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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anledningar till staters anskaffande och behållande av kärnvapen och faktorer som påverkar staters kärnvapenpolitik

Hagström, Christoffer January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to explain why states obtain nuclear weapons and the role various actors and interests play in the making of states´ nuclear policies. The main questions are as follows: (1) What big theories exist concerning states obtaining nuclear weapon and nuclear armament in International Relations and what relevance do they have of the post cold-war period?, (2) What is the meaning of the perspective of the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC)?, and (3)Are there empirical studies which supports the existence of a MIC in the United States? The focus lies on actors and driving forces that are internal to states and it is also important to investigate if the theories have relevance for the post 9/11-era. The study uses the method of qualitative literature-study with some quantitative segments. It is claimed that states might be interested in justifying their behaviour in a morally appealing way and that real reasons may be hidden. There are many reasons for states to obtain and keep nuclear weapons and related technology (which includes many of the most lucrative elements of the arms industry´s sales). Among this reasons are that arms and related technology may be used to influence other states and nuclear weapons-construction and modernisation might be used to protect the state from external threats, stop unwanted interference from other actors, secure job and gain recognition and prestige in world politics. For security reasons states might hold onto their own nuclear weapons and try to hinder other actors from getting access to them. The internal actors and driving forces we look at are bureaucratic, economical and political, and the MIC-perspective. The military can be said to have interests in as much resources and capabilities as possible, which includes advanced weaponary such as nuclear weapons and related technologies, at its disposal because of the goal to defend the state from all possible threats and for officers career reasons. Much of its influence is said to come from its expert knowledge and position and it is said to be especially influential in matters of foreign policy, military spending and foreign policy. The major economical actors mentioned are big corporations involved in military spending and these have interests in maximizing profits. Nuclear weapons making and maintenance and the related areas of missile defense and delivering methods for nuclear weapons seem to be areas with high changes of being profitable for the involved major companies. The actors wield influence for example through lobbying and campaign contributions. An economic driving force claim is that state spending is necessary for stimulating the economy and defense spending is easily justified in other ways. Political actors and driving forces concerns politicians interest in promoting the interests of supporting groups, there are indications that the weapon industry is such a group. Research have shown various results about the extent politicians tend to further the interests of supporting groups. The MIC-perspective talks about groups with interest in high levels of military spending. Most researchers seem to agree that the complex exists but there are different opinions about what actors belongs to it and its power on various issues. There is some mention of the core of the complex consisting of such internal actors as mentioned above. MIC-related empirical research has been conducted and this author finds that the MIC is a relevant analytical tool for the post cold war – and 9/11 era.

The Limits of Control: A History of the SALT Process, 1969-1983

Ambrose, Matthew John January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Organized crime and national security: the Albanian case

Gjoni, Ilir 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This thesis argues that the building of the democratic institutions in new democracies was and still is a painstaking task. It shows that the new institutions are fragile and at times unable to cope with powerful organized criminal syndicates, rampant corruption, illegalism, elite bureaucratic cartels, and weak judicial systems still in the process of post communist reconstruction. This thesis proceeds from the premise that organized crime constitutes a threat to democracy, in particular a serious threat to new democracies and subsequently to the national security of the country. The first section defines organized crime as phenomena corroding the democratic institutions. It deals in particular with the fragility of the new democratic institutions focusing mainly on the organized crime activities that threaten the national security. It tackles problems of corruption in government and law enforcing agencies. Secondly, it considers issues of merging of crime and legal business and their impact on the institutions and society at large. Thirdly and most importantly it focuses on the fact that organized crime merges with the State machinery, thus undermining the very existence of democratic institutions. Fourthly, it looks into some forms of criminal activities such as drug business, weapons trade, money laundering, and white-slave trade. Finally it provides some policy recommendations for tackling the organized crime in Albania. / MP, Parliament of the Republic of Albania

La structure familiale des Craon du XIè siècle à 1415 : le concept lignager en question / The family structure of the Craons from the 11th century to 1415 : the concept of lineage into question

Lachaud, Fabrice 27 April 2012 (has links)
Le 25 octobre 1415, avec la disparition des derniers représentants du groupe par filiation directe, s’éteignait au combat le lignage de Craon dont la renommée et la fortune avaient été acquises, entre autres, sur les champs de bataille. Notre travail s’inscrit dans une perspective chronologique : la genèse du lignage des Craon au XIe siècle puis son fonctionnement jusqu’à sa disparition à Azincourt. À partir de l’étude sur la famille de Craon, nous proposons une réflexion sur le concept lignager. Pouvons-nous d’ailleurs parler sans nuance de lignage ? Le lignage du XIIe siècle ne ressemble pas à celui des siècles suivants : il s’agit d’une structure de parenté complexe recouvrant des réalités multiples. Si la nécessité d’une terminologie commune nous apparaît évidente, il convient cependant de rester prudent sur l’usage de « lignage ». Son emploi abusif en a appauvri le sens à tel point que nous avons l’impression que ce terme pose aujourd’hui un problème sémantique : peut-on opposer systématiquement deux structures de parenté – « carolingienne » et lignagère ? Le corpus documentaire des Craon nous met dans une position inconfortable puisqu’il nous oriente sur une structure de parenté particulière : le lignage. L’enjeu de ce travail consiste donc à formuler un questionnement sur le lignage à travers une documentation partielle et orientée qui en postule l'existence. L’emploi de ce terme ne nous offre qu’une vision simpliste de la parenté et ne prend pas assez en compte d’autres formes qui coexistent au même moment : sur une structure patrilinéaire de transmission des biens et des pouvoirs se plaque un système de filiation indifférenciée. Le monument funéraire des Craon, dans la chapelle des Cordeliers à Angers, réalisé par Maurice V de Craon à la fin du XIIIe siècle, est un document essentiel : il illustre une conception de la famille telle qu’elle se manifeste dans les actes de la pratique accordant une place essentielle aux alliances, au moins autant qu’à la filiation et dans laquelle la notion de lignage est difficile à cerner. Or, une telle représentation peut coexister avec d’autres, répondant à d’autres besoins et véhiculant d’autres messages : le lignage n’oblitère pas d’autres formes de parenté. Notre travail nous invite à remettre en cause les schémas modèles et à voir la parenté comme une intrication de systèmes diversement opératoires, par effet de sources ou selon le contexte, soumis au poids des normes canoniques omniprésentes à l’époque. / On October 25th 1415, the last direct descendents of the Craon lineage, founded in the 11th Century by Robert of Burgundy, died on the battlefield. A great part of their renown and fortune had been acquired through their feats of arms. Hence the chronologically-based approach of our work: from the genesis of this lineage, we probe into the way they lived and evolved, until they vanished in Agincourt. The study of the Craon family leads us to consider the concept of lineage. The term itself seems impossible to handle without bringing out various shades of its meaning. Lineage is a complex, multifaceted parental structure, and our work intends to mirror these intricacies and evolving features. Indeed, the lineage in the 12th Century is very different from that of the previous centuries. Although it seems essential to use a term common to all History researchers, we believe the word “lineage” needs to be qualified: a great part of its meaning has been sucked out from the lexeme itself by an abusive usage, so much so that we are now faced with a semantic issue: can we consistently oppose these two parental structures – caroligian pattern and lineage? The corpus of documents relevant to the Craons seems to be pointing to lineage, which places us in a puzzling situation. The aim of our work is thus to raise questions about lineage, relying on incomplete documentation. But we should bear in mind that the term lineage allows only an oversimplified approach to kinship, which does not take into account other forms of patterns coexisting at the same moment: indeed, a system of undifferenciated filiation is superimposing itself over a patrilinear structure of the transmission of wealth. The Craons’ funerary monument, in the chapel of the Cordeliers in Angers, and built by Maurice V of Craon at the end of the 13th Century, is an essential document: it reveals a conception of the family which takes into consideration filiation as much as alliances, therefore blurring the outlines of the notion of lineage. However, this representation can stand side by side with others, fulfilling other needs and conveying other messages: lineage does not annihilate other forms of kinship. Henceforth, our work leads us to put into question the traditional patterns and to view kinship as an intricacy of systems with various levels of functioning, and following the constraining and yet unabiding canonic norms of the time.

Právní limity přeshraničního pohybu vojenského materiálu / Legal limits of the cross-border movement of military materials

Matocha, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
Legal limits of the cross-border movement of military materials The global trade with military materials is an important, however often under- researched, area of academic enquiry. Such attitude is not correct, because in fact it is a massive global industry in which also Czech companies play a significant role. Given the newspaper headlines and statements of arms dealer, it is obvious there have long been unsolved problems burdening arms dealers caused especially by an inappropriate legal framework. This theses aims to provide an analysis of legal framework in respect to cross-border movement of military materials covering especially European and Czech legislation focusing on its potential limits arising and important for arms dealers. On a global international level the Arms Trade Treaty and other relevant treaties regulating international trade with military materials are identified and described. Attention is also paid to limitations of arms trade such as embargoes or restrictive measures imposed by the UN and the EU respectively as well as to limitations resulting from domestic and European legislation or from its different interpretation. In view of different legal framework this thesis strictly distinguishes whether a movement is realized, while particular law is adequately reflected. There...

A prova no processo administrativo de investigação de cartel / Evidence in the cartel investigation administrative process.

Ribas, Guilherme Favaro Corvo 25 March 2015 (has links)
A presente tese de doutorado tem por objetivo demonstrar que a atividade probatória conduzida pelo Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica - CADE, nos processos administrativos de investigação de cartéis, apresenta deficiências e demanda aperfeiçoamento. Para comprovação da tese, foi revisada a jurisprudência do órgão em um período de 15 anos (1999-2014), identificando-se as características e os procedimentos relacionados a essa que é a mais importante etapa dos processos sancionadores: a reconstrução histórica dos fatos controversos. No primeiro capítulo, são examinados o poder de polícia do CADE, suas formas de manifestação, a infração de cartel, a estrutura da autoridade, os tipos de processo, as penalidades e os poderes de investigação. No segundo capítulo, a abordagem recai sobre o objeto, os meios, os modos de obtenção e os momentos da prova. No terceiro capítulo, são identificados os fatores que causam deficiências à atividade probatória à luz do contraditório e da paridade de armas, princípios que devem nortear o exercício da função administrativa. Com base nesse diagnóstico, as notas conclusivas apresentam propostas de aprimoramento da atuação do CADE no campo probatório, que podem contribuir para a tomada de decisões mais céleres, robustas e legítimas. / This doctoral thesis aims at demonstrating that the evidentiary activity conducted by the Administrative Council for Economic Defense - CADE, in cartel investigation administrative proceedings, presents deficiencies and requires improvement. For this purpose, CADEs case law for the past 15 years (1999-2014) has been reviewed to identify the characteristics and proceedings related to this stage of the sanctioning process, which is the most important one: the historical reconstruction of the disputed facts. In the first chapter, the following items are discussed: CADEs police power and how it is exercised, cartel violations, authority structure, types of proceedings, penalties, and powers of investigation. In the second chapter, the focus is on the evidence object and phases, means of evidence and means of gathering evidence. In the third chapter, the factors that cause deficiencies to the evidentiary activity are reviewed in light of the adversarial and equality of arms principles that must guide the fulfillment of the administrative function. Based on this diagnosis, the conclusions present proposals to improve CADEs operations in the evidentiary field, which may contribute to render the decision-making process more expedite, solid, and legitimate.

Beväpning av flygtekniker / Small arms for flight technicians

Dijkstra, Gabriel January 2019 (has links)
The AK5C has reached the edge of life and is due for replacement. Studies have been investigating a new small arm but focus of these studies has been the army and its personnel. For flight maintenance personnel the AK5C was too heavy and when working on an aircraft the technicians had to lay the weapon aside. The question this study aims to answer is how the future small arms for flight maintenance personnel might look like. To illustrate when a flight technician might use their weapon three scenarios where created. The scenarios where all originated from reglemente flygbassystem and focused on the main tasks of flight maintenance personnel. In the study personnel with deep knowledge in the field of small arms from different branches of the Swedish Armed Forces were interviewed. The aim was to get an understanding of how the organization view the problem. A survey with flight maintenance personnel from Helicopter Squadron was also conducted and provided details of how the users views the problem. The main question that was asked both in the interviews and in the survey to the users was which attribute of a small arm are the most important for each of the scenarios. The primary difference between the interviewed and the survey was the understanding of penetration and range for different weapon types. The conclusion of the study was that a short barrelled automatic rifle could be a solution that could handle all the investigated scenarios. A recommendation is also made to strengthen the flight maintenance company with machineguns to increase the capacity when defending on longer ranges. / AK5C har nått tiden för sin slutanvändning. Vissa studier har genomförts kopplat till ett nytt eldhandvapen men de har främst varit fokuserade på Arméns behov. Det har visat sig att Flygunderhållspersonal har haft svårigheter att bära AK5C när de utför sin huvudtjänst flygunderhåll. Frågan denna studie ämnar besvara är hur den framtida beväpningen av flygunderhållspersonal kan tänkas se ut. För att skapa en bild av olika tillfällen en tekniker kan tänkas nyttja sitt vapen togs tre scenarier fram. Dessa scenarier är kopplade till reglemente flygbassystem och utgår från de uppgifter en flygtekniker kan tänkas få. I denna studie har personal med djup kunskap inom eldhandvapenområdet intervjuats, främst för att skapa en bild av hur organisationen ser på problemet. Utöver det har även en enkätundersökning med flygunderhållspersonal genomförts för att skapa en förståelse för hur brukarnas lösningar kan te sig. Frågorna som ställdes i både intervjuer och undersökningen med flygtekniker handlade främst om vilka egenskaper ett vapen bör ha kopplat till varje scenario. Det upptäcktes en viss skillnad i svaren mellan de intervjuade och flygteknikerna som deltog i undersökningen. Den största skillnaden var förståelse för vilken verkan olika typer av vapensystem besitter. Slutsatsen som drogs av det självständiga arbetet var att en kortpipig automatkarbin skulle vara en lösning vilket kunde passa alla scenarier. Dock föreslås det att flygunderhållskompanier får förstärkningsvapen i form av kulsprutor på en kompaninivå för att nå högre verkan vid främst försvar av egen gruppering då skjutavstånden överstiger 200 m.

Explaining unilateralism in foreign security policy : the case of Japan’s withdrawal from the Washington System, 1922-1936 / Comprendre l’unilatéralisme dans les politiques étrangères en matière de sécurité : le cas du retrait japonais du système de Washington, 1922-1936

Fatton, Lionel P. 17 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les raisons qui ont poussé le Japon à se retirer en 1936 du système de contrôle des armements navals établis en 1922. La littérature sur le sujet est particulièrement pauvre pour ce qui est de la science politique et ne parvient pas à systématiser les différentes variables afin de mieux comprendre l’extrême complexité du processus de décision japonais. Appréhender ce processus permet d'aborder une problématique plus générale, qui est de comprendre pourquoi les états mettent fin à des relations de nature coopérative, préférant poursuivre une politique de sécurité unilatérale malgré les coûts que cela peut engendrer. Le modèle théorique de cette thèse propose l’hypothèse suivante: certains changements dans le système international affectent l'influence relative des différentes institutions domestiques prenant part à la formulation des politiques étrangères. En cas de tensions internationales, l'expertise des forces armées prend de l’importance pour la formulation des politiques étrangères. Dans un tel scénario, il est probable que le pays se retire de l'accord de contrôle des armements si ses forces armées s’opposent au maintien de cet accord. Les forces armées désavouent l'accord si ce dernier est intrusif dans des domaines relevant de l'expertise de l’institution militaire au point de menacer sa capacité à répondre à une nouvelle menace extérieure. Le degré d'influence des forces armées et l'intensité du conflit entre militaires et civils pour ce qui concerne la politique de défense nationale constituent les deux variables qui déterminent la propension d'un état à privilégier une approche unilatérale de sa politique étrangère en matière de sécurité. / This thesis aims at assessing the causes of Japan's decision to withdraw in 1936 from the so-called Washington system of naval arms control. The existing literature is weak in the field of political science and fails to efficiently systematize the different variables to understand the highly complex Japanese decision-making process. To better understand this process helps in addressing a more general question: Why do states choose to pursue an independent and unilateral foreign security policy instead of a cooperative approach, despite the cost a withdrawal may engender? This thesis' theoretical framework is based on the academic literature on civil-military relations, and proposes the following hypothesis: Changes in the international system affect the relative influence different domestic institutions have on the formulation of foreign policy. In case of emerging international tensions, the military’s expertise acquires new importance for the formulation of foreign policy. In such a scenario, the arms control agreement does not survive if the military establishment advocates against the maintenance of the agreement. The military establishment opposes the agreement if it is so intrusive into its traditional sphere of responsibility that it negatively affects its ability to deal with a worsening security environment. The level of influence the military establishment possesses over the formulation of foreign security policy and the intensity of conflict in civil-military relations are the two variables of the thesis, which account for a state's propensity to privilege a unilateral approach to its foreign security policy.

Cruzetas alternativas de Eucalyptus citriodora e Pinus elliottii impregnadas com resina poliuretana a base de óleo de mamona sobre manta geossintética: propriedades elétricas e mecânicas / Eucalyptus citriodora and Pinus elliottii alternative crossarms impregnated with polyurethane resin castor oil based on geosynthetic blanket: electrical and mechanical properties

Silva, José Francisco Resende da 08 October 2015 (has links)
Em todo o mundo, as redes aéreas de distribuição de energia elétrica levam energia a todos os consumidores. Parte destas redes utilizam cruzetas como meio de sustentação mecânica para cabos. Estas cruzetas podem atualmente ser produzidas em fibra de vidro, plásticos reciclados (Polietileno, Polipropileno de primeira produção) e outros materiais híbridos, usando polímeros e barras de aço para inserir resistência mecânica. Os custos destes materiais ainda são elevados e o seu processo de reciclagem ainda apresenta problemas no processo de logística reversa, impondo custos elevados. Alguns países, como Noruega e Estados Unidos, usam cruzeta de madeira laminada com sucesso, como material alternativo em suportes de linhas de transmissão e de distribuição. A cruzeta tradicional de madeira nativa é ainda empregada no Brasil, com uso restrito às redes de distribuição de energia elétrica. A aplicação contínua da madeira é atribuída principalmente ao baixo custo comparado com o de outros materiais empregados nos elementos do sistema de energia elétrica. Entretanto, considerações ambientais e baixa estimativa de vida da madeira têm mudado esta situação, conduzindo ao aumento de pesquisa nesta área. Neste trabalho foram discutidas duas espécies de madeira de reflorestamento, Pinus elliottii e Eucalyptus citriodora, impregnadas com resinas poliuretanas derivadas do óleo de mamona e revestidas com manta geotêxtil. Durante a execução dos trabalhos, foi detectada fragilidades mecânicas na madeira Pinus elliottii. Apenas a madeira Eucalyptus citriodora atende plenamente as necessidades do produto final. É importante observar que a resina empregada é uma matéria prima totalmente nacional, e que esta pesquisa contribui para a sua aplicação no desenvolvimento de um novo produto (cruzetas de madeiras resinadas revestidas com geotêxtil), com tecnologia totalmente brasileira, utilizando-se madeiras de reflorestamento, tipo Eucalyptus Citriodora. Estas cruzetas, além de respeitarem as leis ambientais, também apresentaram um excelente desempenho mecânico e elétrico, com ótimas perspectivas de instalações na rede de distribuição de energia elétrica, a um custo competitivo. Este trabalho apresenta avanço significativo no aumento da vida útil destas madeiras, ampliando o tempo para substituições de cruzetas nas redes de distribuição de energia e contribuindo com a preservação da natureza. / Aerial distribution networks take energy to consumers worldwide. Part of these networks use cross arms as a means of mechanical support for cables. These cross arms can be currently produced on glass fiber, recycled plastics (polyethylene, polypropylene first production) and other hybrid materials, using polymers and inserting steel bars for mechanical strength. The costs of these materials are still elevated and its recycling process also presents problems in the reverse logistics process, imposing high costs. In some countries, like Norway and USA, wood laminated cross arms have been used as an alternative material to support transmission and distribution lines with success, whereas traditional native wood cross arms are still used in Brazil restricted to energy distribution networks. Wood application is continued mainly due to its low cost compared to other materials applied in the electric energy system. However, environmental considerations and low wood life time estimate have changed this situation leading to increased research in this area. In this work we discussed two types of wood reforestation, Pinus elliottii and Eucalyptus citriodora, impregnated with polyurethanes resins derived from castor oil and coated with a geotextile blanket. It is important to observe that the resin employed is a national raw material, and that this research contributes to its application in the development of a new product (cross arms of resinous woods lined with a geotextile blanket) with complete Brazilian technology, using reforested wood, type Eucalyptus citriodora. These cross arms not only comply with environmental laws, but also present an excellent mechanical and electrical performance with great installation perspectives in the electricity distribution network at a competitive cost. This paper presents a significant step forward in increasing the life of these woods, extending time to cross arm replacements in power distribution networks, and contributing to nature preservation.

Força, armas, leis e milícia em I Primi Scritti Politici, de Maquiavel / Force, weapons and army on I Primi Scritti Politici, of Machiavel

Santos, Rodrigo dos 23 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T17:27:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodrigo dos Santos.pdf: 1478959 bytes, checksum: ef48691a04b584bcbffe958f5eb57952 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-23 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This dissertation, from I Primi Scritti Politici of Niccolo Machiavelli, presents the so-called "theory of force", called this way by Claude Lefort, founded on the basis of quality training for the Florentine army, whose instrumental force of efficient weapons, well handled, with disciplined men to form an appropriate army for the City of Florence. Regarding the establishment of the theory of force, and in view of all the harm that is incurred to rely on mercenaries in armies mixed in men unpatriotic because they are real betrayers due to the money, Machiavelli proposes the choice before the disjunctive love or force, the use of force for conquest again and preservation of the state. That's why the Italy of his time suffered the hardships of a nation plundered externally, because it was weak in terms of defense and attack. The dream of Machiavelli is to regroup it and the Republic of Florence is to be a pioneer in an organized strategy from the theory of force and a logic that is appropriate, heading to a praxis of freedom. The logic of force is binary, it has a theoretical and strategic way from which Machiavel is becoming clever, and another practical where the weapons, especially the fire ones are indications of real power. The virtuous handling of efficient weapons linked to good laws, mixed with violence when useful, it takes the state to remain in power and defend its condition of freedom. The proof in the dissertation is that the history is instructed to show men that achieve the full harmonization of mezzo uomo e mezzo bestia , essential situation be fixed in the power in the place. And such was the situation of Cesare Borgia and Castruccio Castracani / A presente dissertação, a partir dos I Primi Scritti Politici, de Nicolau Maquiavel, apresenta a denominada "teoria da força", intitulada desta forma por Claude Lefort, fundada na qualidade de base para formação do exército florentino, tendo como instrumental, as boas armas, bem manuseadas, com homens disciplinados e patriotas. No que se refere à constituição da teoria da força, e tendo em vista todos os malefícios em que se incorre ao confiar em estruturas arcaicas, tal como o modelo medieval de Providência ou da ação política fundada no amor, Maquiavel desenvolve uma estratégia, aferida em sua prática, que desvincula a utilização de soldados mercenários ou exércitos mistos, portanto, de homens não patriotas, porque estes são por demais traidores e dados ao dinheiro. Maquiavel propõe a escolha perante o disjuntivo do amor ou força, o pretérito do uso da força para conquista, reconquista e conservação do Estado. É por isso que a Itália de seu tempo sofria as agruras de uma nação espoliada, externamente, porque era fraca do ponto de vista de defesa e ataque. O sonho de Maquiavel é unificá-la, e a República de Florença há de ser a pioneira na estratégia de organizadamente a partir da teoria da força, e de uma lógica que seja própria, partir para uma práxis de liberdade. A lógica da força é binária, pois tem uma direção teórica e estratégica, da qual Maquiavel se torna expert e outra prática, de onde a necessidade das armas, principalmente as de fogo, são indícios de fato do poder. O manuseio virtuoso das boas armas, vinculadas a boas leis, dosado de violência quando necessária, leva o Estado a manter-se no poder e defender sua condição de liberdade. A prova disso é que a história se incumbiu de demonstrar aos homens que faziam a plena harmonização do mezzo uomo e mezzo bestia, situação essencial para a fixação no poder. E tal era a situação de César Bórgia e Castruccio Castracani

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