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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reinforcement Layout in Concrete Pile Foundations : A study based on non - linear finite element analysis / Armering Layout i Betong Pålfundament : En studie baserad på icke-linjär finit elementanalys

Angar, Mohammad Mustafa January 2020 (has links)
The main topic of this thesis concerns the behavior of concrete pile cap supported by four piles with two varying positions of longitudinal reinforcements. The positions include top of piles and bottom of the pile cap. For this purpose, non-linear finite element models of a pile cap are created using software ATENA 3D. The goal was to observe which position of reinforcement yields the higher bearing capacity and to observe the failure modes in the models. To achieve the above goals, a short review of theoretical background concerning shear phenomena is performed. This, in order to enhance the knowledge regarding shear stresses, shear transfer mechanism, factors affecting shear capacity, modes of shear failure and relate them to the behavior of pile cap. Furthermore, the calculation of shear resistance capacity based on Eurocode 2 using strut and tie method and sectional approach is presented. The numerical analysis started by creating four pile cap models in ATENA 3D. The difference between the models being the position and ratio of longitudinal reinforcement. The purpose behind two reinforcement ratios were to observe the behavior of pile cap model in two cases: a) when failure occurs prior to yielding of reinforcement; b) when failure occurs while reinforcement is yielding. The models are then analyzed using software ATENA Studio. The results revealed that placing the reinforcement on top of piles in case (a) increased the capacity of the model by 23.5 % and in case (b) increased the capacity by 18.5 %. This because the tensile stresses were found to be concentrated on top of piles rather than the bottom of the pile cap. The final failure mode in the model with top reinforcement position was crushing of the inclined compressive strut at the node beneath the column and in the model with bottom reinforcement position, the splitting of the compressive strut due to tensile stresses developed perpendicular to the inclined strut. The potential advantage of placing the reinforcement at the bottom were a better crack control in serviceability limit state and a slightly less fragile failure mode compared to the top position of reinforcement. A parametric study was performed in the model as well to observe the effects of various parameters on the results obtained. It was found that fracture energy had the most significant effect on the results obtained. Finally, a comparison between the results of numerical analysis and analytical design approaches based on strut and tie method and sectional approach was performed. The comparison reveals that the design values obtained based on strut and tie method for the model were very conservative. In particular, the equation for the strength of inclined compressive strut based on Eurocode 2 was very general. / Det huvudsakliga ämnet för den här avhandlingen handlar om beteendet hos pålfundament som stöds av fyra pålar med två olika positioner av längsgående armering. Positionerna inkluderar toppen av pålarna och botten av slagdynan. För detta ändamål skapas icke-linjära finita elementmodeller av en slagdyna med mjukvaran ATENA 3D. Målet var att observera vilket armeringsläge som ger den högre bärkapaciteten och att identifiera brottmekanismen i modellerna. För att uppnå ovanstående mål utförs en kort genomgång av teoretisk bakgrund rörande skjuvningsfenomen. Detta för att förbättra kunskapen om skjuvspänningar, skjuvöverföringsmekanism, faktorer som påverkar skjuvkapacitet, skjuvbrott och relaterar dem till beteendet hos slagdynan. Beräkningen av skjuvmotståndet baserad på Eurocode2 med hjälp av Srut and tie-metod och sektionsmetod. Den numeriska analysen började med att skapa fyra pålfundament i ATENA 3D. Skillnaden mellan modellerna är positionen och förhållandet mellan längsgående armering. Syftet bakom två armeringsförhållanden var att observera beteendet hos slagdynan i två fall: a) när brott inträffar innan armering plasticeras; b) när brott inträffar medan armeringen plasticeras. Modellerna analyseras sedan med hjälp av programvaran ATENA Studio. Resultaten visade att placering av armeringen ovanpå pålarna i fall a) ökade modellens kapacitet med 23,5% och i fall (b) ökade kapaciteten med 18,5%. Detta på grund av att dragspänningarna visade sig vara koncentrerade på toppen av pålarna snarare än på botten av slagdynan. Det slutliga brottet i modellen med topparmeringsposition var krossning av det lutande tryckstaget vid noden under pelaren. I modellen med bottenarmeringsposition delades kompressionsstaget på grund av dragspänningar vinkelrätt mot det lutande staget. The potential advantage of placing the reinforcement at the bottom were a better crack control and slightly less fragile failure mode compared to the top position of reinforcement. En parametrisk studie genomfördes också i modellen för att observera effekterna av olika parametrar på de erhållna resultaten. Det visade sig att brottenergi hade den mest signifikanta effekten på de erhållna resultaten. Slutligen genomfördes en jämförelse mellan resultaten från numerisk analys och analytiska designmetoder baserade på strut and tie-metoden och sektionsmetoden. Jämförelsen avslöjar att de designvärden som erhölls baserat på strut and tie-metoden för modellen var mycket konservativa. I synnerhet var ekvationen för kapaciteten hos det lutande tryckstag baserad på Eurocode 2 mycket generell.

Numerická podpora pro popis chování cementového kompozitu při únavové zkoušce / Numerical support for description of behavior of cement based composite during fatigue test

Holušová, Táňa Unknown Date (has links)
The presented dissertation thesis is focused on analysis of alternative test method for determination of mechanical parameters of cement based composites. A disk shaped specimen with diameter 150 mm, thickness 60 mm was analysed and its modification for use on compact tension test (CT). Such a test is hereinafter referred to as modified compact tension (shortly MCT or MDCT)). This test configuration was chosen for testing the static and fatigue properties of cement based composites precisely because of its traditional use for fatigue testing of metallic materials. Specimens with a different cross-sections can also be used for MCT, but the work is exclusively focused on circular specimen, for example because it could be easily cut from drill core taken directly from the existing structure, on which the properties are more relevant to the age of the used concrete of the controlled structure. The modified compact tension test was firstly calibrated by numerical simulations involved the tuning of the shape of the numerical model and used material models of concrete and steel. Then the laboratory testing of modified compact tension on several levels were performed. The adequacy of the numerical model was verified against the pilot laboratory testing of the MCT test. Furthermore, the comparison of the modified compact tension test and its suitability for determining of fracture mechanical parameters of cement based composites with the three point bending test, which is the standardized test configuration for these purposes was performed. Another laboratory testing was focused of determining of fracture mechanical parameters of concrete mixture classified in strength class C30/37 and the pilot study of fatigue parameters of the same strength class of the concrete mix. The work was also presented numerical simulations of the push-out test, focused on the connection of concrete and steel with epoxy adhesive.

Možnosti využití rozptýlené výztuže pro konstrukční betony / Possibilities of dispersed reinforcement for structural concrete

Michniak, Radomír January 2013 (has links)
The master's thesis is focused on polypropylene fibres, their properties, availability, pitfalls associated with the use in practice. In the experimental part are the results of testing specimens with dispersed reinforcement fibers in varying proportions and their comparison.

Numeriska simuleringar av betongkonstruktioner med minimiarmering för sprickbreddsbegränsning

Björnberg, Maja, Johansson, Victor January 2013 (has links)
Efter introduktionen av Eurokoderna har mängden minimiarmering i betongkonstruktioner ökat. Denna ökning beror på skillnader i metoderna som nu används för att beräkna mängden minimiarmering i olika typer av betongkonstruktioner och de som användes tidigare då BKR var den gällande normen. Minimiarmering används i betongkonstruktioner för att omfördela tvångsdeformationer. I detta arbete undersöks om mängden minimiarmering kan minskas utan att dess huvudsakliga funktion går förlorad. I arbetet har ett antal metoder för att beräkna minimiarmering jämförts för att se hur stora skillnaderna i armeringsmängd blir, varför dessa uppkommer och vilka för- och nackdelar som finns med metoderna. De undersökta metoderna inkluderar den som anges i Eurokod 2, förändringar som gjorts i den tyska nationella bilagan till Eurokod 2 och ett förslag till ändring som presenterats av Hallgren i ett preliminärt arbete.   Resultaten bygger på simuleringar utförda i FEM-programmet Atena där olika typfall undersökts. I typfallen har betongens hållfasthetsklass, tvärsnittsdimension, armeringsdimension, täckande betongskikt och vidhäftningsförutsättning varierats. Armeringsmängden varierades för att motsvara den mängd som krävs vid beräkning enligt de tidigare nämnda metoderna. I alla undersökta fall antas tvärsnittet vara utsatt för ren dragbelastning, vilket är fallet vid krympning. Resultaten från de numeriska simuleringarna visade att en större armeringsmängd ger minskade sprickbredder och ökade möjligheter att omfördela tvångsdeformationer till nya sprickor. Bildandet av nya sprickor sker också vid en mindre krympning. Skillnaderna jämfört med om en mindre armeringsmängd används blir dock i de flesta fall små och mängden armering kan reduceras utan att minimiarmeringens sprickfördelande funktion äventyras. Resultaten från de numeriska simuleringarna användes också för att ta fram ett alternativ som ger en mindre mängd minimiarmering utan att armeringens huvudsakliga funktion försvinner. I detta arbete föreslås en förändring rörande koefficienten k i Eurokod. Förändringen av värdet på koefficienten k gör att mängden erforderlig minimiarmering minskar betydligt vid beräkningar, speciellt för tvärsnitt med en större tvärsnittshöjd. Fler numeriska simuleringar utfördes och det kunde säkerställas att en armeringsmängd motsvarande den som ges med den föreslagna ändringen fungerar för alla undersökta typfall. Endast en liten ökning av sprickbredderna sker.   En undersökning av sprickproblematiken under betongens hållfasthetstillväxtfas har gjorts, och resultaten visar att problem med sprickbildning inte beror på den autogena krympningen eller på uttorkningskrympningen. Endast en liten andel av denna krympning hinner uppnås under de första veckorna, samtidigt som hållfasthetstillväxten sker relativt snabbt. Problem med sprickbildning under denna tidsperiod beror istället på andra faktorer såsom en stor värmeutveckling i betongen, en ojämn uttorkning eller en ojämn temperaturfördelning över tvärsnittet i kombination med tvång. Efter den värmeutveckling som skett i betongen under det första dygnet efter gjutning påbörjas en avsvalningsfas. Under denna kan sprickbildning uppstå i betongen, och denna sprickbildning finns kvar när uttorkningskrympningen senare fortskrider. En jämförelse har även gjorts mellan handberäkningar av karaktäristiska sprickbredder enligt Betongföreningens handbok till Eurokod 2 och sprickbredder utlästa ur resultaten från de numeriska simuleringarna. Resultaten visar att metoden överlag fungerar bra, men att vissa justeringar skulle kunna göras för att anpassa den till mindre värden på betongens krympning. / After the introduction of the Eurocodes, the minimum amount of reinforcement for crack control in concrete structures has increased. This is due to differences in themethods for calculating the minimum amount of reinforcement used in the Eurocodes and in BKR, a standard which was used in Sweden before the Eurocodes. Minimum reinforcement for crack control is used in concrete structures to redistribute the tensile stresses caused by restraint during the shrinkage. This thesis examines if the amount of minimum reinforcement can be reduced without compromising the main functions of the reinforcement. In this thesis a number of methods for calculating the minimum reinforcement has been compared to see how large the differences in the amount of reinforcement are, why they occur and what are the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods. The different methods revised in this thesis are the method in Eurocode 2, the changes made in the German National Annex to the Eurocode 2 method and a method proposed by Hallgren in a preliminary work.   The results are based on simulations performed in the FEM-application Atena where different scenarios were examined. In the investigated scenarios, the strength classes of the concrete, the cross-sectional dimensions, the size of the reinforcement bars, the size of the concrete cover and the bond strength has been varied. The amount of reinforcement in each case has been varied to correspond to the required minimum amount according to the different methods for calculating minimum reinforcement. In all investigated cases, the cross section is assumed to be exposed to pure tensile load, which is the case for shrinkage. The results of the simulations showed that a larger amount of reinforcement reduces the width of the cracks, that a larger amount of small cracks are formed, and that new cracks are formed earlier at a lower shrinkage value. The differences are however in most cases small compared to when a lower amount of reinforcement is used. In other words, a lower amount of reinforcement could be used without compromising the main functions of the minimum reinforcement. The results from the simulations have also been used to obtain an alternative method for calculating the minimum reinforcement that gives a lower amount of reinforcement without compromising the main functions. The proposed change in Eurocode is a modification in the value of the coefficient k. By changing the value of the coefficient k, the amount of required minimum reinforcement is decreased significantly, especially for large crosssection heights. More numerical simulations were performed to ensure that the reinforcement amount according to the proposed change works for all scenarios considered in this thesis. The results showed that the reinforcement were capable of redistributing the tensile stresses caused by restraint. Only a small increase in the crack widths could be observed.   An investigation was conducted to find an explanation to why cracks occur during the first weeks after casting of the concrete. The results show that the problem with cracks occurring during this period is neither due to the autogenous shrinkage nor the drying shrinkage. Only a small share of those types of shrinkage are achieved during the first weeks, and at the same time the concrete strength growth is relatively fast. Instead, the problems with cracks seem to be caused by other factors, such as a large heat development in the concrete during the first day, uneven drying shrinkage or an uneven temperature distribution over the cross section in combination with restraint. Cracks can develop during the first days after casting of the concrete due to the shrinkage that occur when the concrete cools off after the large heat development the first day. These cracks remain when the drying shrinkage continues. A comparison was also made between hand calculations of the characteristic crack widths according to “Betongföreningens handbok till Eurokod 2” and the crack widths read out of the results from the numerical simulations. The results showed that the method generally works well, but some minor adjustments could be made to adapt the method to smaller values of concrete shrinkage.

Stanovení hodnot materiálových parametrů s využitím experimentů různých konfigurací / Determination of values of material parameters using various testing configurations

Michal, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
The work occupy by inverse analysis based on artificial neural network. This identification algorithm enable correct determine parameters of applied material model on creation of numerical model of construction so it's possible that the results of computerized simulation correspond with experiments. It look's like suitable approach especially in cases with complicated problems and complex models with many material parameters.

Zesílení ŽB sloupu pomocí ocelové bandáže / Reinforcement concrete column strengthening via steel bandage

Stloukal, Štěpán January 2017 (has links)
The steel bandage is an economical and effective widely used method for strengthening RC columns. Diploma thesis reviews most common design proposals for the types of the bandage with directly loaded and not directly loaded steel angles. This work also includes a comparison of the different constitutive laws for confined concrete. In order to simulate real behaviour of strengthened structure the numerical analysis has been carried out using non-linear software ATENA. According to the European standards and adopted hypotheses the simplified analytical model has been derived to be able to calculate load-bearing capacity of a strengthened column under normal force and bending moment. The proposed model considers the contribution in confinement pressure caused by steel bandage and the contribution of directly loaded angles. In addition, the direct application on real frame structure has been performed.

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