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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La pratique infirmière en procréation médicalement assistée au sein d’un établissement de santé québécois : une étude autoethnographique

Guay, Martine 12 1900 (has links)
Problématique : L’infertilité – considérée par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) comme une maladie du système reproducteur – affecte de plus en plus d’hommes et de femmes, soit un couple sur six en âge de procréer au Canada et au Québec. Elle a un impact sur le bien-être physique et mental des patient.e.s, souvent stigmatisé.e.s et isolé.e.s socialement parce que, pour plusieurs, l’infertilité demeure un sujet tabou. L’infertilité est traitée en procréation médicalement assistée (PMA) où les patient.e.s-familles sont accompagné.e.s par des infirmières dont la pratique est complexe et diversifiée, mais méconnue. But : L’étude avait pour but d’explorer la pratique infirmière en PMA dans un établissement de santé québécois. Méthode : Le devis retenu est une autoethnographie où l’étudiante-chercheuse a mis à profit son expérience comme patiente et comme infirmière en PMA. Des entretiens semi-dirigés, une observation participante et un journal de terrain ont été employés pour la collecte des données. Une analyse thématique a été réalisée. Résultats : L’expérience des patient.e.s-familles en infertilité est au cœur de la pratique infirmière et l’une des principales dimensions de cette pratique est le soin relationnel, peu importe les sphères d’activités auxquelles les infirmières sont affectées au sein de la clinique. Les autres dimensions rapportées sont le leadership/advocacy, l’apprentissage/enseignement, la collaboration et les interventions techniques. Ces résultats correspondent à l’expérience de l’étudiante-chercheuse, tant à titre de patiente que d’infirmière en PMA. Retombées : L’étudiante-chercheuse a documenté la pratique infirmière en PMA, mettant en valeur une méthode peu usitée en sciences infirmières : l’autoethnographie. / Problem: Infertility – classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a reproductive system disease – affects an ever-increasing number of women and men. Today, one couple out of six of reproductive age struggles with this condition in Canada and in Quebec. It has an impact on the patients’ physical and psychological well-being, often leaving both partners stigmatized and socially isolated as infertility remains a societal taboo for many. Infertility can be treated via Assisted Reproduction Technologies (ART) where the patients-families are cared for by fertility nurses, whose practice is both complex and diversified, but remains little-known. Purpose: This study explores the field of fertility nursing as it is practised in a Quebec healthcare institution. Method: The student-researcher chose to do an autoethnography in order to draw from her own experience as both a fertility nurse and a fertility patient. Semi-directed interviews, participant observation and field journal were used to collect data. A thematic analysis of data then followed. Results: The patients-families’ infertility experience is at the heart of the fertility nurse’s practice and relational care is the main dimension of that practice, regardless of which nursing activities are assigned to them in the clinic. These other dimensions were also reported : leadership/advocacy, learning/teaching, collaboration and technical interventions. These results coincide with the student-researcher’s experience, both as a fertility patient and as a fertility nurse. Impact: The student-researcher documented the practice of fertility nursing and showcased a method rarely used in nursing science: autoethnography.

Náhradní mateřství v judikatuře Nejvyššího soudu a Ústavního soudu / Surrogacy in case law of the Supreme and Constitutional Court

Kořistka, Jan January 2020 (has links)
Surrogacy in case law of the Supreme and Constitutional Court Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the phenomenon of surrogacy and places the topic and its aspects into the context of up-to-date social background, legal theory and practice and case law of the Supreme and Constitutional Court. The aim of this thesis is to provide a summary of all available theoretical and practical understanding of the matter, analysis of relevant case law and illustration of both legal and factual issues concerning surrogacy in the Czech republic for the reader to be able to form a comprehensive understanding of the matter, taking into account its interdisciplinarity. Keywords Surrogacy, surrogate motherhood, assisted reproduction, parenthood, best interests of the child, right to family and family life

The Desired Baby: Assisted Reproductive Technology, Secrecy, and a Cultural Account of Family Building in India

Sengupta, Anindita 24 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Etická problematika asistované reprodukce s důrazem na metody kryokonzervace / Ethical issues of assisted reproduction with emphasis cryopreservation methods

Zajíčková, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
Human infertility is not a new phenomenon, but it is as old as humanity itself. Currently in most developed countries, the number of couples who have a problem with childbearing is growing. This is due, among other things, to the lifestyle associated with career development and postponement of parenthood. While in the past infertile couples usually had only two options to deal with their sterility - childlessness and a substitute life program, or adopting a child. Today, infertile couples have a third option and this is the treatment of infertility using assisted reproduction methods. This year, exactly forty years have elapsed since the birth of the first child by means of extracorporeal fertilization. Already then the assisted reproduction was considered a method that is ethically problematic. Numerous specialists, such as physicians, biologists, lawyers, philosophers, theologians, and others, have been involved in the quest for ethical issues. Not only there has been no solution to some problems during the whole lifetime of assisted reproduction on which most experts and the general public would agree, but with the gradual development of this treatment method new problems have arisen. Today's stage of development of artificial insemination techniques and procedures together with modern...

Möjligheter och förbehåll – en diskursanalytisk studie av lesbiska kvinnors erfarenheter av att bilda familj genom assisterad befruktning inom svensk sjukvård / Opportunities and restrictions – a discourse analysis on lesbian womens’ experiences of creating a family through assisted reproduction in Swedish public medical services

Rozental, Alexander January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att utforska och förstå de resonemang lesbiska par begagnar sig av i beslutsfattandet om reproduktionsmetod. Här ingår även berättelser kring de erfarenheter paren har av möten med professionella inom svensk sjukvård och myndighetsutövning. Studien består av tio intervjuer med lesbiska par, vilka har fått barn inom den offentliga sjukvården sedan detta blev tillgängligt den 1 juli år 2005. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av kvalitativ metod i det diskursanalytiska fältet. Resultatet visar att parens beslut har föregåtts av en process där alternativ har vägts mot varandra. Här återfinns två typer av tolkningsrepertoarer där svensk sjukvård har fått företräde på grundval av externa omständigheter. Den ena kretsar kring ett samhällsperspektiv där olika juridiska faktorer används retoriskt för att framhäva valet som rimligt. Den andra utgår ifrån ett familjeperspektiv, där det externa synliggörs genom konsekvenserna de får för den egna familjebilden.  Resultatet visar samtidigt på de erfarenheter paren har av att genomföra assisterad befruktning i Sverige. Dels beskrivs upplevelserna utifrån utsatthet, där rollen som vårdtagare och homosexuell framställs som en dubbel sårbarhet. Dels framkommer resonemang om acceptans, genom vilken paren hanterar och föregår bristande bemötande med olika argument som reducerar potentiella stressorer.

Psykologförbundet och regnbågsfamiljerna : en diskursanalytisk studie av konfliktpunkter mellan Sveriges Psykologförbund och homosexuellas familjebildningar / Controversies within the Swedish Psychological Association on lesbian and gay families

Malmquist, Anna January 2007 (has links)
Under det senaste decenniet har svensk lagstiftning ändrats vid två tillfällen som möjliggjort för homosexuella par att gemensamt prövas som adoptivföräldrar och för lesbiska par att få barn med hjälp av assisterad befruktning inom den svenska sjukvården. I anslutning till att lagförslagen lagts fram har Sveriges Psykologförbund fungerat som remissinstans. Syftet med studien är att närmare undersöka och skapa en fördjupad förståelse för Sveriges Psykologförbunds ställningstaganden i frågor som rör homosexuellas familjebildningar. Undersökningen består av nio enskilda intervjuer med personer som funnits i Psykologförbundets ledning under den aktuella tidsperioden. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av kvalitativ metod inom det diskursanalytiska fältet. Resultatet visar att homosexuella familjer framställs som problematiska med hjälp av två diskurser, vilka i sin tur är relaterade till vilken fråga som behandlas. En diskurs om svårigheter som tillförs familjen utifrån, i form av negativa samhällsattityder till homosexualitet, är retoriskt användbar i argumentation mot homoadoptioner. Frågan om assisterad befruktning för lesbiska par framställs däremot som problematisk genom argumentation som knyts till svårigheter som tillstöter inifrån familjen. Genom att jämföra den lesbiska familjen mot en heterosexuell norm skapas föreställningar om problem som kretsar kring ett underskott av män och ett överskott av kvinnor som föräldrar. Normativa bilder av biologi, kön och sexualitet framträder, vilka analyseras och diskuteras i uppsatsen.

Semen Quality and Chemical Oxidative Stress; Quantification and Remediation

Bani Hani, Saleem A., M.Sc, Ph.D 18 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Multiscale Biomaterials for Cell and Tissue Engineering

Agarwal, Pranay 10 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Určování rodičovství / Determination of Parenthood

Šilarová, Věra January 2013 (has links)
Determination of Parenthood (Abstract) The determination of parenthood is undoubtedly a very topical issue. There are significant changes which are consequences of modern society approach to the family life as well as of massive progress in the field of medical science and genetics. The development in these areas has brought new concepts such as baby-boxes, assisted reproduction and surrogacy. Now it is up to the legislation to provide rules within the legal framework for these new institutions to steady parental relationships and to secure their protection as well. The aim of this thesis is to familiarize the reader with Czech legal regulation of determination of parenthood by means of its description and analysis. Another aim of the work is to compare this legal regulation with regulation in other countries, in particular in Germany and to find similarities and differences between them. Finally the thesis highlights new institutions within determination of parenthood. This thesis consists of nine chapters which deal with particular parts of its subject-matter. The opening chapter discusses the relationship between a parent and a child both theoretically and historically. Apart from that it also describes legal regulations applicable in the Czech Republic and Germany in the course of time. The second...

Určování rodičovství / Determination of parenthood

Kostěncová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
Determination of Parenthood (Abstract) The topic determination of parenthood today is very actual nowadays and it is not possible to neglect its importance. Changes taking place both in the social life of modern times, and in the field of medicine is necessary to constantly reflect and to adapt them to the legal order. Concepts such as assisted reproduction, surrogacy, concealed birth and baby-boxes are a common part of human society and it is not possible to avoid dealing with the situation around them. The aim of this thesis is to summarize the Czech legislation of determination of parenthood, to mention problematic situations that may arise in connection with it and describe possible solutions to these situations. The another aim then is to acquaint the reader with the newly developing institutions, such as assisted reproduction, surrogacy, concealed birth, baby boxes, etc., and analysis of their current legal status supplemented by comparison of legislation in other European and non-European countries, which could serve as inspiration for future development in the Czech legal order. The first chapter deals with family law, family and relationships between parents and children both from a theoretical and historical point of view. The second chapter is devoted to an overview of the most important changes...

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