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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konsten att attrahera på framtidens arbetsmarknad : En studie i arbetsgivares attraktivitet inom IT-branschen

Holmberg, Johanna, Olsson, Sanna January 2019 (has links)
The increasing digitalisation of our society is making it harder for the IT industry to attract and recruit employees. One of the biggest assets a company has is its employer brand. This makes “employer branding” one of the most important matters for companies in the IT industry (Backhaus & Tikoo, 2004). The companies’ “employer branding” work leads to the opportunity to attract new employees with unique “value propositions” which can be adjusted to specific individuals with the help of benefits and other offers (Chambers, Foulon, Handfield-Jones, Hankin & Michaels, 2007). The IT businesses’ abilities to attract and keep their employees are more important than ever. Despite this, there's barely any research regarding whether companies are meeting the demands employees have regarding attractive employers or not.  The purpose of this study is to analyse how three different IT companies work to become attractive employers, and also what employees in those three companies are looking for in an attractive employer. In the following study, three interviews have been done, where representatives from three different companies have been interviewed to find out what companies within the IT business do to become attractive employers. After that, a survey was distributed to examine which factors employees in the three companies value regarding attractive employers. The analysis showed that the companies’ focus on building strong bonds between the employees and offering great skill development matches well with what employees look for in their employers, as well with what makes them stay within the company. Furthermore, the analysis also shows that there are some differences between what companies focus on in their work with becoming attractive and what employees wish for. For example, the companies’ main focus lays on offering benefits, even though employees don´t value benefits as an important factor in the matter of what makes an employer attractive. The differences and the similarities are then discussed to reach a conclusion regarding what companies need to do in order to raise their attractivity. / Den ökade digitaliseringen av samhället leder till att IT-branschen får det allt svårare att attrahera och rekrytera medarbetare. Företagens varumärke är en viktig tillgång, vilket gör “employer branding” till en av de största utmaningarna för företag inom IT-branschen (Backhaus & Tikoo, 2004). Arbetet med “employer branding” leder till möjligheten att attrahera ny personal med hjälp av unika “value propositions” som med hjälp av till exempel förmåner kan anpassas till individer (Chambers m.fl, 2007).  IT-företagens förmåga att attrahera och behålla sin personal är viktigare än någonsin. Trots detta saknas forskning kring hur väl företagen möter de krav som medarbetare ställer gällande attraktiva arbetsgivare.  Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad tre företag inom IT-branschen gör för att vara attraktiva arbetsgivare, samt vad medarbetare på dessa företag söker hos en attraktiv arbetsgivare. I studien har först en intervjuundersökning utförts, där representanter från tre olika företag intervjuades för att ta reda på vad företag inom IT-branschen gör för att vara attraktiva arbetsgivare. Sedan gjordes en enkätundersökning för att undersöka vilka faktorer medarbetare på dessa företag tycker gör en arbetsgivare attraktiv. Resultatet från dessa två undersökningar analyserades sedan för att se om företagens erbjudande stämmer överens med vad medarbetarna önskar hos en attraktiv arbetsgivare. Analysen visade bland annat att företagens fokus på gemenskap och kompetensutveckling stämmer väl överens med vad medarbetare önskar såväl som vad som får dem att stanna kvar på företaget. Vidare visar analysen även att det finns skillnader i vad företag fokuserar på i sina arbeten med attraktivitet och vad medarbetare önskar. Till exempel lägger företagen stort fokus på förmåner, trots att medarbetarna inte värderar förmåner som en viktig faktor i frågan om vad som gör en arbetsgivare attraktiv. Både likheter och skillnader diskuteras för att sedan resultera i slutsatser om vad företagen behöver göra för att öka sin attraktivitet.

Industrigatan som offentligt rum - en gemensam historia

Waktel, Emelie, Zwahlen, Ida January 2014 (has links)
Norra Sorgenfri är ett gammalt industriområde i östra Malmö som står inför en gedigen omvandlingsprocess för att bli en del av Malmös innerstad. Utvecklingen ska ske successivt under ett antal år och drivas av Malmö stad i samverkan med områdets privata fastighetsägare och verksamma aktörer, vilket gör processen väldigt komplex. Malmö stad har storslagna visioner för området och vill i ett tidigt skede utveckla Industrigatan, områdets “ryggrad”, till ett intressant och attraktivt stråk. Med detta vill Malmö stad föregå med gott exempel och inspirera till den vidare utvecklingen av hela Norra Sorgenfri. Utmaningen är att skapa ett attraktivt gaturum som inte blir en barriär och att dessutom lyckas genomföra omvandlingen tillsammans med aktörerna. Denna studie avser därför identifiera viktiga aspekter och kvaliteter som skapar attraktiva urbana gaturum. Vidare avser studien ge förslag på hur Gatukontoret i Malmö stad kan planera och skapa förutsättningar för att göra Industrigatan till ett sådant attraktivt urbant rum för att gynna den fortsatta utvecklingen av Norra Sorgenfri. Sedan genomfördes en hållbarhetsanalys av de olika styrdokumenten för Industrigatans omvandling. Resultaten visar att den fysiska utformningen av gatan är hållbar och har goda förutsättningar att bli ett attraktivt gaturum. Vad som dock kan utvecklas är samverkans- och deltagandemetoder samt vilka typer av arrangemang, attraktioner och aktiviteter som ska ge gatan ett rikt folkliv. Studien föreslår att Gatukontoret bör arbeta med metoder som “cultural planning”, “sensemaking” och “open-ended infrastructuring”. Som en del i detta arbete leder denna studie till en projektidé bestående av en serie workshops som avser behandla frågan “hur lockar vi folk till Industrigatan redan idag?”. / Norra Sorgenfri is an old industrial area located in the eastern parts of Malmö that are the subject for an extensive transformation process to become a part of the city center. The development should be done gradually and be operated by the City of Malmö in cooperation with the private property owners and stakeholders in the area. The City of Malmö has grand visions for Norra Sorgenfri and plans to develop Industrigatan, the “backbone” in the area, in an early stage to be an interesting and attractive linear space. By doing this the City of Malmö wish to inspire the rest of the development process. The challenge is to create an attractive street space, not a barrier, and furthermore to successfully complete the transformation together with the stakeholders. This study aims to identify important aspects and qualities that make attractive urban street spaces. Further, this study aims to give suggestions about how the Traffic Department in the City of Malmö can plan and create the conditions to make Industrigatan an attractive urban space to promote the continuing development of Norra Sorgenfri. After that, a sustainability analysis was conducted of the policy documents concerning the transformation of Industrigatan. The result shows that the physical design of the street is sustainable and has good potential to become an attractive streetscape. However, what can be developed is the methods for cooperation and participation and what types of arrangements, attractions and activities that will contribute to a rich street life. The study therefore suggests that the Traffic Department should work with methods like cultural planning, sensemaking and open-ended infrastructuring. As a part of this work the study leads to a project concept consisting of a series of workshops that should address the issue “how do we attract people to Industrigatan today?”.

The Importance of Work-Life Balance Opportunities and Support from the Perspective of Nursing Stu-dents in Dalarna, Sweden

Hank, Nadine, Wänn, Anna January 2016 (has links)
There is a shortage of nurses leading to challenges in recruitment in Sweden and many other countries. Especially for less populated regions recruitment can be chal-lenging. Nurses often face difficulties with work-life balance (WLB). This study aims to identify the importance of WLB opportunities and support that make a work-place attractive from the perspective of nursing students studying in Dalarna. A questionnaire was distributed via email to 525 students enrolled in the nursing bach-elor program at Dalarna University. They were asked to rate the importance of 15 sub questions regarding WLB opportunities and support. These sub questions were asked in order to analyze the importance of 15 components regarding WLB oppor-tunities and support. 196 students (37 percent) answered the questionnaire. Three WLB components, working from home, childcare and rooms for breastfeeding, were found to be not important to nursing students studying in Dalarna. This was reason-able due to the profession of nursing and the WLB support provided by the Swedish government. Cultural factors, such as the organization being positive towards using WLB opportunities and support, were more important than structural factors, such as the possibility to work part-time. Moreover, to have a manager that is supportive towards using WLB opportunities and support was found to be the most important factor and having workplace practical support such as childcare was found least im-portant. Furthermore, contrary to the expected results, no statistical significance was found on the influence on the importance of all combined relevant WLB opportuni-ties and support by the sociodemographic variables; gender, semester of studies, age, having children, months of work experience and work experience in the healthcare sector. However, nine individual components were found to be influ-enced by one or more sociodemographic variables. Therefore, some recommenda-tions on how to target specific groups of individuals were made. However, the con-clusion of the study is that, regardless of the sociodemographic variables and gov-ernmental support, organizations should offer new nurses opportunities and support to gain a balance between work and life, especially in terms of cultural factors.

Rheology of Weakly Attractive Soft Particles

Irani, Ehsan 10 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

” Brist på sjuksköterskor finns det egentligen inte, det är bara brist på attraktiva arbetsgivare” : En studie om att behålla sjuksköterskor i en offentlig sektor / A study on retaining nurses in the public sector

Andersson, Emilie, Hedback, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemformulering: Denna studie baseras på hur sju sjuksköterskor upplever sin arbetssituation i förhållande till attraktivt arbete och vad som får dem motiverade till att stanna kvar på sin arbetsplats. I många år har avdelningen haft ett gott rykte och det har varit låg personalomsättning bland sjuksköterskorna. De senaste tre till fem åren har trenden börjat vända och personalomsättningen har börjat öka. Det gör att den kunskapsintensiva avdelningen står inför utmaningen att lyckas behålla sin arbetskraft för att inte riskera att tappa den erfarenhet, kunskap och expertis patienterna behöver i sin vård. Detta är en dagsaktuell fråga då den svenska sjukvården står inför utmaningar med att behålla sjuksköterskor. Samtidigt som besparingar inom vården sker ökar kostnaderna för inhyrd arbetskraft. Prognoserna visar att befolkningen ökar och lever allt längre samtidigt som stora pensionsavgångar hägrar. Detta skapar en ohållbar situation där erfarenheten som finns måste bevaras vilket leder till att organisationer behöver arbeta med att bli attraktiva arbetsgivare för att kunna behålla sjuksköterskor. Syfte: Att undersöka vilka faktorer som sjuksköterskor på en vårdavdelning i Dalarna upplever viktiga för att stanna kvar på sin arbetsplats. Metod: Vi har rört oss inom den hermeneutiska tolkningsläran där riktningen går mot att tolka, studera och förstå. För att undersöka bakgrunden till att individer väljer att stanna kvar på en arbetsplats valde vi ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt. Kvalitativ forskning framställs som kontextuell då forskningen förstås i sitt sammanhang för att öka förståelsen av det undersökta fenomenet. Resultat: Det som framkommit i denna undersökning är att kollegorna är en viktig motivationsfaktor till att stanna kvar på arbetsplatsen. Merparten av sjuksköterskorna som deltagit i studien upplever att allas insatser på avdelningen är betydelsefulla. Ett gott samarbete mellan kollegorna bidrar till trygghet i rollen och en känsla av att erfarenheter värderas. Även om sjuksköterskorna uppskattar att arbeta i team, något som är signifikant inom vården, framkommer det att de vill uppmärksammas för sina prestationer på ett individuellt plan. De är specialister inom sitt yrke och upplever att den kompetensutveckling som ges på arbetsplatsen gör att de vill stanna kvar. Samtidigt önskar de bättre arbetsvillkor i form av flexibla arbetstider och löner som speglar deras prestationer. De önskar också en ledning som är synlig i den dagliga verksamheten och det uppskattas när ledningen genomför förbättringsförslag som gynnar arbetsförhållandena. Diskussion: Det inte går att blunda för de utmaningar avdelningen står inför. Reflektionerna från sjuksköterskorna gällande viljan att stanna kvar på arbetsplatsen påverkades av det dagsaktuella läget och de utmaningar de upplevde i deras arbetsförhållanden vilket också påverkar de faktorer som anses attraktiva. / Background: This study is based on how seven nurses experience their work situation in relation to attractive work and what makes them motivated to stay in their workplace. For many years, the department has had a good reputation and there has been low staff turnover among the nurses. The last three to five years, the trend has begun to turn around and staff turnover has started to increase. This means that the knowledge-intensive department faces the challenge of succeeding in retaining its workforce in order to not risk losing the experience, knowledge and expertise the patients need in their care. This is a topical issue when the Swedish healthcare system is faced with challenges in retaining nurses. At the same time, savings in healthcare are increasing the cost of hired labor. The forecasts show that the population is increasing and living longer and at the same time large retirements are taking place. This creates an unsustainable situation where the experience that exists has to be preserved, which means that organizations need to work to become attractive employers in order to be able to maintain nurses. Purpose: To investigate which factors that nurses at a care ward in Dalarna experience important in order to stay in their workplace. Method: We have moved within the hermeneutic interpretation theory where the direction goes towards interpreting, studying and understanding. In order to investigate the background to individuals choosing to stay in a workplace, we chose a qualitative approach. Qualitative research is presented as contextual because the research is understood in its context in order to increase the understanding of the phenomenon under investigation. Result: What emerged from this study is that colleagues are an important motivating factor to stay in the workplace. Most of the nurses who participated in the study feel that everyone's efforts in the department are important. Good cooperation between colleagues contributes to security in the role and a feeling that experiences are valued. Although nurses appreciate working in teams, something that is significant in healthcare, it appears that they want to be recognized for their achievements on an individual level. They are specialists in their profession and feel that the skills development given at the workplace makes them want to stay. At the same time, they want better working conditions in the form of flexible working hours and wages that reflect their performance. They also want a management that is visible in the day-to-day operations and it is appreciated when the management implements improvement proposals that benefit the working conditions. Discussion: It`s not possible to ignore the challenges facing the department. The reflections from the nurses regarding the desire to remain in the workplace were affected by the current situation and the challenges they experienced in their working conditions, which also affects the factors that are considered attractive.

Controle da broca da cana-de-açúcar Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) através de isca tóxica / Control of sugar cane borer Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) with toxic baits

Erler, Greice 18 October 2010 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar atrativos adicionados a inseticidas e usados na forma de isca tóxica no controle dos adultos de Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) determinando as doses adequadas e distâncias de aplicação dessas iscas. Em laboratório, foram testadas diversas iscas, incluindo seletividade, idade e concentração das mesmas, escolha do inseticida e sua melhor dose, determinação da distância dentro da área de aplicação, efeito residual e atratividade a alguns inimigos naturais. A D. saccharalis foi mantida em condições controladas de temperatura (25+1ºC), umidade relativa (60+10%) e fotofase (14 horas). Foi avaliada a sua mortalidade 24 e 48 hs após a exposição às iscas. A seleção e concentração do atrativo e o inseticida foi feita através dos resultados que apresentaram eficiência superior a 80%. Dentre as diferentes concentrações de atrativos e de inseticidas foram obtidas às ideais para cada isca, que foram: ácido acético (2,5%); ácido acético + 3-metil-1-butanol (1,25%); calda de açúcar (20%) e açúcar (2,5%) adicionados ao cloridrato de cartape (2,0; 2,0; 1,5 e 2,0 g i.a. L-1 calda), respectivamente. Em relação ao raio de atratividade, verificou-se que a isca não atrai o adulto a longas distâncias sendo o raio de 50cm, tornando-se necessário aplicar as iscas em área total. Nos resultados obtidos do teste de atratividade aos inimigos naturais (Cotesia flavipes e Doru luteipes) foi verificado que apenas a C. flavipes foi atraída pela isca à base de melaço. Em campo, foi realizado um experimento aplicando a isca tóxica em área total. Os tratamentos foram: ácido acético (285 mL ha-1) + cloridrato de cartape (45 g i.a. ha-1), melaço (1,14L ha-1) + cloridrato de cartape (45 g i.a. ha-1), Bacillus thuringiensis (1L ha-1) + Hygrogen (1L ha-1) e triflumurom (38,4 g i.a. ha-1), este último, visando lagartas do 2º ínstar. Os tratamentos á base de B. thuringiesis e o triflumurom foram empregados como padrão. Os resultados foram analisados em função de amostragem de lagartas que surgiu após as aplicações. Os resultados mostraram que o tratamento que mais se destacou foi à base de melaço o qual foi superior ao controle químico triflumurom, inseticida regulador de crescimento, utilizado atualmente principalmente no oeste paulista, onde se encontram altos níveis de infestação da broca. Assim, a isca tóxica a base de melaço se torna mais uma alternativa no controle químico da D. saccharalis. / This work aims to study baits added to insecticides used as toxic baits in the control of moths of Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) determining their appropriate doses and distances of application. In laboratory, were tested different baits in terms of selectivity, age and concentration, choice of pesticide and ideal dosage, determining distances within the application area, residual effects and attractiveness to some natural enemies. The D. saccharalis was kept under controlled temperatures (25+1ºC), RH (60+10%) and photophase (14 hours). We evaluated its mortality 24 and 48 hours after exposure to the baits. The selection and concentration of the bait and the pesticide were based on results that presented effiency higher than 80%. Among the different of concentrations of baits and pesticides, we obtained the ideal for each toxic bait as follows: acetic acid (2.5%); acetic acid + 3-methyl-1-butanol (1.25%); gold syrup (20%) and sugar (2.5%) added to cloridrato of cartape (2.0; 2.0; 1.5 and 2.0 g i.a. L-1 solution), respectively. In relation to the distance of application, we observed that the bait does not attract the adult from a distance larger than 50cm, being necessary to spray the baits in the entire area. As for results obtained on the attractiveness to natural enemies (Cotesia flavipes and Doru luteipes), we observed that only the C. flavipes was attracted to molasses baits. In the field, we carried out the spraying of toxic bait in whole area. The treatments were: acetic acid (285mL ha-1) + cloridrato de cartape (45 g i.a. ha-1), molasses (1,14L ha-1) + cloridrato of cartape (45 g i.a. ha-1), Bacillus thuringiensis (1L ha-1) + Hygrogen (1L ha-1) and triflumurom (38,4 g i.a. ha-1), being this last one aimed at caterpillars of the 2nd instar. The treatments based of B. thuringiensis and triflumurom were set up as standard. Results were analyzed regarding the number of caterpillars which appeared after the sprays. Findings showed that the treatment that had better result was based on molasses which was superior than the chemical control with triflumurom, growth regulator pesticide, largely used nowadays mainly in the western of São Paulo state, where there is high level of infestation of sugarcane borer. Thus, the toxic bait based on molasses becomes an alternative to the chemical control of D. saccharalis.

Building Attractive Quality of Career Service in Library & Learning Resources of University of Borås Based on Kano Theory

Hao, Shijie, Li, Mingzi January 2010 (has links)
The overall objective of this thesis work is to seek current and potential attractive quality of the career service of Library and Learning Resource in University college of Borås (HB), and try to make students know and experience the career service on their own initiative.First objective is the evaluation and assessment of the current quality work of career service. The main quality evaluation emphasizes on the career service awareness and its communication channels.After reviewing the current situation of the career service in the context of LLR in HB, identifying possible existing problems, and developing a Kano questionnaire to examine some question areas, the authors will offer some recommendations and suggestions for improvement. For this purpose, recommendation concerning communication channels and a specific PDSA approach will be developed with some detailed descriptions of items involved in this approach which will be reviewed.In order to reach to the objectives of this thesis work, the authors will use primary data in the form of interviews, and secondary data from literatures, scientific articles, and books and WebPages. In addition, the authors will use experiment methodology within this research and provide a PDSA solution which can facilitate LLR of HB to improve the quality of its career service.

Offentlig konst i kommunal förvaltning : Kvalitativ undersökning i tre steg av Västerås stads arbete med offentlig konst

Gillner, Fred January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how a larger Swedish municipality administer public art and to what extent the practical work relates to the objectives adopted in the municipal comprehensive plan. A qualitative method conducted by semi structured interviews in three tiers with a politician, an official, a representative of an artist organization and a local artist constitutes the base of the study. The interviews are also complemented with subject relevant literature and analysis of municipal documents to support the findings. Results show that the politician and the official have contrasting views on how to concretize the objectives. The discrepancy may cause a misconception of what to expect from public art investments. Further results indicate that municipal practice on the selection of artists, together with the strict bureaucratic framework, may have negative effect on the diversity of artistic expressions that is viewed as important for an attractive city. After years of poor public art management in the surveyed municipality, a foundation is at the time of writing being established to enable more strategic management. Overall the study presents challenges and opportunities about the future of public art management in a mid-sized Swedish municipality.

T-Surfaces in the Affine Grassmannian

Cheng, Valerie 11 1900 (has links)
In this thesis we examine singularities of surfaces and affine Schubert varieties in the affine Grassmannian $mathcal{G}/mathcal{P}$ of type $A^{(1)}$, by considering the action of a particular torus $widehat{T}$ on $mathcal{G}/mathcal{P}$. Let $Sigma$ be an irreducible $widehat{T}$-stable surface in $mathcal{G}/mathcal{P}$ and let $u$ be an attractive $widehat{T}$-fixed point with $widehat{T}$-stable affine neighborhood $Sigma_u$. We give a description of the $widehat{T}$-weights of the tangent space $T_u(Sigma)$ of $Sigma$ at $u$, give some conditions under which $Sigma$ is nonsingular at $u$, and provide some explicit criteria for $Sigma_u$ to be normal in terms of the weights of $T_u(Sigma)$. We will also prove a conjecture regarding the singular locus of an affine Schubert variety in $mathcal{G}/mathcal{P}$. / Mathematics

Coupling, space and time Mixing for parallel stochastic dynamics

Louis, Pierre-Yves January 2004 (has links)
We first introduce some coupling of a finite number of Probabilistic Cellular Automata dynamics (PCA), preserving the stochastic ordering. Using this tool, for a general attractive probabilistic cellular automata on SZd, where S is finite, we prove that a condition (A) is equivalent to the (time-) convergence towards equilibrium of this Markovian parallel dynamics, in the uniform norm, exponentially fast. This condition (A) means the exponential decay of the influence from the boundary for the invariant measures of the system restricted to finite ‘box’-volume. For a class of reversible PCA dynamics on {−1, +1}Zd / with a naturally associated Gibbsian potential ϕ, we prove that a Weak Mixing condition for ϕ implies the validity of the assumption (A); thus the ‘exponential ergodicity’ of the dynamics towards the unique Gibbs measure associated to ϕ holds. On some particular examples of this PCA class, we verify that our assumption (A) is weaker than the Dobrushin-Vasershtein ergodicity condition. For some special PCA, the ‘exponential ergodicity’ holds as soon as there is no phase transition.

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