nortear o exercício da função administrativa. Com base nesse diagnóstico, as notas conclusivas apresentam propostas de aprimoramento da atuação do CADE no campo probatório, que podem contribuir para a tomada de decisões mais céleres, robustas e legítimas. / This doctoral thesis aims at demonstrating that the evidentiary activity conducted by the Administrative Council for Economic Defense - CADE, in cartel investigation administrative proceedings, presents deficiencies and requires improvement. For this purpose, CADEs case law for the past 15 years (1999-2014) has been reviewed to identify the characteristics and proceedings related to this stage of the sanctioning process, which is the most important one: the historical reconstruction of the disputed facts. In the first chapter, the following items are discussed: CADEs police power and how it is exercised, cartel violations, authority structure, types of proceedings, penalties, and powers of investigation. In the second chapter, the focus is on the evidence object and phases, means of evidence and means of gathering evidence. In the third chapter, the factors that cause deficiencies to the evidentiary activity are reviewed in light of the adversarial and equality of arms principles that must guide the fulfillment of the administrative function. Based on this diagnosis, the conclusions present proposals to improve CADEs operations in the evidentiary field, which may contribute to render the decision-making process more expedite, solid, and legitimate.

Cruzetas alternativas de Eucalyptus citriodora e Pinus elliottii impregnadas com resina poliuretana a base de óleo de mamona sobre manta geossintética: propriedades elétricas e mecânicas / Eucalyptus citriodora and Pinus elliottii alternative crossarms impregnated with polyurethane resin castor oil based on geosynthetic blanket: electrical and mechanical properties

José Francisco Resende da Silva 08 October 2015 (has links)
Em todo o mundo, as redes aéreas de distribuição de energia elétrica levam energia a todos os consumidores. Parte destas redes utilizam cruzetas como meio de sustentação mecânica para cabos. Estas cruzetas podem atualmente ser produzidas em fibra de vidro, plásticos reciclados (Polietileno, Polipropileno de primeira produção) e outros materiais híbridos, usando polímeros e barras de aço para inserir resistência mecânica. Os custos destes materiais ainda são elevados e o seu processo de reciclagem ainda apresenta problemas no processo de logística reversa, impondo custos elevados. Alguns países, como Noruega e Estados Unidos, usam cruzeta de madeira laminada com sucesso, como material alternativo em suportes de linhas de transmissão e de distribuição. A cruzeta tradicional de madeira nativa é ainda empregada no Brasil, com uso restrito às redes de distribuição de energia elétrica. A aplicação contínua da madeira é atribuída principalmente ao baixo custo comparado com o de outros materiais empregados nos elementos do sistema de energia elétrica. Entretanto, considerações ambientais e baixa estimativa de vida da madeira têm mudado esta situação, conduzindo ao aumento de pesquisa nesta área. Neste trabalho foram discutidas duas espécies de madeira de reflorestamento, Pinus elliottii e Eucalyptus citriodora, impregnadas com resinas poliuretanas derivadas do óleo de mamona e revestidas com manta geotêxtil. Durante a execução dos trabalhos, foi detectada fragilidades mecânicas na madeira Pinus elliottii. Apenas a madeira Eucalyptus citriodora atende plenamente as necessidades do produto final. É importante observar que a resina empregada é uma matéria prima totalmente nacional, e que esta pesquisa contribui para a sua aplicação no desenvolvimento de um novo produto (cruzetas de madeiras resinadas revestidas com geotêxtil), com tecnologia totalmente brasileira, utilizando-se madeiras de reflorestamento, tipo Eucalyptus Citriodora. Estas cruzetas, além de respeitarem as leis ambientais, também apresentaram um excelente desempenho mecânico e elétrico, com ótimas perspectivas de instalações na rede de distribuição de energia elétrica, a um custo competitivo. Este trabalho apresenta avanço significativo no aumento da vida útil destas madeiras, ampliando o tempo para substituições de cruzetas nas redes de distribuição de energia e contribuindo com a preservação da natureza. / Aerial distribution networks take energy to consumers worldwide. Part of these networks use cross arms as a means of mechanical support for cables. These cross arms can be currently produced on glass fiber, recycled plastics (polyethylene, polypropylene first production) and other hybrid materials, using polymers and inserting steel bars for mechanical strength. The costs of these materials are still elevated and its recycling process also presents problems in the reverse logistics process, imposing high costs. In some countries, like Norway and USA, wood laminated cross arms have been used as an alternative material to support transmission and distribution lines with success, whereas traditional native wood cross arms are still used in Brazil restricted to energy distribution networks. Wood application is continued mainly due to its low cost compared to other materials applied in the electric energy system. However, environmental considerations and low wood life time estimate have changed this situation leading to increased research in this area. In this work we discussed two types of wood reforestation, Pinus elliottii and Eucalyptus citriodora, impregnated with polyurethanes resins derived from castor oil and coated with a geotextile blanket. It is important to observe that the resin employed is a national raw material, and that this research contributes to its application in the development of a new product (cross arms of resinous woods lined with a geotextile blanket) with complete Brazilian technology, using reforested wood, type Eucalyptus citriodora. These cross arms not only comply with environmental laws, but also present an excellent mechanical and electrical performance with great installation perspectives in the electricity distribution network at a competitive cost. This paper presents a significant step forward in increasing the life of these woods, extending time to cross arm replacements in power distribution networks, and contributing to nature preservation.

Cultura universitária brasões e marcas: um estudo visual e suas formas de comunicação

Moraes, Mônica Borja Bonilha 19 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:42:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Monica Borja Bonilha Moraes.pdf: 4604319 bytes, checksum: ebc61e4ac78ad03ad83d910a405d5174 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-19 / Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie / This research presents a study of identity through a reflexion towards coats of arms and brands of important higher learning institutions in Europe, North America and Brazil, their stories and cultures using the semiotic theory as the field of science.The methodology used is hybrid because it reconciles a research model that contemplates the biographic review and comprehends an investment in the field of visibility - characteristic of the visual semiotic in its structuring nature - thus prioritizing attention to identity codes that unveil the various symbols present in the coats of arms and brands of the universities, objects of this research. Its interdisciplinary dimension is present in its convergence between the methodology of a visual study and the cultural sphere that frames this look for the universities. Its objective is to accomplish an analysis of large university brands and through a structured study of its many forms of presentation, verify how these institutions establish communication with society through the symbols and in what way they have evidenced their brands throughout the years thus contributing with own their traditions, beliefs and behavior. The significant alterations to the shapes of the coats of arms and brands are highlighted in this research that dialogs with with the period's communication comprehended by the XX and XXI centuries and their distinct subjects. The results show that the brands transmit the regional and institutional culture and are in constant change. Minimal alterations in their visual identities give signs of the university's evolution and the history of their conquests and conflicts. Some brands present a strong tendency to advance to contemporary society's imagery, bringing to the brands languages that incorporate new production technologies and placement of images to accompany the continually updated visual codes while others remains with coats of arms that date back to the XIX century and continue to use the heraldry for the maintenance of institutional values determined since its origins. / Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo de identidade visual através de uma reflexão voltada aos brasões e marcas de importantes Instituições de Ensino Superior europeias, norte americanas e brasileiras, suas histórias e culturas tendo como campo de ciência o estudo da teoria semiótica. A metodologia utilizada é híbrida justamente porque concilia um modelo de pesquisa que contempla a revisão bibliográfica e compreende um investimento no campo da visualidade própria da semiótica visual, em sua natureza estruturante priorizando, assim, atenção aos códigos identitários que desvelam os feixes simbólicos presentes nos brasões e marcas das universidades, objetos desta pesquisa. Sua dimensão interdisciplinar se dá na convergência entre a metodologia própria de um estudo visual e a esfera cultural que emoldura este olhar para as universidades. Seu objetivo é o de realizar uma análise das grandes marcas universitárias e por meio de um estudo estruturante de suas diversificadas formas de se apresentar, verificar como essas instituições estabelecem comunicação com a sociedade através de símbolos e de que maneira vem evidenciando suas marcas ao longo dos anos contribuindo assim com suas tradições crenças e costumes. As significativas alterações nas formas de seus brasões e marcas são realçadas nesta pesquisa que dialoga com as comunicações no periodo compreendio pelos séculos XX e XXI e seus distintos sujeitos. O resultado aponta que as marcas transmitem a cultura regional e instituicional e estão em constante mudança. As alterações mínimas em suas identidades visuais dão sinais das evoluções das universidades e as histórias de suas conquistas ou conflitos. Algumas marcas apresentam a forte tendência de avançar para a sociedade imagética contemporâena, trazendo para si linguagens que incorporam novas tecnologias de produção e veiculação de imagens para acompanhar os códigos visuais continuamente atualizados enquanto outras permanecem com brasões datados desde o século XIX e continuam a usar da heráldica para manutenção de valores institucionais determinados desde as suas origens.

A celeridade e a isonomia entre as partes no processo penal: prazo razoável para a prestação jurisdicional sem limitar a ampla produção de provas pelo réu

Amorim, Maria Carolina de Melo 30 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-12-11T11:13:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Carolina de Melo Amorim.pdf: 2199765 bytes, checksum: 06fa5f530178565d5f59215bf811c009 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-11T11:13:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Carolina de Melo Amorim.pdf: 2199765 bytes, checksum: 06fa5f530178565d5f59215bf811c009 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-30 / The Brazilian criminal procedure has undergone transformations in its form of application, being, nowadays, represented by a new practice – harsher on the defendant – that represents a procedural right more efficient for the prosecution and less concerned with the individuals guarantees. The need for swifter procedures results in faster cases and less susceptible to the prescription of punitive pretention, following the regulations of international treaties and the idea of access to justice listed in the Federal Constitution. However, eagerness in reducing time and procedural phases are resulting in several measures, commonly adopted, that violates another constitutional principle, that of the equality of arms. Analyzing the criminal procedure, it has been noted that these measures to streamline the process are unbalancing the powers between parties and causing inequality between the proof gathering for the plaintiff and the defendant. Therefore, regarding the time of process (being included, also, the pre-procedural phase), there is no equitable treatment for the parties to achieve, on equal terms, the persuasion of the judge. This work sought to identify, from specific situations in the Brazilian criminal procedure, the reasons of unbalance of powers between the procedural parties, discussing such issues under the idea of the need to reestablish the equality of arms and the necessity to follow the regulations and constitutional principles. As a result, are being appointed the failures of the Brazilian criminal procedural law and the misconceptions in the courts jurisprudence that, in the analyzed cases, damage the production of proof by the defense (defendant) during the process, and, from these specific situations, solutions will be appointed to each listed problem / O processo penal brasileiro vem sofrendo transformações em sua forma de aplicação, sendo hoje representado por uma nova atuação – mais dura com o acusado – que representa um direito processual mais eficiente para a acusação e menos garantista. A necessidade de agilidade do procedimento redunda em processos mais céleres e menos sujeitos à prescrição da pretensão punitiva, cumprindo a normatização de tratados internacionais e a ideia de acesso à justiça elencada na Constituição Federal. No entanto, na ânsia de diminuir o tempo e as fases processuais, diversas medidas corriqueiramente adotadas estão violando outro princípio constitucional, o da isonomia entre as partes. A partir da observação da prática processual penal, vê-se que medidas de agilização do processo estão desequilibrando a balança de poderes entre as partes e causando desigualdade entre a atuação probatória da acusação e da defesa. Não há, pois, em relação ao tempo do processo (e aqui é incluída, também, a fase pré-processual) tratamento equânime para as partes firmarem, em igualdade de oportunidades, o convencimento do magistrado. O trabalho buscou identificar, a partir de situações pontuais do processo penal brasileiro, as causas de desequilíbrio de poderes entre as partes processuais, discutindo tais questões à luz da necessidade de restabelecimento da isonomia e da observação das normas e princípios constitucionais. Dessa forma, são apontadas as falhas da legislação processual penal brasileira e os equívocos de posições jurisprudenciais que, nos casos analisados, prejudicam a produção de prova defensiva no processo e, a partir dessas pontuais situações, passa-se ao elenco das soluções a cada problema apresentado


Hagala, Jennifer A 01 June 2017 (has links)
The international community routinely implements embargoes in an effort to restrict the flow of small arms and light weapons into politically unstable regions. The effectiveness of sanctions fall into question when reports indicate that weapons continue to pour into embargoed territories. Using stochastic actor-based modeling, the current study investigates how shipment patterns change over time, and how trade patterns evolve in the presence of endogenous influences, such as embargoes, while controlling for corruption levels and national wealth (e.g., gross domestic product). The analysis here indicated that embargoes did have an effect in diverting illicit weapons trade through indirect ties. This was seen highest during the embargo implementation period and post embargo implementation period. The results stand to improve our understanding of this complex illegal global market and the role national control of corruption and gross domestic product play in the enforceability of these sanctions. In the final analysis what was discovered was that embargoes do effect change in the illegal arms trade network. This effect is seen in the form of indirect ties to end user countries. This suggests that improvements to policies and regulation on transshipment points need to be highly scrutinized.

Utveckling av flygtaktiken för att möta det nya hotet

Nilsson, Johanna January 2011 (has links)
Vid deltagande i internationella insatser kan Flygvapnet komma att möta nya typer av hot som Flygvapnet tidigare inte stött på, vilket medför att en anpassning eller förändring av flygtaktiken är en förutsättning för att undvika flygplansskador. 2000-talets lättviktflygplan medför en skyddsnivå på flygplanen som är låg och motståndaren kan påverka materialet samt konstruktionen i flygplanen genom beskjutning med finkalibriga projektiler. Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera hur den nya hotbilden skiljer sig från vad Flygvapnet ställs inför nationellt samt analysera hur finkalibrig eld påverkar kompositmaterial och hur det i sig påverkar flygtaktiken. Inledningsvis utgår jag i uppsatsen från en beskrivande metod av empirin i syfte att läsaren skall få förståelse samt bakgrund inom de belysta ämnena för att förstå det som senare diskuteras i uppsatsen. Därefter övergå uppsatsen till en hotbildsanalys i syfte att senare diskutera och dra slutsatser om hur flygtaktiken bör anpassas för internationella insatser. I slutsatsen har jag kommit fram till att finkalibrig elds påverkan på kompositmaterial är mycket effektiv vilket innebär att projektilen slår igenom och deformerar materialet. Vidare diskuteras alternativ till genomförande av start och landning för att minska exponeringstiden och undvika att motståndaren kan påverka flygplanen. / While participating in international missions, the Swedish Air force may encounter new kinds of threats. This result in a needed adaptation or change in flight tactics to avoid aircraft damage. The light weight plans of the 21th century have a low degree of protection and the opponent can affect the material and construction with small arms. The purposes of this essay is to analyze how the new threats differ from what the Swedish Air force faces on a national level, and also analyze how small arms affects composite and in turn affects the flight tactics. I have initially used a descriptive method of the empiri and thereafter I used an analytic method in order to later on discuss and finding a conclusion on how the flight tactics need to be adapted and changed for international missions. In the conclusion I found that low caliber fire affects the composite material in a high degree, which means that the projectile will deform, disfigure and go straight through the material. I also discuss alternatives for the takeoff and landing procedures in a way that will reduce the exposure time and avoid the affects that the opponents can make on the aircraft.

The Research on Washington-Beijing Military Exchanges: The national interest approach

Liu, Chen-An 14 July 2004 (has links)
This research project studies the military exchanges between the United States and People's Republic of China. US-PRC relations have experienced uneven developments over the last decadeas the two major powers have grappled with the evolving post-Cold War international security Environment as well as shifting domestic agendas and foreign policy priorities. While the October 2002 Crawford summit between Presidents Bush and Jiang, and the resumption of the Defense Consultation Talks in December 2002 offer the prospect for restoring bilateral military exchanges. For a more stable bilateral military relationship to develop and be sustained, longer-term strategies must be formulated that emphasize engagement, exchanges, and better understanding of each other's common interests, priorities, and policy options. Among the key features of this relationship are high-level exchange visits of defense ministers and military leaders; confidence-building measures, including the Military Maritime Consultative Agreement, annual Defense Consultation Talks, and port visits; and regular contacts at the functional level between the two countries' national defense universities and military academies. The EP-3 incident raised the importance of China in the Bush Administration's immediate policy agenda. The resolution of the incident has pointed to the need for dialogue. The 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks provided additional impetuses for rebuilding the bilateral relationship, including efforts to restore military-to-military exchanges.

Addressing the Demand for Small Arms and Light Weapons in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Van Houten, Kirsten 30 November 2010 (has links)
The conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been characterized by armed violence carried out against civilian populations. Despite a formal end to hostilities with outside states, numerous cease fire agreements and an internationally sanctioned disarmament program, Congolese civilians continue to be targeted in attacks. Research suggests that addressing the demand for Small Arms and Light Weapons as part of the broader disarmament process may decrease the proliferation of weapons and reduce armed violence. The research undertaken as part of this thesis attempted broadly to identify some of the factors contributing to the demand for small arms and light weapons in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It suggests that insecurity, weak governance and regional politics, historical and cultural factors and socio economic factors significantly contribute to the demand for small arms and must be addressed in order to reduce armed violence. ?

Kombinerad bekämpning i strid i bebyggelse

Liljeblad, Hanna January 2015 (has links)
Even though battles have been fought in built-up areas for a long time, there have not been any specific theories connected to it. As the world becomes increasingly urbanized, the problem of not having any complete theories with which to analyze military operations in urban terrain becomes bigger. This essay aims to contribute to the field of military theory by investigating if Robert Leonhard’s theory of combined arms can be used in analyzing such operations and to be able to explaining the outcome of them.   The main question posed in this essay is; to what extent can Leonhard’s theory explain the outcome of military operations in urban terrain? The method used to answer this question is a comparative method formed as a case study of two military operations in urban terrain, Operation Vigilant Resolve and Operation Phantom Fury, which both took place in Fallujah during the Iraq war 2004. The intention is to test Leonhard’s theory in both cases by assigning the theory several indicators, which are tested in each case.   The result shows that the indicators appeared almost equally in both cases, even though one of the operations was said to be a success and the other a failure. However during the occasions when the coalition force used combined arms, both operations achieved military effectiveness. The conclusion is that Leonhard’s theory of combined arms cannot be used to explain the outcome of military operations in urban terrain. The theory has not been verified and strengthened by empirical evidence, but weakened, which is the opposite of what should have been the result. Combined arms-theory cannot be used to assimilate lessons learned from military operations in urban terrain.

Mitigating proliferation : an assessment of nonproliferation institutions, international law, and preemptive counterproliferation intervention /

Wood, John Randolph. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Tufts University, 2004. / Submitted to the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 271-290). Access restricted to members of the Tufts University community. Also available via the World Wide Web;

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