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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les pratiques funéraires liées à la crémation dans les ensembles funéraires des capitales de cités du Haut Empire en Gaule Belgique : Metz-Divodurum, Bavay-Bagacum, Thérouanne-Tervanna / Funeral practices linked to cremation in the funerary complexes of the civitates capital cities of the Early Empire in Gallia Belgica : Metz-Divodurum , Bavay-Bagacum , Thérouanne-Tervanna / Die kremationsbedingten Bestattungsbräuche in den Bestattungsensembles der frühkaiserzeitlichen civitates-Hauptstädte in Gallia Belgica : Metz-Divodurum, Bavay-Bagacum, Thérouanne-Tervanna

Barrand Emam, Hélène 09 January 2012 (has links)
Ce travail a pour fondement l’étude de trois ensembles funéraires périurbains situés dans les capitales de cité des peuples Médiomatriques (Metz-Divodurum), Nerviens (Bavay-Bagacum) et Morins (Thérouanne-Tervanna). Notre étude est basée sur un corpus composé de plus de 480 structures funéraires, auquel ont été ajoutées les données issues des autres découvertes funéraires effectuées dans ces trois villes, du 18ème siècle à nos jours. Sur la base de cette documentation, nous proposons une analyse des pratiques funéraires en usage dans le nord de la Gaule et plus particulièrement dans la province de la Gaule Belgique et de leur évolution au cours des trois premiers siècles de notre ère. La première partie de ce travail est consacrée à l’organisation des espaces funéraires en contexte urbain à travers l’analyse de différents paramètres : lieux et dynamique d’implantation des aires funéraires, organisation interne et structuration de l’espace ainsi que le mode de répartition des structures (fonctionnelle, chronologique et sociale). Les chapitres suivants sont consacrés à la compréhension et à l’interprétation des différentes pratiques et gestuelles funéraires qui ont pu être observées lors de l’étude des structures de notre corpus. Pour ce faire, nous avons tenté de restituer les différentes étapes du processus funéraire et de replacer l’ensemble de ces pratiques dans l’ordre selon lequel elles se sont déroulées. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressées aux données relatives à l’étape de la crémation du corps observées lors de la fouille des bûchers funéraires, à travers l’examen de la structure des bûchers, des modalités de traitement du corps ainsi que du rôle et de l’origine du mobilier funéraire utilisés autour du bûcher. Ensuite, nous avons abordé le lieu de dépôt définitif des restes en présentant les éléments constitutifs de la tombe, les différents types de structures funéraires auxquels nous avons été confrontés ainsi que les divers modes de dépôts des ossements et leur organisation au sein de la fosse sépulcrale. Une attention particulière a également été portée aux étapes relatives au transfert et aux modalités de dépôt des restes osseux du défunt dans la tombe ainsi qu’aux pratiques et aux gestuelles qui en découlent. Enfin, dans un dernier chapitre, nous avons analysé les différents apports du mobilier funéraire afin de mieux cerner les différents gestes, perceptibles à travers les restes archéologiques, effectués lors de la constitution de la tombe mais également tout au long des funérailles ou encore lors de fêtes commémoratives où l’on rendait hommage au défunt. Cette étude synthétique s’appuie sur un catalogue détaillé des sépultures, composé de deux volumes (volume 1 : Metz « Avenue André Malraux », volume 2 : Bavay « La Fache des Près Aulnoys » et Thérouanne « Les Oblets ») présentant, par phases chronologiques, les observations de terrain, l’inventaire du mobilier, ainsi que les résultats des études des restes osseux humains et animaux. / This work is founded on the study of three funerary complexes of outlying suburbs located in the capital cities of Mediomatrici (Metz-Divodurum), Nervii (Bagay-Bagacum) and Morini (Thérouanne-Tervanna). Our study is based on a corpus composed of more than 480 funerary structures, which has been amended by the data issued from the other funerary discoveries carried out in these three cities, from the 18th century to nowadays. Based upon that documentation, we propose an analysis of funerary practices in use in the North of Gaul and more particularly in the province of Gallia Belgica and of their evolution in the first three centuries of our area. The first part of this work is related to the organization of the funerary areas in an urban context through the analysis of different parameters: places and settlement dynamic of funerary areas, internal organization and space structuring as well as the mode of distribution of the structures (functional, chronological and social). The following chapters are related to the understanding and interpretation of the different funerary practices and gestures, which may have been observed during the study of the structures of our corpus. To do that, we have tried to reconstruct the different steps of the funerary process and to replace the whole practices in the order in which they took place. First, we took an interest in the data connected with the stage of the body cremation, data observed during the excavation of the funerary pyres, through the examination of the pit structure, the methods of treatment of the body as well as the role and the origin of the grave goods used around the pyre. Then, we moved on to the place of final deposition of the remains by presenting the constituent elements of the grave, the different types of funerary structures we have been confronted with as well as the varied modes of deposition of the bones and their organization within the sepulchral pit. A specific attention has also been given to the steps which are relative to the transfer and to the modes of deposition of the bones of the deceased in the grave as well as the practices and body movements which follow that. Finally, in a last chapter, we have analyzed the different deposits of the funerary goods in order to define as well as possible the different gestures which were pointed out through the archaeological remains, and which were made at the time of the composition of the grave but also throughout the funeral or during the memorial feasts where respects to the deceased were paid. This overall study is based on a detailed catalogue of the tombs which is composed of two volumes (volume 1: Metz “Avenue André Malraux”, volume 2: Bavay “La Fache des Près Aulnoys” and Thérouanne “Les Oblets”) displaying by chronological phases the observations made during the excavation work, the inventory of the grave goods, as well as the results of the studies of animal and human bones rests. / Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit drei am Stadtrand gelegenen Grabensembles, die in den civitates-Hauptstädten der Mediomatriker (Metz-Divodurum), Nervier (Bavay-Bagacum) und Moriner (Thérouanne-Tervanna) liegen. Unsere Untersuchungen beziehen sich auf eine Sammlung von mehr als 480 Grabstrukturen, ergänzt durch Grabungsdokumentationen früherer Entdeckungen, die von 18. Jh. bis heute in diesen drei Städten zu Tage gekommen sind. Anhand dieser Dokumentation, ist eine Analyse der im Nordgallien und besonders in Gallia Belgica üblichen Bestattungsbräuche und deren Entwicklung während der drei ersten Jahrhunderte nach Christus möglich. Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit ist den Grabbereichen im Stadtbereich gewidmet, wobei verschiedener Faktoren untersucht worden sind: Orte und Ansiedlungsdynamik der Grabareale, innere Organisation und Raumstrukturierung sowie Verbreitungsart der Befunde (funktional, chronologisch und gesellschaftlich). Die folgenden Kapitel sind dem Verständnis und der Interpretation der verschiedenen Bestattungsbräuche und –gesten, die während der Studie der Befunde unseres Corpus beachtet wurden, gewidmet. Dabei wurde versucht, die verschiedenen Etappen des Bestattungsprozesses, in der Reihenfolge wie sie vollzogen wurden, zu rekonstruieren. Zuerst haben wir uns für die in den Grabungen beachteten Gegebenheiten der Kremationsetappen der Körper interessiert, durch Untersuchung der Scheiterhaufenstruktur, Behandlungsbedingungen der Körper sowie Rolle und Herkunft der Grabbeigaben, die um die Scheiterhaufen benutzt wurden. Dann haben wir die Stelle, die der endgültigen Deponierung des Leichenbrandes diente, angesprochen, durch Vorstellung der Grabgrundlagen, der verschiedenen Grabstrukturtypen mit welchen wir konfrontiert waren, sowie der diversen Formen der Knochendeponierungen und ihre Organisation innerhalb der Grabgrube. Ausserdem wurden die Etappen, die im Zusammenhang mit dem Transfer und den Deponierungsbedingungen des Knochenmaterials ins Grab stehen, sowie die Bräuche und Gesten die daraus folgen, besonders analysiert. Im letzten Kapitel wurden schließlich die verschiedenen Elemente des Grabmaterials untersucht, um die diversen durch archäologischen Gegebenheiten erkennbaren Gesten besser abgrenzen zu können, welche während der Komposition des Grabes, während des Begräbnisses selbst oder aber während der Gedenkfeiern, durchgeführt wurden. Diese zusammenfassende Arbeit stützt sich auf einem detaillierten Katalog der Gräber, eingeteilt in zwei Bände (Band 1: Metz « Avenue André Malraux », Band 2: Bavay « La Fache des Près Aulnoys » und Thérouanne « Les Oblets »), in welchem die Grabungsbeobachtungen, die Grabinventaren sowie die Ergebnisse des Studiums des menschlichen und tierischen Knochenmaterials in chronologischer Reihenfolge präsentiert sind.

L'Homme et la mort au néolithique précéramique B : l'exemple de Tell Aswad / Man and Death in pre-pottery neolithic B : Exemple Tell Aswad

Khawam, Rima 15 December 2014 (has links)
Tell Aswad, situé à environ 30km à l’Est / Sud-Est de Damas, est un grand tell d’environ 6 hectares dont la hauteur maximale ne dépasse pas de 4,50 m la grande plaine lacustre qui l’entoure. Le site de Tell Aswad datant entièrement du Néolithique Précéramique B (entre 8200 et 7500 av. J.-C.) est un site de référence du Levant Central. Ces populations, complètement agriculteurs/éleveurs, montrent des liens entre les populations et les cultures du Levant Nord et Sud. Les niveaux attribués à l’horizon PPNB ancien, période mal connue au Levant Sud, lui donne une grande importance historique au niveau régional. Ainsi, ce site offre une documentation rare qui peut être utilisées dans la recherche des origines du PPNB dans la région et les identités culturelles qui lui correspondent. Il nous a offert une riche documentation sur les pratiques funéraires. Répartis sur presque la totalité de son occupation, plus de 119 individus ont été exhumés. Les résultats nous indiquent la présence d’une continuité diachronique des pratiques funéraires tout au long de l’occupation, celles-ci étant originaire d’une tradition ancestrale. Elles révèlent le recours aux funérailles uniques mais se spécifient par des funérailles multiples, à travers le prélèvement des crânes. Chacun de ces deux modèles résulterait d’un choix imposé et sélectif issu du système social (hiérarchisé), indiquant la manière dont le défunt doit être inhumé. Les différents traitements des crânes prélevés, dont le surmodelage, correspondraient à des « rituelles» et pratiques funéraires hautement culturalisées. Elles témoignent de l’ordre social et de l’intégrité du groupe et matérialisent l’un des traits majeurs de l’identité culturels des sociétés Néolithiques du PPNB à Tell Aswad. L’étude de l’organisation spatiale des sépultures au cours de l’occupation PPNB de Tell Aswad, révèle un changement des lieux d’inhumations, depuis l’inhumation dans des maisons, à l’intérieur de la cellule familiale, jusqu’à la conception de lieux spécifiques dédiés aux pratiques funéraires. L’organisation spatiale de ces lieux devient pour nous une source supplémentaire témoignant de l’organisation sociale dans ce site. / Tell Aswad, located 30 km East/South-East of Damascus, is a nearly 6 hectares tell not exceeding 4,5 meters height above the great lacustrian plain surrounding. The whole stratigraphy of the site dates from PPNB (8200-7500 B.C.), it's a reference site for the Central Levant because of the farmer/cattle breeder population showing connections between Southern and Northern Levant. The ancient PPNB levels, poorly understood in South Levant, give to the site an important historical status on a regional level. Thus, Tell Aswad offers us a rare documentation used for a better understanding of the PPNB period origins in the area and the cultural identities corresponding. The data are especially rich for the funeral practices. More than 119 individuals have been excavated spread on the entire occupation. Our results indicate the presence of a diachronic continuity of the funeral practices throughout the occupation due to an ancestral tradition. They reveal the use of simple burials but also specificity in the multiple burials by means of the skull withdrawal. Both models result from a selective choice imposed by the social system (hierarchical), indicating how the deceased had to be buried. The variability inside the skull treatment including the modeled skulls correspond to "ritual" and funerary practices highly culturalized. They reflect a social order and a group integrity materializing one of the major feature of the cultural identity of Neolithic PPNB society in Tell Aswad. Studying the spatial organization of the burials during the PPNB occupation of Tell Aswad reveals changes in burial sites, from burials in the house inside the family unit until the creation of specific area dedicated to funerary practices. The spatial organization of these areas becomes for our research a supplementary testimony of the social organization in the site.

Philistine burial practices in cultural context

Fugitt, Stephen Mark 30 November 2003 (has links)
This paper traces burials from Iron Age I Canaan that reflect an influence of Philistine culture. This influence can be measured by the presence of Philistine bichrome pottery or other evidence related to this ancient biblical people. A major road block to the clearest possible understanding of Philistine burials is that no cemeteries have been found at any of the earliest settlements of the biblical Philistines, the Pentapolis. The Old Testament lists these cities as Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, Gath, and Gaza (e.g. Joshua 13:3). Though extensive excavation has been conducted at most of these sites, they have yet to yield a necropolis. Excavations are still being done at Tell es-Safi/Gath and Ashkelon, so hopefully the future will supply researchers with data to help clarify this rather vague area of Philistine studies. Recognizing these limitations, the paper presents a "symbiotic model," which identifies some of the areas of shared culture from the Canaanite context. Examples of this symbiosis are seen as the amalgamated result of people groups living in close proximity to each other and influencing the customs and practices of their neighbors. A Mycenaean origin of the Philistines is an underlying supposition of the research laid out in this paper. Because of this origin, and the other influences upon the early Philistine settlers in Canaan, a certain amount of cultural comparison becomes necessary to be able to understand the developing Philistine culture of Iron I. The paper includes a map of tombs and burials bearing Philistine influence and a map identifying different types of tombs and their locations. The variety of tomb types is an important facet of Philistine custom. The strong Egyptian influence upon Canaan and the surrounding area at that time in history is inescapable. Evidence of this influence will be explored. The inclusion of a chapter on the anthropoid clay coffins, and the Philistines' relationship to them, struggles with the scholarly interpretations. Finally, a chapter on literary implications strives to shed light on possible Philistine burial practices from the perspective of the Old Testament and other applicable literatures of the ancient Near East. / Old Testament / D. Th.

Masking Moments : The Transitions of Bodies and Beings in Late Iron Age Scandinavia

Back Danielsson, Ing-Marie January 2007 (has links)
This thesis explores bodily representations in Late Iron Age Scandinavia (400–1050 AD). Non-human bodies, such as gold foil figures, and human bodies are analysed. The work starts with an examination and deconstruction of the sex/gender categories to the effect that they are considered to be of minor value for the purposes of the thesis. Three analytical concepts – masks, miniature, and metaphor – are deployed in order to interpret how and why the chosen bodies worked within their prehistoric contexts. The manipulations the figures sometimes have undergone are referred to as masking practices, discussed in Part One. It is shown that masks work and are powerful by being paradoxical; that they are vehicles for communication; and that they are, in effect, transitional objects bridging gaps that arise in continuity as a result of events such as symbolic or actual deaths. In Part Two miniaturization is discussed. Miniaturization contributes to making worlds intelligible, negotiable and communicative. Bodies in miniatures in comparison to other miniature objects are particularly potent. Taking gold foil figures under special scrutiny, it is claimed that gold, its allusions as well as its inherent properties conveyed numinosity. Consequently gold foil figures, regardless of the context, must be understood as extremely forceful agents. Part Three examines metaphorical thinking and how human and animal body parts were used in pro-creational acts, resulting in the birth of persons. However, these need not have been human, but could have been the outcomes of turning a deceased into an ancestor, iron into a steel sword, or clay into a ceramic urn, hence expanding and transforming the members of the family/household. Thus, bone in certain contexts acted as a transitional object or as a generative substance. It is concluded that the bodies of research are connected to transitions, and that the theme of transformation was one fundamental characteristic of the societies of study.

Masking Moments : The Transitions of Bodies and Beings in Late Iron Age Scandinavia

Back Danielsson, Ing-Marie January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis explores bodily representations in Late Iron Age Scandinavia (400–1050 AD). Non-human bodies, such as gold foil figures, and human bodies are analysed. The work starts with an examination and deconstruction of the sex/gender categories to the effect that they are considered to be of minor value for the purposes of the thesis. Three analytical concepts – masks, miniature, and metaphor – are deployed in order to interpret how and why the chosen bodies worked within their prehistoric contexts.</p><p>The manipulations the figures sometimes have undergone are referred to as masking practices, discussed in Part One. It is shown that masks work and are powerful by being paradoxical; that they are vehicles for communication; and that they are, in effect, transitional objects bridging gaps that arise in continuity as a result of events such as symbolic or actual deaths.</p><p>In Part Two miniaturization is discussed. Miniaturization contributes to making worlds intelligible, negotiable and communicative. Bodies in miniatures in comparison to other miniature objects are particularly potent. Taking gold foil figures under special scrutiny, it is claimed that gold, its allusions as well as its inherent properties conveyed numinosity. Consequently gold foil figures, regardless of the context, must be understood as extremely forceful agents.</p><p>Part Three examines metaphorical thinking and how human and animal body parts were used in pro-creational acts, resulting in the birth of persons. However, these need not have been human, but could have been the outcomes of turning a deceased into an ancestor, iron into a steel sword, or clay into a ceramic urn, hence expanding and transforming the members of the family/household. Thus, bone in certain contexts acted as a transitional object or as a generative substance.</p><p>It is concluded that the bodies of research are connected to transitions, and that the theme of transformation was one fundamental characteristic of the societies of study.</p>

Philistine burial practices in cultural context

Fugitt, Stephen Mark 30 November 2003 (has links)
This paper traces burials from Iron Age I Canaan that reflect an influence of Philistine culture. This influence can be measured by the presence of Philistine bichrome pottery or other evidence related to this ancient biblical people. A major road block to the clearest possible understanding of Philistine burials is that no cemeteries have been found at any of the earliest settlements of the biblical Philistines, the Pentapolis. The Old Testament lists these cities as Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, Gath, and Gaza (e.g. Joshua 13:3). Though extensive excavation has been conducted at most of these sites, they have yet to yield a necropolis. Excavations are still being done at Tell es-Safi/Gath and Ashkelon, so hopefully the future will supply researchers with data to help clarify this rather vague area of Philistine studies. Recognizing these limitations, the paper presents a "symbiotic model," which identifies some of the areas of shared culture from the Canaanite context. Examples of this symbiosis are seen as the amalgamated result of people groups living in close proximity to each other and influencing the customs and practices of their neighbors. A Mycenaean origin of the Philistines is an underlying supposition of the research laid out in this paper. Because of this origin, and the other influences upon the early Philistine settlers in Canaan, a certain amount of cultural comparison becomes necessary to be able to understand the developing Philistine culture of Iron I. The paper includes a map of tombs and burials bearing Philistine influence and a map identifying different types of tombs and their locations. The variety of tomb types is an important facet of Philistine custom. The strong Egyptian influence upon Canaan and the surrounding area at that time in history is inescapable. Evidence of this influence will be explored. The inclusion of a chapter on the anthropoid clay coffins, and the Philistines' relationship to them, struggles with the scholarly interpretations. Finally, a chapter on literary implications strives to shed light on possible Philistine burial practices from the perspective of the Old Testament and other applicable literatures of the ancient Near East. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / D. Th.

Contextos e práticas funerárias no Baixo Tapajós : um estudo dos sepultamentos em urna no sítio Paraná de Arau-é-pá

Costa, Ádrea Gizelle Morais 24 August 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In the Amazon the burial practices carried out by prehistoric peoples are explored and studies of bone and traces of the contexts involved even less discussed. The study of funerary contexts are made later excavations of the site, and this hinders understanding of the contexts involved in addition to making more difficult the analysis and interpretation of the collected material associated with the burials. In this context, this study aims to identify places with funerary contexts in the lower tapajós, specifically the area comprising the city of Aveiro in the State of Pará, focusing the burials in urns tradition related item-dotted encountered during the archaeological survey of the site Paraná de Arau-is-man in 2009 carried out under the technical supervision of archaeologist Dr. Denise Pahl Schaan. And from the study of these burials using methods proposed by Arqueotanatologia and Bioarqueologia this paper sought to identify and understand the funerary contexts present in the place of Paraná de Arau-é-pá. / Na Amazônia as práticas funerárias realizadas por povos pré-históricos são pouco exploradas e os estudos dos vestígios ósseos e dos contextos envolvidos ainda menos debatidos. Os estudos de contextos funerários são feitos posteriormente as escavações do sítio, e isso dificulta a compreensão dos contextos envolvidos além de tornar mais difícil a análise e interpretação do material coletado associado aos sepultamentos. Neste âmbito, este trabalho tem como objetivo a identificação de sítios com contextos funerários na região do baixo tapajós, especificamente a área que compreende o município de Aveiro no estado do Pará, tendo como foco os sepultamentos em urnas ligados à tradição inciso-ponteada encontrados durante o levantamento arqueológico do Sítio Paraná de Arau-é-pá em 2009 realizado sob a supervisão técnico-científico da arqueóloga Dra. Denise Pahl Schaan. E a partir do estudo destes sepultamentos utilizando métodos propostos pela Arqueotanatologia e Bioarqueologia este trabalho procurou compreender os contextos funerários presentes no sítio Paraná de Arau-é-pá.

Archeologie tvrze v českých zemích. K počátkům středověkých opevněných sídel / Archeology of the Fortified Manor in the Czech Lands. To the beginnings of the Medieval Fortified Residences

Laval, Filip January 2013 (has links)
Archaeology of the fortified manor in the Czech lands To the beginnings of the medieval fortified residences The work is dedicated to the medieval fortified manor in the Czech lands with regard to the need to formulate new questions. He marginally considers the questions of actual and historical terminology and its semantic content. To explore the functions of the fortified manors the structure of the associated settlement is discussed. A substantial testimony is attributed to some of selected written sources pointing to the legal-historical or jurisdictional context of "private" fortified settlements/residences. A separate chapter is devoted to the analysis of several examples of archaeological research from the Czech lands and from western parts of Europe, which revealed situations classifiable to fortified manor, respectively castles, which was preceded by much less or not at all fortified settlements, while maintaining close spatial continuity. So the questions concerning the beginnings of that type settlements are pronounced. With this packet of problems the work deals applying a comparative analysis that leads to some reassessment of the importance of the Romanesque church with the western tower as a kind of reduction of the castle model known from contemporary (12th century) Western European regions...

Application of in situ shallow subsurface soil spectroscopy (S4) to archaeology and forensics

Lopa, Afrin Jahan 29 April 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Phoenician ships : types, trends, trade and treacherous trade routes

Smith, Anne Marie (Biblical archaeologist) 11 1900 (has links)
Phoenician ships in the broadest sense of the word are the focus of this dissertation and it encompasses the entire period of both Phoenician and Punic seafaring. The study is quantitative, largely historical and archaeological, with the use of secondary sources as well as iconography. The origins of the Phoenician construction technique, the mortise-and-tenon joints, are investigated as well as the various types of Phoenician ships. These are analysed under the headings Merchant ships, Warships and Utility ships. The materials mentioned in Ezekiel’s prophecy about ‘The Ship Tyre’, are analysed, whether they fit the purpose for which they are mentioned. The production process of purple cloth with the use of Murex molluscs is described in detail including an analysis of the boats used to catch the molluscs. The possibility is investigated of whether the Ashkelon Dog Burials could be related to the Phoenician trade in dogs, and whether they could have served as ship dogs. Lastly the difficulties encountered in sailing through the narrow sea straits of the Mediterranean Sea are described, which are subject to Internal waves, affecting the surface water. / Old Testament & Ancient Near Eastern Studies / M. A. (Biblical Archaeology)

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