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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Popis a analýza činnosti Hasičského záchranného sboru Letiště Praha, a.s. za období let 2015-2019. / Description of Fire Brigade of Prague Airport and analysis of its firefighting intervention in the period of 2015-2019.

Šimková, Veronika January 2021 (has links)
Title: Description of Fire Brigade of Prague Airport and analysis of its firefighting intervention in the period of 2015-2019. Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to give a description of Fire Brigade of Prague Airport. An analysis and evaluation of firefighting interventions at the airport is also provided by means of graphs and tables from 1.1.2015 to 31.1.2019 period. Methods: The data were obtained from an employee of Fire Brigade of Prague Airport. Available literature was studied and a research was carried out. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and statistical data comparison between each year. The data analysis was split according to type and number of interventions for individual years in the period of 2015-2019. Finally, the analysis was evaluated and the data were compared by means of graphs and tables. Results: The output of the diploma thesis is a description and intervention analysis of Fire Brigade of Prague Airport in the years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. Keywords: analysis, intervation, firefighters, fire brigade

Vyhodnocení příčin dopravních nehod vozidel Hasičského záchranného sboru Jihomoravského kraje v letech 2001-2012. / Evaluation of the Causes of Traffic Accidents involving Fire and Rescue Service Vehicles in the South Moravia Region in 2001-2012

Krejčí, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the evaluation of the causes of traffic accidents of the Fire and Rescue Service vehicles of the South Moravian Region in 2001-2012. Based on the data and information traffic accidents are comprehensively evaluated and measures are proposed to reduce accidents. The processed material can serve to provide expert services in solving the analysis of traffic accidents.

Analys av finita element program

Ramos Salazar, Alexis Fredy, Pena Hernandez, Samuel January 2022 (has links)
FEM program, program som använder finita element metoden, har en långhistoria av användning inom ingenjörsyrken. I modern tid har FEM programblivit en nödvändighet för beräkningar inte bara i byggbranchen, men ocksåinom andra ingenjörsverksamheter där stora mängder beräkningar krävs.Programmen har hjälpt ingenjörer att göra allt mer komplicerade beräkningarför projekt som inte bara tilltalar de av oss som är sakkunniga, utan också gerresultat som tilltalar de daglig användarna av projekt för vilka beräkningarnasom behövde göras för utformningen av projektet är mindre intressanta änarkitekturen och slutresultaten.Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och jämföra modelleringen i två FEMprogram för att granska svagheterna och styrkorna som respektive program harsamt för att ge en grund för val av program i kvalitativa alternativt kvantitativastudier.I studien har analysobjektet, en plattramsbro som är en del av Umeåprojektetsom sammanlänkar motorvägen E12 norr om Ume älv med E4 motorvägensöder om Umeå, valts som objekt att analyseras i en komparativ studie med tvåFEM program, SOFiSTiK och Brigade/Standard. För att genomföra denna jämförelsemodelleras analysobjektet i båda programmen för att sedan genom attutföra laskombinationer erhålla de mest ogynsamma lasterna som kan tänkaskomma på bron i from av momentkrafter och tvärkrafter, och som bron behöverdimensionernas mot.Studien vissade att det finns ett samband mellan frihet och komplexitet i FEMprogram. Genom modelleringens gång kom det fram tydligt att automatiseringi form av moduler skapar ett resultat snabbare, men i utbyte begränsasanvändarens modelleringsfrihet när det kommer till att bygga upp egenskaperoch villkor från grunden.Studien kan grovt delas in bakgrund, lastförklaringar, modellering, analys ochslutsats. / FEM programs, programs that use the finite element method, have a longhistory of use within the engineering discipline. In modern times, FEMprograms have become a necessity for calculations not only in the constructionindustry, but also in other engineering branches where large amountsof calculations are required. The programs have helped engineers makeincreasingly complex calculations for projects that not only appeal to those whoare versed in the subject, but also provide results that appeal to the everydayusers of projects for whom the calculations that need to be made to shape theseprojects are less interesting than the architecture and the end results.The purpose of this study is to investigate and compare the modelling process intwo FEM programs in order to gauge the weaknesses and strengths that respectiveprogram brings, and to build a basis for election of FEM program in qualitativeand quantitative studies respectively.In the study, the analysis object, a slab frame bridge that is part of the Umeåproject that links the E12 highway north of the Ume River with the E4 motorwaysouth of Umeå, has been chosen as an object to be analyzed in a comparativestudy with two FEM programs, SOFiSTiK and Brigade/Standard. To do thiscomparative study the bridge will be modelled in both programs and then besubject to load combinations to find the most unfavorable load combinationsthat can occure on the bridge in the form of torque forces and transverse forcesare obtained. These loads will become the forces that the bridge will have toresist.The study showed that there is a connection between freedom and complexity inFEM programs. Through the modeling process, it became clear that automationin the form of modules creates a faster result, but in return the user’s freedomof modeling is limited when it comes to building properties and conditions fromthe ground up.The study can be roughly divided into background, explanations of load,modeling, analysis and conclusions.

Increased Traffic Loads on Swedish Highway Bridges : A Case study of the bridge at highway interchange Värö

Forsberg, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
The Swedish government is planning to increase the maximum vehicle gross load regulations on parts of the national roads from the present 60 t, for the load carrying capacity class BK1, to 74 t, for the proposed new load carrying capacity class BK4. The initial implementation of the new load carrying capacity class for 74 t vehicles will only regard major highways and important roads, however, at a later stage the plan is to implement the new BK4 class on the full current BK1 road network. The biggest obstacle which arises when implementing these increased traffic loads is insufficient load carrying capacity for the bridges on the road network.   Thus, the objective of this thesis is to examine and analyze the effects of the increased traffic loads on Swedish road bridges. In order to identify the structural effects of the load increase, and draw general conclusions regarding the effects on the bridge network as a whole, a case study with load carrying capacity calculations is carried out on a two-span concrete slab fram bridge at a highway interchange in Värö in western Sweden. The bridge is classified as critical by Trafikverket. The load carrying capacity calculation is carried out using the Swedish standards, in which maximum load values for the axle load, A, and the bogie load, B, is calculated.   The load effects acting on the bridge are calculated using the finite element software BRIGADE/Standard, with input traffic A and B loads amounting to 12 t and 21 t respectively for the new BK4 class and to 12 t and 18 t respectively for class BK1. In addition to the load carrying capacity calculations with BK4 traffic loads, a comparison is carried out between the results obtained when using the axle- and bogie loads from the BK1 versus the BK4 load carrying capacity class in the load carrying capacity calculations.   The load carrying capacity calculations performed on the studied bridge shows that the capacity of the bridge, both in regards to moment and shear force, is insufficient to meet the new, increased, BK4 A/B – requirements. The critical A/B – values for the whole bridge are 17 t and 18 t respectively, to be compared with the required 12- and 21 t limit for the new BK4 load carrying capacity class, thus, making the load carrying capacity of the bridge inadequate. The critical A/B – values appear for the longitudinal shear force load case at the point where the shear force reinforcement over the column support ends. Moreover, the difference between the results obtained when using the BK1 versus the BK4 traffic loads in the calculations were found to be negligible.   Due to the differing properties and characteristics of each individual bridge on the Swedish road network it is difficult to make general statements regarding the effects of the increased traffic loads on the bridge network as a whole. Specific load carrying capacity calculations will need to be performed on each individual bridge in order to evaluate its capability to withstand the new increased BK4 traffic load. However, capacity calculations regarding the BK1 load carrying capacity class can, with sufficient accuracy, be used to evaluate the capability of a bridge to withstand the increased traffic loads in the BK4 load carrying capacity class, thus, making it easier to evaluate the strengthening needs for the bridge network as a whole. / Sveriges regering planerar en utökning av den maximalt tillåtna bruttovikten för fordon på delar av det allmänna vägnätet från den nuvarande begränsningen på 60 t, för bärighetsklass BK1, till 74 t, för den nya föreslagna bärighetsklassen BK4. I det första skedet kommer den nya bärighetsklassen, för fordon med bruttovikt upp till 74 t, bara att implementeras på stora motorvägar och andra ur transportsynpunkt viktiga vägar, men, i ett senare skede finns också planer på att implementera den nya bärighetsklassen, BK4, på hela det nuvarande BK1 vägnätet. Det största problemet som förväntas uppkomma under införandet av de nya, ökade, trafiklasterna är otillräcklig bärighet på vägnätets broar.   Således är målet med denna uppsats att undersöka och analysera effekterna av dessa ökade trafiklaster för broar på det Svenska vägnätet. För att identifiera effekterna, och dra generella slutsatser, gällande denna ökade trafiklast för broarna på det Svenska vägnätet i sin helhet kommer en fallstudie med bärighetsberäkningar utföras på en plattrambro vid trafikplats Värö - en bro som Trafikverket bedömer som kritisk. Bärighetsberäkningen utförs enligt svenska standarder, där maximala tillåtna värden på axellasten, A, och bogielasten, B, beräknas.   Lasteffekterna som verkar på bron beräknas med hjälp finita element programvaran BRIGADE/Standard med trafiklaster, A och B, som uppgår till 12  respektive 21 t för den nya BK4 bärighetsklassen och 12 respektive 18 t för bärighetsklass BK1. Som tillägg till bärighetsberäkningarna med BK4 laster utförs också en jämförelse av resultaten som uppkommer när axel- och bogielasterna från BK1 respektive BK4 används i beräkningarna.    Bärighetsberäkningarna på den studerade bron visar att brons kapacitet, både gällande moment och tvärkraft, är otillräcklig när den belastas med de ökade BK4 trafiklasterna. De kritiska A- och B- värdena för bron är 17 respektive 18 t, värden som skall jämföras med kraven på 12 respektive 21 t för den nya bärighetsklassen BK4 – därmed är brons bärighet otillräcklig. De kritiska A- och B-värdena för bron uppkommer för lastfallet med longitudinell tvärkraft vid punkten där tvärkraftsarmeringen över mittstödet slutar verka. Jämförelsen mellan beräkningsresultaten som uppkom med trafiklaster enligt BK1 respektive BK4 visade att skillnaden mellan beräkningsresultaten var försumbar.   På grund av de varierande egenskaperna hos varje enskild bro på det Svenska vägnätet är det svårt att dra generella slutsatser gällande effekterna av lastökningen för vägnätet som helhet. Specifika bärighetsberäkningar måste utföras på varje individuell bro för att kunna utvärdera dess kapacitet att klara av de nya, ökade, BK4 trafiklasterna. Emellertid kan bärighetsberäkningar som beträffar bärighetsklassen BK1, med tillräcklig tillförlitlighet, användas för att bedöma en bros möjlighet att motstå de ökade trafiklasterna i den nya bärighetsklassen BK4, vilket förenklar utvärderingen av vilka broar som kräver förstärkning.

Analys av en spännarmerad balkbro : Inverkan på spännvidd och armeringsåtgång

Wennerkull, Hampus, Svensson, Robin January 2020 (has links)
Concrete girder bridges are a commonly used type of bridge which can be reinforced withboth regular and post-tensioned reinforcement. At a certain span length, the use of tensionreinforcement becomes a must because regular reinforcement won’t be enough. To get anidea of where this boundary lies, we studied a bridge in this research which is a half-throughbridge intended for railway traffic with the use of post-tensioned reinforcements. Thisbridge has a span of 22,15 metres and it is compared to bridges at the same span andshorter span using regular reinforcements. The analysis in this thesis is made using the finiteelementsprogram Brigade Standard.Two previously executed projects are used as references. A literature study will be carriedout initially, where Eurocodes, old examination projects and other literature on tensionreinforcement are examined.The acquired result is that the tension-reinforced bridge relates to a bridge with about 3/4span with regards to torque over the middle support. The torque over the support is thelimiting factor which causes an exponential increase in the amount of reinforcement atlonger spans. At about 20 metres the amount of necessary reinforcement starts to increaseexponentially and above this span post-tensioning is the preferred method.Torsion at the end support is also a crucial parameter since a regular-reinforced bridge with20-metre span cannot be reinforced to handle this with the current geometry. At a 20-metrespan, actions are therefore required to improve the torsion capacity, for example, increasingthe girder width. This increased girder width could be considered a saving in materials dueto the avoided increment of concrete in the case of tension-reinforced design, where thisincreased width is unnecessary.The total amount of reinforcement, independent of the reinforcement type, is greater in themiddle support of the regular reinforced bridge than the tension reinforced with the samespan. However, the total amount of reinforcement over the entire bridge is higher in thetension reinforced alternative.The result also shows that the tension reinforcement increases the compression force in thebridge and eliminates tension cracks which were expected according to our literature study.

Modellering av rörliga laster : Jämförelse av resultat från influenslinje- och influensytametod från FEM-program / Modeling of Moving Loads : Comparison of FEM Programs Results from the Influence Line and Influence Surface Method.

Satof, Mostafa, Al-asadi, Hasanain Hasse Hasson January 2019 (has links)
At present, the usage of FEM-programs becomes wider for loads effect calculation of bridges. Even though the calculation in all FEM-programs works following the same procedure, it differs when it comes to moving loads where we can identify two different approaches, ILM and ISM (influence line and influence surface method). ISM is used in FEM-programs that are most adapted for bridges where moving loads have great influence, while ILM is used in FEM-programs where moving loads are less important as house constructions. The aim is to evaluate the use of ILM programs (eg FEM-Design) when managing of moving loads in bridge and facilities contexts. This is achieved by comparing the results obtained from ILM programs with the results obtained from IYM programs. In addition, it will be checked how FEM-Design envelops the max and min values regarding (most adverse, conditional summation and unconditional summation). The comparison between those two methods was carried out using two different FEM programs based on different methods. Work carried out using FEM-Design (ILM program) and Brigade/Standard (ISM program). A platform bridge has been modeled and analyzed in both programs and a comparison between the results of both models has been performed. This comparison aims to investigate how ILM and ISM works when calculating moving loads and its influence in a bridge plate and in what way these two methods differ. to achieve comparable results between the programs, we examined different parameters and conditions. The thesis has shown which factors influenced the difference av results between FEM-Design and Brigade, and which summation methods that FEM-Design uses. / I dagsläget blir användning av FEM-program ännu bredare för lasteffektsberäkning och analys av brokonstruktioner. Trots att beräkningen sker i princip enligt samma process i alla FEM-program skiljer den sig när det handlar om rörliga laster. När det gäller beräkning av rörliga laster identifieras två olika metoder: ILM och IYM (influenslinje- och influensytametod). Influensytametod används i de FEM-program som är anpassade framförallt för brokonstruktioner där rörliga laster har stor påverkan, medan influenslinjemetod används i FEM-program där rörliga laster har mindre betydelse t.ex. huskonstruktioner. Målet är att utvärdera användning av ILM-program (t.ex. FEM-Design) vid hantering av rörliga laster i bro- och anläggningssammanhang. Detta uppnås genom att jämföra resultaten man får från ILM-program med resultaten som fås från IYM-program. Dessutom skall det kontrolleras hur FEM-Design utvärdera max- och minvärdena med hänsyn till mest ogynsamma, vilkorlig summering och ovilkoriga summering. Jämförelsen mellan de två metoderna har utförts med hjälp av två olika FEM-program som är baserade på de olika metoderna: FEM-Design 18 (ILM-program) och Brigade/standard 4.3 (IYM-program). En plattbro (en enkel bro) har modellerats och analyserats i båda programmen och en jämförelse mellan resultaten från båda modellerna har utförts. Denna jämförelse ämnar undersöka hur influenslinje- och influensytametoden fungerar vid beräkning av rörliga laster och dess påverkan i en brobaneplatta, och på vilket sätt dessa två metoder skiljer sig åt. För att uppnå jämförbara resultat mellan programmen undersöktes/studerades olika parametrar och förutsättningar. Examensarbetet har visat vilka faktorer som påverkat skillnaden av resultat mellan FEM-Design och Brigade, och vilka summeringsmetoder som FEM-Design använder.

Analýza zvyšování fyzické zdatnosti u záchranných sborů a služeb / Analysis of improving fitness of rescue brigades and services

Koblic, Milan January 2016 (has links)
Title: Analysis of improving the physical fitness of rescue brigades and services Cíl práce: The aim of this thesis is to analyze the physical fitness of firefighters ambulance Fire and Rescue Service based on the results of physical tests of individual firefighters for a period of five years. Objective: In this thesis werw used data from regular physical tests Fire Rescue Service. Data were standardized and subsequently evaluated using graphs and T-test. Results: On the basis of the analysis were verified by three hypotheses. Neither of them has not been confirmed. Compared to the expected improvement in physical abilities, the opposite happened, or to their decline. Compared with the general population, they did not reach all members of the Rescue Service of the population average. Key words: physical fitness, rescue brigade, firefighters, physical tests, analysis

The United Nations Force Intervention Brigade: Peace Enforcement as a Conflict Management Strategy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Howell, Kelly 23 February 2016 (has links)
This research explores developments within the United Nations that have led to the creation of the Forward Intervention Brigade (FIB). It will consider the political, legal, economic, and ethical issues surrounding armed defensive-intervention during humanitarian crises. Topics explored include the effectiveness of armed intervention during crises and ethics concerning the use of arms when intervening for humanitarian or peacemaking purposes. How success and failure is being defined and the current status of the mission will be discussed. The question of the possible costs of non-intervention is raised. This case example is linked to the failure of the UN to effectively respond to the genocide that occurred in Rwanda in 1994 and the subsequent cost of that failure. The development of powers within the UN is considered in terms of the creation of this armed force, as are the ways this may impact the interpretation of international law regarding armed intervention.

A atuação do 4º batalhão de polícia de área de fronteira da brigada militar, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Pinto, Sérgio Roth January 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa aborda a atuação do 4° BPAF – Batalhão de Polícia de Área de Fronteira da Brigada Militar no policiamento na Fronteira Noroeste do RS, frente aos crimes transfronteiriços e transnacionais praticados pelas redes de criminosos. A Brigada Militar não possui atribuição legal para atuar frente aos crimes transnacionais que demandam o trabalho de inteligência, envolvendo investigações de redes criminosas internacionais que ultrapassam a linha de fronteira. Na prática, devido a limitações e à falta de efetivo dos Órgãos Federais de segurança na fronteira, a Brigada Militar vem atuando contra estes tipos de crimes. E casos específicos quando o crime é de cunho transnacional o 4° Batalhão de Polícia de Área de Fronteira da Brigada Militar atende pedidos da Polícia Federal e Receita Federal, realizando operações ao longo da Fronteira Noroeste com prisões de contrabandistas, traficantes de drogas e abigeatários. O policiamento do 4°BPAF da Brigada Militar evoluiu ao longo dos anos, passando de simples patrulhas rurais para patrulhas operacionais especializadas em Fronteira. Com a atuação dos criminosos na região da fronteira em crimes transfronteiriços que se tornaram corriqueiros, o comando do 4°BPAF criou o POE- Pelotão de Operações Especiais para atuar nas patrulhas na fronteira. A partir de 2012 o Governo Federal lança o PEF-Plano Estratégico de Fronteira e a ENAFRON- Estratégia Nacional de Fronteira investindo em viaturas, equipamentos, formação e treinamento de recursos humanos para as Organizações Policiais Militares dos estados da federação na Faixa de Fronteira O estado do Rio Grande do Sul aderiu a esse programa da ENAFRON e não demorou muito para o Alto Comando e o Estado Maior da Brigada Militar elaborarem a Diretriz Geral de Segurança Pública em Área de Fronteira N°26/2012 que foi atualizada pela Diretriz de Policiamento em Áreas de Fronteiras N°034/2015. Também ocorreu nesta época um incremento na realização de operações conjuntas da Brigada Militar, tanto com órgãos Federais de segurança pública e com Exército Brasileiro, como em operações Simultâneas Internacionais com a Polícia de Misiones e a Gendarmeria Nacional Argentina, estreitando assim os laços entre as polícias da Argentina e a Brigada Militar. Este trabalho aborda as técnicas de investigação usadas pelo 4° BPAF da Brigada Militar em sua Atividade de Inteligência e modus operandi no combate aos criminosos na Fronteira Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul. O 4° BPAF tem um papel muito importante na fronteira em relação ao combate a criminalidade, pois realiza um trabalho que vem ajudando a diminuir a criminalidade da sociedade não só a local, mas também contribui para diminuir os índices de violência ligado ao tráfico de drogas, roubos de veículos nos grandes centros urbanos do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. / This research deals with the performance of the 4th BPAF - Border Brigade Military Battalion of the Military Brigade in the policing in the Northwest Frontier of RS against transboundary and transnational crimes practiced by criminal networks. The Military Brigade has no legal authority to act in the face of transnational crimes, which requires the work of intelligence, involving investigations of international criminal networks that cross the border line. In practice, due to limitations and lack of workers of the Federal Border Security Bodies, the Military Brigade has been acting against these types of crimes. Moreover, specific cases when the crime is transnational in nature, the 4th Border Brigade Battalion of the Military Brigade responds to requests from the Federal Police and the Federal Revenue, conducting operations along the Northwest Frontier with arrests of smugglers, drug traffickers and cattle thieves. The policing of the 4th BPAF of the Military Brigade has evolved over the years, going from simple rural patrols to specialized operational patrols on the border. As cross-border crimes became commonplace, the 4th BPAF command created the POE-Special Operations Squadron to operate on border patrols. Starting in 2012, the Federal Government launches the Border Strategic Plan (PEF) and ENAFRON - National Border Strategy investing in vehicles, equipment, and human resources training for the Military Police Organizations of the states of the federation in the border fringe. The state of Rio Grande do Sul adhered to the ENAFRON program and it did not take long for the High Command and the General Staff of the Military Brigade to elaborate the General Directive of Public Security in Border Area N ° 26/2012 updated by the Police Directive in Border Areas N ° 034/2015. At the same time, there was an increase of joint operations of the Military Brigade, both with Federal public security organs and with the Brazilian Army, as well as in simultaneous international operations with the Misiones Police and the Argentine National Gendarmerie, thus strengthening the ties between the Argentine police and the Military Brigade. This work addresses the investigation techniques of the 4th BPAF of the Military Brigade in its Intelligence Activity and modus operandi in the fight against criminals in the Northwest Frontier of Rio Grande do Sul. The 4th BPAF has a very important role in the frontier in relation to combat crime, since it carries out work that has helped to reduce the society criminality, not only local crime, but also contributes to reduce the rates of violence related to drug trafficking, theft of vehicles in large urban centers in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

Defining the role and responsibility of the fire service within homeland security

Jones, Dennis D. January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A. in Security Studies (Homeland Security and Defense))--Naval Postgraduate School, March 2010. / Thesis Advisor(s): Morag, Nadav ; Supinski, Stanley. "March 2010." Description based on title screen as viewed on April 28, 2010. Author(s) subject terms: Fire Service, Fire Service Provider (FSP), Fire Department of New York (FDNY), St. Paul Fire Department, Homeland Security, London Fire Brigade (LFB), Holistic, Discipline, Strategy, Doctrine, Collaboration, Planning, Partnering, Megacommunity. Includes bibliographical references (p. 71-74). Also available in print.

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