Spelling suggestions: "subject:"association "" "subject:"asssociation ""
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Diaspora ivoirienne en Ile-de-France et construction identitaire en migration : une analyse socio-anthropologique du fait associatif / Ivorian Diaspora in Ile de France and identitary construction in migrationDiarra, Krikou 27 April 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche doctorale constitue un essai de systématisation de l'analyse de la communauté ivoirienne en Hexagone afin de comprendre d’une part, les logiques agissantes dans la structuration de celle-ci à travers le fait associatif et d’autre part, rendre intelligible le processus de diasporisation auquel elle est confrontée. Pour le dire autrement, il s’agit d’interroger la dynamique diasporique au prisme du mouvement associatif ivoirien en Île-de-France afin de déceler les logiques sur lesquelles repose la fragmentation de ce champ associatif. Les analyses ont été menées sur la base d’une combinaison des approches quantitatives et qualitatives. De cette démarche, il ressort que la fragmentation du champ associatif et l’émergence d’un inconscient diasporique dans la communauté ivoirienne en Île-de-France relève d’un même processus de construction identitaire dont l’enjeu repose sur une quête d’une visibilité aussi bien dans le milieu d’installation que dans celui d’origine. / This PhD research is an essay about systemization of the analysis of the Ivorian community in France, in order to understand, first the active logic inside structure within associative actions, and second, to make intelligible the diaspora process which the community faces.This means to question the diaspora dynamism at the heart of the Ivorian associative movement in Paris area in order to detect the logic upon which the breaking up of such an associative field lies. Studies have been led on a principle, which is the combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. According to the research, the fragmentation of the associative field and the emergence of diaspora unawareness among the Ivorian community in the Paris area belong the same process, which is the establishment of an identity whose stakes lie upon a quest of visibility at the same time, at the center of the settings and at the source.
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"Bakom fängelsets kulisser" : En kvalitativ studie om institutionalisering bland långafrihetsberövanden / "Behind the curtains of prison" : a qualitative study of of institutionalization among long term prisonersMasarrat, Arash, Nellsten, Robert January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of long term imprisonment on inmates. Our prime interest have ben to identify if eventual effects are considered positive or negative or even a combination of the two. To answer these questions we conducted observations of convicts in a high security prison in Sweden. The collected data were followed by interviews with individuals who have spent considerable time behind bars. We discovered several different behavioral effects whilst conducting our study. Most of them indicated negatively by alienating and suppressing the individual's development, distancing them further away from the community. Inmates tend to alter their behavior substantially when being locked up for longer periods of time in small places with other criminals. Hence their identities change to fit into the environment. Some individuals develop communicational skills to adapt and manage their lifestyle in prison. In general, incarcerated individuals develop special social skills that are crucially needed in prison environment but tend to be redundant in the social community. Key words - differential association, social bonds, communication, identity / Sammanfattning Vi genomförde denna studie i syfte att utreda vilka tänkbara effekter ett långt fängelsestraff skulle kunna ha på den enskilda individen. En aktuell fråga för oss har därför varit huruvida fängelsestraffet genererar positiva eller negativa effekter på den enskilde eller möjligen en kombination av båda. För att undersöka detta har vi genomfört intervjuer och en observation av intagna på en säkerhetsanstalt i Sverige. Vi lyckades utifrån vårt studiematerial identifiera främst negativa effekter vilka indikerade på att individen distanserar sig allt längre ifrån samhället. Klienterna uppvisade bland annat beteenden och identitetsförändringar som riktade sig bort ifrån det rådande samhällets normer. Detta förväntades bero på att de intagna anpassat sig till livet i fängelset och på så sätt ersatt sina sociala färdigheter till den aktuella miljön. Vissa klienter har utvecklat nya sätt att kommunicera på genom den interaktionen som skett med andra intagna. Den kommunikationen symboliserades främst av ett känslolöst och tufft språkbruk vilket krävs för att klara sig på anstalten. Slutsatsen som vi kunnat ta utifrån vår studie är att det förekommer negativa effekter av ett långt frihetsberövande. Däremot konstaterade vi att det behövs mer forskning inom området för att dra konkreta slutsatser. Nyckelord - differentiell association, sociala band, kommunikation, identitet
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La réappropriation d'anciens espaces industriels par la création contemporaine : la Friche la Belle de Mai à Marseille / The re-appropriation of former industrial spaces through contemporary creation : la Friche la Belle de MaiRosenquist, Marta 14 December 2015 (has links)
Créée en 1992 sur 45000m2 d’une ancienne manufacture des tabacs dans un quartier populaire près de la gare Saint-Charles à Marseille, la Friche la Belle de Mai est un lieu de création, de production, et de diffusion artistique interdisciplinaire. Parmi les principales structures de la Friche figurent des compagnies de théâtre, une station de radio, un restaurant, des galeries, ainsi que de nombreuses associations d'art visuel et de musique. Dans ce travail, nous nous posons la question suivante : quel est le rapport entre la nature indéterminée des espaces industriels de la Friche la Belle de Mai et le développement du site, appréhendé à travers trois associations d’art visuel ? En commençant par retracer l’histoire de l’industrie des tabacs à Marseille et en France, nous détaillons la transformation du site au travers de ces trois associations présentes à la Friche depuis une quinzaine d'années. Nous montrons comment la flexibilité des espaces et la souplesse des politiques organisationnelles du site permettent à ces associations de s’y établir et d’y engendrer un dynamisme créatif spécifique. Nous exposons ensuite la façon dont la Friche se « normalise » en se pérennisant, et les conséquences de cette évolution pour les arts visuels. Enfin, nous évoquons le développement récent du site - dont celui lié à Marseille-Provence 2013 : Capitale Européenne de la Culture, et nous comparons la Friche à un autre site industriel reconverti, le Tramway à Glasgow. En nous appuyant sur cette analyse, nous évoquons des perspectives qui pourraient permettre d’atteindre un équilibre entre un contexte plus normatif et la flexibilité offerte par les espaces indéterminés. / Created in 1992 on 45,000 m2 of a former tobacco factory in a working-class district near the Saint-Charles Train Station in Marseille, la Friche la Belle de Mai is a place of interdisciplinary artistic creation, production, and diffusion. The site’s main structures include theatre companies, a radio station, a restaurant, a contemporary art gallery, as well as numerous visual arts associations. In this work, we ask the following question: What is the relationship between the indeterminate spaces of la Friche la Belle de Mai and the development of the site, perceived through three visual arts associations? Starting by retracing the history of the tobacco industry in France and Marseille, we examine the transformation of the site through three associations present at la Friche for over fifteen years. We show how the flexibility of the spaces and the adaptability of the organizational policies of the site allow these associations to establish themselves and create a site-specific dynamic. We then describe the way in which la Friche is “normalized” as it becomes permanent, and the consequences of that evolution for the visual arts. Finally, we evoke the site’s recent development including that linked to Marseille-Provence 2013: European Capital of Culture, and we compare it to another converted industrial site – Tramway in Glasgow. Based on this analysis, we evoke perspectives that would allow achieving a balance between a more normative context and the flexibility offered by indeterminate spaces.
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Free Association as a Mnemonic Device for Retention in Younger/Older PeopleTompkins, Alfred A. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether and to what extent free association following exposure to written material would affect the memory of that material, and whether the effect upon memory would vary with age of the subject. A test of learning (immediate retention) resulted in a significant difference in performance between young and old women--the older learning less. Free association was not found to be significant as a mnemonic aid to either age group, and was compared with characteristics of other more common mnemonics. Suggestions for additional research are discussed.
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Crime organisé russe : origines et perspectives / Russian organised crime : origins and future prospectsFerrari, Morgane 06 September 2017 (has links)
Devenu clef de lecture des enjeux internationaux dans le nouveau désordre mondial, le crime organisé transnational concurrence l’État par ses propres moyens de coercition et investit la sphère publique de telle manière que, dans certaines régions du monde, son influence est indispensable pour remporter une élection ou un marché public. Il va même jusqu’à agir au détriment des engagements des États en matière de préservation de l’environnement ou du patrimoine, de politique urbaine ou de non-prolifération des armes de destruction massive. Dans quelle mesure les changements géopolitiques et les mutations juridiques en ex-URSS ont eu des conséquences sur la nature et l’évolution du crime organisé russe postsoviétique ? Anciennement garants des traditions carcérales, la nouvelle génération des Voleurs dans la loi (Vory v zakone) s’est largement développée durant la transition démocratique avant d’investir durablement les États occidentaux, au point qu’Interpol qualifie cette organisation de « grave menace pour le développement économique ». D’une part, seront étudiés la « sous-culture criminelle russophone » bien spécifique, la typologie et la structure des groupes criminels russes, ainsi que le contexte juridique de leur développement en Russie et en Géorgie. D’autre part, sera analysée l’évolution en Europe occidentale de cette criminalité russophone, davantage qualifiable « d’association de type mafieux » par ses liens politiques et ses activités économiques « légalisées ». L’étude des réponses juridiques de différentes législations sur le blanchiment de capitaux établit que la confiscation élargie sur le modèle italien reste le principal instrument de lutte efficace. / From disruptive element to key factor of international stakes in the new world disorder, transnational organized crime competes with the State with its own coercive means and invests in public sector in a way it becomes inevitable in some parts of the world to win an election or obtain a procurement contract, often in spite of international agreements on environmental preservation, protection of holdings or town planning or even non-proliferation of weapons of mass-destruction. To what extent did the geopolitical and legal changes and their consequences in the ex-USSR impact the nature and evolution of post-soviet organized crime? Formerly guardians of the prison criminal traditions, the new generation of Thieves in Law (Vory v zakone) has developed throughout the democratic transition and expanded in Western Europe to such extent Interpol considers it a tremendous threat to economic development, international security and Russian democratic institutions. The first part will study the indigenous Russian-speaking criminal prison “culture” and give an analyzed overview of the structure of current types of Russian criminal groups and the legal context that led to their development in Russia and Georgia throughout the democratic transition. On the second hand, I will study the expansion in Western Europe of Russian-speaking criminality which can be qualified as “association of mafia-type” (cf. Art. 416bis of the Italian Criminal Code) because of its political links and its “legalized” profits. Forfeiture and seizure on the Italian legal model remain the most effective instrument as established from the study of different legislations against money laundering.
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Colours and context : A study on how colour expectations change depending on the narrative contextPranke, Klara, Jensen, Theodor January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to research what effect a game narrative can have on players’ colour expectations in a game scene. To answer the proposed research question a practical experiment was conducted. 6 testers were given one narrative belonging to a non-existent game and were then tasked with colouring a 2D image said to belong to the same game, based on this narrative. They then repeated the process a second time with a new narrative. Semi-structured interviews were then conducted in an attempt to determine the reasoning behind the participants’ colour choices and any eventual factors that might have affected said choices. Clear indications suggesting that the narrative did indeed affect the colour expectations of players in a game scene was found. The analysis further showed patterns indicating that low values of saturation and brightness were associated with negative concepts, while high values of saturation and brightness were associated with positive concepts. The analysis also led to a hypothesis suggesting that the cultural background of one of the participants had a major impact on the participant’s interpretation of the narrative, which resulted in a result that differed from the other participants’ results. / Syftet med den här studien var att studera vilken effekt ett spelnarrativ kan ha på spelares färgförväntningar i en spelscen. För att kunna svara på forskningsfrågan genomförde vi ett praktiskt experiment. 6 testare i åldrarna 20 – 30, alla speldesignstudenter, gavs ett narrativ tillhörande ett icke-existerande spel. De fick sen i uppgift att färglägga en 2D bild tillhörande samma spel, baserat på narrativet. De blev sedan ombedda att läsa ett andra narrativ och upprepa färgläggningsprocessen, nu baserat på det andra narrativet istället. Efter detta hölls en semi-strukturerad intervju med testaren för att avgöra anledningar till färgvalen och faktorer som skulle kunnat påverka valen. Det fanns tydliga indikationer att narrativen påverkade färgassociationerna i spelscenen. Analysen visade på att låga värden i mättnad och intensitet var associerade med negativa koncept, medan höga värden i mättnad och intensitet var associerade med positiva koncept. Analysen ledde också till en hypotes att den kulturella bakgrunden hos en av testarna hade stor påverkan på testarens tolkning av narrativet, vilket resulterade i ett resultat som skilde sig från de andra testarnas resultat.
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NTM and NR3C2 Polymorphisms Influencing Intelligence: Family-Based Association StudiesPan, Yue, Wang, KeSheng, Aragam, Nagesh 15 January 2011 (has links)
Family, twin, and adoption studies have indicated that human intelligence quotient (IQ) has significant genetic components. We performed a low-density genome-wide association analysis with a family-based association test to identify genetic variants influencing IQ, as measured by Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale full-score IQ (FSIQ). We examined 11,120 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from the Affymetrix GeneChips 10K mapping array genotyped in 292 nuclear families from Genetic Analysis Workshop 14, a subset from the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA). A replication analysis was performed using part of International Multi-Center ADHD Genetics Project (IMAGE) dataset. Twenty-two SNPs were identified as having suggestive associations with IQ (p<10-3) in the COGA sample and eleven of the SNPs were located within known genes. In particular, NTM at 11q25 (rs411280, p=0.000764) and NR3C2 at 4q31.1 (rs3846329, p=0.000675) were two novel genes which have not been associated with IQ in other studies. It has been reported that NTM might play a role in late-onset Alzheimer disease while NR3C2 may be associated with cognitive function and major depression. The associations of these two genes were well-replicated by single-marker and haplotype analyses in the IMAGE sample. In conclusion, our findings provide evidence that chromosome regions of 11q25 and 4q31.1 contain genes affecting IQ. This study will serve as a resource for replication in other populations.
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Comprehensive Replication of the Relationship Between Myopia-Related Genes and Refractive Errors in a Large Japanese Cohort. / 近視関連遺伝子群と日本人コホートにおける屈折異常との関係の網羅的再現性検証Yoshikawa, Munemitsu 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第20278号 / 医博第4237号 / 新制||医||1021(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 森田 智視, 教授 佐藤 俊哉, 教授 中山 健夫 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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"Suffering in the Common Cause": The Continental Association and the Transformation of American Subjects to Citizens during the Coercive Acts Crisis, 1774-1776McGhee, Shawn, 0000-0003-0768-7282 January 2022 (has links)
This dissertation explores the point and process by which American colonists transformed from subjects to citizens. Upon learning of Boston radicals’ destruction of East India tea, Parliament passed the Coercive Acts, a collection of punitive measures designed to rein in that seaport town. In response, American communities from Massachusetts to Georgia drafted resistance resolutions calling on colonists to refrain from importing British merchandise, exporting American resources, and partaking in frivolous pastimes. Boston’s suffering, these communities declared, presented a threat to every colonist. Grassroots activists next called for a Continental Congress to coordinate and enforce a pan-colonial resistance movement to pressure Parliament’s repeal of the Coercive Acts. Once convened, delegates of the First Continental Congress drafted the Articles of Association which incorporated many directives already circulating in the town and county resolutions. Traditionally presented as a colonial boycott of British manufactures, the Association regulated cultural as well as commercial practices. It advised colonists to avoid waste and extravagance and singled out horse racing, cockfighting, theatergoing, and other displays of leisure as examples of moral decay. Echoing the grassroots resolutions, Congress also urged colonists to commit to nonimportation and non-consumption of British wares and nonexportation of American goods.
Through these directives, Congress sought to achieve imperial reconciliation and colonial moral regeneration, yet its commitment to self-preservation reveals it focused more on restoring American virtue than returning harmony to the empire. To enforce the Articles of Association, Congress recommended towns and counties to create Committees of Inspection and Observation. Composed of locally elected men, these committees
regulated their neighbors’ behavior and condemned violators of the Association as enemies of America. Using colonial newspapers, private letters, pamphlets, Congress’s official journals, Peter Force’s American Archives, and a wealth of other primary and secondary literature, this dissertation reveals how the Continental Association organized local communities of suffering. Members of these communities voluntarily suspended cultural and commercial practices to protect political identities they felt were in danger. In the process, those sacrificing in the common cause separated from the broader imperial community and formed an American political community. / History
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The adaptation of the Quebec Protestant School System to centralized collective bargaining : a case studyKrause, Peter J. H. January 1979 (has links)
No description available.
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