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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Možnosti predikce a imunointervence u diabetu 1. typu / Possibilities of prediction and immunointervention in type 1 diabetes

Sklenářová, Jana January 2020 (has links)
Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) is an organ-specific autoimmune disease characterised by autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing beta cells in the islets of Langerhans. It is a long-term process initiated months or even years prior to the clinical onset. The main role in the pathogenesis is played by T lymphocytes but other cell types are involved as well. The presence of autoantibodies in the circulation is typical even before the disease onset. Nowadays, intensive research is focused on finding individuals at risk and developing an effective prevention. During my postgraduate studies I was involved mainly in the research of T1D prediction and prevention. We investigated the relationship of established autoimmune markers - autoantibodies - and the cellular reactivity to GAD65 and IA2 autoantigens. We discovered that the reaction to autoantigens is very individual and it is influenced by the patient's autoantibody profile. These results could be relevant in planning antigen-specific immunointervention studies and improving their efficacy. We also made an attempt to improve specificity and sensitivity of a beta cell destruction marker (specifically demethylated DNA), which would enable better understanding of the beta cell decline and identification of individuals at risk of T1D development. In...

T Cells Aid in Limiting Pathogen Burden and in Enhancing B1 and B2 Cell Antibody Responses to Membrane Glycolipid and the Surface Lipoprotein Decorin-Binding Protein A during Borrelia burgdorferi Infection: A Dissertation

Marty-Roix, Robyn Lynn 15 June 2010 (has links)
Murine infection by the Lyme disease spirochete, B. burgdorferi, results in the generation of pathogen-specific antibody that can provide protection against Lyme disease, but the cells involved in this response are poorly characterized. T cells are not required for generating a protective antibody response to B. burgdorferi infection, but their exact role in providing protection against tissue colonization had not been previously determined. We found that TCRβxδ;-/- mice were susceptible to high pathogen loads and decreased antibody titers, but inhibition of CD40L-dependent interactions resulted in partial protection suggesting that a portion of the help provided by T cells was not dependent on CD40L-CD40 interactions between T and B cells. RAG1-/- mice reconstituted with either un-fractionated or B1-enriched peritoneal cells from previously infected mice generated B. burgdorferi-specific antibody, and upon spirochetal challenge suffered significantly lower levels of pathogen load in the joint and heart. Peritoneal cells from previously infected TCRβxδ-/- mice or B2-enriched or B1-purified peritoneal cells conferred little to only moderate protection, suggesting T cells play an important role in protection against spirochetal infection the joint. Consistent with this, T cells from previously infected donor mice, when transferred with B1 or B2 cells into RAG1-/- mice, generated increased antibody titers and were capable of diminishing bacterial burden in the joint and heart. A previously identified class of protective antibody is directed against the spirochetal surface lipoprotein DbpA, and we found that DbpA is a prominent protein antigen recognized by RAG1-/- mice reconstituted with B1-enriched peritoneal cells. Additionally, we found that mice reconstituted with B1 cells also make antibody directed towards the spirochetal glycolipid antigen, BbGL-IIc, which is recognized by Vα14iNKT cells. Consistent with the idea that T cells are important in providing protection against spirochetal infection, RAG1-/- mice reconstituted with B1 and T cells generated a more robust response against DbpA and BbGL-IIc. These results support the hypothesis that T cells act with B1 cells in a CD40L-independent manner to promote the production of antibodies that play an important role in protection of the joint from spirochetal infection.

Defining the Gut-Mammary Gland-Secretory IgA Axis in Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Infected Gilts and its Impact on Lactogenic Immune Protection of Neonatal Suckling Piglets

Langel, Stephanie Mary Neal January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Immunhistokemisk (IHC) analys av låggradigt inflammerade biopsier med apikal parodontit -en pilotstudie / Immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of biopsies with apical periodontitis with assessed low-grade inflammation – a pilot study

Pesonen, Izabell, Ismail, Midia January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Att ta reda på hur relationen ser ut för B- respektive T-lymfocyter i biopsier av rotfyllda tänder med apikal parodontit med bedömd låggradig inflammation. Denna studie kommer även att analysera hur den inflammatoriska bilden ser ut i förhållande till beskrivna symtom i dessa biopsier. Material & metod: En pilotstudie utfördes på 10 biopsier från rotfyllda tänder med apikal parodontit med bedömd låggradig inflammation enligt Danesh et al 2019 klassificeringssystem. Biopsierna hämtades från Malmö universitets biobank. Immunhistokemisk infärgning av antigenerna CD20+ och CD3+ utfördes samt analyserades med hjälp av digitalmikroskop. Jämförelsen av symtomen från remisserna skedde efter att de histologiska resultaten sammanställts. Resultat: Det fanns fler T-lymfocyter än B-lymfocyter i 6 stycken av biopsierna. I de resterande 4 biopsierna var de lika många. I remisserna hade symtombilden inte angetts föralla biopsier. Slutsats: Enligt vår pilotstudie ser vi tendenser till att T-lymfocyter är fler än B-lymfocyter eller att de är lika många. Inga slutsatser kunde dras gällande symtombilden. Ett större material från olika remittenter krävs för definitiva slutsatser. En vidare infärgning av CD4+ samt CD8+ skulle vara intressant. / Aim: To investigate the relation between B- and T- lymphocytes in biopsies of root-filled teeth with apical periodontitis with assessed low-grade inflammation. This study will also analyse what the inflammation looks like in relation to the symptoms described in these biopsies.  Study design: A pilot study was performed on 10 biopsies of root-filled teeth with apical periodontitis with assessed low-grade inflammation according to the classification system of Danesh et al 2019. The biopsies were collected from Malmö University's biobank. An immunohistochemical staining of antigens CD20+ and CD3+ were performed and analysed by a digital microscope. A comparison of the symptoms from the referrals were performed once the histological results were compiled. Results: There were more T-lymphocytes than B-lymphocytes in 6 of the biopsies. In the remaining 4 biopsies there were an equal amount of B- and T-lymphocytes. The symptoms were not stated for all biopsies in the referrals.  Conclusion: According to our pilot study, we see tendencies that T lymphocytes are more than B lymphocytes or that they are equal. No conclusions could be drawn regarding the symptom picture. Larger material from different referrers is required for definitive conclusions. A further staining of CD4 + and CD8 + would be interesting.

Prognostički značaj određivanja koncentracija citokina članova superfamilije tumor nekrozis faktora alfa kod obolelih od sepse / Concentrations of the tumor necrosis factor alfa superfamily members as a prognostic factors in sepsis

Lendak Dajana 30 September 2015 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Nespecifičnost kliničke slike sepse, velike individualne razlike u odgovoru organizma na infekciju kao i neophodnost adekvatne inicijalne procene težine kliničke slike, toka i ishoda bolesti, čine istraživanja biomarkera koji bi doprineli pravovremenom postavljanju dijagnoze i adekvatnoj prognozi bolesti izuzetno značajnim. Do sada je ispitivano preko 200 biomarkera od kojih ni jedan nije pokazao zadovoljavajuću senzitivnost i specifičnost. Uloga B limfocita u patogenezi sepse pri tome je nedovoljno istražena. Članovi superfamilije tumor-nekrozis faktora alfa: A proliferation inducing ligand (APRIL), Bcell activating factor (BAFF) i solubilni transmembrane activator and calcium modulator cyclophilin ligand interactor (sTACI) su citokini koji imaju ključnu ulogu u homeostazi B limfocita. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita dijagnostički i prognostički značaj citokina članova superfamilije tumor nekrozis faktora alfa (APRIL, BAFF, sTACI) za procenu težine kliničke slike, razvoja multiorganske disfunkcije (MODS) u prvih 48h hospitalizacije i letalnog ishoda sepse. Ispitanici i metode: Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 150 obolelih od sepse lečenih na Klinici za infektivne bolesti i Odeljenju anestezije i reanimacije Kliničkog centra Vojvodine i 30 zdravih dobrovljnih davalaca krvi. Kod svih bolesnika evidentirani su demografski i ostali podaci iz istorije bolesti kao i laboratorijske analize u okviru rutinske dijagnostike sepse. Iz dodatnih 5ml venske krvi svim ispitanicima određene su koncentracije APRIL-a, BAFF-a, sTACI-ja ELISA metodom komercijalnim testovima proizvođača R&amp;D Systems. Rezultati pokazuju da su koncentracije sva tri citokina (APRIL, BAFF i sTACI) statistički značajno povi&scaron;ene kod obolelih od sepse u odnosu na zdravu populaciju (p&lt;0.001), pri čemu APRIL pokazuje najveću senzitinvost (99%) i specifičnost (97%). Najveći dijagnostički značaj BAFF-a ogleda se u sposobnosti distinkcije između sepsi uzrokovanih Gram pozitivnim i Gram negativnim bakterijama (p=0,03). U predikciji razvoja MODS-a i letalnog ishoda sepse multivarijantnom regresionom analizom kao nezavisni prediktori pokazali su se jedino antiinflamatorni biomarker sTACI receptor i klinička procena pacijenta iskazana kroz APACHE II i SOFA skor. Senzitivnost i specifilnost sTACI receptora u predikciji razvoja MODS-a i letalnog ishoda daleko nadma&scaron;uje do sada rutinski kori&scaron;ćen prokalcitonin. Zaključak: Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da su citokini koji učestvuju u regulaciji funkcije B limfocita značajni dijagnostički i prognostički parametri u sepsi. Predominacija antiinflamatornog odgovora na koju ukazuju povi&scaron;ene koncentracije sTACI receptora pokazala se pored APACHE II i SOFA skora kao jedini nezavisni prediktor razvoja MODS-a i letalnog ishoda septičnih bolesnika. Neophodna su dalja istraživanja u pravcu određivanja momenta kada u imunskom odgovoru organizam prelazi iz stanja dominacije proniflamatornog u dominaciju antiinflamatornog odgovora radi pravovremenog reagovanja imunomodulatornom terapijom.</p> / <p>Introduction: The nonspecific clinical presentation of sepsis and great individual response variations, as well as huge significance of adequate early prognosis of its clinical course and outcome made sepsis biomarkers research extremely significant. The properties of more than 200 biomarkers have been evaluated for prognostic value, but none have adequate specificity and sensitivity. The role of the B cells in sepsis pathogenesis also remains unclear. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-&alpha;) superfamily members: A proliferation inducing ligand (APRIL), Bcell activating factor (BAFF) and soluble transmembrane activator and calcium modulator cyclophilin ligand interactor (sTACI) are key factors in B cell biology. The aim of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic and prognostic significance of determining the concentrations of tumor necrosis factor alpha superfamily members for the prediction of MODS development in the first 48h of hospitalization as well as outcome prediction.<br />Subjects and methods: The study included 150 patients suffering from sepsis treated at the Clinic for infectious diseases and Department for anesthesiology and reanimatology of the Clinical center of Vojvodina, and 30 healthy volunteer blood donors. The demographic and other data regarding routine blood analysis performed during sepsis treatment of the patients has been acquired from their hospitalization documentation. Additional 5 ml of venous blood was taken from the patients and the concentrations of APRIL, BAFF and sTACI have been determined using the ELISA method by using R&amp;D Systems commercial kit&rsquo;s. Results: There is a statistically significant difference in concentrations of APRIL, BAFF and sTACI between healthy blood donors and septic patients (p&lt;0.001). APRIL showed the highest sensitivity (99%) and specificity (97%) in distinguishing sepsis from healthy subjects. BAFF showed statistically significant higher concentrations in Gram positive than in Gram negative sepsis (p=0,03). In the multivariate logistic regression analysis, only anti-inflammatory cytokine sTACI and APACHE II or SOFA score remained significant predictors of MODS and lethal outcome. sTACI showed greater sensitivity and specificity for MODS and outcome prediction then the widely used procalcitonin.&nbsp; Conclusions: The concentrations of TNF superfamily members, the main regulators of B cell function, have a significant diagnostic and prognostic value in predicting sepsis course and outcome. The predomination of the anti-inflammatory response, as being pointed out by elevated concentrations of sTACI receptors, has proved to be the only independent predictor, besides APACHE II and SOFA score, in MODS and lethal outcome development in sepsis. Further research is needed in order to accurately determine the exact moment when the immunological response shifts from the predominance of the pro-inflammatory response to the predominance of the anti-inflammatory response, so as to ensure the timely application of therapy that modulates the immunological response.</p>

Contrôle de la réponse immunitaire par l’indoleamine 2,3-dioxygénase : étude de la régulation d’une molécule immuno-suppressive dans les cellules cancéreuses et les lymphocytes B chez l’humain

Godin-Ethier, Jessica 08 1900 (has links)
Le système immunitaire se doit d’être étroitement régulé afin d’éviter que des réponses immunologiques inappropriées ou de trop forte intensité ne surviennent. Ainsi, différents mécanismes permettent de maintenir une tolérance périphérique, mais aussi d’atténuer la réponse lorsque celle-ci n’est plus nécessaire. De tels mécanismes sont cependant aussi exploités par les tumeurs, qui peuvent ainsi échapper à une attaque par le système immunitaire et donc poursuivre leur progression. Ces mécanismes immunosuppresseurs nuisent non seulement à la réponse naturelle contre les cellules tumorales, mais font aussi obstacle aux tentatives de manipulation clinique de l’immunité visant à générer une réponse anti-tumorale par l’immunothérapie. L’un des mécanismes par lesquels les tumeurs s’évadent du système immunitaire est l’expression d’enzymes responsables du métabolisme des acides aminés dont l’une des principales est l’indoleamine 2,3-dioxygénase (IDO). Cette dernière dégrade le tryptophane et diminue ainsi sa disponibilité dans le microenvironnement tumoral, ce qui engendre des effets négatifs sur la prolifération, les fonctions et la survie des lymphocytes T qui y sont présents. Bien que la régulation de l’expression de cette enzyme ait été largement étudiée chez certaines cellules présentatrices d’antigènes, dont les macrophages et les cellules dendritiques, peu est encore connu sur sa régulation dans les cellules tumorales humaines. Nous avons posé l’hypothèse que différents facteurs produits par les cellules immunitaires infiltrant les tumeurs (TIIC) régulent l’expression de l’IDO dans les cellules tumorales. Nous avons effectivement démontré qu’une expression de l’IDO est induite chez les cellules tumorales humaines, suite à une interaction avec des TIIC. Cette induction indépendante du contact cellulaire résulte principalement de l’interféron-gamma (IFN-g) produit par les lymphocytes T activés, mais est régulée à la baisse par l’interleukine (IL)-13. De plus, la fludarabine utilisée comme agent chimiothérapeutique inhibe l’induction de l’IDO chez les cellules tumorales en réponse aux lymphocytes T activés. Cette observation pourrait avoir des conséquences importantes en clinique sachant qu’une forte proportion d’échantillons cliniques provenant de tumeurs humaines exprime l’IDO. Enfin, les lymphocytes B, qui sont retrouvés également dans certaines tumeurs et qui interagissent étroitement avec les lymphocytes T, sont aussi susceptibles à une induction transcriptionnelle et traductionnelle de l’IDO. Cette enzyme est cependant produite sous une forme inactive dans les lymphocytes B, ce qui rend peu probable l’utilisation de l’IDO par les lymphocytes B comme mécanisme pour freiner la réponse immunitaire. Nos travaux apportent des informations importantes quant à la régulation de l’expression de la molécule immunosuppressive IDO dans les cellules cancéreuses. Ils démontrent que l’expression de l’IDO est influencée par la nature des cytokines présentes dans le microenvironnement tumoral. De plus son expression est inhibée par la fludarabine, un agent utilisé pour le traitement de certains cancers. Ces données devraient être prises en considération dans la planification de futurs essais immunothérapeutiques, et pourraient avoir un impact sur les réponses cliniques anti-tumorales. / The immune system is under tight control to avoid inappropriate and excessive immunological responses. Many mechanisms allow the maintenance of peripheral tolerance and mediate attenuation of the immune response after pathogen clearance. Such mechanisms are also exploited by tumors, thereby favoring their escape from assault by the immune system. These immunosuppressive mechanisms hamper host natural immune responses against tumor cells, but also represent an obstacle to the successful clinical manipulation of the immune system in attempts to generate an anti-tumor response through immunotherapy. One immune escape mechanism used by tumors is the production of enzymes responsible for amino acid metabolism, amongst which indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) is of major importance. IDO degrades tryptophan, thus leading to its depletion from intracellular pools and local microenvironments. This culminates in multi-pronged negative effects on T lymphocytes neighboring IDO-expressing cells, notably on proliferation, function and survival. The regulation of IDO expression has been largely studied in antigen-presenting cells such as macrophages and dendritic cells, but its regulation in human tumor cells must still be characterized. We hypothesized that different factors produced by tumor-infiltrating immune cells (TIIC) regulate IDO expression in tumor cells. Accordingly, we have demonstrated that IDO expression is induced in human tumor cells upon interaction with TIIC. This induction is cell contact-independent, and results mainly from interferon-gamma (IFN-g) produced by activated T lymphocytes, while being antagonised by interleukin (IL)-13. Moreover, the chemotherapeutic agent fludarabine inhibits activated T lymphocyte-dependent IDO induction in tumor cells. This observation could have major clinical consequences, considering the large proportion of human cancer clinical samples expressing IDO. Finally, B lymphocytes, which interact closely with T lymphocytes and are found infiltrating human tumors, are also susceptible to transcriptional and translational IDO induction. This enzyme is however produced in an inactive form, suggesting that B lymphocytes do not exploit this mechanism to impede the immune response. In conclusion, our work brings crucial information on the regulation of the immunosuppressive molecule IDO in human tumor cells. We demonstrate that IDO expression is dependent on the nature of cytokines present in the tumor microenvironment. Furthermore, its expression is inhibited by fludarabine, a compound used to treat some types of cancer. These data should be taken into consideration in planning future immunotherapy trials and could impact anti-tumor clinical responses.

Étude de la différenciation des lymphocytes T CD8+ effecteurs et mémoires : rôle de la cellule présentatrice d’antigène et de la voie de signalisation Notch

Mathieu, Mélissa 09 1900 (has links)
Lors d’une infection par un pathogène, des lymphocytes T CD8+ naïfs (LTn) spécifiques de l’antigène sont activés, prolifèrent et se différencient en LT effecteurs (LTe). Les LTe produisent différentes cytokines et acquièrent une activité cytotoxique menant à l’élimination du pathogène. Seulement 5 à 10 % des LTe survivront et se différencieront en LT mémoires (LTm), qui sont capables de répondre plus rapidement lors d’une seconde infection par le même pathogène, contribuant au succès de la vaccination. Toutefois, la compréhension de l’ensemble des mécanismes régulant le développement des LTe et des LTm demeure incomplète. Afin de mieux comprendre les signaux requis pour la différenciation des LT CD8+ lors de la réponse immune, nous avons posé deux hypothèses. Nous avons d’abord proposé que différentes cellules présentatrices d’antigène (CPA) fournissent différents signaux au moment de la reconnaissance antigénique influençant ainsi le devenir des LT CD8+. Vu leur potentiel d’utilisation en immunothérapie, nous avons comparé la capacité d’activation des LT CD8+ par les lymphocytes B activés via le CD40 (CD40-B) et les cellules dendritiques (CD). Nous avons montré que l’immunisation avec des CD40-B induit une réponse effectrice mais, contrairement à l’immunisation avec des CD, pratiquement aucun LTm n’est généré. Les LTe générés sont fonctionnels puisqu’ils sécrètent des cytokines, ont une activité cytotoxique et contrôlent une infection avec Listeria monocytogenes (Lm). Nous proposons qu’une sécrétion plus faible de cytokines par les CD40 B ainsi qu’une interaction plus courte et moins intime avec les LT CD8+ comparativement aux CD contribuent au défaut de différenciation des LTm observé lors de la vaccination avec les CD40-B. Ensuite, nous posé l’hypothèse que, parmi les signaux fournis par les CPA au moment de la reconnaissance antigénique, la voie de signalisation Notch influence le développement des LTe, mais aussi des LTm CD8+ en instaurant un programme génétique particulier. D’abord, grâce à un système in vitro, le rôle de la signalisation Notch dans les moments précoces suivant l’activation du LT CD8+ a été étudié. Ce système nous a permis de démontrer que la voie de signalisation Notch régule directement l’expression de la molécule PD-1. Ensuite, grâce à des souris où il y a délétion des récepteurs Notch1 et Notch2 seulement chez les LT CD8+ matures, un rôle de la voie de signalisation Notch dans la réponse immune des LT CD8+ a été démontré. Nos résultats démontrent que suite à une infection avec Lm ou à une immunisation avec des CD, la signalisation Notch favorise le développement de LTe, exprimant fortement KLRG1 et faiblement CD127, destinés à mourir par apoptose. Toutefois, la signalisation Notch n’a pas influencé la génération de LTm. De façon très intéressante, l’expression des récepteurs Notch influence la production d’IFN- en fonction du contexte d’activation. En effet, suite à une infection avec Lm, l’absence des récepteurs Notch n’affecte pas la production d’IFN- par les LTe, alors qu’elle est diminuée suite à une immunisation avec des CD suggérant un rôle dépendant du contexte pour la voie de signalisation Notch. Nos résultats permettent une meilleure compréhension des signaux fournis par les différentes CPA et de la voie de signalisation Notch, donc des mécanismes moléculaires régulant la différenciation des LT CD8+ lors de la réponse immunitaire, ce qui pourrait ultimement permettre d’améliorer les stratégies de vaccination. / Following an infection with a pathogen, antigen-specific naive CD8+ T lymphocytes (Tn) will proliferate and differentiate into effector (Te) cells. Those Te cells will produce different cytokines and acquire a cytotoxic activity, leading to pathogen clearance. Only 5 to 10 % of Te cells will survive and differentiate into memory CD8+ T lymphocytes (Tm) able to respond rapidly following a second encounter with the same pathogen, contributing to the success of vaccination. However, the mechanisms regulating Te and Tm cells development remain incompletely understood. To better understand the signals required for CD8+ T lymphocytes during an immune response, we proposed two hypotheses. First, we propose that different antigen presenting cells (APCs) can deliver different signals to CD8+ T lymphocytes at the time of priming leading to different outcome. Given their potential for use in immunotherapy, we compared the ability of CD40 activated B lymphocytes (CD40-B) and dendritic cells (DCs) to activate CD8+ T lymphocytes. We have shown that CD40-B cell immunisation leads to an effector response but very few Tm cells are generated compared to DC immunisation. The Te cells generated following CD40-B cell immunisation are functional because they secrete cytokine, are cytotoxic and control a Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) infection. We propose that CD40-B cells secrete less cytokines and interact during shorter period of time with the CD8+ T lymphocytes, without engulfment, contributing to the decreased Tm generation observed following immunisation with CD40-B cells. Second, among the signals provided by APC at the time of CD8+ T lymphocyte priming, we have hypothesised that the Notch signalling pathway influences Te and Tm cell differentiation by inducing a particular genetic program. Using an in vitro system, we first studied the role of the Notch signalling pathway in the hours following CD8+ T lymphocyte priming. We demonstrated that Notch signalling directly regulates PD-1 expression. Then, studying mice where Notch1 and Notch2 receptor genes are deleted only in mature CD8+ T lymphocytes, we characterised the role of the Notch signalling pathway on Te and Tm differentiation during an immune response. Our results show that following Lm infection or a DC immunisation, the Notch signalling pathway promotes the differentiation of short lived effector cells Te cells (KLRG1highCD127low) meant to die by apoptosis. However, the Notch signalling pathway did not influence the generation of CD8+ Tm cells. Most interestingly, IFN- regulation by the Notch signalling pathway depends on the activation context. Indeed, following Lm infection, lack of Notch receptors does not impact IFN- secretion by Te cells while it is significantly decreased following a DC immunisation suggesting a context dependant role for the Notch signalling pathway. Our findings provide a better understanding of the key signals provided by APC as well as the Notch signalling pathway, and thus the molecular mechanisms leading to CD8+ lymphocyte effector and memory generation which is crucial as this knowledge may ultimately lead to improved vaccination.

Étude de la migration des populations de lymphocytes B du sang de patients infectés par le virus d’immunodéficience humaine (VIH)

Gauvin, Julie 11 1900 (has links)
La dérégulation du compartiment de cellules B est une conséquence importante de l’infection par le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (VIH-1). On observe notamment une diminution des nombres de lymphocytes B sanguins ainsi qu’une variation des fréquences relatives des différentes populations de lymphocytes B chez les individus infectés par rapport aux contrôles sains. Notre laboratoire a précédemment démontré l’implication des cellules dendritiques dans la dérégulation des lymphocytes B via la roduction excessive de BLyS/BAFF, un stimulateur des cellules B. De plus, lors l’études menées chez la souris transgénique présentant une maladie semblable au SIDA, et chez la souris BLyS/BAFF transgénique, l’infection au VIH-1 fut associée à une expansion de la zone marginale (MZ) de la rate. De façon intéressante, nous observons chez les contrôleurs élites une diminution de la population B ‘mature’ de la MZ. Il s’agit du seul changement important chez les contrôleurs élites et reflète possiblement un recrutement de ces cellules vers la périphérie ainsi qu’une implication dans des mécanismes de contrôle de l’infection. Pour tenter d’expliquer et de mieux comprendre ces variations dans les fréquences des populations B, nous avons analysé les axes chimiotactiques CXCL13-CXCR5, CXCL12-CXCR4/CXCR7, CCL20-CCR6 et CCL25-CCR9. L’étude longitudinale de cohortes de patients avec différents types de progression clinique ou de contrôle de l’infection démontre une modulation des niveaux plasmatiques de la majorité des chimiokines analysées chez les progresseurs rapides et classiques. Au contraire, les contrôleurs élites conservent des niveaux normaux de chimiokines, démontrant leur capacité à maintenir l’homéostasie. La migration des populations de cellules B semble être modulée selon la progression ou le contrôle de l’infection. Les contrôleurs élites présentent une diminution de la population B ‘mature’ de la MZ et une augmentation de la fréquence d’expression du récepteur CXCR7 associé à la MZ chez la souris, suggérant un rôle important des cellules de la MZ dans le contrôle de l’infection au VIH-1. De façon générale, les résultats dans cette étude viennent enrichir nos connaissances du compartiment de cellules B dans le contexte de l’infection au VIH-1 et pourront contribuer à élaborer des stratégies préventives et thérapeutiques contre ce virus. / Deregulation of the B-cell compartment is an important consequence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) infection. We observe a decrease in blood B lymphocyte numbers accompanied by variations in the relative frequency of B cell populations in infected individuals when compared to healthy controls. Our lab has previously exposed the implication of dendritic cells in B-cell deregulation via excessive production of B lymphocyte stimulator (BLyS/BAFF). Additionally, the study of BLYS/BAFF-transgenic mice as well as mice exhibiting an AIDS-like disease revealed an expansion of the marginal zone (MZ) of the spleen. Interestingly, we found reduced relative frequencies of mature MZ-like B cells in the blood of elite controllers while rapid and classic HIV progressors had increased ‘precursor’ MZ-like cells. This variation in elite controllers is the only one observed for all population analyzed and could be the reflection of active recruitment of these cells to the periphery to help control infection. To try and understand these variations in B-cell frequencies we have analyzed the Btropic chemotaxis axes CXCL13-CXCR5, CXCL12-CXCR4/CXCR7, CCL20-CCR6 and CCL24-CCR9. The longitudinal study of patients with varying degrees of disease progression and control shows a modulation of the levels of most chemokines in the blood of rapid and classic progessors. Meanwhile, elite controllers maintain normal levels of these chemokines, demonstrating their ability to preserve homeostasis. Our results suggest that the type of disease progression impacts B-cell migration, resulting in modified B-cell population frequencies. The decrease in mature MZ-like B-cells and the increased frequency of cells expressing CXCR7, a receptor associated to the MZ in mice, in elite controllers suggest an important role for the MZ in controlling HIV-1 infection. Overall, our results provide more information about the B-cell compartment in the context of HIV-1 infection and can contribute to the elaboration of preventive and therapeutic strategies for HIV-1.

Vývoj B buněk u prasat a úloha gama delta T lymfocytů při imunizaci naivního imunitního systému. / The development of swine B cells and the role of gama delta T lymphocytes in immunization of naive immune system.

Štěpánová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
Thesis summary The process of B cell lymphogenesis in swine remains uncertain. Some reports indicate that pigs belong to a group of animal that use ileal Peyers's patches (IPP) for the generation of B cells while others point to the possibility that the bone marrow is functional throughout life. The functional subpopulations of B cells in swine are also unknown. Together with other ruminants, and also birds, γδ T cells in swine may account for >70% of all T cells which is in apparent contrast with humans and mice. The purpose of this thesis was to address these discrepancies and unresolved issues. The results disprove the existing paradigm that the IPP is primary lymphoid tissue and that B cells develop in IPP in an antigen-independent manner. On the other hand, it shows that bone marrow is fully capable of B cell lymphogenesis and remains active at least for the same period of time as it had been speculated for the IPP. This thesis also identified functionally different subsets of porcine peripheral B cells, and shows that CD21 molecules can be expressed in differential forms. Finally, this thesis identifies two lineages of γδ T cells that differ in many functional and phenotype features. This finding may explain why γδ T cells constitute of minority of lymphocytes in circulation of humans and mice.

Papel dos receptores inatos TLR na formação de memória humoral e linfócitos B de longa vida: ação das proteases natterinas, toxinas majoritárias do veneno de Thalassophryne nattereri. / Role of innate TLR receptors in formation of humoral memory and long-life lymphocytes B: action of natterins proteases, majority toxins of Thalassophryne nattereri venom.

Komegae, Evilin Naname 05 July 2010 (has links)
A contribuição de células B para a memória imunológica se dá por duas distintas populações: células B de memória e células produtoras de anticorpos de longa vida (ASC). A inter-relação entre estas células bem como os mecanismos envolvidos para a manutenção destas tem sido pouco entendida. O veneno de Thalassophryne nattereri tem se mostrado capaz de induzir uma intensa resposta imune de memória. Nós avaliamos o efeito das Natterinas, que são as toxinas majoritárias e inéditas, na indução e manutenção da resposta imune de memória de células B. Este estudo, além de permitir um maior esclarecimento da resposta humoral de memória induzida pelo veneno do peixe T. nattereri, permitiu o estudo da complexa organização do compartimento de células B de memória e ASCs. Também evidenciamos a importância da atividade proteásica para a manutenção da cronicidade de resposta de células B no peritônio, no baço e na medula, como verificamos que a ativação de receptores inatos como osTLRs é decisiva para a geração e manutenção de ASCs B220pos/neg em resposta às Natterinas, dependentes das vias de sinalização MyD88 ou TRIF. Estas sinalizações controlam a magnitude, a qualidade e a longa duração da resposta humoral de memória. / The contribution of B cells for the immunological memory feels for two different populations: memory B cells and long-lived antibodies secreting cells (ASC). The interrelation among these cells as well as the mechanisms involved for the maintenance of these it has been little understood. The venom of Thalassophryne nattereri possesses the ability to induce an intense memory immune response. We evaluated the effect of Natterins that are majority toxins in the venom, in the induction and maintenance of the immune memory response of cells B. The study, besides allowing a larger explanation of the humoral memory response induced by the venom of the fish, it allowed the understanding of the complex organization of the memory B cells compartment, mainly of the subtype of long-lived cells (ASC). Also, we showed the importance of the protease activity of Natterins in the maintenance of the chronic B cell responses in the three analyzed compartments. We verify that the activation of Toll like receptors is decisive for the generation and maintenance of ASCs B220pos/neg in response to Natterins, dependent on the MyD88 or TRIF signaling that control the quality and the duration of the humoral memory response.

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