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Diseño de un sistema de gestión empresarial adaptado a las PYMEs del sector textil cuya producción se basa en el tisaje de tejidos para el hogarDíaz García, Pablo 07 May 2008 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación trata de uno de los pilares que sustentarán el devenir de las empresas del sector textil ante los nuevos retos que supone la nueva competencia ejercida por los países asiáticos. Estos pilares, innovación aplicada a productos y procesos, capacidad de desarrollo de artículos con diseño diferenciado y gestión eficaz de las empresas constituirán los elementos necesarios para la supervivencia del sector.
El contenido de esta investigación propone un modelo específico de gestión adaptado a las empresas del sector textil de mayor relevancia en la Comunidad Valenciana constituído por las PYMEs dedicadas a la fabricación de tejidos destinados al sector de textiles para el hogar. Se basa en el desarrollo de una herramienta que realice la traducción de la estrategia definida por la empresa, en objetivos relacionados, medidos a través de indicadores que permiten crear a través de ellos unos planes de acción que unifican criterios de comportamiento a todos los miembros de la empresa.
El modelo propuesto ha sido desarrollado contando con la participación de un importante número de empresas pertenecientes al sector definido, fruto de esta colaboración y tras la evaluación de los resultados obtenidos, se ha creado un sistema de gestión basado en la utilización de una serie de indicadores los cuales se considera subdividirlos en cinco perspectivas, financiera, productiva, comercial, recursos humanos e innovación, desde las cuales se propone medir la evolución de la empresa y la herramienta que ayude a la toma de las diferentes decisiones estratégicas.
Como resultado se definen los Factores Críticos de Éxito común al conjunto de empresas de estas características y se genera un Cuadro de Mando constituido por una cifra de 27 indicadores. Con el sistema de gestión propuesto se conseguirá el control total del negocio. / Díaz García, P. (2005). Diseño de un sistema de gestión empresarial adaptado a las PYMEs del sector textil cuya producción se basa en el tisaje de tejidos para el hogar [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1950
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Investigating soil algae and cyanoprokaryotes on gold tailings material in South Africa / Tanya OrlekowskyOrlekowsky, Tanya January 2014 (has links)
Gold mine tailings material facilities are characterized by sparse vegetation and an
abundance of dust. Mine tailings facilities are examples of extreme geotechnical and
geochemical conditions which make it almost impossible for higher plants to establish and
grow without rehabilitation intervention. In most cases higher plants such as grasses and
trees are the focus areas for rehabilitation, but, having a look at something a little smaller
such as biological crusts, it is seen that these micro-organisms play very important roles in
any ecosystem.
Various studies have shown that biological crusts, consisting of micro-organisms such as
lichens, algae and cyanoprokaryotes enhance the soil quality by binding soil particles
together, forming aggregates which counteract the erosive forces of wind and water. They
play a part in nitrogen and carbon fixation, increase the soil surface temperature and
increase the water retention of the soil. Thus, these organisms improve the overall health of
the soil, which will in time encourage the successful establishment of higher plants.
The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of cyanoprokaryotes and soil algae on
mine tailings storage facilities that have been rehabilitated for different periods of time as
well as to correlate the presence of these species with the physical and chemical
characteristics of the mine tailings material. Chemical, physical and biological analyses of
soil samples were done. Some of the ecologically important and dominant species were
isolated and protocols were developed in order to identify the most successful manner in
which to re-inoculate the organisms to a chosen substrate and how to measure biomass.
Due to the immense cost of standard rehabilitation practices there is a need for a more cost
effective, sustainable manner in which to protect the tailings material against the erosive
forces of wind and water with as little input as possible. The influence of an organism
cultured in normal Bold’s Basal medium (BBM) growth medium, BBM growth medium with
half the phosphate concentration and BBM growth medium with half the nitrate concentration
on the establishment of a biological soil crust (BSC) was tested. To test the influence of the
inoculums already present in the tailings material and in the air, trials with mulch, water and
nutrients without the addition of an organism was also investigated. This was done in the
controlled environment of a glasshouse, as well as in field conditions. The biomass of the
cyanoprokaryotes and algae, as well as the soil surface strength was also tested.
The results show that the time of rehabilitation did not have an influence on the
cyanoprokaryotes as well as algal species that occurred on the tailings material. Chlorella
sp., Chlorococcum sp. and Klebsormidium sp. were present on all six sites, except on the fresh material and 15 year old material where no rehabilitation has been done. As for
dominance; Chlamydomonas sp., Chlorococcum sp., Klebsormidium sp. and Phormidium
sp. were dominant on all six sites except for the fresh material, where nothing grew.
An array of methods exists for measuring algal biomass as a measure of growth. During the
development of protocols for further use in investigating the growth of algae, the extraction
solvent ethanol, for use in chlorophyll a extraction, was identified as the most sufficient. The
re-inoculation of cyanoprokaryotes and soil algae onto a chosen substrate is most
successful when pouring the organisms, cultured in growth medium and 0.1% agar, over the
During the glasshouse trials the influence of the growth medium and growth medium with
half the nitrate and half the phosphate concentrations showed that Chlamydomonas sp.
produced the highest biomass when cultured in BBM. With Nostoc sp. the highest biomass
occurred with culturing in BBM and BBM with half the phosphate concentration. Microcoleus
vaginatus showed no significant difference when cultured in the three different growth
mediums (BBM, BBM with half the nitrate concentration and BBM with half the phosphate
concentration). Overall Nostoc sp. produced the highest biomass (34.33 μg/g), followed by
Microcoleus vaginatus (17.05 μg/g) and Chlamydomonas sp. (6.12 μg/g).
Soil surface strength, measured with a hand held penetrometer showed that
Chlamydomonas sp. cultured in BBM growth medium produced the most stable crust (2.58
kg/cm2), although it had the lowest biomass measurements (6.12 μg/g). Nostoc sp. produced
the highest biomass (34.44 μg/g), but had the lowest soil surface strength results (1.75
kg/cm2). Microcoleus vaginatus proved to be the species with high biomass production
(17.05 μg/g), as well as high soil surface strength (2.08 kg/cm2). M. vaginatus is also a
pioneer species and is therefore a good choice as primary inoculum on bare tailings
It was decided to use Nostoc sp. in the field trials due to its high biomass and Microcoleus
vaginatus due to the high soil surface strength produced. Despite the occurrence of a severe
thunder storm on the afternoon of application and poor water management during the field
trials the significance of water on the establishment of soil algae and cyanoprokaryotes on
tailings material was determined. / MSc (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Investigating soil algae and cyanoprokaryotes on gold tailings material in South Africa / Tanya OrlekowskyOrlekowsky, Tanya January 2014 (has links)
Gold mine tailings material facilities are characterized by sparse vegetation and an
abundance of dust. Mine tailings facilities are examples of extreme geotechnical and
geochemical conditions which make it almost impossible for higher plants to establish and
grow without rehabilitation intervention. In most cases higher plants such as grasses and
trees are the focus areas for rehabilitation, but, having a look at something a little smaller
such as biological crusts, it is seen that these micro-organisms play very important roles in
any ecosystem.
Various studies have shown that biological crusts, consisting of micro-organisms such as
lichens, algae and cyanoprokaryotes enhance the soil quality by binding soil particles
together, forming aggregates which counteract the erosive forces of wind and water. They
play a part in nitrogen and carbon fixation, increase the soil surface temperature and
increase the water retention of the soil. Thus, these organisms improve the overall health of
the soil, which will in time encourage the successful establishment of higher plants.
The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of cyanoprokaryotes and soil algae on
mine tailings storage facilities that have been rehabilitated for different periods of time as
well as to correlate the presence of these species with the physical and chemical
characteristics of the mine tailings material. Chemical, physical and biological analyses of
soil samples were done. Some of the ecologically important and dominant species were
isolated and protocols were developed in order to identify the most successful manner in
which to re-inoculate the organisms to a chosen substrate and how to measure biomass.
Due to the immense cost of standard rehabilitation practices there is a need for a more cost
effective, sustainable manner in which to protect the tailings material against the erosive
forces of wind and water with as little input as possible. The influence of an organism
cultured in normal Bold’s Basal medium (BBM) growth medium, BBM growth medium with
half the phosphate concentration and BBM growth medium with half the nitrate concentration
on the establishment of a biological soil crust (BSC) was tested. To test the influence of the
inoculums already present in the tailings material and in the air, trials with mulch, water and
nutrients without the addition of an organism was also investigated. This was done in the
controlled environment of a glasshouse, as well as in field conditions. The biomass of the
cyanoprokaryotes and algae, as well as the soil surface strength was also tested.
The results show that the time of rehabilitation did not have an influence on the
cyanoprokaryotes as well as algal species that occurred on the tailings material. Chlorella
sp., Chlorococcum sp. and Klebsormidium sp. were present on all six sites, except on the fresh material and 15 year old material where no rehabilitation has been done. As for
dominance; Chlamydomonas sp., Chlorococcum sp., Klebsormidium sp. and Phormidium
sp. were dominant on all six sites except for the fresh material, where nothing grew.
An array of methods exists for measuring algal biomass as a measure of growth. During the
development of protocols for further use in investigating the growth of algae, the extraction
solvent ethanol, for use in chlorophyll a extraction, was identified as the most sufficient. The
re-inoculation of cyanoprokaryotes and soil algae onto a chosen substrate is most
successful when pouring the organisms, cultured in growth medium and 0.1% agar, over the
During the glasshouse trials the influence of the growth medium and growth medium with
half the nitrate and half the phosphate concentrations showed that Chlamydomonas sp.
produced the highest biomass when cultured in BBM. With Nostoc sp. the highest biomass
occurred with culturing in BBM and BBM with half the phosphate concentration. Microcoleus
vaginatus showed no significant difference when cultured in the three different growth
mediums (BBM, BBM with half the nitrate concentration and BBM with half the phosphate
concentration). Overall Nostoc sp. produced the highest biomass (34.33 μg/g), followed by
Microcoleus vaginatus (17.05 μg/g) and Chlamydomonas sp. (6.12 μg/g).
Soil surface strength, measured with a hand held penetrometer showed that
Chlamydomonas sp. cultured in BBM growth medium produced the most stable crust (2.58
kg/cm2), although it had the lowest biomass measurements (6.12 μg/g). Nostoc sp. produced
the highest biomass (34.44 μg/g), but had the lowest soil surface strength results (1.75
kg/cm2). Microcoleus vaginatus proved to be the species with high biomass production
(17.05 μg/g), as well as high soil surface strength (2.08 kg/cm2). M. vaginatus is also a
pioneer species and is therefore a good choice as primary inoculum on bare tailings
It was decided to use Nostoc sp. in the field trials due to its high biomass and Microcoleus
vaginatus due to the high soil surface strength produced. Despite the occurrence of a severe
thunder storm on the afternoon of application and poor water management during the field
trials the significance of water on the establishment of soil algae and cyanoprokaryotes on
tailings material was determined. / MSc (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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The Perception of Knowledge Management System Implementation to Employee Performance is Measured With Balanced Scorecard at PT Vale Indonesia TBKFebriyani, Yeni 01 April 2016 (has links)
Knowledge Management System (KMS) is a necessary concept as knowledge possessed by each individual employee is an intellectual property asset that will provide benefits for any organization. In a company, in terms of KMS, employees’ performance holds an important role in helping run the business of the company becoming sustainable and successful. Therefore, the measurement of employees’ performance based on a balanced scorecard is needed to understand the current business situation. This research helped focus on the perception between the KMS and employee’s performance based on a balanced scorecard (BSC) regarding a financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business process perspective, and learning & growth perspective. A survey was conducted at PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk (Vale) to ascertain these perspectives and perceptions of employees regarding performance based on a BSC. These perception data were analyzed, and conclusions were drawn regarding hypotheses. The findings section of this thesis shows the results in details. The results of the survey showed that the employees had a good perception of the value and benefits of KMS as measured with the BSC with the exception of the financial aspect. The interpretation of the results created recommendations to further implement KMS, and to improve employees’ performance at Vale.
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中華民國海關建置快遞產業簡易通關系統績效之研究-以國際性整合型快遞公司台灣分公司為例吳文昇, Wu, Wen-sheng Unknown Date (has links)
世界各國海關深刻體會國際市場對時效的強烈需求,關稅合作理事會(Customs Co-operation Council;CCC,已改稱為世界關務組織World Customs Organization;WCO)基於國際貿易與運輸物流業權益的考量,認為海關業務除了確保進口稅費的徵收、防杜走私漏稅並執行貿易政策之外,應研議如何改進革新快遞貨物通關作業;關稅合作理事會乃於1993年初訂定”海關快遞貨物通關指南” ”(Customs Guidelines For Express Consignment Clearance) ,送請世界各國海關採行。
快遞產業營運績效一向被視為經濟發展的先行指標,各國海關均在快遞產業之關務現代化的合作建置專案上採行自動化通關與各種流程簡化,以強化國際貿易的競爭力。本研究以與中華民國財政部台北關稅局於1999年7月簽署協議備忘錄,並在2000年8月成功地完成快遞貨物簡易通關系統(Informal Entry System)第一階段測試與建置的國際性整合型快遞公司台灣分公司為研究標的,回顧並分析其參與系統建置前後的服務品質與效益評估,利用平衡計分卡四個重要觀點與其他績效量測,進行服務品質績效的評估,以求詳實允正的探討。
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Proposta de um sistema de medição de desempenho aplicado à mecanização agrícola: um estudo de caso no setor sucroalcooleiro / Proposal of a performance measurement system applied to agricultural mechanization: a study case in sugarcane agro-industrial sectorPeloia, Paulo Rodrigues 08 September 2008 (has links)
As organizações líderes de diferentes setores têm como característica comum a medição do próprio desempenho e seu uso na busca de níveis superiores. Na área agrícola, esforços nesse sentido são ainda incipientes. Em função da importância que sistemas mecanizados têm para o sucesso de empresas agrícolas, devido a sua participação nos custos e potencial para sua redução, e a importância que medidas de desempenho têm no auxílio a gestão, o objetivo deste trabalho é propor um sistema de medição de desempenho integrado para dar suporte à gestão da mecanização agrícola. A metodologia foi dividida em duas fases principais: adaptação de um modelo conceitual sistêmico (baseado no Balanced Scoredcard e conceitos da Fundação Nacional da Qualidade) e posterior desenvolvimento numa situação prática (estudo de caso junto a uma agroindústria canavieira). Foram encontrados indicadores de desempenho associados a: custo e prazo (tradicionalmente utilizados); controle e melhoria na qualidade de operações e processos de apoio; preservação ambiental; segurança, saúde, satisfação, motivação e capacitação de colaboradores; desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação. Conclui-se que a elaboração do sistema de medição de desempenho apontou novos indicadores para o gerenciamento de sistemas mecanizados. / Leaders organizations of different sectors have a common characteristic, ability to measure your own performance and to use this measurement in an intelligent form to search higher level. In agricultural sector, efforts in that direction are still inexpressive. In function of the importance witch mechanized systems have for agricultural business success, due to your participation on costs and potential for reduction, and the importance of performance measurement in management support, the objective of this research is to propose an integrated performance measurement system for give support to agricultural mechanization management. The methodology was divided in two main phase: adjust of a systemic conceptual model (based in Balanced Scorecard and concepts of Fundação Nacional da Qualidade) and then his development in a practical situation (case study in a sugarcane agro industry). Were found performance indicators associated with: cost and time (traditionally utilized); control and increase in quality of operation and support processes; environment preserve; security, health, satisfaction, motivation and capacitating of employees; information systems development. Concluding, the elaboration of performance measurement system appointed to new indicators to mechanized systems management.
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Alinhamento estratégico entre objetivos de negócio e segurança da informação no contexto da governança de tecnologia da informação (TI): um estudo no setor de automaçãoKnorst, André Marcelo 2010 March 1926 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 26 / Nenhuma / A teoria traz como um problema e uma limitação dos modelos de gestão de TI presentes em grande parte das empresas a abordagem excessivamente operacional envolvendo o tema segurança da informação. Esta visão operacional não leva em consideração elementos estratégicos essenciais em busca das práticas mais adequadas no contexto do negócio. O objetivo desta dissertação é desenvolver e aplicar um framework para promover o alinhamento estratégico entre os objetivos de negócio, objetivos de TI e as práticas de segurança da informação. Estas práticas são avaliadas e analisadas no contexto da governança de TI e governança da segurança da informação. Para este fim, foi realizada a integração dos modelos do BSC x COBIT x ISO27002 com a aplicação prática em uma empresa de automação significativamente dependente de sistemas de informação. A integração destes modelos foi com base nos requisitos de segurança confidencialidade, integridade e disponibilidade resultando em um framework que possibilita abordar a segurança da i
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Gestão Educacional e Gerenciamento Estratégico: uma integração por meio da metodologia de Balanced Scorecard (BSC) aplicada à realidade de escola de Educação BásicaCarvalho, Mônica Timm de 27 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2015-10-07T16:07:13Z
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Mônica Timm de Carvalho_.pdf: 3235887 bytes, checksum: de9cd8341933dbf8de65722e3bc0f556 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-07T16:07:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-27 / Nenhuma / Este estudo propõe-se a integrar Gestão Educacional e Gerenciamento Estratégico, tendo como corpus de pesquisa o Colégio Israelita Brasileiro, escola de Educação Básica. A investigação parte da análise crítica da atual formulação estratégica dessa instituição de ensino para construir, através da metodologia de Balanced Scorecard (BSC), um modelo de descrição e avaliação de desempenho organizacional que permita a gestão do contínuo alinhamento da Escola às demandas do seu tempo. Para a análise do posicionamento estratégico do Colégio Israelita Brasileiro, foram realizados estudos exploratórios e qualitativos, os quais alicerçaram-se em pesquisa documental, procedimentos de benchmarking e na escuta a representantes da instituição por meio da realização de grupos focais e entrevista semiestruturada. As informações obtidas nessa etapa serviram de subsídio para a construção do Mapa Estratégico da Escola e para a definição de indicadores de desempenho associados a cada um de seus principais objetivos. Como resultado da investigação, há a indicação da revisão do posicionamento estratégico do Colégio Israelita Brasileiro. Uma nova formulação foi concebida e descrita em perspectivas estratégicas, objetivos e indicadores de desempenho, conforme proposto pelo Balanced Scorecard (BSC), visando contribuir com a Escola em seu processo de adoção de práticas de gerenciamento estratégico para a obtenção da excelência pretendida. / The purpose of this study is to integrate Educational Management and Strategic Management, having the Elementary School at Colegio Israelita Brasileiro as its corpus of research. This project starts with the review of the current strategic formulation of this educational institution to build through the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology, a description model and an organizational performance assessment that enables the management of continuous alignment of the School to the demands of its time. Exploratory and qualitative studies were conducted for the analysis of the strategic positioning of Colegio Israelita Brasileiro. The studies were based on data research, benchmarking procedures, focus groups interviews and semi-structured interviews with the school representatives. The information obtained from this step served as a subsidy for the construction of the School Strategic Map and the definition of performance indicators associated with each of its main objectives. As a result of the investigation, there is the indication of a review of the strategic positioning of Colegio Israelita Brasileiro. A new formulation was designed and described in strategic perspectives, objectives and performance indicators, as proposed by the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), to contribute to the school in their adoption process of strategic management practices to achieve the desired excellence.
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Mapa estratégico baseado no BSC para uma instituição militarCosta, Francisco Renato Vasconcelos ávila da 08 November 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-11-08 / Initiatives by government, organizations, and academic studies, show that it is possible to provide a qualitative leap in the services provided by public institutions. Greater application
of knowledge, techniques and procedures adopted by the private sector, combined with community involvement initiatives of the servers can create an environment suitable for
the process optimization, cost reduction and subsequent increase in quality of services rendered to society. The aim of this paper is to propose the development of a strategic
map based on the Balanced Scorecard in a military facility in Brazil. Using comparisons with similar organizations and their strategic maps a analysis of the institution focused on BSC
perspectives was possible to verify the respects in which there are difficulties for a future use of the BSC, and thus improvements in the existing organizational structure such as better training of managers and technicians in relation to the tools used in quality management and strategic planning and implementation of initiatives of staff involvement. In
addition, a strategic map suitable for the reality of the organization was studied in order to guide the organization s professionals in order to more effectively fulfill the mission of
this military unit. / Iniciativas por parte de governo e organizações, além de trabalhos acadêmicos, demonstram que é possível proporcionar um salto de qualidade nos serviços prestados pelas instituições
públicas. Uma maior aplicação de conhecimentos, técnicas e procedimentos adotados pelo setor privado, aliada a iniciativas de envolvimento dos servidores pode criar um ambiente
apropriado para a otimização de processos, redução de custos e consequente aumento da qualidade dos serviços prestados à sociedade. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é propor o
desenvolvimento de um mapa estratégico baseado no Balanced Scorecard em uma instituição militar brasileira. Utilizando-se de comparações com mapas estratégicos de organizações
similares e análise desta instituição à luz das perspectivas do BSC foi possível verificar os aspectos nos quais existem dificuldades em relação a uma futura utilização do BSC, e, desta forma, melhorias na estrutura organizacional existente tais como, melhor formação de gestores e técnicos no que tange às ferramentas empregadas em gerenciamento de qualidade e de planejamento estratégico e implantação de iniciativas de envolvimento da equipe foram propostas. Além disto, um mapa estratégico adequado à realidade da organização estudada foi de forma a orientar os profissionais no sentido de cumpri com maior efetividade a missão da
referida unidade militar
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Kaohsiung Citizens and Households Officers¡¦ Cognitive Analysis of the Household Registration Office in the Public ValueLee, Shu-Hua 24 July 2012 (has links)
In the face of the global trend of administrative reform, to cope with changing times and enhance the competitiveness, Taiwan restructures the administrative division into five Metropolitan Cities. To improve the administrative efficiency of the Government and responding to people's need, Central and local government implement reconstruction, rebuilding the organizational culture and the core values.
After the Reform, among the five new Metropolitan Cities, Kaohsiung City has the biggest transformation in size of the city and organizational changes, also in geography, culture, industry, transportation, community, and more. It becomes more challenging for the local government to face the new problems. The Household Registration Office is the front-line of customer services and their core value is ¡§to better serve people¡¨. During the general public¡¦s visit to the Household Registration Office, people can feel the changes of better customer services and efficiency. This will change public¡¦s view of the government operation. Therefore, the Kaohsiung Household Registration Office has to set a very clear organizational mission and vision. Furthermore, with the limited resources, managers must worry about how to build the public value and vision, which will be recognized and implemented by the members of the Office. At the same time, these values and vision should be also recognized by the general public.
The purpose of this study is to explore public value differences among different parties within the Kaohsiung Household Registration Office. Through Public Affairs Management and literature analysis, I outline the characteristics of regional governance in Kaohsiung City. With in-depth interview of the policy-setting officials of the Kaohsiung Household Registration Office, I also focus on the public values of the Household Registration Office. This study corresponds to four structure (Organization internal process, and financial, and customer, and learning and growth) of Balanced Score Card, and to establish a goal to evaluate the organizational performance. The Social Judgment Theory questionnaires are also based on this. Test target are the entry-level Household Registration Officers of previous known as Kaohsiung City and Kaohsiung County. At the same time, I asked the general public to answer the same Balanced Score Card questionnaires. This will help the manager to understand the variation of public value differences among different parties. This will also help the managers to solve the problem in-time, change the content of public value and to achieve the goal set by the Local Government.
This result of the study, for the Household Registration Office, there are no big discrepancy before and after the Reform. The main reason is that Household Registration Office utilizes the nationwide Standardized Computer Operation System. And the regulation is base on Household Registration Act. Both Computer System and regulation are put in place by the Central Government. However, from this study, after the merger of city and County, I did find that the Kaohsiung Household Registration Office need to do an overall adjustment in the allocation of financial resources and staffing, local application of the separate regulations and organizational cultural.
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