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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Henninger, John Thomas 01 January 2009 (has links)
Just-In-Time (JIT) production systems is a popular area for researchers but real-world issues such as sequence dependent setups are often overlooked. This research investigates an approach for determining stability and an approach for mixed product sequencing in production systems with sequence dependent setups and buffer thresholds which signal replenishment of a given buffer. Production systems in this research operate under JIT pull production principles by producing only when demand exists and idle when no demand exists. In the first approach, an iterative method is presented to determine stability for a multi-product production system that operates with replenishment signals and may have sequence dependent setups. In this method, a network of nodes representing machine states and arcs representing the buffer inventory levels is used to find a stable trajectory for the production system via an iterative procedure. The method determines suitable buffer levels for the production system that ensure that a trajectory originating from any point within a buffer region will always map to a point contained on another buffer region for all future mappings. This iterative method for determining the stability of a production system was implemented using an algorithm to calculate the buffer inventory regions for all arcs in a given arc-node network. The algorithm showed favorable results for two and three product systems in which sequence dependent setups may exist. In the second approach, a product sequencing algorithm determines a product sequence for a production system based on system parameters – setup times, buffer levels, usage rates, production rates, etc. The algorithm selects a product by evaluating the goodness of each product that has reached the replenishment threshold at the current time. The algorithm also incorporates a lookahead function that calculates the goodness for some time interval into the future. The lookahead function considers all branches of the tree of potential sequences to prevent the sequence from travelling down a dead-end branch in which the system will be unable to avoid a depleted buffer. The sequencing algorithm allows the user to weight the five terms of the goodness equations (current and lookahead) to control the behavior of the sequence.

Modelling Framework for Radio Frequency Spatial Measurement

Wiles, Andrew Donald January 2006 (has links)
The main crux of this thesis was to produce a model that was capable of simulating the theoretical performance of different configurations for a spatial measurement system using radio frequency technology. It has been important to study new modalities of spatial measurement since spatial measurement systems are an enabling technology that have allowed for the creation of better medical procedures and techniques, provided valuable data for motion capture in animation and biomechanics, and have improved the quality of manufacturing processes in many industries. However, there has been room for improvement in the functional design and accuracy of spatial measurement systems that will enhance current applications and further develop new applications in medicine, research and industry. <br /><br /> In this thesis, a modelling framework for the investigation of spatial measurement based on radio frequency signals was developed. The simulation framework was designed for the purpose of investigating different position determination algorithms and sensor geomatries. A finite element model using the FEMLAB partial differential equation modelling tool was created for a time-domain model of electromagnetic wave propagation in order to simulate the radio frequency signals travelling from a transmitting source antenna to a set of receiving antenna sensors. Electronic line signals were obtained using a simple receiving infinitesimal dipole model and input into a time difference of arrival localization algorithm. The finite element model results were validated against a set of analytical solutions for the free space case. The accuracy of the localization algorithm was measured against a set of possible applications for a potential radio frequency spatial measurement system design. <br /><br /> It was concluded that the simulation framework was successful should one significant deficiency be corrected in future research endeavours. A phase error was observed in the signals extracted at the receiving antenna locations. This phase error, which can be up to 40??, was attributed to the zeroth order finite elements implemented in the finite element model. This phase error can be corrected in the future if higher order vector elements are introduced into future versions of FEMLAB or via the development of custom finite element analysis software but were not implemented in this thesis due to time constraints. Other improvements were also suggested for future work.

A Microwave Direction of Arrival Estimation Technique Using a Single Antenna

Yu, Xiaoju, Zhou, Rongguo, Zhang, Hualiang, Xin, Hao 07 1900 (has links)
A direction of arrival (DoA) estimation technique for broadband microwave signals is proposed using a single ultrawideband antenna. It is inspired by the sound source localization ability of a human auditory system using just one ear (monaural localization). By exploiting the incident angle-dependent frequency response of a wideband antenna, the DoA of a broadband microwave signal can be estimated. The DoA estimation accuracies are evaluated for two antenna configurations and microwave signals with different signal-to-noise ratios. Encouraging the DoA estimation performance of the proposed technique is demonstrated in both simulation and experiment.

Investigation of Several Novel Radio-Frequency Techniques - Biologically Inspired Direction Finding, 3D Printed RF Components and Systems, and Fundamental Aspects of Antenna Matching

Yu, Xiaoju, Yu, Xiaoju January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation presents the investigation of biologically inspired direction finding (DF) and localization systems, 3D printing solution for RF components and systems, and fundamental aspects of antennas regarding bandwidth and power efficiency. Biologically inspired direction finding and localization systems are explored first. Inspired by the human binaural auditory system, an improved direction of arrival (DoA) estimation technique using two antennas with a lossy scatterer in between them to achieve additional magnitude cues is proposed. By exploiting the incident-angle- dependent magnitude and phase differences between the two antennas with specially designed scatterer, the DoA of an incident signal from two-dimensional (2-D) / three- dimensional (3-D) space can be estimated. Besides, compact DF systems with enhanced directional sensitivity using a scatterer of high permittivity in between adjacent closely spaced electrically-small antennas are examined. Inspired by the human monaural auditory system, a novel single-antenna DF technique is also proposed by exploiting the incident-angle-dependent spectra for a broadband RF signal only. In addition, a wideband superior DF system utilizing Luneburg lens and uniformly placed detectors on the equator of the lens is evaluated. The DoA is estimated using the amplitude distribution of the received signals at the detectors. Moreover, A portable inventory localization system utilizing hybrid RF (for direction, using previously introduced DF techniques) and ultrasound (for distance) signals is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Next, a multilayer phased array system is designed and individual parts are printed to demonstrate the applicability of hybrid thermal wire-mesh embedding (for conductors) and thermoplastic extrusion (for dielectrics) techniques for additively manufacturing RF17integrated systems. Finally, fundamental aspects of antennas in terms of bandwidth limit for reactive matching and power efficiency for non-Foster matching are analyzed.

Att identifiera och utreda läs- och skrivsvårigheter hos nyanlända elever : En kvalitativ analys av pedagogers berättelser av möjligheter och hinder / Identification and investigation of the reading and writing difficulties of new arrivals : Qualitative analysis of teacher’s stories of opportunities and obstacles

Danielsson, Eva, Björk, Kaisa January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att analysera pedagogers berättelser om hur de upplever arbetet med identifiering och utredning av läs- och skrivsvårigheter hos nyanlända. Vi har samlat empiriskt material i form av intervjuer som vi har analyserat med hjälp av tidigare forskning samt teorier. De nio intervjuerna av speciallärare/specialpedagoger, SVA-lärare och modersmålslärare genomfördes på två skolor med ett stort antal nyanlända elever och på kommunens mottagningsenhet. I studien berättar pedagogerna att de upplever en stor utmaning kring identifiering och utredning av nyanlända elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Det råder osäkerhet kring vem som ansvarar för vad och de beskriver att gränsdragningsproblem leder till att elever faller mellan stolarna. Pedagogerna har svårt att veta om problematiken beror på läs- och skrivsvårigheter eller bristande kunskaper i svenska språket vilket leder till både över- och underidentifiering. För att kunna ge nyanlända elever rätt stödåtgärder efterfrågas förutsättningar och former för samarbete och mer tydliga riktlinjer och rutiner. Enligt pedagogerna skulle det leda till mer likvärdig utbildning. Från intervjuerna framkommer också att identifieringen av läs- och skrivsvårigheter tar lång tid och att det saknas en utvecklad metod och ett heltäckande material för utredning. Bedömningen baseras ofta på pedagogens erfarenhet och i jämförelse med andra elevers utveckling i andraspråket.   Trots flera utmaningar är pedagogerna överlag positiva och har förslag på möjligheter och förbättringar; såsom kompetenshöjning inom andraspråksinlärning och läs- och skrivsvårigheter, mer användning av utredningsmaterial som är oberoende av språkkunskaper, fördjupat samarbete mellan olika professioner, tillgång till extern rådgivning och rekrytering av modersmålslärare bland nyanlända.       Vår förhoppning är att medverka till att skolor ser över sina riktlinjer och rutiner kring hur man identifierar och utreder läs- och skrivsvårigheter hos nyanlända elever / The purpose of the study is to analyze teachers' stories of how they experience the process of identification and investigation of the reading and writing difficulties of new arrivals. We have gathered empirical data in the form of interviews that we have analyzed using previous research and theories. The nine interviews of special education teachers / special educators, teachers teaching Swedish to newly arrived students and native mother- tongue teachers were made at two schools that have a large number of newly arrived pupils and at the municipal reception center. In the study the educators say that they are experiencing a major challenge identifying and investigating newly arrived students´ difficulties in reading and writing. There is some uncertainty about who is responsible for what, and they describe the demarcation problems leading to nobody feeling responsible for the problem. The teachers find it difficult to know if the problems are due to language difficulties or lack of knowledge of the Swedish language. In order to provide newly arrived students with proper support conditions and forms of cooperation as well as clear policies and procedures are requested. According to the teachers that would lead to a more equal education. The identification of reading and writing difficulties is said to take a long time and there is also a lack of a developed methodology and comprehensive materials to detect these difficulties. The assessment is often based on the teacher's experience and in comparison with other students´ learning a second language                                                                                                             Despite the challenges the educators are generally positive and have suggested facilities and improvements; such as increasing skills in how the pupils learn a second language and how to work with reading and writing difficulties, more use of investigative material that is independent of language skills, enhanced cooperation between different professions, access to external advice and recruitment of mother- tongue teachers among new arrivals. Our hope is to contribute to the schools reviewing their policies and procedures on how to identify and investigate the reading and writing difficulties of newly arrived students.

Integrationsprojektet Vänner emellan - ett stöd för nyanlända

Momeni, Haney, Habtom, Ariam January 2014 (has links)
Vänner emellan är ett integrationsfrämjande projekt i Halmstad kommun som riktar sig till nyanlända ungdomar. Verksamheten strävar efter ett mål, där en vänskapsrelation ska skapas mellan nyanlända och etablerade svenskar. Denna relation ska så småningom underlätta de nyanländas situation som ny i Sverige. Integrationsåtgärden ska även vara en möjlighet för dem att träna på det svenska språket, social träning samt få en upplevelse genom ett kulturellt utbyte. Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka deras upplevelser kring integrationsprojektet ”Vänner emellan” med vänskapsrelationer i fokus. Undersökningen baseras på sju kvalitativa intervjuer med: den tidigare projektledaren, den nuvarande projektledaren, en fadder samt fyra nyanlända. För att få svar på syftet kommer vi utifrån ett sociologiskt perspektiv och studera de nyanländas relationer till de etablerade svenskarna, och även deras upplevelser kring vänskap. Detta för att skapa en förståelse om projektet "Vänner emellan" bidrar till en utökad integration. Vi använder oss av teoretiker som belyser sociala band, sociala symboler och asymmetrisk vänskap. Vår frågeställning fokuserar på om det är möjligt att utveckla en organiserad vänskap utifrån projektet ”Vänner emellans” koncept. Majoriteten av informanterna som var nyanlända förstod inte syftet med projektet och såg det som en möjlighet att umgås med andra. De ansåg även att tiden för träffarna var en negativ aspekt i projektet, eftersom de träffades sporadiskt. De begränsningar som vi hade som forskare var vid intervjutillfällena med de nyanlända. Språkbarriären begränsade både oss som intervjuare och dem som informanter. Vi fick förenkla intervjuguiden och kombinera den verbala kommunikationen med kroppsspråk. Våra förhoppningar är att skapa en medvetenhet hos de ansvariga för projektet ”Vänner Emellan”, andra integrationsprojekt och kommuner om vänskap kan leda till integration samt vilka tillvägagångssätt som kan användas. / “Between friends” is an integration project in Halmstad, which is focused on newly arrival youths. The project is reaching for a goal to create a friendship between the newly arrival youths and established Swedes. This relationship will eventually facilitate the situation of young people who recently arrived, but will also be an opportunity to train the Swedish language, social skills and experiences by cultural exchange. The purpose of our study is to see how they are experiencing integration "Between friends" with friendship in focus. The study is based on seven interviews with: the former project leader, the current project leader, a mentor, and four newly arrived youths. In order to answer the purpose of our study, we will from a sociological perspective study the social bonds to the mentor, who is an established Swede. This is to create an understanding about the project "Between Friends" and if organized friendship can contribute to a better integration. We have used theoretic that sheds light on social bonds, social symbols and asymmetric friendships. Our question formulation focuses on of its possible to organize friendship by using “Between friends” concept. The majority of the informants that were newly arrived did not understand the purpose of the project. They also thought that time was a negative factor. Our limits as researches were the language barrier between us and the newly arrived youths. We had to simplify our questions and combine verbal communication with our body language. Our hope is to create awareness among the responsible for the integration project, other integration projects and municipalities, if friendship can lead to integration.

White-Light Mass Determination and Geometrical Modelling of Coronal Mass Ejections

Pluta, Adam Martin 19 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Performance of TOA Estimation Algorithms in Different Indoor Multipath Conditions

Alsindi, Nayef Ali 30 April 2004 (has links)
Using Time of Arrival (TOA) as ranging metric is the most popular technique for accurate indoor positioning. Accuracy of measuring the distance using TOA is sensitive to the bandwidth of the system and the multipath condition between the wireless terminal and the access point. In a telecommunication-specific application, the channel is divided into Line of Sight (LOS) and Obstructed Line of Sight (OLOS) based on the existence of physical obstruction between the transmitter and receiver. In indoor geolocation application, with extensive multipath conditions, the emphasis is placed on the behavior of the first path and the channel conditions are classified as Dominant Direct Path (DDP), Nondominant Direct Path (NDDP) and Undetected Direct Path (UDP). In general, as the bandwidth increases the distance measurement error decreases. However, for the so called UDP conditions the system exhibits substantially high distance measurement errors that can not be eliminated with the increase in the bandwidth of the system. Based on existing measurements performed in CWINS, WPI a measurement database that contains adequate number of measurement samples of all the different classification is created. Comparative analysis of TOA estimation in different multipath conditions is carried out using the measurement database. The performance of super-resolution and traditional TOA estimation algorithms are then compared in LOS, OLOS DDP, NDDP and UDP conditions. Finally, the analysis of the effect of system bandwidth on the behavior of the TOA of the first path is presented.

On the Performance of In-Body RF Localization Techniques

Swar, Pranay P 01 June 2012 (has links)
"Localization inside the human body using Radio Frequency (RF) transmission is gaining importance in a number of applications such as Wireless Capsule Endoscopy. The accuracy of RF localization depends on the technology adopted for this purpose. The two most common RF localization technologies use Received Signal Strength (RSS) and Time-Of-Arrival (TOA). This research first provides bounds for accuracy of localization of a Endoscopy capsule inside the human body as it moves through the gastro-Intestinal track with and without randomness in transmit power using RSS based localization with a triangulation algorithm. It is observed that in spite of presence of a large number of anchor nodes; the localization error is still in range of few cm, which is quite high; hence we resort to TOA based localization. Due to lack of a widely accepted model for TOA based localization inside human body we use a computational technique for simulation inside and around the human body, named Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD). We first show that our proprietary FDTD simulation software shows acceptable results when compared with real empirical measurements using a vector network analyzer. We then show that, the FDTD method, which has been used extensively in all kinds of electromagnetic modeling due to its versatility and simplicity, suffers seriously because of its demanding requirement on memory storage and computation time, which is due to its inherently recursive nature and the need for absorbing boundary conditions. In this research we suggest a novel computationally efficient technique for simulation using FDTD by considering FDTD as a Linear Time Invariant (LTI) system. Then we use the software to simulate the TOA of the narrowband and wideband signals propagated inside the human body for RF localization to compare the accuracies of the two using this method. "

Le design des programmes : des façons de faire du numérique / Program design : ways of doing digital

Masure, Anthony 10 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge le design depuis les pratiques de programmation en montrant qu'elles ne se réduisent pas à une industrie des programmes, qui empêche les inventions de naître tout à fait. Pour cela, elle confronte au sein d'une lecture non linéaire cinq moments de l'histoire du numérique (depuis Vannevar Bush en 1945, dont une traduction inédite est proposée en appendice, jusqu'aux usages contemporains du site web GitHub) à quatre formulations conceptuelles issues d'un corpus philosophique. Le choix d'auteurs qui n'ont pas directement voué leurs réflexions au design (comme Jacques Derrida, Hannah Arendt ou Walter Benjamin) permet de déconstruire un certain nombre de discours entourant la réception des technologies dites nouvelles. Critiquant nombre d'usages faits des notions de conception et de projet et s'appuyant finalement sur Gilbert Simondon, cette thèse s'intéresse à ce qui n'est pas prévisible dans les programmes. Elle soutient cinq axes ou directions pour une recherche dans le champ concerné: décentrer, authentifier, appareiller, traduire et désarticuler. La plausibilité de ces façons de faire du numérique, encore à l'état d'ébauche dans les productions contemporaines, peut intéresser les designers au-delà des spécialistes. Elle est avérée en fin d'ouvrage dans la description d'une fiction curatoriale. / This dissertation questions design through programming practices, showing how they cannot be summed up in program industries which prevent inventions from happening. To this end, it confronts, by a non-linear reading, five periods in the Digital History (since Vannevar Bush in 1945, including a new unpublished translation available as an appendix, to the contemporary use of the website GitHub) with four concepts extracted from a philosophical corpus. The choice of author who have not directly dedicated their writings to Design (such as Jacques Derrida, Hannah Arendt and Walter Benjamin) can deconstruct a number of discourses regarding the arrival of so-called new technologies. After redefining concept and project in design practices and project, and then supported by Gilbert Simondon, this dissertation focuses on what is not predictable in programs. It defends five lines or directions for researches in the relevant field: decentralize, certify, kit or translate and dislocate. The plausibility of these ways to make digital, still in draft form in contemporary productions, may interest designers beyond specialists. A demonstration is made at the end of the dissertation with the description of curatorial fiction.

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