Spelling suggestions: "subject:"astrology."" "subject:"rastrology.""
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La science et les secrets de la nature à Naples à la Renaissance : la magie naturelle de Giovan Battista Della Porta / Science and the secret of nature in Naples in the Renaissance : the natural magic of Giovan Battista Della PortaVerardi, Donato 01 April 2017 (has links)
La thèse propose une reconstruction de la pensée philosophique et scientifique de Giovan Battista della Porta (1535-1615). En particulier, le travail est consacré à la reconstruction de la notion de « secrets naturels » au cœur de la pensée philosophique de Della Porta et de son projet de réforme de la magie naturelle. Comme je l’ai montré, la rationalisation du «secret de la nature» chez Della Porta est reliée d'un côté aux problèmes de démonologie, de l'autre côté à celles de l'astrologie.La recherche est divisée en quatre parties : la première est consacrée à l’historiographie et à la réception de Della Porta. Le sens de la magie naturelle est étudié du point de vue de la réception immédiate de la pensée de Della Porta, et notamment le problème posé par le statut qu’elle accorde à l’action des démons. Il s’agit aussi de montrer comment la question reste discutée dans l’historiographie récente. La seconde partie est consacrée a la relation de la pensée de Della Porta avec le milieu de l’aristotélisme napolitain. Il s’agit de comprendre la notion de « secrets de la nature » à la lumière des débats relatifs à la connaissance du singulier et de montrer que le problème du statut de la magie naturelle rencontre à Naples les discussions autour de l’épistémologie médicale et de la conception avicennienne de la « forme spécifique ». La troisième partie est consacrée à la question de la causalité et au débat relatif à l’astrologie, ainsi qu’ au sens à donner à la sympathie par laquelle est expliqué l’influx céleste. L’un des objectifs majeurs est de montrer comment Della Porta est amené à limiter le sens que Ficin a donné à la sympathie. Della Porta réinterprète ainsi la conception des « images astrologiques » d’Albert le Grand. La quatrième partie porte sur la tension entre amitié et sympathie dans le contexte de l’astrologie, pour reprendre la question de la ressemblance au cœur des traités de physionomie de Della Porta et de sa méthode de recherche relative aux « secrets de la nature ». Cette méthode s’appuie sur la notion d’une causalité qui touche non la substance, mais les accidents, c’est-à-dire des « particularités individuelles », telles que le mouvement, la couleur, la figure etc., sur lesquelles Della Porta fait reposer la connaissance du singulier. / This thesis focuses on the scientific and philosophical though of Giovan Battista Della Porta (1535-1615). In particular, the purpose of my thesis is to analyse and “reconstruct” the notion of “secret of nature” in Della Porta’s philosophy and in his project for the reformation of natural magic.As I have shown here, Della Porta’s rationalization of the “secret of nature” is connected either with demonological issues and with astrological problems.The thesis is divided into four parts. In the first part, the historiography and reception of the philosophical thought of Della Porta are discussed. The accent is put on the meaning of natural magic with particular regard to the role he assigns to demons. Here I show that the issue is still debated in the recent historiography. The second part introduces the relationship between Della Porta’s thought and the neapolitan aristotelianism. I proposed, here, to understand the notion of “secret of nature” in light of the debates related to the knowledge of “singular”. I have shown that the matter of the statute of natural magic is related to the discussions on the medical epistemology and on the Avicennean conception of forma speciei. The third part deals with the matter of causality and the debate about astrology. Also, it analyses the meaning of the concept of “sympathy”, interpreted as celestial influence. I have shown that Della Porta reinterprets the concept of “sympathy” of Ficino as well as the notion of “astrological image” of Albert the Great. In the fourth part, I studied the relationship between the concepts of “friendship” and “sympathy” in the astrological debate. Then, I studied the principle of “similarity” in Della Porta’s phisiognomy books and in his research methodology about “secrets of nature”. I have shown that this research methodology is based on a concept of causality not concerning the substance, but the “accidents”, i.e. the “individual particularities”: the movement, the color, the figure, etc. According to Della Porta, the knowledge of the singular is based on these “individual particularities”.
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[pt] Em Solve et Coagula - dissolvendo Guimarães Rosa e recompondo-o pela ciência e espiritualidade é investigada a importância da espiritualidade na formação do escritor Guimarães Rosa e na confecção de suas obras, principalmente Primeiras Estórias e Ave, Palavra. A partir de relatos de amigos e parentes, entrevistas, cartas e anotações pessoais, analisa-se como esse interesse pela espiritualidade - principalmente pela Cabala, Tarô e Astrologia - aparece nos seus textos, tanto na construção quanto em personagens, linguagem e estórias, em
equilíbrio com um pensamento cientificista. Para melhor compreender a questão espiritual do escritor mineiro e o seu desenvolvimento na ficção, também é estudada a visão de religiosidade rosiana analisada por Vilém Flusser e como ela se relacionaria diretamente com a linguagem poética do escritor mineiro. / [en] Solve et Coagula - dissolving Guimarães Rosa and rebuilting him through science and spiritualism analyses the importance of spiritualism in Guimarães Rosa s life and work, mainly in the process of writing Primeiras
Estórias and Ave, Palavra. It s studied friends and family testimonials, interviews, letters and his notebooks, to understand how HIS interest IN SPIRITUALISM - SPECIALLY in Kabala, Tarot and Astrology - appears in his books, from the creative process throughout the narrative, characters and language, in balance with a scientific thought. And it s also analysed his feeling of religious studied by Vilém Flusser and how it s related to the poetic language of Guimarães Rosa.
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Odraz znamení zvěrokruhu v tvaru - konvolut keramických nádob / Reflection of zodiac signs in shape - Set of ceramic vesselsRAABOVÁ, Eliška January 2014 (has links)
This thesis contains an introduction to astrology and zodiac in theoretical part. It represent zodiac during the art history and discusses its symbolic meaning as a whole and its individual signs. Furthermore, affects the issue of language art forms in the psychology of art. The practical part of thesis is focused on objects realization, they result from combination of shape elements and importance of astrological signs. The outcome of this part of work is set of 12 ceramic objects.
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Astrologia e personalidade: o efeito do conhecimento das características do signo solar em variáveis medidas pelo 16 pf. / Astrology and personality: the effect of the knowledge of solar signss characteristics on variables measured by the 16PF.Paulo Roberto Grangeiro Rodrigues 03 September 2004 (has links)
Nesta Tese replicamos por constructo uma pesquisa européia que encontrou para conhecedores da astrologia médias mais altas em Extroversão entre sujeitos dos signos de Fogo e Ar comparados com sujeitos de Terra e Água, formando um padrão dente-de-serra previsto em função da alternância zodiacal entre signos de Elementos Quentes (Fogo e Ar) e Frios (Terra e Água), como sendo efeito da auto-atribuição, já que a mesma variação não se deu para sujeitos não conhecedores. Também se encontrou, no entanto, maior suscetibilidade à informação vinda de fora sobre sua personalidade para os Quentes, o que não invalidou totalmente a teoria astrológica. Encontrou-se lá, além disso, maior média geral em Extroversão para os conhecedores. Usamos o 16 PF Questionário dos 16 Fatores de Personalidade com 589 sujeitos brasileiros de ambos os sexos, diferenciando entre conhecedores (208) e não conhecedores (381) da astrologia, sendo o conhecimento constituído da crença na astrologia mais a descrição de três características do signo solar. Para estimular a influência da auto-atribuição, foi dada a parte do grupo (266) a sugestão Esta é uma pesquisa sobre astrologia, enquanto para a outra parte (323) foi dito que seria uma pesquisa sobre personalidade. Investigamos variações em função dos Elementos astrológicos, através da Análise de Variância (ANOVA), em todos os fatores do 16 PF, mais Extroversão, Ansiedade e Controle. Não aparecem diferenças significativas para a Extroversão isoladamente, mesmo entre os conhecedores. Os conhecedores se descreveram como tendo significativamente maior Extroversão e maior Ansiedade, comparados aos não conhecedores, sugerindo um locus de controle externo. Confirmou-se no grupo dos conhecedores que a maior média geral em Extroversão é devida aos sujeitos do subgrupo dos signos Quentes, e a maior média em Ansiedade é devida aos sujeitos do subgrupo dos signos Frios, indicando a confirmação da maior suscetibilidade à informação vinda de fora sobre suas personalidades para os Quentes. Investigamos, além disso, se a auto-atribuição de origem astrológica afeta não apenas o autoconceito, mas as habilidades da pessoa, através dos 13 itens da Inteligência do 16 PF. Para o grupo de não conhecedores a Ansiedade foi maior para os Quentes do que para os Frios, segundo seus componentes Estabilidade Emocional e Tensão. Este resultado apontou que a Ansiedade, como fator não intelectivo, induziu uma variação de base astrológica na Inteligência. Sugere-se um fator de suscetibilidade diferenciada ao mundo externo segundo a escala Frio-Quente. São analisadas as possíveis explicações teóricas e implicações desses achados. / In this thesis we constructively replicate an european research that found for astrology knowledgeable subjects higher means on Extraversion among subjects of Fire and Air signs, compared with subjects of Earth and Water, compound a saw-tooth pattern due the zodiacal alternation between signs of Hot (Fire and Air) and Cold (Earth and Water) Elements, as an effect of the self-attribution, since the same variation was not found for no knowledgeable subjets. Also was found, however, a difference on susceptibility to information about their personality from outside for the Hots, what didnt invalidate totally the astrological theory. That research found, furthermore, higher mean in Extraversion for that knowledgeable subjects. We applied the 16PF Test Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire to 589 brazilian subjects of both sexes, classifying between knowledgeable (208) and no knowledgeable (381) of astrology, being this knowledge constituted by the believe in astrology and by the naming of three characteristics that go with the sunsign. In order to trigger the self-attribution effect, part of the group (266) was given the cue This is a research into astrology, while to the other part was given research into personality. We investigate variations by dependence on the astrological Elements, by the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), on all the 16 PF factors, more Extraversion, Anxiety and Control. Didn´t appear significant differences to the Extraversion alone, yet among the knowledgeable. The knowledgeable subjects describe theirselves significantly as having higher Extraversion and Anxiety, suggesting an external locus of control, by comparision with the no knowledgeable. It was confirmed that for the knowledgeable the higher general mean in Extraversion is due to the subjects pertaining to the subgroup of the Hot signs, and the higher general mean in Anxiety is due to the subjects pertaining to the subgroup of the Cold signs, indicating a confirmation of the higher susceptibility to information about their personality from outside among the Hots. We investigate, furthermore, if the astrological self-attribution affects not only the self-concept, but also the actual performance, with the 13 items of Intelligence in the 16PF. For the no knowledgeable group the Anxiety was higher for the Hots than to the Colds due to their components Emotional Estability and Tension. This finding pointed to that Anxiety, as a non-intellective factor, induced the astrologically based variation for Intelligence. It is suggested, as much to knowledgeable as to no knowledgeable subjects, a factor of differenciated susceptibility to the outer world due the Cold-Hot scale. Are analysed the possible theoretical explanations and implications of these findings.
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Analyse de la traduction de termes astrologiquesNilsson, Camilla January 2014 (has links)
It is known to most of us that in order to succeed with a translation you need good language skills, both in the source language and in the target language. But in the work of translating a text in a specific field, the translator also needs certain knowledge of that specific domain. In this essay, I analyze to what extent one needs that knowledge, and to what extent dictionaries, secondary literature and research on the Internet can help during the translation process. The main subject for this essay is however an analysis of the translation of astrological terms, taken from a French book on medical astrology from which I have translated three whole chapters. The target language is Swedish. These two languages have separate origins, and therefore the terminologies could differ a lot. But, since the subject – astrology – comes from Ancient Greece and doesn’t depend on neither the French nor the Swedish culture, it is more likely that the astrological technolect looks partly the same in both languages: the terminology should presumably have been borrowed from the language of the ancient Greeks. The seven translation strategies suggested by Jean-Paul Vinay and Jean Darbelnet in Stylistique comparée du français et de l’anglais, written in the 1950’s, helped me analyze the translation. With their method, I could for example see if the translation was mostly literal or oblique, and what kind of strategy is preferable in the translation of technolects.
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Les maîtres du "reste" : la quête de l'équilibre dans les conceptions et les pratiques thérapeutiques en Arakan (Birmanie) / Masters of "remainder" : the search for balance in the therapeutic conceptions and practices in Arakan (Burma)Coderey, Céline 21 January 2011 (has links)
À partir de l’étude ethnographique de la maladie en milieu arakanais, cette thèse réfléchit sur le rapport individu-cosmos et sur le caractère pluriel, hybride et intégrateur de ce rapport. Une telle approche, innovatrice pour la Birmanie, s’éloigne de toute catégorisation et suggère en revanche que la médecine locale, la médecine d’origine occidentale, le bouddhisme Theravāda, l’astrologie, etc. forment un seul et même système de conceptualisation et de maîtrise de l’état de santé comme fruit du rapport au cosmos. La problématique développée s’appuie sur le postulat selon lequel la cohérence structurelle de l’ensemble – de son hybridité et de sa souplesse – réside dans le fait que les composantes sont liées entre elles par des rapports hiérarchiques et complémentaires. La hiérarchie, visible principalement dans l’hégémonie du référent bouddhique, est nuancée par le fait qu’aucune composante, y compris le bouddhisme, ne se suffit à elle même ; il y a toujours des restes qui échappent et qu’il revient à d’autres composantes de concevoir ou de gérer. Quant au caractère intégrateur du système, il est ici montré à travers l’exemple de la biomédecine dont l’intégration n’a été rendu possible qu’à travers de nécessaires adaptions du système lui-même. La thèse est organisée en cinq parties : la première est dédiée aux conceptions de la maladie ; la seconde partie est consacrée aux approches mises en œuvre par les villageois en vue de maintenir l’équilibre à tous les niveaux ; les troisième et quatrième parties portent sur la diversité des thérapeutes, de leurs formations et de leurs pratiques – aussi bien en termes de prévention que de soin – et de leur statut social ; la cinquième et dernière partie est quant à elle consacrée aux itinéraires multiples et complexes des malades. / Based on the author’s personal ethnographic research on sickness-related conceptions and practices in an Arakanese context, this thesis examines the relationship between the individual and the cosmos with particular emphasis on the plural, hybrid and integrating nature of such relationship.This approach, rejecting any form of categorisation, represents an innovation in the context of Burma and suggests that both Burmese and Western medicine, as well as Buddhism, astrology, spirit cult, etc. form a single system of conceptualisation and management of the state of health as a fruit of the relationship with the cosmos. The central point of this structure – its hybridity and plasticity – relies on the fact that the links between the various components are hierarchical and complementary. The hierarchy, notably the hegemony of Buddhism at various levels (conceptual, practical and of values) is counterbalanced by the fact that no component is enough to cope with all factors; there is always something missing, a remainder that other components can conceive and manage. The integrative nature of the system is showed through the example of western medicine, whose integration has produced some changes in the previous system.This thesis is structured in five parts : the first part is dedicated to sickness related conceptions, the second one to the practices the villagers rely upon in order to maintain the balance at all levels, while the third and the forth parts examine different kind of healers, their trainings, their (preventive and healing) practices and their social status; finally in the last one, health seeking behaviours of sick people are discussed.
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A signification in stone : the lapis as a metaphor for visual hybridisation in the Harry Potter filmsGeldenhuys, Vincent Marcel 13 November 2008 (has links)
This study considers the visual representation of the alchemical idea of the philosopher’s stone (lapis philosophorum) in the Harry Potter films: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Columbus 2001), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Columbus 2002), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Cuaron 2004), Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Newell 2005), andHarry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Yates 2007). The lapis philosophorum was believed to turn base metals into gold and produce an Elixir of Life. As such, it is envisioned as the ultimate alchemical idea, and this study emphasises how the lapis can function as a signifier for an alchemical worldview within the Harry Potter films. Because the concept and symbolism of the Harry Potter films is largely based on JK Rowling’s (1997; 1998; 1999; 2000; 2003; 2005; 2007) original novels, this study provides a detailed comparison of how alchemical imagery is used in the novels and contrasts this with the visual imagery of the films. This study undertakes a hermeneutic analysis of the transmission of alchemical ideals from the literary to the visual medium. It also provides a detailed analysis of interrelated visual icons in the Harry Potter films that represent the idea of the lapis as an embodiment of alchemical perfection. In addition, by studying the interplay between alchemical imagery in the Harry Potter novels and films, and comparing the worldviews represented by each, this study is able to analyse the dynamics of the hermeneutic process. This study concludes with a consideration of how alchemical theory relates to the discipline of hermeneutics, how it influences the process of interpretation, and ultimately the relationship between the alchemical worldview and current perspectives on authorship. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Visual Arts / unrestricted
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Improving instruments : equatoria, astrolabes, and the practices of monastic astronomy in late medieval EnglandFalk, Seb January 2016 (has links)
Histories of medieval astronomy have brought to light a rich textual tradition, of treatises and tables composed and computed, transmitted and translated across Europe and beyond. These have been supplemented by fruitful inquiry into the material culture of astronomy, especially the instruments that served as models of the heavens, for teaching and for practical purposes. But even now we know little about the practices of medieval astronomers: how they obtained and passed on their knowledge; how they drew up and used mathematical tables; how they drafted the treatises in which they found words to express their ideas and inventions for their particular audiences. This thesis uses a case study approach to elucidate these medieval astronomical practices. Long thought to be a holograph manuscript in the hand of Geoffrey Chaucer, the Equatorie of the Planetis (Peterhouse, Cambridge MS 75.I) has recently been identified as the work of John Westwyk (d. c. 1400), a Benedictine monk of Tynemouth Priory and St Albans Abbey. His draft description of the construction and use of an astronomical instrument, with accompanying tables, provides an opportunity to reconstruct the practices of an unexceptional astronomer. The first chapter of this thesis reconstructs Westwyk’s astronomical reading and understanding, through an examination of the other manuscript that survives in his hand: a pair of instrument treatises by the outstanding monastic astronomer Richard of Wallingford. I show how Westwyk copied this manuscript in a monastic context, learning as he annotated texts and recomputed tables. In the second chapter I discuss the purposes of planetary instruments such as equatoria, their place among other astronomical instruments, and the physical constraints and possibilities experienced by their makers. Through this discussion I assess the craft environment in which Westwyk came to write his own instrument-making instructions. Chapters three and four assess Westwyk’s language, explaining the basis for his choice to write a technical work in the vernacular, and analysing how his innovative use of Middle English furthered his didactic objectives. In the final chapter, I undertake a technical reassessment of the Equatorie treatise, an integrated analysis of the instrument with the somewhat neglected tables that Westwyk compiled alongside it. The thesis thus applies a range of methodologies to examine the practices and products of a single inexpert astronomer from all angles. It aims to show what an in-depth case study approach can offer historians of the medieval sciences.
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Ouranomachia ou Ludus astrologorum : a retomada lúdica da cosmologia Ptolomaica tradução e análise / Ouranomachia or Ludus astrologorum : a ludic revisit of the Ptolemaic cosmology : translation and analysisSilva, Thiago do Amaral de Carvalho e, 1984- 27 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Sérgio de Vasconcellos / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T17:52:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: Nesta dissertação apresentamos nossa tradução do latim para o português do manuscrito intitulado Ouranomachia ou Ludus Astrologorum, que contém as regras de um jogo de tabuleiro de conteúdo astronômico e astrológico. A versão deste jogo concebida por William Fulke, em Londres no século XVI, se baseia na cosmologia clássica de Cláudio Ptolomeu. Nosso trabalho contém um breve panorama sobre a história desses saberes ao longo dos séculos, enfocando principalmente as duas grandes obras de Ptolomeu, o Almagesto e o Tetrabiblos, que são o alicerce do jogo. Procuramos evidenciar, ao longo do estudo que antecede nossa tradução, como é feita a retomada desse conteúdo, que foi utilizado por Fulke para compor as regras e estrutura deste jogo / Abstract: In this dissertation we present our translation from latin into portuguese of a manuscript entitled Ouranomachia or Ludus Astrologorum, which contains the rules of a board game with astronomical and astrological content. The version of this game created by William Fulke, in London of the 16th Century, is based in Ptolemy's classical cosmology. Our paper contains a brief historical panorama of these subjects throughout the centuries, emphasizing mainly both great Ptolemy's works, the Almagest and the Tetrabiblos, which are the cornerstones of the game. We tried to show with the study which precedes our translation how the content revisit is done, which was utilized by Fulke to compose the rules and structure of this game / Mestrado / Linguistica / Mestra em Linguística
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A study on societal attitudes towards homosexuals in Thulamela Municipality of Vhembe District, South AfricaMushome, Vhahangwele 18 May 2018 (has links)
MA (Psychology) / Department of Psychology / The study aimed to explore societal attitudes towards homosexual individuals in the Thulamela Municipality of the Vhembe District Municipality. The objectives of the study were to identify societal attitudes towards homosexuals in Thulamela Municipality, to explore challenges posed by society towards homosexual people in Thulamela Municipality, and to describe societal perceptions of homosexual individuals. The study was qualitative in nature and purposive sampling was used in the study. A semi-structured interview guide was used. A minimum of 12 non-homosexual people were interviewed. Thematic content analysis was used to analyse data. Different ethical issues were taken into consideration before the study was conducted. The findings of the study show that society is still conservative when it comes to homosexuality. However, it discourages harsh negative attitudes towards homosexual people. Society needs to develop more accepting and tolerant behaviors towards homosexuality. The study found that age, sex, race, ethnicity, social background, level of education and religious affiliation were consistent factors in determining attitudes towards homosexuality. This study recommends that training workshops on sexual orientation should be intensified for teachers, police officers, nurses and other public service employees as well as school administrators to inform them of current trends of homosexuality in the schools. It is also recommended that student accessibility to appropriate and accurate information regarding students’ sexuality should be increased at early stages through library and Internet resources, as well as workshops and forums. / NRF
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