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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skirtingų lengvosios atletikos rungčių traumų pobūdis, dažnis ir taikomas gydymas / Frequency of traumas and their character, and the applied treatment in different events of track-and-field athletics

Kerdokaitė, Kristina 15 May 2006 (has links)
The purpose of work is to determine the character and frequency of traumas encountered in different events of track-and-field athletics, and the influence of physical therapy on decrease of traumas. In order to achieve the goal, we have implemented the tasks, i.e. we determined the character of traumas usually encountered in track-and-field athletics, as well as the traumas suffered by men and women. We determined the frequency of sport traumas, according to the sport experience. We determined the character and localization of traumas, according to the events of track-and-field athletics, as well as the most common treatment methods in case of sport traumas. We learnt whether the physical therapy has the influence on the rise of repeated traumas. While writing the work, we referred to the hypothesis that the character and frequency of traumas depends on the specificity of events of track-and-field athletics, and studied whether the number of traumas decreases if the physical therapy is applied. The work used the following research methods: analysis of scientific literature, oral questionnaires-interview, analysis of the content of documents (data of medical cards). After the research had been made and the results compared to the other authors, we reached the conclusion that the character and localization of the traumas depends on the event of track-and-field event. The lesion encountered the most often is the strain, and the rarest one is abrasion and fatigue fractures... [to full text]

Moterų sportininkių įvaizdis ir stereotipas reklamoje / Female athletes image and stereotypes in advertising

Jankauskaitė, Monika 06 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo objektas: moterų sportininkių įvaizdis ir stereotipas reklamoje. Darbo tikslas: išsiaiškinti, studentų požiūrį į reklamas, kuriose yra naudojamas moters kaip sportininkės įvaizdis. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Aptarti reklamos ir įvaizdžio sampratas 2. Apžvelgti moters vaizdavimo stereotipo ir įvaizdžio santykį 3. Ištirti Lietuvos sporto universiteto studentų požiūrį į reklamas, kuriose vaizduojama moteris sportininkė Darbo metodai: • Mokslinės literatūros analizė, kurios metu analizuojama bei susisteminama medžiaga susijusi su moterų įvaizdžiu ir stereotipu reklamoje. • Anketinė apklausa, turizmo ir sporto vadybos studijų programos nuolatinių studijų 4 kurso studentų, siekiant išsiaiškinti požiūrį į reklamose pastebimą moters įvaizdį ir stereotipą. • Aprašomoji matematinė analizė. Rezultatai: Remiantis atliktu tyrimu, paaiškėjo, kad dažniausiai reklamoje vaizduojama moteris yra jauna (18-30 m.). Pastebimiausi moters sportininkės įvaizdžiai reklamoje – stipri, atkakli, nepažeidžiama, seksuali, graži, tobulų kūno linijų, stilinga moteris. Tačiau moters kaip sportininkės įvaizdis nebuvo dažniausiai vaizduojamas, lyginant su kitais moters įvaizdžiais. Rezultatai parodė, kad moters sportininkės vaizdavimas reklamoje, turi įtakos formuojant moters stereotipą visuomenėje. Daugiausia reklamoje pastebimi stereotipai - seksualios, puoselėjančios savo grožį moters. / Research subject: female athlete image and stereotype in advertising Research objective: to find out students towards advertising, in which is used female athlete image and stereotype. Research goals: 1. Discuss the advertising and image conception. 2. Review the relation between female stereotype and image 3. To find out students attitude, towards advertising in which is used female athlete image. Research methods: • An analysis of the scientific literature, which analyzed and organised material related to women's image and stereotype in advertising. • A questionnaire-based survey tourism and sports management graduate programs of study for students, standing 4 course in order to find out the attitude towards advertisements noticeable in woman's image and stereotype. • Mathematical descriptive analysis. Results: According to the study, it appeared that most advertising portrayed the woman as young (18-30). The most observed female athlete image in advertising are strong, persistent, invulnerable, beddable, beautiful, perfect body lines, stylish woman. However, a female athlete image has not been commonly depicted, as compared to the other woman image. The results showed that female athlete portrayal in advertising, have an impact on the shaping of the female stereotype in society. Most observed stereotypes in advertising are beddable, upholds its beauty woman.

State space grids: First application of a novel methodology to examine coach-athlete interactions in competitive youth sport

Erickson, Karl 16 December 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to compare the coach-athlete interaction structures of two competitive youth synchronized swimming teams, one more successful with regard to athletes’ performance and personal development than the other. This comparison was conducted through the first application of state space grid (SSG) observational methodology (Hollenstein, 2007; Lewis, Lamey, & Douglas, 1999) in field-based sport psychology research. Both teams (two head coaches and 17 athletes in total) were observed over multiple training sessions. Both coach and athlete behaviour was coded continuously for the duration of each training session. Measures of coach athlete interaction structure, based on dynamic systems concepts, were derived from these coded behaviours and compared between teams. Results revealed significant differences between the two teams on measures of interaction variability, behavioural content patterns, and the sequencing of coach behaviours. The more successful team was characterized by less variable, more patterned interactions between coaches and athletes. This patterning took the form of more individualized technical and positive reinforcement feedback information and significantly less use of negative feedback by the head coach, interspersed with substantial periods of silent observation. The athletes of the more successful team more actively acknowledged the receipt of this feedback from their coach. The sequencing of coach behaviours was more patterned for the coach of the more successful team, with heavy emphasis on the pairing of technical correction and positive reinforcement statements. The findings suggest that a respectful, deliberate pattern of coach-athlete interaction may be associated with youth sport environments producing more positive performance and personal development outcomes for athletes. / Thesis (Master, Kinesiology & Health Studies) -- Queen's University, 2009-12-16 14:46:55.016

Lengvaatlečio sportininko pasiekimų kaupimo sistema / Athlete’s Achievements Information System

Babrauskas, Dainius 07 September 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – sukurti lengvosios atletikos klubo informacinę sistemą su sportininko pasiekimų kaupimo sistema. Padaryta sporto klubo naujienos, galerija, rekordų paieškos sistema, sportininkų aprašymai. Kiekvienas sportininkas gali kaupti savo asmeninius rezultatus. / Raised objective – create athletics club information system with athlete’s achievement storing system. It is athletics club information system with capability to store athletes results.

Trenerio ir sportininko tarpusavio santykių ypatumai meninėje gimnastikoje / The features of relationships between a coach and athlete in rhythmic gymnastics

Kinderevičiūtė, Goda 10 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas - Trenerio ir sportininko tarpusavio santykių ypatumai. Tyrimo tikslas - Atskleisti trenerio ir sportininkių tarpusavio santykių ypatumus meninėje gimnastikoje. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti, kaip sportininkės vertina trenerio gnostinį, emocinį ir elgesio komponentus pratybų metu, didesnės ir mažesnės sportinės patirties gimnasčių tarpe. 2. Nustatyti gimnasčių požiūrį į trenerio bendravimo per treniruotes efektyvumą didesnės ir mažesnės sportinės patirties gimnasčių tarpe. Tyrime buvo naudojama J. Chanino metodika „Treneris - sportininkas“ (Ханин, 1980), apklausta 45 gimnastės ir T. Dembo ir S. Rubinštein metodika „Bendravimo efektyvumas“ (Елиссев, 1994), apklausta 54 gimnastės. Tiriamieji buvo suskirstyti į dvi grupes pagal sportinę patirtį: pirmoji – 9 ir daugiau metų lankančios meninę gimnastiką, antroji – 5-8 metus lankančios meninę gimnastiką. Tyrimo metu pagal J. Chanino metodiką „Treneris – sportininkas“ nustatyta, kad didesnės sportinės patirties gimnastės gnostinį ir elgesio komponentus vertina kaip aukšto lygio, o emocinį – kaip vidutinio lygio, mažesnės sportinės patirties gimnastės trenerio gnostinį, emocinį ir elgesio komponentus vertina kaip aukšto lygio. Taikant χ2 kriterijų, statistiškai reikšmingų skirtumų nenustatyta (p>0,05). Pagal T. Dembo ir S. Rubinštein „Bendravimo per pratybas efektyvumo“ tyrimo metodiką, nustatyta, kad didesnės sportinės patirties gimnastės geriausiai, kaip aukšto lygio įvertino trenerio pagyrimus, žemiausiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research object: the features of relationships between a coach and athlete. Research purpose: Reveal the features of relationships between a coach and athlete in rhythmic gymnastics. Research tasks: 1. Establish how athletes assess their coach’s gnostic, emotional and behavioral components between larger and smaller sporting experience gymnasts groups. 2. Establish the efficiency of coach’s communication during training between larger and smaller sporting experience gymnasts groups. During the research were applied questionnaire „Coach – Athlete“ (Ханин, 1980), questioned 45 gymnasts and T. Dembo & S. Rubinstein methodic „Efficiency of Communication during Training“ (Елиссев, 1994), questioned 54 gymnasts. Study participants were divided in two groups: larger sporting experience gymnasts and smaller sporting experience gymnasts. When applying the J. Chanin (1980) method „Coach – Athlete“, it was established that larger sporting experience gymnasts gnostic and behavioral components assess as high-level, and emotional component – as mid-level. Smaller sporting experience gymnasts assess coach gnostic, behavioral and emotional components as high-level. Applying the χ² criterion, statistically significant differences were not found. When applying the T. Dembo and S. Rubinstein method “Efficiency of Communication during Training”, it was revealed that larger sporting experience gymnasts top rated coach compliments, as high-level, lowest, as mid-level – coach support. Smaller... [to full text]

Jaunųjų Nidos buriuotojų fizinis išsivystymas ir bendras fizinis parengtumas / Anthropometrical and general physical fitness data among Nidas sailors girls

Raudys, Zigmantas 10 September 2013 (has links)
Sportinis rengimas – įvairiapusis sudėtingas edukacinis vyksmas, apimantis sportininko mokymą ir auklėjimą, jo gebėjimų, fizinių ir psichinių ypatybių tobulinimą, harmoningą asmenybės ugdymą, sveikatos stiprinimą, gerų sportinių rezultatų siekimą. Šiuolaikiniam buriavimui būdinga didelė treniruotės krūvio apimtis ir intensyvumas. Tai reikalauja ypač gero buriuotojų fizinio parengtumo. Tyrimo tikslas ir uždaviniai Mūsų tyrimo tikslas – ištirti Nidos buriuotojų merginų fizinio parengtumo kaitą. Savo darbe mes iškėlėme tokius uždavinius: 1. Ištirti 10-14 m. Nidos buriuotojų fizinio išsivystymo kaitą; 2. Ištirti 10-14 m. Nidos buriuotojų fizinio parengtumo kaitą; 3. Palyginti tirtų sportininkių fizinį parengtumą bei fizinį išsivystymą su literatūros duomenimis; Tiriamieji ir organizavimas: Jaunųjų buriuotojų tyrimai buvo atlikti 2011, 2012 metais Nidos sporto mokykloje. Tyrimuose dalyvavo Nidos mergaitės buriuotojos (n=40), tiriamųjų amžius 10-14 m. Buriuotojų fizinį parengtumą ir išsivystymą sąlyginai charakterizavo 6 rodikliai. Fizinį išsivystymą vertinome pagal ūgio ir kūno masės rodiklius. Bendrą fizinį parengtumą charakterizavo šuolis į tolį iš vietos; dešinės ir kairės rankos plaštakos jėga; atsilenkimų skaičius per 30 s, kimšto kamuolio (2 kg) metimas Tyrimo rezultatai: Nustatyta, kad Nidos buriuotojos beveik visais amžiaus tarpsniais buvo aukštesnės lyginant su literatūroje pateiktais duomenimis. Nustatyta, kad pas mergaites buriuotojas kūno masė ir ūgis intensyviausiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Sports development - diverse educational complex process involving athletic training and education, his skills, physical and mental characteristics of the development, harmonious personality development, health promotion, good sports achievement of results. Modern boating characterized by a high volume of training load and intensity. This in particular implies sailors physical fitness. The aim and objectives Our aim of the study - to investigate Nida sailors girls physical fitness. In our work, we have set the following objectives: 1. Investigate 10-14. Nida sailors physical development change; 2. Investigate 10-14. Nida sailors physical fitness; 3. Compared tested athletes in physical fitness and physical development of the literature; Research and organization: Young sailors studies were carried out in 2011, 2012, Nida sports school. The studies involved Nida sailor girls (n = 40) of subjects aged 10-14. Sailors' physical fitness and the development of a relatively characterized the six indicators. Physical development was evaluated based on height and weight indicators. The overall physical fitness characterized the long jump out of place, the right and left hand grip strength; Lifting per 30 seconds, stuffed ball (2 kg) throw Results: It was found that Nida sailor in almost all age groups were higher compared with the literature data. It was found that girls with sailor body weight and height intensively increases from 12 years of age. It was found that in many cases the... [to full text]

Academic Support of Division I Head Coaches: Perceptions of Student-Athletes

Raddatz, Mikaela M 01 January 2013 (has links)
Intercollegiate athletics in the United States have continuously become more commercialized, pressuring athletics departments and coaches to produce winning teams. The commanding expectations for successful programs have been thought to take away from the academic mission of colleges and universities, focusing efforts on athletics over academics. This phenomenon has been examined, but the role head coaches play in support of student-athlete academics has yet to be explored. The purpose of this study is to measure student-athlete perception of academic support from Division I head coaches. Current literature demonstrates the strong influence of coaches on student-athletes, but the effect in the area of academics is unknown. Therefore, the research presented aims to evaluate the connection between student-athletes and the academic support of head coaches.


Glodt Baker, Adrienne Jennifer 01 January 2012 (has links)
The body composition of female collegiate athletes was measured using the Bod Pod® device. The sample consisted of 75 student athletes, aged 18 to 22 years old. Five sports at the university level were represented, including basketball, gymnastics, soccer, swimming & diving, and soccer. Participants were measured at the preseason and postseason periods. Overall, participants in all five sports were not found to change significantly in total body mass, fat mass, fat free mass, percent body fat, or body mass index from the preseason period to the postseason period at the alpha = 0.05 level. On average, the members from each of the different teams were found to be significantly different from each other for one or more variables. In general, basketball and volleyball players were found to be similar in body composition. The average member on the swimming & diving, soccer, and gymnastics teams was found to vary from the average team member on each of the other teams.

Coach's [sic] influence on the career development of student athletes / Coaches' influence on the career development of student athletes

Buckley, Shannon K. January 1997 (has links)
The goal of many institutions of higher education is to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful citizens of society. For college student athletes an athletic coach can play a vital role in the collegiate experience. The thesis, Coach's Influence On The Career Development Of Student Athletes, examined the extent, if any, an athletic head coach influenced the career planning process encountered by college student athletes. The study was original in nature as it attempted to investigate a head athletic coach's influence on a student athlete's career development. The participants of the study were 163 male and 92 female student athletes attending a Midwestern, NCAA division 1, mid-sized, public university. The 40 question, scaled, survey instrument was created by the researcher and field tested before the actual administration of the instrument. Significant findings were found for male head coaches influencing the career development of male student athletes. Other significant findings are also discussed. Recommendations of the study direct coaches and athletic administrators to be aware of the career-related challenges faced by college student athletes, and to create an environment that promotes healthy career choices. / Department of Secondary, Higher, and Foundations of Education

Die stand van sportafrigting in prioriteitsportsoorte by skole in die Dr. Kenneth Kaunda streek van die Noordwes Provinsie / C. van der Merwe.

Van der Merwe, Carla January 2012 (has links)
Professionalism in sport and the standard of world-class performance is on the rise. The development of a country's sporting potential therefore is crucial (Martindale et al., 2007:187). In South African schools, sport is widely regarded as the basis of elite sport (Rajput & Van Deventer, 2010:159). Teacher-coaches are in most cases responsible for the development potential of this sport. These coaches are often not properly trained, while the most knowledgeable coaches are used at elite level (SASKOK 2011b:12). The aim of this study was to determine the current state of teacher-coaches’ sport-specific training and playing- and coaching experience regarding sport coaching. Fifty four (54) schools om the Kenneth Kaunda district in the North-West Province of South Africa were available for this study. Questionnaires by Vosloo (2007) and Camire (2012) were adapted for use in this study. One hundred and forty-four (144) questionnaires were used in the compilation of the results. The Epi-info program was used to capture the data. For analysing the data, frequency tables and cross-tabulations were used to obtain statistical (p≤0.05) and practical (Cramer’s V-value) significance. Only six (6) of the twelve (12) priority sports codes have a significant amount of sport-specific trained teacher-coaches. Most sport-specific training was completed more than five (5) years ago. In most sports codes the majority of teacher-coaches have less than 10 years’ combined coaching- and participation experience. The transfer of quality coaching knowledge between coaches is questionable. It is mostly teacher-coaches with less than 10 years’ experience that do not attempt to improve their coaching skills. Teacher-coaches in general also use few methods to improve their coaching skills. Sport-specific training is needed in all types of schools (especially township- and farm schools) and in all priority sports codes. These teacher-coaches also require quality coaching mentors as well as exceptional and current sport-specific information. / TheThesis (MSc (Sport Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

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