Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bank size"" "subject:"rank size""
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Corporate governance and financial performance : evidence from the Ghanian banking sectorAtuahene, Richmond Akwasi January 2016 (has links)
Due to widespread bank scandals and failures around the world, there has been renewed interest in the effect of corporate governance on bank performance. The majority of research concerning corporate governance and its effect on bank performance has been undertaken in developed countries and markets, particularly the USA and European Union but relatively little evidence is provided in Sub Saharan Africa, specifically, Ghana. This study investigates the effects of corporate governance on financial performance of Ghanaian universal banking companies during the period 2006- 2014. This study primarily employs relevant governance theories to investigate the relationship between corporate governance and bank performance. Multiple regression panel data analysis and other appropriate methods are the main tools of analysis in this study. The empirical investigation revealed a mixed set of results. The findings showed that board size, board composition, bank size and foreign ownership are positively but insignificantly related to profitability in terms of return on asset and return on equity, while board committees have a positive and statistically significant impact on financial performance which is consistent with the monitoring hypothesis of agency theory which argues that board committees are an important mechanism of corporate governance in Ghana which impact on bank performance. This study contributes to the increasing number of research studies on the link between bank performance and corporate governance. The lacked of clarity, mixed and permanent relationships provided, show that the association the association between bank performance and different corporate governance mechanisms is complex and dynamic optimal governance arrangements may differ from bank to bank in relation to governance characteristics.
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Corporate governance and financial performance: Evidence from the Ghanian banking sectorAtuahene, Richmond A. January 2016 (has links)
Due to widespread bank scandals and failures around the world, there has been renewed interest in the effect of corporate governance on bank performance. The majority of research concerning corporate governance and its effect on bank performance has been undertaken in developed countries and markets, particularly the USA and European Union but relatively little evidence is provided in Sub Saharan Africa, specifically, Ghana.
This study investigates the effects of corporate governance on financial performance of Ghanaian universal banking companies during the period 2006- 2014. This study primarily employs relevant governance theories to investigate the relationship between corporate governance and bank performance. Multiple regression panel data analysis and other appropriate methods are the main tools of analysis in this study.
The empirical investigation revealed a mixed set of results. The findings showed that board size, board composition, bank size and foreign ownership are positively but insignificantly related to profitability in terms of return on asset and return on equity, while board committees have a positive and statistically significant impact on financial performance which is consistent with the monitoring hypothesis of agency theory which argues that board committees are an important mechanism of corporate governance in Ghana which impact on bank performance.
This study contributes to the increasing number of research studies on the link between bank performance and corporate governance. The lacked of clarity, mixed and permanent relationships provided, show that the association the association between bank performance and different corporate governance mechanisms is complex and dynamic optimal governance arrangements may differ from bank to bank in relation to governance characteristics.
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Structure des banques, concurrence et stabilité financière / Bank structure, competition and financial stabilityYongoua Tchikanda, Gaelle Tatiana 06 December 2017 (has links)
Très souvent comparée à la grande dépression de 1929, la crise économique mondiale des années 2007-2012 a révélé que le système bancaire européen, en particulier, est dominé par des banques trop grosses, trop complexes, mais également trop connectées pour faire faillite. Du fait de leur statut systémique, celles-ci jouissent d’avantages de coûts de financement moins chers qui constituent des distorsions concurrentielles mais également des problèmes d’aléa moral quant aux incitations qui les poussent à accroitre leur taille. Fort de ce constat, l’objectif de cette thèse est d’analyser comment la déformation de la structure de marché, de la structure des banques et les problèmes de tarification des risques qu’elles induisent affectent la stabilité financière. Elle est structurée en quatre chapitres. Dans le chapitre 1, nous montrons qu’une augmentation de la probabilité de défaillance individuelle accroit la contribution des banques au risque systémique. Dans le chapitre 2, nous démontrons que la subvention implicite a le potentiel de diminuer mais également d’inverser l'effet réduction des risques de nature systémiques d'une concurrence accrue. Tandis que dans le chapitre 3, nous établissons qu’elle a la capacité de distordre et au-delà d’un certain seuil, d’inverser l’effet accroissement de risques individuels d’une concurrence accrue. Conjointement, ces résultats soutiennent le consensus selon lequel le risque individuel et le risque systémique généré par les banques ont deux dimensions distinctes. Dans le chapitre 4, nous prouvons que les grandes institutions financières identifiées systémiques et bénéficiant de la subvention implicite contribuent davantage au risque systémique quand elles ont une dépendance accrue au financement sur le marché de gros de la liquidité. / The global financial crisis that peaked in 2008 showed that the European banking sector, in particular, is dominated by banks “too big to fail”, “too complex to fail”, but also “too connected to fail”. Due to their systemic status, they benefit from cheaper funding costs leading to competitive distortions, and also raise issues of moral hazard regarding their incentives to grow in size. Against this backdrop, the aim of this thesis is to examine how distortions in the market structure, the structure of banks, and the issues of risk-pricing they induce affect the financial stability. It is articulated around four chapters. In the first chapter, we show that an increase in the probability of individual default raises banks' contribution to systemic risk. In the second chapter, we demonstrate that implicit subsidies have the potential to mitigate and beyond a certain threshold, reverse the systemic-risk reducing effect of increased competition. Nevertheless, in the third Chapter, we establish that implicit subsidies have the ability to distort and beyond a certain threshold, reverse the individual-risk increasing effect of heightened competition. Together, these results support the consensus that individual risk and systemic risk generated by banks have two distinct dimensions. In the fourth chapter, we show that “large” global systemically important institutions (G-SIIs) benefiting from implicit subsidies contribute more to systemic risk when they become more dependent on short-term wholesale funding.
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Vad leder till vinst inom Fintech? : En kvantitativ studie av relationen mellan företagsspecifika nyckeltal och dess inverkan på svenska Fintech-bolags lönsamhetLesser Hermansson, Johan, Lindegren, Niklas January 2023 (has links)
Background Traditional banks monopolized financial services, but the 2008 crisis spurred Fintech's emergence as an alternative. Fintech challenges banks with innovative solutions, while Sweden thrives as a Fintech hub. Profitability is vital due to the recent shift in focus from growth. Modern Fintech research is lacking, thus creating gaps in both knowledge and studies among the Swedish Fintech-sphere. Purpose The study analyzes leverage, return on equity, and bank size ratios in Swedish Fintech companies. It examines their impact on profit margin and aims to identify correlations. The results aim to enhance understanding and provide guidance for optimizing key figures to increase profitability among Swedish Fintech-companies. Methodology The study utilized a quantitative approach with a deductive method and cross-sectional design. Data consisted of secondary data and was collected through the database Retriever Business. A total of 1198 observations were analyzed using correlation matrix, bivariate, and multivariate regression analyses. Results The quantitative analysis revealed that both debt to equity ratio and return on equity has a significant relationship, while bank size has only a partially significant relationship with profit margin. Conclusion Swedish Fintech-companies reveals a positive relationship between return on equity (ROE) and profitability. Furthermore, the leverage ratio also positively affects profitability. Moreover, Bank size shows a slight negative impact.
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Essays in bankingAlbertazzi, Ugo 07 September 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse contient trois études sur le fonctionnement des banques.<p>Le premier Chapitre analyse empiriquement comment la capacité d’offrir des emprunts à long terme est influencée par la dimension des intermédiaires financiers.<p>Le deuxième Chapitre analyse, avec un model théorique caractérisé par la présence de soft-budget constraint, ratchet effect et short-termism, comment la pression compétitive influence la capacité des banque de financer le firmes ayant des projets de bonne qualité.<p>Le troisième Chapitre examine, avec un model théorique du type moral hazard common agency, le conflits d'intérêts des banques universelles.<p><p>Financial intermediaries are recognized to promote the efficiency of resource allocation by mitigating problems of incentives, asymmetric information and contract incompleteness. The role played by financial intermediaries is considered so crucial that these institutions have received all over the world the greatest attention of regulators.<p>Across and within banking sectors it is possible to observe a wide variety of intermediaries. Banks may differ in their size, market power and degree of specialization. This variety raises interesting questions about the features of a well functioning banking sector. These questions have inspired an important body of economic literature which, however, is still inconclusive in many aspects. This dissertation includes three studies intending to contribute in this direction.<p>Chapter 1 will empirically study the willingness of smaller and larger lenders to grant long-term loans which, as credit to SME's, constitute an opaque segment of the credit market. Chapter 2 analyzes, with a theoretical model, the effects of competition on the efficiency of the banking sector when this is characterized by dynamic commitment issues which brings to excessive refinancing of bad quality investments (so called soft-budget constraint) or excessive termination of good ones (ratchet effect and short-termism). Chapter 3 presents a model to investigate to what extent the distortions posed by conflicts of interest in universal banks can be addressed through the provision of appropriate incentive schemes by the different categories of clients. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Performance boursière des fusions-acquisitions dans le secteur bancaire : influence des caractéristiques des conseils des banques initiatrices et des modalités de la transaction / Stock market performance of bank mergers and acquisitions : impact of board characteristics of acquiring banks and terms of transactionBikourane, Nabil 29 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie le lien entre les caractéristiques des conseils d’administration des banques acquéreuseset la performance boursière à court terme de celles-ci, analysée grâce à la méthodologie d’étude d’événement.L’objectif étant de vérifier si la structure des conseils contribue à l’atténuation des conflits d’intérêts àl’occasion des opérations de fusions-acquisitions (F&A) et crée, par conséquent, de la valeur. Deux effets ontété mis en avant. Le premier suppose une influence directe de chacune des caractéristiques du conseil sur lesrendements anormaux de l’acquéreur ; tandis que le second, introduit l’effet médiateur de la prime de contrôlepayée, en considérant que la structure du conseil influence le pouvoir de négociation de ses membres et leurengagement dans l’intérêt des actionnaires. Pour ces deux effets, nous contrôlons certains déterminants de laperformance relatifs à la transaction et aux banques impliquées.Nos résultats indiquent que les marchés financiers ont des attentes vis-à-vis des conseils lors de cesopérations, car nous avons relevé une incidence favorable sur les rendements anormaux de la présence depersonnalités extérieures en proportion significative au conseil de l’acquéreur et de l’absence de dualité dedirection dans celui-ci. Par ailleurs, en contrôlant le choix de la méthode de paiement, nous avons égalementrelevé que l’utilisation du cash est fortement associé à des rendements positifs pour l’acquéreur. / This thesis analyzes the relationship between Board characteristics of acquiring Banks and short termStock Market reactions, measured with the Event Study Methodology. We examine if Board structure helps tolower conflict of interests during Mergers and Acquisitions, and creates Shareholder value. Two effects areanalysed. The first one supposes a direct influence of Board characteristics on the acquirer’s abnormal returns.The second one introduces a mediating effect of the premium, considering that Board structure affects itsmembers’ commitment. For both effects, we control some performance determinants relative to transactionand involved banks.Our results indicate that Financial Markets expect that Boards play an important role in acquisitions. Wefind a favourable impact of outside dominated Boards and the absence of duality on the acquirer's abnormalreturns. In addition, by controlling the method of payment, we obtain a significant and positive correlationbetween use of cash and acquirer's returns.
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Effects of regulatory policies on bank-specific risk and financial stabilityLudolph, Melina 23 August 2021 (has links)
Diese Arbeit umfasst drei unabhängige Aufsätze, welche die Auswirkungen verschiedener regulatorischer Maßnahmen auf das Bankenrisiko und/oder die Finanzstabilität untersuchen. Zunächst wird der Einfluss von Eigenkapitalanforderungen auf den Zusammenhang zwischen Bankgröße und Volatilität analysiert. Unsere Panel-Datenanalyse zeigt, dass strengere Eigenkapitalanforderungen den Nexus zwischen Größe und Volatilität schwächt. Große Banken haben, ceteris paribus, einen weniger volatilen Kreditbestand, wenn sie strengerer Kapitalregulierung ausgesetzt sind. Gemäß dem Granularitätskonzept kann dies ebenfalls die makroökonomische Stabilität erhöhen. Als Nächstes untersuche ich, ob MiFID II die frühzeitige Informationsweitergabe über Änderungen von Analystenempfehlungen an einzelne Anleger, genannt Tipping, reduziert hat. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die absoluten Renditen und Handelsvolumina einen Tag vor Veröffentlichung einer Hoch- oder Herabstufung vor und nach Inkrafttreten von MiFID II signifikant ansteigen. Da die Aktienkurse am Veröffentlichungstag weiter steigen bzw. fallen, profitieren ausgewählte Anleger trotz der regulatorischen Änderung weiterhin von einem Informationsvorteil. Dies hat vermutlich negative Auswirkungen auf den Finanzmarkt insgesamt. Zuletzt untersuche ich wie sich die Ausgabe von Contingent Convertible (CoCo) Anleihen, die als regulatorisches zusätzliches Kernkapital (AT1) geltend gemacht werden können, auf das Bankenrisiko auswirkt. Meine Analyse zeigt, dass AT1-CoCo-Anleihen ein bis drei Jahre nach Ausgabe zu einem signifikant höheren Bankenrisiko führen. Übereinstimmend mit theoretischen Studien deutet dies darauf hin, dass CoCo-Anleihen ihr Potenzial zur Stärkung der Eigenkapitalbasis der Banken durch die regulatorischen Anforderungen genommen wurde. / This thesis comprises three independent essays evaluating the impact of different regulatory policies on bank risk and/or financial stability. First, we examine the effects of capital regulation on the link between bank size and volatility. Our panel data analysis reveals that more stringent capital regulation weakens the size-volatility nexus. Hence, large banks show, ceteris paribus, lower loan portfolio volatility when facing more stringent capital regulation. According to the granularity concept, that can increase macroeconomic stability. Next, I evaluate if MiFID II reduced the early information disclosure on analyst recommendation changes to selected investors - so-called tipping. I find absolute returns and turnover rise significantly on the day preceding the up- or downgrade release before and after MiFID II became law. Given that stock prices move further in the revision direction on publication day, selected investors continue to profit from an informational advantage, notwithstanding the regulatory change. That is likely harmful to the financial market overall. Lastly, I examine the impact of issuing contingent convertible (CoCo) bonds that qualify as regulatory additional tier 1 (AT1) capital on bank risk. My treatment effects analysis reveals that issuing AT1 CoCo bonds results in significantly higher risk-taking one to three years after the issuance. That is in line with previous theoretical studies suggesting that regulators have stripped CoCo bonds of their potential to strengthen the banks’ capital bases.
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