Spelling suggestions: "subject:"artisanal"" "subject:"rrtisanal""
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Centro de Pesca Artesanal Ilo-Moquegua / Artisanal Fishing Center Ilo – MoqueguaRodriguez Mares, Mariacecilia 08 January 2021 (has links)
El proyecto consta de un Centro de Pesca Artesanal en la ciudad de Ilo que tiene como objetivo integrar a la población con una actividad primaria importante en su economía local, enfatizando la arquitectura biofílica es decir integrando la naturaleza propia del lugar en el proyecto.
La ciudad de Ilo, ubicada en el departamento de Moquegua se eligió ya que es el lugar donde nací y crecí. En esta ciudad la actividad pesquera artesanal tiene una inadecuada infraestructura de desembarque. Ante este panorama, se presenta la oportunidad de implementar de nueva infraestructura y crear un punto de encuentro entre el poblador local y esta actividad. / The project consists of an Artisanal Fishing Center in the city of Ilo that aims to integrate the population with an important primary activity in its local economy, emphasizing biophilic architecture, that is, integrating the natura of the place into the project.
The city of Ilo, located in the south of Peru in the department of Moquegua, was chosen because it is the place where I was born and raised. In this city, artisanl fishing is an activity that has an inadequate landing infraestructure. Given this panorama, the opportunity to implement new infraestructure and create a meeting point between the local population and this activity presents itself. / Tesis
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Centro Pesquero Artesanal en Ilo / Artisanal Fishing Center in IloPizarro Unda, Ronald Giovanni, Pizarro Unda, Ronald Giovanni 07 March 2021 (has links)
El proyecto de Centro Pesquero Artesanal en Ilo, abarca aspectos del contexto, sociales, formales y funcionales del lugar para poder concebir un espacio de interés y que propicie la aparición de momentos en la ciudad. Sin dejar de lado para lo que fue proyectado, el desarrollo de una actividad tan ordenada como la pesca artesanal, y que es tan fuerte e interesante que capta la atención del ciudadano y a su vez es atractor de otras actividades complementarias o consecuentes a esta. El encuentro permanente, efímero o espástico de estas actividades en un espacio del mar y de la ciudad son las que crean un espacio sensorial de olores, sabores, texturas y experiencias portuario-urbanas / The Artisan Fishing Center Project in Ilo covers aspects of the context, social, formal and functional of the place in order to conceive a space of interest and that encourages the appearance of moments in the city. Without leaving aside for what was projected, the development o fan activity as orderly as artesanal fishing and interesting that it captures the attention of the citizen and in turn attracts other complementary or consequencial activities. The permanente ephemeral or spastic meeting of these activities in a space of the sea and the city are what créate a sensory space of smells, flavors, textures and urban port experiences. / Tesis
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Évaluation de l’exposition populationnelle aux métaux et métalloïdes issus de l’extraction minière artisanale d’or au MaliDiarra, Zeïnaba 04 1900 (has links)
L'exploitation artisanale de l'or peut libérer des éléments métalliques dans l'environnement, ce qui peut entraîner des expositions professionnelles et environnementales. Cette étude pilote visait à évaluer l'exposition aux métaux et métalloïdes chez les travailleurs d'une mine d'or artisanale, les habitants d'un village minier et les habitants d'un village non minier au Mali par une biosurveillance multiéléments. Un échantillonnage par convenance de 315 personnes a été réalisé, réparti de manière égale dans chaque localité (105 par site) et stratifié par groupe populationnel (hommes adultes, femmes adultes et personnes âgées de moins de 18 ans). Des échantillons d'ongles d'orteils et d'ongles de doigts ont été prélevés sur chaque participant de ces différents groupes et 21 éléments (argent, aluminium, arsenic, baryum, béryllium, cadmium, cobalt, chrome, cuivre, fer, gallium, lithium, manganèse, nickel, plomb, sélénium, strontium, thallium, uranium, vanadium et zinc) ont été quantifiés dans ces matrices par spectrométrie de masse avec plasma à couplage inductif (ICP-MS). Les résultats ont montré que les concentrations de 12 éléments dans les ongles des doigts ou des orteils (en particulier l’arsenic, le cobalt et le cuivre à la fois dans les ongles des doigts et des orteils) étaient plus élevées dans le groupe des travailleurs de la mine par rapport aux groupes des villages miniers et non miniers. Dans le groupe des travailleurs de la mine en particulier, les concentrations d’arsenic dans les ongles des mains et des pieds étaient significativement plus élevées chez les hommes. Les concentrations d’arsenic dans les deux matrices étaient également significativement plus élevées chez les fumeurs par rapport aux non-fumeurs. Les concentrations de nickel, strontium et zinc dans les ongles des doigts et des orteils étaient statistiquement plus élevés chez les femmes que chez les hommes. La plupart des métaux présentaient également une forte corrélation positive dans l’ensemble. Au vu des résultats, il serait pertinent d'étendre cette étude en incluant une évaluation de l'exposition par biosurveillance humaine avec d'autres matrices biologiques telles que le sang et l'urine, couplée à des évaluations environnementales pour mieux identifier d'autres sources potentielles d'exposition tout en tenant compte des facteurs de confusion potentiels et pour comparer les résultats obtenus aux normes internationales.
Mots-clés : Exploitation minière artisanale et à petite échelle de l'or, biosurveillance humaine, ongles des orteils, ongles des doigts. / Artisanal gold mining can release metallic elements in the environment that can result in occupational and environmental exposures. This pilot study aimed to assess exposure to metals and metalloids in artisanal gold mine workers, inhabitants of a mining village and inhabitants of a non-mining village in Mali by multi-element biomonitoring. A convenience sampling of 315 individuals was performed equally distributed in each location group (105 per location) and stratified by populational group (adult males, adult females, and people <18 years). Toenail and fingernail samples were collected from each participant of these different groups and twenty-one elements (silver, aluminum, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, gallium, lithium, manganese, nickel, lead, selenium, strontium, thallium, uranium, vanadium, and zinc) were quantified in those matrices by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results showed that concentrations of 12 elements in fingernails and/or toenails (in particular arsenic, cobalt, and copper both in toenails and fingernails) were higher in the mine worker group compared to the mining and non-mining village groups. In the mine worker group specifically, arsenic concentrations in both fingernails and toenails were significantly higher in males. Arsenic concentrations in both matrices were also significantly higher in smokers compared to non-smokers. Nickel, strontium and zinc concentrations in both fingernails and toenails were statistically higher in females than in males. Most metals also had a strong positive correlation overall. In view of the results, it would be relevant to extend this study by including a human biomonitoring exposure assessment with other biological matrices, such as blood and urine, coupled with environmental assessments to better identify other potential sources of exposure while accounting for potential confounders and to compare the results obtained to international standards.
Keywords: Artisanal and small-scale gold mining, human biomonitoring, toenails, fingernails
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Pueblo de mina, pueblo de ruina? : Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) formalization and environmental peacebuilding in ColombiaLundin Glans, Ulrika January 2022 (has links)
High-value, lootable natural resources drive, finance and sustain armed conflicts around the world. At the same time, these resources are crucial for livelihoods through artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in the very same contexts. Yet, little is known regarding how these resources should be managed in the wake of conflict to contribute to peacebuilding and prevent conflict recurrence. Drawing on the environmental peacebuilding and informal economies literature, this study argues that ASM formalization improves the quality and sustainability of livelihoods by empowering ASM communities. Using the method of structured focused comparison, the hypothesis is tested on two mining municipalities in Antioquia, Colombia. Data was gathered through interviews and secondary sources. The main finding is that while ASM formalization under certain conditions can contributeto sustainable livelihoods, this is only partly through community empowerment. Furthermore, the practice remains inaccessible to most artisanal and small-scale miners and can make them dependent on the goodwill of large-scale multinational mining companies. Thereby it ends up marginalizing many of the people it is meant to benefit.
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In the Search for Gold / Hope, Power and Precarity in Artisanal and Small-scale MiningPedersen, Anna Frohn 20 November 2023 (has links)
In dieser Doktorarbeit geht es um den Kleinbergbau (ASM) und wie dieser Leben und Landschaften verändert. ASM ist eine von vielen informellen Lebensgrundlagen, die in kapitalistische Wertschöpfungsketten eingebunden ist. ASM ist für schätzungsweise 40 Millionen Menschen im globalen Süden zu einer der wichtigsten nichtlandwirtschaftlichen Lebensgrundlagen geworden. Schlechte Arbeitsbedingungen, Umweltverschmutzung, Umweltzerstörung und Machtasymmetrien machen ASM jedoch zu einer prekären Lebensgrundlage, die Nachhaltigkeitstransformationen in Frage stellt. Daher wird mehr Forschung über die Nachhaltigkeitspotenziale von ASM gefordert. Wissenschaftler betonen insbesondere die Notwendigkeit, sich mit den Perspektiven von ASM-Akteuren sowie den Dynamiken der ASM-Wertschöpfungsketten auseinanderzusetzen. Auf der Grundlage einer sechsmonatigen ethnografischen Feldforschung in der Region Geita in Tansania untersuche ich in der Dissertation skalenübergreifende Beziehungen zwischen Akteuren und Agenden innerhalb von ASM und diskutiere die Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten für einen nachhaltigeren Sektor. Die Arbeit ist zwischen Anthropologie, Human- und Wirtschaftsgeographie, politischer Ökologie und Landsystemwissenschaft situiert. Ich setze qualitative Methoden ein, darunter Interviews, teilnehmende Beobachtung und gemeinschaftliches Filmen, und beziehe dabei ein breites Spektrum von Akteuren ein. In vier Hauptkapiteln beschreibt die Arbeit die Ambivalenzen von ASM, die Hoffnung und Chancen, aber auch Prekarität und Degradierung die ASM mit sich bringt. Die Arbeit zeigt, wie konkurrierende Visionen und Machtasymmetrien die Ungleichheit verstärken, aber auch zum Widerstand und zu alternativen Visionen der Globalisierung aufrufen. / This thesis is about artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) and how it transforms lives and landscapes. ASM is one of many informal livelihoods spun in capitalist value chains. Engaging estimated 40 million people, ASM has become one of the most important non-farm rural livelihoods in the Global South. However, poor work conditions, pollution, environmental degradation and power asymmetries make ASM a precarious livelihood that challenge sustainability transitions. Consequently, calls have been made for more research on the sustainability potentials of ASM. Particularly, scholars emphasise the need for engaging the perspectives of ASM actors, along with a better understanding of the value chain dynamics of ASM. Based on 6 months of ethnographic fieldwork in the Geita region of Tanzania, I explore the cross-scalar relations between actors and agendas within ASM, and discuss the challenges and possibilities for a more sustainable sector. The thesis is situated between anthropology, human and economic geography, political ecology and land system science. I engage qualitative methods, including interviewing, participant observation and collaborative filmmaking, encompassing a broad range of actors. Through four core chapters, the thesis describes the ambiguities of ASM, creating hope and opportunity, but also precarity and degradation. It shows how competing visions and power asymmetries reinforce inequality, while also invoking resistance and alternative visions of globalisation.
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Pegar e fazer: a dinâmica da produção e dos usos de artefatos artesanais na região da Barra do Rio Mamanguape - PB e reflexões sobre design e produção do mundo artificial / Pegar e fazer: an investigation of traditional artifacts production and usage at Barra do Rio Mamanguape - PB and a discussion about design and the production of the artificial worldRiul, Marília 03 July 2015 (has links)
Uma série de transformações ambientais, territoriais, sociais e econômicas têm influenciado os modos de vida das culturas tradicionais estabelecidas nas diversas regiões do Brasil e do mundo. Um dos aspectos que é tocado por essas mudanças é a prática da produção artesanal dos artefatos que auxiliam as atividades domésticas e produtivas dessas populações. Esta pesquisa analisou a atual produção de artefatos artesanais em povoados historicamente fixados na região da Barra do Rio Mamanguape, Paraíba, e também investigou as características presentes do uso de tais artefatos no cotidiano de uma das vilas locais. Essa prática tradicional é fundamentalmente associada às atividades de subsistência desenvolvidas pelas populações da região, como a agricultura, a pesca artesanal e o extrativismo, e tem sido delineada por diferentes fatores de dimensão local e global. Algumas implicações dessa dinâmica são o rareamento da presença da figura do artesão naqueles povoados, bem como o desaparecimento de algumas de suas expressões tradicionais. Foram verificadas variações nas características de alguns artefatos de origem indígena milenar, associados à cultura Potiguara. Também foi constatado o surgimento de outras expressões materiais que decorrem das interações das populações locais com o contexto urbano e industrial, em hibridismo com os elementos culturais tradicionais constituídos a partir da sua histórica relação com os ecossistemas circundantes e a biodiversidade nela existente. Práticas e sentidos embutidos na maneira de produzir o mundo artificial analisada neste contexto foram elencados como aspectos pertinentes ao processo de reconfiguração da atividade do design. Tal reconfiguração é discutida no âmbito de suas práticas e valores, como atividade urbana e industrial responsável pela concepção de grande parte da nossa cultura material, e diante da nossa conjuntura socioambiental. / Traditional cultures of many regions of Brazil have been influenced by many sociocultural, economical, environmental and territorial changes. One of the aspects of their culture that has been changed is the artisanal production of artifacts that are used in everyday domestic and professional activities. This research analyzed the current production of this kind of artifacts in traditional communities situated at Barra do Rio Mamanguape region, Paraíba, and also investigated usage characteristics of artisanal objects in one of the local villages. These traditional practices are associated to subsistence activities developed by the local population, like agriculture, artisanal fishery, gathering, and has been influenced by a number of local and global changes. We have observed that the declining number of artisans and the extinction of some expressions of the traditional material culture are outcomes of these changes. We also verified variations in the characteristics of some artifacts that are linked to the ancient culture of Potiguaras indigenous people. We have observed the emergence of new material expressions determined by interactions between local population and the urban and industrial contexts, involving the traditional elements and maintaining their relationships with local ecosystems and biodiversity. Practices and meanings embedded in the local production of artifacts, as part of the construction of artificial world, were listed as relevant aspects to be considered in the reconfiguration process of values and practices of design, as urban and industrial activity responsible for conceiving our material culture.
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Pegar e fazer: a dinâmica da produção e dos usos de artefatos artesanais na região da Barra do Rio Mamanguape - PB e reflexões sobre design e produção do mundo artificial / Pegar e fazer: an investigation of traditional artifacts production and usage at Barra do Rio Mamanguape - PB and a discussion about design and the production of the artificial worldMarília Riul 03 July 2015 (has links)
Uma série de transformações ambientais, territoriais, sociais e econômicas têm influenciado os modos de vida das culturas tradicionais estabelecidas nas diversas regiões do Brasil e do mundo. Um dos aspectos que é tocado por essas mudanças é a prática da produção artesanal dos artefatos que auxiliam as atividades domésticas e produtivas dessas populações. Esta pesquisa analisou a atual produção de artefatos artesanais em povoados historicamente fixados na região da Barra do Rio Mamanguape, Paraíba, e também investigou as características presentes do uso de tais artefatos no cotidiano de uma das vilas locais. Essa prática tradicional é fundamentalmente associada às atividades de subsistência desenvolvidas pelas populações da região, como a agricultura, a pesca artesanal e o extrativismo, e tem sido delineada por diferentes fatores de dimensão local e global. Algumas implicações dessa dinâmica são o rareamento da presença da figura do artesão naqueles povoados, bem como o desaparecimento de algumas de suas expressões tradicionais. Foram verificadas variações nas características de alguns artefatos de origem indígena milenar, associados à cultura Potiguara. Também foi constatado o surgimento de outras expressões materiais que decorrem das interações das populações locais com o contexto urbano e industrial, em hibridismo com os elementos culturais tradicionais constituídos a partir da sua histórica relação com os ecossistemas circundantes e a biodiversidade nela existente. Práticas e sentidos embutidos na maneira de produzir o mundo artificial analisada neste contexto foram elencados como aspectos pertinentes ao processo de reconfiguração da atividade do design. Tal reconfiguração é discutida no âmbito de suas práticas e valores, como atividade urbana e industrial responsável pela concepção de grande parte da nossa cultura material, e diante da nossa conjuntura socioambiental. / Traditional cultures of many regions of Brazil have been influenced by many sociocultural, economical, environmental and territorial changes. One of the aspects of their culture that has been changed is the artisanal production of artifacts that are used in everyday domestic and professional activities. This research analyzed the current production of this kind of artifacts in traditional communities situated at Barra do Rio Mamanguape region, Paraíba, and also investigated usage characteristics of artisanal objects in one of the local villages. These traditional practices are associated to subsistence activities developed by the local population, like agriculture, artisanal fishery, gathering, and has been influenced by a number of local and global changes. We have observed that the declining number of artisans and the extinction of some expressions of the traditional material culture are outcomes of these changes. We also verified variations in the characteristics of some artifacts that are linked to the ancient culture of Potiguaras indigenous people. We have observed the emergence of new material expressions determined by interactions between local population and the urban and industrial contexts, involving the traditional elements and maintaining their relationships with local ecosystems and biodiversity. Practices and meanings embedded in the local production of artifacts, as part of the construction of artificial world, were listed as relevant aspects to be considered in the reconfiguration process of values and practices of design, as urban and industrial activity responsible for conceiving our material culture.
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The regulation of small-scale mining in Namibia :|ba legal perspective / Divan de JonghDe Jongh, Divan January 2013 (has links)
The objective of this study is to conduct a critical evaluation of the Namibian
law and policy framework that currently regulates small-scale mining in
Namibia. The discussion begins with an introduction to small-scale mining in
Namibia which deals with the practice of small-scale mining, inter alia, as far as
it is defined and the possible affects thereof. Small-scale mining affects various
second generation rights of persons directly involved therein as well as the
community as a whole. These rights include child labour; unemployment;
gender issues; public health care; occupational health and safety; access to
finance; poverty alleviation; and access to mining tools, machinery, markets
and buyers.
The law and policy framework applicable to small-scale mining in Namibia is
accordingly critically discussed in terms of the strengths and weaknesses of the
current framework. It is found that small-scale mining is quite well regulated in
Namibia, but the current law and policy framework is not without its problems.
Some of the main weaknesses identified are the centralised nature of the
application for and pegging of claims, the lack of formal provision and
regulation of the off-set markets, and the lack of access to finance for smallscale
Recommendations are made, such as that regulatory measures should be put
in place to make provision for and to regulate the off-set markets for the
minerals being mined by the artisanal miners. At the end of the study further
research topics which relate directly to the regulation of small-scale mining in
Namibia are identified. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Sustainable Mining for Long Term Poverty Alleviation in the Democratic Republic of the CongoPerfect, Ellen 01 January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores the poverty alleviation and peace-spoiling power of the mineral extraction sector in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to arrive at a set of strategic goals for the country moving forward. Although subterranean minerals are often a source or perpetuator of violence, the potential to lift the country’s rural communities out of extreme poverty makes the mining industry an essential part of the nation’s development strategies. Lessons from Tanzania, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Uganda and Sierra Leone to arrive at best practices for increasing the multiplier effect of large-scale mining, formalization, beneficiation, capital resource development, stakeholder harmonization and conflict control. The study also finds that in order to smoothly construct and implement new programs, the traditional roles and positioning of government, corporate and community stakeholders must change toward increased inclusion.
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A bio-socio-economic simulation model for management of the red sea urchin fishery in Chiledel Campo Barquín, Luis Matias January 2002 (has links)
This study focused on the management of the red sea urchin Loxechinus albus fishery in Chile. The main objective was to design, construct, implement and assess a computer-based simulation model to analyse the biological effects, socio-economic consequences and spatial dynamics resulting from coastal management plans applied to this resource under the system of AMEBR. This was accomplished by using systems dynamics (SD) and geographical information systems (GIS) modelling, in a process of model development, run, optimisation, sensitivity analysis and risk management, and a series of field-based activities carried out at the cove of Quintay. The GIS model developed for allocating sea urchins restocking sites offered a flexible, cost-effective, user-friendly and descriptive technique for support decision-making on management of this species and other benthic resources. Final site selection for restocking was based on the identification, quantification and selection of higher suitability¦availability combinations (site categories). This map showed 16 different suitability¦availability combinations or site categories, ranging from 4¦100 to 8¦100 (suitability points¦availability %). These had an average of 6.44¦69.37 (covering an area of 82.5 Ha overall equivalent to 81.21% of the study area. This site classification demonstrated high heterogeneity between options, and revealed the full variety of alternatives for decision-making. More importantly, the generally high suitability indexes as well as available area emphasised the prospects for restocking sea urchins in this study area. Over and above of the quantitative outcomes obtained from running the GISRM (suitable and available restocking sites) and the BSESM (alternative strategic management plans), the case study-based analysis made it possible to disclose the wider issues related to the red sea urchin coastal management. These results demonstrated the biological inefficiency of traditional size/seasonal restriction-based approach (macro-scenario 1) for sustainable management of the target species. More importantly, final outcomes strongly suggested that a combination of adaptive restocking-based enhancement activities and flexible exploitation constituted a highly attractive approach (macro-scenario 3) for stock management of this fishery in terms of harvestable stock and related incomes. However from the economic analysis, stocking was also found to be economically unfeasible, being a rather cost intensive exercise negatively affected by high natural mortality rates. A single-variable optimisation analysis demonstrated that a higher survival rate is needed to generate sufficient profits to cover major restocking costs and a positive payment, or a cost reduction is essential to make up for the loss. On top to these practical constraints, based on the distinctive modest economic situation prevailing for most Chilean coves and hence their limited capacity to pay for stocking material, unless adequate and constant funding is available to support artisanal associations, they are very unlikely to develop mass release programmes. Given the economic (i.e.: high operating costs) and technical (i.e.: low survival rates) limitations conditioning stocking-based management cost-effectiveness and applicability, wide implementation of mass releases as a major approach for management of the red sea urchin fishery is very unlikely to take place in Chile. This study presents a methodology and offers a tool to design, evaluate and optimise coastal management plans for the red sea urchin in a dynamic, interactive, systematic, integrated and flexible way. The optional strategic management plans proposed on this study may not be applied equally to any AMEBR, as they are the outputs arising from a single cove-specific analysis. Still, the complete methodological framework and analysis procedures developed may be applied to run the BSESM and optimise management of a red sea urchin fishery at any other AMEBR case of study.
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