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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

High tech eller AI-skräck? : En studie om attityd till robotrådgivare kontra mänskligafinansiella rådgivare / In technology we trust? : A study on attitudes towards robo-advisors versus humanfinancial advisors

Bengtsson, Alva, Lindqvist, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
I vilken utsträckning kan AI ersätta människor och mänskliga uppgifter? Artificiell intelligens breder ut sig allt mer i samhället och används flitigt för att underlätta beslutsfattande inom åtskilliga områden. Trots detta visar tidigare forskning att människor tenderar att vara aversiva mot beslut som tas av av AI. Denna uppsats ämnar utreda huruvida algoritmaversion förekommer när det gäller robotrådgivare inom privata investeringar. Därtill undersöker vi om inställningen till AI skiljer sig åt beroende på om en investering avser en liten summa pengar eller en stor summa pengar. Vi genomför ett enkätexperiment där respondenterna randomiserat ombeds värdera antingen en mänsklig finansiell rådgivare eller en robotrådgivare. Respondenterna förväntas uppge sin tillit till rådgivaren samt den upplevda användbarheten av rådgivningen i två olika scenarier präglade av en liten respektive stor summa pengar. Genom detta undersöker vi vilken effekt AI har på människors attityd till investeringsrådgivning. Med hjälp av tidigare forskning diskuterar vi i vilken utsträckning algoritmaversion är en begränsning för AI inom investeringsrådgivning. Våra resultat antyder att människor i genomsnitt har högre tillit till en mänsklig finansiell rådgivare än en robotrådgivare när en stor summa pengar ska investeras. Vid en lägre summa pengar däremot värderade respondenterna i genomsnitt tilliten till den mänskliga rådgivaren något lägre än till AI-rådgivaren men effekten är inte statistiskt säkerställd. Våra resultat indikerar vidare att människor i genomsnitt upplever att en robotrådgivare är mer användbar än en mänsklig finansiell rådgivare när en liten summa pengar ska investeras. Vid en högre summa pengar värderade respondenterna istället upplevd användbarhet för en robotrådgivare något lägre i genomsnitt än för en mänsklig finansiell rådgivare, men effekten är inte statistiskt säkerställd. Vi kan inte fastställa att algoritmaversion är en begränsning förAI-investeringsrådgivning per se. Däremot indikerar resultaten att vid investeringar med hög insats behövs tillitsfrämjande insatser gällande AI-rådgivning. / To what extent can AI replace humans and human tasks? Artificial intelligence isincreasingly spreading in society and is frequently used to facilitate decision-making invarious areas. However, previous research shows that humans tend to show aversion towardsdecisions from AI. This essay aims to investigate whether algorithm aversion is presentregarding robo-advisors within private investments. In addition, we examine if the attitudetowards AI differs depending on if an investment is characterized by low monetary stake orhigh monetary stake. We conduct an experiment in the form of a survey where respondentsare randomly presented to either a human financial advisor or a robo-advisor. Therespondents are expected to assess their trust in the advisor and the perceived usefulness intwo different scenarios characterized by low and high monetary stake respectively. Throughthis, we analyze the effect AI has on people's attitude towards investment advisory. Usingprevious research, we discuss the extent to which algorithm aversion is a limitation for AIwithin investment advisory. Our results suggest that, on average, people have higher trust in a human financial advisorthan a robo-advisor when investing a large amount of money. In the case of a low monetarystake, the respondents on average rated the trust in the human advisor slightly lower, but theeffect is not statistically significant. Our results further indicate that, on average, people finda robo-advisor more useful than a human financial advisor when investing a small amount ofmoney. At a high monetary stake, the respondents on average rated the perceived usefulnessof a robo-advisor slightly lower than that of a human financial advisor, but the effect is notstatistically significant. We cannot establish that algorithm aversion is a limitation of AIinvestment advisory per se. However, the results indicate that in the case of investments withhigh monetary stake, more trust-promoting efforts are needed regarding AI advisory.

AI-supported Customer Journeys in Swedish Fashion Retail : Insights for Implementations and Future Possibilities

Stolpe, Sofia, Timms, Elisa January 2024 (has links)
Background: With continuous developments of AI and digitalisation, the fashion industry has transformed remarkably. In Sweden, as a large fashion export, these technological developments have reshaped various aspects of the industry. The digital shift has also contributed to the customer journey’s complexity. The significance of using AI and understanding the customer journey, both has a growing relevance as they are experiencing changes. However, there is limited research on AI’s influence on the customer journey among fashion retailers. Hence, this study highlights the research gap in how fashion retailers can leverage AI technologies in this context.  Purpose: The purpose of this research is to explore how retailers in the Swedish fashion industry can leverage AI to influence the customer journey, from a managerial perspective. Furthermore, to explore Swedish fashion retailers’ perceptions of future possibilities for AI and its influence on the customer journey.        Method: This study is based on a qualitative method with an inductive approach, by combining literature review with six semi-structured interviews of Swedish fashion retailers. It adopts an interpretivist paradigm to ensure quality and depth of the collected data.  Conclusion: The results show that AI is primarily used online and in the prepurchase stage of the customer journey. Implementation of AI tools vary between fashion retailers in Sweden, including tools like targeted advertising. The research presents that fashion retailers have mainly implemented AI tools internally and not directly towards customers. The results highlight factors, like the maturity level of AI, as important for current and future implementations of AI as a fashion retailer. Moreover, Swedish fashion retailers recognise AI’s potential for future implementations to influence the customer journey, especially regarding personalisation and customisation.

Tillit för och använding av Artificiell Intelligence som verktyg : En kvalitativ studie om tillits inverkan påanvändning av artificiell intelligens

Sandell, Ludvig, Ljung, Edvin January 2024 (has links)
Artificial intelligence is a technology that many individuals view favourably intoday's world. Where the technology contributes to a variety of benefits when usedthat can help individuals perform specific tasks. It has been shown from previousresearch that individuals' willingness to use artificial intelligence is affected by thetrust they have in the technology. It discusses how working methods and processesare affected by artificial intelligence and how it is of utmost importance to promotethe individual's trust in the technology to later promote the way artificialintelligence is used. In the previous research, various methods and models havebeen identified and demonstrated to measure and build appropriate trust in AI aswell as for various variables that affect the individual's trust and thus willingnessto use artificial intelligence as a technology.The study aims to study trust in and use of artificial intelligence from a user'sperspective where the individual is in focus. The study thus aims to study theimpact of trust on the use of the technology, any variables that affect users' trustin the technology and what is important in the implementation and use of artificialintelligence to promote trust and the use of artificial intelligence. This is tocontribute with nuanced knowledge of what is required to promote effectivecollaboration between humans and artificial intelligence when performing varioustasks.The study contains a qualitative and inductive approach where empirical data wascollected through open individual interviews and observations where respondentsinteracted with an AI tool and where they performed simple use cases. Throughcontent analysis, the empirical material has created a nuanced andknowledgeexpanding view of the phenomenon and identified aspects andvariables with an impact on individuals' trust and use of artificial intelligence.These are areas that, according to respondents, have a major impact on decisionsto use or not use artificial intelligence tools.The results of the study show that there are aspects and variables around trust thathave a major impact on decisions to use AI tools. These are thus important to keepin mind when implementing AI tools to promote trust and thus the use of artificialintelligence

Artificiell inteligense & Musikskapande organisationer : - En kvalitativ studie om förändring i samband med ny teknik / Artificial intelligence & music creating organizations : - a qualitativ study of change with new technology

Elovsson, Andréa, Linse, Karolina January 2018 (has links)
Abstrakt Författare:Karolina Linse & Andréa Elovsson Handledare:Jasmina Beharic Examinator:Hans Wessblad   Titel:  Artificiell intelligens & Musikskapande organisationer   Bakgrund och problemredogörelse:  Digitaliserings utveckling och förändring då artificiell intelligens kan bli en del av den musikskapande processen, och påverka musikskapande organisationer.   Syfte:  Syftet för studien är att kartlägga organisationsförändring inom ämnet musikskapande i relation till ny teknik.Målet blir därmed att visa på vilka sätt en sådan förändring kan påverka och just nu påverkar berörda organisationer   Metod:  Studien har haft ett induktivt ställningstagande och kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts för att sedan analysa det insamlade empiriska materialet, för att kartlägga mönster av förändring i de musikskapande organisationerna.    Slutsats:  Studien kartlade att artificiell intelligens förändrar musikskapande organisationer som ett nytt musikverktyg för effektivisering.   Nyckelord: Artificiell intelligens, AI, Musikskapande organisationer, Digitala revolutionen, Organisationer, Förändring, Effektivitet / Abstract     Authors:Karolina Linse & Andréa Elovsson Supervisor:Jasmina Beharic  Examiner:Hans Wessblad    Title:  Artificial intelligence & music creating organizations    Background and problem statement:  The development of digitalization and transformation if artificial intelligence will become part of the music creation process and affect music-creating organizations.    Purpose:  The purpose of the study is to map the general change that happened when new technology, in correlation with music creation is integrated in a music creating organization. The goal is to see how the change can affect the music creating organizations.    Method:  The study has had an inductive stance and qualitative interviews have been carried out to then analyze the collected empirical material, to map patterns of change in the music-creating organizations.   Conclusion:  The study mapped out that artificial intelligence changes music-creating organizations as a new music tool for efficiency.   Key words:  Artificiell intelligens, AI, Music-creating organizations, The digital revolution, Organizations, Transformation, Efficiency

Social robots powered by IBM Watson as a support for children with health problems

Kabir, Isak, Kindvall, Kalle January 2017 (has links)
Over the last few years, there has been a growing interest for social robots withhuman-like behavior and their application in healthcare and education. However,there are still plenty of issues that needs to be resolved. One of these challenges isto enable the social robots to fill its role effectively, by creating engagement. In this report the study, that was conducted at IBM Sweden, aims to understandhow IBM Watson can be utilized in the Pepper robot; to engage and supportchildren from the Ronald McDonald House in Uppsala. This is a place for childrenwith health problems and their families to live temporarily. Furthermore, supportivebehaviors are investigated since such behaviors are suggested to be important toincrease the engagement. An initial prototype that used Watson's natural languageprocessing and Pepper, was developed based on user requirements gatheredthrough interviews using a User Centered Design methodology. The prototype wasiteratively developed, and a final evaluation was conducted that examined both theperception of the robot as well as the engagement it created. The evaluation showed that the children wanted to interact with the robot again andhighlighted that they were highly engaged. They perceived the robot as a friend andthe supportive behaviors such as giving praise, responding quickly and maintainingeye contact were most important. The main support the children wanted were tohelp them feel less lonely and the conclusion of this study is that this is a suitablegoal for a robot system.


Kolsmyr, Elin, Rolén, Nora January 2024 (has links)
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been used frequently in the Human Resources industry in order to streamline recruitment processes and exclude human biases about candidates. The shift from human recruitment to recruitment using digital tools is affecting how workplaces are shaped and which candidates are hired. The purpose of this study is to investigate how artificial intelligence affects the recruitment process in Human Resources and what advantages and disadvantages can be generated by the increased use of AI technology in HR. By studying this, it is also possible to visualize how individuals and societal structures may be affected by AI recruitment. The study’s theoretical frame of reference is based on Anthony Giddens' (1991) theory of modern society followed by Pierre Bourdieu's (1986) theories of capital and social space. This study is a literature review which is a study that summarizes several scientific studies. The results of the study show, among other things, that the use of artificial intelligence in recruitment processes can have a negative impact on individuals and social structures in workplaces, it can contribute to homogeneous workplaces and the reproduction of society’s power structures. Furthermore, the study shows that there is a gap in knowledge regarding research on individuals' subjective experiences of AI recruitment. / Den artificiella intelligensen (AI) har under de senaste åren använts inom Human Resources branschen i syfte att effektivisera rekryteringsprocesser och exkludera mänskliga fördomar om kandidater. Skiftet från mänsklig rekrytering till rekrytering med hjälp av digitala verktyg påverkar hur arbetsplatser formas och vilka kandidater som anställs. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur den artificiella intelligensen påverkar rekryteringsprocessen inom Human Resources och vilka för- och nackdelar som kan genereras av AI-teknologins ökade användning inom HR. Genom att studera detta synliggörs även hur individer och samhälleliga strukturer kan tänkas påverkas av AI-rekrytering. Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgår från Anthony Giddens (1991) teori om det moderna samhället följt av Pierre Bourdieus (1986) teorier om kapital och det sociala rummet. Denna studie är en litteraturstudie vilket är en studie som sammanfattar flera vetenskapliga studier. Studiens resultat visar bland annat att användandet av artificiell intelligens i rekryteringsprocesser kan ha en negativ inverkan på individer och strukturer på arbetsplatser, det kan bidra till homogena arbetsplatser och reproducering av samhälleliga maktstrukturer. Vidare visar studien att det finns ett kunskapsglapp vad gäller forskning kring individers subjektiva upplevelser av AI-rekrytering.

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