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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Probabilistic non-linear finite element analysis of concrete buttress dams

Ulfberg, Adrian January 2019 (has links)
Assessment of concrete buttress dams today consists of using analytical methods to investigate the stability in different failure modes. However, they simplify the problem at hand and neglect certain important features linked to geometry and thus not truthfully appraise the structures real stability.  This could be economically costly in assessments of both existing dam structures as this would eventually lead to unwarranted rehabilitation. The same can be said for dams under design.   Kalhovd dam is a concrete buttress dam that has recently undergone assessment where certain sections proved unstable in either failure mode. This study focused specifically on a buttress, numbered 49, of said dam which was deemed in the assessment to be unstable in the overturning and sliding failure mode.   The methodology used was to assess and compare stability for different methods of calculation, meaning analytical versus numerical analysis. The numerical analysis was performed with two-dimensional finite element analyses in a commercial FEM-software called ATENA which focuses on reinforced concrete structures. The numerical models made, were then probabilistically analysed by randomizing various material parameters to see their effect on stability. Some FEA models discarded the conventional way of modelling loads, as required by standards, to more realistically portray load actions on dams based on historical measurement.   Results from this study showed dissimilarity of stability for buttress 49 depending on which method of analysis was performed. Analytical methods proved to yield the most conservative results and concluded the structure unsafe, while including an accurate representation of the geometry in FEA models improved the stability such that it can be considered stable against load actions stated in guidelines.   Furthermore, material parameters randomized in the probabilistic analysis substantiated that various concrete variables had relatively little effect on structural overall strength in the most common failure modes.

Homo Divinans : Teckentydande i militär kontext i det klassiska Grekland 480–323 f. Kr.

Henriksson, Patrik January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Behavior and Design of Concrete Frame Corners: Strut-and-Tie Method Approach

Hwa-Ching Wang (9524555) 16 December 2020 (has links)
Reinforced concrete frame corners (that is, knee joints) subjected to closing moments plays an important role of transmitting stress between the two adjoining members. Being categorized as geometric discontinuity regions (D-regions), knee joints cannot be correctly analyzed and designed using traditional sectional analysis procedures. Instead, the strut-and-tie method is particularly suitable for such joints. Although strut-and-tie models provide the means to represent the distribution of stresses within a closing knee joint, questions arise when a curved-bar node is used to model the bar bend of the longitudinal reinforcement at the outer corner. The code-specified design expressions for curved-bar nodes have not been experimentally verified; therefore, the accuracy and conservativeness of the expressions remain unknown. This research project is aimed to provide insights to the proper application of the strut-and-tie method, through the concept of curved-bar nodes, to knee joints under closing moments.<br><br>An experimental program consisting of 24 specimens was conducted to investigate the effect of curved-bar nodes on knee joints under closing moments. An evaluation of the code-specified design expressions was included. The results demonstrate that the minimum code-specified bend radius is appropriate. The current requirements related to bond along the bar bend and clear side cover are shown to be conservative. Based on the test results, a procedure for constructing proper strut-and-tie models for closing knee joints is proposed and verified using an evaluation database consisting of 116 knee joint tests from the literature. Compared to other strength predictive methods and the code-specified strut-and-tie method, the proposed strut-and-tie method mitigates unconservativeness and delivers improved accuracy.<br>In addition to the experimental program and the proposed procedure, non-linear finite element analysis (FEA) using the software ATENA-3D was employed to conduct a parametric analysis as a supplement to the experimental data. Seventy-two numerical models were analyzed to further evaluate the code-specified expressions and the proposed strut-and-tie method. The FEA results are in a good agreement with the experimental observations and corroborate the conclusions from the experimental program regarding current code requirements. Moreover, the parametric analysis further supports the application of the proposed strut-and-tie methodology to knee joints under closing moments.

Numerical Studies of Tension Loaded Deformed Rebar Anchors Embedded in Concrete

Chhetri, Sandip 29 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Shear Failure of Steel Fiber and Bar Reinforced Concrete Beams Without Stirrups : Predictions based on Nonlinear Finite Element Analyses

Andersson, David January 2022 (has links)
Shear failure in concrete beams are often brittle in nature and potentially dangerous without adequatereinforcing measures. In design of concrete, it is commonly recommended to install transversalreinforcement along the shear span to induce a more ductile structural response, improving the shearcapacity all together and providing sufficient warning prior to collapse. However, it is more frequentlybeing assessed whether analogous performance can be achieved in fiber reinforced concrete beamswithout stirrups, and multiple attempts in literature confirm that it is possible. This alternative technologyintroduces need for better understanding of the modeling aspects of FRC in numerical simulations, as it isbecoming more common for engineers to resort to the finite element method in quality assurance ofstructures.In this thesis, the possibility of predicting shear failure numerically in simply supported fiber reinforcedconcrete beams with flexural bar reinforcement but without stirrups was investigated by means ofnonlinear finite element analysis, using the software package ATENA 2D Engineering. The ultimate aimwas to, as accurately as possible by means of numerical analyses on representative FE-models, replicatethe results from physical three-point-bending tests on simply supported FRC beams of various sizesperformed by Minelli et al. (2014). These beams were merely equipped with flexural reinforcement andexhibited shear failure.This thesis revolved around development and comparative assessment of material models for FRC basedon the smeared crack approach, adopting two different strategies: (1) The first strategy was to calibratematerial parameters based on results from 3PBT on notched FRC beams that were carried out prior totesting of the reinforced FRC beams, as reported by Minelli et al. (2014). Nonlinear finite element analysiswas used on representative FE-models for the notched 3PBT specimens, from which material parameterswere obtained iteratively by employing inverse analysis methods proposed by Červenka Consulting s.r.o.(2). The second strategy comprised of utilizing recommended constitutive relations from designrecommendations in SS812310 and RILEM TC 162-TDF. All of the constructed material models werefinally coupled with the FE-models that represented the beams with flexural reinforcement for evaluationof their performance based on their consistency with experiment data.It was found that the material models that were generated from inverse analysis in general would haveyielded successful predictions for the occurrence of shear failure in the reinforced FRC beams, providedthat the governing post-cracking residual tensile parameters were processed with respect to relevantassumptions as to describe uniaxial tensile behavior. However, although it was possible to utilize theproposed calibration method to replicate the load-displacement data for the notched 3PBT specimens withsufficient conformity, it was not possible to arrive at only one unique solution. Instead, multiple outcomescould be obtained based on the initial choice for the input value of the uniaxial tensile strength, leading tothe conclusion that experience and the engineering judgment of the user is of high importance whenadopting this method.Regarding the material models that were derived from constitutive relations in design recommendations,satisfactory estimates for the shear capacity could be obtained from the FE-models that were based onrecommendations by RILEM. The models that were based on SS812310, on the other hand, demonstratedover-stiff behavior and they were unable to provide accurate graphical visualizations of characteristicshear cracking, although the obtained load bearing capacity overall matched the experiment data in caseswhen size effects seemingly had a minor influence. An important observation from the comparison ofthese material models was that the initial drop in tensile strength during crack initiation within an elementis crucial in modeling of FRC, as it accounts for a more realistic behavior through a gradual transitionfrom aggregate bridging mechanisms of PC to the added fiber bridging mechanisms of FRC. Forsituations with high residual tensile strengths in relation to tensile strength at crack initiation, theguidelines in SS812310 become less practical for predicting shear failure by means of NLFEA.

Analýza porušování kvazikřehkých materiálů za použití numerického modelování a akustické/elektromagnetické emise / Analysis of fracture of quasibrittle materials using numerical modelling and acoustic/electromagnetic emission

Vodák, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis gives overview of non-destructive tests of concrete and provides detailed information concerning the acoustic and electromagnetic emission during monitoring of concrete failure. Conducted loading tests of plain concrete specimens are described in the thesis together with the performed numerical simulations of these tests in the software ATENA. The simulation results of concrete failure are analysed in detail and compared with the experimental results recording failure processes with the help of acoustic and electromagnetic emission. The majority of simulation results in software ATENA 3D show good agreement with the recorded data.

Non-Linear Assessment of a Concrete Bridge Slab Loaded to Failure / Icke-linjär analys av ett betongbrodäck belastat till brott

Isabell, Eriksson, Karlsson, Niklas January 2016 (has links)
This thesis covers an investigation regarding the failure in the bridge slab of Gruvvägsbron, which was the result of the full scale test that the bridge was subjected to prior to demolition. Using the non-linear finite element software ATENA 3D, a model of the bridge was assembled, with the purpose to attempt to reenact the test procedure and realistically capture the failure load and behaviour. This in order to be able to conclude what kind of failure that occurred. The initial part of this thesis presents a summary of a conducted literature study, which aims to give deeper knowledge regarding the linear shear and punching shear phenomena and their respective failure mechanisms, and how they are applied on bridge slabs. Furthermore, the shear capacity of the bridge was calculated according to current design codes. A parameter study was conducted on the model, which initially showed a over-stiff response. The aim of this was to study the influence of key variables on the outcome of the analysis, and hopefully get closer to the failure load acquired inthe experiment. From the studied parameters, it was observed that a combined reduction of the tensile strength and fracture energy, together with a low fixed crack coefficient had the largest influence on the outcome of the analysis. It was also observed that the location of the failure and failing load was dependant on how the loading was applied to the model, i.e. via load control or deformation control. The final model failed at a load which surpassed the actual failure load by 10.5%. The mode of failure obtained in all the analyses were the result of a large shear crack propagating from the edges of the loading plate, through the slab to the slab/girder-intersection. This indicates that the type of failure that occurred was primarily due to a linear shear mechanism with a secondary punching effect. The design values calculated by keeping with the current codes resulted in too conservative values when compared to the obtained failure load from the experiment. This proves the difficulty in regarding the internal force distribution in slab struc-tures as well as the shear carrying width, which from the analysis were found to be larger than that obtained from the code. / Denna uppsats behandlar en utredning gällande brottet i plattan på Gruvvägsbron, som var resultatet av det fullskaletest som bron utsattes för innan rivning. Med hjälp av den icke-linjära finita element-programvaran ATENA 3D skapades en modell avbron, med syfte att på ett realistiskt sätt försöka återskapa experimentet och fånga brons verkliga beteende. Detta för att således kunna dra slutsatser angående brottets natur. Den första delen av denna uppsats innehåller en sammanfattning av en utförd litteraturstudie, som ämnar ge en ökad förståelse angående fenomenen skjuvning och genomstansning, tillsammans med olika brottmekanismer relaterade till dessa. Vidare har brons motstånd mot skjuv- och genomstansningbrott beräknats enligt rådande normer. En parameterstudie utfördes på modellen, då den ursprungligen uppvisade ett överstyvt beteende. Syftet med detta var att studera nyckelparametrars påverkan på analysens resultat, och eventuellt komma närmare den verkliga brottlasten i experimentet. Av de studerade parametrarna observerades att en samtida reduktion av draghållfasthet och brottenergi, samt ett lågt värde på den så kallade "fixedcrack"-koefficienten gav störst inverkan på resultatet. Vidare observerades att brottets lokalisering och brottlasten var beroende av hur lasten påfördes modellen, dvs genom last- eller deformationsstyrning. Den slutgiltiga modellen gick till brott vid en last som översteg den verkliga brottlasten med 10.5%. Brottet som skedde var i samtliga analyser resultatet av en skjuvspricka som sträckte sig från kanten av lastplattan, genom plattan, ner till mötet mellan platta och balk. Detta indikerar att den typ av brott som skedde var ett primärt skjuvbrott med en sekundär stanseffekt. Lastvärdena beräknade enligt rådande normer tycks vara för konservativa, om jämförelse görs med lasten som uppnåddes i experimentet. Detta visar på svårigheten i att bedöma den inre kraftspridningen i plattor, och även dess skjuvbärande bredd, då analysen visade att denna var betydligt större än vad som ges i koden.


RODRIGO SANGUEDO BAPTISTA 28 December 2021 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a utilização de barras constituídas por material compósito para atuarem como reforço de vigas de concreto submetidas à flexão. As barras analisadas são constituídas por polímero reforçado com fibras de carbono (PRFC), material este que apresenta comportamento linear elástico até a ruptura. Este material possui algumas vantagens em relação ao aço, como por exemplo, resistência à tração consideravelmente superior além de não ser suscetível ao fenômeno da corrosão ocasionada por intempéries ambientais. Durante o desenvolvimento do trabalho foi obtido um artigo o qual demonstra resultados de ensaios de laboratório nos quais os autores utilizaram vigas de concreto submetidas a ensaio de flexão por quatro pontos e reforçadas com barras de PRFC. Neste trabalho, o mesmo ensaio foi simulado no software Atena, programa este que realiza análise não linear para estruturas de concreto, considerando a fissuração deste material. Os resultados obtidos pelo software apresentaram consistência com os resultados registrados em laboratório pelos autores. Foi ainda analisada uma viga contínua de concreto submetida a um carregamento uniformemente distribuído. Essa viga foi reforçada com barras de mesmo diâmetro alterando-se apenas o material dessas barras (aço e PRFC). Dessa maneira, foi analisado o valor de carregamento que ocasiona a ruptura da viga. Foram constatadas duas importantes desvantagens das barras de PRFC em relação ao aço. A primeira desvantagem está no custo superior ao aço e por apresentar comportamento elástico até o rompimento, o PRFC não confere à estrutura de concreto uma ruptura dúctil. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram cumpridos e ao final são propostos novos estudos a serem realizados sobre o tema. / [en] The aim of the present work is to analyze the use of bars made of composite material to act as reinforcement for concrete beams subjected to bending. The analyzed bars are constituted by polymer reinforced with carbon fibers (PRFC), a material that presents linear elastic behavior until rupture. This material has some advantages in relation to steel, such as considerably higher tensile strength in addition to not being susceptible to the phenomenon of corrosion caused by environmental conditions. During the development of the work, an article was obtained which demonstrates results of laboratory tests in which the authors used concrete beams subjected to flexion testing by four points and reinforced with PRFC bars. In this work, the same test was simulated in the Atena software, a program that performs non-linear analysis for concrete structures, considering the cracking of this material. The results obtained by the software were consistent with the results recorded in the laboratory by the authors. It was also analyzed a continuous concrete beam subjected to a uniformly distributed load. This beam was reinforced with bars of the same diameter, changing only the material of these bars (steel and PRFC. In this way, the loading value that causes the beam to break when it is reinforced with steel bars and when it is reinforced with PRFC bars of the same diameter was analyzed. Two important disadvantages of PRFC bars in relation to steel have been noted. Due to its elastic behavior until breaking, this composite material does not give the concrete structure a ductile rupture. In addition, its cost is considerably higher than steel bars, since no suppliers of this type of reinforcement have been identified in Brazil, thus increasing the cost to purchase this product. The objectives of this work were accomplished and, in the end, new studies are proposed to be carried out on the theme.

RC Trough Bridges: A Parametric Study using FEM and an Analysis of their Current State

Åkergren, David January 2021 (has links)
There are approximately 4000 railway bridges in Sweden managed by the Swedish Administration of Transport (Trafikverket), of which a common construction type is the reinforced concrete (RC) trough bridge, which is a structure that consists of a slab carried by two longitudinal main beams which transfer loads towards the supports. A substantial amount of the RC trough bridge population is approaching the end of their service lives which consequently implies that the replacement of some of these bridges can be expected in the near future. Extending their service lives can yield positive effects from a financial- as well as an environmental perspective, and therefore it is highly beneficial to evaluate their capacities as realistically as possible. One factor that may help improve accuracy during the determination of their capacities is an evaluation of how it is affected by the location of the railway track on the bridge.  In current design codes defined by Trafikverket, consideration is taken to horizontal track displacement for a minimum displacement of 0.1 m if there doesn’t exist data suggesting that a larger displacement is prevalent on the bridge. However, Trafikverket has received data which suggest that a considerable number of bridges could experience load eccentricities which exceed the standard minimum value. This raises the question whether or not 0.1m is the most optimal limit value for load eccentricity on railway bridges. For RC trough bridges, a larger load eccentricity may result in one main beam carrying a larger portion of the load which will decrease the axle load which the bridge can carry. It is therefore important to evaluate the influence of larger horizontal displacements than what is currently is considered as a preventive action.   In addition, several studies on Swedish concrete bridges constructed during the 20th century have pointed to a significant increase in concrete compressive- and tensile strength over time. This suggests that it is possible that a considerable amount of RC trough bridges have a higher capacity than what was originally intended, and further research is required in order to understand the behaviour of these bridges when key material parameters are altered.        There are three main tasks which this master thesis seeks to complete. The first part is a detailed analysis of a database named BaTMan (Bridge and Tunnel Management) that belongs to Trafikverket. In this analysis parameters such as span length, age, material type and damages for every identified railway bridge is extracted and further processed in Microsoft Excel in order to gain a clear overview of the RC trough bridge population. The second task regards the development of a non-linear finite element model of a typical RC trough bridge named Lautajokki. The model is analysed using ATENA Science and its behaviour is verified against test results obtained during a full-scale test of the bridge performed by Paulsson et al. (1996). The last task is to use the devolved model to perform a parametric study where the effects of changes in load eccentricity, compressive strength as well as tensile strength is studied.

Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Side Near Surface Mounted FRP : A parametric study based on finite element analysis

Eredini, Rewan January 2016 (has links)
Most of the today’s concrete structures are older than tenyears, and the need to strengthening existing structures is growing steadily. This is due to various reasons such as degradation due to ageing, environmentally induced degradation, poor initial design or construction and lack of maintenance, to name a few. Among the benefits of strengthening existing structures are; less impacts on the environmental and financial benefits. Therefore, there is a need to find alternative ways to strengthen concrete structures more effectively. For the past decades, several different strengthening methods have been studied. Two examples are externally bonded reinforcement (EBR) and near surface mounted reinforcement (NSM). The outcome of these studies has shown a significant enhancement to the structures. Steel plates and rebar have been used to strengthen concrete structures and have shown good increases in flexural capacity. For this purpose, resins have been used to implement the steel plates and rebar, e.g. shotcrete and epoxy. Due to the weight of steel and its sensitivity to corrosion, new materials have been sought. A promising material for this use is the fiber reinforced polymers (FRP). There are several types of FRP such as, carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP), glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) and aramid fiber reinforced polymer (AFRP). These new material has shown a better performance, due to their light weight, resistance to corrosion,etc. NSM and EBR perform extremely well in practice as long as sufficient anchorage is provided. However, a premature debonding has been observed by several researchers. This report will study an alternative method to reinforce existing concrete structures called “Side Near Surface Mounted Reinforcement (S-NSMR)” in association with a project run by Gabriel Sas at Luleå University of Technology. This is compared to Bottom Near Surface Mounted Reinforcement (B-NSM), which is a well-established method. It is assumed that the fiberutilisation will increase in NSM applied on the side of the beam. If this hypothesis is proven correct, the proposed method will also solve a major constrain in the utilisation of the NSM technique. In certain cases, the bottom of a beam is not fully accessible for strengthening using bottom Applied NSM techniques due to e.g. partition walls or beam-column joints. To test the effect of S-NSMR seven concrete beams, one reference beam with no fiberreinforcement and two sets of three, for S-NSMR and B-NSMR respectively with different CFRP-rebar length, were tested in the laboratory. An analytical calculation has also been carried out. In this thesis, a parametric study is performed with FEM software Atena. The thesis begins with a study of the failure phenomena occurring in the earlier mentioned strengthening method. A benchmark model is then modelled with a good comparison to the experimental results. An idealised model of the steel reinforcement in the concrete beam is used according to Eurocode 2. Material parameters in concrete are calculated according to Atena theory documents. The influence of creep and shrinkage are considered by reducing the elastic modulus of concrete by 25 %, reducing the tensile strength by 50 % and fracture energy accordingly. Thereafter, three additional parameters were chosen to continue the parametric study with Atena, 1) CFRP with E-modulus 160 GPa, 2) two different position in cross-section height of S-NSM and 3) five shorter CFRP-rebar each 100 mm smaller than the previous rebar. The behaviour of the two reinforcing types is then compared. The first parameter is, CFRP with a smaller E-modulus. It could be observed that all beams lost their stiffness, especially after yielding of the steel reinforcement. A small improvement in ductility could also be observed. The utilisation rate of CFRP increased by 13-16% in the case of S-NSM and 18-20% in the case of B-NSM. The second parameter is, different position of CFRP along the height of the beams cross-section in S-NSM beams. The positions of the CFRP was lowered in two steps. In each case an increase in stiffness and a decrease in ductility could be observed. However, the increase of the stiffness was still smaller than the stiffness in the B-NSM, in all cases. The failure mode changed from a ductile (concrete crushing) type to a more brittle kind (peeling-off concrete), due to large flexural cracks at the end of the CFRP-rebar.   The utilisation rate of CFRP-rebar, is decreased in each S-NSM beam except for S-NSM 2 with the height 25 mm. The reduction in the utilisation rate of the CFRP is 7-32 % and in S-NSM 2 with the height H25mm showing an increased in utilisation rate by 7 %. The third is parameter, different length of CFRP-rebar. In the case of S-NSM, the failure mode changed from a ductile failure mode to a brittle failure mode. The utilisation rate decreased with the decrease in CFRP length. In three of five cases, the S-NSM shows a higher ultimate load-displacement relation, and in all five cases the maximum tensile strains in the CFRP were higher in S-NSM than B-NSM. Even though the stiffness in the S-NSM is lower than the B-NSM, it would be more preferable to use the S-NSM than B-NSM, because of its higher ultimate load and lower displacements.

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