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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using the Ketogenic Diet as an Adjuvant to Cancer Therapy: A Systematic Review

Risola, Melanie L 01 January 2019 (has links)
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. Evidence shows that a conventional western diet may contribute to the proliferation of cancer cells, affecting their prognosis. The aim of this review is to examine the efficacy and safety of using the ketogenic diet as an adjuvant to traditional cancer therapy. The systematic literature search was performed in October 2018 on two search engines: EBSCOhost (Medline, CINHAL, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) and Web of Science using the following key terms: ketogenic diet, high fat & low-carbohydrate diet, Atkins diet, cancer or neoplasms+. The search limitations included clinical studies among adult cancer patients. A total of 544 publications were initially identified. After the first title/abstract screening, 22 articles were eligible for full-text screening; finally, 3 were eligible for data extraction. We synthesized the effects of the ketogenic diet on cancer progression and safety by extracting and summarizing data on 4 items: 1) study characteristics, 2) characteristics of study participants, 3) diet composition and duration, and 4) key findings for efficacy and safety. Although only 3 studies were included, it was observed that more patients who adhered to the ketogenic diet than patients who did not experienced stability of disease and response to treatment. Patients who received the ketogenic diet also experienced a decrease in tumor size, cholesterol, fasting glucose, and triglyceride levels at 90 days. No statistically significant anthropometric changes were experienced; patients weight was maintained. However, more clinical evidence is necessary before applying the ketogenic diet in an oncological setting.

Ketogenic Diet Treatment of Defects in the Mitochondrial Malate Aspartate Shuttle and Pyruvate Carrier

Bölsterli, Bigna K., Boltshauser, Eugen, Palmieri, Luigi, Spenger, Johannes, Brunner-Krainz, Michaela, Distelmaier, Felix, Freisinger, Peter, Geis, Tobias, Gropman, Andrea L., Häberle, Johannes, Hentschel, Julia, Jeandidier, Bruno, Karall, Daniela, Keren, Boris, Klabunde-Cherwon, Annick, Konstantopoulou, Vassiliki, Kottke, Raimund, Lasorsa, Francesco M., Makowski, Christine, Mignot, Cyril, O'Gorman Tuura, Ruth, Porcelli, Vito, Santer, René, Sen, Kuntal, Steinbrücker, Katja, Syrbe, Steffen, Wagner, Matias, Ziegler, Andreas, Zöggeler, Thomas, Mayr, Johannes A., Prokisch, Holger, Wortmann, Saskia B. 07 December 2023 (has links)
Themitochondrialmalate aspartate shuttle system(MAS)maintains the cytosolicNAD+/NADH redox balance, thereby sustaining cytosolic redox-dependent pathways, such as glycolysis and serine biosynthesis. Human disease has been associated with defects in four MAS-proteins (encoded by MDH1, MDH2, GOT2, SLC25A12) sharing a neurological/epileptic phenotype, as well as citrin deficiency (SLC25A13) with a complex hepatopathic-neuropsychiatric phenotype. Ketogenic diets (KD) are high-fat/low-carbohydrate diets, which decrease glycolysis thus bypassing the mentioned defects. The same holds for mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (MPC) 1 deficiency, which also presents neurological deficits. We here describe 40 (18 previously unreported) subjects with MAS-/MPC1-defects (32 neurological phenotypes, eight citrin deficiency), describe and discuss their phenotypes and genotypes (presenting 12 novel variants), and the efficacy of KD. Of 13 MAS/MPC1- individuals with a neurological phenotype treated with KD, 11 experienced benefits—mainly a striking effect against seizures. Two individuals with citrin deficiency deceased before the correct diagnosis was established, presumably due to high-carbohydrate treatment. Six citrin-deficient individuals received a carbohydrate-restricted/fat-enriched diet and showed normalisation of laboratory values/hepatopathy as well as age-adequate thriving. We conclude that patients with MAS-/MPC1- defects are amenable to dietary intervention and that early (genetic) diagnosis is key for initiation of proper treatment and can even be lifesaving.

”Mitt barns medicin” : En kvalitativ studie om föräldrars upplevelser av deras barns behandling med Modifierad Atkins Diet och ketogenkost. / ”My Child´s Medicine” : A qualitative study on how parents experience their children`s treatment with Modified Atkins Diet or Ketogenic Diet.

Holmström, Annika, Mårtensson, Lotta January 2012 (has links)
BAKGRUND Modifierad Atkins Diet (MAD) och ketogenkost är kostbehandlingar som ordineras till barn med svårbehandlad epilepsi. Andra patientgrupper som behandlas med dessa dieter är patienter med glukostransportprotein typ 1-brist. Kostbehandlingarna är kolhydratfattiga och fettrika. I Sverige finns fyra sjukhus som arbetar med MAD och ketogenkost. I dagsläget saknas studier som beskriver hur behandlingarna upplevs av berörda familjer. SYFTE Syftet med studien var att utforska hur föräldrar till barn som behandlas med MAD eller ketogenkost upplever kostbehandlingen. METOD Kvalitativa intervjuer baserade på en halvstrukturerad frågeguide har genomförts. Fem familjer från olika delar av landet deltog i studien. Intervjuerna spelades in med mp3-spelare för att sedan transkriberas ordagrant. Samtalen analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. RESULTAT Föräldrarna berättade om en rädsla och oro inför behandlingsstarten och att introduktionsperioden som familjerna erbjöds inför kostbehandlingen visade sig vara mycket viktig för kommande behandlingsprocess. Föräldrarna upplevde det svårt att tillaga en varierad kost och att det var viktigt med adekvata hjälpmedel och regelbunden vårdkontakt för att kunna tillämpa kostbehandlingen i vardagslivet. Deras behov av stöd förändrades under behandlingsprocessen. Genomgående var att informanterna upplevde att de sociala aktiviteterna anpassades efter kostbehandlingen. Föräldrarna upplevde det som viktigt att ha kontakt med andra familjer i liknade situation. Trots att föräldrarna upplevde flera olika praktiska och sociala problem ansåg de ändå att det positiva, som var kopplat till behandlingens resultat övervägde. En förälder uttryckte sig med orden ”Vi fick tillbaka vårt barn”- vilket återspeglar många föräldrars åsikt om behandlingen. SLUTSATS MAD och ketogenkost kräver mycket tid och kunskap för berörda familjer och påverkar deras vardag både praktiska och socialt. Med stöd från vård, barnomsorg, familj och vänner upplevde föräldrarna att det var lättare att upprätthålla behandlingen. Det finns också ett behov av att få prata med andra föräldrar och familjer som är liknande situationer. / BACKGROUND Modified Atkins Diet (MAD) and Ketogenic Diet are treatments prescribed to children suffering from refractory epilepsy. Patients with glucose transporter protein type 1 deficiency are also commonly treated with these diets, which are low in carbohydrates and high in fat. In Sweden, there are four hospitals implementing these treatments, but there is currently not sufficient information on how they are affecting the families. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to explore how parents of children treated with MAD or Ketogenic Diet experience the treatment. METHOD Qualitative interviews based on a semi-structured topic guide was conducted. Five families from different parts of Sweden participated in this study. The interviews were recorded with an mp3 device and transcribed verbatim. Qualitative content analysis was used for data analysis. RESULT The parents disclosed anxiety before the start of the treatment and they acknowledged that the first week of introduction, which they, were offered before the start, proved to be essential for the rest of the treatment process. The families found it difficult to cook a balanced meal according to the dietary requriements, and also that it was important to have adequate resources and routine contact with health services to be able to apply the treatment to daily life. Their need for support changed during the treatment process. The informants believed their social activities were accommodated due to treatment. The parents felt the need to be in contact with other families in a similar situation. One parent expressed him-/herself with the words “We got our child back”, which reflects many parents view, regarding the treatment. CONCLUSION MAD and Ketogenic Diet require a lot of time and knowledge and affect practical and social aspects in daily living. With the support of health care, child care, family and friends, the parents felt it was easier to maintain treatment. The informants also shed light on the necessity of being in contact with other parents and families in similar situations.

Seleção e classificação inteligente de mangas por análise de imagens. / Selection and classification intelligent of mango per image analysis.

CARVALHO, Joelson Nogueira de. 04 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Emanuel Varela Cardoso (emanuel.varela@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-06-04T18:57:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JOELSON NOGUEIRA DE CARVALHO – TESE (PPGEP) 2015.pdf: 13948643 bytes, checksum: 489b4bafa76b44f12e75f8cdd9288f56 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-04T18:57:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JOELSON NOGUEIRA DE CARVALHO – TESE (PPGEP) 2015.pdf: 13948643 bytes, checksum: 489b4bafa76b44f12e75f8cdd9288f56 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-09 / O Brasil está hoje inserido entre os principais produtores mundiais de frutas, onde a manga se apresenta como um importante componente da sua pauta de exportações; para manter -se na vanguarda desse mercado, multiplicam-se esforços no sentido de prover frutos de alta qualidade ao consumidor, onde os avanços na tecnologia da informação permitem o desenvolvimento de sistemas de automação para tarefas de suma importância que envolvem aspectos cognitivos, como a seleção e a classificação de frutas, o que garante um rendimento superior. Considerando essa premissa, este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um sistema de automação não destrutivo para classificação e seleção da manga Tommy Atkins, empregando um sistema de visão computacional associado a um sistema de aprendizagem de máquina, capaz de especificar e utilizar qualquer padrão comercial para avaliação pela cor e pela forma. A estimação de parâmetros como massa, volume, posição relativa do seu pedúnculo e outras informações relevantes são também impleme ntadas. Este sistema foi desenvolvido vislumbrando a possibilidade de ser implantado numa esteira de classificação de baixo custo, em benefício do pequeno produtor rural, onde a interface desenvolvida permite sua operação por operadores com pouca qualificação. / Brazil is today one of the major world producers of fruit, where the mango is presented as an important component of its exports. To remain at the forefront of this market, efforts are multiplied in order to provide the consumer high quality fruits, where advances in information technology allow the development of automation systems for tasks of major import ance involving cognitive aspects, such as selection and sorting of fruit, which ensures a higher yield. Given this premise, this paper presents the development of a non -destructive automation system for classification and selection of Tommy Atkins mango, employing a computer vision system associated with a machine learning system that can specify and use any trade standard for review by color and shape. The estimation of parameters such as mass, volume, position on the stem and other relevant information are also implemented. This system was developed glimpsing the possibility of being embedded into a low cost classification conveyor belt, for the benefit of small farmers, where the developed interface allows operation by operators with little qualification.

Tommy Atkins, War Office reform and the social and cultural presence of the late-Victorian army in Britain, c.1868-1899

Gosling, Edward Peter Joshua January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the development of the soldier in late-Victorian Britain in light of the movement to rehabilitate the public image of the ordinary ranks initiated by the Cardwell-Childers Reforms. Venerated in popular culture, Tommy Atkins became a symbol of British imperial strength and heroism. Socially, however, attitudes to the rank-and-file were defined by a pragmatic realism purged of such sentiments, the likes of which would characterise the British public’s relationship with their army for over thirty years. Scholars of both imperial culture and the Victorian military have identified this dual persona of Tommy Atkins, however, a dedicated study into the true nature of the soldier’s position has yet to be undertaken. The following research will seek to redress this omission. The soldier is approached through the perspective of three key influences which defined his development. The first influence, the politics of the War Office, exposes a progressive series of schemes which, cultivated for over a decade, sought to redefine the soldier through the popularisation of military service and the professionalisation of the military’s public relations strategy and apparatus. A forgotten component of the Cardwell-Childers Reforms, the schemes have not before been scrutinised. Despite the ingenuity of the schemes devised, the social rehabilitation of the soldier failed, primarily, it will be argued, because the government refused to improve his pay. The public’s response to the Cardwell-Childers Reforms and the British perception of the ordinary soldier in the decades following their introduction form the second perspective. Through surveys of the local and London press and mainstream literature, it is demonstrated the soldier, in part as a result of the reforms, underwent a social transition, precipitated by his entering the public consciousness and encouraged by a resulting fascination in the military life. The final perspective presented in this thesis is from within the rank-and-file itself. Through the examination of specialist newspaper, diary and memoir material the direct experiences of the soldiers themselves are explored. Amid the extensive public and political discussion of their nature and status, the soldier also engaged in the debate. The perspective of the rank-and-file provides direct context for the established perspectives of the British public and the War Office, but also highlights how the soldier both supported and opposed the reforms and was acutely aware of the social status he possessed. This thesis will examine the public and political treatment of the soldier in the late-nineteenth century and question how far the conflicting ideas of soldier-hero and soldier-beggar were reconciled.

Kroppen i bilden : Hur det icke-verbala gestaltas i fyra bilderböcker från två tidsepoker / The body within the picture : How the non-verbal portraved in four picture books from two eras

Olsson, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att analysera ett begränsat antal bilderböcker från två tidsepoker och undersöka hur det icke-verbala gestaltas i dessa bilderböcker och om det gestaltas olika i de två tidsepokerna.  Jag kommer att fokusera mer ingående på konflikter mellan barn, konflikter mellan pedagoger och barn och pedagogers attityder i konflikter och deras sätt att hantera dem. Metoden jag använder mig av i denna studie är en kvalitativ litteraturanalys där jag utgår från Nikolajevas (2000) bok om bilderboksanalys. Tillsammans med relevant litteratur och Howard Garders teori om de sju intelligenserna med fokus på det kroppsliga har jag kommit fram till resultatet att alla böcker oavsett tidsepok via kroppsspråket i böckerna förmedlar att förskolan är något roligt och intressant. Största skillnaden mellan böckerna från de olika tidsepokerna var att i de äldre böckerna visades endast att man inte fick säga emot de vuxna med en tydlig didaktisk underton. I böckerna från 2000-talet gestaltades kroppsspråket så att man förstod det som att barnen hade mer inflytande och behövde inte alltid godta vad de vuxna sa, utan kunde ha mer egen vilja. / The purpose of this study is to analyze a limited number of picture books from two eras and examine how non-verbal portrayed in the picture, and if it is portrayed differently in the two epochs. I will focus in more detail on the conflicts between children, conflicts between educators and children and teachers' attitudes in the conflict and their way of dealing with them. The method I use in this study is a qualitative literature analysis which I assume Nicholas Eve (2000) book on picture analysis. Together with the relevant literature and Howard Gardners theory of the seven intelligences with a focus on the bodily, I have come to the result that all books regardless of era through body language in the books convey to preschool is something fun and interesting. The biggest difference between the books from the different time epochs was that in the older books appeared only that you could not argue with adults with a clear didactic undertone. In the books from the 2000's figure was the body language illustrated in such a way that the reader understands that the children are allowed to have more influence and not necessarily need to accept the opinions and wishes of the adults, since they are entitled to their own opinion and to have their own free will.

Environmentally friendly approach to postharvest quality maintenance of mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. ‘Tommy Atkins’&‘Kent’

Van Deventer, Francois Johannes 14 February 2012 (has links)
The mango (Mangifera indica L.) is an appealing subtropical fresh fruit with a pleasant flavor and taste, high nutritional value, beneficial medicinal properties and various processing options. However, as is the case with most subtropical fruit, it is a sensitive commodity, prone to losses postharvestly. The South African mango industry is highly dependent on a hot water and cold prochloraz dip treatment, to control postharvest anthracnose and soft brown rot on fruit destined for export. However, negatve public perceptions of synthetic fungicides and its use on fresh produce for disease control has been increasing in major export markets such as the European Union. This growing concern from a public point of view is forcing industry to consider more environmentally acceptable methods to maintain quality of mangoes during extended export periods. ‘Tommy Atkins’ and ‘Kent’ mangoes either uninoculated or artificially inoculated with Colletotrichum gloesporioiedes, Botryosphaeria parva or sterile agar, were used to evaluate softer, greener alternatives, in this study. Fruit were subjected to either a hot, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (PPCB004) containing dip treatment for two minutes or a 24 hour 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) gas treatment at 16 ºC or no treatment. Fruit were then stored at 10 ºC under either 5% O2 and 5% CO2 (CA-1) or 3% O2 and 8% CO2 (CA-2) controlled atmospheres (CA) for 18 days and allowed to ripen for five days at 25 ºC. Similarly, uninoculated or artificially inoculated fruit subjected to B. amyloliquefaciens, 1-MCP or a combination of the two treatments was stored at 10 ºC for 18 days under conventional storage. ‘Tommy Atkins’ fruit were packed into bags made from four different film types, untreated or after being subjected to a cold B. amyloliquefaciens dip treatment and stored for 23 days at 10 ºC. Overall, ‘Kent’ fruit were more susceptible to anthracnose and SBR after artificial inoculation. In vivo inoculated ‘Tommy Atkins’ fruit, storage under CA-1 gave the best control of soft brown rot whilst CA-2 storage gave the best control of anthracnose. For quality retention no definite conclusion could be made for both cultivars after CA storage or the combination of 1-MCP pre-treatment and CA storage. The combination of 1-MCP pre-treatment and B. amyloliquefaciens maintained the quality of ‘Kent’ mangoes under conventional storage the best. Anthracnose severity on both cultivars was reduced with 1-MCP treated fruit combined with the biocontrol pre-treatment. Modified atmosphere packaging in this study was found to be ineffective in maintaining quality of mangoes. Copyright / Dissertation (MSc(Agric))--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Microbiology and Plant Pathology / unrestricted

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