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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kommunikationsworkflow auf dem Prüfstand: Gestaltung eines BIM-basierten BCF-Workflows im Protokollwesen und zur Koordination

Katerbau, Robin 17 August 2021 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Masterarbeit war es, einen BIM-basierten Kommunikationsworkflow mittels BCF für das Protokollwesen und für die Koordination zu gestalten. Es sollte somit herausgefunden werden, wie sich die BCF erfolgreich in den Kommunikationsworkflow eines BIM-Projektes integrieren lässt und welche Auswirkungen diese Integration für die allgemeinen Kommunikationsprozesse, für die Protokollierung von Aufgaben oder Problemen sowie für die koordinativen Angelegenheiten in der gesamten Bauphase hat. Anhand dieser Betrachtungen sollte zudem ein Gestaltungskonzept entwickelt werden, um einen BCF-Workflow für zukünftige Projekte bestmöglich adaptieren zu können.:Abkürzungsverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung I Theoretische Rahmung 2 Interaktive Kommunikation zwischen Sender und Empfänger 2.1 Hintergrund eines wirksamen Informationsaustausches 2.2 Kommunikationsprobleme 2.3 Sender-Empfänger-Modell 2.4 Kommunikation in Bauprojekten 3 BIM im Kontext der Kommunikationstheorie 3.1 CDE - Common Data Environment 3.2 Der Kommunikationskreislauf im BIM-Kontext 4 Das BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) 4.1 BCF als modellbasiertes Kommunikationswerkzeug 4.2 Technische Grundlagen 4.3 Beispiel eines BCF-Informationsaustausches 4.4 BCF-Workflow 4.5 Zwischenfazit II Methodische Umsetzung 5 Empirie 5.1 Herleitung der Forschungsfragen 5.2 Methodisches Vorgehen 5.2.1 Begründung des qualitativ methodischen Vorgehens 5.2.2 Qualitative Leitfadeninterviews 5.2.3 Konstruktion des Interviewleitfadens 5.2.4 Auswahl der Interviewpartner 5.2.5 Interviewsituation 5.2.6 Erhebung 5.2.7 Auswertung III Ergebnispräsentation 6 Kommunikationsprozesse in BIM-Projekten 6.1 Auswertung der Forschungsfragen 6.2 Ergebnisvergleich mit der Kommunikationstheorie 7 Prinzipien des BIM Collaboration Format 7.1 Machbarkeit der BCF-Datei 7.1.1 Einsatzmöglichkeiten in den Leistungsphasen 7.1.2 Interne und externe Verwendung 7.1.3 BCF als Hilfsmittel 7.1.4 Voraussetzungen 7.2 Umsetzbarkeit in BIM-Projekten 7.2.1 Gebrauchstauglichkeit 7.2.2 Moderne Kommunikation 7.2.3 Austausch und Umgang 7.2.4 Fehlerhafte Anwendung 7.3 Signifikante Vor- und Nachteile 8 Zusammenfassung, Empfehlung und Ausblick Literaturverzeichnis Anhang

Field and Laboratory Fish Tissue Accumulation of Carbamazepine and Amiodarone

García Martínez, Santos Noé 12 1900 (has links)
The goals of this dissertation work were to assess the bioaccumulation potential of carbamazepine and amiodarone, two widely used ionizable pharmaceutical compounds that possess mid-range and high LogD values, respectively, and to evaluate alternative methods to assess chemical accumulation in bluntnose minnows, catfish, and tilapia. Results indicated that carbamazepine does not appreciably bioaccumulate in fish tissue with BCFk and BAF carbamazepine values < 10. Amiodarone, however, with a log D of 5.87 at pH 7.4, accumulated in fish tissues with kinetic BCF values <2,400. Collectively, the data suggest that full and abbreviated laboratory-derived BCFs, BCFMs derived from S9 loss-of-parent assays, as well as field BAF values are similar for each of the two drugs. In summary, the results from this dissertation indicated: 1) The reduced design BCF test is a good estimate for the traditional OECD 305 test. 2) In vitro S9 metabolism assays provide comparable BCF estimates to the OECD 305 test. 3) Metabolism may play a large role in the accumulation of drugs in fish. 4) Reduced BCF tests and in vitro assays are cost effective and can reduce vertebrate testing.

Granskning av Solibri Model Checker - En Svenskanpassning : Jämförelse av två egenkontrollsystem / Analysis of Solibri Model Checker a Swedish adaptation

Johansson, Emil January 2013 (has links)
The building industry are currently going through a huge alteration. The introduction of BIM (Building Information Modeling). Which also implements a lot of new ways of solving problems that building modeling can cause. This report is written for Uppsala University in cooperation with Temagruppen in Uppsala. However, it contains a comparison between two different systems that checks building models. Temagruppen invested in a new Swedish adaptation of a software called Solibri Model Checker. This Software controlling the availability in building models, it also introduces a new way of interaction between different instances during a building project. The definition of the report is availability in public buildings. A building model has been designed in Revit, then imported to Solibri Model Checker who controls the availability and creates a report of certain design fault. Interviews are given to get a look into how the work with availability controls currently works at Temagurppuen. This results in a discussion of benefits and disadvantages of the two different methods. The result finally shows that certain work can be more effectively done with Solibri Model Checker. But availability contains more than just disabled impairment. Visual- and cognitive impairment can’t still be controlled by just a computer software.

Hardware Implementation of a Stimulus Artifact Rejection Algorithm in Closed-loop Neuroprostheses

Soong, Chia-Wei 18 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Distribuição de metais em espécies de peixes da Baía de Sepetiba – Rio de Janeiro

Moreira, Vanessa de Almeida 12 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca de Pós-Graduação em Geoquímica BGQ (bgq@ndc.uff.br) on 2016-04-12T17:34:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vanessa_de_Almeida_Moreira.pdf: 2927215 bytes, checksum: 72043332224e71b55350c9c3c41ba2fa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-12T17:34:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Vanessa_de_Almeida_Moreira.pdf: 2927215 bytes, checksum: 72043332224e71b55350c9c3c41ba2fa (MD5) / Universidade Federal Fluminense. Instituto de Química. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências-Geoquímica. Niterói, RJ / A baía de Sepetiba, situada no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, possui um histórico de décadas de poluição por metais, principalmente pelos elementos zinco e cádmio, devido à atividade da antiga Companhia Mercantil Ingá, a qual realizava a extração desses a partir do minério de ferro e lançava seus efluentes in natura na baía. Atualmente a região encontra-se rodeada por um complexo industrial-portuário, o qual se encontra em franca expansão, aumentando a preocupação ambiental na região, que se iniciou com o imenso passivo ambiental deixado pela Ingá que foi remediado no ano de 2012. Além disso, há a prática da pesca de subsistência na região, onde o pescado é o principal componente da dieta da população local e importante para a economia local. Assim, a utilização de peixes provenientes da região pode ser utilizada como ferramenta para avaliar a saúde ambiental local e quantificar a concentração de metais no tecido destes, já que estes servem de alimento não só para os seres humanos, mas também para outros organismos que compõem a teia alimentar. As coletas de peixes foram realizadas em Agosto de 2013 onde se obtiveram 12 espécies. As análises dos metais alumínio, arsênio, cádmio, cobre, ferro, zinco e chumbo no tecido muscular de peixes foram realizadas em ICP-OES. Os metais alumínio, ferro e zinco foram os que se apresentaram em maiores concentrações médias nas espécies analisadas, porém, na legislação brasileira não há limites estabelecidos para o consumo humano para esses metais. Todas as espécies apresentaram concentração de cádmio dentro do limite estabelecido para consumo humano. Enquanto para o arsênio todas as espécies com concentração > LD apresentaram valores superiores ao permitido para consumo. O mesmo foi verificado para o chumbo nas espécies Arius spixii, Dasyatis gutatta, Genidens genidens, Micropogonias furnieri, Prionotus puntactus e Symphurus tesselatus. Os fatores de bioconcentração (FBCs) de Genidens genidens, Micropogonias furnieri, Diapterus rhombeus e Prionotus puntactus (espécies com maior n amostral), calculados com base nas concentrações de metais totais e de metais fracamente ligados nos sedimentos bem como no material particulado em suspensão (MPS) – obtidos em estudos prévios - mostraram-se muito baixos (de 10-2 a 10-5), sugerindo a baixa transferência de metais desses três compartimentos para os organismos, e que a exposição crônica de peixes aos metais ocorra a partir de fontes alimentares específicas, mascaradas nas análises de teores totais ou fracamente ligados. O cálculo da taxa de incorporação de metais (razão concentração do metal: comprimento do peixe) e sua relação com o comprimento permitiu observar que, tanto para Genidens genidens quanto para Micropogonias furnieri (espécies onde os indivíduos apresentaram maior n amostral e variação de comprimento), a concentração destes tendem ao decréscimo de acordo com o aumento do comprimento do indivíduo (proxy da idade). Assim, concluiu-se que, indivíduos juvenis tendem à maior incorporação de metais, devido ao seu alto metabolismo em comparação com indivíduos adultos, que apresentam uma redução de seu metabolismo e um sistema excretor mais elaborado. Ao se comparar, cronologicamente, as concentrações de metais em diversos organismos residentes da baía de Sepetiba pôde-se concluir que estes apresentaram redução da concentração média no camarão-branco Litopenaeus schimitti e nas ostras Crassostrea rhizophorae e Crassostrea braziliana, porém, os espécimes do peixe Micropogonias furnieri do presente estudo apresentaram concentrações superiores quando comparadas com indivíduos da mesma espécie também residentes da mesma área de estudo, em trabalhos anteriores. As demais espécies apresentadas não permitem uma conclusão definitiva, visto que as concentrações de metais para muitas destas apresentavam valores referentes a um determinado ano, sem termos como compará-las com estudos posteriores. / Sepetiba Bay, located in the State of Rio de Janeiro, has a history of decades of pollution by metals, mainly by Zn and Cd elements due to the activity of the former Mercantile Company Inga, which performed the extraction of these from the iron ore and cast their effluents at bay. Currently the region is surrounded by an industrial area, which is booming, increasing environmental concern in the region, which began with the immense environmental liabilities left by Inga that was remedied in 2012. In addition there is the practice of subsistence fishing in the region, where the fish is the main component of the diet of the local population and important to the local economy. Thus, the use of fish from the area can be used as a tool to evaluate the local environmental health and quantify the concentration of these metals in the tissue, since they not only serve as food for humans, but also for other organisms that comprise the food web. The fish samples were taken in August 2013 where it was obtained 12 species. The metals analyses (Al, As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Zn and PB) in fish muscle tissue were performed on ICP-OES. Al, Fe and Zn were found in larger average concentrations in these species, however, the Brazilian legislation (ANVISA, 2013) set no limits for human consumption for these metals. All species showed Cd concentration in agreement with the human consumption limit. Arsenic for all the species with concentration > LD have levels above to human consume, the same was observed for Pb in the species Arius spixii, Dasyatis gutatta, Genidens genidens, Micropogonias furnieri, Prionotus Puntactus and Symphurus tesselatus. The bioconcentration factors (BCFs) of Genidens genidens, Micropogonias furnieri, Diapterus rhombeus and Prionotus puntactus (species with larger sample n), calculated based on the total metal concentrations and weakly bound metals in sediments along with material particulate matter (SPM) - obtained in previous studies - were very low (10-2 to 10-5), suggesting the low metal transfer of these three compartments for the organisms, and that chronic exposure of fish to metals occur from specific food sources, masked in total or weakly bound levels analysis. The calculation of metal incorporation rate (ratio of metal concentration: length of the fish) and its relation to the length allowed us to observe that both G. genidens and M. furnieri (species where individuals had higher sample n and variation length), the concentration tends to decrease with increasing length of the individual (age proxy). Thus, it was concluded that tend to juveniles greater incorporation of metals due to their high metabolism compared to adults, who have a reduction in their metabolism and a more elaborate excretory system. When comparing, chronologically, the metal concentrations in various organisms resident of Sepetiba Bay could be concluded that these had reduced average concentration in the white shrimp Litopenaeus schimitti and in oysters Crassostrea rhizophorae and Crassostrea braziliana however, the fish specimens M. furnieri of this study showed higher concentrations compared to individuals of the same species analysed by Silva (2009). Other species presented do not allow a definitive conclusion, since concentrations of metals for many of them figures for a given year, without having to compare them with further studies

Phytoremediation potential of sweet sorghum in mercury-contaminated soil

Dauda, Idris Oladimeji 10 1900 (has links)
The continuity of the menace of mercury (Hg) is due to the continuous production and use of Hg and Hg containing products. Toxicity is just an outfall of use and exposure. Anthropogenic activities such as coal combustion and artisanal and small-scale gold mining have led to increasing Hg contamination and is the major source of Hg pollution into the environment that needs to be remediated. This study aimed to assess the phytoextraction capability of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) under different fertiliser treatments in Hg-contaminated soil. The potted experiment in a controlled environment included control S. bicolor and three phytoremediation treatments, i.e., Hg only; the addition of 4:1 green compost and; the addition of 0.2% NPK fertiliser. There were conspicuous signs of Hg phytotoxicity in plants with Hg only, namely wilting, senescent, inhibition of growth, and photosynthesis. There was stunted growth, but healthy plants observed in the treatment with the addition of green compost towards the end (day 60) of exposure. However, S. bicolor grew well until the last day of exposure in the treatment with the addition of 0.2% NPK fertiliser. Thus, this treatment showed the most effective phytoextraction potential of S. bicolor in Hg-contaminated soil. The effectiveness of S. bicolor in reducing the level of mercury was best assessed in the Hg bioavailable concentration in the spiked soil in which the Hg + NPK treatment has the lowest (0.77 mg kg−1). That resulted in the highest uptake (84.31%) percentage of Hg concentration recorded in the treatment with the addition of 0.2% NPK fertiliser compared to the other two treatments. The results suggest that the proportion of phosphate in the NPK fertiliser used, plays a huge role in the phytoextraction of Hg in the contaminated soil by S. bicolor. The Translocation Factor (TF) and Bioconcentration Factor (BCF), although higher within Days 20 and 40, was greater than 1 at the end of the exposure period suggesting a high probability that Hg was significantly transferred to the aerial parts of the plants. This is regarded as typical hyperaccumulator plant species. While S. bicolor was able to reduce the level of Hg in all three treatments, Hg + NPK treatment gave overall best results in physiological growth, the uptake, and reducing the level of Hg bioavailable in the spiked soil in terms of the effectiveness of phytoremediation method. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)

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