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Применение специальных покрытий для улучшения тепловых показателей при работе радиоэлектронной аппаратуры : магистерская диссертация / The use of special coatings to improve the thermal efficiency when operating electronic equipmentВишняков, А. А., Vishnyakov, A. A. January 2016 (has links)
В данной работе исследовано влияние специальных покрытий на тепловые характеристики работающей (эксплуатируемой) радиоэлектронной аппаратуры, а некоторые из этих покрытий применены для улучшения теплозащитных свойств. Цель таких исследований – улучшение тепловых характеристик для повышения надежности радиоэлектронного оборудования. Исследования выполнены на примере конкретного прибора – модуля электропитания серии «МПНС» (Малогабаритный преобразователь напряжения стойкий).
Для достижения поставленной цели решались следующие задачи:
1. Изучение специальной литературы, посвященной теории теплообмена.
2. Исследование покрытий на основе абсолютно черного тела.
3. Анализ результатов, полученных в ходе практических исследований.
4. Сравнение различных вариантов модуляции (в воздушной среде и в вакууме) для различных видов покрытий.
В результате проведенных исследований установлено, что при использовании покрытия с высоким коэффициентом черноты на корпусе прибора общая температура на всех элементах блока МПНС понижается значительнее, чем при применении покрытия с низким коэффициентом черноты. Разница составляет до 7 градусов в вакууме и до 4 градусов в воздушной среде. В воздушной среде разница ниже из-за наличия дополнительного теплообмена конвекцией. / In this paper, we study the effect of the special coatings on the thermal characteristics of the working (exploited), electronic equipment, and some of these coatings are used to improve the thermal insulation properties. The purpose of such research –improving the thermal characteristics to improve the reliability of electronic equipment. Research carried out by the example of a specific device –power supply module series "MPNS" (Small–resistant voltage converter).
To achieve this goal the following tasks:
1. The study of the special literature on the theory of heat transfer.
2. Study based coatings blackbody.
3. Analysis of the results obtained in the course of practical studies.
4. Comparison of different modulation options (in air and in vacuum) for different types of coatings.
The studies found that if the coating used with a high emissivity at the housing unit to the overall temperature of the unit cell decreases MPNS greater than when using a coating with a low emissivity. The difference amounts to 7 degrees in vacuum and up to 4 degrees in air. The air gap is lower due to the presence of additional heat transfer by convection.
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No description available.
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Paul Mpagi Sepuya : en semiotisk och psykoanalytisk tolkning av den fragmenterade kroppen i samtida fotografiBergvik-Forsander, Annika January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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A Physically Based Pipeline for Real-Time Simulation and Rendering of Realistic Fire and Smoke / En fysiskt baserad rörledning för realtidssimulering och rendering av realistisk eld och rökHe, Yiyang January 2018 (has links)
With the rapidly growing computational power of modern computers, physically based rendering has found its way into real world applications. Real-time simulations and renderings of fire and smoke had become one major research interest in modern video game industry, and will continue being one important research direction in computer graphics. To visually recreate realistic dynamic fire and smoke is a complicated problem. Furthermore, to solve the problem requires knowledge from various areas, ranged from computer graphics and image processing to computational physics and chemistry. Even though most of the areas are well-studied separately, when combined, new challenges will emerge. This thesis focuses on three aspects of the problem, dynamic, real-time and realism, to propose a solution in form of a GPGPU pipeline, along with its implementation. Three main areas with application in the problem are discussed in detail: fluid simulation, volumetric radiance estimation and volumetric rendering. The weights are laid upon the first two areas. The results are evaluated around the three aspects, with graphical demonstrations and performance measurements. Uniform grids are used with Finite Difference (FD) discretization scheme to simplify the computation. FD schemes are easy to implement in parallel, especially with ComputeShader, which is well supported in Unity engine. The whole implementation can easily be integrated into any real-world applications in Unity or other game engines that support DirectX 11 or higher.
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Ověření tepelně-izolační vlastnosti termoreflexních fóliových izolací / Verification of thermal-insulation properties of the foil materialsŠot, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The master´s thesis deals with verification of thermal insulating property of thermoreflection foil insulations. The teoretical part of thesis focuses on the energy demand of buildings, the problems of heat transfer material, terms required for study of thermoreflection thermal insulation and experimental methods for determination of thermal insulating properties of insulators. In the next part the chapter is accompanied by an overview of the most common insulation materials which used in construction. The last part of teoretical part is devoted to the description of thermoreflect formation and analysis of the spread of thermal insulating layers of thermoreflection thermal insulation. The first part of thesis is devoted to the use of thermoreflection therm insulation in buildings. The second part of thesis is devoted to the design, assembly and calibration of the measuring device that uses a method of protected warm chamber. It is declared as a binding method of detection of the heat transfer performance of thermoreflection thermal insulation. The developed measuring device allows detection of endpoints in some direction of propagation of heat. Measurment of heat transfer coefficient devoted the third part of practical part. This part contains a description of the samples used for the measurement of the heat transfer coefficient. In the fourth chapter of the practical part are presented the results of the heat transfer coefficient measurments on selected samples of thermoreflection foil insulation. It is shown the characteristic of heat transfer coefficient of individual samples, the dependence of the heat transfer coefficient on the position of the sample in the measuring device and the recommendation of an appropriate use of sample in the works for the climatic conditions of the Czech republic. The work concludes the chapter of comparing and evaluating of all samples with practical recommendations.
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Transgressive space and body in Chimamanda Adichie’s Americanah and Trevor Noah’s Born a CrimeAdeyelure Omotola Temitayo 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts and keywords in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Beyond the African boundaries, the black body is marked with an othered identity that often leaves its bearer open to discrimination. Being black is considered a transgression because, presumably, it constitutes deviance from a particular skin pigmentation, spatial
norm and cultural practice. This dissertation examines the depiction of people of colour, particularly blacks, as transgressive bodies and invaders of space. From a postcolonial perspective, it investigates the racial implications of blackness by reason of migration.
This study draws on a critical analysis of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah (2013) and Trevor Noah’s Born a Crime (2016) to investigate the intersection of identity, race and spatial zones as thematic concerns in both texts. I contend that despite the fact
that race is a social construct, it continually has an impact on the individual living of blacks in the space they inhabit or where they exist. They are burdened by the negativities generated by their colour, consequently perceiving themselves as deviants from the
Unlike Adichie’s other novels, the theme of migration is more profound in Americanah to reflect the intense consequences of race for African migrants in the western world.
Therefore, I seek to establish that the stereotyping of Africans owing to their racial and cultural differences forces them to alter their identity in order to be recognised and accepted. In the same regard, the study projects Trevor Noah’s holistic representation of displacement both within self and community. More insightful is the writer’s engagement
of body politics as a propeller for socio-economic issues. These issues explored in both texts ultimately present a (re)imagining of people of colour within the othered zones. / Buite die Afrikagrense word die swart liggaam gemerk met 'n gemarginaliseerde (“anderste”) identiteit wat die draer dikwels ooplaat vir diskriminasie. Swartwees word as 'n oortreding beskou, want dit is vermoedelik 'n afwyking van 'n bepaalde velpigmentasie,
ruimtelike norm en kulturele praktyk. Hierdie verhandeling ondersoek die uitbeelding van mense van kleur, veral swart mense, as oortredende liggame en indringers van die ruimte. Vanuit 'n postkoloniale perspektief ondersoek dit die rasse-implikasies van
swartheid as gevolg van migrasie. Hierdie studie neem as uitgangspunt die kritiese analise van Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie se Americanah (2013) en Trevor Noah se Born a Crime (2016) om die interseksie van identiteit, ras en ruimtelike sones as tematiek in albei tekste te ondersoek. Ek beweer dat, ondanks die feit dat ras 'n sosiale konstruk is, dit voortdurend 'n impak het op die individuele leefwyse van swart mense in die ruimte waarin hulle woon of waar hulle bestaan. Gevolglik word hulle belemmer deur negatiewe aspekte wat deur hul kleur gegenereer word, en hulself gevolglik as afwykers van die
norm beskou.
Anders as haar ander romans, is Adichie se migrasieprobleme meer diepgaande in Americanah om die intense gevolge van rassekwessies vir Afrika-migrante in die Westerse wêreld te weerspieël. Daarom wil ek vasstel dat die stereotipering van Afrikane weens hul rasse- en kulturele verskille hulle dwing om hul identiteit te verander om erken
en aanvaar te word. In dieselfde verband projekteer die studie Trevor Noah se holistiese voorstelling van verplasing binne die self en die gemeenskap. Meer insiggewend is die skrywer se betrokkenheid by liggaamspolitiek as 'n voorstuwer vir sosio-ekonomiese kwessies. Hierdie kwessies, wat in albei tekste ondersoek word, bied uiteindelik 'n
(her)verbeelding van mense van kleur binne die “ander” sones. / Nangaphandle kwemingcele ye-Afrika, imizimba yabantu abamnyama imakwe ngobuzazisi babanye, lokhu okuvama ukushiya lowo walowo mzimba omnyama esesimweni sokubandlululwa. Ukuba mnyama kuthathwa njengento eyisono neyeqe umngcele omukelekile ngoba, kuvanyiswe ukuthathwa njengokwehlukile kwibala elithile
lesikhumba, indawo evamile kanye nezinkambiso zamasiko. Le dissertation ihlola ukuthathwa kwabantu abanebala, ikakhulukazi elimnyama, njengemizimba ewukweqa okuhle nokwamukelekile kanye neyabahlasela indawo. Ukusuka kwimibono yenkathi engemuva kobukoloni, iphenya ngemiphumela yombono webala elimnyama ngenxa yokuya kwamanye amazwe. Ucwaningo luthathela kuhlaziyo olunzulu lwemibhalo kaChinamanda Ngozi Adichie ye-Americanah (2013) kanye ne-Trevor Noah’s Born a Crime (2016) ukuphenya ngokuxhumana kobuzazisi, ukubuka izinto ngeso lebala kanye
nezindawo njengezinto eziyizihloko zemibhalo. Ngibeka elokuthi noma udaba lwebala kuyinto eyenziwe ngabantu, kodwa inomphumela kumuntu ophila njengomuntu omnyama, ohlala endaweni ahlala kuyo noma lapho akhona. Ngenxa yalokho-ke, bathwele umthwalo omubi ngenxa yebala labo, ngalokho bazibona njengabahlukile
kokujwayelekile nokufanele.
Ngokwehluka namanye amanoveli, ukukhathazeka ngokuya kwamanye amazwe kubonakala kakhulu kwi-Americanah ukubheka kanzulu ngemiphumela ejulile yokubuka izinto ngokwebala kubantu ababuya eAfrika abaya kumazwe asentshonalanga. Ngakho ke, ngifuna ukuqaphela indlela abantu abangama-Afrika ababonwa ngayo ngendlela ethile embi nemi ndawonye (stereotyping) ngenxa yomehluko wabo ngokubona izinto ngokwebala kanye nomehluko ngokwezamasiko, ukushintsha ubuzazi babo ukuze
bamukelwe nokumukeleka. Ngale ndlela, ucwaningo lubhekisa kwindlela ephelele kaTrevor Noah, yokuzibona eqhelilee nokwehluka ngobuyena ngaphakathi kuye kanye nasemphakathini. Ngokubona izinto ngeso elijulile ngokubheka ezepolitiki kombhali
njengesisunduzi kwizinto ezibhekene nabantu kanye nezomnotho. Lezi zinto zicwaninga ngokombhalo kanye nokubeka kabusha ngombono nendlela entsha abantu bebala, emkhakheni wabanye. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / M.A. (Theory of Literature)
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