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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diseño del modelo de sistema de producción basado en 6TOC en pequeñas empresas de muebles de madera del cono sur de Lima para el incremento de su productividad en los macroprocesos de habilitado y maquinado / 6TOC production model system applied in small wood furniture companies of the southern cone in Lima Peru to increase enabled and machined process productivity

Gutierrez Rodriguez, Leonel Alejandro, Laredo Saavedra, Jesus Alfredo 02 October 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación se centra en la aplicación de las principales herramientas de ingeniería en el sector de fabricación de muebles de madera. El estudio utilizó como fuente de información las principales empresas productoras de muebles de madera aglomeradas en el parque industrial de Villa El Salvador, Lima , Perú. El objetivo es investigar e implementar la metodología 6TOC la cual integra la filosofía LEAN para la producción, Six Sigma para la investigación de variabilidad y teoría de restricciones para la sincronización del tiempo de actividades en base al proceso cuello de botella en los macroprocesos de habilitado y corte. Inicia con el reconocimiento de las estaciones de trabajo: funciones, maquinaria y herramientas. Se utilizan herramientas que ayudan en la planificación y el desarrollo de actividades aumentando la productividad partiendo de un nivel inicial hasta alcanzar una mejora sustancial y representativa en las empresas fabricantes. Se compara el mismo sector maderero pero en Colombia como punto de referencia para medir la productividad. / This research focuses to application of the main engineering tools in the wood furniture manufacturing sector. The study identified wood furniture producing companies located in industrial park Villa El Salvador, Lima, Peru as a source of information. The objective is investigate and implement the 6TOC methodology, how integrate the LEAN philosophy for production, Six Sigma for invest variability and the theory of restrictions to programming the activities time based on the bottleneck process in the enabled and machined macroprocesses. Start with recognition of workstations: functions, machinery and tools. Tools will be used that can help in the planning and development of activities that improve productivity starting from an initial level until reaching an improvement of the substances and representative in the manufacturing companies. The same timber sector is compared whit Colombia as benchmark to measure productivity. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Performance problem diagnosis in cloud infrastructures

Ibidunmoye, Olumuyiwa January 2016 (has links)
Cloud datacenters comprise hundreds or thousands of disparate application services, each having stringent performance and availability requirements, sharing a finite set of heterogeneous hardware and software resources. The implication of such complex environment is that the occurrence of performance problems, such as slow application response and unplanned downtimes, has become a norm rather than exception resulting in decreased revenue, damaged reputation, and huge human-effort in diagnosis. Though causes can be as varied as application issues (e.g. bugs), machine-level failures (e.g. faulty server), and operator errors (e.g. mis-configurations), recent studies have attributed capacity-related issues, such as resource shortage and contention, as the cause of most performance problems on the Internet today. As cloud datacenters become increasingly autonomous there is need for automated performance diagnosis systems that can adapt their operation to reflect the changing workload and topology in the infrastructure. In particular, such systems should be able to detect anomalous performance events, uncover manifestations of capacity bottlenecks, localize actual root-cause(s), and possibly suggest or actuate corrections. This thesis investigates approaches for diagnosing performance problems in cloud infrastructures. We present the outcome of an extensive survey of existing research contributions addressing performance diagnosis in diverse systems domains. We also present models and algorithms for detecting anomalies in real-time application performance and identification of anomalous datacenter resources based on operational metrics and spatial dependency across datacenter components. Empirical evaluations of our approaches shows how they can be used to improve end-user experience, service assurance and support root-cause analysis. / Cloud Control (C0590801)

Simuleringsarbete i medicinteknisk produktion : En fallstudie med dataanalys, verifiering och validering samt flaskhalsanalys av en simuleringsmodell / Simulation in medical technology production

Sjölander, Martina, Viklund, Philip January 2020 (has links)
The world is constantly changing and evolving faster and faster. In the industry, it is important to constantly evolve to adapt to the market and maintain competitiveness. The ongoing fourth industrial revolution is urging companies to increase digitalization and automate production. Simulation is a tool that can be used to develop, test and control production. In the pharmaceutical industry, the manufacturing and the product are required to ensure good quality. At the same time, the demand of pharmaceuticals and medical devices is high. With simulation, production systems can be evaluated, developed and improved a safer and more efficient way.  The purpose of the study is to investigate, through a simulation, whether the mass-producing pharmaceutical industry can utilize Discrete Event Simulation to improve production planning and control. The purpose was partly fulfilled by a situation assessment, which together with a literature study, was used to find out what data is required to establish a simulation model. Finally, a simulation model was established, representative of reality and a bottleneck analysis was performed as part of the validation. The study is based on a case study in which qualitative and quantitative methods have been used to answer the research questions. The method is designed to be able to be carried out remotely, since it has not been possible to attend the company where the study was conducted. Two different simulation models, which differ in detail level, are presented in the results of the study. The more detailed level model could be used as a basis for improvement work. The simplified model reflects reality thoroughly and can be used for production planning and production capacity estimations. The bottleneck analysis shows which process is the bottleneck and corresponds to the company's perception. The largest bottleneck was assembly and blister packing. The most important suggestion of improvement was increase of the process availability in the blister packing, which increases production throughput with 6 percent and reduces lead time with 1,5 days. To utilize the detailed simulation model, data collection at sub-process level is also proposed. / Världen förändras hela tiden och utvecklas snabbare och snabbare. Inom industrin gäller det att ständigt utvecklas för att kunna anpassa sig till marknaden och bibehålla konkurrenskraft. Den pågående fjärde industriella revolutionen uppmanar företag att öka digitalisering och automatisera produktionen. Simulering är ett verktyg som kan användas för att utveckla, testa och kontrollera produktionen. I läkemedelsbranschen kräver kunder att tillverkningen och produkten tillser god kvalitet. Samtidigt är efterfrågan stor på läkemedel och medicintekniska produkter. Med simulering kan produktionssystem utvecklas på ett säkrare och mer effektivt sätt.   Syftet med studien är att genom en simulering undersöka om massproducerande läkemedelsindustrin kan utnyttja händelsestyrd simulering för att förbättra produktionsplanering och styrning. Syftet uppfylldes delvis genom en nulägesanalys, som tillsammans med en litteraturstudie användes för att ta reda på vilken data som krävs för att upprätta en simuleringsmodell. Avslutningsvis upprättades en simuleringsmodell, representativ till verkligheten och en flaskhalsanalys genomfördes som del av valideringen. Studien grundar sig i en fallstudie där kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder har använts för att besvara frågeställningarna. Metoden är utformad för att kunna utföras på distans då det ej har varit möjligt att närvara på företaget där studien är genomförd.   Två olika simuleringsmodeller, som skiljer sig i detaljnivå, presenteras i resultatet av studien. Den mer detaljerade skulle kunna användas som ett underlag för förbättringsarbete. Den förenklade modellen återspeglar produktionen översiktligt och kan användas för produktionsplanering. Flaskhalsaanalysen påvisar vilken process som är flaskhalsen och stämmer väl överens med företagets uppfattning. Montering och blistring utger sig som den största flaskhalsen och förbättringsförslag kopplat till detta är främst en ökad tillgänglighet hos processen blistring som ökar produktionstakten med 6 procentenheter och sänker produktionsledtiden med 1,5 dagar. För att kunna utnyttja den detaljerade simuleringsmodellen föreslås vidare datainsamling på delprocessnivå.

Hybridní původ bobrů ve střední Evropě / Hybrid origin of beavers in Central Europe

Albrechtová, Alena January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the master diploma work is to investigate origin of Czech populations and genetic variability of almost all Eurasian populations of the European beaver (Castor fiber). For our purposes we collected specimens from Czech populations, reintroduced population in Kirov district in Russia and all European and Asian refugia. At the end of the 19th century the species was on the verge of extinction due to overhunting, surviving only in eight isolated refugial areas. The population size at the end of the 19th century was estimated as 1 200 animals. The number of individuals has increased thanks to the legal protection and reintroductions. The current population size is estimated at 640 000. It is obvious that the populations of beaver have recently undergone severe bottleneck. Beaver was completely extirpated in the Czech Republic in the 18th century. Since the 80th of the 20th century beavers re-established in the Czech Republic due to migration from neighbouring countries and reintroduction programmes, however we knew only little about the origin of beavers in the Czech Republic. I showed that our beavers are derived from individuals in France, Germany, Norway and east Europe. Mitochondrial DNA of Castor canadensis has not been found in Czech beavers. I studied microsatellite loci (first use for...

Neutrální genetická variabilita a struktura populací kamzíka horského na Slovensku / Neutral genetic variability and structure in chamois populations in Slovakia

Hájková, Andrea January 2011 (has links)
The Tatra chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra tatrica), an endemic mountain ungulate, occurs in the High Tatra Mts. (northern Slovakia and southern Poland). In the second part of the 20th century several chamois introductions occurred in Slovakia: Tatra chamois (from the High Tatra Mts.) were introduced into the Low Tatra Mts., while Alpine chamois (R. r. rupicapra) into the Veľká Fatra and Slovenský raj Mts. The High Tatra Mts. population underwent several population declines (bottlenecks) and all other Slovak populations were founded from only a few individuals (founder effect). Moreover, because the Low Tatra, Veľká Fatra and Slovenský raj are neighbouring mountain ranges, there is a potential risk of migration and hybridisation between the subspecies. Using 18 microsatellite loci, we studied neutral genetic variability, structure and potential hybridisation in chamois populations in Slovakia. The study is based on 193 samples: 95 tissue and 5 blood samples, and 88 faecal and 5 hair samples. Low genetic variability was found in all populations, the lowest one in High Tatra Mts. population. High values of fixation index, the number of private alleles, and factorial correspondence analysis indicated strong differentiation between the studied populations. Bayesian clustering divided Slovak chamois...

Optimering av produktionslina på tillverkande enhet i Sverige / Optimization of production line in manufacturing unit in Sweden

Hyldéen, Jonathan January 2020 (has links)
Denna studies syfte är att leverera ett förslag på hur ett tillverkande företag i Sverige kan öka sin kapacitet, sitt genomflöde och flexibilitet i en manuell produktionslina. Produktionsgolvet är trångt för de anställda på grund av stora lagernivåer intill produktionslinan. Det finns fem arbetsstationer, tre flaskhalsar i produktionen och antalet PIA (Produkter I Arbete) är högt. Studien genomför mätningar för att kartlägga nuläget, hur den aktuella layouten och prestandan ser ut. För att mäta nuläget samlar studien in data genom observationer, en processpromenad, informella intervjuer och genomför egna mätningar. Datainsamlingen analyseras med hjälp av teorier och metoder från Lean, TOC (Theory of Constrains), linjebalansering och produktionsledning. Studien använder sig av 5s som angreppssätt för att systematiskt uppnå genomgående renhet av arbetsplatsen och en standardisering av påfyllnads- och prognostiseringsprocessen. Studien finner att för att öka produktionslinans kapacitet kan bemanningen på produktionslinan ökas, med detta som utgångspungspunkt föreslås en ny layout som tillåter två extra anställda att arbeta på produktionslinan. Detta uppnås genom att dela upp nuvarande delmoment i produktionslinan och skapa två extra stationer. Detta ändrar antalet arbetsstationer från fem till sju och tillåter två extra anställda att arbeta i produktionslinan. Detta eliminerar också två mindre flaskhalsar i produktions flödet. Vidare innefattar förslaget en ny rutin för påfyllnad- och prognostiseringsprocessen som bestämmer hur många artiklar som ska lagerföras vid produktionslinan. Till sist föreslås att den nu enda flaskhalsen ska styra takten, vilket gör processen till ett dragande system styrt av efterfråga istället för ett styrt av generell tillgång. Detta innefattar också att produktionslinan ska börja tillverka ett säkerhetslager med färdiga produkter, detta säkerhetslager ska bytas ut kontinuerligt för att hindra produkterna passerar utgångsdatum. Resterande majoritet av produktionen ska endast ske mot kundorder istället för mot ett lager. För att implementera förslaget bör organisationen utbilda sig och dess anställda i teorierna studien använder sig av. Både ledning och anställda i produktionslinan måste förstå teorierna och varför de används för att implementeringen ska lyckas. / The purpose of this study is to deliver a proposition on how a Swedish manufacturing company can improve its’ capacity, flow and flexibility in a manual production line. The production floor is crowded as a result of large quantities of articles adjacent to the production line. The production line has five workstations, three bottlenecks and has a high number of WIP (Work-In-Progress). The study collects data to assess the situation, the production lines performance and how the current layout is planned. To measure the current situation the study collects data through observations, a process tour, informal interviews and conducts its own measurements. The collected data is analysed using theories and methods from lean, TOC (Theory of Constrains), line balancing and production management. The study is approaching the problems using 5s to systematically achieve pervading cleanness in the workplace and a standardisation of the refilling- and prognostication process. The study finds that to increase the capacity of the production line, the staffing can be increased. Using this as a standing point, the study proposes a new production layout that allows two extra employees to work on the production line. This is achieved by creating two additional workstations in the production line. Changing the number of stations from five to seven and allowing two extra employees to work in the production line. This layout change also eliminates two smaller bottlenecks in the production flow. Furthermore, the propositions suggest a new routine for the refilling- and prognostication process that determines how many articles to store within the production floor. Lastly the proposition suggests that the now single bottleneck in the production flow decides the production rate. Making the production line a pulling system set by the demand of the bottleneck, rather than a system set by general assets. This also includes that the production line is going to start producing safety stock of completed products, this safety stock will continuously be replaced to prevent the products from passing expiration date. The remaining majority of the production should only be done by customer order, rather than producing to store complete products. In order to implement the proposition, the organization need to educate itself and its employees, both management and workers need to understand the concepts the proposition uses and why the concepts are used in order for the implementation to be successful. / <p>Sekretess</p>

Úspory v materiálových tocích v návaznosti na EMS výrobních podniků / SAVINGS IN MATERIAL FLOWS IN CONNECTION WITH EMS IN PRODUCTION COMPANIES

Šimák, Marek January 2009 (has links)
The subject of this dissertation thesis is „Savings in material flows in connection with EMS in production companies“. The topic of this dissertation thesis is the saving in material flows in connection with EMS in production companies. Sound ecological management in industrial companies is important due to the fact it enhances environment protection and provides the companies concerned with competitive advantage. In many cases it provides for better organization of labor and decrease of wastage and allows for other preventive measures. The aim of this paper is to study the relation between the economical and environmental protection interests of companies operating in selected business sector, the paper examines whether environment protection activities practiced by the companies provide also economical benefit for them. The paper uses literature to analyze relations between EMS, logistics and areas in which savings can be found thus contributing to better results in the fields of environment protection and economy. The gained information together with conducted empirical research is the base used in order to determine the area in which savings could be found. Emphasis is laid on material flows which are studied in selected company active in the field of automotive industry. The analysis is based on the current organizational structure and logistic chain, the analyses focuses mainly on warehousing activities. In the studied company there is charted disconnection point which is located in the reception area in the warehouse. Narrow place was found in the dispatch area of the warehouse, the results of the analyses are the base to be used to express the amount of possible savings. Within the process evaluation, measurements and analysis of working time for each shift have been conducted, since the working load of the concerned shifts presents a risk factor from the perspective of ensuring the in time delivery of materials to the production. Proposal to improve the process is based on the synthesis of acquired facts, it allows for better utilization of working time of warehouse employees and provides extra space for manipulation with materials. When there is extra working load to be handled (extra order from customer) it also provides for the elimination of unnecessary or extra actions connected with operations. The application of the improvement proposal will abolish one of the reasons for non operation time in production, which leads to savings in energy consumption and decreases the amount of emissions. In the final part of the dissertation thesis a summary of solutions to the encountered problems is presented and the possible contribution of this thesis to theory and praxis is described.

Flaskhalsanalys med händelsestyrd simulering vid produktion mot beställning / Bottleneck analysis using discrete event simulation in a make to order environment

Gunnarsson, Nils, Bevemyr, Martin January 2022 (has links)
När ett tillverkande företag vill öka sin marknadsandel behöver de i allmänhet öka sin produktion. För att kunna göra detta på ett kostnadseffektivt sätt är det viktigt att veta vilka faktorer som begränsar produktionssystemet, dessa benämns ofta som flaskhalsar. Ett produktionssystem är dock inte ett statiskt system vilket innebär att flaskhalsarna i ett system inte heller är statiska. De kan flytta på sig på både lång och kort sikt.   Syftet med denna fallstudie är att undersöka flaskhalsarna i ett produktionssystem och hur dessa förflyttar sig, vilka förbättringar som kan göras för att förbättra flödet i produktionssystemet. Data om produktionssystemet har samlats in med studier av databas, tidsstudie och samtal/intervjuer. Dessa data har nyttjats i en simuleringsmodell som framtagits med hjälp av FACTS-analyzer. Denna modell har studerats samt använts för att genomföra experiment. Bland annat har flermålsoptimering med SCORE metoden använts för att hitta systemets primära och sekundära flaskhalsar.   Studien visade att en station på svetsavdelningen var den huvudsakliga flaskhalsen i produktionssystemet och att den sekundära flaskhalsen i systemet låg i avdelningen efter, måleriavdelningen. Studien tog också fram en optimerad förbättrings plan för fabriken upp till 260 tillverkade båtar på ett år. / When a manufacturing company intends to increase their market share, they generally need to increase their production as well. In order to achieve this in a cost-effective manner they must be aware of which factors are limiting the production system, these factors are generally known as bottlenecks. A production system is however not a static system, this means that the bottlenecks won’t be static either. They can move both in the long term and short term.   The aim of this case study is to examine the bottlenecks in a system and their movement. As well as which improvements could be applied in order to improve the flow in the production system. Data concerning the production system has been collected through studies of internal databases, time studies and interviews. This data has been used in a simulation which has been constructed with FACTS-analyzer. The model has been studied and used for experimentation, for example, multigoal-optimization with the SCORE-method, which has been used in order to find the primary and secondary bottlenecks of the system.   The study shows that a station in the welding department was the main bottleneck in the productions system and the secondary bottleneck is in the department after, the paint shop. The study also found an optimized improvement plan for the factory up to 260 boats produced each year

The Population Genetics of Morro Bay Eelgrass (Zostera marina)

Harencar, Julia Gardner 01 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Seagrass populations are in decline worldwide. Zostera marina (eelgrass), one of California’s native seagrasses, is no exception to this trend. In the last 8 years, Morro Bay, California has lost 95% of its eelgrass. Eelgrass is an ecosystem engineer, providing important ecosystem services such as sediment stabilization, nutrient cycling, and nursery habitats for fish. The failure of recent restoration efforts necessitates a better understanding of the causes of eelgrass decline in this estuary. Previous research on eelgrass in California has demonstrated a link between population genetic diversity and eelgrass bed health, ecosystem functioning, and resilience to disturbance and extreme climatic events. The genetic diversity and population structure of Morro Bay eelgrass populations has not been assessed until this study. Additionally, we compare Morro Bay eelgrass to Bodega Bay eelgrass in northern California. We conducted fragment length analysis of 9 microsatellite loci on 133 Morro Bay samples, and 20 Bodega Bay samples. We found no population differentiation within the bay, and no difference among samples growing at different tidal depths. Comparison with Bodega Bay in northern California revealed that Morro Bay eelgrass contains three first generation migrants from a northern eelgrass population, but remains considerably genetically differentiated. Despite the precipitous loss of eelgrass in Morro Bay between 2007 and 2017, genetic diversity remains comparable to other populations on the west coast.

Improving management of patient flow at Radiology Department using Simulation Models / Förbättra hanteringen av patientflödet på radiologiska avdelningen med hjälp av simuleringsmodeller

Agasteen Anantharaj, Kingsly Anand January 2021 (has links)
The Swedish healthcare system is considered to have good healthcare productivity and efficiency with moderate cost but seems to have some future challenges. Sweden is moving towards the aging population as it requires development in medical care techniques and technologies to provide care to elderly patients. This increases the pressure on the healthcare system. Hence, the number of patients in the hospital increase, as a result, the flow of patients within the wards are increased. Furthermore, the pandemic has increased the number of people admitted to hospitals. As a consequence, even for high-priority cases, the wait times are rising. The Skaraborg Hospital Group, SHG, and other general hospitals, in particular, are focusing on how to handle patient flow at various levels within departments and clinics by improving patient flow quality. Production and capacity preparation (PCP) is a commonly used industry tool for resolving bottlenecks. Hence, this method needs to be adopted within the hospital and by the healthcare sector to a larger extent. Since many patients from different specialty departments use the Radiology department's facilities, it is often a "bottleneck" in inpatient traffic at hospitals. Furthermore, the influx of patients with covid-19 has increased the department's workload. This master's thesis aims to assist the Radiology department in improving their production and capacity planning to increase unit flow performance. The project involves supporting key staff in the department in estimating demand to align different patient movements with equipment and personnel services. Improving radiology department flow efficiency can lead to more even and healthy patient flows around the hospital, reducing "buffers" of patients and longer stays at different specialist clinics. / Det svenska sjukvården anses ha god hälsovårdsproduktivitet och effektivitet till måttliga kostnader men verkar ha några framtida utmaningar. Sverige går mot den åldrande befolkningen eftersom det kräver utveckling av tekniker och tekniker för medicinsk vård för att ge äldre patienter vård. Detta ökar trycket på sjukvården. Därför ökar antalet patienter på sjukhuset, vilket leder till att patientflödet inom avdelningarna ökar. Dessutom har pandemin ökat antalet personer som läggs in på sjukhus. Som en konsekvens ökar väntetiderna även för fall med hög prioritet. Skaraborg sjukhusgrupp, SHG och andra allmänna sjukhus fokuserar särskilt på hur man hanterar patientflöde på olika nivåer inom avdelningar och kliniker genom att förbättra patientflödeskvaliteten. Produktion och kapacitetsberedning (PCP) är ett vanligt branschverktyg för att lösa flaskhalsar. Därför måste denna metod i större utsträckning antas inom sjukhuset och inom sjukvården. Eftersom många patienter från olika specialavdelningar använder Radiologiavdelningens anläggningar är det ofta en "flaskhals" i slutenvården på sjukhus. Dessutom har inflödet av patienter med covid-19 ökat avdelningens arbetsbelastning. Detta examensarbete syftar till att hjälpa Radiologiavdelningen att förbättra sin produktionsoch kapacitetsplanering för att öka enhetsflödesprestanda. Projektet innebär att stödja nyckelpersoner på avdelningen för att uppskatta efterfrågan för att anpassa olika patientrörelser till utrustning och personal. Förbättrad radiologisk avdelnings flödeseffektivitet kan leda till jämnare och hälsosammare patientflöden runt sjukhuset, vilket minskar "buffertar" hos patienter och längre vistelser på olika specialistkliniker.

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