Spelling suggestions: "subject:"attestation"" "subject:"attestations""
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Radium: Secure Policy Engine in HypervisorShah, Tawfiq M. 08 1900 (has links)
The basis of today’s security systems is the trust and confidence that the system will behave as expected and are in a known good trusted state. The trust is built from hardware and software elements that generates a chain of trust that originates from a trusted known entity. Leveraging hardware, software and a mandatory access control policy technology is needed to create a trusted measurement environment. Employing a control layer (hypervisor or microkernel) with the ability to enforce a fine grained access control policy with hyper call granularity across multiple guest virtual domains can ensure that any malicious environment to be contained. In my research, I propose the use of radium's Asynchronous Root of Trust Measurement (ARTM) capability incorporated with a secure mandatory access control policy engine that would mitigate the limitations of the current hardware TPM solutions. By employing ARTM we can leverage asynchronous use of boot, launch, and use with the hypervisor proving its state and the integrity of the secure policy. My solution is using Radium (Race free on demand integrity architecture) architecture that will allow a more detailed measurement of applications at run time with greater semantic knowledge of the measured environments. Radium incorporation of a secure access control policy engine will give it the ability to limit or empower a virtual domain system. It can also enable the creation of a service oriented model of guest virtual domains that have the ability to perform certain operations such as introspecting other virtual domain systems to determine the integrity or system state and report it to a remote entity.
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E-sélection de personnel hautement qualifié : utilisation d'un micromonde pour l'évaluation de la résolution de problèmes complexesTeyssier-Roberge, Gabrielle 07 June 2024 (has links)
Une approche de sélection du personnel par les compétences non techniques dites du 21ᵉ siècle (C21) -- notamment la résolution de problèmes complexes (RPC) -- est jugée par plusieurs comme une solution potentielle aux défis de productivité et de compétitivité des organisations en cette ère de l'intelligence numérique. Avec la complexification et le dynamisme croissants du marché du travail, les domaines d'emplois liés aux hautes technologies requièrent de plus en plus, au-delà des connaissances scientifiques et techniques, des compétences non techniques. La capacité en RPC semble être une nécessité du 21ᵉ siècle et se démarque comme compétence importante à maîtriser par la main-d'œuvre, en plus d'être considérée comme une capacité cognitive allant au-delà de l'intelligence (ou de l'habileté mentale générale; HMG). Alors que la sélection s'est appuyée jusqu'à présent sur des méthodes traditionnelles, certains suggèrent que l'utilisation de solutions numériques permettrait de répondre aux besoins des organisations qui désirent opter pour un processus davantage adéquat de l'évaluation de la RPC. Un micromonde simulé par ordinateur permet de reproduire les propriétés de la complexité et de configurer des tâches et scénarios dynamiques pour la recherche (voir Dörner et Funke, 2017). Selon une approche interdisciplinaire, alliant gestion des ressources humaines (GRH) et sciences cognitives, la thèse s'intéresse aux deux tendances suivantes : a) les C21 sont de plus en plus recherchées par les employeurs, mais certaines sont difficiles à évaluer, notamment la RPC; et b) la sélection de personnel pourrait bénéficier d'être adaptée au contexte actuel. La mise en commun des travaux de recherche récents au sujet de la sélection électronique (e-sélection) et des appels à l'action de chercheurs du domaine permettent de converger vers la question de recherche suivante : Est-ce que l'utilisation d'une simulation par micromonde (le « Comment ») représente l'outil d'évaluation idéal afin d'évaluer la RPC (le « Quoi ») chez le personnel hautement qualifié (PHQ; voir Ryan et Ployhart, 2014) ? La thèse se base sur une philosophie de recherche positiviste et pragmatique. Des revues narratives de la littérature permettent : i) de documenter le contexte de l'intelligence numérique, son impact sur le marché de l'emploi et la sélection de PHQ; ii) d'identifier le « Quoi » le plus approprié à évaluer en contexte de sélection; et iii) de déterminer le « Comment » qui semble le plus adéquat pour le faire. Les résultats appuient la vision selon laquelle la RPC représente une C21 essentielle à maîtriser par le PHQ œuvrant dans les domaines de l'innovation, des hautes technologies et de la recherche et développement (R-D) à l'ère de l'intelligence numérique et qu'une évaluation basée sur le jeu (EBJ) reproduisant les propriétés de la complexité (voir Schoppek et Fischer, 2015) semble un outil prometteur afin de l'évaluer. Un devis corrélationnel permet de contribuer à l'effort de validation empirique de l'utilisation d'une simulation par micromonde pour évaluer la RPC chez le PHQ. Trente-neuf participants ont effectué une tâche simulée de gestion d'une société (soit le micromonde Ecopolicy qui reproduit un contexte de prise de décision dynamique du monde réel par le biais de scénarios complexes) et ont également effectué le test d'HMG des Matrices progressives avancées (MPA) de Raven, une échelle d'auto-évaluation de la pensée systémique et des questionnaires sur l'engagement et l'acceptabilité. Les résultats confirment que la gestion de la complexité est un défi cognitif. La performance en RPC s'avère très faible et n'est pas reliée à l'HMG. Cependant, la performance est supérieure à la chance et la distribution des résultats permet de détecter ceux qui se démarquent. Les questions relatives au concept de RPC, à l'utilisation des micromondes et aux réactions des individus sont discutées. Le chapitre final propose une analyse des résultats et des limites de la thèse, ce qui permet d'apprécier l'évaluation qui est faite des critères de scientificité et de l'utilité d'une EBJ, notamment un micromonde, en contexte de sélection. Les contributions théoriques et pratiques de la thèse sont présentées par la suite. En terminant, des pistes futures de recherche sont proposées afin : a) d'étudier l'ampleur des C21 et leur potentielle prolifération; et b) de développer des moyens pour la formation de la RPC. / An approach to personnel selection based on so-called 21st century skills -- in particular, complex problem-solving (CPS) -- is recognized by many practitioners and researchers as a potential solution to the challenges of productivity and competitiveness facing organizations in the age of digital intelligence. With the labour market's rising complexity and volatility, high-technology sector of employment is increasingly requiring non-technical skills in addition to scientific and technical knowledge. The ability to solve complex problems appears to be imperative in the context of the 21st century, emerging as an essential skill that individuals in today's workforce and those seeking employment must possess. Moreover, CPS is seen as a cognitive ability that extends beyond general mental ability (GMA). While personnel selection has so far relied on traditional methods, some researchers suggest that the evaluation of CPS requires the use of new measurement approaches. The use of a computer-simulated microworld -- a versatile and open-ended virtual world -- makes it possible to reproduce the properties of complexity and configure scenarios with goal-oriented dynamic tasks (see Dörner and Funke, 2017). This thesis adopts an interdisciplinary approach by integrating the fields of human resource management (HRM) and cognitive science. It aims to explore two key issues: a) the need to adapt personnel selection processes to align with the demands of the digital intelligence era; and b) the growing demand for non-technical skills, specifically CPS, among employers, and the challenges associated with assessing these skills. Recent research and calls to action in the field of electronic personnel selection (e-selection) have led to the following research question: Is the use of a microworld simulation (the "How") considered to be the most adequate method for assessing CPS (the "What"? This thesis is grounded in a research philosophy that combines positivism and pragmatism. Narrative literature reviews serve the purpose of documenting the contextual background of the digital intelligence era, analyzing its influence on the job market and the selection of highly qualified personnel (HQP). Additionally, these reviews aim to identify the most valuable skills that organizations should prioritize and determine the most suitable method for assessing these skills. The primary conclusions derived from the narrative reviews indicate that CPS is a crucial non-technical skill that should be proficiently acquired by HQP working within the domains of innovation and high technology in the digital intelligence era. Additionally, it is suggested that using a microworld simulation that replicates the characteristics of complexity, as outlined by Schoppek and Fischer (2015), holds potential as an effective means of evaluating CPS. As part of a validation process, using a correlational design, the constructs behind the use of a microworld to assess CPS in HQP were tested. Thirty-nine participants performed a simulated society management task (i.e., the microworld Ecopolicy that reproduces the context of real-world dynamic decision-making through complex scenarios), and also completed Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) test, a system thinking self-reported scale, and questionnaires of user acceptance and engagement. Managing complexity is challenging, and CPS performance is poor and not related to GMA. However, performance is better than chance, and the distribution of scores makes it possible to detect those who outperform their peers. Also, test-takers' levels of task engagement and acceptance of the microworld proved to be relatively high. In a final chapter, a comprehensive analysis of the findings and limitations of the thesis is provided, enabling an evaluation of the scientific criteria encompassing the validity, reliability and utility of a microworld simulation in the context of personnel selection. Furthermore, the theoretical and practical contributions of the thesis are discussed. Future avenues of research are proposed in order to: i) further survey the so-called skills of the 21st century and their potential proliferation; and ii) develop means to train CPS skills.
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Le rôle et l'identité professionnelle des intervenants-accompagnants en reconnaissance des acquis et des compétences (RAC) auprès de la clientèle immigrante : une explorationBélanger, Mireille 18 July 2024 (has links)
Introduction : Depuis quelques décennies, et, en particulier, depuis quelques années, l'enjeu de la reconnaissance des acquis et des compétences au Québec pour la clientèle immigrante est réitéré à cause de son importance dans une insertion juste au marché du travail pour les clientèles qualifiées et les services offerts dans cette foulée sont de plus en plus diversifiés (CSE 2000, p. 10; Delors, J., 1996 ; MEQ, 2002a, 2005 ; MICC, 2005 ; CIQ, 2015). Les professionnels qui travaillent dans ce secteur de pratique dit de la reconnaissance des acquis et des compétences (RAC) ont la responsabilité d'offrir des services de qualité afin d'accompagner la clientèle dans ce qui s'avère quelquefois un véritable «parcours du combattant». Dans ce mémoire, notre objectif a été de nous centrer sur l'exploration des compétences requises pour accompagner ces personnes adéquatement et de nous intéresser à l'apport subjectif qu'ont ces compétences dans la définition d'un rôle particulier et d'une identité professionnelle singulière aux conseillers-ères d'orientation travaillant dans le secteur de pratique d'évaluation des compétences et de la reconnaissance des acquis. Objectifs : 1) Explorer l'identité professionnelle de même que les compétences professionnelles qui sont mises en œuvre par les intervenants travaillant auprès des immigrants en processus de reconnaissance de leurs acquis et compétences, qui définissent et alimentent la construction de cette identité; 2) Identifier leurs représentation des obstacles rencontrés par les personnes immigrantes et les lacunes, difficultés et facteurs potentiellement explicatifs de l'absence constatée des conseillères et conseillers d'orientation dans ce secteur de pratique; 3) Décrire les pratiques et le rôle de l'intervenant-e dans l'accompagnement des personnes immigrantes en processus de reconnaissance des acquis et des compétences. Méthodologie : Étude qualitative effectuée par l'entremise d'entretiens individuels auprès de participants majoritairement composés de femmes (6/8) ayant une expérience de travail variant d'un an à 24 ans dans le secteur éducatif de la reconnaissance des acquis et des compétences (RAC). La codification des verbatim a été effectuée à partir du logiciel QDA Miner. Résultats : Les principaux thèmes identifiés montrent : 1) des compétences professionnelles multiples et diversifiées, et un sentiment de compétence à un accompagnement adéquat pour la clientèle immigrante engagée dans un processus en reconnaissance des acquis et des compétences et en transition vers une insertion professionnelle; 2) une identité professionnelle collective caractérisée par un sentiment d'appartenance au groupe de professionnels œuvrant en reconnaissance des acquis et des compétences; 3) la manifestation d'une insatisfaction quant au manque de ressources financières, matérielles et humaines en environnement de travail de même que le constat de problèmes majeurs au niveau de la transmission de l'information liée au processus de reconnaissance des acquis et aux services offerts à la clientèle, aux partenaires et aux entreprises. Conclusion : Le processus de reconnaissance des acquis et compétences étant ancré dans un travail d'équipe qui requiert la participation et la collaboration de tout le personnel impliqué, l'émergence d'une identité professionnelle collective valorisée, traduite par une culture professionnelle de la reconnaissance des acquis et des compétences émerge du discours sur le Soi professionnel. De nombreuses compétences professionnelles sont ainsi nécessaires pour permettre aux intervenants en reconnaissance des acquis et des compétences d'accompagner leur clientèle québécoise et immigrante et d'être en mesure de répondre à leurs besoins respectifs. Mots clés : Reconnaissance des acquis et des compétences (RAC), rôle, identité professionnelle, accompagnement, compétences professionnelles (savoirs, savoirs-faire, savoirs-être), personnes immigrantes, conseillers d'orientation.
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Secure network programming in wireless sensor networksTan, Hailun, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2010 (has links)
Network programming is one of the most important applications in Wireless Sensor Networks as It provides an efficient way to update program Images running on sensor nodes without physical access to them. Securing these updates, however, remains a challenging and important issue, given the open deployment environment of sensor nodes. Though several security schemes have been proposed to impose the authenticity and Integrity protection on network programming applications, they are either energy Inefficient as they tend to use digital signature or lacks the data confidentiality. In addition, due to the absence of secure memory management in the current sensor hardware, the attacker could inject malicious code into the program flash by exploiting buffer overflow In the memory despite the secure code dissemination. The contribution of this thesis Is to provide two software-based security protocols and one hardware-based remote attestation protocol for network programming application. Our first protocol deploys multiple one-way key chains for a multi-hop sensor network. The scheme Is shown to be lower In computational, power consumption and communication costs yet still able to secure multi??hop propagation of program images. Our second protocol utilizes an Iterative hash structure to the data packets in network programming application, ensuring the data confidentiality and authenticity. In addition, we Integrated confidentiality and DoS-attack-resistance in a multi??hop code dissemination protocol. Our final solution is a hardware-based remote attestation protocol for verification of running codes on sensor nodes. An additional piece of tamper-proof hardware, Trusted Platform Module (TPM), is imposed into the sensor nodes. It secures the sensitive information (e.g., the session key) from attackers and monitors any platform environment changes with the Internal registers. With these features of TPM, the code Injection attack could be detected and removed when the contaminated nodes are challenged in our remote attestation protocol. We implement the first two software-based protocols with Deluge as the reference network programming protocol in TinyOS, evaluate them with the extensive simulation using TOSSIM and validate the simulation results with experiments using Tmote. We implement the remote attestation protocol on Fleck, a sensor platform developed by CSIRO that Integrates an Atmel TPM chip.
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Secure network programming in wireless sensor networksTan, Hailun, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2010 (has links)
Network programming is one of the most important applications in Wireless Sensor Networks as It provides an efficient way to update program Images running on sensor nodes without physical access to them. Securing these updates, however, remains a challenging and important issue, given the open deployment environment of sensor nodes. Though several security schemes have been proposed to impose the authenticity and Integrity protection on network programming applications, they are either energy Inefficient as they tend to use digital signature or lacks the data confidentiality. In addition, due to the absence of secure memory management in the current sensor hardware, the attacker could inject malicious code into the program flash by exploiting buffer overflow In the memory despite the secure code dissemination. The contribution of this thesis Is to provide two software-based security protocols and one hardware-based remote attestation protocol for network programming application. Our first protocol deploys multiple one-way key chains for a multi-hop sensor network. The scheme Is shown to be lower In computational, power consumption and communication costs yet still able to secure multi??hop propagation of program images. Our second protocol utilizes an Iterative hash structure to the data packets in network programming application, ensuring the data confidentiality and authenticity. In addition, we Integrated confidentiality and DoS-attack-resistance in a multi??hop code dissemination protocol. Our final solution is a hardware-based remote attestation protocol for verification of running codes on sensor nodes. An additional piece of tamper-proof hardware, Trusted Platform Module (TPM), is imposed into the sensor nodes. It secures the sensitive information (e.g., the session key) from attackers and monitors any platform environment changes with the Internal registers. With these features of TPM, the code Injection attack could be detected and removed when the contaminated nodes are challenged in our remote attestation protocol. We implement the first two software-based protocols with Deluge as the reference network programming protocol in TinyOS, evaluate them with the extensive simulation using TOSSIM and validate the simulation results with experiments using Tmote. We implement the remote attestation protocol on Fleck, a sensor platform developed by CSIRO that Integrates an Atmel TPM chip.
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Hardening High-Assurance Security Systems with Trusted ComputingOzga, Wojciech 12 August 2022 (has links)
We are living in the time of the digital revolution in which the world we know changes beyond recognition every decade. The positive aspect is that these changes also drive the progress in quality and availability of digital assets crucial for our societies. To name a few examples, these are broadly available communication channels allowing quick exchange of knowledge over long distances, systems controlling automatic share and distribution of renewable energy in international power grid networks, easily accessible applications for early disease detection enabling self-examination without burdening the health service, or governmental systems assisting citizens to settle official matters without leaving their homes. Unfortunately, however, digitalization also opens opportunities for malicious actors to threaten our societies if they gain control over these assets after successfully exploiting vulnerabilities in the complex computing systems building them. Protecting these systems, which are called high-assurance security systems, is therefore of utmost importance.
For decades, humanity has struggled to find methods to protect high-assurance security systems. The advancements in the computing systems security domain led to the popularization of hardware-assisted security techniques, nowadays available in commodity computers, that opened perspectives for building more sophisticated defense mechanisms at lower costs. However, none of these techniques is a silver bullet. Each one targets particular use cases, suffers from limitations, and is vulnerable to specific attacks. I argue that some of these techniques are synergistic and help overcome limitations and mitigate specific attacks when used together. My reasoning is supported by regulations that legally bind high-assurance security systems' owners to provide strong security guarantees. These requirements can be fulfilled with the help of diverse technologies that have been standardized in the last years.
In this thesis, I introduce new techniques for hardening high-assurance security systems that execute in remote execution environments, such as public and hybrid clouds. I implemented these techniques as part of a framework that provides technical assurance that high-assurance security systems execute in a specific data center, on top of a trustworthy operating system, in a virtual machine controlled by a trustworthy hypervisor or in strong isolation from other software. I demonstrated the practicality of my approach by leveraging the framework to harden real-world applications, such as machine learning applications in the eHealth domain. The evaluation shows that the framework is practical. It induces low performance overhead (<6%), supports software updates, requires no changes to the legacy application's source code, and can be tailored to individual trust boundaries with the help of security policies.
The framework consists of a decentralized monitoring system that offers better scalability than traditional centralized monitoring systems. Each monitored machine runs a piece of code that verifies that the machine's integrity and geolocation conform to the given security policy. This piece of code, which serves as a trusted anchor on that machine, executes inside the trusted execution environment, i.e., Intel SGX, to protect itself from the untrusted host, and uses trusted computing techniques, such as trusted platform module, secure boot, and integrity measurement architecture, to attest to the load-time and runtime integrity of the surrounding operating system running on a bare metal machine or inside a virtual machine. The trusted anchor implements my novel, formally proven protocol, enabling detection of the TPM cuckoo attack.
The framework also implements a key distribution protocol that, depending on the individual security requirements, shares cryptographic keys only with high-assurance security systems executing in the predefined security settings, i.e., inside the trusted execution environments or inside the integrity-enforced operating system. Such an approach is particularly appealing in the context of machine learning systems where some algorithms, like the machine learning model training, require temporal access to large computing power. These algorithms can execute inside a dedicated, trusted data center at higher performance because they are not limited by security features required in the shared execution environment. The evaluation of the framework showed that training of a machine learning model using real-world datasets achieved 0.96x native performance execution on the GPU and a speedup of up to 1560x compared to the state-of-the-art SGX-based system.
Finally, I tackled the problem of software updates, which makes the operating system's integrity monitoring unreliable due to false positives, i.e., software updates move the updated system to an unknown (untrusted) state that is reported as an integrity violation. I solved this problem by introducing a proxy to a software repository that sanitizes software packages so that they can be safely installed. The sanitization consists of predicting and certifying the future (after the specific updates are installed) operating system's state. The evaluation of this approach showed that it supports 99.76% of the packages available in Alpine Linux main and community repositories.
The framework proposed in this thesis is a step forward in verifying and enforcing that high-assurance security systems execute in an environment compliant with regulations. I anticipate that the framework might be further integrated with industry-standard security information and event management tools as well as other security monitoring mechanisms to provide a comprehensive solution hardening high-assurance security systems.
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Формирование профессиональных компетенций фитнес-инструктора в рамках создания корпоративной книги спортивного центра «Я фитнес» : магистерская диссертация / Formation of professional competence of a fitness instructor as part of a corporate book of a sports center "I am a fitness"Филиппова, В. А., Filippova, V. A. January 2016 (has links)
Данная работа рассматривает систему формирования профессиональных компетенций фитнес-инструктора, уровень которых в значительной степени влияет на конкурентоспособность специалиста в сфере фитнес-индустрии. / This paper considers the formation of professional competencies of a fitness instructor, the professional level of which largely affects the competitiveness of a specialist in the fitness industry.
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Hardware-Aided Privacy Protection and Cyber Defense for IoTZhang, Ruide 08 June 2020 (has links)
With recent advances in electronics and communication technologies, our daily lives are immersed in an environment of Internet-connected smart things. Despite the great convenience brought by the development of these technologies, privacy concerns and security issues are two topics that deserve more attention. On one hand, as smart things continue to grow in their abilities to sense the physical world and capabilities to send information out through the Internet, they have the potential to be used for surveillance of any individuals secretly. Nevertheless, people tend to adopt wearable devices without fully understanding what private information can be inferred and leaked through sensor data. On the other hand, security issues become even more serious and lethal with the world embracing the Internet of Things (IoT). Failures in computing systems are common, however, a failure now in IoT may harm people's lives. As demonstrated in both academic research and industrial practice, a software vulnerability hidden in a smart vehicle may lead to a remote attack that subverts a driver's control of the vehicle.
Our approach to the aforementioned challenges starts by understanding privacy leakage in the IoT era and follows with adding defense layers to the IoT system with attackers gaining increasing capabilities. The first question we ask ourselves is "what new privacy concerns do IoT bring". We focus on discovering information leakage beyond people's common sense from even seemingly benign signals. We explore how much private information we can extract by designing information extraction systems. Through our research, we argue for stricter access control on newly coming sensors. After noticing the importance of data collected by IoT, we trace where sensitive data goes. In the IoT era, edge nodes are used to process sensitive data. However, a capable attacker may compromise edge nodes. Our second research focuses on applying trusted hardware to build trust in large-scale networks under this circumstance. The application of trusted hardware protects sensitive data from compromised edge nodes. Nonetheless, if an attacker becomes more powerful and embeds malicious logic into code for trusted hardware during the development phase, he still can secretly steal private data. In our third research, we design a static analyzer for detecting malicious logic hidden inside code for trusted hardware. Other than the privacy concern of data collected, another important aspect of IoT is that it affects the physical world. Our last piece of research work enables a user to verify the continuous execution state of an unmanned vehicle. This way, people can trust the integrity of the past and present state of the unmanned vehicle. / Doctor of Philosophy / The past few years have witnessed a rising in computing and networking technologies. Such advances enable the new paradigm, IoT, which brings great convenience to people's life. Large technology companies like Google, Apple, Amazon are creating smart devices such as smartwatch, smart home, drones, etc. Compared to the traditional internet, IoT can provide services beyond digital information by interacting with the physical world by its sensors and actuators. While the deployment of IoT brings value in various aspects of our society, the lucrative reward from cyber-crimes also increases in the upcoming IoT era. Two unique privacy and security concerns are emerging for IoT. On one hand, IoT brings a large volume of new sensors that are deployed ubiquitously and collect data 24/7. User's privacy is a big concern in this circumstance because collected sensor data may be used to infer a user's private activities. On the other hand, cyber-attacks now harm not only cyberspace but also the physical world. A failure in IoT devices could result in loss of human life. For example, a remotely hacked vehicle could shut down its engine on the highway regardless of the driver's operation. Our approach to emerging privacy and security concerns consists of two directions. The first direction targets at privacy protection. We first look at the privacy impact of upcoming ubiquitous sensing and argue for stricter access control on smart devices. Then, we follow the data flow of private data and propose solutions to protect private data from the networking and cloud computing infrastructure. The other direction aims at protecting the physical world. We propose an innovative method to verify the cyber state of IoT devices.
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Exploration de la notion de transformation à partir d'une analyse critique du concept de connaissance pédagogique de la matière de L.S. ShulmanMalo, Annie 20 May 2024 (has links)
« Ce mémoire aborde la notion de transformation impliquée dans la pratique et l'évolution du savoir d'expérience d'enseignants du primaire. Plusieurs critiques, particulièrement celles provenant des enseignants, laissent supposer que le savoir d'expérience se constitue en rupture des savoirs de formation. L'hypothèse développée porte sur l'existence d'un passage entre différentes connaissances déterminées par d'autres (disciplinaire, curriculaire, pédagogique) et la façon personnelle qu'a l'enseignant de les traduire et de se les réapproprier dans le contexte de sa pratique. Ce passage entraînerait une sorte de transformation des savoirs. Pour explorer cette problématique, la tâche de l'enseignement en rapport avec la gestion des contenus a été retenue. À partir de l'analyse critique d'un concept proposé par L. S. Shulman, le pedagogical content knowledge, une autre interprétation de cette notion a été développée. Une exploration empirique de la nouvelle définition a été réalisée auprès de quatre enseignants du primaire d'expérience de la région de Québec. »--Page ii
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Une ontologie de la liberté dans l'œuvre de Paul Ricoeur / An ontology of freedom in the works of Paul RicœurKuang, Quan 05 December 2016 (has links)
Penser l’être humain comme un être libre : tel est le souci constant de la réflexion de Paul Ricœur. Au niveau anthropologique, le philosophe cherche à remettre la liberté en lien avec la condition concrète de l’homme, où la nature, le corps, autrui et la société sont en jeu. Ce n’est qu’en reconnaissant une telle condition que la liberté devient réelle, affirmative et puissante. Au niveau ontologique, c’est la liberté humaine qui offre un accès privilégié à la compréhension de l’être en général. Après avoir écarté la notion de l’être comme objectivité, la liberté le dévoile comme un acte affirmatif. Au niveau méthodologique, le développement d’une herméneutique phénoménologique constitue un élément essentiel de l’ontologie de la liberté, dans la mesure où la pensée est elle-même toujours impliquée dans cette interrogation ontologique. C’est par un tel « engagement » que la pensée atteste l’être de la liberté, surtout face à l’énigme du mal. / One of the persistent concerns of Paul Ricœur’s philosophy is to reflect upon the human being as being free. At the anthropological level, Ricœur always considers freedom within concrete human condition, in which nature, body, others and society are all involved. One’s freedom becomes real, affirming and powerful only when such condition is recognized. At the ontological level, it is only as a free being that one has the privileged access to the understanding of being in general. Human as free being reveals that being should not be understood as objectivity, but as an affirming act. Finally, at the methodological level, Ricœur’s elaboration of phenomenological hermeneutics constitutes an essential element of his ontology of freedom. From his methodological development, it can be seen that the thinking philosopher himself, as a free being, is also engaged in his inquiry. In this regard, Ricœur’s philosophy as such becomes an attestation of free being, especially in his confrontation with the enigma of evil.
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