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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Svenska skogsinvesteringar i Baltikum : Omfattning, investeringsmotiv och skogliga skillnader mellanländerna / Swedish forest investments in the Baltic countries : Extent, investment motives and forestry differences between the countries

Petersson, Alf, Åkesson, Gert January 2013 (has links)
Uppsatsen beskriver omfattningen av svenska skogsinvesteringar i Estland, Lettland och Litauen. Studien kartlägger även de största aktörerna, investeringsmotiv och signifikanta skillnader i skogliga förutsättningar i de olika länderna. Eftersom vi inte har funnit tidigare studier av svenska skogsinvesteringar i något av dessa länder, har studien baserats på officiell statistik och faktauppgifter, litteraturstudier, intervjuer, e-postkommunikation, samt information från webbplatser. Vi har även genomfört intervjuer i form av en enkät med utvalda skogsägare. Resultat och analys innehåller en beskrivning av de skogliga parametrarna för respektive land, en sammanställning av enkätsvar, samt uppgifter om skogsmarkspriser i Baltikum. Baserat på vår uppskattning omfattar de svenska skogsinvesteringarna i Baltikum ca 300 000 ha, varav 150 - 200 000 ha i Lettland, ca 100 000 ha i Estland och ca 30 000 ha i Litauen. Detta motsvarar ca 4 % av skogsarealen i Baltikum. Bland skogsbolagen är de största aktörerna Bergvik Skog, Södra Skogsägarna, Tornator och Skogssällskapet som totalt äger 115 000 ha. Bland investeringsfonderna är SPP & Storebrand och Europeiska Skogsfonden störst och bland privatpersoner/företag är t.ex. Custos, Realfond, Koberg Gåsevadsholms Godsförvaltning och Bockasjö Skogar stora investerare. Över 1 500 privata svenska skogsägare äger skog i Estland, huvudsakligen av familjemässiga skäl. Investeringsmotiv är framtida värdestegring med en investeringshorisont på ca 10 år. För privata skogsägare i Estland kan även andra faktorer vara viktiga. De skogliga skillnaderna mellan länderna är främst att Lettland har den största skogsarealen och den största avverkningen i förhållande till tillväxt, samt en avsevärt lägre barrskogsandel i privatägda skogar och en medelareal på 10,3 ha per skogsfastighet. Estland har den största andelen privatägd skog, den största andelen mark avsatt för naturskydd och en medelareal på 9,1 ha per skogsfastighet. Litauen har den minsta andelen skogsmark och följaktligen en hög andel åkermark, samt den lägsta avverkningen i förhållande till tillväxt. I jämförelse med Estland och Lettland har Litauen den största andelen statligt ägd skog där ca 260 000 ha skall privatiseras, en mycket liten avverkningsvolym för privata skogsägare och en medelareal på 3,5 ha per skogsfastighet. Lettland svarade 2010 för 39 % av Sveriges virkesimport av skogsråvara, jämfört med 14 % för Estland och 5 % för Litauen. Skogslagstiftningen i Estland har relativt sett minst restriktioner, medan Litauen har de striktaste kraven. Lagstiftningen har likheter med den svenska men den innebär en starkare detaljstyrning med bl.a. anmälningspliktiga eller tillståndspliktiga skogsåtgärder. Lägsta tillåtna slutavverkningsålder är markant högre än i Sverige. I Lettland och Litauen sker utländskt ägande genom inhemska bolag, medan Estland även tillåter utländska privatpersoner att äga skog. / This thesis examines the extent of Swedish forest investments in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The study is also surveying the largest investors, investment motives and forestry differences between the countries. Since we did not find any previous studies of Swedish forest investments in any of the countries, we have based the thesis on official statistics and facts, literature, interviews, e-mail correspondence, and information from web pages. We have also carried out an in-depth study with selected Swedish forest owners in the Baltic countries. The chapter "Result and analysis" includes plotting forestry parameters for each country, a summary of the in-depth study of forest owners and data on forest land prices. Based on our estimates, the Swedish forest investments in the Baltic countries comprise approximately 300 000 ha, whereof 150 – 200 000 ha in Latvia, about 100 000 ha in Estonia and 30 000 ha in Lithuania. This corresponds to about 4% of the forest land in the Baltic countries. Among the forestry companies the largest are Bergvik Skog, Södra, Tornator and Skogssällskapet, jointly with 115 000 ha. Amongst forest investment funds SPP & Storebrand and Europeiska Skogsfonden are the largest, amongst private/company forest owners the largest are Custos, Realfond, Koberg and Gåsevadsholms Godsförvaltning and Bockasjö Skogar. More than 1 500 Swedish private individual owns forest in Estonia, mainly of family reasons. The investment objective is appreciation with a 10 year deadline. Individual forest owners in Estonia, may have further reasons. The forestry differences between the countries are mainly that Latvia has the largest forest area, the largest felling compared to growth, a considerably lower quota of softwood in private forests, and an average forest area of 10.3 ha per forest property. Estonia has the largest share of privately owned forests, the largest share of nature protected forest land, and an average forest property area of 9.1 ha. Lithuania has the smallest share of forest land of all land and the largest share of arable land, the smallest felling compared to growth, the largest share of state owned forests with plans for privatization of 260 000 ha, a minor felling volume for private forest owners and an average forest property area of 3.5 ha. Latvia accounted 2010 for 39 % of the Swedish import of forest raw material, compared to 14 % for Estonia and 5 % for Lithuania. The forest legislation in Estonia has relatively the least restrictions, while Lithuania has the most. The legislation resembles the corresponding in Sweden, but has a stricter and a more detailed control, including notification or licensing for forest actions. The minimum rotation age is considerably higher than in Sweden. In Latvia and Lithuania foreign investments can only be accomplished by domestic companies, while individual foreigners may buy and own forest land in Estonia.


Garlaitė, Kristina 26 November 2008 (has links)
Garlaitė, K. (2008). Novatoriško veterinarinės farmacijos produkto sėkmės veiksniai Baltijos šalyse. Magistrantūros baigiamasis darbas. Vilnius: ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas. Farmacinėsė rinkose produktai yra skirstomi į etinius ir generinius. Novatorišku produktu priimta laikyti etinių kompanijų sukurtas naujas vaisto formules, tuo tarpu generinių kompanijų vaistai nelaikomi novatoriškais. Sėkmingas novatoriškų veterinarinės farmacijos produktų įdiegimas į rinką priklauso nuo veiksnių, įtakojančių sėkmę identifikavimo kiekvienoje šalyje ir jų adaptavimo. Tai vienas iš svarbių žingsnių siekiant ilgalaikio konkurencinio pranašumo. Baigiamojo darbo tikslas – nustatyti novatoriškų veterinarinės farmacijos produktų sėkmės veiksnius skirtingose Baltijos šalių rinkose. Baigiamojo darbo metu buvo apklausta 58 smulkių gyvūnų veterinarijos klinikų specialistų iš trijų Baltijos šalių. Apžvelgus literatūrą nustatyta, kad veterinarinių vaistų naudojimą įtakoja įvairūs ekonominiai, tarprūšiniai, naudojimo būdų bei atsparumo antibiotikams veiksniai. Kokybinio tyrimo metu atlikta 6 ekspertų apklausa tam, kad nustatytume sėkmės veiksnių charakteristikas įvedant novatorišką produktą. Sėkmės veiksniai buvo suskirstyti į keturias kategorijas: nuo produkto priklausantys, nuo rinkos, nuo rinkodarinių veiksmų bei gydytojų išsilavinimo ir noro tobulėti. Kiekvienai iš šių kategorijų veterinarijos gydytojai pateikė pilnas charakteristikas ir tai leido sudaryti klausimyną kiekybiniam... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Garlaitė , K. (2008). Key Succes Factors of Inovative Veterinary Product in Baltic States. Final Paper. Vilnius: International School of Management. In pharmaceutical market existing products are devided in to the ethic and generic. It is used to consider that inovative product only can be developt by ethic company, whereas generic product can not be inovative. Successful introduction of innovative veterinary medicines in to the market depends on identifying the factors influencing this success in each country individually and accordingly adaptation process. This is one of key indicator in order to obtain long term competitive advantages. The purpose of this research work – to identify introduction success factors of innovative veterinary medicine in to the different Baltic countries. During research work period has been questioned 58 specialists of companion animal veterinary clinics from three Baltic countries. After review of literature I can state, that usage of veterinary medicine influencing following factors such as: economical, interspecies, ways of usages and susceptibility to antibiotics. During qualitative research part survey of 6 experts was done in order to determine characteristic of success factors introducing new medicines. Key success factors were grouped in to 4 categories: depending from the product, market, marketing activities and education of vets and willingness to improve. It was provided by vets full characteristic of each category and this... [to full text]

Transformation of postcommunist states and their welfare regimes: comparative analysis of Baltic countries / Pokomunistinių valstybių ir jų gerovės režimų transformacija: Baltijos šalių lyginamoji analizė

Gudžinskas, Liutauras 17 September 2012 (has links)
This dissertation seeks to evaluate how Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries develop state under the conditions of liberal democracy and membership of the European Union (EU). The issues of quality of democracy and governance of postcommunist states are analysed through lenses of welfare politics. The main attention is paid to Baltic countries. The main method applied in dissertation is a qualitative comparison of several (similar) cases. In the first part of dissertation “middle-range” theories are observed, which allows to understand the general patterns of development of postcommunist countries. Distinction of modern and patronage states is established, which is best seen comparing CEE liberal democracies vis-à-vis postsoviet dictatorships. In the second part of dissertation these general patterns are analysed only at the level of CEE countries. It is established that the distinction of modern and patronage states to some extent also replicates among CEE countries themselves, and also among Baltic countries. By many important parameters indicating the level of state capacities Estonia distinguishes itself from other Baltic countries. In the third part, comparative research is focussed at the maximum. One analyses the development of healthcare – the core welfare policy – in the Baltic region. It is established that there are significant differences among Baltic countries in timing, speed and achieved results of healthcare reforms, which also has important... [to full text] / Šia disertacija siekiama įvertinti, kaip Vidurio ir Rytų Europos (VRE) šalims sekasi vystyti valstybę liberaliosios demokratijos ir narystės ES sąlygomis. Į pokomunistinių valstybių valdymo ir demokratijos kokybės problemas šioje disertacijoje žvelgiama pirmiausia per gerovės politikos prizmę. Didžiausias dėmesys skiriamas Baltijos šalims. Disertacijoje taikomas metodas – kokybinis kelių (panašių) atvejų lyginimas. Pirmojoje disertacijos dalyje apžvelgiamos „vidutinio nuotolio“ teorijos, kurios leidžia suprasti pokomunistinių šalių gerovės režimų raidos bendrąsias tendencijas. Nustatoma modernių ir patronažinių valstybių skirtis, kuri ryškiausiai matyti tarp VRE liberaliųjų demokratijų ir posovietinių diktatūrų. Toliau, antrojoje disertacijos dalyje, šios bendrosios tendencijos analizuojamos tik VRE šalių lygmeniu. Nustatoma, kad modernių ir patronažinių valstybių skirtis tam tikru mastu atsikartoja VRE regione ir taip pat tarp Baltijos šalių. Estija iš kitų Baltijos šalių išsiskiria daugeliu svarbių valstybės gebėjimų parametrų. Trečiojoje dalyje, lyginamasis tyrimas maksimaliai sufokusuojamas. Nagrinėjama sveikatos apsaugos – kertinės gerovės politikos – raida Baltijos šalyse. Nustatoma, kad sveikatos apsaugos reformos laikas, tempas ir pasiekti rezultatai reikšmingai skiriasi tarp Baltijos šalių, ir tai turi svarbių implikacijų šių valstybių raidai.

States under scrutiny : international organizations, transformation and the construction of progress /

Dahl, Matilda, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Stockholms universitet, 2007.

Estonsko jako severská země? / Estonia as a Nordic Country?

Vejmělek, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The following thesis deals with two primary matters. The first being the effort of Estonian politicians to change how Estonia's regional belonging is viewed by other countries before the admission into the European Union. These efforts can be illustrated by political actions whose aim was to create the image of Estonia as a Nordic country. These efforts slightly diminished after the admission into the European Union although on some levels they can be still observed. Despite close cooperation Estonia isn't adequate member of Nordic countries to this day. This thesis aspires to explain reasons for these action of Estonian politicians and why they were left off after the admission into EU. The second matter being the region of Nordic countries. Collective Nordic identity helped establish transnational cooperation among involved nations which represents one of the essential characteristics of a Nordic country. The emphasis is on historical context of Nordic identity and the development of Nordic cooperation from its initiation until current state. First the thesis introduces a theoretical insight into the region matters. Consequently it deals with the first matter, the efforts to redefine Estonia as a Nordic country, which is followed by analysis of the concept of a Nordic country and Nordic...

Vztah mezi zavedením eura a vnímanou inflací v pobaltskýdch republikách / The Relation Between the Euro Cash Changeover and the Perceived Inflation in the Baltic Countries

Orosz, Előd January 2017 (has links)
The relation between the euro cash changeover and the perceived inflation in the Baltic countries Abstract This thesis focuses on the effect of euro cash changeover on inflation perception, and its relation to the inflation measured by central banks or by national statistical offices. We present an analyses of inflation gap in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania at the euro introduction and detect its determinants by econometric methods. We use Ordinary Least Squares, Random Effects Generalized Least Squares and Fixed Effects estimator. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part examines the theoretical background of perceived inflation and focuses at the phenomenon of increased inflation gap at the euro introduction. Second part contains an empirical study on inflation gap. We find out that perceived inflation in Baltic countries does not show such a divergence, as it was presented at the establishment of the Eurozone. Moreover, we find out that education and available income in general has a small, but evincible effect on inflation gap observed at euro introduction.

Integrace akciových trhů v baltických zemích / Baltic Stock Market Integration

Stulga, Šarūnas January 2019 (has links)
1 Abstract In this thesis, we present an empirical analysis of integration between the Baltic and global stock markets during the period between 2000 and 2018. This research is spurred by the fact that all three Baltic countries displaying similar positive economic developments over the studied horizon. Using the theoretical and empirical findings from similar research papers, we ground our work for the analysis. Our methodology is based on three different models: DCC-GARCH, total and frequency connectedness, and the Engle-Granger cointegration test. Using these methods, we are able to determine both short- or long-term relationship dynamics. Based on the results from our empirical analysis we were not able to reject the null hypotheses, that the Baltic states have become more integrated between themselves and the global market. At best, our results would suggest a weak form of integration given that there were indeed some notable dynamic changes. Following these results, we provide insight on interdependencies between the Baltic states and their relationships with the global stock markets. Most notable dynamics are captured by the total connectedness measure, which indicates that the Baltic stock markets show a significantly increased connectedness with the global indices, during turbulent times in the...

Determinants of Swedish and German FDI : The case of Baltic and CEE Countries

Cociu, Sergiu, Gustavsson, Thomas January 2007 (has links)
This thesis tries to determine some of the driving force behind Swedish foreign direct in-vestments into the Baltic counties. The analysis is performed in three steps, first we analyze global FDI into transitional economies, and afterwards we look at Swedish FDI and com-pare it with German FDI. The determinants examined are index of economic freedom, R&D intensity, trade balance, wage level and proximity. The analyzed period is form 1995 to 2005. The analysis use data on the following transition countries Latvia, Lithuania, Esto-nia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria. The results show that the determinants vary across the countries. The motives of Swedish and German investors differ. Thus, for Swedish investors R&D, economical free-dom and trade balance are the influencing factors, but for Germany only trade balance and wage level are important. The conclusion is that different determinants triggers foreign di-rect investment in transitional economies in different ways.

Determinants of Swedish and German FDI : The case of Baltic and CEE Countries

Cociu, Sergiu, Gustavsson, Thomas January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis tries to determine some of the driving force behind Swedish foreign direct in-vestments into the Baltic counties. The analysis is performed in three steps, first we analyze global FDI into transitional economies, and afterwards we look at Swedish FDI and com-pare it with German FDI. The determinants examined are index of economic freedom, R&D intensity, trade balance, wage level and proximity. The analyzed period is form 1995 to 2005. The analysis use data on the following transition countries Latvia, Lithuania, Esto-nia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria. The results show that the determinants vary across the countries. The motives of Swedish and German investors differ. Thus, for Swedish investors R&D, economical free-dom and trade balance are the influencing factors, but for Germany only trade balance and wage level are important. The conclusion is that different determinants triggers foreign di-rect investment in transitional economies in different ways.</p>

Přenositelnost skandinávského modelu sociálního státu na základě makroekonomické analýzy / Transferability of Scandinavian model of welfare state based on macroeconomic analysis

Baštářová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with question of Scandinavian social model's transferability on Baltic countries and Iceland. The aim of the thesis is to establish whether and to what extent Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Iceland are ready to adopt the system. Three main methods are used in the thesis, namely: analysis of macroeconomic indicators and competitiveness indices, synthesis using the magic pentagon and comparison via coefficient of variation. The thesis comprises three main parts. The first one deals with theory and methodology. The second part applies information gained from databases of world organisations and follows their development. The last part then compares these figures.

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